
A Routledge series


A Routledge series

24 cm


Press images, national identity, and foreign policy : a case study of U.S.-Japan relations from 1955-1995外部サイトFrederick Douglass's curious audiences : ethos in the age of the consumable subject外部サイトThe reproductive unconscious in medieval and early modern England外部サイトEditing Emily Dickinson : the production of an author外部サイトIlluminating the borders of northern French and Flemish manuscripts, 1270-1310外部サイトFighting the flames : the spectacular performance of fire at Coney Island外部サイトHenry Miller and religion外部サイトThis composite voice : the role of W.B. Yeats in James Merrill's poetry外部サイトStructural markedness and syntactic structure : a study of word order and the left periphery in Mexican Spanish外部サイトStructural markedness and syntactic structure : a study of word order and the left periphery in Mexican Spanish外部サイトNegotiating copyright : authorship and the discourse of literary property rights in nineteenth-century America外部サイトInviting Latino voters : party messages and Latino party identification外部サイトParenting for the state : an ethnographic analysis of non-profit foster care外部サイトWomanism, literature, and the transformation of the Black community, 1965-1980外部サイトPost-revolutionary Chicana literature : memoir, folklore, and fiction of the border, 1900-1950外部サイトCategory neutrality : a type-logical investigation外部サイトRace, immigration, and American identity in the fiction of Salman Rushdie, Ralph Ellison, and William Faulkner外部サイトNew culture in a new world : the May Fourth Movement and the Chinese diaspora in Singapore, 1919-1932外部サイトSocial partnerships and social relations : new strategies in workforce and economic development外部サイトRacial attitudes and Asian Pacific Americans : demystifying the model minority外部サイトProtestant missionaries, Asian immigrants, and ideologies of race in America, 1850-1924外部サイトThe globalization of contentious politics : the Amazonian indigenous rights movement外部サイトProduction, perception, and emergent phonotactic patterns : a case of contrastive palatalization外部サイトBeyond the sound barrier : the jazz controversy in twentieth-century American fiction外部サイトGeorge Orwell, doubleness, and the value of decency外部サイトThe United States in the Pacific war外部サイトAll the world's a stage : dramatic sensibility in Mary Shelley's novels外部サイトPolitical principles & Indian sovereignty外部サイトThe artist, society, & sexuality in Virginia Woolf's novels外部サイトThe art of the Black essay : from meditation to transcendence外部サイトFeminist utopian novels of the 1970s : Joanna Russ & Dorothy Bryant外部サイトLearning and coordination : inductive deliberation, equilibrium, and convention外部サイトCosmopolitan fictions : ethics, politics, and global change in the works of Kazuo Ishiguro, Michael Ondaatje, Jamaica Kincaid, and J.M. Coetzee外部サイトWorking memory in sentence comprehension : processing Hindi center embeddings外部サイトWords and songs of Bessie Smith, Billie Holiday, and Nina Simone : sound motion, blues spirit, and African memory外部サイトUs, Hawaiʿi-born Japanese : storied identities of Japanese American elderly from a sugar plantation community外部サイトWhere troubadours were bishops : the Occitania of Folc of Marseille(1150-1231)外部サイトFeminine figurae : representations of gender in religious texts by medieval German women writers, 1100-1375外部サイトThe ethics of exile : colonialism in the fictions of Charles Brockden Brown and J.M. Coetzee外部サイトPaul Auster's postmodernity外部サイトLove American style : divorce and the American novel, 1881-1976外部サイトRethinking Japan's identity and international role : an intercultural perspective外部サイトAsian Americans and the shifting politics of race : the dismantling of affirmative action at an elite public high school外部サイトHyperboreans : myth and history in Celtic-Hellenic contacts外部サイト"We are not garbage!" : the homeless movement in Tokyo, 1994-2002外部サイトJapan's foreign policy maturation : a quest for normalcy外部サイトThe state and the schooling of children外部サイトThe slave in the swamp : disrupting the plantation narrative外部サイトProjecting the adjective : the syntax and semantics of gradability and comparison外部サイトHomelessness in American literature : romanticism, realism, and testimony外部サイトSocial feminism, labor politics, and the law外部サイトSyllable weight : phonetics, phonology, typology外部サイトHmong American concepts of health, healing, and conventional medicine外部サイトVowel reduction in optimality theory外部サイトGay hegemony/Latino homosexualities外部サイトYeats and theosophy外部サイトIn search of an identity : the politics of history as a school subject in Hong Kong, 1960s-2002外部サイトManifestations of genericity外部サイトStatus power : Japanese foreign policy making toward Korea外部サイトChild vs. state外部サイトRegenerating the novel : gender and genre in Woolf, Forster, Sinclair, and Lawrence外部サイトGlobal spaces of Chinese culture : diasporic Chinese communities in the United States and Germany外部サイトPitfall or panacea : the irony of US power in occupied Japan, 1945-1952外部サイトReassessing the role of the syllable in Italian phonology : an experimental study of consonant cluster syllabification, definite article allomorphy and segment duration外部サイトChinese feminism faces globalization外部サイトThe artistry & tradition of Tennyson's battle poetry外部サイトLocating the role of labor politics within feminism in the late twentieth century外部サイトSatire & the postcolonial novel : V.S. Naipaul, Chinua Achebe, Salman Rushdie外部サイトGay hegemony/Latino homosexualities外部サイトBody and sacred place in medieval Europe, 1100-1389外部サイトAmerican culture at war : the homefront外部サイトThe end of learning : Milton and education外部サイトThe United Stetes and the road to war in Europe外部サイトSegregated miscegenation : on the treatment of racial hybridity in the U.S. and Latin American literary traditions外部サイトModeling minority women : heroines in