
The publications of the Surtees Society v.1 (1835) v.2 (1835) v.3 1835 v.3 (1836) v.4 (1836) v.5 (1837) v.6 (1837) v.7 (1838) v.9 (1839) v.10 (1840) v.11 (1840) v.12 (1841) v.13 (1841) v.14 (1842) v.16 (1843) v.17 (1843) v.19 1844 v.18 (1844) v.20 (1845) v.21 (1845) v.19 (1847) v.20 (1847) v.22 (1850) v.23 (1851) v.24 (1852) v.25 (1852) v.26 (1853) v.27 (1853) v.29 (1854) v.30:pt.2 (1855) v.38 (1855) v.37 (1855) v.31(1855) v.30 (1855) v.31 (1856) v.32(1856) v.33 (1857) v.32 (1857) v.34 (1857) v.35 (1858) v.35 1858 v.36 (1859) v.35(1859) v.38 (1860) v.39 (1861) v.40(1861) v.42 (1862) v.43 (1863) v.45 (1864) v.44 (1864) v.46 (1865) v.48 (1865) v.49 (1866) v.51 (1867) v.52(1868) v.52 (1868) v.53 (1868) v.54 (1869) v.55 (1870) v.56 (1870) v.71 (1871) v.58 (1871) v.57 (1871) v.36index 1872 v.59(1872) v.59 (1872) v.60 (1872) v.62 1873 v.63 (1874) v.64 (1874) v.66 (1876) v.68 (1877) v.68(1877) v.70 (1878) v.69 (1878) v.72 (1879) v.072 yr.1879 v.73 (1880) v.073 yr.1880 v.25 1882 v.75 (1882) v.76 (1883) v.75 1884 v.78 (1884) v.79 (1884) v.80 (1885) v.82 (1886) v.115 1886 v.83 (1887) v.83(1887) v.84 (1888) v.85 (1888) v.86 (1889) v.87(1889) v.87 (1889) v.88 (1890) v.085 yr.1890 v.90 (1892) v.91 (1892) v.92 (1893) v.94 (1894) v.94(1894) v.93 (1894) v.95 (1895) v.96 (1896) v.97 (1896) v.98 (1897) v.98(1897) v.96(1897) v.030 v.002 v.007 v.036 v.027 v.28 v.31


The publications of the Surtees Society v.1 (1835)

Printed for the Society by Northumberland Press



Publisher varies


Chartularium abbathiae de novo monasterio : ordinis cisterciensis外部サイトA volume of English miscellanies illustrating the history and language of the northern counties of England外部サイトHorae Eboracenses, the Prymer or Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary according to the use of the illustrious church of York : with other devotions as they were used by the lay-folk in the Northern province in the XVth and XVIth centuries外部サイトThe visitation of the county of Yorke : begun in A. Dn̄i MDCLXV. and finished A. Dn̄i MDCLXVI外部サイトThe chartulary of brinkburn priory外部サイトYorkshire diaries and autobiographies in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries外部サイトThe records of the Northern Convocation外部サイトRecords of Antony Bek, bishop and patriarch, 1283-1311外部サイトSanctuarium Dunelmense et Sanctuarium Beverlacense外部サイトA description or breife declaration of all the ancient monuments, rites, and customes belonginge or beinge within the monastical church of Durham before the suppression, written in 1593外部サイトExtracts from the records of the Company of Hostmen of Newcastle-upon-Tyne外部サイトThe life of St. Cuthbert in English verse, c.A.D. 1450 : from the original ms. in the library at Castle Howard外部サイトSix north country diaries外部サイトMiscellanea外部サイトThe register, or rolls, of Walter Gray, Lord Archbishop of York : with appendices of illustrative documents外部サイトFeodarium prioratus Dunelmensis : a survey of the estates of the prior and convent of Durham compiled in the fifteenth century, illustrated by the original grants and other evidences外部サイトThe autobiography of Mrs. Alice Thornton, of East Newton, Co. York外部サイトRural economy in Yorkshire in 1641 : being the farming and account books of Henry Best, of Elmswell, in the East Riding of the county of York外部サイトThe register of the guild of corpus christi in the city of York : with an appendix of illustrative documents, containing some account of the Hospital of St. Thomas of Canterbury, without Micklegate-bar, in the suburbs of the City外部サイトDurham annals and documents of the thirteenth century外部サイトThe correspondence of Robert Bowes, of Aske, Esquire, the ambassador of Queen Elizabeth in the court of Scotland外部サイトPoems of John of Hoveden外部サイトExtracts from the records of the merchant adventurers of Newcastle-upon-Tyne外部サイトThe Percy chartulary外部サイトBoldon buke : a survey of the possessions of the see of Durham, made by