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- Mémoires de messire Philippe de Comines, seigneur d'Argenton : contenans l'histoire des rois Louis XI et Charles VIII, depuis l'an 1464 jusques en 1498Handbook of Japan and Japanese exhibits at World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904Hermann Lotze in seiner Stellung zu der durch Kant Begründeten Neuesten Geschichte der Philosophie und die Philosophische Aufgabe der Gegenwart : eine kritisch-historische Studie ...Intercollegiate debates and bibliographies on old age insurance and banking and currency reform...Problems in cost accounting...Das Pañcatantram: (textus ornatior); eine altindische Märchensammlung zum ersten Male übersetztLes poissons des eaux douces de l'Afrique occidentale : du Sénégal au NigerAwestisches ElementarbuchA treatise on the theory of Bessel functionsChina : its state and prospects, with especial reference to the spread of the gospel : containing allusions to the antiquity, extent, population, civilization, literature, and religion of the Chinese...Sumerian and Babylonian psalmsHospitality--Christian Garve's Vertraute Briefe an eine FreundinStudies in East Christian and Roman artLa renaissance du sentiment classique dans la peinture française à la fin du 19e siècle : Degas, Renoir, Gauguin, Cézanne, SeuratGrundtvig og Ingemann : Brevvexling 1821-1859Registro degl'illustrissimi signori Gonfalonieri del popolo ... dall'anno 1500Le théatre et la société française de 1815 à 1848--Course in physical education for the common schools of KentuckyThe book of the Orphic hymns : together with the principal fragments also attributed to Orpheus. The whole extracted from Hermann's edition of the Orphica...The Russian conquest of the CaucasusRegesten der Pfalzgrafen am Rhein, 1214-1508Building the Atlantic world A Foreign Policy Research Institute bookLe pimandre d'Hermes Trismegiste : dialogues gnostiquesGramática histórica de la lengua castellana - primary source editionAnnual report : Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve SystemJournal of the proceedings of the late embassy to ChinaHistorical and literary activities in North Carolina, 1900-1905--Die Entwickelung des Ministeriums in der constitutionellen MonarchieHamburgisches UrkundenbuchThe Saint Louis World's Fair of 1904 : in commemoration of the acquisition of the Louisiana territory : a handbook of general information, profusely illustratedThe early annals of the English in Bengal, being the Bengal Public Consultations for the first half of the Eighteenth Century : summarised, extracted, and editede with introductions and illustrative addendaAn experimental inquiry into the nature and propagation of heatThe correspondence of Leigh HuntLa législation des cultes protestants, 1787-1887 : recueil complet des lois, ordonnances, décrets, arretés ministériels et avis du Conseil d'Etat relatifs aux églises protestantes de movembre 1787 a janvier 1887Kirchenlied und Volkslied : geistliche und weltliche Lyrik des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts bis auf KlopstockThe literary remains of the Rev. Thomas Price, CarnhuanawcThe Colleen Bawn, or, The brides of Garryowen : a domestic drama in three actsEnglish book-plates : an illustrated handbook for students of ex-librisHarald Blaatand og PalnatokeHistoire ancienneCanadian patent law and practiceLetter of the secretary of state : transmitting a report on the commercial relations of the United States with foreign countries, for the year ended September 30, 1863Leçons de mécanique céleste professées à la SorbonneLogic : inductionA non-linear shell theory compared with the classical three dimensional theory of elasticityOn the connections between activity based costing models and optimization models for decision supportThe Turk and his lost provinces : Greece, Bulgaria, Servia, BosniaParis chantant : romances, chansons et chansonnettes contemporainesGuide to English orthographyA handbook of phonetics, including a popular exposition of the principles of spelling reformDictionnaire historique des musiciens, artistes et amateurs, morts ou vivantsAmerican Library Association ... report on the progress of library architecture, and resolutions of the association concerning the building for the Library of CongressVom Wesen und Wert der DemokratieNotice bio-bibliographique sur La Boëtie, l'ami de Montaigne, suivie de la Servitude volontaire, donnée pour la première fois selon le vrai texte de l'auteur, d'après un manuscrit contemporain et authentique--Conversations with Walt WhitmanDie Kunst das Clavier zu spielen von dem Verfasser des Kritischen Musikus an der Spree--A statistical account of BengalLes Avadânas : contes et apologues indiens inconnus jusqu'à ce jour, suivis de fables, de poésies et de nouvelles chinoisesA geography of India : physical, political, and commercialAlla Unicersità di Bologna ricadendo l'80 centenario della sua fondazione : omaggio del Circolo Giuridico di PalermoHyoden Ishikawa TakubokuLa marchande de modes de Marie Antoinette : Rose BertinPanchatantra I. [-V.] --Divorce: or, Faithful and unfaithfulPreussen und Frankreich von 1795 bis 1807 : Diplomatische CorrespondenzenKalilag und Damnag : alte syrische Übersetzung des indischen FürstenspiegelsThe social policy of Bismarck : a critical study, with a comparison of German and English insurance legislationAppleton's companion hand-book of travelKritik der reinen VernunftRobert Schumanns Briefe : Neue FolgeZur Lehre von Versuch und Theilnahme am Verbrechen ...Regesta chronologico-diplomatica, Friderici IV. Romanorum regis (Imperatoris III.)--Allgemeine StaatslehreL'esprit de la nouvelle Sorbonne; la crise de la culture classique, la crise du françaisBriefwechsel zwischen Christian Garve und George Joachim Zollikofer : nebst einigen Briefen an andere FreundeKosmos : Entwurf einer physischen WeltbeschreibungF.M. Fiorentini ed i suoi contemporanei lucchesi : saggio di storia letteraria del secolo xviiTheatralische WerkePréréforme et humanisme à Paris pendant les premières guerres d'Italie (1494-1517)Report of the superintendent of education of the Province of Quebec for the year ...A treatise concerning civil governmentHeinrich Bullinger : Leben und ausgewählte SchriftenMemoirs of the life and labours Robert Morrison...The aspirations of BulgariaBau und betrieb der Secundär- und Tertiärbahnen einschliesslich der schwebenden Draht- und SeilbahnenGeschichte der Balneologie, Hydroposie und Pegologie, oder, Des Gebrauches des Wassers zu religiösen, diätetischen und medicinischen Zwecken : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Cultus und der MedicinStimmen der Völker in LiedernFranz Liszt : die Jahre 1811-1840. 