
Archives internationales d'histoire des idées = International archives of the history of ideas


Archives internationales d'histoire des idées = International archives of the history of ideas

Dibon, Paulほか
M. Nijhoff



Publishers various: SpringerFounding editors: Paul Dibon, Jeremy PopkinHonorary editor: Sarah Hutton...


The sceptical mode in modern philosophy : essays in honor of Richard H. Popkin外部サイトFrom its origins in the Renaissance to the 'Historia Philosophica'外部サイトScepticism in the Enlightenment外部サイトModernity and the final aim of history : the debate over Judaism from Kant to the young Hegelians外部サイトBibliographia cartesiana : a critical guide to the Descartes literature : 1800-1960外部サイトThe metaphysics of Henry More外部サイトJourneys to a graveyard : perceptions of Europe in classical Russian travel writing外部サイトAnthony Collins : the man and his works外部サイトHenry More (1614-1687) tercentenary studies外部サイトElements, principles, and corpuscles : a study of atomism and chemistry in the seventeenth century外部サイトMontaigne and Bayle : variations on the theme of skepticism外部サイトThe Achilles of rationalist arguments : the simplicity, unity, and identity of thought and soul from the Cambridge Platonists to Kant : a study in the history of an argument外部サイトGeorge Berkeley : religion and science in the Age of Enlightenment外部サイトRestoration historians and the English Civil War外部サイトSelf and symbolism in the poetry of Michelangelo, John Donne, and Agrippa d'Aubigné外部サイトThe legacies of Richard Popkin外部サイトMasque et lumières au XVIIIe : André-François Deslandes, "citoyen et philosophe," 1689-1757外部サイトEmilie du Châtelet between Leibniz and Newton外部サイトLes chemins du savoir en Suède : de la fondation de l'Université d'Upsal à Jacob Berzelius : études et portraits外部サイトDiderot's politics : a study of the evolution of Diderot's political thought after the Encyclopédie外部サイトLa physiologie des lumières : empirisme, modèles et théories外部サイトThe millenarian turn : millenarian contexts of science, politics, and everyday Anglo-American life in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries外部サイトLeibniz and the Kabbalah外部サイトThe waning of the renaissance 1640-1740 : studies in the thought and poetry of Henry More, John Norris and Isaac Watts外部サイトTreatise on ethics (1684)外部サイトThe Cambridge Platonists in philosophical context : politics, metaphysics, and religion外部サイトChristianopolis外部サイトMotivation and the moral sense in Francis Hutcheson's ethical theory外部サイトMonopsychism, mysticism, metaconsciousness : problems of the soul in the neoaristotelian and neoplatonic tradition外部サイトNemesis divina外部サイトThe life of Henry More, Parts 1 and 2外部サイトThe problem of certainty in English thought, 1630-1690外部サイトClaude Fleury (1640-1723) as an educational historiographer and thinker外部サイトEvidence in the age of the new sciences外部サイトMaimonides and philosophy : papers presented at the Sixth Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter, May, 1985外部サイトPost and courier service in the diplomacy of early modern Europe外部サイトStudies on Montesquieu : mapping political diversity外部サイトLivres saisis à Paris entre 1678 et 1701外部サイトRègles utiles et claires pour la direction de l'esprit en la recherche de la vérité外部サイトBibliography of the philosophy in the Iberian colonies of America外部サイトDu pays de foix a la cite d'Erasme外部サイトJewish Messianism in the early modern world外部サイトLiterary figures in French drama (1784-1834)外部サイトL'humanisme chrétien au XVIIe siècle : St. François de Sales et Yves de Paris外部サイトHobbes's 'science of natural justice'外部サイトAndreae's life, world view, and relations with Rosicrucianism and alchemy外部サイトThought and faith in the philosophy of Hegel外部サイトRenaissance scepticisms外部サイトIdeology and social science : Destutt de Tracy and French liberalism外部サイトHegel's Phenomenology of spirit : a reappraisal外部サイトScepticism and belief in Hume's Dialogues concerning natural religion外部サイトMaimonides and philosophy : papers presented at the Sixth Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter, May, 1985外部サイトGuevara, a forgotten Renaissance author外部サイトHeaven upon earth : Joseph Mede (1586-1638) and the legacy of millenarianism外部サイトMolyneux's problem : three centuries of discussion on the perception of forms外部サイトFrom theology to history : French religious controversy and the revocation of the Edict of Nantes外部サイトTyssot de Patot and his work : 1655-1738外部サイトDamião de Gois : the life and thought of a Portuguese humanist, 1502-1574外部サイトThe moral philosophy of George Berkeley外部サイトThe books of nature and Scripture : recent essays on natural philosophy, theology, and Biblical criticism in the Netherlands of Spinoza's time and the British Isles of Newton's time外部サイトHenry More : the immortality of the soul外部サイトDe la recherche du bien : a study of Malebranche's science of ethics外部サイトL'entrée de Saturne au lion (l'éclipse de soleil du 12 août 1654)外部サイトKirchberger et l'illuminisme du dix-huiti-ème siècle外部サイトEmmery de Lyere et Marnix de Sainte Aldegonde : un admirateur de Sébastien Franck et de Montaigne aux prises avac le champion des calvinistes néerlandais : Emmery de Lyere, Antidote ou contrepoison contre les conseils sanguinaires et envenimez de Philippe de Marnix Sr. de Ste. Aldegonde外部サイトSpinoza's Algebraic calculation of the rainbow ; and, Calculation of chances外部サイトThe Pythia's drunken song : Thomas Carlyle's Sartor resartus and the style problem in German idealist