order of Bishop Hugh Pudsey, in the year M.C.L.XXXIII外部サイトNorthallerton wills and inventories, 1666-1719外部サイトCartularium prioratus de Gyseburne, Ebor. diœceseos, Ordinis S. Augustini, fundati A.D. MCXIX外部サイトSymeonis dunelmensis opera et collectanea外部サイトYork City chamberlains' account rolls, 1396-1500外部サイトThe obituary roll of William Ebchester and John Burnby, priors of Durham : with notices of similar records preserved at Durham, from the year 1233 downwards, letters of fraternity, &c外部サイトA visitation of the north of England, circa 1480-1500外部サイトNorth country wills : being abstracts of wills relating to the counties of York, Nottingham, Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmorland, at Somerset House and Lambeth Palace外部サイトHeraldic visitation of the northern counties in 1530外部サイトWills and inventories illustrative of the history, manners, language, statistics, &c. of the northern counties of England, from the eleventh century downwards外部サイトThe survey of the county of York, taken by John de Kirkby, commonly called Kirkby's inquest : also Inquisitions of the knights' fees, the Nomina villarum for Yorkshire, and an appendix of illustrative documents外部サイトWills and inventories from the registry of the archdeaconry of Richmond : extending over portions of the counties of York, Westmerland, Cumberland, and Lancaster外部サイトThe family memoirs of the Rev. William Stukeley, M.D. : and the antiquarian and other correspondence of William Stukeley, Roger & Samuel Gale, etc外部サイトSelections from the household books of the Lord William Howard of Naworth Castle : with an appendix, containing some of his papers and letters, and other documents, illustrative of his life and times外部サイトThe register of John Le Romeyn, Lord Archbishop of York, 1286-1296外部サイトThe inventories and account rolls of the Benedictine houses or cells of Jarrow and Monk-Wearmouth, in the county of Durham外部サイトDurham Priory manorial accounts 1277-1310外部サイトReginaldi monachi Dunelmensis Libellus de admirandis beati Cuthberti virtutibus quæ novellis patratæ sunt temporibus外部サイトMemoirs of the life of Mr. Ambrose Barnes, late merchant and sometime alderman of Newcastle upon Tyne外部サイトThe register of Thomas Langley, Bishop of Durham, 1406-1437外部サイトLiber vitae ecclesiae dunelmensis : nec non obituaria duo ejusdem ecclesiae外部サイトDurham protestations, or, The returns made to the House of Commons in 1641/2 for the maintenance of the Protestant religion for the county palatine of Durham, for the borough of Berwick-upon-Tweed and the parish of Morpeth外部サイトThe register of Walter Giffard, Lord Archbishop of York, 1266-1279外部サイトThe Northumberland eyre roll for 1293外部サイトThe Durham household book, or, The accounts of the bursar of the monastery of Durham : from Pentecost 1530 to Pentecost 1534外部サイトThe statutes of the Cathedral Church of Durham : with other documents relating to its foundation and endowment by King Henry the Eighth and Queen Mary外部サイトThree early assize rolls for the county of Northumberland, sæc. XIII外部サイトWills and inventories from the registry at Durham外部サイトThe Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels : now first printed from the original manuscripts in the British Museum and the Bodleian Library外部サイトCatalogues of the Library of Durham Cathedral : at various periods, from the conquest to the dissolution, including catalogues of the library of the Abbey of Hulne, and of the mss. preserved in the library of Bishop Cosin, at Durham = Catalogi veteres librorum Ecclesiæ Cathedralis Dunelm外部サイトYork memorandum book : lettered A/Y in the Guildhall Muniment Room外部サイトScalacronica 1272-1363外部サイトThe remains of Denis Granville, D.D., dean and archdeacon of Durham, &c. : being a further selection from his correspondence, diaries, and other papers外部サイトManuale et processionale ad usum insignis ecclesiæ Eboracensis外部サイトActs of chapter of the Collegiate church of SS. Peter