1880A treatise on the progressive improvement and present state of the manufacture of porcelain and glass (by G.r. porter)Handleiding voor de beoefening der Atjetsche taalA treatise on diet : with a view to establish, on practical grounds, a system of rules, for the prevention and cure of the diseases incident to a disordered state of the digestive functionsHelping school children : suggestions for efficient cooperation with the public schoolsThe comparative geography of Palestine and the Sinaitic PeninsulaLa cronica domestica di Messer Donato Velluti, scritta fra il 1367 e il 1370, con le addizioni di Paolo Velluti, scritte fra il 1555 e il 1560Mémoires complets et authentiques du duc de Saint-Simon sur le siècle de Louis XIV et la régenceRecueil d'armoiries des maisons nobles de FranceThe lichen-flora of Great Britain, Ireland, and the Channel IslandsDresdner Gesangbuch : auf höchsten Befehl herausgegebenPractica geometriae ed opuscoliEl problema del idioma nacionalReport of the Illinois Board of World's Fair Commissioners at the World's Columbian Exposition-- : May 1-October 30, 1893Town planning in practice : an introduction to the art of designing cities and suburbsOld Fort William in Bengal : a selection of official documents dealing with its historyTafeln Complexer Primzahlen welche aus Wurzeln der Einheit gebildet sind, auf dem Grunde der Kummerschen Theorie der complexen Zahlen berechnetAnonyms : a dictionary of revealed authorshipLe Niger et les explorations de l'Afrique centrale depuis Mungo-Park jusqu'au docteur BarthAustralia : a collection of 74 valuable articles relating to exploration, colonization, labor and social conditions, immigration, industrial legislation, railroads, naval defense, etc, volume 1Zola en images : 280 illustrations : portraits, caricatures, documents divers...Selections from the records of the Government of BengalThe apology of Plato, with a revised text and English notes, and a digest of Platonic idiomsQuasiconformal mappings and Teichmuller's theoremDu Chant...The pioneer of American missions in China : the life and labors of Elijah Coleman BridgmanPrécis de droit administratif contenant le droit public et le droit administratifPatents for inventions : abridgements of specifications relating to the preparation and use of tobacco, A.D. 1721-1866Telegraph and travel, telegraphic communication between England and IndiaIn the Amazon jungle : adventures in remote parts of the upper Amazon river, including a sojourn among cannibal indiansThe common nature of epidemics, and their relation to climate and civilization : also, remarks on contagion and quarantineSchool costs and school accountingSan toy : A Chinese musical comedy...A day with Walt WhitmanIn praise of walking--Sämmtliche SchriftenEarly Christian iconography and a school of ivory carvers in ProvenceGeschichte der Zensur und der Amtsehrbeleidigung im alten Graubünden, von der Reformationszeit bis zur Gegenwart : die Stellung des Bundes zur Pressfreiheit von 1815 bis zur Gegenwart : den hohen Eidgenössischen Räten, sowie allen Freunden der PressfreiheitCatalogue et déscription des objets d'art de l'antiquité du moyen-âge et de la renaissanceStudies in musical education, history and aesthetics, volumes 15-1920...Denmark in the early iron age, illustrated by recent discoveriesA Sindhi-English dictionaryAddress delivered by Miss Mildred Lewis Rutherford, historian general, United Daughters of the ConfederacyHistoire et recherches des antiquités de la ville de ParisThe excitement of verbal adventure : a study of Vladimir Nabokov's English proseThe kitchen and market gardenThe history of prison architecture--Catalogue des ouvrages, écrits et dessins de toute nature poursuivis, supprimés ou condamnés depuis le 21 octobre 1814 jusqu'au 31 juillet 1877 : éd. entièrement nouv., considérablement augm., suivie de la table des noms d'auteurs et d'éditeurs et accompagThe Bengal Tenancy Act : its scope and inevitable resultsWhat the schools teach and might teachÉtude sur l'iconographie bouddhique de l'Inde : d'après des documents nouveauxKleine SchriftenAdvis pour dresser une bibliothèqueSamuel F.B. Morse : his letters and journalsPhotographic history of the World's Fair and sketch of the City of Chicago : also, a guide to the World's Fair and ChicagoIconologia del cavaliere Cesare Ripa, peruginoBygone days: or, An old man's reminiscences of his youthOn the connections among activity based costing, strategic optimization models for decision support, and the resource-based view of the firmStudien zur rechtsgeschichte der Gottesfrieden und LandfriedenRules and orders of the High Court of Judicature at Fort William in Bengal in its several jurisdictions : including such of the rules of the late Supreme Court as are still in force, and forms, etcLa Fabbrica di S. Petronio : indagini storicheRegesto mantovano : le carte degli archivi Gonzaga e di stato in Mantova e dei monasteri mantovani soppressi (Archivio di stato in Milano)A grammar of the Cree language: as spoken by the Cree indians of North AmericaŒuvres d'histoire naturelle et de philosophie de Charles Bonnet : essai de psychologie et écrits divers ...Prolegomena zu einer Wieland-ausgabe ...Neêrlands vroegste betrekkingen met Borneo, den Solo-Archipel, Cambodja, Siam en Cochin-China : een nagelaten werkColonies and dependenciesFrīul#skie Slavi#a#neThe role of product architecture in the manufacturing firmThe city superintendent and the board of educationAntimoderneGentile Bellini et Sultan Mohammed II : notes sur le séjour du peintre vénitien à Constantinople (1479-1480) d'après les documents originaux en partie inéditsGrowth and structure of the English languageMusée des Thermes et de ClunyNeue Studien : Studien zur Culturgeschichte...List of patents for inventions and designs : issued by the United States, from 1790 to 1847, with the patent laws and notes of decisions of the courts of the United States for the same periodDas VerwaltungsrechtLectures on modern historyLetters of Felix Mendelssohn to Ignaz and Charlotte MoschelesUndersögelse om det gamle nordiske eller islandske sprogs oprindelse ...Recent music and musicians : as described in the diaries and correspondence of Ignatz Moscheles--A Century of Protestant Missions in China, 1807-1907 : being the Centenary Conference historical volumeNegation in English and other languagesBeilage zu Herr Heynatzens Briefen die deutsche Sprache betreffendA short inquiry into the policy, humanity and past effects of the poor laws: and into the principles upon which any measures for their improvement should be conducted : in which are included a few considerations on the questions of political ...A grammar of the Dutch language : based on the works of Van Dale and De Groot, and largely illustrated by quotations from the literature of HollandAn introductory grammar of the Oriya languageGrammatik der slavischen Sprache