- 資料種別
- 図書
- 出版地(国名コード)
- us
- 本文の言語コード
- en
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 関連情報
- Tumors of the peripheral nervous systemTumors of the esophagus and stomach, SupplementTumors of bone and cartilage, SupplementTumors of the esophagus and stomachTumors of the kidney, renal pelvis, and ureterTumors of bone and cartilageIntraosseous and parosteal tumors of the jawsTumors of the parathyroid glandsTumors of the exocrine pancreasTumors of the urinary bladder, SupplementTumors of the lower respiratory tractTumors of the peripheral nervous system. SupplementTumors of the hematopoietic systemTumors of the extra-adrenal paraganglion system (including chemoreceptors)Tumors of the liver and intrahepatic bile ductsTumors of the major salivary glandsTumors of the adrenalTumors of the pituitary glandTumors of the lower respiratory tractTumors of the upper respiratory tract and earTumors of the gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ductsExtragonadal teratomasTumors of the breastTumors of the thyroid glandTumors of the thyroid glandTumors of the ovary and maldeveloped gonadsTumors of the male genital systemTumors of the urinary bladderTumors of the urinary bladderTumors and pseudotumors of the serous membranesTumors of the soft tissuesTumors of the central nervous systemTumors of the thymusTumors of the soft tissuesTumors of the central nervous system. SupplementTumors of the intestinesTumors of the cardiovascular system
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
- 提供元機関・データベース
- CiNii Books