
Congressional Budget Office publications


Congressional Budget Office publications

United States. Congressional Budget Office
William S. Hein


Tax expenditures : budget control options and five-year budget projections for fiscal years 1983-1987, November 1982外部サイトDomestic content legislation and the U.S. automobile industry, August 1982外部サイトBalancing the federal budget and limiting federal spending : constitutional and statutory approaches, September 1982外部サイトAssessing the decline in the national saving rate外部サイトA profile of the Congressional Budget Office, September 1990外部サイトResponsibilities & organization 1990-1991外部サイトFinancing municipal water supply systems, May 1987外部サイトPolicy options for the teenage unemployment problem, September 1976外部サイトRural housing programs : long-term costs and their treatment, June 1982外部サイトManaging oil disruptions : issues and policy options, September 1981外部サイトOverview of the 1977 budget : an analysis of the President's proposals prepared for the House Committee on Appropriations, January 1976 (Revised February 1976)外部サイトMilitary retirement accounting changes, the administration's proposals, June 1978外部サイトAn analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1986, February 1985外部サイトCorporations in farming, February 1980, Senate Committee on the judiciary, subcommittee on antitrust, monopoly and business rights, hearings on the family farm act of 1979外部サイトCosts of manning the active-duty military, May 1980外部サイトThe Selective Service System : mobilization capabilities and options for improvements, November 1978外部サイトThe challenges facing federal rental assistance programs外部サイトChanging the structure of Medicare benefits : issues and options, March 1983外部サイトCountercyclical uses of Federal grant programs, November 1978外部サイトNursing education and training : alternative Federal approaches, May 1978外部サイトBudgetary cost savings to the Department of Defense resulting from foreign military sales, May 1976外部サイトThe disappointing recovery, January 1977外部サイトToll financing of U.S. highways, December 1985外部サイトUrban mass transportation : options for Federal assistance, February 1977外部サイトAn Analysis of President Carter's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1982, January 1981外部サイトFive-year budget projections, fiscal years 1977-81, January 1976外部サイトContaining medical care costs through market forces, May 1982外部サイトCurrent housing problems and possible federal responses, December 1988外部サイトHow changes in fiscal policy affect the budget : the feedback issue, June 1982外部サイトEconomic implications of rising health care costs外部サイトPresident Carter's energy proposal : a perspective, June 1977外部サイトThe teenage unemployment problem : what are the options?, October 1976外部サイトMedicare's disproportionate share adjustment for hospitals, May 1990外部サイトModifying military retirement : alternative approaches, April 1984外部サイトIndexing the individual income tax for inflation, September 1980外部サイトThe tax treatment of employment-based health insurance外部サイトSequestration report for fiscal year 1988, November 1987外部サイトStudent aid and the cost of postsecondary education外部サイトPlanning U.S. general purpose forces : the theater nuclear forces, January 1977外部サイトThe tax treatment of homeownership : issues and options, September 1981外部サイトThe START Treaty and beyond外部サイトFood and agriculture policy in the 1980s : major crops and milk, March 1981外部サイトThe economic and budget outlook : an update, September 1982外部サイトA Budgetary and economic analysis of the North American Free Trade Agreement外部サイトThe Hospital cost containment act of 1977 : an analysis of the Administration's proposal, July 1977外部サイトInequalities in the educational experiences of Black and white Americans, September 1977外部サイトAn Analysis of the President's credit budget for fiscal year 1985, March 1984外部サイトTrends in health spending : an update外部サイトThe Economic and budget outlook : fiscal years 1992-1996外部サイトFinal sequestration report for fiscal year 1995外部サイトStrategic defenses : alternative missions and their costs, June 1989外部サイトThe Export-Import Bank : implications for the federal budget and the credit market, October 1976外部サイトThe President's fiscal year 1978 tax expenditure proposals : [a report to the Senate and House Committees on the Budget as required by Public law 93-344], April 1977外部サイトThe productivity problem : alternatives for action, January 1981外部サイトAlton Locks and Dam : a review of the evidence, August 1976外部サイトFinancing options for the strategic petroleum reserve, April 1981外部サイトThe costs of defense manpower : issues for 1977, January 1977外部サイトThe effect of foreign military sales on the U.S. economy, July 1976外部サイトFinancing radioactive waste disposal, September 1982外部サイトBudgeting for Eximbank : a case study of credit reform, January 1990外部サイトForecasting individual income tax revenues : a technical analysis, August 1983外部サイトInflation and unemployment : a report on the economy, June 1975外部サイトThe Federal government in a federal system : current intergovernmental programs and options for change, August 1983外部サイトAggregate economic effects of changes in social security taxes, August 1978外部サイトAn analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1991, March 1990外部サイトOptions for change in military medical care, March 1984外部サイトIncluding capital expenses in the prospective payment system, August 1988外部サイトFive-year budget projections and alternative budgetary strategies for fiscal years 1980-1984, Supplemental report on tax expenditures, June 1979外部サイトOptions for federal civil service retirement : an analysis of costs and benefit provisions, December 1978外部サイトImproving the readiness of the Army Reserve and National Guard : a framework for debate, February 1978外部サイトInitial sequestration report for fiscal year 1987, August 1986外部サイトHealth differentials between white and nonwhite Americans, September 1977外部サイトHow federal policies affect the steel industry, February 1987外部サイトPhysician extenders : their current and future role in medical care delivery, April 1979外部サイトReducing the deficit : spending and revenue options外部サイトEmployment and training programs, May 1976外部サイトFood and agriculture policy options, February 1977外部サイトForest Service timber sales : their effect on wood product prices, May 1980外部サイトInitial sequestration report for fiscal year 1991, August 1990外部サイトThe economic and budget outlook : an update : a report to the senate and the house committees on the budget, as required by public law 93-344外部サイトTactical combat forces of the United States Air Force : issues and alternatives, April 1985外部サイトFinal sequestration report for fiscal year 1989, October 1988外部サイトThe NASA program in the 1990s and beyond, May 1988外部サイトThe economic and budget outlook : fiscal years 1988-1992, January 1987外部サイトFive-year budget projections : fiscal year 1978-1982--technical background, December 1976外部サイトThe role of aid to medical, osteopathic, and dental students in a new health manpower education policy, August 1976外部サイトRetirement income for an aging population, August 1987外部サイトClosing the fiscal policy loop : a long-run analysis, December 1977外部サイトUnemployment insurance : financial condition and options for change, June 1983外部サイトU.S. raw materials policy : problems and possible solutions, December 1976外部サイトFederal white collar employees--their pay and fringe benefits, April 1979外部サイトReplacing oil and natural gas with coal : prospects in the manufacturing industries, August 1978外部サイトEfficient investments in wastewater treatment plants, June 1985外部サイトThe economic impact of oil import reductions, December 1978外部サイトCity need and the responsiveness of Federal grants programs, August 1978外部サイトSocial security benefits for students, May 1977外部サイトProspects for medicare's hospital insurance trust fund, March 1983外部サイトData base for credit reform, December 1989外部サイトCatastrophic medical expenses : patterns in the non-elderly, non-poor population, December 1982外部サイトEnvironmental regulations and economic efficiency, March 1985外部サイトFederal subsidies for public housing : issues and options, June 1983外部サイトFuture budget requirements for the 600-ship Navy, September 1985外部サイトLoan guarantees : current concerns and alternatives for control : [a compilation of staff working papers], January 1979外部サイトManpower for a 600-ship Navy : costs and policy alternatives, August 1983外部サイトFederal agency summaries a supplement to federal liabilities under hazardous waste laws, May 1990外部サイトThe Legal Services Corporation--budgetary issues and alternative Federal approaches, July 1977外部サイトThe effect of inflation on Federal expenditures, June 1976外部サイトThe federal role in state industrial development programs, July 1984外部サイトShort-run measures to stimulate the economy, March 1977外部サイトU.S. uranium enrichment : options for a competitive program, October 1985外部サイトBudgeting for defense inflation, January 1986外部サイトBaseline budget projections : fiscal years 1982-1986, July 1981外部サイトDisplaced workers : trends in the 1980s and implications for the future外部サイトAn Analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1995外部サイトPromoting employment and maintaining incomes with unemployment insurance, March 1985外部サイトFederal taxation of tobacco, alcoholic beverages, and motor fuels, June 1990外部サイトThe outlook for economic recovery, February 1983外部サイトThe economic outlook, February 1978外部サイトThe Law Enforcement Assistance Administration : options for reauthorization, May 1979外部サイトStrategic and critical nonfuel minerals : problems and policy alternatives, August 1983外部サイトInterpreting early warnings of inflation : a study of statistical indicators, September 1977外部サイトThe economic and budget outlook : an update, August 1988外部サイトModernizing the aerial tanker fleet : prospects for capacity, timing, and cost, September 1985外部サイトAuctioning radio spectrum licenses外部サイトContracting out : potential for reducing federal costs, June 1987外部サイトCobalt : policy options for a strategic mineral, September 1982外部サイトThe status of the airport and airway trust fund, December 1988外部サイトUsing performance measures in the federal budget process外部サイトThe Economic impact of a solvency crisis in the insurance industry外部サイトYouth unemployment : the outlook and some policy strategies, April 1978外部サイトAn analysis of President Reagan's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1990, February 1989外部サイトTax subsidies for medical care : current policies and possible alternatives, January 1980外部サイトGrowth of government spending for income assistance : a matter of choice, December 1975外部サイトDirect federal action on oil imports : an analysis of import fees and quotas, June 1978外部サイトSequestration report for fiscal year 1988; notice, October 1987外部サイトThe budgetary status of the Federal Reserve System, February 1985外部サイトFinancial options for the highway trust fund, December 1982外部サイトReducing the deficit : spending and revenue options, February 1990外部サイトUsing federal R&D to promote commercial innovation, April 1988外部サイトThe economic and budget outlook : an update, August 1983外部サイトThe Economic and budget outlook : fiscal years 1995-1999外部サイトThe effect of OPEC oil pricing on output, prices, and exchange rates in the United States and other industrial countries, February 1981外部サイトWelfare reform : issues, objectives, and approaches, July 1977外部サイトModernizing U.S. strategic offensive forces : the administration's program and alternatives, May 1983外部サイトAn analysis of special pension benefits for the veterans & survivors of World War I, March 1978, veterans' and Survivors' pension improvement act of 1978外部サイトU.S. air and ground conventional forces for NATO : firepower issues, March 1978外部サイトHow capital