
The Garland library of war and peace


The Garland library of war and peace



The framework of a lasting peace外部サイトBuilders of peace : being ten years' history of the Union of Democratic Control外部サイトThe psychology and strategy of Gandhi's nonviolent resistance外部サイトFighting for peace : the story of the war resistance movement外部サイトCharacter "Bad" : the story of a conscientious objector, as told in the letters of Harold Studley Gray外部サイトNew wars for old外部サイトConscience and the state : legal and administrative problems of conscientious objectors, 1943-1944 ; printed with The conscientious objector and the law外部サイトThe war in cartoons外部サイトThe Learned Blacksmith : the letters and journals of Elihu Burritt . and, A congress of nations外部サイトThe United States and the World Court . What's wrong with international law ? . The legal process and international law . The foreign policy of a free democracy and The fallacy of a "preventive war"外部サイトWar and the Christian外部サイトThe Americanization of Gandhi : images of the Mahatma外部サイトAugustin und der antike Friedensgedanke外部サイトPlans for world peace through six centuries外部サイトThe peace movement of America外部サイトJane Addams on peace, war, and international understanding 1899-1932外部サイトWhy pacifists should be socialists外部サイトSocial progress and the Darwinian theory : a study of force as a factor in human relations外部サイトWhy capitalism means war外部サイトArbitration or war? : Contemporary reactions to the Hague Peace Conference of 1899外部サイトSouthern heroes, or, The friends in war time . The conscript Quakers外部サイトThe Hutterian Brethren 1528-1931; and, The principle of nonresistance as held by the Mennonite Church外部サイトPreparedness : the American versus the military programme外部サイトDisarmament外部サイトNorman Thomas on war : an anthology外部サイトWar and its causes外部サイトThe Eagle and the dove : the American peace movement and United States foreign policy, 1900-1922外部サイトThe church and war : a Catholic study外部サイトEurope since Versailles : a history in one hundred cartoons with a narrative text外部サイトHandbuch der Friedensbewegung外部サイトPeace and bread in time of war . and, Patriotism and pacifists in war time外部サイトTolstoy外部サイトWar and the workers外部サイトMy pilgrimage for peace ; and, Peace through economic cooperation外部サイトPeace projects of the eighteenth century, comprising A shorter project for perpetual peace . A project of perpetual peace . [and] Plan for an universal and perpetual peace外部サイトDiscourses on war外部サイトDer andere Weg : Dokumente und Materialien zur europäisch-christlichen Friedenspolitik外部サイトAn enquiry into the foundation and history of the law of nations in Europe, from the time of the Greeks and Romans, to the age of Grotius外部サイトInternational arbitration from Athens to Locarno外部サイトLabour and war : the theory of labour action to prevent war外部サイトColonial questions and peace外部サイトThe conscientious objector外部サイトL'Armée contre la nation外部サイトChallenge of conscience : the story of the conscientious objectors of 1939-1949外部サイトBefore the war : Last voices of arbitration外部サイトThe United States of Europe on the eve of the parliament of peace外部サイトThe political writings of Richard Cobden外部サイトTruth and the war外部サイトConscription and conscience : a history, 1916-1919外部サイトThe Crimean War: pro and con ...外部サイトOn the duty of females to promote the cause of peace外部サイトAlsace-Lorraine, réponse à un pamphlet allemand外部サイトInternational war resistance through World War II外部サイトPour la paix : notes et documents外部サイトThe human harvest : a study of the decay of races through the survival of the unfit外部サイトWe can be friends外部サイトThe history of peace : a short account of the organised movements for international peace外部サイトConscripts of conscience . and Help wanted : the experiences of some Quaker conscientious objectors外部サイトHistory of the law of nations in Europe and America : from the earliest times to the Treaty of Washington, 1842外部サイトMerchants of death : a study of the international armament industry外部サイトThe socialists and the war外部サイトDas Bild als Narr外部サイトWar as an instrument of national policy : and its renunciation in the Pact of Paris外部サイトThe history of the Woman's Peace Party外部サイトSur l'internationalisme : Libres entretiens, deuxième série, 1905-1906 (Union pour la vérité)外部サイトAn inquiry into the accordancy of war外部サイトLes bases du pacifisme : le pacifisme réformiste et le pacifisme "révolutionnaire."