
Advances in psychology


Advances in psychology






The Development of coordination in infancy外部サイトPsychological perspectives of helplessness and control in the elderly外部サイトHuman factors psychology外部サイトCognitive processing in bilinguals外部サイトIntelligence : on myths and measurement外部サイトSize and scaling in primate biology外部サイトThe self in infancy : theory and research外部サイトCognitive biases外部サイトMotor control and sensory motor integration : issues and directions外部サイトApplications of parallel processing in vision外部サイトPsychophysical approaches to cognition外部サイトFrom fragments to objects : segmentation and grouping in vision外部サイトChanges in sensory motor behavior in aging外部サイトVision and motor control外部サイトAnalysing and aiding decision processes外部サイトSelf-organization, computational maps, and motor control外部サイトThe intelligent imitator : towards an exemplar theory of behavioral choice外部サイトA theory of cognitive aging外部サイトTheory building in developmental psychology外部サイトInsights into the reach to grasp movement外部サイトThe Cognitive representation of speech外部サイトOrthography, phonology, morphology, and meaning外部サイトMemory functioning in dementia外部サイトA psychological approach to ethical reality外部サイトBilingual sentence processing外部サイトNeurophysiological and neuropsychological aspects of spatial neglect外部サイトCoalition formation外部サイトFoundations of perceptual theory外部サイトNeural dynamics of adaptive sensory-motor control : ballistic eye movements外部サイトThe cognitive psychology of knowledge外部サイトProblems in movement control外部サイトMotor skill acquisition of the mentally handicapped : issues in research and training外部サイトLife, brain, and consciousness : new perceptions through targeted systems analysis外部サイトCognitive contributions to the perception of spatial and temporal events外部サイトFoundational issues in artificial intelligence and cognitive science : impasse and solution外部サイトThe Role of eye movements in perceptual processes外部サイトTrends in mathematical psychology外部サイトMotivational psychology of human development : developing motivation and motivating development外部サイトCerebral asymmetries in sensory and perceptual processing外部サイトNeural aspects in tactile sensation外部サイトInferences in text processing外部サイトUnderstanding word and sentence外部サイトDiffering perspectives in motor learning, memory, and control外部サイトMental models and the mind : current developments in cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy of mind外部サイトComprehension of graphics外部サイトMental models in discourse processing and reasoning外部サイトBehavior and environment : psychological and geographical approaches外部サイトMental images in human cognition外部サイトThe problem of meaning : behavioral and cognitive perspectives外部サイトPerspectives on the coordination of movement外部サイトCognitive science perspectives on personality and emotion外部サイトNeural-network models of cognition : biobehavioral foundations外部サイトDecision making under uncertainty : cognitive decision research, social interaction, development and epistemology外部サイトQuantitative psychology : some chosen problems and new ideas外部サイトCognitive processes in the perception of art外部サイトVisual attention and cognition外部サイトCognition and memory外部サイトPsychophysiological approaches to human information processing外部サイトMemory and control of action外部サイトModern issues in perception外部サイトKnowledge and language外部サイトHuman movement understanding : from computational geometry to artificial intelligence外部サイトText and text processing外部サイトThe Roots of perception : individual differences in information processing within and beyond awareness外部サイトVolitional action : conation and control外部サイトKnowledge acquisition from text and pictures外部サイトCognition, learning, reinforcement, and rhythm外部サイトTheoretical and applied aspects of eye movement research : selected/edited proceedings of the Second European Conference on Eye Movements, Nottingham, England 19-23 September, 1983外部サイトCommunication and handicap : aspects of psychological compensation and technical aids外部サイトHuman mental workload外部サイトSystems