
Ancient commentators on Aristotle


Ancient commentators on Aristotle

Sorabji, Richardほか
Cornell University Press



General editors: Richard Sorabji and Michael GriffinPublisher varies: Bloomsbury


Alexander of Aphrodisias on Aristotle Prior analytics 1.32-46外部サイトOn Aristotle Physics 1.3-4外部サイトOn Aristotle Categories 5-6外部サイトLife of Plato, and, On Plato First Alcibiades 1-9外部サイトOn Epictetus Handbook 1-26外部サイトOn Aristotle : Nicomachean ethics 1-4, 7-8外部サイトIntroductions to philosophy . With, Introduction to logic外部サイトOn Aristotle Meteorology 1.4-9, 12外部サイトOn Aristotle Prior analytics 1.32-46外部サイトOn Aristotle Categories外部サイトTen problems concerning providence外部サイトOn Aristotle Posterior analytics 2外部サイトOn Aristotle On coming-to-be and perishing 2.2-5外部サイトOn Aristotle Metaphysics 3-4外部サイトOn Aristotle on the heavens 1.3-4外部サイトOn Aristotle Physics 4.10-14外部サイトOn Aristotle Meteorology 4外部サイトTheophrastus . With, Ammonius外部サイトOn providence外部サイトOn Aristotle On the heavens 3.1-7外部サイトOn Aristotle on the intellect (De anima 3.4-8)外部サイトOn Aristotle Posterior analytics 1.1-8外部サイトOn Aristotle Physics 1.4-9外部サイトTo Gaurus on how embryos are ensouled ; and On what is in our power外部サイトOn Aristotle Posterior analytics 1.9-18外部サイトCorollaries on place and time外部サイトTen problems concerning providence外部サイトOn Plato Phaedrus 227A-245E外部サイトOn Aristotle on coming-to-be and perishing 1.1-5外部サイトOn Aristotle On the soul 3.6-13外部サイトQuaestiones外部サイトEthical problems外部サイトAgainst Proclus On the eternity of the world 1-5外部サイトOn Aristotle Posterior analytics 1.1-8外部サイトOn Epictetus Handbook 1-26外部サイトOn Plato, First Alcibiades 10-28外部サイトOn Aristotle Physics 1.4-9外部サイトAristotle transformed : the ancient commentators and their influence外部サイトOn Aristotle Physics 1.1-3外部サイトAristotle re-interpreted : new findings on seven hundred years of the ancient commentators外部サイトAgainst Aristotle, on the eternity of the world外部サイトOn Aristotle On the heavens 2.10-14外部サイトOn Aristotle physics 5外部サイトOn Aristotle on the soul 3.9-13 . With, On Aristotle on interpretation外部サイトOn Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics 1-4, 7-8外部サイトOn Theophrastus on sense-perception . With, On Aristotle on the soul 2.5-12外部サイトOn Aristotle physics 6外部サイトSimplicius on Aristotle Physics 1-8 : general introduction to the 12 volumes of translations外部サイトOn Aristotle Physics 4.1-5外部サイトOn Aristotle Categories 6-15外部サイトOn Aristotle Categories 1-5 . With, A treatise concerning the whole and the parts外部サイトAnswers to King Khosroes of Persia外部サイトOn Aristotle On the heavens 3.7-4.6外部サイトSimplicius on Aristotle's Physics 6外部サイトOn Aristotle On the soul 3.9-13 . With, On Aristotle On interpretation外部サイトOn Aristotle Physics 1.5-9外部サイトAgainst Aristotle, on the eternity of the world外部サイトOn Plato, First Alcibiades 10-28外部サイトOn Aristotle categories 7-8外部サイトOn Aristotle On the heavens 1.2-3外部サイトAspasius on Aristotle Nicomachean ethics 8 with Anonymous paraphrase of Aristotle Nicomachean ethics 8 and 9 and Michael of Ephesus on Aristotle Nicomachean ethics 9外部サイトOn Aristotle Categories 1-5 . With, A treatise concerning the whole and the parts外部サイトAnswers to King Khosroes of Persia外部サイトQuaestiones 