gains tax rates affect revenues : the historical evidence, March 1988外部サイトFinancial condition of the U.S. electric utility industry, March 1986外部サイトVeterans' educational benefits : issues concerning the GI bill, October 1978外部サイトInternational balance of payments financing and the budget process, August 1977外部サイトBudgetary strategies for fiscal years 1979-1983, February 1978外部サイトU.S. air and ground conventional forces for NATO : mobility and logistics issues, March 1978外部サイトHazardous waste management : recent changes and policy alternatives, May 1985外部サイトThe economic and budget outlook : an update, August 1986外部サイトPlanning U.S. general purpose forces : overview, January 1977外部サイトCharging for federal services, December 1983外部サイトPolicy choices for long-term care外部サイトResponsibilities and organization of the CBO外部サイトCleaning up the Department of Energy's nuclear weapons complex外部サイトContracting out for federal support services : potential savings and budgetary impacts, October 1982外部サイトFederal credit activity : an analysis of the President's credit budget for 1981, February 1980外部サイトA Review of the Department of Defense, December 31, 1982 : selected acquisition report (SARs), August 1983外部サイトReal growth and decline in defense operating costs : fiscal year 1978, June 1977外部サイトPublic employment and training assistance : alternative Federal approaches, February 1977外部サイトGovernment-sponsored enterprises and their implicit federal subsidy : the case of Sallie Mae, December 1985外部サイトRising health care costs : causes, implications, and strategies外部サイトTax expenditures : current issues and five-year budget projections for fiscal years 1982-1986, September 1981外部サイトReducing the federal deficit : strategies and options, February 1982外部サイトFederal credit activities : an overview of the president's credit budget for fiscal year 1983, March 1982外部サイトFederal support for R & D and innovation, April 1984外部サイトFinancing U.S. airports in the 1980's, April 1984外部サイトConcurrent weapons development and production, August 1988外部サイトEffects of eliminating public service employment, June 1981外部サイトFive-year budget projections : fiscal years 1979-1983, December 1977外部サイトSequestration report for fiscal year 1986, January 1986外部サイトSources of support for adolescent mothers, September 1990外部サイトInteractions among programs providing benefits to individuals : secondary effects on the budget, May 1982外部サイトHousing assistance for low- and moderate-income families, February 1977外部サイトForeign military sales and U.S. weapons costs, May 1976外部サイトArmy air defense for forward areas : strategies and costs, June 1986外部サイトThe Mortgage Subsidy Bond Tax Act of 1980 : experience under the permanent rules, March 1982外部サイトThe effects of tax reform on tax expenditures, March 1988外部サイトThe Federal deficit : does it measure the government's effect on national saving?, March 1990外部サイトUpdated estimates of Medicare's catastrophic drug insurance program, October 1989外部サイトFederal energy research : an analysis of fiscal year 1977 program funding levels and alternative budget paths through fiscal year 1986, September 1976外部サイトBudget options for fiscal year 1977 : a report to the Senate and House Committees on the Budget, March 1976外部サイトFederal law enforcement assistance : alternative approaches, April 1978外部サイトBudgetary treatment of deposit insurance : a framework for reform外部サイトCommercialization of synthetic fuels : alternative loan guarantee and price support programs, January 1976外部サイトManaged competition and its potential to reduce health spending外部サイトThe effects of import quotas on the steel industry, July 1984外部サイトElementary, secondary and vocational education : an examination of alternative federal roles, January 1977外部サイトEffects of adopting a value-added tax外部サイトConference on the Economics of Federal Credit Activity : part I--Proceedings, December 1980外部サイトU.S. ground forces : design and cost alternatives for NATO and non-NATO contingencies, December 1980外部サイトAssessing the effectiveness of milestone budgeting, July 1987外部サイトSequestration report for fiscal year 1989, August 1988外部サイトBaseline budget projections for fiscal years 1985-1989, February 1984外部サイトThe Fiscal policy response to inflation, January 1979外部サイトOptions for improving munitions sustainability : a summary, December 1989外部サイトCommunity development block grants : reauthorization issues, April 1980外部サイトRisks and benefits of building the Superconducting Super Collider, October 1988外部サイトOptions for paying military physicians, July 1990外部サイトFinal sequestration report for fiscal year 1991外部サイトFederal financial reporting : accrual accounting and the budget, June 1977外部サイトIndexing capital gains, August 1990外部サイトThe B-1B bomber and options for enhancements, August 1988外部サイトU.S. projection forces : requirements, scenarios, and options, April 1978外部サイトThe railroad retirement system : benefits and financing, December 1981外部サイトRecovery with inflation, July 1977外部サイトThe economic and budget outlook : fiscal years 1991-1995, January 1990外部サイトOperation and support costs for the Department of Defense, July 1988外部サイトAn Analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1992外部サイトU.S. ground forces and the conventional balance in Europe, June 1988外部サイトU.S. tactical air forces : overview and alternative forces, fiscal years, 1976-81, April 1976外部サイトU.S. airlift forces : enhancement alternatives for NATO and non-NATO contingencies, April 1979外部サイトBarriers to urban economic development, May 1978外部サイトStrategic command, control, and communications : alternative approaches for modernization, October 1981外部サイトCommodity initiatives of less developed countries : U.S. responses and costs, May 1977外部サイトAn analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1980, January 1979外部サイトEnhancing U.S. security through foreign aid外部サイトFarm revenue insurance : an alternative risk-management option for crop farmers, August 1983外部サイトThe food stamp program : income or food supplementation, January 1977外部サイトEnergy policy alternatives, January 1977外部サイトNatural gas price decontrol : a comparison of two bills, November 1983外部サイトThe impact of PSROs on health-care costs : update of CBO's 1979 evaluation, January 1981外部サイトThe housing finance system and federal policy : recent changes and options for the future, October 1983外部サイトAn Analysis of President Reagan's budget revisions for fiscal year 1982, March 1981外部サイトHow health care reform affects pharmaceutical research and development外部サイトFederal credit activities : an analysis of President Reagan's credit budget for 1982, April 1981外部サイトReducing the deficit : spending and revenue options外部サイトThe Economic and budget outlook : fiscal years 1993-1997外部サイトResolving the thrift crisis外部サイトEnergy development, local growth, and the Federal role, June 1980外部サイトThe economic and budget outlook : fiscal years 1987-1991, February 1986外部サイトU.S. Government involvement in commercial exports : program goals and budgetary costs, November 1977外部サイトCompensation reform for Federal white-collar employees : the administration's proposal and budgetary options for 1981, May 1980外部サイトAn Analysis of congressional budget estimates for fiscal years 1980-1982, June 1984外部サイトYouth employment and education : possible Federal approaches, July 1980外部サイトThe GATT negotiations and U.S. trade policy, June 1987外部サイトDelays in nuclear reactor licensing and construction : the possibilities for reform, March 1979外部サイトThe outlook for farm commodity program spending, fiscal years 1991-1996外部サイトReducing the Federal budget : strategies and examples, February 1980外部サイトWho pays for highways : is a new study of highway cost allocation needed?, September 1978外部サイトThe Federal budget for public works infrastructure, July 1985外部サイトSubsidies under medicare and the potential for disenrollment under a voluntary catastrophic program, September 1989外部サイトPlanning U.S. general purpose forces : the Navy, December 1976外部サイトReducing the deficit : spending and revenue options, March 1986外部サイトCongressional Budget Office list of publications, 1986外部サイトCivil service retirement : financing and costs, May 1981外部サイトWorking papers on major budget and program issues in selected health programs, December 1976外部サイトProfile of health-care coverage : the haves and have-nots, March 1979外部サイトChanges in the living arrangements of the elderly : 1960-2030, March 1988外部サイトU.S. shipping and shipbuilding : trends and policy choices, August 1984外部サイトWork-related programs for welfare recipients, April 1987外部サイトHousing finance : Federal programs and issues, September 1976外部サイトReducing the deficit : spending and revenue options, February 1989外部サイトAn Analysis of the President's credit budget for fiscal year 1984, March 1983外部サイトConference on the Economics of Federal Credit Activity : part II--Papers, September 1981外部サイトThe number of Federal employees engaged in regulatory activities, August 1976外部サイトFederal constraints on state and local government actions, April 1979外部サイトPlanning U.S. general purpose forces : Army procurement issues, December 1976外部サイトThe interstate highway system : issues and options, June 1982外部サイトFederal liabilities under hazardous waste laws, May 1990外部サイトLong-term care for the elderly and disabled, February 1977外部サイトPolicies for reducing the current-account deficit, August 1989外部サイトHighway assistance programs : a historical perspective, February 1978外部サイトNuclear reprocessing and proliferation : alternative approaches and their implications for the Federal budget, May 1977外部サイトEfficient investments in water resources : issues and options, August 1983外部サイトAn Analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1985, February 1984外部サイトAgricultural progress in the Third World and its effect on U.S. farm exports, May 1989外部サイトAn evaluation of the strategic petroleum reserve : [a report], June 1980外部サイトProceedings of the Conference on the Future of Medicare, February 19884外部サイトThe Federal buildings program : authorization and budgetary alternatives, June 1983外部サイトSalt II and the costs of modernizing U.S. strategic forces, September 1979外部サイトCETA reauthorization issues, August 1978外部サイトControlling the risks of government-sponsored enterprises外部サイトPhasing down antirecession programs : fiscal year 1979 budget issues, November 1978外部サイトThe total costs of cleaning up nonfederal superfund sites外部サイトAssisting the developing countries : foreign aid and trade policies of the United States, September 1980外部サイトTax policy for pensions and other retirement saving, April 1987外部サイトProjections of national health expenditures外部サイトBudget options for the youth employment problem, March 1977外部サイトImproving the air traffic control system : an assessment of the National Airspace System Plan, August 1983外部サイトTax expenditures : current issues and five-year budget projections for fiscal years 1984-1988, October 1983外部サイトSmall issue industrial revenue bonds, April 1981 (revised September 1981)外部サイトU. S. costs of verification and compliance under pending arms treaties, September 1990外部サイトUrban transportation for handicapped persons : alternative federal approaches, November 1979外部サイトCapping federal pay : alternative pay adjustments for fiscal year 1979, August 1978外部サイトWork and retirement : options for continued employment of older workers, July 1982外部サイトRapid deployment forces : policy and budgetary implications, February 1983外部サイトCredit reform : comparable budget costs for cash and credit, December 1989外部サイトThe growth of federal user charges外部サイトNaval combat aircraft : issues and options, November 1987外部サイトAn Analysis of the administration's health proposal外部サイトFive-year budget projections and alternative budgetary strategies for