African and Asian American fiction外部サイトThe end of learning : Milton and education外部サイトSomething better for our children : black organizing in Chicago public schools, 1963-1971外部サイトHere and now : the politics of social space in D.H. Lawrence and Virginia Woolf外部サイトMerit aid and the politics of education外部サイトJustice and the social context of early middle high German literature外部サイトDivergent visions, contested spaces : the early United States through the lens of travel外部サイトThe synchronic and diachronic phonology of ejectives外部サイトConstructing social reality : self-portraits of Black children living in poverty外部サイト"All the world's a stage" : dramatic sensibility in Mary Shelley's novels外部サイトAlliance in anxiety : détente and the Sino-American-Japanese triangle外部サイトWriting the city : urban visions & literary modernism外部サイトTaiwanese American transnational families : women and kin work外部サイトD.H. Lawrence's border crossing : colonialism in his travel writings and leadership novels外部サイトJapan's foreign policy maturation : a quest for normalcy外部サイトThird delight : the internationalization of higher education in China外部サイト"Rice plus" : widows and economic survival in rural Cambodia外部サイトOut of touch : skin tropes and identities in Woolf, Ellison, Pynchon, and Acker外部サイトSports, narrative, and nation in the fiction of F. Scott Fitzgerald外部サイトThe waste fix : seizures of the sacred from Upton Sinclair to the Sopranos外部サイトHenry Miller and religion外部サイトDead letters to the New world : Melville, Emerson, and American transcendentalism外部サイトThe politics of social policy change in Chile and Uruguay : retrenchment versus maintenance, 1973-1998外部サイトPronouns and word order in Old English : with particular reference to the indefinite pronoun man外部サイトChoosing not to marry : women and autonomy in the Katherine Group外部サイトThe magic lantern : representation of the double in Dickens外部サイトNewly composed folk music of Yugoslavia外部サイト"Keeping up her geography" : women's writing and geocultural space in twentieth-century U.S. literature and culture外部サイトThe globalization of contentious politics : the Amazonian indigenous rights movement外部サイトNovels, maps, modernity : the spatial imagination, 1850-2000外部サイトJesuit slaveholding in Maryland, 1717-1838外部サイトCauses and consequences of word structure外部サイトParsing the city : Jonson, Middleton, Dekker, and city comedy's London as language外部サイトLanguage and the critique of subjectivity外部サイトDeath, men and modernism : trauma and narrative in British fiction from Hardy to Woolf外部サイトNo place for home : spatial constraint and character flight in the novels of Cormac McCarthy外部サイトFatal news : reading and information overload in early eighteenth-century literature外部サイトThe politics of locality : making a nation of communities in Taiwan外部サイトReligiosity, cosmology and folklore : the African influence in the novels of Toni Morrison外部サイトTrue to form : rising and falling declaratives as questions in English外部サイトPsychology of aging外部サイトThe promised land? : the lives and voices of Hispanic immigrants in the new South外部サイトNarrative desire and historical reparations : A.S. Byatt, Ian McEwan, Salmon Rushdie外部サイトPoliticizing Asian American literature : towards a critical multiculturalism外部サイトThe space and place of modernism : the Russian Revolution, little magazines, and New York外部サイトSyllable weight : phonetics, phonology, typology外部サイトMaking comparisons count外部サイトAn effort based approach to consonant lenition外部サイト"She, this in blak" : vision, truth, and will in Geoffrey Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde外部サイトLatin America's neo-reformation : religion's influence on contemporary politics外部サイトThe metanarrative of suspicion in late twentieth century America外部サイトThe artist, society, and sexuality in Virginia Woolf's novels外部サイトDiscourse adjectives外部サイトIntimate and authentic economies : the American self-made man from Douglass to Chaplin外部サイトThe politics of social policy change in Chile and Uruguay : retrenchment versus maintenance, 1973-1998外部サイトPatriarchy and its discontents : sexual politics in selected novels and stories of Thomas Hardy外部サイトPolitical science, public policy, and aging外部サイトChristian, Saracen and genre in medieval French literature外部サイトThe self wired : technology and subjectivity in contemporary narrative外部サイトChanges in the permanent employment system in Japan : between 1982 and 1997外部サイトDiscourse adjectives外部サイトCollective rights of indigenous peoples : identity-based movement of plain indigenous in Taiwan外部サイトJoycean frames : film and the fiction of James Joyce外部サイトNegotiating the modern : Orientalism and Indianness in the Anglophone world外部サイトLove American style : divorce and the American novel, 1881-1976外部サイトCreating tropical Yankees : social science textbooks and U.S. ideological control in Puerto Rico, 1898-1908外部サイトOrigins of predicates : evidence from Plains Cree外部サイトThe Carver chronotope : inside the life-world of Raymond Carver's fiction外部サイトDominicans in New York City : power from the margins外部サイトEugenic fantasies : racial ideology in the literature and popular culture of the 1920's外部サイトVietnamese tone : a new analysis外部サイトIntimate and authentic economies : the American self-made man from Douglass to Chaplin外部サイトWilliam Morris and the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings外部サイトInsurgency, authoritarianism, and drug trafficking in Mexico's "democratization"外部サイトProjecting the adjective : the syntax and semantics of gradability and comparison外部サイトDorothy Wordsworth's ecology外部サイトEast European Jews in America, 1880-1920 : immigration and adaptation外部サイトParadise lost外部サイトCompensatory lengthening : phonetics, phonology, diachrony外部サイトUnequal partnerships : beyond the rhetoric of philanthropic collaboration外部サイトThe self wired : technology and subjectivity in