in Krain, Kärnten und SteyerkarkNik. Fred. Sev. Grundtvigs udvalgte skrifterKatalog der Musikbibliothek Peters : Leipzig Musikbibliothek PetersIndustrial and commercial geographyThe Encyclopedia Americana : a library of universal knowledgeLe cardinal Dubois et la régence de Philippe d'OrléansA history of colonization on the western coast of AfricaA short history of the Philippines : for use in Philippine schoolsThe land of the maple leaf: or, Canada as I saw itTreasury decisions under internal revenue laws of the united statesLe Bhâgavata purânaLe chiese parrocchiali della diocesi di Bologna, ritratte e descritteFormosa under the Dutch : described from contemporary records : with explanatory notes and a bibliography of the islandHospital management: published in the Interest of executives in every department of hospital work, volume 10Origines Guelficae--A digest of the laws of EnglandProceedings of the Governor and Council at Fort William, respecting the administration of justice amongst the natives in BengalIshikawa Takuboku shuCatalogue of the coins in the Indian Museum, Calcutta : including the Cabinet of the Asiatic Society of BengalDe ontwikkelingsgang der Nederlandsche letterkundeA new grammar of the Hindoostanee language : to which are added, familiar phrases and dialogues in the proper characterChanges in the English language between the publication of Wiclif's Bible and that of the authorised versionA national plan for public library service prepared for the committee on postwar planning of the American Library AssociationUeber den Begriff des Wortes "Phantasia" bei AristotelesDe J. J. Rousseau considéré comme l'un des premiers auteurs de la RévolutionThe day of doom, or, a poetical description of the great and last judgment, with other poems : also, a memoir of the author, authobiography, and sketch of his funeral sermonThe life of St. Francis Xavier : apostle of the Indies and JapanCuriosities of London : exhibiting the most rare and remarkable objects of interest in the metropolis, with nearly sixty years' personal recollectionsRussian expansion on the Pacific, 1641-1850 : an account of the earliest and later expeditions made by the Russians along the Pacific coast of Asia and North America ...Tracts, chiefly relating to Ireland : containing: I. a treatise of taxes and contributions : Ii. essays in political arithmetic : Iii. the political anatomy of IrelandColloquia selecta, & timon. Cebetis thebani tabula. Menandri sententiae morales. Graece & Latinae. Colloquia Luciani & TimonemFriedrich Nicolai's Kleyner Feyner Almanach. 1777 und 1778Li canonici della chiesa di Bologna, dal anno 1014, fino al 1616Das Rechtsgut der Elektrizität im Civil- und StrafrechtUniversity college course of practical exercises in physiologyHistoire de la vie de Hiouen-ThsangJournal of three voyages along the coast of China, in 1831, 1832, & 1833 : with notices of Siam, Corea and the Loo-choo IslandsThirteen days that shook the KremlinPatents for inventions : abridgements of specifications relating to photographyA statistical account of the British Empire : exhibiting its extent, physical capacities, population, industry, and civil and religious institutionsHospital managementThe experiential learning theory of career developmentLettere di un notaro a un mercante del secolo XIV, con altre lettere e documentiMiddelnederlandsch Woordenboek, Van E. Verwijs en J. VerdamDictionnaire bahnar-françaiseA treatise on the law of master and servantNorthwood : a tale of New EnglandMele HawaiiThe works of William H. SewardGeschichte der Sprachwissenschaft und orientalischen Philologie in Deutschland seit dem Anfange des 19. Jahrhunderts : mit einem Rückblick auf die früheren ZeitenPhilosophy of the sexesDialogues cochinchinois : expliqués littéralement en français, en anglais et en latin, suivis d'une étude philologique du texte et d'un exposé des monnaies, poids, mesures et divisions du temps en usage dans la CochinchineY Mabinogion Cymreig : Sef, Chwedlau Rhamantus Yr Hen Gymry, Yn Yr Hen Gymraeg, A'r Gymraeg BresenolStudies about the KathasaritsagaraLes plus forts : roman contemporain ...Commentaries on equity jurisprudence : founded on StoryCatalogue et description des objets d'art de l'antiquité, du moyen-âge et de la renaissance, exposés au Musée, par E. du SommerardGeschichte Der Friedensbewegung : Mit Berücksichtigung Der Zweiten Haager Friedenskonferenz : primary source editionAmerican relations in the Pacific and the Far East, 1784-1900...Consolidation of schools and public transportation of pupilsThe Hindoostanee interpreterVon den Krankheiten des NervensystemsDie Principien des internationalen Privatrechts im schweizerischen PrivatrechteHet afrikaansch : bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der nederlandsche taal in Zuid-AfrikaDer Ursprung der künstlerischen ThätigkeitHandbuch der NaturgeschichteLife cycle costing and local government purchasingThe history of the Royal Irish ConstabularyDie Deutsche Schule, volume 10-- : Nationalsozialistischer Lehrerbund. Reichsfachschaft 4: Volksschule, Volksschulen, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher LehrerverbändeA new dictionary English and Dutch (Dutch and English)"Ways that are dark" : some chapters on Chinese etiquette and social procedureToward a general theory of human judgmentCalendar of the state papers relating to Ireland, of the reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary, and Elisabeth [i.e. Elizabeth] : preserved in the Public Department of Her Majesty's Public Record Office. 1574-1585Kitb [i.e. Kitāb] al-fiqh al-akbarHistoire de l'eglise de Corée : précédée d'une introduction sur l'histoire, les institutions, la langue, les moeurs et coutumes coréennes : avec carte e planches, volume 1...Histoire de l'art chez les anciensLeaves of grass : including Sands at seventy, Good bye my fancy, Old age echoes, and A backward glance o'er travel'd roadsInterdisciplinary industry-university collaboration : lessons from an operations improvement projectKarl Lachmann, eine BiographieIntercollegiate debatesThe English dialect grammar : comprising the dialects of England, of the Shetland and Orkney Islands, and of those parts of Scotland, Ireland & Wales where English is habitually spokenHertslet's China Treaties : Treaties, &c., between Great Britain and China; and between China and foreign powers; and orders in council, rules, regulations, acts of parliament, decrees, &c., affecting British interests in China, in force on the 1st JanuaryOn the laying out, planting and managing cemeteries : and on the improvement of churchyardsGrashalmePhilippe-AugusteThe Liber landavensis, Llyfr Teilo : or, The ancient register of the cathedral church of Llandaff; from mss. in the libraries of Hengwrt, and of Jesus college, OxfordDer