外部サイトArms limitation plans for Europe before 1914外部サイトMilitary training外部サイトThe fruits of victory : a sequel to The great illusion外部サイトAmerican anti-imperialism, 1895-1901外部サイトInternational economic reconstruction . The economic approach to peace : with a summary of the Van Zeeland report外部サイトPropaganda technique in the World War外部サイトA social psychology of war and peace外部サイトOn war of today外部サイトThe peace manual : or war and its remedies外部サイトThe "Adages" of Erasmus : a study with translations . and The complaint of peace外部サイトPeaceful change : an international problem外部サイトToward the great change : Crystal and Max Eastman on feminism, antimilitarism, and revolution外部サイトAmong the world's peacemakers外部サイトThe church the gospel and war外部サイトNon-violence in peace and war外部サイトBryan and world peace外部サイトNow is the time to prevent a third world war外部サイトPerpetual peace : a philosophical essay外部サイトArmaments and arbitration : or, The place of force in the international relations of states外部サイトLaw or war外部サイトThe International trade in armaments prior to World War II外部サイトL'armée nouvelle : l'organisation socialiste de la France外部サイトWar-what for?外部サイト"I was there" : with the Yanks on the western front, 1917-1919外部サイトThree generals on war : comprising外部サイトThe war for peace外部サイトKirby Page and the social gospel : an anthology外部サイトDer Krieg : 24 Offsetdrucke nach Originalen aus dem Radierwerk外部サイトThe war in South Africa : its causes and effects . and The war and its causes外部サイトCauses of international war外部サイトNationalism, war, and society外部サイトNow is the time to prevent a third world war外部サイトNational defence : a study in militarism外部サイトThe political theories of modern pacifism : an analysis and criticism . and Introduction to non-violence . and Pacifist living -- today and tomorrow外部サイトThe restoration of Europe外部サイトSelections from the writings of European socialists on World War I : the crisis in German socialism外部サイトThe law and procedure of international tribunals外部サイトLe problème des matières premières外部サイトInternational law and human rights外部サイトPropaganda in the next war外部サイトImperial democracy外部サイトLay down your arms : the autobiography of Martha von Tilling外部サイトHistoire de la doctrine pacifique et de son influence sur le développement du droit international外部サイトMilitarism and anti-militarism : with special regard to the International Young Socialist Movement外部サイトFive views on European peace外部サイトThe First American peace movement外部サイトExpansion under new world-conditions外部サイトThe life of W. T. Stead外部サイトGewalt und Gewaltlosigkeit : Handbuch des aktiven Pazifismus外部サイトWar and its alleged benefits外部サイトWar : an essay外部サイトUnilateral force in international relations外部サイトLa fédération de l'Europe外部サイトOswald Garrison Villard, the dilemmas of the absolute pacifist in two world wars外部サイトWar without violence : a study of Gandhi's method and its accomplishments外部サイトDeath and profits : a study of the War Policies Commission外部サイトLa guerre et la paix : recherches sur le principe et la constitution du droit des gens外部サイトWar, peace, and the future : a consideration of nationalism and internationalism, and of the relation of women to war外部サイトVoices of German pacifism外部サイトWar; organized destruction and mass murder by civilized nations外部サイトDie internationale Beschränkung der Rüstungen外部サイトThe new Cineas外部サイトLa guerre dans la pensée économique du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle外部サイトWar dance : a study of the psychology of war外部サイトWar and waste : a series of discussions of war and war accessories外部サイトAn encyclopaedia of pacifism外部サイトInternational government : two reports外部サイトThe Church of the Brethren and war 1708-1941外部サイトThe economic causes of modern war : a study of the period, 1878-1918外部サイトA project of universal and perpetual peace外部サイトSermons on war : from The collected works of Theodore Parker外部サイトRealistic pacifism : the ethics of war and the politics of peace外部サイトLa guerre外部サイトArbitration : two views外部サイトSocial and religious heretics in five centuries外部サイトLes luttes : entre sociétés humaines et leurs phases successives外部サイトMilitarism外部サイトPaix et liberté, ou, Le budget républicain . and On the causes of war外部サイトInternationalism in nineteenth-century Europe : the crisis of ideas and purpose外部サイトWhy war外部サイトDigest of international law外部サイトThe