and Wilfrid, Ripon, A.D. 1452 to A.D. 1506外部サイトPercy Bailiff's rolls of the fifteenth century外部サイトMissale ad usum insignis Ecclesiæ eboracensis外部サイトWills & administrations from the Knaresborough court rolls外部サイトThe chronicle of St. Mary's Abbey, York : from Bodley ms. 39外部サイトMemorials of St. Giles's, Durham : being grassmen's accounts and other parish records, together with documents relating to the hospitals of Kepier and St. Mary Magdalene外部サイトThe register of the priory of St. Bees外部サイトRecords of the Committees for compounding, etc. : with delinquent royalists in Durham and Northumberland during the civil war, etc., 1643-1660外部サイトClifford letters of the sixteenth century外部サイトDepositions from the castle of York, relating to offences committed in the northern countries in the seventeenth century外部サイトMiscellanea biographica : Oswinus, rex Northumbriæ ; Cuthbertus, episcopus Lindisfarnensis ; Eata, episcopus Haugustaldensis外部サイトThe acts of the High Commission Court within the diocese of Durham外部サイトLowther family estate books 1617-1975外部サイトThe charters of endowment, inventories, and account rolls, of the Priory of Finchale, in the county of Durham外部サイトBreviarium ad usum insignis ecclesie Eboracensis外部サイトBoldon buke : a survey of the possessions of the see of Durham, made by order of Bishop Hugh Pudsey, in the year M.C.L.XXXIII外部サイトParliamentary surveys of the Bishopric of Durham外部サイトDepositions and other ecclesiastical proceedings from the Court of Durham, extending from 1311 to the reign of Elizabeth外部サイトWills and inventories illustrative of the history, manners, language, statistics, &c. of the northern counties of England, from the eleventh century downwards外部サイトThe register of William Wickwane, Lord Archbishop of York, 1279-1285外部サイトAnglo-Saxon and early English psalter : now first printed from manuscripts in the British Museum外部サイトTestamenta Eboracensia, or, Wills registered at York, illustrative of the history, manners, language, statistics, &c., of the province of York, from the year MCCC. downwards外部サイトMemorials of the Church of SS. Peter and Wilfrid, Ripon外部サイトThe justicing notebook (1750-64) of Edmund Tew, Rector of Boldon外部サイトThe registers of Cuthbert Tunstall, bishop of Durham, 1530-59, and James Pilkington, bishop of Durham, 1561-76外部サイトThe Towneley Mysteries外部サイトRichard d'Aungerville, of Bury : fragments of his register and other documents外部サイトThe York mercers and merchant adventurers, 1356-1917外部サイトThe correspondence of Dr. Matthew Hutton, archbishop of York : with a selection from the letters, etc. of Sir Timothy Hutton, Knt., his son, and Matthew Hutton, Esq., his grandson外部サイトNorthern petitions illustrative of life in Berwick, Cumbria, and Durham in the fourteenth century外部サイトCartularium abbathiae de rievalle : ordinis cisterciensis外部サイトRituale ecclesiæ Dunelmensis : nunc primum typis mandatum外部サイトBoldon buke : a survey of the possessions of the see of Durham, made by order of Bishop Hugh Pudsey, in the year M.C.LXXXIII : with a translation, an appendix of original documents, and a glossary外部サイトThe correspondence, inventories, account rolls, and law proceedings, of the Priory of Coldingham外部サイトNaworth estate and household accounts, 1648-1660外部サイトDepositions and other ecclesiastical proceedings from the Court of Durham, extending from 1311 to the reign of Elizabeth外部サイトMemorials of Beverly Minster : the chapter act book of the collegiate church of S. John of Beverley, A.D. 1286-1347外部サイトThe correspondence of John Cosin, D.D., Lord Bishop of Durham : together with other papers illustrative of his life and times外部サイトThe autobiographies and letters of Thomas Comber, sometime precentor of York and dean of Durham外部サイトFasti Dunelmenses : a record of the beneficed clergy of the diocese of Durham down to the dissolution of the monastic and collegiate churches外部サイトVisitations of Yorkshire and Northumberland in A.D. 1575 and a book of arms from ashmole Ms. No. 834外部サイトExtracts from the account rolls of the Abbey of Durham, from the original mss.