Kindergarten : Handbuch der Fröbel'schen Erziehungsmethode, Spielgaben und BeschäftigungenN.F.S. Grundtvigs breve til hans hustru under EnglandsreiserneVon der Gesundheit der Gelehrten...La mission Hourst : sur le Niger et au pays des Touaregs ...On the coasts of Cathay and Cipango forty years ago : a record of surveying service in the China, Yellow and Japan Seas and on the seabord of Korea and ManchuriaLe mécanisme du fluteur automate: presenté a messieurs de l'académie royale des sciencesAn experiment in approval votingSmaakrifter om den historiske hoiskoleA living theatre : the Gordon Craig School the Arena Goldoni, the Mask; setting forth the aims and objects of the movement and showing by many illustrations the city of Florence [and] the ArenaDictionnaire historique d'éducationThe Life and letters of Frances Baroness BunsenIndian musicLes impôts directs sous l'ancien régime, principalement au XVIIIe siècleIl liber abbaciThe history of prison architecture--Calendar of the state papers relating to Ireland preserved in the Public Record Office. 1625-(1670)Die Sprachreste Der Draväno-Polaben Im HannöverschenExtracts from Harington's analysis of the Bengal regulationsFemmes de la Régence : Galerie de PortraitsLyrische BlumenleseThe equitable jurisdiction of the Court of chancery : comprising the rise, progress, and final establishment of the modern jurisdiction of the Court of chancery : to which is prefixed, a concise summary of the leading principles of the common law, so --Das Relativitätsprinzip : eine Sammlung von Abhandlungen, mit AnmerkungenThe medical profession in India : its position and its workDanskeren et ugebladPure logistics : the science of war preparation...Memoirs of Admiral Lord Charles BeresfordNotices of Sanskrit mss. 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JahrhundertsA yearbook of college debatingAround the world : volumes 1-2Anthropologie, Volume 2...Rural school consolidation; a bulletin of information issued by the Oklahoma State board of education.1911 ..Principles of accountingThe mystics, ascetics, and saints of India : a study of Sadhuism, with an account of the Yogis, Sanyasis, Bairagis, and other strange Hindu sectariansDie Eisenbahn-wagenbau in seinem Ganzen UmfangeKantillirende PeriodeLa France coloniale : histoire, géographie, commerceEthnographie du Tonkin septentrionalHospital plans, five essays relating to the construction, organization, & management of hospitals, contributed by their authors for the use of the Johns Hopkins Hospital of BaltimoreRelation historique du voyage aux régions équinoxiales du nouveau continentAn English grammar for higher grades in grammar schools: adapted from "Essentials of English grammar"Chironomia, or, A treatise on rhetorical deliveryPaul Claudel : le philosophe, le poète, l'écrivain, le dramaturge : suivi de Propos critiquesA companion to Latin studiesLibrary notesHandbuch der KirchengeschichteIndian epigraphy : the inscriptional bases of Indian historical researchThe works of Hubert Howe Bancroft : history of Alaska, 1886Das Recht auf den vollen Arbeitsertrag in geschichtlicher DarstellungLes bas-reliefs gréco-bouddhiques du Gandhâra----The lower AmazonEenige opmerkingen over het ontwerp eener nieuwe regeling van den privaatrechtelijken toestand der Chinese in Nederlandsch-IndiëMammalian physiology : a course of practical exercisesThe dawn of modern geography : a history of exploration and geographical science--Apologie des ministres des culte, qui ont prêté la déclaration exigée par la loi du 7 Vendémiaire an IVGeodesyLouis-Napoléon Bonaparte et la Révolution de 1848 : avec des documents et des portraits inéditsLetters of Franz LisztBenoît de Sainte-More et Le Roman de Troie, ou, Les métamorphoses d'Homère et de l'épopée gréco-latine au moyen-âgeUeber die Erkenntniss und Kur der Fieber : besondere Fieberlehre (1815)Zur vergleichenden Physiologie des Gesichtssinnes des Menschen und der Thiere : nebst einem Versuch über die Bewegungen der Augen und über den menschlichen Blick ...Risk, uncertainty and profitCatálogo de la Real ArmeríaThe India list and India Office list for ...The Australian in America : primary source editionLes devises des villes de France : leur origine, leur historique, avec les descriptions des armoiries et quelques reproductionsKatha sarit sagara : die Märchensammlung des Sri Somadeva Bhatta aus Kaschmir ... Sanskrit und DeutschAperçu general de l'education au JaponHans Sebald Beham : ein Kritisches Verzeichniss seiner Kupferstiche, Radirungen und HolzschnitteIntroductory economicsDie Kindersprache : eine psychologische und sprachtheoretische UntersuchungConsidérations sur le projet de loi relatif aux élections adopté par la Chambre des Députés--Verwaltungsorganisation und Ämterwesen der Stadt Leipzig bis 1627 --Die Notariatspraxis im Königreiche Sachsen : ein Handbuch für Notare und Advokaten, enthaltend einen Commentar zur Notariatsordnung vom 3. Juni 1859 nebst Formularen. Herausgeg. von Julius Herrmann Beschorner und Adr. Dr. Wehrmann in Leipzig ...Examen des principes de la constitution civile du clergé, ou du Réglement décrété par l'Assemblée nationale de France sur les formes extérieures du culte catholiqueThe peerage of Scotland : a complete view of the several orders of nobility, of that ancient kingdom; their descents, marriages, issue, and relations; their creations, armorial bearings, crests, supporters, mottos, chief seats, and the high offices they p[osess]Die Katharsis des Aristoteles und der Oedipus Coloneus des SophoklesThe position of the laborer in a system of nationalism : a study in the labor theories of the later English mercantilistsChristianity in Turkey: a narrative of the protestant reformation in the Armenian Church--Plato's Republic : the Greek textManual of library economy, issues 1-16--Classics of American librarianshipAbstract of laws relating to librariesVocabulaire et grammaire de la langue Géorgienne...Code des contributions directes, douanes et accises de la Belgique, en vigueur au 1er janvier 1871...Medical inquiries and observations containing an account of the yellow fever, as it appeared in Philadelphia in 1797, and observations upon the nature and cure of the gout, and hydrophobiaOld family letters : contains letters of John Adams, all but the first two addressed to Dr. Benjamin Rush; one letter from Samuel Adams, one from John Quincy Adams, and several from Thomas Jefferson addressed to Dr. Rush; "Letter of credence to the King"Dogmata theologica Dionysii Petavii e Societate JesuProceedings in connection with the annual meeting of the National Liberal Federation with the annual reportHistorische Grammatik der lateinischen Sprache : suppl. : Syntax des Nominativs und Akkusativs im lateinischenThe Panchatantra, a collection of ancient Hindu tales in