philosophy外部サイトThe comedian as the letter D : Erasmus Darwin's comic materialism外部サイトSalvation from despair : a reappraisal of Spinoza's philosophy外部サイトHenry Home, Lord Kames, and the Scottish enlightenment : a study in national character and in the history of ideas外部サイトThe works of Jacques-Auguste de Thou外部サイトThe crisis of French sea power, 1688-1697 : from the guerre d'escadre to the guerre de course外部サイトInventaire de la correspondance de Johannes Fredericus Gronovius, 1631-1671外部サイトHume, Hegel, and human nature外部サイトReligion, reason and nature in early modern Europe外部サイトTreatise on ethics (1684)外部サイトKant's practical philosophy reconsidered : papers presented at the Seventh Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter, December 1986外部サイトContinental millenarians : Protestants, Catholics, heretics外部サイトA Russian advocate of peace : Vasilii Malinovskii (1765-1814)外部サイトJohn Dee : interdisciplinary studies in English Renaissance thought外部サイトFallen angels : Balthasar Bekker, spirit belief, and confessionalism in the seventeenth century Dutch Republic外部サイトGerard van Swieten and his world 1700-1772外部サイトLiberty in Hume's History of England外部サイトFenelon et les jesuites外部サイトFrancis Hutcheson : an inquiry concerning beauty, order, harmony, design外部サイトEssays on Pierre Bayle and religious controversy外部サイトChurch reform in 18th century Italy : (the synod of Pistoia, 1786)外部サイトThe Christianization of Pyrrhonism : scepticism and faith in Pascal, Kierkegaard, and Shestov外部サイトBotanophilia in eighteenth-century France : the spirit of the Enlightenment外部サイトThe skepticism of Michel de Montaigne外部サイトBread, politics and political economy in the reign of Louis XV外部サイトPhilosophy and politics : a commentary on the preface to Hegel's Philosophy of right外部サイトThe problem of certainty in English thought, 1630-1690外部サイトVirginitas : an essay in the history of a medieval ideal外部サイトHegel and Newtonianism外部サイトContinuity and anachronism : parliamentary and constitutional development in Whig historiography and in the anti-Whig reaction between 1890 and 1930外部サイトIn the presence of the past : essays in honor of Frank Manuel外部サイトLaw and apocalypse : The moral thought of Luis de León (1527?-1591)外部サイトTommaso Campanella : the book and the body of nature外部サイトUn historien à l'école de port-royal : Sébastien le Nain de Tillemont, 1637-1698 : publication du Centre de recherches d'histoire et de philologie de la IVe section de l'école pratique des hautes etudes à la Sorbonne外部サイトThe problem of certainty in English thought, 1630-1690外部サイトStudies in Pascal's ethics外部サイトLouis Philippe de Ségur : an intellectual in a revolutionary age外部サイトHenry More, 1614-1687 : a biography of the Cambridge Platonist外部サイトEarly modern philosophers and the renaissance legacy外部サイトEsprits fins et esprits géométriques dans les portraits de Saint-Simon : contributions à l'étude du vocabulaire et du style外部サイトHeterodoxie et rigorisme外部サイトThe first German philosopher : the mysticism of Jakob Böhme as interpreted by Hegel外部サイトLa bagarre : Galiani's "lost" parody外部サイトCicero Scepticus : a study of the influence of the Academica in the Renaissance外部サイトPamphlets, printing, and political culture in the early Dutch Republic外部サイトJewish-Christian relations in the seventeenth century : studies and documents外部サイトDes révolutions d'Angleterre à la Révolution française : le tyrannicide & Killing no murder (Cromwell, Athalie, Bonaparte)外部サイトThe Abbé Grégoire and his world外部サイトNewton and Newtonianism : new studies外部サイトUneasy genius : the life and work of Pierre Duhem外部サイトThe letters of Dominique Chaix, botanist-curé外部サイトHume's theory of moral judgment : a study in the unity of A treatise of human nature外部サイトScepticism in the history of philosophy : a Pan-American dialogue外部サイトNapoleon and the Lazarists外部サイトThe Scottish Enlightenment and Hegel's account of "civil society"外部サイトPasquier Quesnel devant la Congrégation de l'Index : correspondance avec Francesco Barberini et mémoires sur la mise à l'Index de son édition des oeuvres de saint Léon, publiés avec introduction et annotations外部サイトMotivation and the moral sense in Francis Hutcheson's ethical theory外部サイトCatholic millenarianism from Savonarola to the Abbé Grégoire外部サイトFrom the Cartesian age to Brucker外部サイトThe edges of Augustanism : the aesthetics of spirituality in Thomas Ken, John Byrom and William Law外部サイトScepticism in the Enlightenment外部サイトMandeville studies : new explorations in the art and thought of Dr. Bernard Mandeville (1670-1733)外部サイトThe chymische hochzeit外部サイトJudaism in the theology of Sir Isaac Newton外部サイトThe order of minims in Seventeenthcentury France外部サイトStudies in Spanish renaissance thought外部サイトA bibliography of George Berkeley外部サイトPhysics at seventeenth and eighteenth-century Leiden : philosophy and the new science in the university外部サイトReal, mechanical, experimental : Robert Hooke's natural philosophy外部サイトMetaphysics through semantics : the philosophical recovery of the medieval mind : essays in honor of Gyula Klima外部サイトDeus est caritas : the voice of Gabriele Biondo on personal justification and church reform外部サイトChrysostomus javelli : Pagan philosophy and Christian thought in the Renaissance外部サイトHegel and Schelling in early nineteenth-century France外部サイトHegel and Schelling in early nineteenth-century France外部サイトLeibniz, mysticism, and religion外部サイトThe light of nature : essays in the history and philosophy of science