1.1-2.15外部サイトOn Aristotle Meteorology 1.4-9, 12外部サイトInterpretation of Porphyry's introduction to Aristotle's five terms外部サイトAgainst Aristotle, on the eternity of the world外部サイトOn Aristotle Meteorology 1.1-3外部サイトOn Aristotle Physics 8.1-5外部サイトOn Aristotle Posterior analytics 1.19-34外部サイトOn Aristotle Prior analytics 1.8-13 (with 1.17, 36b35-37a31)外部サイトOn Aristotle On interpretation 1-3外部サイトAristotle re-interpreted : new findings on seven hundred years of the ancient commentators外部サイトOn Aristotle Physics 1-3外部サイトOn abstinence from killing animals外部サイトOn Aristotle : Nicomachean ethics 10 . With, On virtue外部サイトOn Aristotle On the soul外部サイトOn Aristotle On interpretation 4-6外部サイトCorollaries on place and void . With Against Philoponus on the eternity of the world外部サイトOn Aristotle on the soul 1.1-2外部サイトOn Aristotle Physics 8.6-10外部サイトSoul as form of the body, parts of the soul, nourishment, and perception外部サイトTo Gaurus on how embryos are ensouled ; and, On what is in our power外部サイトOn Aristotle on the soul 3.6-13外部サイトOn Aristotle On the soul 1.1-2.4外部サイトAgainst Proclus On the eternity of the world 9-11外部サイトOn Aristotle Physics 4.6-9外部サイトOn Aristotle's On interpretation 9 . With, On Aristotle's On interpretation 9 : first and second commentaries外部サイトOn Aristotle Prior analytics 1.23-31外部サイトOn Aristotle on the soul 2.7-12外部サイトOn Aristotle Physics 1.3-4外部サイトOn Aristotle Meteorology 1.4-9, 12外部サイトOn Aristotle Metaphysics 3-4外部サイトOn Aristotle Physics 1.5-9外部サイトOn Aristotle Physics 4.10-14外部サイトOn Aristotle Meteorology 1.1-3外部サイトOn Aristotle Categories 5-6外部サイトOn the general science of mathematics外部サイトQuaestiones 2.16-3.15外部サイトOn Aristotle on the soul 2.1-6外部サイトOn Aristotle physics 3外部サイトOn Aristotle Physics 1.1-2外部サイトAlexander of Aphrodisias : supplement to on the soul外部サイトAgainst Proclus On the eternity of the world 12-18外部サイトOn Aristotle Physics 4.6-9外部サイトOn Aristotle on the soul 1.3-5外部サイトOn Aristotle Physics 4.1-5外部サイトOn Aristotle Physics 8.1-5外部サイトOn Aristotle on Coming-to-be and Perishing 2.5-11外部サイトOn Epictetus Handbook 27-53外部サイトAgainst Proclus On the eternity of the world 9-11外部サイトOn the existence of evils外部サイトIntroductions to philosophy . With, Introduction to logic外部サイトOn Aristotle Posterior analytics 1.19-34外部サイトTheophrastus . with, Ammonius外部サイトOn Aristotle on the soul 1.1-2外部サイトOn Aristotle On the heavens 3.1-7外部サイトOn Aristotle Topics 2外部サイトQuaestiones 1.1-2.15外部サイトOn Aristotle physics 7外部サイトOn Aristotle Posterior analytics 1.9-18外部サイトOn Aristotle Physics 8.6-10外部サイトOn Aristotle On the heavens 3.7-4.6外部サイトLife of Plato, and, On Plato First Alcibiades 1-9外部サイトAgainst Proclus On the eternity of the world 6-8外部サイトOn Aristotle on the heavens 1.3-4外部サイトOn Plato Phaedrus 227A-245E外部サイトCorollaries on place and time外部サイトOn Aristotle Posterior analytics 2外部サイトSoul as form of the body, parts of the soul, nourishment, and perception外部サイトOn Aristotle Metaphysics 12外部サイトOn Aristotle on the soul 3.1-5外部サイトOn Aristotle on the soul 1.1-2.4外部サイトOn Aristotle physics 2外部サイトOn Aristotle Nicomachean ethics 8 . With, Paraphrase of Aristotle Nicomachean ethics 8 and 9 . And, On Aristotle Nicomachean ethics 9外部サイトOn Aristotle physics 4.1-5, 10-14外部サイトOn Aristotle Nicomachean ethics 10 . With, On virtue外部サイトOn Aristotle on the soul 3.1-8外部サイトOn Aristotle Topics 3外部サイトOn Plato : Phaedrus 245E-257C外部サイトOn Aristotle : Metaphysics 12外部サイトSyllogism : an abridgement of Aristotle's Prior analytics外部サイトOn Plato Cratylus外部サイト