contemporary narrative外部サイトLeaving Latinos out of history : teaching U.S. history in Texas外部サイトManaging our margins : women entrepreneurs in suburbia外部サイトA strategic model of temporary staffing外部サイトBiology of aging外部サイトDivergent visions, contested spaces : the early United States through the lens of travel外部サイトPynchon and history : metahistorical rhetoric and postmodern narrative form in the novels of Thomas Pynchon外部サイトThe spirit of development : Protestant NGOs, morality, and economics in Zimbabwe外部サイトConsuming passions : the uses of cannibalism in late medieval and early modern Europe外部サイトNegation and licensing of negative polarity items in Hindi syntax外部サイトThe economy of the short story in British periodicals of the 1890s外部サイトTrans-Atlantic migration : the paradoxes of exile外部サイトThe self in the cell : narrating the Victorian prisoner外部サイトReading and mapping Hardy's roads外部サイトSkin color and identity formation : perceptions of opportunity and academic orientation among Mexican and Puerto Rican youth外部サイトPoetic gesture : myth, Wallace Stevens, and the motions of poetic language外部サイトOpening the door : immigration, ethnicity, and globalization in Japan外部サイトResidential segregation patterns of Latinos in the United States, 1990-2000 : testing the ethnic enclave and inequality theories外部サイトPearl Harbor in history and memory外部サイトThe early poems外部サイトAmerican diplomacy in the Second World War外部サイトDelicate pursuit : discretion in Henry James and Edith Wharton外部サイトSocial feminism, labor politics, and the supreme court of the 1920s外部サイトThe real Negro : the question of authenticity in twentieth-century African American literature外部サイトThe phonetics and phonology of gutturals : a case study from Ju|'hoansi外部サイトPoliticizing Asian American literature : towards a critical multiculturalism外部サイトDead letters to the New World : Melville, Emerson, and American transcendentalism外部サイトOur scene is London : Ben Jonson's city and the space of the author外部サイトProse外部サイトThe power of urban ethnic places : cultural heritage and community life外部サイトReligiosity, cosmology and folklore : the African influence in the novels of Toni Morrison外部サイトArt, poetry, and technology外部サイトIsolationists and internationalists : the battle over intervention外部サイトPoliticizing Asian American literature : towards a critical multiculturalism外部サイトEdith Wharton's "evolutionary conception" : Darwinian allegory in her major novels外部サイトModernist aesthetics and consumer culture in the writings of Oscar Wilde外部サイトCreating Yoknapatawpha : readers and writers in Faulkner's fiction外部サイトMarket sense : toward a new economics of markets and society外部サイトPestilence in Medieval and early modern English literature外部サイトEmpowering collaborations : writing partnerships between religious women and scribes in the Middle Ages外部サイトManaging transitions : the Chinese Communist Party, united front work, corporatism, and hegemony外部サイトPestilence in medieval and early modern English literature外部サイトThe fiction of nationality in an era of transnationalism外部サイトDasein, authenticity, and death外部サイトContested masculinities : crises in colonial male identity from Joseph Conrad to Satyajit Ray外部サイトShelley's intellectual system and its Epicurean background外部サイトSociology of aging外部サイトPitfall or panacea : the irony of US power in occupied Japan, 1945-1952外部サイトHistory of Japanese policies in education aid to developing countries, 1950s-1990s : the role of the subgovernmental processes外部サイトThe contested theological authority of Thomas Aquinas : the controversies between Hervaeus Natalis and Durandus of St. Pourçain外部サイトThe origins of the African American civil rights movement, 1865-1956外部サイトAmerican women missionaries at Kobe College, 1873-1909 : new dimensions in gender外部サイトThe quest for Tejano identity in San Antonio, Texas, 1913-2000外部サイトCauses and consequences of word structure外部サイトGerard Manley Hopkins and Victorian Catholicism : a heart in hiding外部サイトMelville's monumental imagination外部サイトThe African-Asian divide : analyzing institutions and accumulation in Kenya外部サイトPynchon and the political外部サイトRhizosphere : Gilles Deleuze and the "minor" American writings of William James, W.E.B. Du Bois, Gertrude Stein, Jean Toomer, and William Faulkner外部サイトPynchon and the political外部サイトThe United States transformed : the lessons and legacies of the second world war外部サイトCooperation over conflict : the women's movement and the state in postwar Japan外部サイトThe 14th and 15th Amendments and the Voting Rights Act of 1965外部サイトGendering ethnicity : implications for democracy assistance外部サイトShakespeare in the Victorian periodicals外部サイトStudying the enemy : Japan hands in Republican China and their quest for national identity外部サイトBalancing the books : Faulkner, Morrison, and the economies of slavery外部サイトGertrude Stein and Wallace Stevens : the performance of modern consciousness外部サイトEnforcing and challenging the Voting Rights Act of 1965外部サイトNegation and licensing of negative polarity items in Hindi syntax外部サイトThe United States in the European theater外部サイトBetween the angle and the curve : mapping gender, race, space, and identity in Willa Cather and Toni Morrison外部サイトThe synchronic and diachronic phonology of ejectives外部サイトWord sightings : poetry and visual media in Stevens, Bishop, and O'Hara外部サイトFigures of finance capitalism : writing, class, and capital in the age of Dickens外部サイトChinese feminism faces globalization外部サイトJames Joyce & the perverse ideal外部サイトVital contact : downclassing journeys in American literature from Herman Melville to Richard Wright外部サイトThe making of the Victorian novelist : anxieties of authorship in the mass market外部サイトAn American editor in early revolutionary China : John William Powell and the China weekly/monthly review外部サイトAnthropology of aging外部サイトKeeping up her geography : women's