
Transportation research record v. 2673, issue 1 v. 2673, issue 2 v. 2673, issue 3 : [v. 2673, issue 4, set] v. 2673, issue 5 v. 2673, issue 6 v. 2673, issue 7 v. 2673, issue 8 v. 2673, issue 9 v. 2673, issue 10 v. 2673, issue 11 1496-1500 1501-1505 1506-1510 1511-1515 1516-1520 1521-1525 1526-1530 1531-1535 1536-1540 1541-1545 1546-1550 1556-1560 1561-1565 1566-1570 1571-1575 1576-1580 1581-1585 1586-1590 1591-1595 1596-1600 1601-1605 1739-1745 1861-1865


Transportation research record v. 2673, issue 1

National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board
Transportation Research Board, National Research Council
28 cm



Subtitle (journal of the Transportation Research Board) description based on no. 1988Title of v. 2673, issues 1-11: Transportation research record : j...


School transportation, bicycles, motorcycles and motor scooters外部サイトAdvances in trip generation and quantitative methods外部サイトCongestion, land use, growth management, and transportation planning外部サイトHighway safety, planning, young drivers, older drivers, Indian Nations, roundabouts, traffic law enforcement, and trucks and buses外部サイトSoil mechanics ; rutting in asphalt pavements , embankments on varved clays, and foundations外部サイトModeling and analysis of airport and aircraft operations外部サイトRigid and flexible pavement design外部サイトLand development simulation and traffic mitigation外部サイトNetwork analysis for policy and logistics外部サイトEconomics, demand management, and parking policy外部サイトPavement management and rehabilitation, 1990外部サイトGeotechnology外部サイトAdvances in travel behavior analysis外部サイトStatistical methods外部サイトVehicle safety : truck, bus, and motorcycle外部サイトEffects of geosynthetics on soil properties and of environment on pavement systems外部サイトSocial, environmental, and economic sustainability外部サイトUrban and rural bus services外部サイトTransportation of hazardous materials, 1988外部サイトConstruction外部サイトUrban and rural bus systems外部サイトAnalysis of pavement systems外部サイトPublic transit : current research in planning, marketing, operations, and technology外部サイトTravel demand models : application, limitations, and quantitative methods外部サイトFreight policy, economics, and logistics; truck transportation : freight transportation (multimodal)外部サイトManagement and maintenance of the infrastructure外部サイトPedestrians外部サイトPavement management activities外部サイトTraffic accident analysis and roadway visibility外部サイトMicrocomputers transportation外部サイトInnovation, winter maintenance, and roadside management外部サイトHighway safety data, analysis, and evaluation外部サイトTraffic flow theory and characteristics外部サイトTransportation needs, priorities, and financing外部サイトTransit terminals : planning and design elements外部サイトTransportation data and information systems : current applications and needs, 1990外部サイトDesign and testing of roadside safety devices外部サイトRoadway markings and traffic control in work zones外部サイトAirport terminal and landside design and operation, 1990外部サイトExpert systems for transportation applications外部サイトPavement design, evaluation, and performance外部サイトTransportation network modeling外部サイトSafety data, analysis, and evaluation外部サイトIssues in air transport外部サイトFourth international conference on low-volume roads外部サイトStructure foundations外部サイトGeological, geoenvironmental, and geotechnical engineering外部サイトRoundabouts外部サイトMarine transportation and port operations外部サイトInternational Symposium on Recent Developments in Concrete Fiber Composites外部サイトTraffic flow theory 2007外部サイトIssues in environmental analysis外部サイトPavement management; monitoring, evaluation, and data storage; and accelerated testing 2007外部サイトUrban travel forecasting外部サイトWork zones and maintenance operations外部サイトPublic transit : bus, paratransit, and ridesharing外部サイトSocioeconomic, sustainability, and human factors in transit外部サイトTransport and urban activity systems外部サイトFinance, pricing, economics, and equity issues外部サイトFreight systems外部サイトRegional transportation systems management and operations; managed lanes外部サイトEnvironmental issues : noise, rail noise, and high-speed rail外部サイトOperator education and regulation; safe mobility for older persons; traffic enforcement; occupant protection; alcohol and drugs外部サイトIntelligent transportation