presented to A.C. Crombie外部サイトScepticism in the eighteenth century : Enlightenment, Lumières, Aufklärung外部サイトReligion, rationality, and community : sacred and secular in the thought of Hegel and his critics外部サイトAlchemy and chemistry in the 16th and 17th centuries外部サイトLa philosophie de Gassendi : nominalisme, matérialisme et métaphysique外部サイトThe passionate society : the social, political and moral thought of Adam Ferguson外部サイトSoixant-dix-sept lettres inédites à Nicholas Heinsius (1649-1658)外部サイトAcademic scepticism in the development of early modern philosophy外部サイトCartesian theodicy : Descartes' quest for certitude外部サイトUneasy genius : the life and work of Pierre Duhem外部サイトPierre Nicole, Jansenist and humanist : a study of his thought外部サイトRegulæ ad directionem ingenii外部サイトFrom influence to inhabitation : the transformation of astrobiology in the early modern period外部サイトThe social philosophy of Adam Smith外部サイトA critical study of Condillac's Traité des systèmes外部サイトThe Huguenot connection : the Edict of Nantes, its revocation, and early French migration to South Carolina外部サイトL'empirisme de Locke外部サイトThe passionate society : the social, political and moral thought of Adam Ferguson外部サイトStudies on Locke : sources, contemporaries, and legacy : in honour of G.A.J. Rogers外部サイトJudaeo-Christian intellectual culture in the seventeenth century : a celebration of the library of Narcissus Marsh (1638-1713)外部サイトDiscord in Zion : the puritan divines and the puritan revolution 1640-1660外部サイトThe downfall of cartesianism 1673-1712 : a study of epistemological issues in late 17th century cartesianism外部サイトCartesian spacetime : Descartes' physics and the relational theory of space and motion外部サイトPeace among the willows : the political philosophy of Francis Bacon外部サイトL'avocat philosophe Géraud de Cordemoy (1626-1684)外部サイトEarly deism in France : from the so-called "déistes" of Lyon (1564) to Voltaire's "Lettres philosophiques" (1734)外部サイトLate ancient Platonism in eighteenth-century German thought外部サイトThe quest for the new Jerusalem, Jean de Labadie and the Labadists, 1610-1744外部サイトHenry de Boulainviller : œuvres philosophiques外部サイトHeterodoxy, Spinozism, and free thought in early-eighteenth-century Europe : studies on the Traité des trois imposteurs外部サイトFrancis Bacon on motion and power外部サイトThe secular is sacred : Platonism and Thomism in Marsilio Ficino's Platonic theology外部サイトL.H. Nicolay (1737-1820) and his contemporaries : Diderot, Rousseau, Voltaire, Gluck, Metastasio, Galiani, D'escherny, Gessner, Bodmer, Lavater, Wieland, Frederick II, Falconet, W. Robertson, Paul I, Cagliostro, Gellert, Winckelmann, Poinsinet, Lloyd, Sanchez, Masson, and others外部サイトMontesquieu and the philosophy of natural law外部サイトBerkeley's philosophy of science外部サイトMary Somerville and the cultivation of science, 1815-1840外部サイトEarly modern natural law theories : contexts and strategies in the early Enlightenment外部サイトExciting the industry of mankind : George Berkeley's philosophy of money外部サイトJewish Christians and Christian Jews : from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment外部サイトBetween orthodoxy and the Enlightenment : Jean-Robert Chouet and the introduction of Cartesian science in the Academy of Geneva外部サイトHuguenot warrior : the life and times of Henri de Rohan, 1579-1638外部サイトLes origines de la reforme des carmes en France au XVIIe siecle外部サイトThe restoration of the Jews : early modern hermeneutics, eschatology, and national identity in the works of Thomas Brightman外部サイトDebating the faith : religion and letter writing in Great Britain, 1550-1800外部サイトParadise postponed : Johann Heinrich Alsted and the birth of Calvinist millenarianism外部サイトAcademic skepticism in seventeenth-century French philosophy : the Charronian legacy, 1601-1662外部サイトChristianity, antiquity, and Enlightenment : interpretations of Locke外部サイトNewton and religion : context, nature, and influence外部サイトThe skeptical tradition around 1800 : skepticism in philosophy, science, and society外部サイトThe rhyme and reason of politics in early modern Europe : collected essays of Herbert H. Rowen外部サイトInventaire de la correspondance d'André Rivet (1595-1650)外部サイトThe English Della Cruscans and their time, 1783-1828外部サイト"Concerning natural experimental philosophie" : Meric Casaubon and the Royal Society外部サイトEduard Gans and the Hegelian philosophy of law外部サイトAnima mundi : the rise of the world soul theory in modern German philosophy外部サイトCartesian theodicy : Descartes' quest for certitude外部サイトInventaire : des pièces d'achives françaises se rapportant à l'Abbaye de Port-Royal des Champset son cercle et à la résistance contre la bulle unigenitus et à l'Appel (ancien fonds d'amersfoort)外部サイトThe Supplément to the Encyclopédie外部サイトRenaissance Averroism and its aftermath : Arabic philosophy in early modern Europe外部サイトAntiquity forgot : essays on Shakespeare, Bacon, and Rembrandt外部サイトGilbert Sheldon : architect of Anglican survival, 1640-1675外部サイトDeterminism and freewill : Anthony Collins' A philosophical inquiry concerning human liberty : with a discussion of the opinions of Hobbes, Locke, Pierre Bayle, William King and Leibniz外部サイトPantagruel et les sophistes : contribution à l'histoire de l'humanisme chrétien au XVIème siècle外部サイトThe invention of free press : writers and censorship in eighteenth century Europe外部サイトRousseau's economic philosophy : beyond the market of innocents外部サイトLe thresor des prophéties de l'univers外部サイトCorrespondance de Jacques Dupuy et de Nicolas Heinsius (1646-1656)外部サイトFrench botany in the enlightenment : the ill-fated voyages of La Pérouse and his rescures外部サイトScience in the age of Baroque外部サイトNicolas Gueudeville and his work (1652-172?)