外部サイトThe fabric rolls of York Minster : with an appendix of illustrative documents外部サイトRegister of the freemen of the city of York : from the city records外部サイトThe Lanercost cartulary : Cumbria County Record Office MS DZ/1外部サイトThe Surtees Society, 1834-1934 : including a catalogue of its publications, with notes on their sources and contents and a list of the members of the Society from its beginning to the present day外部サイトVisitations of the north, or, Some early heraldic visitations of, and collection of redigrees relating to the north of England外部サイトThe register of Richard Fox, Lord Bishop of Durham, 1495-1501外部サイトMemorials of the Abbey of St. Mary of Fountains外部サイトChurchwardens' accounts of Pittington : and other parishes in the diocese of Durham from A.D. 1580 to 1700外部サイトEstate accounts of the Earls of Northumberland, 1562-1637外部サイトThe priory of Hexham外部サイトThe law book of the Crowley Ironworks外部サイトLiber vitae ecclesiae Dunelmensis : a collotype facsimile of the original manuscript, with introductory essays and notes外部サイトPedes finium ebor, regnante Johanne, A.D. MCXCIX.-A.D. MCCXIV外部サイトNorthumbrian documents of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries : comprising the register of the estates of Roman Catholics in Northumberland and the corespondence of Miles Stapylton外部サイトChronicle of the war between the English and the Scots in 1173 and 1174外部サイトRites of Durham : being a description or brief declaration of all the ancient monuments, rites, & customs belonging or being within the monastical church of Durham before the suppression, written 1593外部サイトMissale ad usum insignis ecclesiæ Eboracensis外部サイトDurham civic memorials外部サイトThe certificates of the commissioners appointed to survey the chantries, guilds, hospitals, etc., in the county of York外部サイトThe diaries and correspondence of James Losh外部サイトHistoriæ Dunelmensis scriptores tres : Gaufridus de Coldingham, Robertus de Graystanes, et Willielmus de Chambre外部サイトHalmota prioratus dunelmensis : containing extracts from the halmote court or manor rolls of the prior and convent of durham, A.D. 1296-A.D. 1384外部サイトBishop Hatfield's survey : a record of the possessions of the see of Durham, made by order of Thomas de Hatfield, bishop of Durham : with an appendix of original documents, and a glossary外部サイトThe inventories of church goods for the counties of York, Durham, and Northumberland外部サイトBishop Hatfield's survey : a record of the possessions of the see of Durham, made by order of Thomas de Hatfield, bishop of Durham : with an appendix of original documents, and a glossary外部サイトLiber pontificalis Chr. Bainbridge archiepiscopi Eboracensis外部サイトEarly deeds relating to Newcastle upon Tyne外部サイトDialogi laurentii dunelmensis monachi ac prioris外部サイトThe cartulary of Byland Abbey外部サイトSelections from the disbursements book (1691-1709) of Sir Thomas Haggerston, Bart.外部サイトThe register of Thomas of Corbridge, Lord Archbishop of York, 1300-1304外部サイトCartularium abbathiæ de Whiteby : ordinis S. Benedicti, fundatæ anno MLXXVIII外部サイトLibellus de vita et miraculis S. Godrici, heremitae e finchale : auctore Reginaldo Monacho Dunelmensi : adjicitur appendix miraculorum外部サイトNorthumbrian pleas from De Banco Rolls外部サイトLetters of Spencer Cowper, dean of Durham, 1746-74外部サイトThe register of William Greenfield, Lord Archbishop of York, 1306-1315外部サイトThe register of John Le Romeyn, Lord Archbishop of York, 1286-1296 ; and of Henry of Newark, Lord Archbishop of York, 1926-1299外部サイトThe rites of Durham外部サイト



  • Chartularium abbathiae de novo monasterio : ordinis cisterciensis

  • A volume of English miscellanies illustrating the history and language of the northern counties of England