fiscal years 1980-1984 : technical background, April 1979外部サイトPoverty status of families under alternative definitions of income, June 1977外部サイトZero-based budgeting pilot tests, June 1977, Department of Housing and Urban Development-independent agencies appropriation bill, 1978外部サイトElimination of double tax benefits for military homeowners, March 1986外部サイトIndex to the legislative history of the Congressional budget and impoundment control act of 1974, September 1980外部サイトReducing the Federal budget : strategies and examples, fiscal years 1982-1986, February 1981外部サイトUnemployment compensation : a background report, December 1976外部サイトRetaliatory issues for the U.S. strategic nuclear forces, June 1978外部サイトThe Clean Air Act, the electric utilities, and the coal market, April 1982外部サイトSynthetic fuels, September 1979外部サイトFederal assistance for postsecondary education : options for fiscal year 1979, May 1978外部サイトMoving the Marine Corps by sea in the 1990s, October 1989外部サイトFederal subsidies for rail passenger service : an assessment of Amtrak, July 1982外部サイトEntering the 1980s : fiscal policy choices, January 1980外部サイトCrop price-support programs : policy options for contemporary agriculture, February 1984外部サイトHow the economic transformations in Europe will affect the United States外部サイトTrends in public investment, December 1987外部サイトThe CBO hospital cost containment model : a technical analysis, February外部サイトFederal civilian employment, December 1987外部サイトShaping the general purpose Navy of the eighties : issues for fiscal years 1981-1985, January 1980外部サイトThe economic and budget outlook : an update, August 1987外部サイトTemporary measures to stimulate employment : an evaluation of some alternatives, September 1975外部サイトPublic works infrastructure : policy considerations for the 1980s, April 1983外部サイトReducing the deficit : spending and revenue options, February 1985外部サイトFarm program flexibility : an analysis of the triple base option, December 1989外部サイトAn analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1987, February 1986外部サイトReal estate tax shelter subsidies and direct subsidy alternatives, May 1977外部サイトThe economic effects of reduced defense spending外部サイトThe Army of the nineties : how much will it cost?, December 1986外部サイトBaseline budget projections for fiscal years 1983-1987, February 1982外部サイトEmployment subsidies and employment tax credits, April 1977外部サイトTax expenditures : current issues and five-year budget projections for fiscal years 1981-1985, April 1980外部サイトFederal home loan banks in the housing finance system外部サイトReducing the reserves of the federal employees health benefits program, June 1981外部サイトState profits on tax-exempt student loan bonds : analysis and options, March 1980外部サイトThe U.S. sea control mission : forces, capabilities, and requirements, June 1977外部サイトSetting space transportation policy for the 1990s, October 1986外部サイトThe Economic effects of the savings & loan crisis外部サイトHealth plannings, issues for reauthorization, March 1982外部サイトEffects of weapons procurement stretch-outs on costs and schedules, November 1987外部サイトEstimating outlays for the interest on the public debt, October 1977外部サイトExecutive compensation in the Federal government, January 1977外部サイトBaby boomers in retirement : an early perspective外部サイトNew approaches to the budgetary treatment of federal credit assistance, March 1984外部サイトProposition 13, its impact on the Nation's economy, Federal revenues, and Federal expenditures, July 1978外部サイトThe decontrol of domestic oil prices : an overview, May 1979外部サイトCapital gains taxes in the short run外部サイトU.S. air and ground conventional forces for NATO : air defense issues, March 1978外部サイトTrends in educational achievement, April 1986外部サイトReducing the deficit : spending and revenue options, February 1984外部サイトReforming federal deposit insurance, September 1990外部サイトCarbon charges as a response to global warming : the effects of taxing fossil fuels, August 1990外部サイトAn econometric model of unemployment insurance tax receipts, August 1977外部サイトPlanning U.S. strategic nuclear forces for the 1980s, June 1978外部サイトThe CBO multipliers project : a methodology for analyzing the effects of alternative economic policies, August 1977外部サイトAccrual accounting for military retirement : alternative approaches, July 1983外部サイトEnergy research, development, demonstration, and commercialization, January 1977外部サイトThe outlook for farm commodity program spending, fiscal years 1990-1995, April 1990外部サイトTrends in family income : 1970-1986, February 1988外部サイトEncouraging private investment in space activities外部サイトThe tax-exempt financing of student loans, August 1986外部サイトThe President's fiscal year 1979 tax expenditure proposals, April 1978外部サイトThe changing telephone industry : access charges, universal service, and local rates, June 1984外部サイトU.S. food and agricultural policy in the world economy, April 1976外部サイトA Review of the Department of Defense, December 31, 1983 : selected acquisition reports (SAR), July 1984外部サイトCurrent cost-sharing and financing policies for federal and state water resources development, July 1983外部サイトThe Outlook for farm commodity program spending, fiscal years 1992-1997外部サイトEnergy research : alternative strategies for development of new energy technologies and their implications for the Federal budget, July 1976外部サイトThe U.S. balance of international payments and the U.S. economy : developments in 1978 and early 1979, November 1979外部サイトImproving the Army reserves, November 1985外部サイトIncome disparities between black and white Americans, December 1977外部サイトProjected acute-care bed needs of Veterans Administration hospitals, April 1977外部サイトThe unemployment of nonwhite Americans : the effects of alternative policies, July 1976外部サイトSelected options for expanding health insurance coverage外部サイトRailroad reorganization : congressional action & Federal expenditures related to the final system plan of the U.S. Railway Association, January 1976外部サイトBudgeting for administrative costs under credit reform外部サイトLow-income energy assistance : issues and options, June 1981外部サイトBuilding a 600-ship navy : costs, timing, and alternative approaches, March 1982外部サイトHas trade protection revitalized domestic industries?, November 1986外部サイトFive-year budget projections, fiscal years 1981-1985, February 1980外部サイトReport on hearings before the Task Force on Tax Expenditures, Government Organization, and Regulation on college tuition tax credits, November 1977外部サイトSetting personnel strength levels : experience and productivity in the military, September 1987外部サイトEarnings sharing options for the social security system, January 1986外部サイトDisability compensation : current issues and options for change, June 1982外部サイトModifying the Davis-Bacon Act : implications for the labor market and the federal budget, July 1983外部サイトHow federal spending for infrastructure and other public investments affects the economy外部サイトFive-year budget projections and alternative budgetary strategies for fiscal years 1980-1984, January 1979外部サイトFederal prison construction : alternative approaches, January 1977外部サイトThe Economic and budget outlook : an update, September 1981外部サイトThe economic and budget outlook : an update, August 1985外部サイトQuality soldiers : costs of manning the active Army, June 1986外部サイトSequestration report for fiscal year 1986 : a summary, January 1986外部サイトAn analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1988, February 1987外部サイトInternational financial institutions : background and budget options for fiscal year 1978, March 1977外部サイトFive-year budget projections : fiscal years 1978-1982, supplement on tax expenditures, April 1977外部サイトAlternative compensation plans for improving retention of Air Force pilots, August 1989外部サイトPromoting efficiency in the electric utility sector, November 1982外部サイトU.S. participation in the Witteveen facility : the need for a new source of international finance, March 1978外部サイトForce planning and budgetary implications of U.S. withdrawal from Korea, May 1978外部サイトCBO responsibilities & organization 1988-1989 ; not available-see CBO responsibilities & organization, 1990-1991; publication CBO-525外部サイトU.S. naval force alternatives, March 1976外部サイトFive-year budget projections, fiscal years 1979-1983 : supplement on tax expenditures, June 1978外部サイトReducing poverty among children, May 1985外部サイトInflation and growth : the economic policy dilemma, July 1978外部サイトThe economic and budget outlook : fiscal years 1990-1994, January 1989外部サイトTitle II of s.1894 : Costs to the electric utility industry外部サイトU.S. strategic nuclear forces : deterrence policies and procurement issues, April 1977外部サイトThe changing distribution of federal taxes, 1975-1990, October 1987外部サイトThe supplemental security income program : a 10-year overview, May 1984外部サイトFinancing social security : issues for the short and long term, July 1977外部サイトBudget options for fiscal year 1978, February 1977外部サイトSequestration preview report for fiscal year 1994外部サイトCurbing acid rain : cost, budget, and coal-market effects, June 1986外部サイトThe economic and budget outlook : an update, August 1989外部サイトLoan guarantees : current concerns and alternatives for control, August 1978外部サイトIndexing with the consumer price index : problems and alternatives, June 1981外部サイトThe budgetary treatment of federal civilian agency pay raises : a technical analysis, January 1983外部サイトAn analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1979, January 1978外部サイトThe federal role in improving elementary and secondary education外部サイトFederal options for reducing waste disposal外部サイトThe U.S. sea-based strategic force : costs of the the Trident submarine and missile programs and alternatives, February 1980外部サイトThe administration's welfare reform proposal : an analysis of the program for better jobs and income, April 1978外部サイトThe Budget of the Environmental Protection Agency : an overview of selected proposals for 1985, April 1984外部サイトFederal insurance of private pension benefits, October 1987外部サイトTrade restraints and the competitive status of the textile, apparel, and nonrubber-footwear industries外部サイトEducational achievement : explanations and implications of recent trends, August 1987外部サイトCongressional Budget Office list of publications, 1990外部サイトFinal sequestration report for fiscal year 1990, October 1989外部サイトFederal policies for infrastructure management, June 1986外部サイトAn Analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1993外部サイトNatural gas pricing proposals : a comparative analysis, September 1977外部サイトThe world oil market in the 1980s : implications for the United States, May 1980外部サイトU.S. air and ground conventional forces for NATO : overview, January 1978外部サイトAchieving sulfur dioxide reduction through coal-switching外部サイトEmployee turnover in the federal government, February 1986外部サイトThe Federal Financing Bank and the budgetary treatment of federal credit activities, January 1982外部サイトReinventing NASA外部サイトAn analysis of administration strategic arms reduction and modernization proposals, March 1984外部サイトDiversity in crop farming : its meaning for income-support policy, May 1985外部サイトImproving military educational benefits : effects on costs, recruiting, and retention, March 1982外部サイトThe Prospects for economic recovery, February 1982外部サイトVeterans administration health care : planning for future years, April 1984外部サイトPromoting high-performance computing and communications外部サイトInternational political assumptions in defense posture statements, March 1976外部サイトStructuring U.S. forces after the Cold War : costs and effects of increased reliance on the reserves外部サイトFederal financial support for high-technology industries, June 