the recension, called Panchakhyanaka, and dated 1199 A.D., of the Jaina monk, PurnabhadraHistorische Syntax der lateinischen SpracheMasks and minstrels of new Germany, part 395Laut- und Formenlere [!] der polabischen SpracheA selection of psalms and hymns for a parish churchA manual of dancing : suggestions and bibliography for the teacher of dancing--Oriental writing ; Greek writing ; Latin writing in generalHistoire moderneDocumentos presentados á las Cortes en la legislatura de 1898 por el Ministro de Estado ...La rose dans l'antiquité et au moyen age : histoire, légendes et symbolismeGebir, Count Julian : and other poemsMountaineeringEnglish autobiography its emergence materials and formTaxation : its principles and methodsThe truth about BulgariaDie Deutschen VolksliederHistory of the philharmonic society of London 1813-1912 : a record of a hundred years' work in the cause of musicIndia part III advanced economic geography of India and PakistanOeuvres complètesHow money is made in security investments: or, A fortune at fifty-five ...The Review of Reviews, volume 30Newspaper writing and editingLondonNovember boughsUeber die erkenntniss und cur der fieber : besondere fieberlehre : exanthemeA memoir of Baron Bunsen : late minister plenipotentiary and envoy extraordinary of His Majesty Frederic William IV. at the Court of St. JamesOrigine delle porte, strade, borghi, contrade, vie, vicoli, piazzuole, seliciate, piazze : e trebbi dell'inclita città di Bologna...The fronde : the stanhope essay, 1905...Les ducs de Bourgogne : ##tudes sur les lettres, les arts et l'industrie pendant le XVe si##cle et plus particuli##rement dans les Pays-Bas et le duch## de BourgogneBulgaria : an account of the political events during the Balkan warsA letter to Edmund Burke, Esq., member of Parliament for the city of Bristol, and agent for the colony of New York, &c., in answer to his printed speech, said to be spoken in the House of Commons on the twenty-second of March, 1775 : speech of Edmund Burke, Esq. on moving his resolutions for conciliation with the coloniesDiscours de J.P. Brissot, député, sur les causes des troubles de Saint-Domingue, prononcé à la séance du premier décembre 1791Catalogue of rare objects in brass, leathers and wood illustrating the art of old Japan : to be sold at unrestricted public sale by order of Bunkio Matsuki : the sale will be conducted by Thomas E. Kirby of the American Art Association--Sanskrit prosody and numerical symbols explainedSketches of bandit life : and other poemsAllgemeine Erdkunde : Vorlesungen an der Universität zu Berlin gehaltenThe ships and sailors of old Salem : the record of a brilliant era of American achievement...Genji monogatariVergleichende MärchenforschungenDie Erdkunde im Verhältniß zur Natur und zur Geschichte des Menschen, oder Allgemeine, vergleichende Geographie : als sichere Grundlage des Studiums und Unterrichts in physikalischen und historischen Wissenschaften. 3. Buch, West-Asien--Spinoza : conférence tenue a la Haye, le 12 fevrier 1877, deux-centième anniversaire de la mort de SpinozaGesangbuch zum gottesdienstlichen Gebrauche in den Stadtkirchen zu LeipzigUn grand armateur de Bordeaux, Abraham Gradis (1699?-1780)Henri II et l'Italie (1547-1555)Johannes a Lasco und der Sacramentsstreit : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Reformationszeit--The American-Hispano pocket guide of the world's fair, 1893 = Guia de bolsillo hispano-americana para la Exposicion ColombinaHistory of the medical professionRipostes of Ezra PoundFamine aspects of Bengal districtsThomas Nast : his period and his picturesAgricultural economicsLife cycle costing and local goverment purchasingHaandbog i Verdenshistorien : efter de bedste KilderRig-Veda-Pratisakhya, das älteste Lehrbuch der vedischen Phonetik--Le grand livre des peintres ou l'art de la peinture considéré dans toutes ses parties et démontré par principesMusée des Thermas [i.e. Thermes] et de l'Hôtel de Cluny : catalogue et description des objets d'art de l'antiquité, du moyen-âge et de la renaissance, exposés au MuséeGrove's dictionary of music and musicians : being the sixth volume of the complete workThe intercolonial : a historical sketch of the inception, location, construction and completion of the line of railway uniting the inland and Atlantic provinces of the Dominion, with maps and numerous illustrationsIndustrial relations and "humanware"--Japanese investments in automobile manufacturing in the United StatesAlphonse DaudetModern domestic medicineRemarks on the speech of the Earl of Ellenborough: in the House of Lords, on the Bengal petition against Act XXI of 1850, of the government of IndiaThe Thames and its tributaries; or, rambles among the riversMilitary geography for professionals and the publicContagious diseases; their history, anatomy, pathology, and treatment: with comments on the Contagious Diseases ActsModern woman : her intentionsA dictionary of the law of Scotland : intended for the use of the public at large, as well as of the professionMichael Vehe's Gesangbüchlin vom Jahre 1537 : das älteste katholische Gesangbuch : nach dem Exemplar der Königlichen Bibliothek zu HannoverThe purpose of American politiesAtlas von Vorder-Asien zur allgemeinen Erdkunde von Carl Ritter. Heft 1, Lief. 1Cheap repository tracts : entertaining, moral, and religiousDialogues en langue cochinchinoise : publiés à l'usage des commerçants et des voyageursHandlexicon zu den Quellen des römischen RechtsCharacteristicks of men, manners, opinions, times : in three volumesDe taalsoorten in het JavaanschPrimi elementi di economia politicaUeber die erkenntniss und cur der fieber : besondere fieberlehre : nervenkrankheitenHand-book of cyclonic storms in the Bay of Bengal : for the use of sailorsWilliam Makepeace ThackerayOrganisation du travailThe anatomy of the salamanderTheoretical biologyThe principles of German civil lawThe history of Londonderry, comprising the towns of Derry and Londonderry, N. H.A journey of literary and archæological research in Nepal and Northern India, during the winter of 1884-5Vocabulary and hand-book of the Chinese language : romanized in the Mandarin dialect = 英華萃林韻府A Middle-English dictionary : containing words used by English writers from the twelfth to the fifteenth centuryMittelenglisches Lesebuch, mit Glossar versehen von Arthur KolbingSpace and design requirements for wheelchair kitchensDas VerfassungsrechtA voyage to the North Pacific : and a journey through Siberia, more than half a century agoDictionnaire historique et artistique de la Rose : contenant un résumé, de l'histoire de la Rose chez tous les peuples anciens et modernes, ses propriétés, ses vertus, etc.Memoirs of the life and writings of the Rev. Claudius Buchanan, D.D., late vice-provost of the College of