principles of peace : exemplified in the conduct of the Society of Friends in Ireland, during the rebellion of the year 1798外部サイトBritish labor and the war : reconstructors for a new world外部サイトDevere Allen : life and writings外部サイトConscience and liberty外部サイトThe case against pacifism外部サイトThe great illusion : a study of the relation of military power in nations to their economic and social advantage外部サイトThe outlawry of war : a constructive policy for world peace外部サイトJanus : the conquest of war : a psychological inquiry外部サイトPropaganda and myth in time of war外部サイトOccupied Haiti外部サイトWar, peace and change外部サイトThe two Hague conferences and their contributions to international law外部サイトL'armée d'une démocratie外部サイトConscription conflict : the conflict of ideas in the struggle for and against military conscription in Britain between 1901 and 1939外部サイトL'antimilitarisme et la paix外部サイトHistory of the theory of sovereignty since Rousseau外部サイトPeace with honour : an enquiry into the war convention外部サイトPopulation and peace : a survey of international opinion on claims for relief from population pressure外部サイトThe Quakers in peace and war : an account of their peace principles and practice外部サイトThe conquest of violence : an essay on war and revolution外部サイトThe first book of world law : a compilation of the international conventions to which the principal nations are signatory, with a survey of their significance外部サイトChristian non-resistance in all its important bearings : illustrated and defended外部サイトThe Permanent Court of International Justice, 1920-1942 : a treatise外部サイトPeace through law外部サイトIs conscience a crime? ; and War's heretics : a plea for the conscientious objector . and The individual and the state : the problem as presented by the sentencing of Roger N. Baldwin外部サイトDraftees or volunteers : a documentary history of the debate over military conscription in the United States, 1787-1973外部サイトMaking international law work外部サイトThe Christian in war time外部サイトAn American peace policy外部サイトPacifica Views : a weekly newspaper of conscientious objectors外部サイトChristian pacifism re-examined : With a new introd. for the Garland ed外部サイトThe neuroses of the nations外部サイトOn two fronts : letters of a conscientious objector外部サイトMemoirs of Bertha von Suttner : the records of an eventful life外部サイトWomen at the Hague : the International Congress of Women and its results外部サイトCallinicus : a defence of chemical warfare外部サイトThe development of the peace idea and other essays外部サイトEuropean socialism and the problem of internationalism before World War I外部サイトConscription conflict : the conflict of ideas in the struggle for and against military conscription in Britain between 1901 and 1939外部サイトNie wieder: Tagebuch in Bildern外部サイトPeace and civilization : selections from the writings of Jacques Novicow外部サイトThe radical "no" : the correspondence and writings of Evan Thomas on war外部サイトDes tendances pacifiques de la société européenne et du rôle des armées dans l'avenir外部サイトPeace projects of the seventeenth century外部サイトMilitarism, politics, and working class attitudes in late nineteenth-century Europe外部サイトThe ethics of war: Bertrand Russell and Ralph Barton Perry on World War I外部サイトUne enquête sur la guerre et le militarisme外部サイトThe fall of Christianity : a study of Christianity, the state, and war外部サイトEngland's holy war : a study of English Liberal idealism during the Great War外部サイトThe trial of Scott Nearing and the American Socialist Society外部サイトThe myth of a guilty nation外部サイトRaemaekers' Cartoons : with accompanying notes by well-known English writers外部サイトThe problem of war in nineteenth century economic thought外部サイトLegal controls of international conflict : a treatise on the dynamics of disputes and war-law外部サイトTowards international government外部サイトPeace or war : the American struggle, 1636-1936外部サイトTowards an enduring peace : a symposium of peace proposals and programs, 1914-1916外部サイトImperialism and world politics外部サイトWorld organization外部サイトThe Americanization of the world, or, The trend of the twentieth century外部サイトNon-violent coercion : a study in methods of social pressure外部サイトVoices of French pacifism外部サイトEuropean socialism and the problems of war and militarism : a sample of opinions before the First World War外部サイトLenin and Gandhi外部サイトExpansion外部サイトWhy men fight : a method of abolishing the