1985外部サイトRecovery : how fast and how far?, September 1975外部サイトEconomic policy and the outlook for the economy, March 1981外部サイトPlanning U.S. general purpose forces : forces related to Asia, June 1977外部サイトFederal aid to postsecondary students : tax allowances and alternative subsidies, January 1978外部サイトBilateral development assistance : background and options, February 1977外部サイトResources for defense : a review of key issues for fiscal years 1982-1986, January 1981外部サイトCrises in the steel industry : an introduction and the steel industry in transition, March 1982外部サイトFeeding children : Federal child nutrition policies in the 1980's, May 1980外部サイトUpdate to five-year budget projections : fiscal years 1978-1982, July 1977外部サイトU.S. naval forces : the peacetime presence mission, December 1978外部サイトReforming the military health care system, January 1988外部サイトTroubled local economies and the distribution of Federal dollars, August 1977外部サイトEconomic conversion : what should be the government's role?, January 1980外部サイトMedicaid : choices for 1982 and beyond, June 1981外部サイトPetroleum storage : alternative programs and their implications for the Federal budget, October 1976外部サイトFive-year budget projections : fiscal years 1979-1983 : technical background, January 1978外部サイトCosts of expanding and modernizing the Navy's carrier-based air forces, May 1982外部サイトThe industrial policy debate, December 1983外部サイトThe changing business of banking : a study of failed banks from 1987 to 1992外部サイトHomeownership : the changing relationship of costs and incomes, and possible Federal roles, January 1977外部サイトCurtailing indirect federal subsidies to the U.S. Postal Service, August 1984外部サイトUranium enrichment : investment options for the long term, October 1983外部サイトImproving youth employment prospects : issues and options, February 1982外部サイトU.S. trade policy and the Tokyo Round of multilateral trade negotiations, March 1979外部サイトCounterforce issues for the U.S. strategic nuclear forces, January 1978外部サイトU.S. Army force design : alternatives for fiscal years 1977-1981, July 1976外部サイトUranium enrichment : alternatives for meeting the nation's needs and their implications for the Federal budget, May 1976外部サイトRevising the individual income tax, July 1983外部サイトModernizing U.S. strategic offensive forces : costs, effects, and alternatives, November 1987外部サイトFederal student assistance : issues and options, March 1980外部サイトThe budgetary and economic effects of oil taxes, April 1986外部サイトNaval surface combatants in the 1990s : prospects and possibilities, April 1981外部サイトThe Economic and budget outlook : an update外部サイトAdvance budgeting : a report to the Congress, February 1977外部サイトResearch and development funding in the proposed 1985 budget, March 1984外部サイトNew York City's fiscal problem : its origins, potential repercussions, and some alternative policy responses, October 1975外部サイトTax-exempt bonds for single-family housing, April 1979外部サイトThe economic and budget outlook : an update, August 1984外部サイトFinancing postal operations : alternative approaches and their budgetary implications, March 1976外部サイトBaseline budget projections for fiscal years 1984-1988, February 1983外部サイトInitial sequestration report for fiscal year 1990, August 1989外部サイト1977 farm legislation : an analysis of Congressional and Administration proposals, June 1977外部サイトThe Economic and budget outlook : an update外部サイトFederal debt and interest costs, September 1984外部サイトThe Outlook for farm commodity program spending, fiscal years 1992-1997外部サイトThe effects of the Tokyo round of multilateral trade negotiations on the U.S. economy : an updated view, July 1979外部サイトUnderstanding fiscal policy, April 1978外部サイトUnderstanding natural gas price decontrol, April 1983外部サイトThe Federal Government's pay systems : adjustment procedures and impacts of proposed changes, February 1977外部サイトSequestration report for fiscal year 1988, August 1987外部サイトEstimates of Federal budget outlays, February 1978外部サイトProtecting the farmer against natural hazards : issues and options, March 1978外部サイトAgricultural price support programs : a layman's guide, April 1976外部サイトThe economic outlook at midyear 1980, July 1980外部サイトIncomes policies in the United States : historical review and some issues, May 1977外部サイトThe economic and budget outlook : fiscal years 1986-1990, February 1985外部サイトThe MX missile and multiple protective structure basing : long-term budgetary implications, June 1979外部サイトReducing the deficit : spending and revenue options外部サイトMilitary family housing in the United States外部サイトPhysician reimbursement under Medicare : options for change, April 1986外部サイトNatural gas pricing policies : implications for the federal budget, January 1983外部サイトEstimating outlays for unemployment compensation programs, October 1976外部サイトReducing the deficit : spending and revenue options, February 1983外部サイトPaying for social security : funding options for the near term, February 1981外部サイトStrengthening NATO, POMCUS and other approaches, February 1979外部サイトPaying for highways, airways, and waterways : how can users be charged?外部サイトThe Economic and budget outlook : fiscal years 1994-1998外部サイトPricing options for the space shuttle, March 1985外部サイトRevising the corporate income tax, May 1985外部サイトPhysician payment reform under Medicare, April 1990外部サイトArmy ground combat modernization for the 1980s : potential costs and effects for NATO, November 1982外部サイトThe U.S. balance of international payments and the U.S. economy, February 1978外部サイトAssessing the NATO/Warsaw pact military balance, December 1977外部サイトHow the GATT affects U.S. antidumping and countervailing-duty policy外部サイトNational service programs and their effects on military manpower and civilian youth problems, January 1978外部サイトUrban transportation and energy : the potential savings of different modes, December 1977外部サイトSocial representation in the U.S. military, October 1989外部サイトFederal support of U.S. business, January 1984外部サイトThe military retirement system : options for change, January 1978外部サイトNuclear waste disposal : achieving adequate financing, August 1984外部サイトAn Analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1983, February 1982外部サイトThe benefits and risks of federal funding for Sematech, September 1987外部サイトFamily incomes of unemployment insurance recipients and the implications for extending benefits, February 1990外部サイトSupplemental appropriations in the 1970s, July 1981外部サイトLimiting conventional arms exports to the Middle East外部サイトAerial tanker force modernization, March 1982外部サイトAdvance budgeting : a report to the Congress : [a compilation of technical background papers], March 1977外部サイトA Review of the Department of Defense December 31, 1981 : selected acquisition report (SAR), May 1982外部サイトCanada's western grain stabilization program : an option for U.S. farm policy?, November 1984外部サイトThe Economic outlook, February 1984外部サイトFinancing energy development, July 1976外部サイトImproving strategic mobility : the C-17 program and alternatives, September 1986外部サイトReducing grades of the general schedule work force, September 1984外部サイトAlternative approaches to adjusting compensation for federal blue-collar employees, November 1980外部サイトReducing entitlement spending外部サイトRethinking the Trident force外部サイトAn Analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1984, February 1983外部サイトThe economic and budget outlook : an update, July 1990外部サイトA review of the accuracy of treasury revenue forecasts, 1963-1978, February 1981外部サイトFederal housing assistance : alternative approaches, May 1982外部サイトThe economic and budget outlook : an update : a report to the senate and the house committees on the budget, as required by public law 93-344外部サイトIssues and options for the Navy's combat logistics force, April 1988外部サイトNavy budget issues for fiscal year 1980, March 1979外部サイトSupplemental appropriations in the 1980s, February 1990外部サイトReducing the deficit : spending and revenue options, January 1987外部サイトAn analysis of congressional economic forecasts and budget estimates for fiscal year 1979, February 1980外部サイトConsequences of dairy price support policy, March 1979外部サイトUniversal health insurance coverage using Medicare's payment rates外部サイトChildcare and preschool : options for Federal support, September 1978外部サイトExpenditures for health care : Federal programs and their effects, August 1977外部サイトAnalysis of the Grace Commission's major proposals for cost control, February 1984外部サイトPublic policy and the changing structure of American agriculture, September 1978外部サイトPolicies for the deregulated airline industry, July 1988外部サイトDislocated workers : issues and federal options, July 1982外部サイトTrident II missiles : capability, costs, and alternatives, July 1986外部サイトAnalysis of the military survivor benefit plan, March 1981外部サイトFuel economy standards for new passenger cars after 1985, December 1980外部サイトFederal pay, its budgetary implications, March 1976外部サイトThe economic outlook for 1979-1980 : an update, July 1979外部サイトThe long-term costs of lower-income housing assistance programs, March 1979外部サイトEnergy use in freight transportation, February 1982外部サイトSustaining a balanced expansion, August 1976外部サイトAnalysis of the shortfall in federal budget outlays for fiscal year 1978, March 1979外部サイトControlling rising hospital costs, September 1979外部サイトRural hospitals and Medicare's prospective payment system外部サイトAn analysis of the Roth-Kemp tax cut proposal, October 1978外部サイトFinal sequestration report for fiscal year 1995外部サイトFinancing social security : issues and options for the long run, November 1982外部サイトAn Analysis of the Managed Competition Act外部サイトReducing the size of the federal civilian work force外部サイトCosts of the National Service Act (H.R. 2206) : a technical analysis, December 1980外部サイトFederal housing policy : current programs and recurring issues, June 1978外部サイトThe Marine Corps in the 1980s : prestocking proposals, the rapid deployment force, and other issues, May 1980外部サイトControlling losses of the pension benefit guaranty corporation外部サイトLong-term care : acturial cost estimates, August 1977外部サイトCETA training programs : do they work for adults?, July 1982外部サイトAgricultural price support programs : a handbook, May 1980外部サイトBudgetary and military effects of a treaty limiting conventional forces in Europe, January 1990外部サイトOverview of the 1978 budget : an analysis of President Carter's revisions, March 1977外部サイトTitle II of the proposed senate amendments to the clean air act : A preliminary economic analysis外部サイトAn analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1989, March 1988外部サイトFederal debt and interest costs外部サイトPostsecondary education : the current federal role and alternative approaches, February 1977外部サイトThe windfall profits tax : a comparative analysis of two bills, November 1979外部サイトThe Federal work force : its size, cost, and activities, March 1977外部サイトTransportation finance : choices in a period of change, March 1978外部サイトAdjustments in federal white-collar pay : a technical review of past proposals and the outlook for October 1983, March 1983外部サイトCatastrophic health insurance, January 1977外部サイトSALT and the U.S. strategic forces budget, June 1976外部サイトRestructuring health insurance for Medicare enrollees外部サイトOverview of the 1978 budget : an analysis of President Ford's proposals, January 1977外部サイトThe outlook for farm commodity program spending, fiscal years 1988-1993, June 1988外部サイトEconomic viability of Conrail, August 1986外部サイトFinancing waterway development : the user charge debate, July 1977外部サイトFive-year budget projections : fiscal year 1978-1982, December 1976外部サイトPlanning U.S. general purpose forces : the tactical air forces, January 1977外部サイトGuidelines for a study of highway cost allocation, February 1979外部サイトA budgetary framework for Federal housing and related community development policy, February 1977外部サイトAn analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1981, February 1980外部サイトFiscal federalism and the Partnership Act of 1987, November 1989外部サイトCongressional Budget Office list of publications, October 1988 : not available-see list of publications 1990; publication CBO-524外部サイトDefense manpower : compensation issues for fiscal year 1977, April 1976外部サイトRetirement accounting changes : budget and policy impacts, April 1977外部サイトUsing R&D consortia for commercial innovation : SEMATECH, x-ray lithography, and high-resolution systems, July 1990外部サイトThe economic and budget outlook : fiscal years 1989-1993, February 1988外部サイトThe effect of PSROs on health care costs : current findings and future evaluations, June 1979外部サイトDefense spending and the economy, February 1983外部サイトNew directions for the nation's public works, September 1988外部サイトAssisting the farm credit system : an analysis of two bills, December 1987外部サイトReducing the deficit : spending and revenue options, March 1988外部サイトThe outlook for farm commodity program spending, fiscal years 1989-1994, May 1989外部サイト