Fort William in BengalDas dichterische Kunstwerk : Grundbegriffe der Urteilsbildung in der Literaturgeschichte ...L'histoire du nouveau César : Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte, conspirateur : Strasbourg et BoulogneLes clausules métriques latines : primary source editionHealth care reform : do antitrust laws discourage cost cutters or defeat price gougers? : hearing before the Subcommittee on Antitrust, Monopolies, and Business Rights of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Third Congress, fi [sic]Towards a new theatre : forty designs for stage scenesKinderleben in der deutschen Vergangenheit : mit Abbild. u. Beilagen nach den Originalen aus dem 15-18 JahrnEight months' campaign against the Bengal Sepoy Army during the mutiny of 1857Introduction au droit comparé...Memoires de la Regence de S.A.R. Mgr. le duc d'Orleans, durant la minorité de Louis XV. roi de France : Enrichis de Figures en Taille-douceOne hundred years of Singapore : being some account of the capital of the Straits Settlements from its foundation by Sir Stamford Raffles on the 6th February 1819 to the 6th February 1919SpinozaMemoir on the cholera at Oxford, in the year 1854 : with considerations suggested by the epidemicItaliens neueste SchaubühneDe geschiedenis der Nederlandsche taal, in hoofdtrekken geschetstGesetz und Verordnung : staatsrechtliche Untersuchungen auf rechtsgeschichtlicher und rechtsvergleichender GrundlageMechanics of engineering : comprising statics and dynamics of solids : and the mechanics of the materials of constructions, or strength and elasticity of beams, columns, arches, shafts, etc.N.F.S. Grundtvigs poetiske skrifterJoachim Slüter's ältestes rostocker Gesangbuch vom Jahre 1531 und der demselben zuzuschreibende Katechismus vom Jahre 1525, herausg. von C.M. Wiechmann-KadowLay down your arms : the autobiography of Martha von TillingThe context of decision : a theological analysisL'art de la poterie : Japon--FranceThe ethics of Aristotle : illustrated with essays and notesL'art de raisonnerCamden's compliment to Walt Whitman, May 31, 1889; notes, addresses, letters, telegramsHegels Theologische Jugendschriften : Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831, Nohl, Herman, 1879-America.s national game : historic facts concerning the beginning, evolution, development and popularity of base ball, with personal reminiscences of its vicissitudes, its victories and its votariesLes ouvriers européens : études sur les travaux, la vie domestique, et la condition morale des populations ouvières de l'Europe, d'après les faits observés de 1829 à 1879Grammaire générale, ou, Exposition raisonnée des éléments nécessaires du langage, pour fervir de fondement à l'étude de toutes les languesDeutschlands Geschichtsquellen im Mittelalter seit der Mitte des dreizehnten JahrhundertsLe gallicanisme et la réforme Catholique : essai historique sur l'introduction en France des Décrets du Concile de Trente (1563-1615)Geschichte des gelehrten Unterrichts : auf den deutschen Schulen und Universitäten vom Ausgang des Mittelalters bis zur GegenwartL'Europa giovane : studi e viaggi nei paesi del nordSebald und Barthel Beham : zwei Maler der Deutschen RenaissanceEmily Dickinson : mystic and skepticJohn Rogers : the compiler of the first authorised English bible: the pioneer of the English reformation, and its first martyr : embracing a genealogical account of his family, biographical sketches of some of his principal descendants, his own writings,Standards for state and local compulsory school attendance serviceRichard Chenevix Trench, archbishop, letters and memorialsConference on industrial hygieneI lambertazzi e i geremei, o, le fazioni di Bologna nel secolo XIII : cronaca di un trovatoreHuman morphology : a treatise on practical and applied anatomyA treatise on the motion of vortex rings : an essay to which the Adams prize was adjudged in 1882, in the University of Cambridge : primary source editionAnnual report of the Bureau of Health for the Philippine IslandsL'idéalisme contemporainEisen- und Stahl-IndustrieRules of the High Court of Judicature at Fort William in Bengal, appellate sideAnti-Hobbes, oder, Über die Grenzen der höchsten Gewalt und das Zwangsrecht der Bürger gegen den OberherrnFinal report of the California World's Fair Commission : including a description of all exhibits from the State of California, collected and maintained under legislative enactments, at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893PoemasA selection from modern Chinese arts for the Panama-Pacific International ExhibitionHospitality-- : primary source editionThe children of the poorNitrification in soils and in solutionsMaleisch-Hollandsch woordenboekMontesquieu : bibliographie de ses oeuvresIntroduction à l'histoire du Buddhisme indienHeredity, variation and genius : with essay on Shakespeare : "Testimonied in his own bringingsforth" : and an address on medicine, present and prospectiveLouis BlancZealandia : A monthly magazine of New Zealand literature, Volume 1--Socialism and the servile state : a debate between Messrs. Hilaire Belloc and J. Ramsay MacDonaldRussian expansion on the Pacific, 1641-1850 : an account of the earliest and later expeditions made by the Russians along the Pacific coast of Asia and North America : including some related expeditions to the Arctic regionsA dictionary of the dialects of vernacular Syriac: as spoken by the Eastern Syrians of Kurdistan, North-West Persia, and the Plain of Mosul : with illustrations from the dialects of the Jews of Zakhu and Azerbaijan, and of the Western Syrians of Tur 'AbdiReport of the Bureau of Health for the Philippine Islands for the fiscal year from January 1 to December 31, 1914Das Itinerar Kaiser Heinrichs III. : 1039 bis 1056Alcuin of York : lectures delivered in the cathedral church of Bristol in 1907 and 1908Paris-diamant : nouveau guide...The effect of resource investment programs on labor employmentAnimal geography : the faunas of the natural regions of the globeThe Algonquin legends of New England : or, Myths and folk lore of the Micmac, Passamaquoddy, Penobscot tribesBischof N.F.S. Grundtvig und seine Bedeutung als PädagogCatalogue of Japanese artists' materialsMission problems and mission methods in South China : lectures on evangelistic theologyRapports sur les établissements d'instruction publique des départements au delà des Alpes (1809-1810)The fourth estate : contributions towards a history of newspapers, and of the liberty of the pressThe law of corporate securities as decided in the Federal CourtsSouvenirs of Madame Vigée Le BrunThe trial of Shama Charan Pal : an illustration of village life in BengalProtokolle des Verfassungs-ausschusses im oesterreichischen Reichstage 1848-1849Islands grammatiske litteratur i