外部サイトThe young Leibniz and his philosophy (1646-76)外部サイトGianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola, 1469-1533, and his critique of Aristotle外部サイトCopp'd hills towards heaven : Shakespeare and the classical polity外部サイトThe return of scepticism : from Hobbes and Descartes to Bayle : proceedings of the Vercelli Conference, May 18th-20th, 2000外部サイトThe principles of the most ancient and modern philosophy外部サイトThe common-sense philosophy of religion of bishop Edward Stillingfleet, 1635-1699外部サイトGuillaume Postel : prophet of the restitution of all things : his life and thought外部サイトThe new (so-called) Magdeburg experiments of Otto von Guericke外部サイトPhilosophy and the absolute : the modes of Hegel's speculation外部サイトNewton on mathematics and spiritual purity外部サイトDescartes on the human soul : philosophy and the demands of Christian doctrine外部サイトBernard Mandeville : a treatise of the hypochonriack and hysterick diseases (1730)外部サイトTraité sur l'art de la guerre de Bérault Stuart, seigneur d'Aubigny外部サイトThe Origins and characteristics of anabaptism : proceedings of the colloquium organized by the Faculty of Protestant Theology of Strasbourg (20-22 February 1975) = Les débuts et les caractéristiques de l'anabaptisme外部サイトRevolution, idealism and human freedom : Schelling Hölderlin and Hegel and the crisis of early German idealism外部サイトUne généalogie du spiritualisme française : aux sources du bergsonisme : Ravaisson et la metaphysique外部サイトMontesquieu's idea of justice外部サイトHegel et la pensée philosophique en Russie, 1830-1917外部サイトThomas Reid's Lectures on the fine arts外部サイトThe Pythia's drunken song : Thomas Carlyle's Sartor resartus and the style problem in German idealist philosophy外部サイトThe maxims in the novels of Duclos外部サイトThe early Solov'ëv and his quest for metaphysics外部サイトThe second enlightenment and the Kantian age外部サイトThe science of sensibility : reading Burke's Philosophical enquiry外部サイトAnima mundi : the rise of the world soul theory in modern German philosophy外部サイトLeibniz and the Kabbalah外部サイトMelancholy duty : the Hume-Gibbon attack on Christianity外部サイトPhilosophia perennis : historical outlines of western spirituality in ancient, medieval and early modern thuoght外部サイトBread, politics and political economy in the reign of Louis XV外部サイトHume's reflection on religion外部サイトThe young Leibniz and his philosophy : 1646-76外部サイトEssays on the context, nature, and influence of Isaac Newton's theology外部サイトJuan Luis Vives外部サイトNewton's scientific and philosophical legacy外部サイトA Rosicrucian utopia in eighteenth-century Russia : the Masonic circle of N.I. Novikov外部サイトJohannes Clauberg (1622-1665) and Cartesian philosophy in the seventeenth century外部サイトYves de Vallone : the making of an esprit-fort外部サイトReligion, politics and Thomas Hobbes外部サイトTheology, politics, and letters at the crossroads of European civilization : Jacques Basnage and the Baylean Huguenot refugees in the Dutch republic外部サイトLexicon Spinozanum外部サイトTheologia cartesiana : l'explication physique de l'Eucharistie chez Descartes et dom Desgabets外部サイトDu pays de Foix à la cité d'Erasme外部サイトChoosing the better part : Anna Maria van Schurman (1607-1678)外部サイトScepticism in the history of philosophy : a Pan-American dialogue外部サイトLes origines de la reforme des carmes en France au XVIIe siecle外部サイトMonopsychism, mysticism, metaconsciousness : problems of the soul in the Neoaristotelian and Neoplatonic tradition外部サイトA seventeenth-century exposure of superstition : select texts of Claude Pithoys (1587-1676)外部サイトPlatonism at the origins of modernity : studies on Platonism and early modern philosophy外部サイトLeibniz, mysticism and religion外部サイトThe sense of decadence in nineteenth century France外部サイトVirtue, happiness and Duclos' Histoire de Madame de Luz外部サイトThe sense of decadence in nineteenth century France外部サイトA medievalist in the eighteenth century : le Grand d'Aussy and the Fabliaux ou Contes外部サイトThe early reception of Berkeley's Immaterialism 1710-1733外部サイトTreatise on the human mind (1664)外部サイト"Covetous of truth" : the life and work of Thomas White, 1593-1676外部サイトRenaissance scepticisms外部サイトPlato in Renaissance England外部サイトThe Massacre of St. Bartholomew : reappraisals and documents外部サイトThe shapes of knowledge from the Renaissance to the enlightenment外部サイトHobbes and Galileo: method, matter and the science of motion外部サイトA rose armed with thorns: Spinoza's philosophy under a novel lens外部サイトDescartes on the human soul : philosophy and the demands of Christian doctrine外部サイトThe hegelian age外部サイトGalen and the early moderns外部サイトThe metaphysics of resurrection in Seventeenth-Century philosophy外部サイトThe many-sidedness of George Minchin Minchin : educator, satirist, and early pioneer of television外部サイトInexcusabiles : salvation and the virtues of the Pagans in the early modern period外部サイトLocke and Biblical Hermeneutics : conscience and scripture外部サイトReal, mechanical, experimental : Robert Hooke's natural philosophy外部サイトJohn Locke and the grounds for toleration外部サイトMechanism, life and mind in modern natural philosophy外部サイトThe origins of the idea of scientific progress : Bernard de Fontenelle and his contemporaries外部サイトRevisioning Cambridge Platonism : sources and legacy外部サイトVegetative powers : the roots of life in ancient, medieval and early modern natural philosophy外部サイトInexcusabiles : salvation and the virtues of the Pagans in the early modern period外部サイトThe philosophy of Kenelm Digby (1603-1665)外部サイトPierre-Daniel Huet (1630-1721) and the skeptics of his time外部サイトOrdering colours in 18th and early 19th century Europe外部サイトOn Joachim Jungius' texturæ contemplatio : texture, weaving and natural philosophy in the 17th century外部サイトSceptical doubt and disbelief in modern European thought : a new Pan-American dialogue外部サイト