international duel外部サイトAn enquiry into the foundation and history of the law of nations in Europe : from the time of the Greeks and Romans to the age of Grotius外部サイトIn savage times : Leonard Woolf on peace and war, containing four pamphlets外部サイトThe Hague peace conferences of 1899 and 1907 : a series of lectures delivered before the Johns Hopkins University in the year 1908外部サイトThe American socialists and the war . and, Socialists and the problems of war外部サイトTowards a lasting settlement外部サイトWar-patriotism-peace外部サイトNot by might : Christianity : the way to human decency and Of holy disobedience外部サイトPeaceful change: procedures, population, raw materials, colonies : proceedings of the tenth International Studies Conference, Paris, June 28--July 3, 1937外部サイトFalsehood in war-time : containing an assortment of lies circulated throughout the nations during the Great War外部サイトLa science de la paix外部サイトThe war in its effect upon women and Women and War外部サイトOrigin and conclusion of the Paris Pact . The renunciation of war外部サイトSir Randal Cremer : his life and work外部サイトReminiscences of war resisters in World War I : comprising外部サイトThe future of war in its technical, economic and political relations外部サイトThe warrior's looking glass : wherein is shewn from many high authorities, the trivial causes, cruel nature, direful effects, and Anti-Christian spirit and practice of war外部サイトWar外部サイトNicht stehendes Heer sondern Volkswehr!外部サイトThe new pacifism外部サイトDemocracy and military service : an abbreviated translation of L'armée nouvelle外部サイトThe society of tomorrow : a forecast of its political and economic organisation外部サイトWar propaganda and the United States外部サイトThree centuries of treaties of peace and their teaching外部サイトArms and industry : a study of the foundations of international polity . and The economics of war and conquest : an examination of Mr. Norman Angell's economic doctrines外部サイトDollars and world peace外部サイトThe profits of war through the ages外部サイトArt in the armed forces : pictured by men in action外部サイトOn the rim of the abyss外部サイトMutual aid; a factor of evolution外部サイトThe legal position of war : changes in its practice and theory from Plato to Vattel外部サイトThe function of law in the international community外部サイトWar : no glory, no profit, no need ; and, The challenge of war : an economic interpretation外部サイトThe intelligent man's way to prevent war外部サイトSocialism and war外部サイトThe treaty veto of the American Senate外部サイトThe essays of Philanthropos on peace and war外部サイトLa république universelle : ou, Adresse aux tyrannicides外部サイトParis : or, The future of war外部サイトThe fight for peace外部サイトAnalysis of the problem of war外部サイトThrough Europe on the eve of war外部サイトMonarchy : and three political letters外部サイトThe war of steel and gold : a study of the armed peace外部サイトMahatma Gandhi : the man who became one with the Universal Being外部サイトPacifism in the modern world外部サイトPeace activities in Belgium and the Netherlands外部サイトImperialism and civilization外部サイトAddresses on war . and Letters to Charles Sumner on his oration on The true grandeur of nations外部サイトThe universal peace organization of King George of Bohemia : a fifteenth century plan for world peace, 1462/1464外部サイト



  • The framework of a lasting peace

  • Builders of peace : being ten years' history of the Union of Democratic Control

  • The psychology and strategy of Gandhi's nonviolent resistance

  • Fighting for peace : the story of the war resistance movement

  • Character "Bad" : the story of a conscientious objector, as told in the letters of Harold Studley Gray





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The framework of a lasting peace
Builders of peace : being ten years' history of the Union of Democratic Control
The psychology and strategy of Gandhi's nonviolent resistance
Fighting for peace : the story of the war resistance movement
Character "Bad" : the story of a conscientious objector, as told in the letters of Harold Studley Gray
New wars for old
Conscience and the state : legal and administrative problems of conscientious objectors, 1943-1944 ; printed with The conscientious objector and the law
The war in cartoons
The Learned Blacksmith : the letters and journals of Elihu Burritt . and, A congress of nations