middelalderenL'accord parfait de la nature, de la raison, de la révélation, & de la politique, ou Traité dans lequel on etablit, que les voyes de rigueur, en matiere de r[e]ligion, blessent les droits de l'humanité, & sont également contraires aux lumieres de la raisonMusée des Thermes et de l'Hôtel de Cluny : catalogue et description des objets d'art--, exposés. (comm. des monuments hist.)La basilica di S. Petronio ed il concorso per la sua facciataMerrie EnglandLibro primero del manuscrito original del R.P. Anello Oliva, S.J. Historia del reino y provincias del per, de sus Incas reyes, descubrimiento y conquista por los espaoles de la corona de Castilla, con otras singularidades concernientes la historiaThe luck of Ginger CoffeyParadise lost : with variorum notes … and a memoir of the life of Milton …A review of the principles and conduct of the judges of His Majesty's Supreme Court of Judicature in Bengal, or, An inquiry into the causes that have obstructed or defeated the salutary ends proposed by the legislature in establishing this courtZeitschrift für deutsches Staatsrecht und deutsche VerfassungsgeschichteThe life of J.M.W. Turner, : -- founded on letters and papers furnished by his friends and fellow academicians, by Walter ThornburyKontrapunktische oder mehrstimmige PeriodeDe institutione grammatica libri tres : olim ab Horatio Tusellino [i.e. Tursellino] in compendium redacti--Tennyson's heroes and heroines. illustrated by M. Stone [and others]Hospitals, dispensaries and nursing : papers and discussions in the International Congress of Charities, Correction and Philanthropy, section III, Chicago, June 12th to 17th, 1893Argumentation and debateThe Buddhist legend of Jîmûtavâhana : from the Kathâ-sarit-sâgara (the ocean-river of story) dramatized in the Nâgânanda (the joy of the world of serpents), a Buddhist dramaInternational price comparisonsRules of businessIntroduzione allo studio dell'economia politicaMeine zweite WeltreiseFornander collection of Hawaiian antiquities and folk-lore ... : primary source editionCorrespondance de Le Coz, évêque constitutionnel d'Ille-et-VilaineThe messianic idea in Israel : from its beginning to the completion of the MishnahThe law of master and servantIn a Bengal backwaterLa villa Pompeiana di P. Fannio sinistore scoperta presso Boscoreale ... con una memoria di Felice BarnabeiArte del idioma maya reducido a sucintas reglas y semilexicon yucatecoDiscouoraging opportunistic behavior in collaborative R&D : a new role for governmentElements of Dutch grammarBeasts and men : being Carl Hagenbeck's experiences for half a century among wild animalsDas holländische kolonialreich in BrasilienArbor day in schools : an address given before the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, Feb. 1892. (with "discussion.")Dissertation de principio individuiThe young mountaineer: or, Frank Miller's lot in life, by Daryl Holme [ adapted from L. D'aulnay's enfant du guide].Woordenboek der Atjehsche taalHanes Cymru, a chenedl y Cymry, o'r cynoesoedd hyd at farwolaeth Llewelyn ap Gruffydd : ynghya a rhai cofiaint perthynol i'r amseroedd o'r pryd hynny i waeredDated book-plates (ex libris) : with a treatise on their origin and developmentLe mémoire de Mahelot, Laurent et d'autres décorateurs de l'Hôtel de Bourgogne et de la Comédie-française au XVIIe siècle ; pub. par Henry Carrington Lancaster ; ouvrage orné de quarante-neuf dessins originaux tirés du manuscrit de Mahelot et reproduits enLe théâtrè a la mode au 18e sìecle. (Il teatro alla moda) : traduction précédée d'une étude sur Marcello, sa vie et ses oeuvresPrize cases decided in the United States Supreme Court, 1789-1918, including also cases on the instance side in which questions of prize law were involvedModern Italy, 1748-1898--The aspirate, or, the use of the letter 'h' in English, Latin, Greek and GaelicStreifzüge eines Architekten : gesammelte AufsätzeAnnual reportDas RealitätsproblemKojiki : Tetsuz Tsukamoto 1881-1953Sainte Bible en latin et en français : traduction nouvelle d'après la Vulgate avec des nottes littéraires, criquites et historiques, un discours préliminaire, des prolègomènes et les diférences de l' hébreu et des Septante au bas des pages, volume 3 ...The universal exposition of 1904Stefan GeorgeN. F. S. Grundtvigs kirkelige syn 1825 : en historisk indledningThe art of painting in oil, and in fresco : being a history of the various processes and materials employed, from its discoveryActa Concilii constanciensis-- : Council of Constance (1414-1418)Gedanken zur HochschulreformOriginal papers relative to the disturbances in Bengal : containing every material transaction from 1759 to 1764Reise nach West-Sibirien im Jahre 1876 : auf Veranstaltung des Vereins für die Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt in Bremen unternommen mit Dr. A.E. Brehm und Karl Graf v. Waldburg-Zeil-TrauchburgIndustrial relations agenda for change : the case of the United StatesCyrus Hall McCormick : his life and workProceeding of the Select Committee at Fort William in Bengal. 1758Dizionario del diritto comune e venetoDell'antico studio di Bologna e sua origine ...Organography of plants : especially of the Archegoniatae and SpermaphytaThe mysterious stranger : a romamceThe shepheard's calenderThe works of Hubert Howe Bancroft : history of the northwest coastLawrance's Bengal law reports : being decisions of the High Court at Calcutta, and of Her Majesty's ... Privy Council on Indian appeals, 1868-75Die Echtheit des zweiten ThessalonicherbriefsArii e Italici : attorno all'italia preistorica, con figure dimostrativeForm problems of the gothicSokrates und die Ethik --Der LocomotivbauHarper's hand-book for travelers in Europe and the East : primary source editionHandbook of the law of trustsPrimary studies for nurses : a text-book for first year pupil nurses, containing courses of studies in anatomy, physiology, hygiene, bacteriology, therapeutics and materia medica, dietetics and invalid cookery ...Cours de langue annamiteInstitutionen des deutschen VerwaltungsrechtsAnregungen für Kunst, Leben und Wissenschaft : unter Mitwirkung von Schriftstellern und KünstlernDeutscher Liederhort : Auswahl der vorzüglicheren deutschen Volkslieder, nach Wort und Weise aus der Vorzeit und GegenwartUnity in variety, as deduced from the vegetable Kingdom: being an attempt at developing that oneness which is discoverable in the habits, mode of growth, and principle of construction of all plantsSome aspects of ThackerayEnglish folk-songsDer PojazLa Vie de Frédéric baron de Trenck ...Old Fort William in Bengal : a selection of official documents dealing with its historyBulletin : Weather Bureau... : Philippines Weather Bureau, Manila ObservatoryEccentric growth and the formation of redwood in the main stem of conifers...Masaoka