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The Ancient commentators on Aristotle
General editors: Richard Sorabji and Michael Griffin
Publisher varies: Bloomsbury
Alexander of Aphrodisias on Aristotle Prior analytics 1.32-46
On Aristotle Physics 1.3-4
On Aristotle Categories 5-6
Life of Plato, and, On Plato First Alcibiades 1-9
On Epictetus Handbook 1-26
On Aristotle : Nicomachean ethics 1-4, 7-8
Introductions to philosophy . With, Introduction to logic
On Aristotle Meteorology 1.4-9, 12
On Aristotle Prior analytics 1.32-46
On Aristotle Categories
Ten problems concerning providence
On Aristotle Posterior analytics 2
On Aristotle On coming-to-be and perishing 2.2-5
On Aristotle Metaphysics 3-4
On Aristotle on the heavens 1.3-4
On Aristotle Physics 4.10-14
On Aristotle Meteorology 4
Theophrastus . With, Ammonius
On providence
On Aristotle On the heavens 3.1-7
On Aristotle on the intellect (De anima 3.4-8)
On Aristotle Posterior analytics 1.1-8
On Aristotle Physics 1.4-9
To Gaurus on how embryos are ensouled ; and On what is in our power
On Aristotle Posterior analytics 1.9-18
Corollaries on place and time
Ten problems concerning providence
On Plato Phaedrus 227A-245E
On Aristotle on coming-to-be and perishing 1.1-5
On Aristotle On the soul 3.6-13
Ethical problems
Against Proclus On the eternity of the world 1-5
On Aristotle Posterior analytics 1.1-8
On Epictetus Handbook 1-26
On Plato, First Alcibiades 10-28
On Aristotle Physics 1.4-9
Aristotle transformed : the ancient commentators and their influence
On Aristotle Physics 1.1-3
Aristotle re-interpreted : new findings on seven hundred years of the ancient commentators
Against Aristotle, on the eternity of the world
On Aristotle On the heavens 2.10-14
On Aristotle physics 5
On Aristotle on the soul 3.9-13 . With, On Aristotle on interpretation
On Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics 1-4, 7-8
On Theophrastus on sense-perception . With, On Aristotle on the soul 2.5-12
On Aristotle physics 6
Simplicius on Aristotle Physics 1-8 : general introduction to the 12 volumes of translations
On Aristotle Physics 4.1-5
On Aristotle Categories 6-15
On Aristotle Categories 1-5 . With, A treatise concerning the whole and the parts
Answers to King Khosroes of Persia
On Aristotle On the heavens 3.7-4.6
Simplicius on Aristotle's Physics 6
On Aristotle On the soul 3.9-13 . With, On Aristotle On interpretation
On Aristotle Physics 1.5-9
Against Aristotle, on the eternity of the world
On Plato, First Alcibiades 10-28
On Aristotle categories 7-8
On Aristotle On the heavens 1.2-3
Aspasius on Aristotle Nicomachean ethics 8 with Anonymous paraphrase of Aristotle Nicomachean ethics 8 and 9 and Michael of Ephesus on Aristotle Nicomachean ethics 9
On Aristotle Categories 1-5 . With, A treatise concerning the whole and the parts
Answers to King Khosroes of Persia