systems and vehicle-highway automation外部サイトData resources for national transportation decision making 1990外部サイトPavements外部サイトInfrastructure maintenance and preservation外部サイトPerformance of aggregates in railroads and other track performance issues外部サイトBridge design and testing外部サイトBus transit service strategies外部サイトPerformance measurement and strategic management外部サイトCurrent environmental research in transportation外部サイトGeotechnical engineering, 1990外部サイトFlexible pavement construction外部サイトTravel behavior外部サイトTransportation data, 1989外部サイトHuman factors and safety research related to highway design and operation, 1990外部サイトRelationships of transportation and land use, economic development, and intercity bus issues外部サイトCulverts and tiebacks外部サイトTraveler behavior and values外部サイトHighway and traffic safety : vehicles, behavior, and roundabouts外部サイトSimulation technology and traffic accident records systems外部サイトDemand-responsive transportation systems and other paratransit services : [papers]外部サイトTaxicabs外部サイトMarine transportation, marine enviroment, and port terminal operations外部サイトTransit bus maintenance外部サイトMotorcycles, trucks, buses, and roundabouts外部サイトFreeway operations; regional systems management and operations; managed lanes外部サイトTraffic control devices, visibility, and highway-rail grade crossings外部サイトHighway safety performance, statistical methods, and visualization外部サイトState and local transportation finance and cost allocation外部サイトTransportation demand management外部サイトTraffic flow theory, characteristics, and simulation models外部サイトHighway capacity and safety : 3 reports prepared for the 53rd annual meeting of the Highway Research Board外部サイトPlanning, accessibility, and parking外部サイトTransit management and replacement capital planning外部サイトFlow theory外部サイトTransportation economics : issues and impacts外部サイトMaintenance and preservation外部サイトOperator education and regulation; safe mobility for older persons; traffic law enforcement; alcohol and other drugs外部サイトInformation technology, geospatial information, and advanced computing外部サイトMobility and accessibility to transportation for the elderly and the handicapped外部サイトTransportation organization and systems planning外部サイトTransportation system management and parking外部サイトTransportation policy外部サイトEnvironment and energy外部サイトBridge maintenance, corrosion, joint seals, and polymer mortar materials外部サイトHydraulic erosion外部サイトWork-zone traffic control and tests of delineation material外部サイトPavement monitoring, evaluation, and data storage : strength and deformation characteristics : and surface properties--vehicle interaction外部サイトGeotechnical grouting外部サイトFuture of statewide transportation planning外部サイトNetwork equilibrium modeling外部サイトUrban transportation planning, evaluation, and analysis外部サイトAlternative fuels and technologies外部サイトManagement, performance, and quality of service外部サイトSafety management and school transportation外部サイトSoil mechanics外部サイトHydrology and environmental design, 1990外部サイトRailways外部サイトFreight modeling and logistics外部サイトInformation technology, geographic information systems, and artificial intelligence外部サイトFreight and passenger systems外部サイトGeographic information systems 1990外部サイトTransit management, marketing, and performance外部サイトWater transportation and port operations外部サイトRailroad transportation issues外部サイトHazardous materials transportation, work-zone traffic control, and traffic marking materials外部サイトDemand forecasting外部サイトMeasurement of pavement surface condition, 1990外部サイトIntelligent transportation systems and connected and automated vehicles外部サイトPlanning外部サイトDefining needs, managing resources, and technology transfer外部サイトMaintenance planning and managing roadside vegetation外部サイトBridge research, 1990外部サイトPavement testing and design外部サイトIssues, problems, and performance measures in airports and airspace外部サイトMotor vehicle technology assessment ; and motorcycle, moped, and bicycle use外部サイトBridge Engineering外部サイトRoad deterioration in developing countries and low-volume road engineering外部サイトSnow removal and ice control technology : papers presented at a Symposium, September 14-18, 1992, Minneapolis, Minnesota外部サイトGeometric design and operational effects外部サイトGlobal warming : transportation and energy considerations, 1990外部サイトTraffic control : signals and other devices外部サイトDeveloping countries外部サイトGeometric design and operational effects外部サイトDemand management and carsharing外部サイトTravel demand and behavior外部サイトTraffic law enforcement : occupant protection : alcohol外部サイトPortland cement concrete modifiers外部サイトTraffic accident analysis, visibility factors, and motorist information needs外部サイトGeotechnical engineering外部サイトOperator education and regulation; safe mobility for older persons; traffic law enforcement; occupant protection; alcohol and other drugs外部サイトResearch on noise and environmental issues外部サイトActivity and time use analysis外部サイトTransportation logistics外部サイトFreight transportation issues外部サイトRidesharing 1981外部サイトAsphalt mixtures and materials外部サイトDemand forecasting and trip generation-route choice dynamics外部サイトInnovative earth-retaining systems外部サイトAir quality外部サイトTransit planning and operations : issues and options外部サイトRoadside safety design外部サイトEnergy, alternative fuels, and climate change外部サイトEconomic analysis of transportation investments and economic development外部サイトData systems and travel survey methods外部サイトGeotechnical instrumentation外部サイトRailroads外部サイトTransit research developments外部サイトHuman performance and highway visibility : design, safety, and methods外部サイトAsphalt mix materials and mixtures 1990外部サイトSystem issues of concern to waterway operators外部サイトHighway facility design外部サイトSystems security, resilience, and emergency management外部サイトUrban traffic, parking, and system management外部サイトParatransit 1980外部サイトEnvironmental justice, social factors, and gender-related issues in transportation 2012外部サイトGeosynthetics, geomembranes, and silt curtains in transportation facilities外部サイトTransportation finance and economic analysis issues外部サイトSafety management, school transportation, and safety workforce development外部サイトUrban traffic systems and operations外部サイトFinance, pricing, economics, and economic development外部サイトDurability, strength, and analysis of culverts and tunneling machines外部サイトSafety maintenance and surface weather外部サイトSafety research : accident studies, enforcement, EMS, management, and simulation, 1990外部サイトRoundabouts and emergency evacuation外部サイトTransit : intermodal and capacity; light rail, commuter rail, and rail transit; and major activity center circulation外部サイトTraffic safety : roundabouts, trucks, older drivers, and traffic law enforcement外部サイトBus transportation strategies外部サイトUrban public transportation planning issues外部サイトGeometric design and the effects on traffic operations外部サイトPavement maintenance, 1988外部サイトMaintenance services and surface weather外部サイトTrucking issues 1990 : freight transportation外部サイトConcrete materials外部サイトPorts, waterways, rail, and international trade issues, 1990外部サイトIntersections of transportation and telecommunications外部サイトMarketing, fare policy, and transformative data trends外部サイトDesign and performance of flexible pavements外部サイトMaintenance and preservation of pavements外部サイトFuels外部サイトTrucks, buses, motorcycles, and mopeds外部サイトTraffic accident analysis and application of systems safety外部サイトGeomaterials外部サイトMaintenance and management of the infrastructure外部サイトHighway finance and management issues外部サイトCritical infrastructure protection and resilience; emergency evacuation外部サイトPerformance measurement, demand management, and issues of major U.S. cities外部サイトTravel survey methods外部サイトSustainability, energy, and alternative fuels外部サイトTraffic control devices and traffic signal systems外部サイトTravel behavior and values外部サイトMarine transportation, terminal operations, and international trade外部サイトPavement design外部サイトInformation systems, geographic information systems, and advanced computing外部サイトUrban goods movement : 12 reports外部サイトEnergy issues in transportation外部サイトPavement rehabilitation, strength and deformation characteristics, and surface properties-vehicle interaction外部サイトPublic-sector aviation issues : graduate research award papers, 1988-1989外部サイトAdvances in urban transportation planning外部サイトPlanning, management, and economic analysis 1990外部サイトRail replacement and maintenance management外部サイトStatewide data collection and management systems外部サイトTransit terminal