The United States and the World Court . What's wrong with international law ? . The legal process and international law . The foreign policy of a free democracy and The fallacy of a "preventive war"
War and the Christian
The Americanization of Gandhi : images of the Mahatma
Augustin und der antike Friedensgedanke
Plans for world peace through six centuries
The peace movement of America
Jane Addams on peace, war, and international understanding 1899-1932
Why pacifists should be socialists
Social progress and the Darwinian theory : a study of force as a factor in human relations
Why capitalism means war
Arbitration or war? : Contemporary reactions to the Hague Peace Conference of 1899
Southern heroes, or, The friends in war time . The conscript Quakers
The Hutterian Brethren 1528-1931; and, The principle of nonresistance as held by the Mennonite Church
Preparedness : the American versus the military programme
Norman Thomas on war : an anthology
War and its causes
The Eagle and the dove : the American peace movement and United States foreign policy, 1900-1922
The church and war : a Catholic study
Europe since Versailles : a history in one hundred cartoons with a narrative text
Handbuch der Friedensbewegung
Peace and bread in time of war . and, Patriotism and pacifists in war time
War and the workers
My pilgrimage for peace ; and, Peace through economic cooperation
Peace projects of the eighteenth century, comprising A shorter project for perpetual peace . A project of perpetual peace . [and] Plan for an universal and perpetual peace
Discourses on war
Der andere Weg : Dokumente und Materialien zur europäisch-christlichen Friedenspolitik
An enquiry into the foundation and history of the law of nations in Europe, from the time of the Greeks and Romans, to the age of Grotius
International arbitration from Athens to Locarno
Labour and war : the theory of labour action to prevent war
Colonial questions and peace
The conscientious objector
L'Armée contre la nation
Challenge of conscience : the story of the conscientious objectors of 1939-1949
Before the war : Last voices of arbitration
The United States of Europe on the eve of the parliament of peace
The political writings of Richard Cobden
Truth and the war
Conscription and conscience : a history, 1916-1919
The Crimean War: pro and con ...
On the duty of females to promote the cause of peace
Alsace-Lorraine, réponse à un pamphlet allemand
International war resistance through World War II
Pour la paix : notes et documents
The human harvest : a study of the decay of races through the survival of the unfit
We can be friends
The history of peace : a short account of the organised movements for international peace
Conscripts of conscience . and Help wanted : the experiences of some Quaker conscientious objectors
History of the law of nations in Europe and America : from the earliest times to the Treaty of Washington, 1842
Merchants of death : a study of the international armament industry
The socialists and the war
Das Bild als Narr
War as an instrument of national policy : and its renunciation in the Pact of Paris
The history of the Woman's Peace Party
Sur l'internationalisme : Libres entretiens, deuxième série, 1905-1906 (Union pour la vérité)
An inquiry into the accordancy of war
Les bases du pacifisme : le pacifisme réformiste et le pacifisme "révolutionnaire."
Arms limitation plans for Europe before 1914
Military training
The fruits of victory : a sequel to The great illusion
American anti-imperialism, 1895-1901
International economic reconstruction . The economic approach to peace : with a summary of the Van Zeeland report
Propaganda technique in the World War
A social psychology of war and peace
On war of today
The peace manual : or war and its remedies
The "Adages" of Erasmus : a study with translations . and The complaint of peace
Peaceful change : an international problem
Toward the great change : Crystal and Max Eastman on feminism, antimilitarism, and revolution
Among the world's peacemakers
The church the gospel and war
Non-violence in peace and war
Bryan and world peace
Now is the time to prevent a third world war
Perpetual peace : a philosophical essay
Armaments and arbitration : or, The place of force in the international relations of states
Law or war
The International trade in armaments prior to World War II
L'armée nouvelle : l'organisation socialiste de la France
War-what for?