theories and a priori aspects of perception外部サイトCognitive issues in motor expertise外部サイトThe grasping hand外部サイトLeft-handedness : behavioral implications and anomalies外部サイトPersonality and adaptation外部サイトIssues, theory, and research in industrial/organizational psychology外部サイトCognitive technology : in search of a humane interface外部サイトAging and cognition : knowledge organization and utilization外部サイトTutorials in event related potential research : endogenous components外部サイトIntelligence, mind, and reasoning : structure and development外部サイトLanguage processing in Chinese外部サイトGraphonomics : contemporary research in handwriting外部サイトAge differences in word and language processing外部サイトTargets of violence and aggression外部サイトBlind alleys in social psychology : a search for ways out外部サイトDefense mechanisms : theoretical, research and clinical perspectives外部サイトPsychological reality外部サイトFreud evaluated : the completed arc外部サイトTime and behaviour : psychological and neurobehavioural analyses外部サイトHuman motor actions : Bernstein reassessed外部サイトNeuropsychological studies of apraxia and related disorders外部サイトApproaches to the study of motor control and learning外部サイトCognition and culture : a cross-cultural approach to cognitive psychology外部サイトTheoretical issues in stimulus-response compatibility外部サイトComplex movement behaviour : 'the' motor-action controversy外部サイトCurrent issues in theoretical psychology : selected/edited proceedings of the Founding Conference of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology held in Plymouth, U.K., 30 August-2 September 1985外部サイトHuman judgment : the SJT view外部サイトStimulus-response compatibility : an integrated perspective外部サイトFuzzy sets in psychology外部サイトPerception and artistic style外部サイトIntelligence : its structure, growth and action外部サイトTime, internal clocks, and movement外部サイトCognitive psychology and reading in the U.S.S.R.外部サイトLetter and word perception : orthographic structure and visual processing in reading外部サイトAttachment in social networks : contributions to the Bowlby-Ainsworth attachment theory外部サイトTelevision violence : a child's-eye view外部サイトVision, speech, language, and motor control外部サイトThe Self in anxiety, stress, and depression外部サイトTutorials in motor behavior外部サイトPercepts, concepts, and categories : the representation and processing of information外部サイトThe Development of timing control and temporal organization in coordinated action : invariant relative timing, rhythms, and coordination外部サイトTime-to-contact外部サイトLanguage and comprehension外部サイトStimulus class formation in humans and animals外部サイトCognition and action in skilled behaviour外部サイトMorality in context外部サイトAnimal cognition and behavior外部サイトAging and cognition : mental processes, self-awareness, and interventions外部サイトDiscourse processing外部サイトNew developments in psychological choice modeling外部サイトCerebral control of speech and limb movements外部サイトPsychobiology and early development外部サイトFrom associations to structure : the course of cognition外部サイトMemory in everyday life外部サイトDevelopmental psychology : cognitive, perceptuo-motor and neuropsychological perspectives外部サイトImagery, creativity, and discovery : a cognitive perspective外部サイトPsychology's compositional problem外部サイトTime and human cognition : a life-span perspective外部サイトA history of psychology in metascientific perspective外部サイトPsychology in the 1990's : in honour of Professor Johan von Wright on his 60th birthday, March 31, 1984外部サイトThe Nature and origins of mathematical skills外部サイトHuman learning : biology, brain, and neuroscience外部サイトThe Development of attention : research and theory外部サイトAdaptability of human gait : implications for the control of locomotion外部サイトAttraction, distraction and action : multiple perspectives on attentional capture外部サイトProgress in reversal theory外部サイトThe psychology of risk taking behavior外部サイトA history of great ideas in abnormal psychology外部サイトThe other side of the error term : aging and development as model systems in cognitive neuroscience外部サイト