writing and geocultural space in twentieth-century U.S. literature and culture外部サイトPeacekeeping in the Middle East as an international regime外部サイトThe man and the author外部サイトEconomics of aging外部サイトWords and songs of Bessie Smith, Billie Holiday, and Nina Simone : sound motion, blues spirit, and African memory外部サイトBalancing the books : Faulkner, Morrison, and the economies of slavery外部サイトIn the shadows of divine perfection : Derek Walcott's Omeros外部サイトStriving and surviving : a daily life analysis of Honduran transnational families外部サイトSpaces of the sacred and profane : Dickens, Trollope, and the Victorian cathedral town外部サイトWho reads Ulysses? : the rhetoric of the Joyce wars and the common reader外部サイトTruth, realism, and the history of being外部サイトInput-based phonological acquisition外部サイトQueer times : Christopher Isherwood's modernity外部サイト"Somewhat on the community-system" : Fourierism in the works of Nathaniel Hawthorne外部サイトAlternative redistricting, registering, and voting systems外部サイトPromoting women's rights : the politics of gender in the European Union外部サイトPoetic gesture : myth, Wallace Stevens, and the motions of poetic language外部サイトThe prospects for a regional human rights mechanism in East Asia外部サイトRace and masculinity in contemporary American prison narratives外部サイトMilton's uncertain Eden : understanding place in Paradise lost外部サイトLost city : Fitzgerald's New York外部サイトThe merchant of modernism : the economic Jew in Anglo-American literature, 1864-1939外部サイトMinimal indirect reference : a theory of the syntax-phonology interface外部サイトThe connected city : how networks are shaping the modern metropolis外部サイトDominicans in New York City : power from the margins外部サイトFeminist utopian novels of the 1970s : Joanna Russ & Dorothy Bryant外部サイトThe magic lantern : representation of the double in Dickens外部サイトArt as abstract machine : ontology and aesthetics in Deleuze and Guattari外部サイトMinority within a minority : Black Francophone immigrants and the dynamics of power and resistance外部サイトArtificial hearing, natural speech : cochlear implants, speech production, and the expectations of a high-tech society外部サイトThe trifurcating miracle : corporations, workers, bureaucrats, and the erosion of Japan's national economy外部サイトEnriched composition and inference in the argument structure of Chinese外部サイトNovels, maps, modernity : the spatial imagination, 1850-2000外部サイトThe atomic bomb in history and memory外部サイトTelicity and durativity : a study of aspect in Dëne Sųłiné (Chipewyan) and German外部サイトFrom transition to power alternation : democracy in South Korea, 1987-1997外部サイトManifestations of genericity外部サイトChinese American masculinities : from Fu Manchu to Bruce Lee外部サイトWill the circle be unbroken? : family and sectionalism in the Virginia novels of Kennedy, Caruthers, and Tucker, 1830-1845外部サイトParadise regained and Samson agonistes外部サイトStrangers in the city : the Atlanta Chinese, their community, and stories of their lives外部サイト"Somewhat on the community system" : Fourierism in the works of Nathaniel Hawthorne外部サイトOpening the door : immigration, ethnicity, and globalization in Japan外部サイトTurn-taking in English and Japanese : projectability in grammar, intonation, and semantics外部サイトPhonological augmentation in prominent positions外部サイトThe other Orpheus : a poetics of modern homosexuality外部サイトArtificial hearing, natural speech : cochlear implants, speech production, and the expectations of a high-tech society外部サイトPhilosophy, religious studies, and myth外部サイトChinese American masculinities : from Fu Manchu to Bruce Lee外部サイトRemembering and representing the second world war外部サイトThe life writing of otherness : Woolf, Baldwin, Kingston, and Winsterson外部サイトThrough the daemon's gate : Kepler's Somnium, medieval dream narratives, and the polysemy of allegorical motifs外部サイトStudying the enemy : Japan hands in Republican China and their quest for national identity外部サイトWallace Stevens and the realities of poetic language外部サイトThe American people at war : minorities and women in the Second World War外部サイトEllipsis and wa-marking in Japanese conversation外部サイトDistinctiveness, coercion and sonority : a unified theory of weight外部サイトThe spell cast by remains : the myth of wilderness in modern American literature外部サイトThe United States and the road to war in the Pacific外部サイトThoughts painfully intense : Hawthorne and the invalid author外部サイト"Like parchment in the fire" : literature and radicalism in the English Civil War外部サイトThe uncertainty of legal rights外部サイトThe state as child protector外部サイトIn search of an identity : the politics of history as a school subject in Hong Kong, 1960s-2002外部サイトThe presupposition and discourse functions of the Japanese particle mo外部サイトBodies of pain : suffering in the works of Hartmann von Aue外部サイトJoseph Conrad and the art of sacrifice : the evolution of the scapegoat theme in Joseph Conrad's fiction外部サイトLearning and coordination : inductive deliberation, equilibrium, and convention外部サイトGeorge Orwell, doubleness, and the value of decency外部サイトInternational election monitoring, sovereignty, and the Western hemisphere idea : the emergence of an international norm外部サイトInput-based phonological acquisition外部サイトThe contested theological authority of Thomas Aquinas : the controversies between Hervaeus Natalis and Durandus of St. Pourçain外部サイトAmerican Jewish life, 1920-1990外部サイトThe environmental unconscious in the fiction of Don DeLillo外部サイトThe water supply system of Siena, Italy : the medieval roots of the modern networked city外部サイトAmerican women missionaries at Kobe College, 1873-1909 : new dimensions in gender外部サイトMobile homes : spatial and cultural negotiation in Asian American literature外部サイトAmerican Zionism : mission and politics外部サイトAmerica, American Jews, and the Holocaust外部サイトEast European Jews in America, 1880-1920 : immigration and adaptation外部サイトAsian Americans and the shifting politics of race : the dismantling of affirmative action at an elite public high school外部サイトAspects of the economic implications of accounting外部サイトJesuit slaveholding in Maryland, 1717-1838外部サイトPostmodernism and its others : the fiction of Ishmael Reed, Kathy Acker, and Don DeLillo外部サイトCentral European Jews in America, 1840-1880 : migration and advancement外部サイトAmerican Jewish history : the colonial and early national periods, 1654-1840外部サイトEast European Jews in America, 1880-1920 : immigration and adaptation外部サイト