"I was there" : with the Yanks on the western front, 1917-1919
Three generals on war : comprising
The war for peace
Kirby Page and the social gospel : an anthology
Der Krieg : 24 Offsetdrucke nach Originalen aus dem Radierwerk
The war in South Africa : its causes and effects . and The war and its causes
Causes of international war
Nationalism, war, and society
Now is the time to prevent a third world war
National defence : a study in militarism
The political theories of modern pacifism : an analysis and criticism . and Introduction to non-violence . and Pacifist living -- today and tomorrow
The restoration of Europe
Selections from the writings of European socialists on World War I : the crisis in German socialism
The law and procedure of international tribunals
Le problème des matières premières
International law and human rights
Propaganda in the next war
Imperial democracy
Lay down your arms : the autobiography of Martha von Tilling
Histoire de la doctrine pacifique et de son influence sur le développement du droit international
Militarism and anti-militarism : with special regard to the International Young Socialist Movement
Five views on European peace
The First American peace movement
Expansion under new world-conditions
The life of W. T. Stead
Gewalt und Gewaltlosigkeit : Handbuch des aktiven Pazifismus
War and its alleged benefits
War : an essay
Unilateral force in international relations
La fédération de l'Europe
Oswald Garrison Villard, the dilemmas of the absolute pacifist in two world wars
War without violence : a study of Gandhi's method and its accomplishments
Death and profits : a study of the War Policies Commission
La guerre et la paix : recherches sur le principe et la constitution du droit des gens
War, peace, and the future : a consideration of nationalism and internationalism, and of the relation of women to war
Voices of German pacifism
War; organized destruction and mass murder by civilized nations
Die internationale Beschränkung der Rüstungen
The new Cineas
La guerre dans la pensée économique du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle
War dance : a study of the psychology of war
War and waste : a series of discussions of war and war accessories
An encyclopaedia of pacifism
International government : two reports
The Church of the Brethren and war 1708-1941
The economic causes of modern war : a study of the period, 1878-1918
A project of universal and perpetual peace
Sermons on war : from The collected works of Theodore Parker
Realistic pacifism : the ethics of war and the politics of peace
La guerre
Arbitration : two views
Social and religious heretics in five centuries
Les luttes : entre sociétés humaines et leurs phases successives
Paix et liberté, ou, Le budget républicain . and On the causes of war
Internationalism in nineteenth-century Europe : the crisis of ideas and purpose
Why war
Digest of international law
The principles of peace : exemplified in the conduct of the Society of Friends in Ireland, during the rebellion of the year 1798
British labor and the war : reconstructors for a new world
Devere Allen : life and writings
Conscience and liberty
The case against pacifism
The great illusion : a study of the relation of military power in nations to their economic and social advantage
The outlawry of war : a constructive policy for world peace
Janus : the conquest of war : a psychological inquiry
Propaganda and myth in time of war
Occupied Haiti
War, peace and change
The two Hague conferences and their contributions to international law
L'armée d'une démocratie
Conscription conflict : the conflict of ideas in the struggle for and against military conscription in Britain between 1901 and 1939
L'antimilitarisme et la paix
History of the theory of sovereignty since Rousseau
Peace with honour : an enquiry into the war convention
Population and peace : a survey of international opinion on claims for relief from population pressure
The Quakers in peace and war : an account of their peace principles and practice
The conquest of violence : an essay on war and revolution
The first book of world law : a compilation of the international conventions to which the principal nations are signatory, with a survey of their significance
Christian non-resistance in all its important bearings : illustrated and defended
The Permanent Court of International Justice, 1920-1942 : a treatise
Peace through law
Is conscience a crime? ; and War's heretics : a plea for the conscientious objector . and The individual and the state : the problem as presented by the sentencing of Roger N. Baldwin
Draftees or volunteers : a documentary history of the debate over military conscription in the United States, 1787-1973
Making international law work
The Christian in war time
An American peace policy
Pacifica Views : a weekly newspaper of conscientious objectors
Christian pacifism re-examined : With a new introd. for the Garland ed
The neuroses of the nations
On two fronts : letters of a conscientious objector