facilities and urban rail planning外部サイトPassenger rail and terminals外部サイトPavement response, evaluation, and data collection外部サイトSubdrainage and soil moisture外部サイトHuman performance, simulation, and user information外部サイトEnergy and environment 1990 : transportation-induced noise and air pollution外部サイトMarine environment, safety, and human factors外部サイトCost-benefit and other economic analyses of transportation : 6 reports外部サイトOperator education and regulation; safe mobility for older persons; traffic law enforcement, and occupant protection外部サイトAsphalt : materials, mixes, and construction外部サイトEconomic and regulatory issues in intercity bus and other transportation外部サイトTraffic records, accident analysis, and traffic law enforcement外部サイトModern geotechnical methods : instrumentation and vibratory hammers, 1990外部サイトTraffic monitoring : automobiles, trucks, bicycles, and pedestrians外部サイトPedestrian programs and motorist services : 4 reports外部サイトUrban buses : planning and opetarions外部サイトHighway capacity and flow theory and characteristics外部サイトAnalysis, design, and behavior of underground culverts外部サイトQuality assurance : performance, sealers, and materials variation外部サイトSafety data, analysis, and modeling外部サイトStructures外部サイトTransportation systems : new technologies and automobile restricted zones外部サイトTransportation security; emergency response and recovery外部サイトUrban public transportation research, 1990外部サイトVehicle operators and pedestrians外部サイトTransit外部サイトTraffic flow theory and characteristics外部サイトTransportation system safety and project analysis外部サイトMaintenance management, 1990 : proceedings of a workshop, July 25-27, 1990, Jackson, Mississippi外部サイトMotorist information needs and visibiloty factors外部サイトHuman performance, information systems, simulation, and visualization外部サイトMarine transportation and international trade外部サイトTransportation systems planning and applications, 1990外部サイトHighway safety performance and statistical methods外部サイトFrost protection and insulation for transportation facilities外部サイトEffects of information and communication technology on travel choices外部サイトTransit issues and recent advances in planning and operations techniques外部サイトAirport capacity and operations外部サイトPedestrian and bicycle facilities外部サイトMarine environment, marine safety, and human factors外部サイトCrosscutting techniques for planning and analysis外部サイトConnected vehicles and cooperative systems外部サイトUrban freeway operations外部サイトRidesharing--transportation demand management外部サイトTruck transportation and safety issues外部サイトTransportation information systems, applications and uses外部サイトStatistical methods and safety data and analysis外部サイトSafety management; school transportation; young drivers外部サイトEnvironment and sustainability外部サイトTraffic flow theory and highway capacity外部サイトIssues in the provision of transportation services for the elderly and the handicapped外部サイトMaintenance and preservation of structures and equipment外部サイトPublic transportation and transit operations planning外部サイトBicycles外部サイトTraffic flow theory, characteristics, and highway capacity外部サイトTransportation of hazardous materials, 1989外部サイトMarine transportation and marine terminal operations外部サイトGeology and properties of earth materials外部サイトPrivate-sector involvement and toll financing in the provision of highways外部サイトTransit marketing and fare structure外部サイトHighway design外部サイトTraffic flow, capacity, roadway lighting, and urban traffic systems, 1990外部サイトDesign, management, and operation of pavements外部サイトApplication and management of accident data外部サイトPavement management and weigh-in-motion外部サイトEnergy and global climate change外部サイトExpert systems in transportation外部サイトSafety management, emergency management systems, operator education, school transportation, and older drivers外部サイトEconomic analysis of transportation problems外部サイトTravel measurement issues外部サイトTransportation programming, user benefit analysis, and vehicle licensing外部サイトCritical infrastructure, emergency evacuation, and logistics of disaster recovery外部サイトEconomic development, land use modeling, and transportation requirements外部サイトCrime and vandalism in public transportation : 5 reports prepared for the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board外部サイトFreeway