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24 cm
Press images, national identity, and foreign policy : a case study of U.S.-Japan relations from 1955-1995
Frederick Douglass's curious audiences : ethos in the age of the consumable subject
The reproductive unconscious in medieval and early modern England
Editing Emily Dickinson : the production of an author
Illuminating the borders of northern French and Flemish manuscripts, 1270-1310
Fighting the flames : the spectacular performance of fire at Coney Island
Henry Miller and religion
This composite voice : the role of W.B. Yeats in James Merrill's poetry
Structural markedness and syntactic structure : a study of word order and the left periphery in Mexican Spanish
Structural markedness and syntactic structure : a study of word order and the left periphery in Mexican Spanish
Negotiating copyright : authorship and the discourse of literary property rights in nineteenth-century America
Inviting Latino voters : party messages and Latino party identification
Parenting for the state : an ethnographic analysis of non-profit foster care
Womanism, literature, and the transformation of the Black community, 1965-1980
Post-revolutionary Chicana literature : memoir, folklore, and fiction of the border, 1900-1950
Category neutrality : a type-logical investigation
Race, immigration, and American identity in the fiction of Salman Rushdie, Ralph Ellison, and William Faulkner
New culture in a new world : the May Fourth Movement and the Chinese diaspora in Singapore, 1919-1932
Social partnerships and social relations : new strategies in workforce and economic development
Racial attitudes and Asian Pacific Americans : demystifying the model minority
Protestant missionaries, Asian immigrants, and ideologies of race in America, 1850-1924
The globalization of contentious politics : the Amazonian indigenous rights movement
Production, perception, and emergent phonotactic patterns : a case of contrastive palatalization
Beyond the sound barrier : the jazz controversy in twentieth-century American fiction
George Orwell, doubleness, and the value of decency
The United States in the Pacific war
All the world's a stage : dramatic sensibility in Mary Shelley's novels
Political principles & Indian sovereignty
The artist, society, & sexuality in Virginia Woolf's novels
The art of the Black essay : from meditation to transcendence
Feminist utopian novels of the 1970s : Joanna Russ & Dorothy Bryant
Learning and coordination : inductive deliberation, equilibrium, and convention
Cosmopolitan fictions : ethics, politics, and global change in the works of Kazuo Ishiguro, Michael Ondaatje, Jamaica Kincaid, and J.M. Coetzee
Working memory in sentence comprehension : processing Hindi center embeddings
Words and songs of Bessie Smith, Billie Holiday, and Nina Simone : sound motion, blues spirit, and African memory
Us, Hawaiʿi-born Japanese : storied identities of Japanese American elderly from a sugar plantation community
Where troubadours were bishops : the Occitania of Folc of Marseille(1150-1231)
Feminine figurae : representations of gender in religious texts by medieval German women writers, 1100-1375
The ethics of exile : colonialism in the fictions of Charles Brockden Brown and J.M. Coetzee
Paul Auster's postmodernity
Love American style : divorce and the American novel, 1881-1976
Rethinking Japan's identity and international role : an intercultural perspective
Asian Americans and the shifting politics of race : the dismantling of affirmative action at an elite public high school
Hyperboreans : myth and history in Celtic-Hellenic contacts
"We are not garbage!" : the homeless movement in Tokyo, 1994-2002
Japan's foreign policy maturation : a quest for normalcy
The state and the schooling of children
The slave in the swamp : disrupting the plantation narrative
Projecting the adjective : the syntax and semantics of gradability and comparison
Homelessness in American literature : romanticism, realism, and testimony
Social feminism, labor politics, and the law
Syllable weight : phonetics, phonology, typology
Hmong American concepts of health, healing, and conventional medicine
Vowel reduction in optimality theory
Gay hegemony/Latino homosexualities
Yeats and theosophy
In search of an identity : the politics of history as a school subject in Hong Kong, 1960s-2002
Manifestations of genericity
Status power : Japanese foreign policy making toward Korea
Child vs. state
Regenerating the novel : gender and genre in Woolf, Forster, Sinclair, and Lawrence
Global spaces of Chinese culture : diasporic Chinese communities in the United States and Germany
Pitfall or panacea : the irony of US power in occupied Japan, 1945-1952
Reassessing the role of the syllable in Italian phonology : an experimental study of consonant cluster syllabification, definite article allomorphy and segment duration
Chinese feminism faces globalization
The artistry & tradition of Tennyson's battle poetry
Locating the role of labor politics within feminism in the late twentieth century
Satire & the postcolonial novel : V.S. Naipaul, Chinua Achebe, Salman Rushdie
Gay hegemony/Latino homosexualities
Body and sacred place in medieval Europe, 1100-1389