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Tax expenditures : budget control options and five-year budget projections for fiscal years 1983-1987, November 1982
Domestic content legislation and the U.S. automobile industry, August 1982
Balancing the federal budget and limiting federal spending : constitutional and statutory approaches, September 1982
Assessing the decline in the national saving rate
A profile of the Congressional Budget Office, September 1990
Responsibilities & organization 1990-1991
Financing municipal water supply systems, May 1987
Policy options for the teenage unemployment problem, September 1976
Rural housing programs : long-term costs and their treatment, June 1982
Managing oil disruptions : issues and policy options, September 1981
Overview of the 1977 budget : an analysis of the President's proposals prepared for the House Committee on Appropriations, January 1976 (Revised February 1976)
Military retirement accounting changes, the administration's proposals, June 1978
An analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1986, February 1985
Corporations in farming, February 1980, Senate Committee on the judiciary, subcommittee on antitrust, monopoly and business rights, hearings on the family farm act of 1979
Costs of manning the active-duty military, May 1980
The Selective Service System : mobilization capabilities and options for improvements, November 1978
The challenges facing federal rental assistance programs
Changing the structure of Medicare benefits : issues and options, March 1983
Countercyclical uses of Federal grant programs, November 1978
Nursing education and training : alternative Federal approaches, May 1978
Budgetary cost savings to the Department of Defense resulting from foreign military sales, May 1976
The disappointing recovery, January 1977
Toll financing of U.S. highways, December 1985
Urban mass transportation : options for Federal assistance, February 1977
An Analysis of President Carter's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1982, January 1981
Five-year budget projections, fiscal years 1977-81, January 1976
Containing medical care costs through market forces, May 1982
Current housing problems and possible federal responses, December 1988
How changes in fiscal policy affect the budget : the feedback issue, June 1982
Economic implications of rising health care costs
President Carter's energy proposal : a perspective, June 1977
The teenage unemployment problem : what are the options?, October 1976
Medicare's disproportionate share adjustment for hospitals, May 1990
Modifying military retirement : alternative approaches, April 1984
Indexing the individual income tax for inflation, September 1980
The tax treatment of employment-based health insurance
Sequestration report for fiscal year 1988, November 1987
Student aid and the cost of postsecondary education
Planning U.S. general purpose forces : the theater nuclear forces, January 1977
The tax treatment of homeownership : issues and options, September 1981
The START Treaty and beyond
Food and agriculture policy in the 1980s : major crops and milk, March 1981
The economic and budget outlook : an update, September 1982
A Budgetary and economic analysis of the North American Free Trade Agreement
The Hospital cost containment act of 1977 : an analysis of the Administration's proposal, July 1977
Inequalities in the educational experiences of Black and white Americans, September 1977
An Analysis of the President's credit budget for fiscal year 1985, March 1984
Trends in health spending : an update
The Economic and budget outlook : fiscal years 1992-1996
Final sequestration report for fiscal year 1995
Strategic defenses : alternative missions and their costs, June 1989
The Export-Import Bank : implications for the federal budget and the credit market, October 1976
The President's fiscal year 1978 tax expenditure proposals : [a report to the Senate and House Committees on the Budget as required by Public law 93-344], April 1977
The productivity problem : alternatives for action, January 1981
Alton Locks and Dam : a review of the evidence, August 1976
Financing options for the strategic petroleum reserve, April 1981
The costs of defense manpower : issues for 1977, January 1977
The effect of foreign military sales on the U.S. economy, July 1976
Financing radioactive waste disposal, September 1982
Budgeting for Eximbank : a case study of credit reform, January 1990
Forecasting individual income tax revenues : a technical analysis, August 1983
Inflation and unemployment : a report on the economy, June 1975
The Federal government in a federal system : current intergovernmental programs and options for change, August 1983
Aggregate economic effects of changes in social security taxes, August 1978
An analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1991, March 1990
Options for change in military medical care, March 1984
Including capital expenses in the prospective payment system, August 1988
Five-year budget projections and alternative budgetary strategies for fiscal years 1980-1984, Supplemental report on tax expenditures, June 1979
Options for federal civil service retirement : an analysis of costs and benefit provisions, December 1978
Improving the readiness of the Army Reserve and National Guard : a framework for debate, February 1978
Initial sequestration report for fiscal year 1987, August 1986
Health differentials between white and nonwhite Americans, September 1977
How federal policies affect the steel industry, February 1987
Physician extenders : their current and future role in medical care delivery, April 1979
Reducing the deficit : spending and revenue options
Employment and training programs, May 1976
Food and agriculture policy options, February 1977
Forest Service timber sales : their effect on wood product prices, May 1980
Initial sequestration report for fiscal year 1991, August 1990
The economic and budget outlook : an update : a report to the senate and the house committees on the budget, as required by public law 93-344
Tactical combat forces of the United States Air Force : issues and alternatives, April 1985
Final sequestration report for fiscal year 1989, October 1988
The NASA program in the 1990s and beyond, May 1988
The economic and budget outlook : fiscal years 1988-1992, January 1987
Five-year budget projections : fiscal year 1978-1982--technical background, December 1976
The role of aid to medical, osteopathic, and dental students in a new health manpower education policy, August 1976
Retirement income for an aging population, August 1987
Closing the fiscal policy loop : a long-run analysis, December 1977
Unemployment insurance : financial condition and options for change, June 1983
U.S. raw materials policy : problems and possible solutions, December 1976
Federal white collar employees--their pay and fringe benefits, April 1979
Replacing oil and natural gas with coal : prospects in the manufacturing industries, August 1978
Efficient investments in wastewater treatment plants, June 1985
The economic impact of oil import reductions, December 1978
City need and the responsiveness of Federal grants programs, August 1978
Social security benefits for students, May 1977
Prospects for medicare's hospital insurance trust fund, March 1983
Data base for credit reform, December 1989
Catastrophic medical expenses : patterns in the non-elderly, non-poor population, December 1982
Environmental regulations and economic efficiency, March 1985
Federal subsidies for public housing : issues and options, June 1983
Future budget requirements for the 600-ship Navy, September 1985
Loan guarantees : current concerns and alternatives for control : [a compilation of staff working papers], January 1979
Manpower for a 600-ship Navy : costs and policy alternatives, August 1983
Federal agency summaries a supplement to federal liabilities under hazardous waste laws, May 1990
The Legal Services Corporation--budgetary issues and alternative Federal approaches, July 1977
The effect of inflation on Federal expenditures, June 1976
The federal role in state industrial development programs, July 1984
Short-run measures to stimulate the economy, March 1977
U.S. uranium enrichment : options for a competitive program, October 1985
Budgeting for defense inflation, January 1986
Baseline budget projections : fiscal years 1982-1986, July 1981
Displaced workers : trends in the 1980s and implications for the future
An Analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1995
Promoting employment and maintaining incomes with unemployment insurance, March 1985
Federal taxation of tobacco, alcoholic beverages, and motor fuels, June 1990
The outlook for economic recovery, February 1983
The economic outlook, February 1978
The Law Enforcement Assistance Administration : options for reauthorization, May 1979
Strategic and critical nonfuel minerals : problems and policy alternatives, August 1983
Interpreting early warnings of inflation : a study of statistical indicators, September 1977
The economic and budget outlook : an update, August 1988
Modernizing the aerial tanker fleet : prospects for capacity, timing, and cost, September 1985
Auctioning radio spectrum licenses
Contracting out : potential for reducing federal costs, June 1987
Cobalt : policy options for a strategic mineral, September 1982
The status of the airport and airway trust fund, December 1988
Using performance measures in the federal budget process
The Economic impact of a solvency crisis in the insurance industry
Youth unemployment : the outlook and some policy strategies, April 1978
An analysis of President Reagan's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1990, February 1989
Tax subsidies for medical care : current policies and possible alternatives, January 1980
Growth of government spending for income assistance : a matter of choice, December 1975
Direct federal action on oil imports : an analysis of import fees and quotas, June 1978
Sequestration report for fiscal year 1988; notice, October 1987
The budgetary status of the Federal Reserve System, February 1985
Financial options for the highway trust fund, December 1982
Reducing the deficit : spending and revenue options, February 1990
Using federal R&D to promote commercial innovation, April 1988
The economic and budget outlook : an update, August 1983
The Economic and budget outlook : fiscal years 1995-1999