opetations, railroad-highway grade crossing, and evaluating highway improvements外部サイトTransit : management, technology, and planning外部サイトTransportation data外部サイトParatransit and emerging technologies外部サイトRailroad regulation issues, rail passenger services, railroad bridges, and track maintenance management外部サイトStructural performance of pavement systems外部サイトTraffic control devices and rail-highway grade crossings外部サイトTrack, equipment, and safety外部サイトHuman performance, user information, simulation, and visualization外部サイトUrban public transportation : planning and service operation issues外部サイトRoadside design and management外部サイトSoil mechanics considerations in arid and semiarid areas外部サイトTraffic control devices外部サイトNetwork modeling外部サイトEnvironmental issues外部サイトBehavioral and social factors外部サイトPassenger travel demand forecasting外部サイトChip seals, friction courses, and asphalt pavement rutting 1990外部サイトPlanning applications外部サイトTransportation and land use planning外部サイトHighway safety performance外部サイトBehavioral responses to policy and system changes外部サイトHighway safety, behavior, management, and roundabouts外部サイトTraffic control devices and rail-highway crossings外部サイトRoundabouts, truck safety, motorcycles, and mopeds外部サイトHighway capacity and quality of service外部サイトArid lands : hydrology, scour, and water quality外部サイトData, survey methods, traffic monitoring, and asset management外部サイトPavement design外部サイトInnovative planning approaches 2007外部サイトTransportation forecasting 1990外部サイトSocioeconomic, sustainability, health, and human factors外部サイトAirport landside planning techniques外部サイトHydraulics and hydrology外部サイトRural public transportation : fifth national conference proceedings外部サイトAviation外部サイトArtificial ground freezing and soil stabilization外部サイトSafety : security, emergencies, management, and school transportation外部サイトHuman performance, simulation, and user information research外部サイトAsphalt materials and mixtures外部サイトEffects of information and communications technology on travel choices外部サイトTravel surveys, asset management, and freight data外部サイトTransportation education and training外部サイトTravel demand, mode choice, and system analysis : 7 reports外部サイトTravel demand forecasting外部サイトTransportation safety management外部サイトPavement system analysis外部サイトBridge design and performance and composite materials外部サイトImproving the quality and efficiency of transportation data外部サイトRevenue, finance, and economics外部サイトUser performance外部サイトPavement evaluation and rehabilitation外部サイトTransportation planning applications外部サイトStrategic management and productivity 2007 : including 2007 Thomas B. Deen distinguished lecture外部サイトRail rapid transit and planning tools外部サイトBituminous and nonbituminous materials of bituminous paving mixtures外部サイトEnergy demand analysis and alternative fuels外部サイトPavement management systems and rehabilitation外部サイトRest areas, wetlands, and hydrology外部サイトOperational effects of geometrics and access management外部サイトBridge engineering外部サイトUrban systems and traffic evaluations外部サイトEmergency evacuation and system vulnerabilities外部サイトPavement management and weigh-in motion外部サイトSocial and economic factors in transportation外部サイトClimate change and decarbonization外部サイトEnvironmental justice, social and economic factors, women's travel, and accessibility and mobility外部サイトBridge design, evaluation, and repair外部サイトTransit fare policies外部サイトVisibility for highway guidance and hazard detection外部サイトHighway safety management, Safety workforce development, School transportation外部サイトInnovations in travel survey methods外部サイトRevenue, finance, pricing, and economics外部サイトBituminous paving mixtures外部サイトTravel survey methods, freight data systems, and asset management外部サイトTraffic signal systems and regional transportation systems management外部サイトTransit : marketing, bus, and paratransit外部サイトHuman performance : infrastructure, information systems, and simulation外部サイトStructural design of bridges外部サイトHighway maintenance planning外部サイトSystems resilience and climate change外部サイトPlanning and parking外部サイトTransportation of hazardous materials, 1990外部サイトPlanning, demand management, and parking外部サイトTraffic control devices, 1983外部サイトWorking women and the aging : impact on travel patterns and transportation systems外部サイトTravel demand外部サイトGeotechnical engineering, 1989外部サイトPricing, economics, and finance外部サイトLow-volume roads外部サイトFinance, economics, and equity considerations外部サイトEconomic factors in the provision of transportation services外部サイトDesign of structures外部サイトStatistical methods and visualization外部サイトTransportation innovations : ridesharing techniques and public-private cooperation外部サイトSoil-structure interaction外部サイトFreeway management and operations外部サイトParking外部サイトSocial equity, gender issues, and mobility外部サイトEnvironmental issues in transportation : analysis, noise, and air quality外部サイトFreight transportation, modeling, planning, and logistics外部サイトRecent ridesharing research and policy findings外部サイトTransportation and energy外部サイトMethods for evaluating highway improvements外部サイトVisibility; work zone traffic controls; highway-rail grade crossings外部サイトSustainability and livability; economic, environmental, and societal impacts外部サイトHighway information systems, visibility, and pedestrian safety外部サイトVisibility criteria for signs, signals, and roadway lighting外部サイトPorous asphalt pavements : an international perspective, 1990外部サイトAsphalt analysis, sulfur, mixes, and seal coats外部サイトPavement and bridge maintenance外部サイトAir transportation issues外部サイトDemand management, parking, taxis, and accessible transportation and mobility外部サイトFinance, congestion pricing, economics, and economic development外部サイトUrban traffic systems外部サイトData and methods to understand travel外部サイトTraffic flow theory, simulation modeling外部サイトTraffic control devices, visibility, and rail-highway grade crossings外部サイトTransportation planning analysis used in small and medium-sized communities外部サイトNanotechnology in cement and concrete外部サイトInfrastructure maintenance外部サイトStatistical methods and highway safety performance外部サイトTransportation demand analysis and issues in travel behavior外部サイトGeometric design and operational effects外部サイトData systems and asset management外部サイトTunneling外部サイトSocial and technological issues in transportation planning外部サイトSoil engineering外部サイトNew transportation systems and technoloy, 1979外部サイトEffects of temperature and water on pavement performance外部サイトTransport supply analysis外部サイトCurrent issues in statewide transportation planning外部サイトPedestrians, bicycles, and motorcycles外部サイトTraffic flow, capacity, and measurements外部サイトConcrete and construction : new developments and management外部サイトBridge needs, design, and performance外部サイトMaintenance services, transportation weather, and winter maintenance外部サイトRigid and flexible pavement design and analysis : unbound granular materials, tire pressures, backcalculation, and design methods外部サイトAssessing pavement maintenance needs外部サイトSafety management外部サイトTransit management and services外部サイトTransportation forecasting : analysis and quantitative methods外部サイトForecasting外部サイトResearch and education外部サイトPavement management外部サイトPavement management and rehabilitation外部サイトIntelligent transportation systems外部サイトHuman performance, user information, and simulation外部サイトReinforced layered systems外部サイトSocioeconomic, health, and human factors外部サイトTransportation programming, economic analysis, and evaluation of energy constraints外部サイトHighway capacity, flow measurement, and theory外部サイトSchool transportation, operator education and regulation, and traffic law enforcement外部サイトAsphalt mixtures and asphalt chemistry外部サイトAsphalt materials and mixtures外部サイトParatransit, accessibility, mobility, and the sharing economy外部サイトConcrete pavement design and performance外部サイトFreeway operations and high-occupancy vehicle systems外部サイトFreeway operations外部サイトInnovations in ridesharing外部サイトMarine transportation, port operations, and intermodal freight外部サイトPerformance indicators, sustainability, and sosioeconomic factors外部サイトIssues in air transport and airport management外部サイトHousehold activities and consumer perspectives外部サイトSystematic approach to maintenance外部サイトSocioeconomics, sustainability, health, and human factors外部サイトHighway safety, school transportation, and emergency evacuation外部サイトTraffic signal systems外部サイトCarsharing, demand management, and parking外部サイトTransit pricing and performance外部サイトMaintenance