American culture at war : the homefront
The end of learning : Milton and education
The United Stetes and the road to war in Europe
Segregated miscegenation : on the treatment of racial hybridity in the U.S. and Latin American literary traditions
Modeling minority women : heroines in African and Asian American fiction
The end of learning : Milton and education
Something better for our children : black organizing in Chicago public schools, 1963-1971
Here and now : the politics of social space in D.H. Lawrence and Virginia Woolf
Merit aid and the politics of education
Justice and the social context of early middle high German literature
Divergent visions, contested spaces : the early United States through the lens of travel
The synchronic and diachronic phonology of ejectives
Constructing social reality : self-portraits of Black children living in poverty
"All the world's a stage" : dramatic sensibility in Mary Shelley's novels
Alliance in anxiety : détente and the Sino-American-Japanese triangle
Writing the city : urban visions & literary modernism
Taiwanese American transnational families : women and kin work
D.H. Lawrence's border crossing : colonialism in his travel writings and leadership novels
Japan's foreign policy maturation : a quest for normalcy
Third delight : the internationalization of higher education in China
"Rice plus" : widows and economic survival in rural Cambodia
Out of touch : skin tropes and identities in Woolf, Ellison, Pynchon, and Acker
Sports, narrative, and nation in the fiction of F. Scott Fitzgerald
The waste fix : seizures of the sacred from Upton Sinclair to the Sopranos
Henry Miller and religion
Dead letters to the New world : Melville, Emerson, and American transcendentalism
The politics of social policy change in Chile and Uruguay : retrenchment versus maintenance, 1973-1998
Pronouns and word order in Old English : with particular reference to the indefinite pronoun man
Choosing not to marry : women and autonomy in the Katherine Group
The magic lantern : representation of the double in Dickens
Newly composed folk music of Yugoslavia
"Keeping up her geography" : women's writing and geocultural space in twentieth-century U.S. literature and culture
The globalization of contentious politics : the Amazonian indigenous rights movement
Novels, maps, modernity : the spatial imagination, 1850-2000
Jesuit slaveholding in Maryland, 1717-1838
Causes and consequences of word structure
Parsing the city : Jonson, Middleton, Dekker, and city comedy's London as language
Language and the critique of subjectivity
Death, men and modernism : trauma and narrative in British fiction from Hardy to Woolf
No place for home : spatial constraint and character flight in the novels of Cormac McCarthy
Fatal news : reading and information overload in early eighteenth-century literature
The politics of locality : making a nation of communities in Taiwan
Religiosity, cosmology and folklore : the African influence in the novels of Toni Morrison
True to form : rising and falling declaratives as questions in English
Psychology of aging
The promised land? : the lives and voices of Hispanic immigrants in the new South
Narrative desire and historical reparations : A.S. Byatt, Ian McEwan, Salmon Rushdie
Politicizing Asian American literature : towards a critical multiculturalism
The space and place of modernism : the Russian Revolution, little magazines, and New York
Syllable weight : phonetics, phonology, typology
Making comparisons count
An effort based approach to consonant lenition
"She, this in blak" : vision, truth, and will in Geoffrey Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde
Latin America's neo-reformation : religion's influence on contemporary politics
The metanarrative of suspicion in late twentieth century America
The artist, society, and sexuality in Virginia Woolf's novels
Discourse adjectives
Intimate and authentic economies : the American self-made man from Douglass to Chaplin
The politics of social policy change in Chile and Uruguay : retrenchment versus maintenance, 1973-1998
Patriarchy and its discontents : sexual politics in selected novels and stories of Thomas Hardy
Political science, public policy, and aging
Christian, Saracen and genre in medieval French literature
The self wired : technology and subjectivity in contemporary narrative
Changes in the permanent employment system in Japan : between 1982 and 1997
Discourse adjectives
Collective rights of indigenous peoples : identity-based movement of plain indigenous in Taiwan
Joycean frames : film and the fiction of James Joyce
Negotiating the modern : Orientalism and Indianness in the Anglophone world
Love American style : divorce and the American novel, 1881-1976
Creating tropical Yankees : social science textbooks and U.S. ideological control in Puerto Rico, 1898-1908
Origins of predicates : evidence from Plains Cree
The Carver chronotope : inside the life-world of Raymond Carver's fiction
Dominicans in New York City : power from the margins
Eugenic fantasies : racial ideology in the literature and popular culture of the 1920's
Vietnamese tone : a new analysis
Intimate and authentic economies : the American self-made man from Douglass to Chaplin
William Morris and the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
Insurgency, authoritarianism, and drug trafficking in Mexico's "democratization"
Projecting the adjective : the syntax and semantics of gradability and comparison
Dorothy Wordsworth's ecology
East European Jews in America, 1880-1920 : immigration and adaptation
Paradise lost
Compensatory lengthening : phonetics, phonology, diachrony
Unequal partnerships : beyond the rhetoric of philanthropic collaboration
The self wired : technology and subjectivity in contemporary narrative