Shiki shuA collection of treaties, engagements, and sunnuds, relating to India and neighbouring countriesCommentaries on the constitution of the Empire of JapanMechanics of the strength and elasticity of solids : being part Iiie of the Mechanics of engineeringThe great white Plague, tuberculosisMands minde 1788-1838: foredrag over det sidste halve aarhundredes historie, holdte 1838Les jeux du cirque et la vie foraine. illus. de Jules GarnierThe regulations of the Bengal code in force in September, 1862Notes historiques sur les biens communaux du canton de Varennes en ArgonneA voyage round the world : in the years 1803, 4, 5, & 6Des priviléges et hypothèques, ou commentaire du titre VI, livre III du code civilModern art : being a contribution to a new system of aestheticsMit einem Rückblick auf die früheren ZeitenPhilipp Otto Runge und Ludwig TieckPhysical education for secondary schoolsThe Polish peasant in Europe and America : monograph of an immigrant groupThe Bengal almanac, for 1827The carnivorous plantsBeppo, a venetian story [by Lord Byron] ....The Shakespeare apocrypha : being a collection of fourteen plays which have been ascribed to ShakespeareAluminum and aluminum alloys in the form of ingots, castings, bars, plates, sheets, tubes, wire and all forms of structural shapesJapanese commercial law : containing the law of bankruptcy, of partnership and companies and of bills of exchange, notes and checks in a systematic formGeschichten vom Rhein...Musée des Thermes et de l'Hôtel de Cluny : catalogue et description des objets d'art de l'antiquité, du moyen-âge et de la renaissance, exposés au MuséeComplete prose works : Specimen days and Collect, November boughs and Good bye my fancyDie frau : monatsschrift für das gesamte frauenleben unserer zeitChristianity as old as the creation, or, The Gospel, a republication of the religion of naturePhysical educationThe Cosmographiae introductio of Martin Waldseemüller in facsimile : followed by The four voyages of Amerigo Vespucci, with their translation into English; to which are added Waldseemüller's two world maps of 1507A doctor of the old schoolDer Karfunkel oder Klingklingel-AlmanachAn analysis of the non-verbal social behavior of a child in a kindergarten setting, by Jerome R. FreundSocialismus und christenthumAnnual report of the board of education and of the superintendent of schools...Friesch woordenboek : lexicon frisicumHistory of Arabia, ancient and modern : containing a description of the country - an account of its inhabitants, antiquities, political condition, and early commerce - the life and religion of Mohammed - the conquests, arts, and literature of the SaracensLa fin de la magnificence extérieure le roi contre les protestants (1555-1559)Francesco Carletti, mercante e viaggiatore fiorentinoModern doubt and Christian belief : a series of apologetic lectures addressed to earnest seekers after truthEditorial wild oatsFrance : report on French coloniesSales laws of Bengal, being the laws of sale for arrears of revenue, Patni rents and public demandReport to Congress on Japanese capital markets and global finance : regulation and liberalization of Japan's financial systemA short history of classical scholarship from the sixth century B.c. to the present dayThe works in verse and prose of Nicholas BretonSur Barbey d'Aurevilly : études et fragmentsCodex diplomaticus Lubecensis. Lübeckisches Urkundenbuch. Urkundenbuch der Stadt Lübeck. (Verein für Lübeck. Gesch.)Sunny memories of foreign landsThe campaign of TrafalgarPamphlets - Czech literature of the 19th centuryBengal under the lieutenant-governors : being a narrative of the principal events and public measures during their periods of office, from 1854 to 1898Orient und Occident, insbesondere in ihren gegenseitigen BeziehungenHistorical essays & studiesJustinus Kerners Briefwechsel mit seinem Freunden, jrsg.Walt Whitman : l'homme et son oeuvre : avec un portrait et un autographeAt the graveside of Walt Whitman : Harleigh, Camden, New Jersey, March 30th ; and, Sprigs of lilacGermania : Archiv zur Kenntniss des deutschen Elements in allen Ländern der Erde : im Vereine mit Mehreren...The grammar of the lotus, a new history of classic ornament as a development of Sun worship, with observations on the "Bronze culture" of prehistoric Europe, as derived from Egypt; based on the study of patternsAn Anglo-Saxon dictionary : based on the manuscript collections of the late Joseph Bosworth : supplementNeues teutsches Staatsrecht : von der teutschen Lehens-Verfassung--Deutscher Liederhort : Auswahl der vorzüglichern deutschen Volkslieder aus der Vorzeit und der Gegenwart mit ihren eigenthümlichen MelodienEquilibrium exit in stochastically declining industriesBriefe von Christian Garve an Christian Felix Weisse und einige andere Freunde --Publications de la Section historique de l'Institut royal grand-ducal de LuxembourgSeneca fiction legends and mythsThe administration of Bengal under Sir Andrew Fraser, 1903-1908Von kriegsnot und -hilfe und der jugend zukunft...Agriculture in Japan : a paper read by professor Koide before the Agricultural Section of the Royal Society, 11th June, 1918Natsume sosekiHistory of the lsland of CelebesHugo von Hofmannsthal : eine literarische StudieAttorney General A. Mitchell Palmer on charges made against Department of justice by Louis F. Post and others, volumes 1-2 : primary source editionNeue Studien : Bd. Studien zur KulturgeschichteHermann von HelmholtzDie Universität Bologna im MittelalterAnleitung für das Landvolk in Absicht auf seine Gesundheit : als der zweite Theil zu Tissots AnleitungJapan in Yezo : a series of papers descriptive of journeys undertaken in the island of Yezo, at intervals between 1862 and 1882N.F.S. Grundtvigs barndom og første ungdom (1783-1806)Atti e memorie : Deputazione di storia patria per le province di RomagnaThe individual delinquent : a text-book of diagnosis and prognosis for all concerned in understanding offendersGeneral Pershing's story of the American army in FranceEducation in SwedenPublic health in European capitals : Berne, Paris, Brussels, Christiania, Stockholm, and Copenhagen --Aristotelian studies: I. On the structure of the seventh book of the Nicomachean ethics, parts 1-10The ancient coinage of Southern ArabiaMeister Eckeharts Schriften und PredigtenCodex diplomaticus Warmiensis : oder Regesten und Urkunden zur Geschichte ErmlandsDes privilèges et hypothèques, ou commentaire du titre XVIII du livre III du code civilA dictionary of pratical [i.e. practical] medicine. 3 vols. (in 4)Idioticon van het Antwepsch dialect (stad Antwerpen en Antwepsche Kempen)The annals of the barber-surgeons of LondonLes Incas; ou, la destruction de l'empire du PérouLettres à M. 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