operations : work zones, pavement markings, and weather外部サイトHighway safety, traffic law enforcement, alcohol, occupant protection, motorcycles, and trucks外部サイトFreight transportation research外部サイトAsphalt mixtures and performance外部サイトInformation systems, geospatial information, state data, and advanced computing外部サイトIssues in providing mobility for the transportation handicapped外部サイトTransportation energy--data, forecasting, policy, and models外部サイトMaintenance services外部サイトIn situ testing of soil properties for transportation外部サイトCapturing the dynamics of travel behavior外部サイトRoadside safety features外部サイトTruck and bus safety : roundabouts外部サイトUrban and traffic data systems外部サイトBus planning and operations外部サイトPavement roughness and skid resistance外部サイトTravel behavior analysis外部サイトPublic transportation 2018外部サイトUrban traffic management外部サイトUrban traffic systems and parking外部サイトComponents of bituminous paving mixtures外部サイトFinance and pricing外部サイトTransportation planning and automated guideways外部サイトRevenue and economics外部サイトTransit : intermodal facilities and capacity; light rail, commuter rail, and rail transit; and major activity center circulation systems外部サイトCement, admixtures, and concrete, 1990外部サイトTechnology transfer to transportation agencies外部サイトConsumer perspectives in travel choice and interactive travel data collection外部サイトTravel forecasting外部サイトSocietal and economic factors外部サイトMaintenance management, traffic safety, and snow removal外部サイトUrban signal systems and transportation system management外部サイトVisibility and highway navigation外部サイトEconomics, finance, planning, and administration外部サイトEnvironment外部サイトConcrete and concrete construction外部サイトSustainable practices, performance measures, and management外部サイトSocial economic, sustainability, and human factors in transit外部サイトPublic-sector aviation : graduate research award papers外部サイトCommercial fleet and transit network modeling外部サイトWinter maintenance and preservation外部サイトFreight operations外部サイトTraffic control devices for highways, work zones, and railroad grade crossings, 1990外部サイトPorts and waterways外部サイトBicycle transportation外部サイトNondestructive pavement evaluation and overlay design外部サイトMarine transportation and terminal operations外部サイトStatistical methods, safety data, analysis, and evaluation外部サイトEfficiency and effectiveness of pavement maintenance外部サイトEnergy, climate change, and alternative fuels外部サイトRail track and structures外部サイトBicycles and motorcycles外部サイトSafety issues : pedestrians, law enforcement, seat belts, elderly drivers, and economics外部サイトVisibility and work zone traffic controls外部サイトConcrete bridge design and maintenance : steel corrosion in concrete外部サイトConnected and automated vehicles外部サイトTraffic accident analysis : 4 reports prepared for the 53rd annual meeting of the Highway Research Board外部サイトBituminous materials and mixtures外部サイトTransportation and economic development 1990外部サイトDriver performance, pedestrian planning, and bicycle facilities外部サイトTraffic and grade crossing control devices外部サイトPavement evaluation and rehabilitation外部サイトDesign and operational effects of geometrics外部サイトPedestrian and bicycle planning with safety considerations外部サイトRoadside safety features外部サイトRecent advances in bus transit operations planning外部サイトInnovation in aggregate testing外部サイトTransportation planning, program and investment decision making外部サイトWinter maintenance, roadside management, and rating routine maintenance activities外部サイトManaging performance and assets; freight data and visualization外部サイト



  • School transportation, bicycles, motorcycles and motor scooters

  • Advances in trip generation and quantitative methods

  • Congestion, land use, growth management, and transportation planning

  • Highway safety, planning, young drivers, older drivers, Indian Nations, roundabouts, traffic law enforcement, and trucks and buses

  • Soil mechanics ; rutting in asphalt pavements , embankments on varved clays, and foundations





  • CiNii Research

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v. 2673, issue 1
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v. 2673, issue 11
28 cm
Transportation research record : journal of the Transportation Research Board