The effect of OPEC oil pricing on output, prices, and exchange rates in the United States and other industrial countries, February 1981
Welfare reform : issues, objectives, and approaches, July 1977
Modernizing U.S. strategic offensive forces : the administration's program and alternatives, May 1983
An analysis of special pension benefits for the veterans & survivors of World War I, March 1978, veterans' and Survivors' pension improvement act of 1978
U.S. air and ground conventional forces for NATO : firepower issues, March 1978
How capital gains tax rates affect revenues : the historical evidence, March 1988
Financial condition of the U.S. electric utility industry, March 1986
Veterans' educational benefits : issues concerning the GI bill, October 1978
International balance of payments financing and the budget process, August 1977
Budgetary strategies for fiscal years 1979-1983, February 1978
U.S. air and ground conventional forces for NATO : mobility and logistics issues, March 1978
Hazardous waste management : recent changes and policy alternatives, May 1985
The economic and budget outlook : an update, August 1986
Planning U.S. general purpose forces : overview, January 1977
Charging for federal services, December 1983
Policy choices for long-term care
Responsibilities and organization of the CBO
Cleaning up the Department of Energy's nuclear weapons complex
Contracting out for federal support services : potential savings and budgetary impacts, October 1982
Federal credit activity : an analysis of the President's credit budget for 1981, February 1980
A Review of the Department of Defense, December 31, 1982 : selected acquisition report (SARs), August 1983
Real growth and decline in defense operating costs : fiscal year 1978, June 1977
Public employment and training assistance : alternative Federal approaches, February 1977
Government-sponsored enterprises and their implicit federal subsidy : the case of Sallie Mae, December 1985
Rising health care costs : causes, implications, and strategies
Tax expenditures : current issues and five-year budget projections for fiscal years 1982-1986, September 1981
Reducing the federal deficit : strategies and options, February 1982
Federal credit activities : an overview of the president's credit budget for fiscal year 1983, March 1982
Federal support for R & D and innovation, April 1984
Financing U.S. airports in the 1980's, April 1984
Concurrent weapons development and production, August 1988
Effects of eliminating public service employment, June 1981
Five-year budget projections : fiscal years 1979-1983, December 1977
Sequestration report for fiscal year 1986, January 1986
Sources of support for adolescent mothers, September 1990
Interactions among programs providing benefits to individuals : secondary effects on the budget, May 1982
Housing assistance for low- and moderate-income families, February 1977
Foreign military sales and U.S. weapons costs, May 1976
Army air defense for forward areas : strategies and costs, June 1986
The Mortgage Subsidy Bond Tax Act of 1980 : experience under the permanent rules, March 1982
The effects of tax reform on tax expenditures, March 1988
The Federal deficit : does it measure the government's effect on national saving?, March 1990
Updated estimates of Medicare's catastrophic drug insurance program, October 1989
Federal energy research : an analysis of fiscal year 1977 program funding levels and alternative budget paths through fiscal year 1986, September 1976
Budget options for fiscal year 1977 : a report to the Senate and House Committees on the Budget, March 1976
Federal law enforcement assistance : alternative approaches, April 1978
Budgetary treatment of deposit insurance : a framework for reform
Commercialization of synthetic fuels : alternative loan guarantee and price support programs, January 1976
Managed competition and its potential to reduce health spending
The effects of import quotas on the steel industry, July 1984
Elementary, secondary and vocational education : an examination of alternative federal roles, January 1977
Effects of adopting a value-added tax
Conference on the Economics of Federal Credit Activity : part I--Proceedings, December 1980
U.S. ground forces : design and cost alternatives for NATO and non-NATO contingencies, December 1980
Assessing the effectiveness of milestone budgeting, July 1987
Sequestration report for fiscal year 1989, August 1988
Baseline budget projections for fiscal years 1985-1989, February 1984
The Fiscal policy response to inflation, January 1979
Options for improving munitions sustainability : a summary, December 1989
Community development block grants : reauthorization issues, April 1980
Risks and benefits of building the Superconducting Super Collider, October 1988
Options for paying military physicians, July 1990
Final sequestration report for fiscal year 1991
Federal financial reporting : accrual accounting and the budget, June 1977
Indexing capital gains, August 1990
The B-1B bomber and options for enhancements, August 1988
U.S. projection forces : requirements, scenarios, and options, April 1978
The railroad retirement system : benefits and financing, December 1981
Recovery with inflation, July 1977
The economic and budget outlook : fiscal years 1991-1995, January 1990
Operation and support costs for the Department of Defense, July 1988
An Analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1992
U.S. ground forces and the conventional balance in Europe, June 1988
U.S. tactical air forces : overview and alternative forces, fiscal years, 1976-81, April 1976
U.S. airlift forces : enhancement alternatives for NATO and non-NATO contingencies, April 1979
Barriers to urban economic development, May 1978
Strategic command, control, and communications : alternative approaches for modernization, October 1981
Commodity initiatives of less developed countries : U.S. responses and costs, May 1977
An analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1980, January 1979
Enhancing U.S. security through foreign aid
Farm revenue insurance : an alternative risk-management option for crop farmers, August 1983
The food stamp program : income or food supplementation, January 1977
Energy policy alternatives, January 1977
Natural gas price decontrol : a comparison of two bills, November 1983
The impact of PSROs on health-care costs : update of CBO's 1979 evaluation, January 1981
The housing finance system and federal policy : recent changes and options for the future, October 1983
An Analysis of President Reagan's budget revisions for fiscal year 1982, March 1981
How health care reform affects pharmaceutical research and development
Federal credit activities : an analysis of President Reagan's credit budget for 1982, April 1981
Reducing the deficit : spending and revenue options
The Economic and budget outlook : fiscal years 1993-1997
Resolving the thrift crisis
Energy development, local growth, and the Federal role, June 1980
The economic and budget outlook : fiscal years 1987-1991, February 1986
U.S. Government involvement in commercial exports : program goals and budgetary costs, November 1977
Compensation reform for Federal white-collar employees : the administration's proposal and budgetary options for 1981, May 1980
An Analysis of congressional budget estimates for fiscal years 1980-1982, June 1984
Youth employment and education : possible Federal approaches, July 1980
The GATT negotiations and U.S. trade policy, June 1987
Delays in nuclear reactor licensing and construction : the possibilities for reform, March 1979
The outlook for farm commodity program spending, fiscal years 1991-1996
Reducing the Federal budget : strategies and examples, February 1980
Who pays for highways : is a new study of highway cost allocation needed?, September 1978
The Federal budget for public works infrastructure, July 1985
Subsidies under medicare and the potential for disenrollment under a voluntary catastrophic program, September 1989
Planning U.S. general purpose forces : the Navy, December 1976
Reducing the deficit : spending and revenue options, March 1986
Congressional Budget Office list of publications, 1986
Civil service retirement : financing and costs, May 1981
Working papers on major budget and program issues in selected health programs, December 1976
Profile of health-care coverage : the haves and have-nots, March 1979
Changes in the living arrangements of the elderly : 1960-2030, March 1988
U.S. shipping and shipbuilding : trends and policy choices, August 1984
Work-related programs for welfare recipients, April 1987
Housing finance : Federal programs and issues, September 1976
Reducing the deficit : spending and revenue options, February 1989
An Analysis of the President's credit budget for fiscal year 1984, March 1983
Conference on the Economics of Federal Credit Activity : part II--Papers, September 1981
The number of Federal employees engaged in regulatory activities, August 1976
Federal constraints on state and local government actions, April 1979
Planning U.S. general purpose forces : Army procurement issues, December 1976
The interstate highway system : issues and options, June 1982
Federal liabilities under hazardous waste laws, May 1990
Long-term care for the elderly and disabled, February 1977
Policies for reducing the current-account deficit, August 1989
Highway assistance programs : a historical perspective, February 1978
Nuclear reprocessing and proliferation : alternative approaches and their implications for the Federal budget, May 1977
Efficient investments in water resources : issues and options, August 1983
An Analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1985, February 1984
Agricultural progress in the Third World and its effect on U.S. farm exports, May 1989
An evaluation of the strategic petroleum reserve : [a report], June 1980
Proceedings of the Conference on the Future of Medicare, February 19884
The Federal buildings program : authorization and budgetary alternatives, June 1983
Salt II and the costs of modernizing U.S. strategic forces, September 1979
CETA reauthorization issues, August 1978
Controlling the risks of government-sponsored enterprises
Phasing down antirecession programs : fiscal year 1979 budget issues, November 1978
The total costs of cleaning up nonfederal superfund sites
Assisting the developing countries : foreign aid and trade policies of the United States, September 1980
Tax policy for pensions and other retirement saving, April 1987
Projections of national health expenditures
Budget options for the youth employment problem, March 1977
Improving the air traffic control system : an assessment of the National Airspace System Plan, August 1983
Tax expenditures : current issues and five-year budget projections for fiscal years 1984-1988, October 1983
Small issue industrial revenue bonds, April 1981 (revised September 1981)
U. S. costs of verification and compliance under pending arms treaties, September 1990
Urban transportation for handicapped persons : alternative federal approaches, November 1979
Capping federal pay : alternative pay adjustments for fiscal year 1979, August 1978
Work and retirement : options for continued employment of older workers, July 1982
Rapid deployment forces : policy and budgetary implications, February 1983
Credit reform : comparable budget costs for cash and credit, December 1989
The growth of federal user charges
Naval combat aircraft : issues and options, November 1987
An Analysis of the administration's health proposal
Five-year budget projections and alternative budgetary strategies for fiscal years 1980-1984 : technical background, April 1979
