
Contributions to the study of popular culture


Contributions to the study of popular culture

Greenwood Press





Film directors on directing外部サイトLois Weber : the director who lost her way in history外部サイトFilm, horror, and the body fantastic外部サイトEuropean readings of American popular culture外部サイトBy angels driven : the films of Derek Jarman外部サイトHollywood as mirror : changing views of "outsiders" and "enemies" in American movies外部サイトThe American West in film : critical approaches to the Western外部サイトBleep! : censoring rock and rap music外部サイトEthnicity and sport in North American history and culture外部サイトTake one : television directors on directing外部サイトIn manors and alleys : a casebook on the American detective film外部サイトDevouring whirlwind : terror and transcendence in the cinema of cruelty外部サイトSeven pillars of popular culture外部サイトNoir, now and then : film noir originals and remakes, (1944-1999)外部サイトTheory and practice of classic detective fiction外部サイトScrewball comedy : a genre of madcap romance外部サイトThe neutral ground : the André affair and the background of Cooper's The spy外部サイトHibernian green on the silver screen : the Irish and American movies外部サイトThe sleuth and the scholar : origins, evolution, and current trends in detective fiction外部サイトWriting horror and the body : the fiction of Stephen King, Clive Barker, and Anne Rice外部サイトThe use of Arthurian legend in Hollywood film : from Connecticut Yankees to fisher kings外部サイトStanley Kubrick : a narrative and stylistic analysis外部サイトPutting Dell on the map : a history of the Dell paperbacks外部サイトA Call to action : the films of Ousmane Sembene外部サイトScorned literature : essays on the history and criticism of popular mass-produced fiction in America外部サイトNot just for children : the Mexican comic book in the late 1960s and 1970s外部サイトLawrence of Arabia and American culture : the making of a transatlantic legend外部サイトDark alchemy : the films of Jan Švankmajer外部サイトShape-shifting : images of Native Americans in recent popular fiction外部サイトReligion and sport : the meeting of sacred and profane外部サイトImagining the worst : Stephen King and the representation of women外部サイトSport and society in Latin America : diffusion, dependency, and the rise of mass culture外部サイトDark cinema : American film noir in cultural perspective外部サイトMaster space : film images of Capra, Lubitsch, Sternberg, and Wyler外部サイトAmerica's musical pulse : popular music in twentieth-century society外部サイトFreaks of genius : unknown thrillers of Louisa May Alcott外部サイトForbidden adventures : the history of the American Comics Group外部サイトCommon culture and the great tradition : the case for renewal外部サイトA "brand" new language : commercial influences in literature and culture外部サイトBehold the mighty Wurlitzer : the history of the theatre pipe organ外部サイトA storied singer : Frank Sinatra as literary conceit外部サイトSport in America : new historical perspectives外部サイトThe cowboy way : the western leader in film, 1945-1995外部サイトAuteur/provocateur : the films of Denys Arcand外部サイト"Mr. B" or Comforting thoughts about the bison : a critical biography of Robert Benchley外部サイトThe rhetorics of popular culture : advertising, advocacy, and entertainment外部サイトPersonality comedians as genre : selected players外部サイトOut of the woodpile : black characters in crime and detective fiction外部サイトConcise histories of American popular culture外部サイトStrange TV : innovative television series from The twilight zone to The x-files外部サイトPerry Mason : the authorship and reproduction of a popular hero外部サイトShaman or Sherlock? : the Native American detective外部サイトEncounters with filmmakers : eight career studies外部サイトRadical visions : American film renaissance, 1967-1976外部サイトParody as film genre : "never give a saga an even break"外部サイトBuckskins, bullets, and business : a history of Buffalo Bill's Wild West外部サイトBan Johnson : czar of baseball外部サイトSeeking the perfect game : baseball in American literature外部サイトThe Baker Street reader : cornerstone writings about Sherlock Holmes外部サイトSongs of love and death : the classical American horror film of the 1930s外部サイトTarzan and tradition : classical myth in popular literature外部サイトNational styles of humor外部サイトEdison's kinetoscope and its films : a history to 1896外部サイトMighty Casey, all-American外部サイトS.J. Perelman : a critical study外部サイトPoet of civic courage : the films of Francesco Rosi外部サイトPopulism and the Capra legacy外部サイトAgent of challenge and defiance : the films of Ken Loach外部サイトThe detective in American fiction, film, and television外部サイトPost-Franco, postmodern : the films of Pedro Almodóvar外部サイトThe devil himself : villainy in detective fiction and film外部サイトAmerican dark comedy : beyond satire外部サイトThe last modernist : the films of Theo Angelopoulos外部サイトCreating the big game : John W. Heisman and the invention of American football外部サイトQueen of the 'B's : Ida Lupino behind the camera外部サイトThe Cosby show : audiences, impact, and implications外部サイトReading Harry Potter : critical essays外部サイトOutsider features : American independent films of the 1980s外部サイト