Quaestiones 1.1-2.15
On Aristotle Meteorology 1.4-9, 12
Interpretation of Porphyry's introduction to Aristotle's five terms
Against Aristotle, on the eternity of the world
On Aristotle Meteorology 1.1-3
On Aristotle Physics 8.1-5
On Aristotle Posterior analytics 1.19-34
On Aristotle Prior analytics 1.8-13 (with 1.17, 36b35-37a31)
On Aristotle On interpretation 1-3
Aristotle re-interpreted : new findings on seven hundred years of the ancient commentators
On Aristotle Physics 1-3
On abstinence from killing animals
On Aristotle : Nicomachean ethics 10 . With, On virtue
On Aristotle On the soul
On Aristotle On interpretation 4-6
Corollaries on place and void . With Against Philoponus on the eternity of the world
On Aristotle on the soul 1.1-2
On Aristotle Physics 8.6-10
Soul as form of the body, parts of the soul, nourishment, and perception
To Gaurus on how embryos are ensouled ; and, On what is in our power
On Aristotle on the soul 3.6-13
On Aristotle On the soul 1.1-2.4
Against Proclus On the eternity of the world 9-11
On Aristotle Physics 4.6-9
On Aristotle's On interpretation 9 . With, On Aristotle's On interpretation 9 : first and second commentaries
On Aristotle Prior analytics 1.23-31
On Aristotle on the soul 2.7-12
On Aristotle Physics 1.3-4
On Aristotle Meteorology 1.4-9, 12
On Aristotle Metaphysics 3-4
On Aristotle Physics 1.5-9
On Aristotle Physics 4.10-14
On Aristotle Meteorology 1.1-3
On Aristotle Categories 5-6
On the general science of mathematics
Quaestiones 2.16-3.15
On Aristotle on the soul 2.1-6
On Aristotle physics 3
On Aristotle Physics 1.1-2
Alexander of Aphrodisias : supplement to on the soul
Against Proclus On the eternity of the world 12-18
On Aristotle Physics 4.6-9
On Aristotle on the soul 1.3-5
On Aristotle Physics 4.1-5
On Aristotle Physics 8.1-5
On Aristotle on Coming-to-be and Perishing 2.5-11
On Epictetus Handbook 27-53
Against Proclus On the eternity of the world 9-11
On the existence of evils
Introductions to philosophy . With, Introduction to logic
On Aristotle Posterior analytics 1.19-34
Theophrastus . with, Ammonius
On Aristotle on the soul 1.1-2
On Aristotle On the heavens 3.1-7
On Aristotle Topics 2
Quaestiones 1.1-2.15
On Aristotle physics 7
On Aristotle Posterior analytics 1.9-18
On Aristotle Physics 8.6-10
On Aristotle On the heavens 3.7-4.6
Life of Plato, and, On Plato First Alcibiades 1-9
Against Proclus On the eternity of the world 6-8
On Aristotle on the heavens 1.3-4
On Plato Phaedrus 227A-245E
Corollaries on place and time
On Aristotle Posterior analytics 2
Soul as form of the body, parts of the soul, nourishment, and perception
On Aristotle Metaphysics 12
On Aristotle on the soul 3.1-5
On Aristotle on the soul 1.1-2.4
On Aristotle physics 2
On Aristotle Nicomachean ethics 8 . With, Paraphrase of Aristotle Nicomachean ethics 8 and 9 . And, On Aristotle Nicomachean ethics 9
On Aristotle physics 4.1-5, 10-14
On Aristotle Nicomachean ethics 10 . With, On virtue
On Aristotle on the soul 3.1-8
On Aristotle Topics 3
On Plato : Phaedrus 245E-257C
On Aristotle : Metaphysics 12
Syllogism : an abridgement of Aristotle's Prior analytics
On Plato Cratylus