Leaving Latinos out of history : teaching U.S. history in Texas
Managing our margins : women entrepreneurs in suburbia
A strategic model of temporary staffing
Biology of aging
Divergent visions, contested spaces : the early United States through the lens of travel
Pynchon and history : metahistorical rhetoric and postmodern narrative form in the novels of Thomas Pynchon
The spirit of development : Protestant NGOs, morality, and economics in Zimbabwe
Consuming passions : the uses of cannibalism in late medieval and early modern Europe
Negation and licensing of negative polarity items in Hindi syntax
The economy of the short story in British periodicals of the 1890s
Trans-Atlantic migration : the paradoxes of exile
The self in the cell : narrating the Victorian prisoner
Reading and mapping Hardy's roads
Skin color and identity formation : perceptions of opportunity and academic orientation among Mexican and Puerto Rican youth
Poetic gesture : myth, Wallace Stevens, and the motions of poetic language
Opening the door : immigration, ethnicity, and globalization in Japan
Residential segregation patterns of Latinos in the United States, 1990-2000 : testing the ethnic enclave and inequality theories
Pearl Harbor in history and memory
The early poems
American diplomacy in the Second World War
Delicate pursuit : discretion in Henry James and Edith Wharton
Social feminism, labor politics, and the supreme court of the 1920s
The real Negro : the question of authenticity in twentieth-century African American literature
The phonetics and phonology of gutturals : a case study from Ju|'hoansi
Politicizing Asian American literature : towards a critical multiculturalism
Dead letters to the New World : Melville, Emerson, and American transcendentalism
Our scene is London : Ben Jonson's city and the space of the author
The power of urban ethnic places : cultural heritage and community life
Religiosity, cosmology and folklore : the African influence in the novels of Toni Morrison
Art, poetry, and technology
Isolationists and internationalists : the battle over intervention
Politicizing Asian American literature : towards a critical multiculturalism
Edith Wharton's "evolutionary conception" : Darwinian allegory in her major novels
Modernist aesthetics and consumer culture in the writings of Oscar Wilde
Creating Yoknapatawpha : readers and writers in Faulkner's fiction
Market sense : toward a new economics of markets and society
Pestilence in Medieval and early modern English literature
Empowering collaborations : writing partnerships between religious women and scribes in the Middle Ages
Managing transitions : the Chinese Communist Party, united front work, corporatism, and hegemony
Pestilence in medieval and early modern English literature
The fiction of nationality in an era of transnationalism
Dasein, authenticity, and death
Contested masculinities : crises in colonial male identity from Joseph Conrad to Satyajit Ray
Shelley's intellectual system and its Epicurean background
Sociology of aging
Pitfall or panacea : the irony of US power in occupied Japan, 1945-1952
History of Japanese policies in education aid to developing countries, 1950s-1990s : the role of the subgovernmental processes
The contested theological authority of Thomas Aquinas : the controversies between Hervaeus Natalis and Durandus of St. Pourçain
The origins of the African American civil rights movement, 1865-1956
American women missionaries at Kobe College, 1873-1909 : new dimensions in gender
The quest for Tejano identity in San Antonio, Texas, 1913-2000
Causes and consequences of word structure
Gerard Manley Hopkins and Victorian Catholicism : a heart in hiding
Melville's monumental imagination
The African-Asian divide : analyzing institutions and accumulation in Kenya
Pynchon and the political
Rhizosphere : Gilles Deleuze and the "minor" American writings of William James, W.E.B. Du Bois, Gertrude Stein, Jean Toomer, and William Faulkner
Pynchon and the political
The United States transformed : the lessons and legacies of the second world war
Cooperation over conflict : the women's movement and the state in postwar Japan
The 14th and 15th Amendments and the Voting Rights Act of 1965
Gendering ethnicity : implications for democracy assistance
Shakespeare in the Victorian periodicals
Studying the enemy : Japan hands in Republican China and their quest for national identity
Balancing the books : Faulkner, Morrison, and the economies of slavery
Gertrude Stein and Wallace Stevens : the performance of modern consciousness
Enforcing and challenging the Voting Rights Act of 1965
Negation and licensing of negative polarity items in Hindi syntax
The United States in the European theater
Between the angle and the curve : mapping gender, race, space, and identity in Willa Cather and Toni Morrison
The synchronic and diachronic phonology of ejectives
Word sightings : poetry and visual media in Stevens, Bishop, and O'Hara
Figures of finance capitalism : writing, class, and capital in the age of Dickens
Chinese feminism faces globalization
James Joyce & the perverse ideal
Vital contact : downclassing journeys in American literature from Herman Melville to Richard Wright
The making of the Victorian novelist : anxieties of authorship in the mass market
An American editor in early revolutionary China : John William Powell and the China weekly/monthly review
Anthropology of aging
Keeping up her geography : women's writing and geocultural space in twentieth-century U.S. literature and culture
Peacekeeping in the Middle East as an international regime
The man and the author
Economics of aging
Words and songs of Bessie Smith, Billie Holiday, and Nina Simone : sound motion, blues spirit, and African memory
Balancing the books : Faulkner, Morrison, and the economies of slavery