  • Horae Eboracenses, the Prymer or Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary according to the use of the illustrious church of York : with other devotions as they were used by the lay-folk in the Northern province in the XVth and XVIth centuries

  • The visitation of the county of Yorke : begun in A. Dn̄i MDCLXV. and finished A. Dn̄i MDCLXVI

  • The chartulary of brinkburn priory





  • CiNii Research

    連携先のサイトで、CiNii Researchが連携している機関・データベースの所蔵状況を確認できます。




v.1 (1835)
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v.3 1835
v.3 (1836)
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v.10 (1840)
v.11 (1840)
v.12 (1841)
v.13 (1841)
v.14 (1842)
v.16 (1843)
v.17 (1843)
v.19 1844
v.18 (1844)
v.20 (1845)
v.21 (1845)
v.19 (1847)
v.20 (1847)
v.22 (1850)
v.23 (1851)
v.24 (1852)
v.25 (1852)
v.26 (1853)
v.27 (1853)
v.29 (1854)
v.30:pt.2 (1855)
v.38 (1855)
v.37 (1855)
v.30 (1855)
v.31 (1856)
v.33 (1857)
v.32 (1857)
v.34 (1857)
v.35 (1858)
v.35 1858
v.36 (1859)
v.38 (1860)
v.39 (1861)
v.42 (1862)
v.43 (1863)
v.45 (1864)
v.44 (1864)
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v.51 (1867)
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v.53 (1868)
v.54 (1869)
v.55 (1870)
v.56 (1870)
v.71 (1871)
v.58 (1871)
v.57 (1871)
v.36index 1872
v.59 (1872)
v.60 (1872)
v.62 1873
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v.64 (1874)
v.66 (1876)
v.68 (1877)
v.70 (1878)
v.69 (1878)
v.72 (1879)
v.072 yr.1879
v.73 (1880)
v.073 yr.1880
v.25 1882
v.75 (1882)
v.76 (1883)
v.75 1884
v.78 (1884)
v.79 (1884)
v.80 (1885)
v.82 (1886)
v.115 1886
v.83 (1887)
v.84 (1888)
v.85 (1888)
v.86 (1889)
v.87 (1889)
v.88 (1890)
v.085 yr.1890
v.90 (1892)
v.91 (1892)
v.92 (1893)
v.94 (1894)
v.93 (1894)
v.95 (1895)
v.96 (1896)
v.97 (1896)
v.98 (1897)
Publisher varies
Chartularium abbathiae de novo monasterio : ordinis cisterciensis
A volume of English miscellanies illustrating the history and language of the northern counties of England
Horae Eboracenses, the Prymer or Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary according to the use of the illustrious church of York : with other devotions as they were used by the lay-folk in the Northern province in the XVth and XVIth centuries
The visitation of the county of Yorke : begun in A. Dn̄i MDCLXV. and finished A. Dn̄i MDCLXVI
The chartulary of brinkburn priory
Yorkshire diaries and autobiographies in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
The records of the Northern Convocation
Records of Antony Bek, bishop and patriarch, 1283-1311
Sanctuarium Dunelmense et Sanctuarium Beverlacense
A description or breife declaration of all the ancient monuments, rites, and customes belonginge or beinge within the monastical church of Durham before the suppression, written in 1593
Extracts from the records of the Company of Hostmen of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
The life of St. Cuthbert in English verse, c.A.D. 1450 : from the original ms. in the library at Castle Howard
Six north country diaries
The register, or rolls, of Walter Gray, Lord Archbishop of York : with appendices of illustrative documents
Feodarium prioratus Dunelmensis : a survey of the estates of the prior and convent of Durham compiled in the fifteenth century, illustrated by the original grants and other evidences
The autobiography of Mrs. Alice Thornton, of East Newton, Co. York
Rural economy in Yorkshire in 1641 : being the farming and account books of Henry Best, of Elmswell, in the East Riding of the county of York
The register of the guild of corpus christi in the city of York : with an appendix of illustrative documents, containing some account of the Hospital of St. Thomas of Canterbury, without Micklegate-bar, in the suburbs of the City
Durham annals and documents of the thirteenth century
The correspondence of Robert Bowes, of Aske, Esquire, the ambassador of Queen Elizabeth in the court of Scotland
Poems of John of Hoveden
