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- The realism of dream visions : the poetic exploitation of the dream-experience in Chaucer and his contemporariesThe literary use of formulas in Guthlac II and their relation to Felix's Vita Sancti GuthlaciHenry James's psychology of experience : innocence, responsibility, and renunciation in the fiction of Henry JamesThe Anglican tradition in eighteenth-century verseEpinikion : general form in the odes of PindarThe epic voiceHarmony and the poet : the creative ordering of realityCeremony and art : Robert Herrick's poetryThe logic of fiction : a philosophical sounding of deviant logicRomantische Poesie : Begriff und Bedeutung bei Friedrich SchlegelSamuel Beckett's dramatic languageLe concept de littérarité : essai sur les possibilités théoriques d'une science de la líttératureRepresentative short story cycles of the twentieth century : studies in a literary genreMallarmé's masterwork : new findingsMolière as ironic contemplatorThe apostrophic gestureStructure and texture : selected essays in Cheremis verbal artShakespeare's verbal art in Th'expence of spiritThe forked tongue : a study of the translation processThree novels of Madame de Duras : Ourika, Edouard, OlivierChristopher Marlowe : poet and playwright : studies in poetical methodThe style of John Wyclif's English sermonsTheoretical semicsVowel undersong : studies of vocalic timbre and chroneme patterning in German lyric poetryThis our Caesar : a study of Bernard Shaw's Caesar and CleopatraForm in the Menschheitsdämmerung : a study of prosodic elements and style in German expressionist poetryThe creative self : aspects of man's quest for self-knowledge and the springs of creativityA grammar of stories : an introductionSamuel Richardson's theory of fictionThe knife in the stone : Essays in literary theoryModern satire : four studiesA metrical study of five lais of Marie de FranceThe metaphysics of Byron : a reading of the playsThe body politic : a political metaphor in Renaissance English literatureLa princesse de Clèves : the tension of eleganceD.H. Lawrence's bestiary : a study of his use of animal trope and symbolThe opposition critics : the antisymbolist reaction in the modern periodPatterns of reality : Elizabeth Bowen's novelsPoetries : their media and ends : a collection of essaysAn uncommon poet for the common man : a study of Philip Larkin's poetryJohn Crowe Ransom : critical principles and preoccupationsRhyme effects and rhyming figures : a comparative study of sound repetitions in the classics with emphasis on Latin poetryThree conquerors : Character and method in the mature works of George MeredithNarrative structure in the novels of Sir Walter ScottPoetic diction in the Old English meters of BoethiusThe homely web of truth : a study of Charlotte Brontë's novelsThe phenomenon of literatureThe notion of form in Kant's Critique of aesthetic judgmentSholom Aleichem : a non-critical introductionA study of rhythmic structure in the verse of William Butler YeatsThe Middle English Genesis and Exodus : a running commentary on the text of the poemArchaic logic : symbol and structure in Heraclitus, Parmenides and EmpedoclesSwinburne's poetics : theory and practiceOntology of the narrative : an analysisThe reader's art : Virginia Woolf as literary criticShakespeare's comic theory : a study of art and artifice in the last playsRencontres with the inanimate in Proust's RechercheA certain order : The development of Herbert Read's theory of poetryInwrought with figures dim : A reading of Milton's "Lycidas"Comic character in restoration dramaA reading of Gulliver's travelsRecurrence and a three-modal approach to poetryIch und Er : first and third person self-reference and problems of identity in three contemporary German-language novelsThe stylistic development of Edgar Allan PoeNicht-epische Strukturen des romantischen RomansEnglish formal satire : Elizabethan to AugustanUnity in BarsetshirePerspective and the poetic processThe morality-patterned comedy of the RenaissanceThe meaning of poetic metaphor : an analysis in the light of Wittgenstein's claim that meaning is useThe histories of Herodotus : an analysis of the formal structureThrough those living pillars : Man and nature in the works of Emile ZolaThe Bänkelsang and the work of Bertolt BrechtFrench epic poetry in the sixteenth century : theory and practiceMusils RomantheorieCentral still : circle and sphere in Thoreau's proseTallemant des Réaux : the man through his styleAn analysis of metaphor in the light of W. M. Urban's