
Oxford studies in gender and international relations


Oxford studies in gender and international relations

Oxford University Press


The political economy of violence against women外部サイトComplicit sisters : gender and women's issues across North-South divides外部サイトEnlisting masculinity : the construction of gender in U.S. military recruiting advertising during the all-volunteer force外部サイトWho is worthy of protection? : gender-based asylum and US immigration politics外部サイトThe politics of gender justice at the International Criminal Court : legacies and legitimacy外部サイトWindows of opportunity : how women seize peace negotiations for political change外部サイトCosmopolitan sex workers : women and migration in a global city外部サイトA feminist voyage through international relations外部サイトThe beauty trade : youth, gender, and fashion globalization外部サイトFrom global to grassroots : the European Union, transnational advocacy, and combating violence against women外部サイトFrom global to grassroots : the European Union, transnational advocacy, and combating violence against women外部サイトScandalous economics : gender and the politics of financial crises外部サイトOut of time : the queer politics of postcoloniality外部サイトThe other #MeToos外部サイトRape loot pillage : the political economy of sexual violence in armed conflict外部サイトWomen as foreign policy leaders : national security and gender politics in superpower America外部サイトQueer international relations : sovereignty, sexuality and the will to knowledge外部サイトGender, UN peacebuilding, and the politics of space : locating legitimacy外部サイトRevisiting gendered states : feminist imaginings of the state in international relations外部サイトEqual opportunity peacekeeping : women, peace, and security in post-conflict states外部サイトIntelligent compassion : feminist clinical methodology in the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom外部サイトGender and private security in global politics外部サイトGender, sex, and the postnational defense : militarism and peacekeeping外部サイトRewriting the victim : dramatization as research in Thailand's anti-trafficking movement外部サイトBodies of violence : theorizing embodied subjects in international relations外部サイトCosmopolitan sex workers : women and migration in a global city外部サイトNarrating the women, peace and security agenda : logics of global governance外部サイトGendered citizenship : understanding gendered violence in democratic India外部サイトNarrating the women, peace and security agenda : logics of global governance外部サイトGendered citizenship : understanding gendered violence in democratic India外部サイトSupport the troops : military obligation, gender, and the making of political community外部サイトRevisiting gendered states : feminist imaginings of the state in international relations外部サイトOut of time : the queer politics of postcoloniality外部サイトFeminist global health security外部サイトCapitalism's sexual history外部サイトBuilding peace, rebuilding patriarchy : the failure of gender interventions in Timor-Leste外部サイトScandalous economics : gender and the politics of financial crises外部サイトEqual opportunity peacekeeping : women, peace, and security in post-conflict states外部サイトGender, UN peacebuilding, and the politics of space : locating legitimacy外部サイトTroubling motherhood : maternality in global politics外部サイトWomen as foreign policy leaders : national security and gender politics in superpower America外部サイトComplicit sisters : gender and women's issues across North-South divides外部サイトGlobal norms and local action : the campaigns to end violence against women in Africa外部サイト






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The political economy of violence against women
Complicit sisters : gender and women's issues across North-South divides
Enlisting masculinity : the construction of gender in U.S. military recruiting advertising during the all-volunteer force
Who is worthy of protection? : gender-based asylum and US immigration politics
The politics of gender justice at the International Criminal Court : legacies and legitimacy
Windows of opportunity : how women seize peace negotiations for political change
Cosmopolitan sex workers : women and migration in a global city
A feminist voyage through international relations
The beauty trade : youth, gender, and fashion globalization
From global to grassroots : the European Union, transnational advocacy, and combating violence against women
From global to grassroots : the European Union, transnational advocacy, and combating violence against women
Scandalous economics : gender and the politics of financial crises
Out of time : the queer politics of postcoloniality
The other #MeToos
Rape loot pillage : the political economy of sexual violence in armed conflict
Women as foreign policy leaders : national security and gender politics in superpower America
Queer international relations : sovereignty, sexuality and the will to knowledge
Gender, UN peacebuilding, and the politics of space : locating legitimacy
Revisiting gendered states : feminist imaginings of the state in international relations
Equal opportunity peacekeeping : women, peace, and security in post-conflict states
Intelligent compassion : feminist clinical methodology in the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
Gender and private security in global politics
Gender, sex, and the postnational defense : militarism and peacekeeping
Rewriting the victim : dramatization as research in Thailand's anti-trafficking movement
Bodies of violence : theorizing embodied subjects in international relations
Cosmopolitan sex workers : women and migration in a global city
Narrating the women, peace and security agenda : logics of global governance
Gendered citizenship : understanding gendered violence in democratic India
Narrating the women, peace and security agenda : logics of global governance
Gendered citizenship : understanding gendered violence in democratic India
Support the troops : military obligation, gender, and the making of political community
Revisiting gendered states : feminist imaginings of the state in international relations
Out of time : the queer politics of postcoloniality
Feminist global health security
Capitalism's sexual history
Building peace, rebuilding patriarchy : the failure of gender interventions in Timor-Leste
Scandalous economics : gender and the politics of financial crises
Equal opportunity peacekeeping : women, peace, and security in post-conflict states
Gender, UN peacebuilding, and the politics of space : locating legitimacy
Troubling motherhood : maternality in global politics
Women as foreign policy leaders : national security and gender politics in superpower America
Complicit sisters : gender and women's issues across North-South divides
Global norms and local action : the campaigns to end violence against women in Africa
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BB09394711 : BB09394711