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Film directors on directing
Lois Weber : the director who lost her way in history
Film, horror, and the body fantastic
European readings of American popular culture
By angels driven : the films of Derek Jarman
Hollywood as mirror : changing views of "outsiders" and "enemies" in American movies
The American West in film : critical approaches to the Western
Bleep! : censoring rock and rap music
Ethnicity and sport in North American history and culture
Take one : television directors on directing
In manors and alleys : a casebook on the American detective film
Devouring whirlwind : terror and transcendence in the cinema of cruelty
Seven pillars of popular culture
Noir, now and then : film noir originals and remakes, (1944-1999)
Theory and practice of classic detective fiction
Screwball comedy : a genre of madcap romance
The neutral ground : the André affair and the background of Cooper's The spy
Hibernian green on the silver screen : the Irish and American movies
The sleuth and the scholar : origins, evolution, and current trends in detective fiction
Writing horror and the body : the fiction of Stephen King, Clive Barker, and Anne Rice
The use of Arthurian legend in Hollywood film : from Connecticut Yankees to fisher kings
Stanley Kubrick : a narrative and stylistic analysis
Putting Dell on the map : a history of the Dell paperbacks
A Call to action : the films of Ousmane Sembene
Scorned literature : essays on the history and criticism of popular mass-produced fiction in America
Not just for children : the Mexican comic book in the late 1960s and 1970s
Lawrence of Arabia and American culture : the making of a transatlantic legend
Dark alchemy : the films of Jan Švankmajer
Shape-shifting : images of Native Americans in recent popular fiction
Religion and sport : the meeting of sacred and profane
Imagining the worst : Stephen King and the representation of women
Sport and society in Latin America : diffusion, dependency, and the rise of mass culture
Dark cinema : American film noir in cultural perspective
Master space : film images of Capra, Lubitsch, Sternberg, and Wyler
America's musical pulse : popular music in twentieth-century society
Freaks of genius : unknown thrillers of Louisa May Alcott
Forbidden adventures : the history of the American Comics Group
Common culture and the great tradition : the case for renewal
A "brand" new language : commercial influences in literature and culture
Behold the mighty Wurlitzer : the history of the theatre pipe organ
A storied singer : Frank Sinatra as literary conceit
Sport in America : new historical perspectives
The cowboy way : the western leader in film, 1945-1995
Auteur/provocateur : the films of Denys Arcand
"Mr. B" or Comforting thoughts about the bison : a critical biography of Robert Benchley
The rhetorics of popular culture : advertising, advocacy, and entertainment
Personality comedians as genre : selected players
Out of the woodpile : black characters in crime and detective fiction
Concise histories of American popular culture
Strange TV : innovative television series from The twilight zone to The x-files
Perry Mason : the authorship and reproduction of a popular hero
Shaman or Sherlock? : the Native American detective
Encounters with filmmakers : eight career studies
Radical visions : American film renaissance, 1967-1976
Parody as film genre : "never give a saga an even break"
Buckskins, bullets, and business : a history of Buffalo Bill's Wild West
Ban Johnson : czar of baseball
Seeking the perfect game : baseball in American literature
The Baker Street reader : cornerstone writings about Sherlock Holmes
Songs of love and death : the classical American horror film of the 1930s
Tarzan and tradition : classical myth in popular literature
National styles of humor
Edison's kinetoscope and its films : a history to 1896
Mighty Casey, all-American
S.J. Perelman : a critical study
Poet of civic courage : the films of Francesco Rosi
Populism and the Capra legacy
Agent of challenge and defiance : the films of Ken Loach
The detective in American fiction, film, and television
Post-Franco, postmodern : the films of Pedro Almodóvar
The devil himself : villainy in detective fiction and film
American dark comedy : beyond satire
The last modernist : the films of Theo Angelopoulos
Creating the big game : John W. Heisman and the invention of American football
Queen of the 'B's : Ida Lupino behind the camera
The Cosby show : audiences, impact, and implications
Reading Harry Potter : critical essays
Outsider features : American independent films of the 1980s
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books