Memoirs of Bertha von Suttner : the records of an eventful life
Women at the Hague : the International Congress of Women and its results
Callinicus : a defence of chemical warfare
The development of the peace idea and other essays
European socialism and the problem of internationalism before World War I
Conscription conflict : the conflict of ideas in the struggle for and against military conscription in Britain between 1901 and 1939
Nie wieder: Tagebuch in Bildern
Peace and civilization : selections from the writings of Jacques Novicow
The radical "no" : the correspondence and writings of Evan Thomas on war
Des tendances pacifiques de la société européenne et du rôle des armées dans l'avenir
Peace projects of the seventeenth century
Militarism, politics, and working class attitudes in late nineteenth-century Europe
The ethics of war: Bertrand Russell and Ralph Barton Perry on World War I
Une enquête sur la guerre et le militarisme
The fall of Christianity : a study of Christianity, the state, and war
England's holy war : a study of English Liberal idealism during the Great War
The trial of Scott Nearing and the American Socialist Society
The myth of a guilty nation
Raemaekers' Cartoons : with accompanying notes by well-known English writers
The problem of war in nineteenth century economic thought
Legal controls of international conflict : a treatise on the dynamics of disputes and war-law
Towards international government
Peace or war : the American struggle, 1636-1936
Towards an enduring peace : a symposium of peace proposals and programs, 1914-1916
Imperialism and world politics
World organization
The Americanization of the world, or, The trend of the twentieth century
Non-violent coercion : a study in methods of social pressure
Voices of French pacifism
European socialism and the problems of war and militarism : a sample of opinions before the First World War
Lenin and Gandhi
Why men fight : a method of abolishing the international duel
An enquiry into the foundation and history of the law of nations in Europe : from the time of the Greeks and Romans to the age of Grotius
In savage times : Leonard Woolf on peace and war, containing four pamphlets
The Hague peace conferences of 1899 and 1907 : a series of lectures delivered before the Johns Hopkins University in the year 1908
The American socialists and the war . and, Socialists and the problems of war
Towards a lasting settlement
Not by might : Christianity : the way to human decency and Of holy disobedience
Peaceful change: procedures, population, raw materials, colonies : proceedings of the tenth International Studies Conference, Paris, June 28--July 3, 1937
Falsehood in war-time : containing an assortment of lies circulated throughout the nations during the Great War
La science de la paix
The war in its effect upon women and Women and War
Origin and conclusion of the Paris Pact . The renunciation of war
Sir Randal Cremer : his life and work
Reminiscences of war resisters in World War I : comprising
The future of war in its technical, economic and political relations
The warrior's looking glass : wherein is shewn from many high authorities, the trivial causes, cruel nature, direful effects, and Anti-Christian spirit and practice of war
Nicht stehendes Heer sondern Volkswehr!
The new pacifism
Democracy and military service : an abbreviated translation of L'armée nouvelle
The society of tomorrow : a forecast of its political and economic organisation
War propaganda and the United States
Three centuries of treaties of peace and their teaching
Arms and industry : a study of the foundations of international polity . and The economics of war and conquest : an examination of Mr. Norman Angell's economic doctrines
Dollars and world peace
The profits of war through the ages
Art in the armed forces : pictured by men in action
On the rim of the abyss
Mutual aid; a factor of evolution
The legal position of war : changes in its practice and theory from Plato to Vattel
The function of law in the international community
War : no glory, no profit, no need ; and, The challenge of war : an economic interpretation
The intelligent man's way to prevent war
Socialism and war
The treaty veto of the American Senate
The essays of Philanthropos on peace and war
La république universelle : ou, Adresse aux tyrannicides
Paris : or, The future of war
The fight for peace
Analysis of the problem of war
Through Europe on the eve of war
Monarchy : and three political letters
The war of steel and gold : a study of the armed peace
Mahatma Gandhi : the man who became one with the Universal Being
Pacifism in the modern world
Peace activities in Belgium and the Netherlands
Imperialism and civilization
Addresses on war . and Letters to Charles Sumner on his oration on The true grandeur of nations
The universal peace organization of King George of Bohemia : a fifteenth century plan for world peace, 1462/1464
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CiNii Books
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