Poverty status of families under alternative definitions of income, June 1977
Zero-based budgeting pilot tests, June 1977, Department of Housing and Urban Development-independent agencies appropriation bill, 1978
Elimination of double tax benefits for military homeowners, March 1986
Index to the legislative history of the Congressional budget and impoundment control act of 1974, September 1980
Reducing the Federal budget : strategies and examples, fiscal years 1982-1986, February 1981
Unemployment compensation : a background report, December 1976
Retaliatory issues for the U.S. strategic nuclear forces, June 1978
The Clean Air Act, the electric utilities, and the coal market, April 1982
Synthetic fuels, September 1979
Federal assistance for postsecondary education : options for fiscal year 1979, May 1978
Moving the Marine Corps by sea in the 1990s, October 1989
Federal subsidies for rail passenger service : an assessment of Amtrak, July 1982
Entering the 1980s : fiscal policy choices, January 1980
Crop price-support programs : policy options for contemporary agriculture, February 1984
How the economic transformations in Europe will affect the United States
Trends in public investment, December 1987
The CBO hospital cost containment model : a technical analysis, February
Federal civilian employment, December 1987
Shaping the general purpose Navy of the eighties : issues for fiscal years 1981-1985, January 1980
The economic and budget outlook : an update, August 1987
Temporary measures to stimulate employment : an evaluation of some alternatives, September 1975
Public works infrastructure : policy considerations for the 1980s, April 1983
Reducing the deficit : spending and revenue options, February 1985
Farm program flexibility : an analysis of the triple base option, December 1989
An analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1987, February 1986
Real estate tax shelter subsidies and direct subsidy alternatives, May 1977
The economic effects of reduced defense spending
The Army of the nineties : how much will it cost?, December 1986
Baseline budget projections for fiscal years 1983-1987, February 1982
Employment subsidies and employment tax credits, April 1977
Tax expenditures : current issues and five-year budget projections for fiscal years 1981-1985, April 1980
Federal home loan banks in the housing finance system
Reducing the reserves of the federal employees health benefits program, June 1981
State profits on tax-exempt student loan bonds : analysis and options, March 1980
The U.S. sea control mission : forces, capabilities, and requirements, June 1977
Setting space transportation policy for the 1990s, October 1986
The Economic effects of the savings & loan crisis
Health plannings, issues for reauthorization, March 1982
Effects of weapons procurement stretch-outs on costs and schedules, November 1987
Estimating outlays for the interest on the public debt, October 1977
Executive compensation in the Federal government, January 1977
Baby boomers in retirement : an early perspective
New approaches to the budgetary treatment of federal credit assistance, March 1984
Proposition 13, its impact on the Nation's economy, Federal revenues, and Federal expenditures, July 1978
The decontrol of domestic oil prices : an overview, May 1979
Capital gains taxes in the short run
U.S. air and ground conventional forces for NATO : air defense issues, March 1978
Trends in educational achievement, April 1986
Reducing the deficit : spending and revenue options, February 1984
Reforming federal deposit insurance, September 1990
Carbon charges as a response to global warming : the effects of taxing fossil fuels, August 1990
An econometric model of unemployment insurance tax receipts, August 1977
Planning U.S. strategic nuclear forces for the 1980s, June 1978
The CBO multipliers project : a methodology for analyzing the effects of alternative economic policies, August 1977
Accrual accounting for military retirement : alternative approaches, July 1983
Energy research, development, demonstration, and commercialization, January 1977
The outlook for farm commodity program spending, fiscal years 1990-1995, April 1990
Trends in family income : 1970-1986, February 1988
Encouraging private investment in space activities
The tax-exempt financing of student loans, August 1986
The President's fiscal year 1979 tax expenditure proposals, April 1978
The changing telephone industry : access charges, universal service, and local rates, June 1984
U.S. food and agricultural policy in the world economy, April 1976
A Review of the Department of Defense, December 31, 1983 : selected acquisition reports (SAR), July 1984
Current cost-sharing and financing policies for federal and state water resources development, July 1983
The Outlook for farm commodity program spending, fiscal years 1992-1997
Energy research : alternative strategies for development of new energy technologies and their implications for the Federal budget, July 1976
The U.S. balance of international payments and the U.S. economy : developments in 1978 and early 1979, November 1979
Improving the Army reserves, November 1985
Income disparities between black and white Americans, December 1977
Projected acute-care bed needs of Veterans Administration hospitals, April 1977
The unemployment of nonwhite Americans : the effects of alternative policies, July 1976
Selected options for expanding health insurance coverage
Railroad reorganization : congressional action & Federal expenditures related to the final system plan of the U.S. Railway Association, January 1976
Budgeting for administrative costs under credit reform
Low-income energy assistance : issues and options, June 1981
Building a 600-ship navy : costs, timing, and alternative approaches, March 1982
Has trade protection revitalized domestic industries?, November 1986
Five-year budget projections, fiscal years 1981-1985, February 1980
Report on hearings before the Task Force on Tax Expenditures, Government Organization, and Regulation on college tuition tax credits, November 1977
Setting personnel strength levels : experience and productivity in the military, September 1987
Earnings sharing options for the social security system, January 1986
Disability compensation : current issues and options for change, June 1982
Modifying the Davis-Bacon Act : implications for the labor market and the federal budget, July 1983
How federal spending for infrastructure and other public investments affects the economy
Five-year budget projections and alternative budgetary strategies for fiscal years 1980-1984, January 1979
Federal prison construction : alternative approaches, January 1977
The Economic and budget outlook : an update, September 1981
The economic and budget outlook : an update, August 1985
Quality soldiers : costs of manning the active Army, June 1986
Sequestration report for fiscal year 1986 : a summary, January 1986
An analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1988, February 1987
International financial institutions : background and budget options for fiscal year 1978, March 1977
Five-year budget projections : fiscal years 1978-1982, supplement on tax expenditures, April 1977
Alternative compensation plans for improving retention of Air Force pilots, August 1989
Promoting efficiency in the electric utility sector, November 1982
U.S. participation in the Witteveen facility : the need for a new source of international finance, March 1978
Force planning and budgetary implications of U.S. withdrawal from Korea, May 1978
CBO responsibilities & organization 1988-1989 ; not available-see CBO responsibilities & organization, 1990-1991; publication CBO-525
U.S. naval force alternatives, March 1976
Five-year budget projections, fiscal years 1979-1983 : supplement on tax expenditures, June 1978
Reducing poverty among children, May 1985
Inflation and growth : the economic policy dilemma, July 1978
The economic and budget outlook : fiscal years 1990-1994, January 1989
Title II of s.1894 : Costs to the electric utility industry
U.S. strategic nuclear forces : deterrence policies and procurement issues, April 1977
The changing distribution of federal taxes, 1975-1990, October 1987
The supplemental security income program : a 10-year overview, May 1984
Financing social security : issues for the short and long term, July 1977
Budget options for fiscal year 1978, February 1977
Sequestration preview report for fiscal year 1994
Curbing acid rain : cost, budget, and coal-market effects, June 1986
The economic and budget outlook : an update, August 1989
Loan guarantees : current concerns and alternatives for control, August 1978
Indexing with the consumer price index : problems and alternatives, June 1981
The budgetary treatment of federal civilian agency pay raises : a technical analysis, January 1983
An analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1979, January 1978
The federal role in improving elementary and secondary education
Federal options for reducing waste disposal
The U.S. sea-based strategic force : costs of the the Trident submarine and missile programs and alternatives, February 1980
The administration's welfare reform proposal : an analysis of the program for better jobs and income, April 1978
The Budget of the Environmental Protection Agency : an overview of selected proposals for 1985, April 1984
Federal insurance of private pension benefits, October 1987
Trade restraints and the competitive status of the textile, apparel, and nonrubber-footwear industries
Educational achievement : explanations and implications of recent trends, August 1987
Congressional Budget Office list of publications, 1990
Final sequestration report for fiscal year 1990, October 1989
Federal policies for infrastructure management, June 1986
An Analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1993
Natural gas pricing proposals : a comparative analysis, September 1977
The world oil market in the 1980s : implications for the United States, May 1980
U.S. air and ground conventional forces for NATO : overview, January 1978
Achieving sulfur dioxide reduction through coal-switching
Employee turnover in the federal government, February 1986
The Federal Financing Bank and the budgetary treatment of federal credit activities, January 1982
Reinventing NASA
An analysis of administration strategic arms reduction and modernization proposals, March 1984
Diversity in crop farming : its meaning for income-support policy, May 1985
Improving military educational benefits : effects on costs, recruiting, and retention, March 1982
The Prospects for economic recovery, February 1982
Veterans administration health care : planning for future years, April 1984
Promoting high-performance computing and communications
International political assumptions in defense posture statements, March 1976
Structuring U.S. forces after the Cold War : costs and effects of increased reliance on the reserves
Federal financial support for high-technology industries, June 1985
Recovery : how fast and how far?, September 1975
Economic policy and the outlook for the economy, March 1981
Planning U.S. general purpose forces : forces related to Asia, June 1977
Federal aid to postsecondary students : tax allowances and alternative subsidies, January 1978
Bilateral development assistance : background and options, February 1977
Resources for defense : a review of key issues for fiscal years 1982-1986, January 1981
Crises in the steel industry : an introduction and the steel industry in transition, March 1982
Feeding children : Federal child nutrition policies in the 1980's, May 1980