Extracts from the records of the merchant adventurers of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
The Percy chartulary
Boldon buke : a survey of the possessions of the see of Durham, made by order of Bishop Hugh Pudsey, in the year M.C.L.XXXIII
Northallerton wills and inventories, 1666-1719
Cartularium prioratus de Gyseburne, Ebor. diœceseos, Ordinis S. Augustini, fundati A.D. MCXIX
Symeonis dunelmensis opera et collectanea
York City chamberlains' account rolls, 1396-1500
The obituary roll of William Ebchester and John Burnby, priors of Durham : with notices of similar records preserved at Durham, from the year 1233 downwards, letters of fraternity, &c
A visitation of the north of England, circa 1480-1500
North country wills : being abstracts of wills relating to the counties of York, Nottingham, Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmorland, at Somerset House and Lambeth Palace
Heraldic visitation of the northern counties in 1530
Wills and inventories illustrative of the history, manners, language, statistics, &c. of the northern counties of England, from the eleventh century downwards
The survey of the county of York, taken by John de Kirkby, commonly called Kirkby's inquest : also Inquisitions of the knights' fees, the Nomina villarum for Yorkshire, and an appendix of illustrative documents
Wills and inventories from the registry of the archdeaconry of Richmond : extending over portions of the counties of York, Westmerland, Cumberland, and Lancaster
The family memoirs of the Rev. William Stukeley, M.D. : and the antiquarian and other correspondence of William Stukeley, Roger & Samuel Gale, etc
Selections from the household books of the Lord William Howard of Naworth Castle : with an appendix, containing some of his papers and letters, and other documents, illustrative of his life and times
The register of John Le Romeyn, Lord Archbishop of York, 1286-1296
The inventories and account rolls of the Benedictine houses or cells of Jarrow and Monk-Wearmouth, in the county of Durham
Durham Priory manorial accounts 1277-1310
Reginaldi monachi Dunelmensis Libellus de admirandis beati Cuthberti virtutibus quæ novellis patratæ sunt temporibus
Memoirs of the life of Mr. Ambrose Barnes, late merchant and sometime alderman of Newcastle upon Tyne
The register of Thomas Langley, Bishop of Durham, 1406-1437
Liber vitae ecclesiae dunelmensis : nec non obituaria duo ejusdem ecclesiae
Durham protestations, or, The returns made to the House of Commons in 1641/2 for the maintenance of the Protestant religion for the county palatine of Durham, for the borough of Berwick-upon-Tweed and the parish of Morpeth
The register of Walter Giffard, Lord Archbishop of York, 1266-1279
The Northumberland eyre roll for 1293
The Durham household book, or, The accounts of the bursar of the monastery of Durham : from Pentecost 1530 to Pentecost 1534
The statutes of the Cathedral Church of Durham : with other documents relating to its foundation and endowment by King Henry the Eighth and Queen Mary
Three early assize rolls for the county of Northumberland, sæc. XIII
Wills and inventories from the registry at Durham
The Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels : now first printed from the original manuscripts in the British Museum and the Bodleian Library
Catalogues of the Library of Durham Cathedral : at various periods, from the conquest to the dissolution, including catalogues of the library of the Abbey of Hulne, and of the mss. preserved in the library of Bishop Cosin, at Durham = Catalogi veteres librorum Ecclesiæ Cathedralis Dunelm
York memorandum book : lettered A/Y in the Guildhall Muniment Room
Scalacronica 1272-1363
The remains of Denis Granville, D.D., dean and archdeacon of Durham, &c. : being a further selection from his correspondence, diaries, and other papers
Manuale et processionale ad usum insignis ecclesiæ Eboracensis