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Archives internationales d'histoire des idees
Publishers various: Springer
Founding editors: Paul Dibon, Jeremy Popkin
Honorary editor: Sarah Hutton
Editor-in-chief: Guido Giglioni
Associate editor: John Christian Laursen
Editorial Board Members: Michael J. B. Allen ... [et al.]
The sceptical mode in modern philosophy : essays in honor of Richard H. Popkin
From its origins in the Renaissance to the 'Historia Philosophica'
Scepticism in the Enlightenment
Modernity and the final aim of history : the debate over Judaism from Kant to the young Hegelians
Bibliographia cartesiana : a critical guide to the Descartes literature : 1800-1960
The metaphysics of Henry More
Journeys to a graveyard : perceptions of Europe in classical Russian travel writing
Anthony Collins : the man and his works
Henry More (1614-1687) tercentenary studies
Elements, principles, and corpuscles : a study of atomism and chemistry in the seventeenth century
Montaigne and Bayle : variations on the theme of skepticism
The Achilles of rationalist arguments : the simplicity, unity, and identity of thought and soul from the Cambridge Platonists to Kant : a study in the history of an argument
George Berkeley : religion and science in the Age of Enlightenment
Restoration historians and the English Civil War
Self and symbolism in the poetry of Michelangelo, John Donne, and Agrippa d'Aubigné
The legacies of Richard Popkin
Masque et lumières au XVIIIe : André-François Deslandes, "citoyen et philosophe," 1689-1757
Emilie du Châtelet between Leibniz and Newton
Les chemins du savoir en Suède : de la fondation de l'Université d'Upsal à Jacob Berzelius : études et portraits
Diderot's politics : a study of the evolution of Diderot's political thought after the Encyclopédie
La physiologie des lumières : empirisme, modèles et théories
The millenarian turn : millenarian contexts of science, politics, and everyday Anglo-American life in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
Leibniz and the Kabbalah
The waning of the renaissance 1640-1740 : studies in the thought and poetry of Henry More, John Norris and Isaac Watts
Treatise on ethics (1684)
The Cambridge Platonists in philosophical context : politics, metaphysics, and religion
Motivation and the moral sense in Francis Hutcheson's ethical theory
Monopsychism, mysticism, metaconsciousness : problems of the soul in the neoaristotelian and neoplatonic tradition
Nemesis divina
The life of Henry More, Parts 1 and 2
The problem of certainty in English thought, 1630-1690
Claude Fleury (1640-1723) as an educational historiographer and thinker
Evidence in the age of the new sciences
Maimonides and philosophy : papers presented at the Sixth Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter, May, 1985
Post and courier service in the diplomacy of early modern Europe
Studies on Montesquieu : mapping political diversity
Livres saisis à Paris entre 1678 et 1701
Règles utiles et claires pour la direction de l'esprit en la recherche de la vérité
Bibliography of the philosophy in the Iberian colonies of America
Du pays de foix a la cite d'Erasme
Jewish Messianism in the early modern world
Literary figures in French drama (1784-1834)
L'humanisme chrétien au XVIIe siècle : St. François de Sales et Yves de Paris
Hobbes's 'science of natural justice'
Andreae's life, world view, and relations with Rosicrucianism and alchemy
Thought and faith in the philosophy of Hegel
Renaissance scepticisms
Ideology and social science : Destutt de Tracy and French liberalism
Hegel's Phenomenology of spirit : a reappraisal
Scepticism and belief in Hume's Dialogues concerning natural religion
Maimonides and philosophy : papers presented at the Sixth Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter, May, 1985
Guevara, a forgotten Renaissance author
Heaven upon earth : Joseph Mede (1586-1638) and the legacy of millenarianism
Molyneux's problem : three centuries of discussion on the perception of forms
From theology to history : French religious controversy and the revocation of the Edict of Nantes
Tyssot de Patot and his work : 1655-1738
Damião de Gois : the life and thought of a Portuguese humanist, 1502-1574
The moral philosophy of George Berkeley
The books of nature and Scripture : recent essays on natural philosophy, theology, and Biblical criticism in the Netherlands of Spinoza's time and the British Isles of Newton's time
Henry More : the immortality of the soul
De la recherche du bien : a study of Malebranche's science of ethics
L'entrée de Saturne au lion (l'éclipse de soleil du 12 août 1654)
Kirchberger et l'illuminisme du dix-huiti-ème siècle