Update to five-year budget projections : fiscal years 1978-1982, July 1977
U.S. naval forces : the peacetime presence mission, December 1978
Reforming the military health care system, January 1988
Troubled local economies and the distribution of Federal dollars, August 1977
Economic conversion : what should be the government's role?, January 1980
Medicaid : choices for 1982 and beyond, June 1981
Petroleum storage : alternative programs and their implications for the Federal budget, October 1976
Five-year budget projections : fiscal years 1979-1983 : technical background, January 1978
Costs of expanding and modernizing the Navy's carrier-based air forces, May 1982
The industrial policy debate, December 1983
The changing business of banking : a study of failed banks from 1987 to 1992
Homeownership : the changing relationship of costs and incomes, and possible Federal roles, January 1977
Curtailing indirect federal subsidies to the U.S. Postal Service, August 1984
Uranium enrichment : investment options for the long term, October 1983
Improving youth employment prospects : issues and options, February 1982
U.S. trade policy and the Tokyo Round of multilateral trade negotiations, March 1979
Counterforce issues for the U.S. strategic nuclear forces, January 1978
U.S. Army force design : alternatives for fiscal years 1977-1981, July 1976
Uranium enrichment : alternatives for meeting the nation's needs and their implications for the Federal budget, May 1976
Revising the individual income tax, July 1983
Modernizing U.S. strategic offensive forces : costs, effects, and alternatives, November 1987
Federal student assistance : issues and options, March 1980
The budgetary and economic effects of oil taxes, April 1986
Naval surface combatants in the 1990s : prospects and possibilities, April 1981
The Economic and budget outlook : an update
Advance budgeting : a report to the Congress, February 1977
Research and development funding in the proposed 1985 budget, March 1984
New York City's fiscal problem : its origins, potential repercussions, and some alternative policy responses, October 1975
Tax-exempt bonds for single-family housing, April 1979
The economic and budget outlook : an update, August 1984
Financing postal operations : alternative approaches and their budgetary implications, March 1976
Baseline budget projections for fiscal years 1984-1988, February 1983
Initial sequestration report for fiscal year 1990, August 1989
1977 farm legislation : an analysis of Congressional and Administration proposals, June 1977
The Economic and budget outlook : an update
Federal debt and interest costs, September 1984
The Outlook for farm commodity program spending, fiscal years 1992-1997
The effects of the Tokyo round of multilateral trade negotiations on the U.S. economy : an updated view, July 1979
Understanding fiscal policy, April 1978
Understanding natural gas price decontrol, April 1983
The Federal Government's pay systems : adjustment procedures and impacts of proposed changes, February 1977
Sequestration report for fiscal year 1988, August 1987
Estimates of Federal budget outlays, February 1978
Protecting the farmer against natural hazards : issues and options, March 1978
Agricultural price support programs : a layman's guide, April 1976
The economic outlook at midyear 1980, July 1980
Incomes policies in the United States : historical review and some issues, May 1977
The economic and budget outlook : fiscal years 1986-1990, February 1985
The MX missile and multiple protective structure basing : long-term budgetary implications, June 1979
Reducing the deficit : spending and revenue options
Military family housing in the United States
Physician reimbursement under Medicare : options for change, April 1986
Natural gas pricing policies : implications for the federal budget, January 1983
Estimating outlays for unemployment compensation programs, October 1976
Reducing the deficit : spending and revenue options, February 1983
Paying for social security : funding options for the near term, February 1981
Strengthening NATO, POMCUS and other approaches, February 1979
Paying for highways, airways, and waterways : how can users be charged?
The Economic and budget outlook : fiscal years 1994-1998
Pricing options for the space shuttle, March 1985
Revising the corporate income tax, May 1985
Physician payment reform under Medicare, April 1990
Army ground combat modernization for the 1980s : potential costs and effects for NATO, November 1982
The U.S. balance of international payments and the U.S. economy, February 1978
Assessing the NATO/Warsaw pact military balance, December 1977
How the GATT affects U.S. antidumping and countervailing-duty policy
National service programs and their effects on military manpower and civilian youth problems, January 1978
Urban transportation and energy : the potential savings of different modes, December 1977
Social representation in the U.S. military, October 1989
Federal support of U.S. business, January 1984
The military retirement system : options for change, January 1978
Nuclear waste disposal : achieving adequate financing, August 1984
An Analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1983, February 1982
The benefits and risks of federal funding for Sematech, September 1987
Family incomes of unemployment insurance recipients and the implications for extending benefits, February 1990
Supplemental appropriations in the 1970s, July 1981
Limiting conventional arms exports to the Middle East
Aerial tanker force modernization, March 1982
Advance budgeting : a report to the Congress : [a compilation of technical background papers], March 1977
A Review of the Department of Defense December 31, 1981 : selected acquisition report (SAR), May 1982
Canada's western grain stabilization program : an option for U.S. farm policy?, November 1984
The Economic outlook, February 1984
Financing energy development, July 1976
Improving strategic mobility : the C-17 program and alternatives, September 1986
Reducing grades of the general schedule work force, September 1984
Alternative approaches to adjusting compensation for federal blue-collar employees, November 1980
Reducing entitlement spending
Rethinking the Trident force
An Analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1984, February 1983
The economic and budget outlook : an update, July 1990
A review of the accuracy of treasury revenue forecasts, 1963-1978, February 1981
Federal housing assistance : alternative approaches, May 1982
The economic and budget outlook : an update : a report to the senate and the house committees on the budget, as required by public law 93-344
Issues and options for the Navy's combat logistics force, April 1988
Navy budget issues for fiscal year 1980, March 1979
Supplemental appropriations in the 1980s, February 1990
Reducing the deficit : spending and revenue options, January 1987
An analysis of congressional economic forecasts and budget estimates for fiscal year 1979, February 1980
Consequences of dairy price support policy, March 1979
Universal health insurance coverage using Medicare's payment rates
Childcare and preschool : options for Federal support, September 1978
Expenditures for health care : Federal programs and their effects, August 1977
Analysis of the Grace Commission's major proposals for cost control, February 1984
Public policy and the changing structure of American agriculture, September 1978
Policies for the deregulated airline industry, July 1988
Dislocated workers : issues and federal options, July 1982
Trident II missiles : capability, costs, and alternatives, July 1986
Analysis of the military survivor benefit plan, March 1981
Fuel economy standards for new passenger cars after 1985, December 1980
Federal pay, its budgetary implications, March 1976
The economic outlook for 1979-1980 : an update, July 1979
The long-term costs of lower-income housing assistance programs, March 1979
Energy use in freight transportation, February 1982
Sustaining a balanced expansion, August 1976
Analysis of the shortfall in federal budget outlays for fiscal year 1978, March 1979
Controlling rising hospital costs, September 1979
Rural hospitals and Medicare's prospective payment system
An analysis of the Roth-Kemp tax cut proposal, October 1978
Final sequestration report for fiscal year 1995
Financing social security : issues and options for the long run, November 1982
An Analysis of the Managed Competition Act
Reducing the size of the federal civilian work force
Costs of the National Service Act (H.R. 2206) : a technical analysis, December 1980
Federal housing policy : current programs and recurring issues, June 1978
The Marine Corps in the 1980s : prestocking proposals, the rapid deployment force, and other issues, May 1980
Controlling losses of the pension benefit guaranty corporation
Long-term care : acturial cost estimates, August 1977
CETA training programs : do they work for adults?, July 1982
Agricultural price support programs : a handbook, May 1980
Budgetary and military effects of a treaty limiting conventional forces in Europe, January 1990
Overview of the 1978 budget : an analysis of President Carter's revisions, March 1977
Title II of the proposed senate amendments to the clean air act : A preliminary economic analysis
An analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1989, March 1988
Federal debt and interest costs
Postsecondary education : the current federal role and alternative approaches, February 1977
The windfall profits tax : a comparative analysis of two bills, November 1979
The Federal work force : its size, cost, and activities, March 1977
Transportation finance : choices in a period of change, March 1978
Adjustments in federal white-collar pay : a technical review of past proposals and the outlook for October 1983, March 1983
Catastrophic health insurance, January 1977
SALT and the U.S. strategic forces budget, June 1976
Restructuring health insurance for Medicare enrollees
Overview of the 1978 budget : an analysis of President Ford's proposals, January 1977
The outlook for farm commodity program spending, fiscal years 1988-1993, June 1988
Economic viability of Conrail, August 1986
Financing waterway development : the user charge debate, July 1977
Five-year budget projections : fiscal year 1978-1982, December 1976
Planning U.S. general purpose forces : the tactical air forces, January 1977
Guidelines for a study of highway cost allocation, February 1979
A budgetary framework for Federal housing and related community development policy, February 1977
An analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year 1981, February 1980
Fiscal federalism and the Partnership Act of 1987, November 1989
Congressional Budget Office list of publications, October 1988 : not available-see list of publications 1990; publication CBO-524
Defense manpower : compensation issues for fiscal year 1977, April 1976
Retirement accounting changes : budget and policy impacts, April 1977
Using R&D consortia for commercial innovation : SEMATECH, x-ray lithography, and high-resolution systems, July 1990
The economic and budget outlook : fiscal years 1989-1993, February 1988
The effect of PSROs on health care costs : current findings and future evaluations, June 1979
Defense spending and the economy, February 1983
New directions for the nation's public works, September 1988
Assisting the farm credit system : an analysis of two bills, December 1987
Reducing the deficit : spending and revenue options, March 1988
The outlook for farm commodity program spending, fiscal years 1989-1994, May 1989
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