Acts of chapter of the Collegiate church of SS. Peter and Wilfrid, Ripon, A.D. 1452 to A.D. 1506
Percy Bailiff's rolls of the fifteenth century
Missale ad usum insignis Ecclesiæ eboracensis
Wills & administrations from the Knaresborough court rolls
The chronicle of St. Mary's Abbey, York : from Bodley ms. 39
Memorials of St. Giles's, Durham : being grassmen's accounts and other parish records, together with documents relating to the hospitals of Kepier and St. Mary Magdalene
The register of the priory of St. Bees
Records of the Committees for compounding, etc. : with delinquent royalists in Durham and Northumberland during the civil war, etc., 1643-1660
Clifford letters of the sixteenth century
Depositions from the castle of York, relating to offences committed in the northern countries in the seventeenth century
Miscellanea biographica : Oswinus, rex Northumbriæ ; Cuthbertus, episcopus Lindisfarnensis ; Eata, episcopus Haugustaldensis
The acts of the High Commission Court within the diocese of Durham
Lowther family estate books 1617-1975
The charters of endowment, inventories, and account rolls, of the Priory of Finchale, in the county of Durham
Breviarium ad usum insignis ecclesie Eboracensis
Boldon buke : a survey of the possessions of the see of Durham, made by order of Bishop Hugh Pudsey, in the year M.C.L.XXXIII
Parliamentary surveys of the Bishopric of Durham
Depositions and other ecclesiastical proceedings from the Court of Durham, extending from 1311 to the reign of Elizabeth
Wills and inventories illustrative of the history, manners, language, statistics, &c. of the northern counties of England, from the eleventh century downwards
The register of William Wickwane, Lord Archbishop of York, 1279-1285
Anglo-Saxon and early English psalter : now first printed from manuscripts in the British Museum
Testamenta Eboracensia, or, Wills registered at York, illustrative of the history, manners, language, statistics, &c., of the province of York, from the year MCCC. downwards
Memorials of the Church of SS. Peter and Wilfrid, Ripon
The justicing notebook (1750-64) of Edmund Tew, Rector of Boldon
The registers of Cuthbert Tunstall, bishop of Durham, 1530-59, and James Pilkington, bishop of Durham, 1561-76
The Towneley Mysteries
Richard d'Aungerville, of Bury : fragments of his register and other documents
The York mercers and merchant adventurers, 1356-1917
The correspondence of Dr. Matthew Hutton, archbishop of York : with a selection from the letters, etc. of Sir Timothy Hutton, Knt., his son, and Matthew Hutton, Esq., his grandson
Northern petitions illustrative of life in Berwick, Cumbria, and Durham in the fourteenth century
Cartularium abbathiae de rievalle : ordinis cisterciensis
Rituale ecclesiæ Dunelmensis : nunc primum typis mandatum
Boldon buke : a survey of the possessions of the see of Durham, made by order of Bishop Hugh Pudsey, in the year M.C.LXXXIII : with a translation, an appendix of original documents, and a glossary
The correspondence, inventories, account rolls, and law proceedings, of the Priory of Coldingham
Naworth estate and household accounts, 1648-1660
Depositions and other ecclesiastical proceedings from the Court of Durham, extending from 1311 to the reign of Elizabeth
Memorials of Beverly Minster : the chapter act book of the collegiate church of S. John of Beverley, A.D. 1286-1347
The correspondence of John Cosin, D.D., Lord Bishop of Durham : together with other papers illustrative of his life and times
The autobiographies and letters of Thomas Comber, sometime precentor of York and dean of Durham
Fasti Dunelmenses : a record of the beneficed clergy of the diocese of Durham down to the dissolution of the monastic and collegiate churches
Visitations of Yorkshire and Northumberland in A.D. 1575 and a book of arms from ashmole Ms. No. 834
Extracts from the account rolls of the Abbey of Durham, from the original mss.