Emmery de Lyere et Marnix de Sainte Aldegonde : un admirateur de Sébastien Franck et de Montaigne aux prises avac le champion des calvinistes néerlandais : Emmery de Lyere, Antidote ou contrepoison contre les conseils sanguinaires et envenimez de Philippe de Marnix Sr. de Ste. Aldegonde
Spinoza's Algebraic calculation of the rainbow ; and, Calculation of chances
The Pythia's drunken song : Thomas Carlyle's Sartor resartus and the style problem in German idealist philosophy
The comedian as the letter D : Erasmus Darwin's comic materialism
Salvation from despair : a reappraisal of Spinoza's philosophy
Henry Home, Lord Kames, and the Scottish enlightenment : a study in national character and in the history of ideas
The works of Jacques-Auguste de Thou
The crisis of French sea power, 1688-1697 : from the guerre d'escadre to the guerre de course
Inventaire de la correspondance de Johannes Fredericus Gronovius, 1631-1671
Hume, Hegel, and human nature
Religion, reason and nature in early modern Europe
Treatise on ethics (1684)
Kant's practical philosophy reconsidered : papers presented at the Seventh Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter, December 1986
Continental millenarians : Protestants, Catholics, heretics
A Russian advocate of peace : Vasilii Malinovskii (1765-1814)
John Dee : interdisciplinary studies in English Renaissance thought
Fallen angels : Balthasar Bekker, spirit belief, and confessionalism in the seventeenth century Dutch Republic
Gerard van Swieten and his world 1700-1772
Liberty in Hume's History of England
Fenelon et les jesuites
Francis Hutcheson : an inquiry concerning beauty, order, harmony, design
Essays on Pierre Bayle and religious controversy
Church reform in 18th century Italy : (the synod of Pistoia, 1786)
The Christianization of Pyrrhonism : scepticism and faith in Pascal, Kierkegaard, and Shestov
Botanophilia in eighteenth-century France : the spirit of the Enlightenment
The skepticism of Michel de Montaigne
Bread, politics and political economy in the reign of Louis XV
Philosophy and politics : a commentary on the preface to Hegel's Philosophy of right
The problem of certainty in English thought, 1630-1690
Virginitas : an essay in the history of a medieval ideal
Hegel and Newtonianism
Continuity and anachronism : parliamentary and constitutional development in Whig historiography and in the anti-Whig reaction between 1890 and 1930
In the presence of the past : essays in honor of Frank Manuel
Law and apocalypse : The moral thought of Luis de León (1527?-1591)
Tommaso Campanella : the book and the body of nature
Un historien à l'école de port-royal : Sébastien le Nain de Tillemont, 1637-1698 : publication du Centre de recherches d'histoire et de philologie de la IVe section de l'école pratique des hautes etudes à la Sorbonne
The problem of certainty in English thought, 1630-1690
Studies in Pascal's ethics
Louis Philippe de Ségur : an intellectual in a revolutionary age
Henry More, 1614-1687 : a biography of the Cambridge Platonist
Early modern philosophers and the renaissance legacy
Esprits fins et esprits géométriques dans les portraits de Saint-Simon : contributions à l'étude du vocabulaire et du style
Heterodoxie et rigorisme
The first German philosopher : the mysticism of Jakob Böhme as interpreted by Hegel
La bagarre : Galiani's "lost" parody
Cicero Scepticus : a study of the influence of the Academica in the Renaissance
Pamphlets, printing, and political culture in the early Dutch Republic
Jewish-Christian relations in the seventeenth century : studies and documents
Des révolutions d'Angleterre à la Révolution française : le tyrannicide & Killing no murder (Cromwell, Athalie, Bonaparte)
The Abbé Grégoire and his world
Newton and Newtonianism : new studies
Uneasy genius : the life and work of Pierre Duhem
The letters of Dominique Chaix, botanist-curé
Hume's theory of moral judgment : a study in the unity of A treatise of human nature
Scepticism in the history of philosophy : a Pan-American dialogue
Napoleon and the Lazarists
The Scottish Enlightenment and Hegel's account of "civil society"
Pasquier Quesnel devant la Congrégation de l'Index : correspondance avec Francesco Barberini et mémoires sur la mise à l'Index de son édition des oeuvres de saint Léon, publiés avec introduction et annotations
Motivation and the moral sense in Francis Hutcheson's ethical theory
Catholic millenarianism from Savonarola to the Abbé Grégoire
From the Cartesian age to Brucker
The edges of Augustanism : the aesthetics of spirituality in Thomas Ken, John Byrom and William Law
Scepticism in the Enlightenment
Mandeville studies : new explorations in the art and thought of Dr. Bernard Mandeville (1670-1733)
The chymische hochzeit
Judaism in the theology of Sir Isaac Newton
The order of minims in Seventeenthcentury France
Studies in Spanish renaissance thought
A bibliography of George Berkeley
Physics at seventeenth and eighteenth-century Leiden : philosophy and the new science in the university
Real, mechanical, experimental : Robert Hooke's natural philosophy
Metaphysics through semantics : the philosophical recovery of the medieval mind : essays in honor of Gyula Klima
Deus est caritas : the voice of Gabriele Biondo on personal justification and church reform
Chrysostomus javelli : Pagan philosophy and Christian thought in the Renaissance
Hegel and Schelling in early nineteenth-century France
Hegel and Schelling in early nineteenth-century France
Leibniz, mysticism, and religion
The light of nature : essays in the history and philosophy of science presented to A.C. Crombie