In the shadows of divine perfection : Derek Walcott's Omeros
Striving and surviving : a daily life analysis of Honduran transnational families
Spaces of the sacred and profane : Dickens, Trollope, and the Victorian cathedral town
Who reads Ulysses? : the rhetoric of the Joyce wars and the common reader
Truth, realism, and the history of being
Input-based phonological acquisition
Queer times : Christopher Isherwood's modernity
"Somewhat on the community-system" : Fourierism in the works of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Alternative redistricting, registering, and voting systems
Promoting women's rights : the politics of gender in the European Union
Poetic gesture : myth, Wallace Stevens, and the motions of poetic language
The prospects for a regional human rights mechanism in East Asia
Race and masculinity in contemporary American prison narratives
Milton's uncertain Eden : understanding place in Paradise lost
Lost city : Fitzgerald's New York
The merchant of modernism : the economic Jew in Anglo-American literature, 1864-1939
Minimal indirect reference : a theory of the syntax-phonology interface
The connected city : how networks are shaping the modern metropolis
Dominicans in New York City : power from the margins
Feminist utopian novels of the 1970s : Joanna Russ & Dorothy Bryant
The magic lantern : representation of the double in Dickens
Art as abstract machine : ontology and aesthetics in Deleuze and Guattari
Minority within a minority : Black Francophone immigrants and the dynamics of power and resistance
Artificial hearing, natural speech : cochlear implants, speech production, and the expectations of a high-tech society
The trifurcating miracle : corporations, workers, bureaucrats, and the erosion of Japan's national economy
Enriched composition and inference in the argument structure of Chinese
Novels, maps, modernity : the spatial imagination, 1850-2000
The atomic bomb in history and memory
Telicity and durativity : a study of aspect in Dëne Sųłiné (Chipewyan) and German
From transition to power alternation : democracy in South Korea, 1987-1997
Manifestations of genericity
Chinese American masculinities : from Fu Manchu to Bruce Lee
Will the circle be unbroken? : family and sectionalism in the Virginia novels of Kennedy, Caruthers, and Tucker, 1830-1845
Paradise regained and Samson agonistes
Strangers in the city : the Atlanta Chinese, their community, and stories of their lives
"Somewhat on the community system" : Fourierism in the works of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Opening the door : immigration, ethnicity, and globalization in Japan
Turn-taking in English and Japanese : projectability in grammar, intonation, and semantics
Phonological augmentation in prominent positions
The other Orpheus : a poetics of modern homosexuality
Artificial hearing, natural speech : cochlear implants, speech production, and the expectations of a high-tech society
Philosophy, religious studies, and myth
Chinese American masculinities : from Fu Manchu to Bruce Lee
Remembering and representing the second world war
The life writing of otherness : Woolf, Baldwin, Kingston, and Winsterson
Through the daemon's gate : Kepler's Somnium, medieval dream narratives, and the polysemy of allegorical motifs
Studying the enemy : Japan hands in Republican China and their quest for national identity
Wallace Stevens and the realities of poetic language
The American people at war : minorities and women in the Second World War
Ellipsis and wa-marking in Japanese conversation
Distinctiveness, coercion and sonority : a unified theory of weight
The spell cast by remains : the myth of wilderness in modern American literature
The United States and the road to war in the Pacific
Thoughts painfully intense : Hawthorne and the invalid author
"Like parchment in the fire" : literature and radicalism in the English Civil War
The uncertainty of legal rights
The state as child protector
In search of an identity : the politics of history as a school subject in Hong Kong, 1960s-2002
The presupposition and discourse functions of the Japanese particle mo
Bodies of pain : suffering in the works of Hartmann von Aue
Joseph Conrad and the art of sacrifice : the evolution of the scapegoat theme in Joseph Conrad's fiction
Learning and coordination : inductive deliberation, equilibrium, and convention
George Orwell, doubleness, and the value of decency
International election monitoring, sovereignty, and the Western hemisphere idea : the emergence of an international norm
Input-based phonological acquisition
The contested theological authority of Thomas Aquinas : the controversies between Hervaeus Natalis and Durandus of St. Pourçain
American Jewish life, 1920-1990
The environmental unconscious in the fiction of Don DeLillo
The water supply system of Siena, Italy : the medieval roots of the modern networked city
American women missionaries at Kobe College, 1873-1909 : new dimensions in gender
Mobile homes : spatial and cultural negotiation in Asian American literature
American Zionism : mission and politics
America, American Jews, and the Holocaust
East European Jews in America, 1880-1920 : immigration and adaptation
Asian Americans and the shifting politics of race : the dismantling of affirmative action at an elite public high school
Aspects of the economic implications of accounting
Jesuit slaveholding in Maryland, 1717-1838
Postmodernism and its others : the fiction of Ishmael Reed, Kathy Acker, and Don DeLillo
Central European Jews in America, 1840-1880 : migration and advancement
American Jewish history : the colonial and early national periods, 1654-1840
East European Jews in America, 1880-1920 : immigration and adaptation
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