The fabric rolls of York Minster : with an appendix of illustrative documents
Register of the freemen of the city of York : from the city records
The Lanercost cartulary : Cumbria County Record Office MS DZ/1
The Surtees Society, 1834-1934 : including a catalogue of its publications, with notes on their sources and contents and a list of the members of the Society from its beginning to the present day
Visitations of the north, or, Some early heraldic visitations of, and collection of redigrees relating to the north of England
The register of Richard Fox, Lord Bishop of Durham, 1495-1501
Memorials of the Abbey of St. Mary of Fountains
Churchwardens' accounts of Pittington : and other parishes in the diocese of Durham from A.D. 1580 to 1700
Estate accounts of the Earls of Northumberland, 1562-1637
The priory of Hexham
The law book of the Crowley Ironworks
Liber vitae ecclesiae Dunelmensis : a collotype facsimile of the original manuscript, with introductory essays and notes
Pedes finium ebor, regnante Johanne, A.D. MCXCIX.-A.D. MCCXIV
Northumbrian documents of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries : comprising the register of the estates of Roman Catholics in Northumberland and the corespondence of Miles Stapylton
Chronicle of the war between the English and the Scots in 1173 and 1174
Rites of Durham : being a description or brief declaration of all the ancient monuments, rites, & customs belonging or being within the monastical church of Durham before the suppression, written 1593
Missale ad usum insignis ecclesiæ Eboracensis
Durham civic memorials
The certificates of the commissioners appointed to survey the chantries, guilds, hospitals, etc., in the county of York
The diaries and correspondence of James Losh
Historiæ Dunelmensis scriptores tres : Gaufridus de Coldingham, Robertus de Graystanes, et Willielmus de Chambre
Halmota prioratus dunelmensis : containing extracts from the halmote court or manor rolls of the prior and convent of durham, A.D. 1296-A.D. 1384
Bishop Hatfield's survey : a record of the possessions of the see of Durham, made by order of Thomas de Hatfield, bishop of Durham : with an appendix of original documents, and a glossary
The inventories of church goods for the counties of York, Durham, and Northumberland
Bishop Hatfield's survey : a record of the possessions of the see of Durham, made by order of Thomas de Hatfield, bishop of Durham : with an appendix of original documents, and a glossary
Liber pontificalis Chr. Bainbridge archiepiscopi Eboracensis
Early deeds relating to Newcastle upon Tyne
Dialogi laurentii dunelmensis monachi ac prioris
The cartulary of Byland Abbey
Selections from the disbursements book (1691-1709) of Sir Thomas Haggerston, Bart.
The register of Thomas of Corbridge, Lord Archbishop of York, 1300-1304
Cartularium abbathiæ de Whiteby : ordinis S. Benedicti, fundatæ anno MLXXVIII
Libellus de vita et miraculis S. Godrici, heremitae e finchale : auctore Reginaldo Monacho Dunelmensi : adjicitur appendix miraculorum
Northumbrian pleas from De Banco Rolls
Letters of Spencer Cowper, dean of Durham, 1746-74
The register of William Greenfield, Lord Archbishop of York, 1306-1315
The register of John Le Romeyn, Lord Archbishop of York, 1286-1296 ; and of Henry of Newark, Lord Archbishop of York, 1926-1299
The rites of Durham