Scepticism in the eighteenth century : Enlightenment, Lumières, Aufklärung
Religion, rationality, and community : sacred and secular in the thought of Hegel and his critics
Alchemy and chemistry in the 16th and 17th centuries
La philosophie de Gassendi : nominalisme, matérialisme et métaphysique
The passionate society : the social, political and moral thought of Adam Ferguson
Soixant-dix-sept lettres inédites à Nicholas Heinsius (1649-1658)
Academic scepticism in the development of early modern philosophy
Cartesian theodicy : Descartes' quest for certitude
Uneasy genius : the life and work of Pierre Duhem
Pierre Nicole, Jansenist and humanist : a study of his thought
Regulæ ad directionem ingenii
From influence to inhabitation : the transformation of astrobiology in the early modern period
The social philosophy of Adam Smith
A critical study of Condillac's Traité des systèmes
The Huguenot connection : the Edict of Nantes, its revocation, and early French migration to South Carolina
L'empirisme de Locke
The passionate society : the social, political and moral thought of Adam Ferguson
Studies on Locke : sources, contemporaries, and legacy : in honour of G.A.J. Rogers
Judaeo-Christian intellectual culture in the seventeenth century : a celebration of the library of Narcissus Marsh (1638-1713)
Discord in Zion : the puritan divines and the puritan revolution 1640-1660
The downfall of cartesianism 1673-1712 : a study of epistemological issues in late 17th century cartesianism
Cartesian spacetime : Descartes' physics and the relational theory of space and motion
Peace among the willows : the political philosophy of Francis Bacon
L'avocat philosophe Géraud de Cordemoy (1626-1684)
Early deism in France : from the so-called "déistes" of Lyon (1564) to Voltaire's "Lettres philosophiques" (1734)
Late ancient Platonism in eighteenth-century German thought
The quest for the new Jerusalem, Jean de Labadie and the Labadists, 1610-1744
Henry de Boulainviller : œuvres philosophiques
Heterodoxy, Spinozism, and free thought in early-eighteenth-century Europe : studies on the Traité des trois imposteurs
Francis Bacon on motion and power
The secular is sacred : Platonism and Thomism in Marsilio Ficino's Platonic theology
L.H. Nicolay (1737-1820) and his contemporaries : Diderot, Rousseau, Voltaire, Gluck, Metastasio, Galiani, D'escherny, Gessner, Bodmer, Lavater, Wieland, Frederick II, Falconet, W. Robertson, Paul I, Cagliostro, Gellert, Winckelmann, Poinsinet, Lloyd, Sanchez, Masson, and others
Montesquieu and the philosophy of natural law
Berkeley's philosophy of science
Mary Somerville and the cultivation of science, 1815-1840
Early modern natural law theories : contexts and strategies in the early Enlightenment
Exciting the industry of mankind : George Berkeley's philosophy of money
Jewish Christians and Christian Jews : from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment
Between orthodoxy and the Enlightenment : Jean-Robert Chouet and the introduction of Cartesian science in the Academy of Geneva
Huguenot warrior : the life and times of Henri de Rohan, 1579-1638
Les origines de la reforme des carmes en France au XVIIe siecle
The restoration of the Jews : early modern hermeneutics, eschatology, and national identity in the works of Thomas Brightman
Debating the faith : religion and letter writing in Great Britain, 1550-1800
Paradise postponed : Johann Heinrich Alsted and the birth of Calvinist millenarianism
Academic skepticism in seventeenth-century French philosophy : the Charronian legacy, 1601-1662
Christianity, antiquity, and Enlightenment : interpretations of Locke
Newton and religion : context, nature, and influence
The skeptical tradition around 1800 : skepticism in philosophy, science, and society
The rhyme and reason of politics in early modern Europe : collected essays of Herbert H. Rowen
Inventaire de la correspondance d'André Rivet (1595-1650)
The English Della Cruscans and their time, 1783-1828
"Concerning natural experimental philosophie" : Meric Casaubon and the Royal Society
Eduard Gans and the Hegelian philosophy of law
Anima mundi : the rise of the world soul theory in modern German philosophy
Cartesian theodicy : Descartes' quest for certitude
Inventaire : des pièces d'achives françaises se rapportant à l'Abbaye de Port-Royal des Champset son cercle et à la résistance contre la bulle unigenitus et à l'Appel (ancien fonds d'amersfoort)
The Supplément to the Encyclopédie
Renaissance Averroism and its aftermath : Arabic philosophy in early modern Europe
Antiquity forgot : essays on Shakespeare, Bacon, and Rembrandt
Gilbert Sheldon : architect of Anglican survival, 1640-1675
Determinism and freewill : Anthony Collins' A philosophical inquiry concerning human liberty : with a discussion of the opinions of Hobbes, Locke, Pierre Bayle, William King and Leibniz
Pantagruel et les sophistes : contribution à l'histoire de l'humanisme chrétien au XVIème siècle
The invention of free press : writers and censorship in eighteenth century Europe
Rousseau's economic philosophy : beyond the market of innocents
Le thresor des prophéties de l'univers
Correspondance de Jacques Dupuy et de Nicolas Heinsius (1646-1656)
French botany in the enlightenment : the ill-fated voyages of La Pérouse and his rescures
Science in the age of Baroque
Nicolas Gueudeville and his work (1652-172?)