  • CiNii Research

    連携先のサイトで、CiNii Researchが連携している機関・データベースの所蔵状況を確認できます。



The Development of coordination in infancy
Psychological perspectives of helplessness and control in the elderly
Human factors psychology
Cognitive processing in bilinguals
Intelligence : on myths and measurement
Size and scaling in primate biology
The self in infancy : theory and research
Cognitive biases
Motor control and sensory motor integration : issues and directions
Applications of parallel processing in vision
Psychophysical approaches to cognition
From fragments to objects : segmentation and grouping in vision
Changes in sensory motor behavior in aging
Vision and motor control
Analysing and aiding decision processes
Self-organization, computational maps, and motor control
The intelligent imitator : towards an exemplar theory of behavioral choice
A theory of cognitive aging
Theory building in developmental psychology
Insights into the reach to grasp movement
The Cognitive representation of speech
Orthography, phonology, morphology, and meaning
Memory functioning in dementia
A psychological approach to ethical reality
Bilingual sentence processing
Neurophysiological and neuropsychological aspects of spatial neglect
Coalition formation
Foundations of perceptual theory
Neural dynamics of adaptive sensory-motor control : ballistic eye movements
The cognitive psychology of knowledge
Problems in movement control
Motor skill acquisition of the mentally handicapped : issues in research and training
Life, brain, and consciousness : new perceptions through targeted systems analysis
Cognitive contributions to the perception of spatial and temporal events
Foundational issues in artificial intelligence and cognitive science : impasse and solution
The Role of eye movements in perceptual processes
Trends in mathematical psychology
Motivational psychology of human development : developing motivation and motivating development
Cerebral asymmetries in sensory and perceptual processing
Neural aspects in tactile sensation
Inferences in text processing
Understanding word and sentence
Differing perspectives in motor learning, memory, and control
Mental models and the mind : current developments in cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy of mind
Comprehension of graphics
Mental models in discourse processing and reasoning
Behavior and environment : psychological and geographical approaches
Mental images in human cognition
The problem of meaning : behavioral and cognitive perspectives
Perspectives on the coordination of movement
Cognitive science perspectives on personality and emotion
Neural-network models of cognition : biobehavioral foundations
Decision making under uncertainty : cognitive decision research, social interaction, development and epistemology
Quantitative psychology : some chosen problems and new ideas
Cognitive processes in the perception of art
Visual attention and cognition
Cognition and memory
Psychophysiological approaches to human information processing
Memory and control of action
Modern issues in perception
Knowledge and language
Human movement understanding : from computational geometry to artificial intelligence
Text and text processing
The Roots of perception : individual differences in information processing within and beyond awareness
Volitional action : conation and control
Knowledge acquisition from text and pictures
Cognition, learning, reinforcement, and rhythm
Theoretical and applied aspects of eye movement research : selected/edited proceedings of the Second European Conference on Eye Movements, Nottingham, England 19-23 September, 1983
Communication and handicap : aspects of psychological compensation and technical aids
Human mental workload
Systems theories and a priori aspects of perception
Cognitive issues in motor expertise
The grasping hand
Left-handedness : behavioral implications and anomalies
Personality and adaptation
Issues, theory, and research in industrial/organizational psychology
Cognitive technology : in search of a humane interface
Aging and cognition : knowledge organization and utilization
Tutorials in event related potential research : endogenous components
Intelligence, mind, and reasoning : structure and development
Language processing in Chinese
Graphonomics : contemporary research in handwriting
Age differences in word and language processing
Targets of violence and aggression
Blind alleys in social psychology : a search for ways out
Defense mechanisms : theoretical, research and clinical perspectives
Psychological reality
Freud evaluated : the completed arc
Time and behaviour : psychological and neurobehavioural analyses
Human motor actions : Bernstein reassessed
Neuropsychological studies of apraxia and related disorders
Approaches to the study of motor control and learning
Cognition and culture : a cross-cultural approach to cognitive psychology
Theoretical issues in stimulus-response compatibility
Complex movement behaviour : 'the' motor-action controversy
Current issues in theoretical psychology : selected/edited proceedings of the Founding Conference of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology held in Plymouth, U.K., 30 August-2 September 1985
Human judgment : the SJT view
Stimulus-response compatibility : an integrated perspective
Fuzzy sets in psychology
Perception and artistic style
Intelligence : its structure, growth and action
Time, internal clocks, and movement
Cognitive psychology and reading in the U.S.S.R.
Letter and word perception : orthographic structure and visual processing in reading
Attachment in social networks : contributions to the Bowlby-Ainsworth attachment theory
Television violence : a child's-eye view
Vision, speech, language, and motor control
The Self in anxiety, stress, and depression
Tutorials in motor behavior
Percepts, concepts, and categories : the representation and processing of information
The Development of timing control and temporal organization in coordinated action : invariant relative timing, rhythms, and coordination
Language and comprehension
Stimulus class formation in humans and animals
Cognition and action in skilled behaviour
Morality in context
Animal cognition and behavior
Aging and cognition : mental processes, self-awareness, and interventions
Discourse processing
New developments in psychological choice modeling
Cerebral control of speech and limb movements
Psychobiology and early development
From associations to structure : the course of cognition
Memory in everyday life
Developmental psychology : cognitive, perceptuo-motor and neuropsychological perspectives
Imagery, creativity, and discovery : a cognitive perspective
Psychology's compositional problem
Time and human cognition : a life-span perspective
A history of psychology in metascientific perspective
Psychology in the 1990's : in honour of Professor Johan von Wright on his 60th birthday, March 31, 1984
The Nature and origins of mathematical skills
Human learning : biology, brain, and neuroscience
The Development of attention : research and theory
Adaptability of human gait : implications for the control of locomotion
Attraction, distraction and action : multiple perspectives on attentional capture
Progress in reversal theory
The psychology of risk taking behavior
A history of great ideas in abnormal psychology
The other side of the error term : aging and development as model systems in cognitive neuroscience
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books