- 資料種別
- 図書
- タイトル
- 並列タイトル等
- European Association for Animal Production Publication
- 出版地(国名コード)
- ne
- 本文の言語コード
- en
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 一般注記
- Publisher of no. 79: Wageningen PersPublisher of no. 106, 116: Wageningen Academic Publishers
- 関連情報
- Performance recording of animals : state of the art, 1992 : proceedings of the 28th biennial session of the International Committee forAnimal Recording(ICAR), Neustift im Stubaital, Tyrol, Austria, 7-12 June 1992Performance recording of animals : state of the art, 1990 : proceedings of the 27th biennial session of the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR), Paris, France, 2-6 july 1990Energy metabolism of farm animals : proceedings of the 10th symposium held at Airlie, Virginia, September 1985Energy metabolism of farm animalsNutrition of the exercising horseNew techniques in pig carcass evaluation : proceedings of the EAAP-symposuim of the Commission on Pig Production, Helsinki, Finland, 1 July 1988Goat nutritionProtein metabolism and nutrition : proceedings of the VIIIth International Symposium on Protein Metabolism and Nutrition : Aberdeen, United Kingdom, 1-4 September, 1999Symposium on energy metabolism : principles, methods and general aspectsInternational symposium on Mediterranean animal germplasm and future human challengesThe ethology and ethics of farm animal production : proceedings of the 28th annual meeting, commission on Animal Management and Health, session 3, 4, held in Brussels, Belgium, August1 1977Dictionary of animal production terminology : in English, French, Spanish, German, and LatinEnergy metabolism of farm animals : proceedings of the 6th symposium held at Hohenheim, B.R.D., September 1973Dictionary of animal production terminology : in English, French, German, Spanish, and LatinEnergy metabolism of farm animals : proceedings of the 9th Symposium held at Lillehammer, Norway September 1982Performance testing of AI bulls for efficiency and beef production in dairy and dual-purpose breeds : proceedings EAAP-seminar Study Commissions on Cattle Production and Animal Genetics, Wageningen, the Netherlands, 27-29 April 1987Livestock feed resources and feed evaluation in Europe : present situation and future prospectsEnergy metabolism of farm animals : proceedings of the 4th symposium held at Warsaw, Poland, September 1967The impact of nutrition on the health and welfare of horses : 5th European workshop equine nutrition Cirencester, United Kingdom, 19-22 September 2010Organic meat and milk from ruminants : proceedings of a joint international conference organised by the Hellenic Society of Animal Production and the British Society of Animal Science : Athens, Greece, 4-6 October 2001Research strategy for animal production in Europe in the 21st century : proceedings of the workshop organized by EAAP, IVO-DLO-Research Institute for Animal Production 'Schoonoord' (Zeist, the Netherlands), and FAO in co-operation with the EC, ISNAR, OIE and the World Bank, Wageningen, the Netherlands, November 29-December 2, 1992Digestive physiology in pigsFeeding strategy for the high yielding dairy cowEnergy metabolism of farm animals : proceedings of the 11th symposium, Lunteren, Netherlands, 18-24 September 1988Livestock production in Europe : perspectives and prospectsProtein metabolism and nutrition : Proceedings of the 3rd EAAP - Symposium on Protein Metabolism and Nutrion, held at Braunschweig, F.R. Germany, May, 1980New trends in veal calf production : proceedings of the International Symposium on Veal Calf Production, Wageningen, Netherlands, 14-16 March 1990Digestive physiology in pigsNitrogen flow in pig production and environmental consequences : proceedings of the first international symposium on nitrogen flow in pig production and environmental consequences, Wageningen (Doorwerth), the Netherlands, 8-11 June 1993Livestock farming systems : research, development socio-economics and the land manager : proceedings of the third international symposium on livestock farming systemsState of breeding evaluation in trotters : proceedings of the EAAP-symposium of the Commission on horse production, Helsinki, Finland, 1 July 1988Energy metabolism in animals : proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Energy Metabolism in animals : Snekkersten, Denmark, 11-16 September 2000New selection schemes in cattle : nucleus programmesImproving health and welfare in animal production : proceedings of sessions of the EAAP Commission on Animal Management & Health : the Haguem, the Netherlands , 21-24 August 2000Control and regulation of animal growth : proceedings EAAP-seminar, Lisbon, Portugal, 28 September 1987Nutrition of the performance horse : which system in Europe for evaluating the nutritional requirements?Animal husbandry in warm climates : proceedings of the International Symposium on Animal Husbandry in Warm Climates, Viterbo, Italy, 25-27 October 1990Indicators of milk and beef qualityProgress in research on energy and protein metabolismThe study of livestock farming systems in a research and development framework : proceedings of the second International Symposium on Livestock Farming SystemsConservation genetics of endangered horse breedsEnergy metabolism of farm animals : proceedings of the 13th symposium, Mojacar, Spain, 18-24 September 1994Ruminant production in the dry subtropics : constraints and potentials : Proceedings of the international symposium on the constraints and possibilities of ruminant production in the dry subtropics (MOA of Egypt, ESAP, EAAP, FAO, ICAMAS, WAAP), Cairo, Egypt, 5-7 november 1988Protein metabolism and nutrition : proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Protein Metabolism and Nutrition Vale de Santarém-Portugal 24-27 May 1995Livestock farming systems : more than food production : proceedings of the fourth international symposium on livestock farming systemsEnergy metabolism of farm animals : proceedings of the 5th symposium held at Vitznau, Switzerland, September 1970Recent advances of research in antinutritional factors in legume seeds and oilseeds : proceedings of the fourht International Workshop on Antinutritional Factors in Legume Seeds and Oilseeds, Toledo, Spain, 8-10 March, 2004Utilization of local feed resources by dairy cattle : perspectives of environmentally balanced production systems : symposium proceedings Wageningen Institute of Animal Sciences (WIAS) Wageningen, the NetherlandsAutomation of feeding and milking : production, health, behaviour, breedingEnergy metabolism : proceedings of the 3rd symposium held at Troon Scotland, May 1964