The young Leibniz and his philosophy (1646-76)
Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola, 1469-1533, and his critique of Aristotle
Copp'd hills towards heaven : Shakespeare and the classical polity
The return of scepticism : from Hobbes and Descartes to Bayle : proceedings of the Vercelli Conference, May 18th-20th, 2000
The principles of the most ancient and modern philosophy
The common-sense philosophy of religion of bishop Edward Stillingfleet, 1635-1699
Guillaume Postel : prophet of the restitution of all things : his life and thought
The new (so-called) Magdeburg experiments of Otto von Guericke
Philosophy and the absolute : the modes of Hegel's speculation
Newton on mathematics and spiritual purity
Descartes on the human soul : philosophy and the demands of Christian doctrine
Bernard Mandeville : a treatise of the hypochonriack and hysterick diseases (1730)
Traité sur l'art de la guerre de Bérault Stuart, seigneur d'Aubigny
The Origins and characteristics of anabaptism : proceedings of the colloquium organized by the Faculty of Protestant Theology of Strasbourg (20-22 February 1975) = Les débuts et les caractéristiques de l'anabaptisme
Revolution, idealism and human freedom : Schelling Hölderlin and Hegel and the crisis of early German idealism
Une généalogie du spiritualisme française : aux sources du bergsonisme : Ravaisson et la metaphysique
Montesquieu's idea of justice
Hegel et la pensée philosophique en Russie, 1830-1917
Thomas Reid's Lectures on the fine arts
The Pythia's drunken song : Thomas Carlyle's Sartor resartus and the style problem in German idealist philosophy
The maxims in the novels of Duclos
The early Solov'ëv and his quest for metaphysics
The second enlightenment and the Kantian age
The science of sensibility : reading Burke's Philosophical enquiry
Anima mundi : the rise of the world soul theory in modern German philosophy
Leibniz and the Kabbalah
Melancholy duty : the Hume-Gibbon attack on Christianity
Philosophia perennis : historical outlines of western spirituality in ancient, medieval and early modern thuoght
Bread, politics and political economy in the reign of Louis XV
Hume's reflection on religion
The young Leibniz and his philosophy : 1646-76
Essays on the context, nature, and influence of Isaac Newton's theology
Juan Luis Vives
Newton's scientific and philosophical legacy
A Rosicrucian utopia in eighteenth-century Russia : the Masonic circle of N.I. Novikov
Johannes Clauberg (1622-1665) and Cartesian philosophy in the seventeenth century
Yves de Vallone : the making of an esprit-fort
Religion, politics and Thomas Hobbes
Theology, politics, and letters at the crossroads of European civilization : Jacques Basnage and the Baylean Huguenot refugees in the Dutch republic
Lexicon Spinozanum
Theologia cartesiana : l'explication physique de l'Eucharistie chez Descartes et dom Desgabets
Du pays de Foix à la cité d'Erasme
Choosing the better part : Anna Maria van Schurman (1607-1678)
Scepticism in the history of philosophy : a Pan-American dialogue
Les origines de la reforme des carmes en France au XVIIe siecle
Monopsychism, mysticism, metaconsciousness : problems of the soul in the Neoaristotelian and Neoplatonic tradition
A seventeenth-century exposure of superstition : select texts of Claude Pithoys (1587-1676)
Platonism at the origins of modernity : studies on Platonism and early modern philosophy
Leibniz, mysticism and religion
The sense of decadence in nineteenth century France
Virtue, happiness and Duclos' Histoire de Madame de Luz
The sense of decadence in nineteenth century France
A medievalist in the eighteenth century : le Grand d'Aussy and the Fabliaux ou Contes
The early reception of Berkeley's Immaterialism 1710-1733
Treatise on the human mind (1664)
"Covetous of truth" : the life and work of Thomas White, 1593-1676
Renaissance scepticisms
Plato in Renaissance England
The Massacre of St. Bartholomew : reappraisals and documents
The shapes of knowledge from the Renaissance to the enlightenment
Hobbes and Galileo: method, matter and the science of motion
A rose armed with thorns: Spinoza's philosophy under a novel lens
Descartes on the human soul : philosophy and the demands of Christian doctrine
The hegelian age
Galen and the early moderns
The metaphysics of resurrection in Seventeenth-Century philosophy
The many-sidedness of George Minchin Minchin : educator, satirist, and early pioneer of television
Inexcusabiles : salvation and the virtues of the Pagans in the early modern period
Locke and Biblical Hermeneutics : conscience and scripture
Real, mechanical, experimental : Robert Hooke's natural philosophy
John Locke and the grounds for toleration
Mechanism, life and mind in modern natural philosophy
The origins of the idea of scientific progress : Bernard de Fontenelle and his contemporaries
Revisioning Cambridge Platonism : sources and legacy
Vegetative powers : the roots of life in ancient, medieval and early modern natural philosophy
Inexcusabiles : salvation and the virtues of the Pagans in the early modern period
The philosophy of Kenelm Digby (1603-1665)
Pierre-Daniel Huet (1630-1721) and the skeptics of his time
Ordering colours in 18th and early 19th century Europe
On Joachim Jungius' texturæ contemplatio : texture, weaving and natural philosophy in the 17th century
Sceptical doubt and disbelief in modern European thought : a new Pan-American dialogue