theoriesThe soul in paraphrase : George Herbert's poeticsLe langage poétique de Saint-John PersePerspectives of irony in medieval French literatureThe conflict of love and honor : the medieval Tristan legend in France, Germany and ItalyPoetic fantasy and fiction : the short stories of Jules SupervielleThe novels of Pierre LotiPoetic synthesis in Shelley's AdonaisThe Calvinist temper in English poetryThe word "sublime" and its context, 1650-1760Narrative purpose in the novellaThe art theme in Joyce Cary's first trilogyStyle : the problem and its solutionRussian cubo-futurism 1910-1930 : a study in avant-gardismPatterning in Shakespearean drama : essays in criticismThe crossroad of intentions : a study of symbolic expression in the poetry of François VillonThe inner structure of Wuthering heights : a study of an imaginative fieldPersonae and poiesis : the poet and the poem in medieval love lyricThe net of Hephaestus : A study of modern criticsm and metaphysical metaphorRhyme and meaning in the poetry of YeatsAutobiography in seventeenth-century England : theology and the selfToward a theory of context in linguistics and literature : proceedings of a conference of the Kelemen Mikes Hungarian Cultural Society, Maastricht, September 21-25, 1971This hell of stories : a Hegelian approach to the novels of Samuel BeckettA structural approach to the analysis of dramaThe technique of T.S. Eliot : a study of the orchestration of meaning in Eliot's poetryThe style of Nerval's "Aurélia"Structure in medieval narrativeNibelungen prosodyThe strong necessity of time : the philosophy of time in Shakespeare and Elizabethan literatureThe grotesque : a study in meaningsLyric forms in the sonnet sequences of Barnabe BarnesInsinuation : the tactics of English satireIllusion and reality : a study of descriptive techniques in the works of Guy de MaupassantSamuel Johnson's allegoryThe semantics of literatureThe Poetria Nova and its sources in early rhetorical doctrineThe exorcism of sex and death in Julien Green's novelsArt and the artist in the works of Samuel BeckettA theory of style and Richardson's ClarissaGiraudoux et la métaphore : une étude des images dans ses romansRussian formalism and Anglo-American new criticism : a comparative studyThe literary theories of August Wilhelm SchlegelThe Essays de méditations poétiques of frère Zacharie de Vitré : a study in baroque poeticsBeyond the structuralist myth of écritureLa phonostylistique du françaisThe theatre of Jean Mairet : the metamorphosis of sensualityStudies in theatre and drama : essays in honor of Hubert C. HeffnerThe influence of Richard Rolle and of Julian of Norwich on the Middle English lyricsHumanism and human racism : a critical study of essays by Sartre and CamusHölderlin's "Ars poetica" : A part-rigorous analysis of information structure in the late hymnsThe complex of Yvor Winters' criticismUntersuchungen zum serapiontischen Prinzip E.T.A. HoffmannsBoarding the ship of death : D.H. Lawrence's quester heroesDe Sade's quantitative moral universe : of irony, rhetoric, and boredomСмерть Владимира МаяковскогоSense at war with soul : English poetics (1865-1900)English verse : theory and historyForm and realism in six novels of Anthony TrollopeRenaissance landscapes : English lyrics in a European traditionWorlds apart : structural parallels in the poetry of Paul Valéry, Saint-John Perse, Benjamin Péret and René CharEmily Dickinson's use of the personaDeutung und Bedeutung : studies in German and comparative literature presented to Karl-Werner MaurerLiterature and its interpretationPoetry and truthA structural stylistic analysis of La princesse de ClevesAgainst language? : 'dissatisfaction with language' as theme and as impulse towards experiments in twentieth century poetryPuškin and his sculptural mythTypology and seventeenth-century literaturePoésie ininterrompue et la poétique de Paul EluardLe lyrisme dans la poésie française de 1760 à 1820 : analyse et textes de quelques auteurs'Their form confounded' : studies in the burlesque play from Udall to SheridanMetaphorical organicism in Herder's early works : a study of the relation of Herder's literary idiom to his world-viewSingle nature's double name : the collectedness of the conflicting in British and American RomanticismA structural analysis of Pound's Usura canto : Jakobson's method extended and applied to free verseChaucer and the theme of mutability
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- CiNii Books
- https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA01149218 : BA01149218