
SUNY series in contemporary continental philosophy


SUNY series in contemporary continental philosophy

Dennis J. Schmidt, editor
State University of New York Press


Hans-Georg Gadamer on education, poetry, and history : applied hermeneutics外部サイトThe ring of representation外部サイトThe gathering of reason外部サイトSchelling's organic form of philosophy : life as the schema of freedom外部サイトSystem and history in philosophy : on the unity of thought and time, text and explanation, solitude and dialogue, rhetoric and truth in the practice of philosophy and its history外部サイトDisseminating Lacan外部サイトThe time of life : Heidegger and ēthos外部サイトHeidegger's neglect of the body外部サイトThe face of things : a different side of ethics外部サイトNietzsche's aesthetic turn : reading Nietzsche after Heidegger, Deleuze, and Derrida外部サイトLiterature and philosophy in dialogue : essays in German literary theory外部サイトHeidegger and rhetoric外部サイトThe renewal of the Heidegger-Kant dialogue : action, thought, and responsibility外部サイトThinking the light of time : Heidegger's encounter with Hegel外部サイトHegel and contemporary Continental philosophy外部サイトTowards a phenomenological ethics : ethos and the life-world外部サイトSources of hermeneutics外部サイトAdorno : the recovery of experience外部サイトExtensions : essays on interpretation, rationality, and the closure of modernism外部サイトForms of transcendence : Heidegger and medieval mystical theology外部サイトThe ontology of Socratic questioning in Plato's early dialogues外部サイトPhantoms of the other : four generations of Derrida's Geschlecht外部サイトHeidegger toward the turn : essays on the work of the 1930s外部サイトInflected language : toward a hermeneutics of nearness : Heidegger, Levinas, Stevens, Celan外部サイトThe sense of space外部サイトThe Kantian subject : sensus communis, mimesis, work of mourning外部サイトCritique and totality外部サイトLanguage and liberation : feminism, philosophy, and language外部サイトDiscipline and critique : Kant, poststructuralism, and the problem of resistance外部サイトAnimal others : on ethics, ontology, and animal life外部サイトReading Heidegger from the start : essays in his earliest thought外部サイトHeidegger's ways外部サイトThe grounding of positive philosophy : the Berlin lectures外部サイトMetaphysical aporia and philosophical heresy外部サイトIsolated experiences : Gilles Deleuze and the solitudes of reversed Platonism外部サイトDeath and responsibility : the "work" of Levinas外部サイトSupplements : from the earliest essays to Being and time and beyond外部サイトPhilosophical papers : betwixt and between外部サイトFoucault's Nietzschean genealogy : truth, power, and the subject外部サイトThe promise of memory : history and politics in Marx, Benjamin, and Derrida外部サイトHuman experience : philosophy, neurosis, and the elements of everyday life外部サイトFirst outline of a system of the philosophy of nature外部サイトThe title of the letter : a reading of Lacan外部サイトNietzsche as postmodernist : essays pro and contra外部サイトSojourns : the journey to Greece外部サイトPhantoms of the other : four generations of Derrida's Geschlecht外部サイトEllipsis : of poetry and the experience of language after Heidegger, Hölderlin, and Blanchot外部サイトDeconstruction, its force, its violence : together with "Have we done with the empire of judgment?"外部サイトVision's invisibles : philosophical explorations外部サイトDavid Hume : platonic philosopher, continental ancestor外部サイトThe time of memory外部サイトThe step back : ethics and politics after deconstruction外部サイトThe conspiracy of life : meditations on Schelling and his time外部サイトNietzsche, metaphor, religion外部サイトThe finitude of being外部サイトThe Thracian maid and the professional thinker : Arendt and Heidegger外部サイトDeleuze's wake : tributes and tributaries外部サイトThe modern subject : conceptions of the self in classical German philosophy外部サイトAlcyone : Nietzsche on gifts, noise, and women外部サイトBelief and its neutralization : Husserl's system of phenomenology in Ideas I外部サイトBeing and time : a translation of Sein und Zeit外部サイトUtopia of understanding : between Babel and Auschwitz外部サイトRethinking facticity外部サイトThe tragedy of philosophy : Kant's critique of judgment and the project of aesthetics外部サイトRes publica : Plato's Republic in classical German philosophy外部サイトBetween Levinas and Heidegger外部サイトBiodeconstruction : Jacques Derrida and the life sciences外部サイトDouble truth外部サイトThe recalcitrant art : Diotima's letters to Hölderlin and related missives外部サイトNietzsche : a novel外部サイトReading Kant's Geography外部サイトA guide to Heidegger's Being and time外部サイトThe presocratics after Heidegger外部サイトThe language of hermeneutics : Gadamer and Heidegger in dialogue外部サイトCatastrophe and redemption : the political thought of Giorgio Agamben外部サイトThinking the poetic measure of justice : Hölderlin -- Heidegger -- Celan外部サイトAdult life : aging, responsibility, and the pursuit of happiness外部サイトDialogue and deconstruction : the Gadamer-Derrida encounter外部サイトNietzsche and embodiment : discerning bodies and non-dualism外部サイトClara, or, On nature's connection to the spirit world外部サイトIntersubjectivity and transcendental idealism外部サイトQuestioning Platonism : continental interpretations of Plato外部サイトSchelling's practice of the wild : time, art, imagination外部サイトEcstasy, catastrophe : Heidegger from Being and time to the Black notebooks外部サイトFor Foucault : against normative political theory外部サイトHeidegger and the essence of man外部サイトThe actuality of Adorno : critical essays on Adorno and the postmodern外部サイトThe barbarian principle : Merleau-Ponty, Schelling, and the question of nature外部サイトKlee's mirror外部サイトBearing witness to epiphany : persons, things, and the nature of erotic life外部サイトFeminism, Foucault, and embodied subjectivity外部サイトErnst Cassirer : a "repetition" of modernity外部サイトHeidegger and Aristotle : the twofoldness of being外部サイトAdorno's poetics of form外部サイトThe bodily dimension in thinking外部サイトSense and finitude : encounters at the limits of language, art, and the political外部サイトGod and the self in Hegel : beyond subjectivism外部サイトThe origin of time : Heidegger and Bergson外部サイトSchelling's dialogical freedom essay : provocative philosophy then and now外部サイトDeconstructive subjectivities外部サイトThe theory of difference : readings in contemporary continental thought外部サイトOn the essence of language : the metaphysics of language and the essencing of the word : concerning Herder's treatise On the origin of language外部サイトThe science of knowing : J.G. Fichte's 1804 lectures on the Wissenschaftslehre外部サイトThe glance of the eye : Heidegger, Aristotle, and the ends of theory外部サイトPhilosophical investigations into the essence of human freedom外部サイトThe other Plato : the Tübingen interpretation of Plato's inner-academic teachings外部サイトThe flesh of images : Merleau-Ponty between painting and cinema外部サイトWords in blood, like flowers : philosophy and poetry, music and eros in Hölderlin, Nietzsche, and Heidegger外部サイトPhenomenology外部サイトLabyrinths of exemplarity : at the limits of deconstruction外部サイトGadamer on Celan : "Who am I and who are you?" and other essays外部サイトUnquiet understanding : Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics外部サイトHeidegger and practical philosophy外部サイトPlatonic legacies外部サイトNietzsche and metaphysics外部サイトNietzsche and the promise of philosophy外部サイトHermeneutics and the voice of the other : re-reading Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics外部サイトLogic and existence外部サイトThe ages of the world : (fragment) from the handwritten remains : third version (c. 1815)外部サイトMargins of political discourse外部サイトInterrogating the tradition : hermeneutics and the history of philosophy外部サイトPoetics, speculation, and judgment : the shadow of the work of art from Kant to phenomenology外部サイトThe philosophical rupture between Fichte and Schelling : selected texts and correspondence (1800-1802)外部サイトHermeneutics and education外部サイトHeidegger from metaphysics to thought外部サイトHeidegger and the project of fundamental ontology外部サイトFor a philosophy of freedom and strife : politics, aesthetics, metaphysics外部サイトVirtue in being : towards an ethics of the unconditioned外部サイトHistorical-critical introduction to the philosophy of mythology外部サイトAn unprecedented deformation : Marcel Proust and the sensible ideas外部サイトThe vegetative soul : from philosophy of nature to subjectivity in the feminine外部サイトTragedies of spirit : tracing finitude in Hegel's phenomenology外部サイトSartre and Adorno : the dialectics of subjectivity外部サイトSensibility and singularity : the problem of phenomenology in Levinas外部サイトSparks will fly : Benjamin and Heidegger外部サイトMerleau-Ponty vivant外部サイトBeing and time外部サイトThe ends of solidarity : discourse theory in ethics and politics外部サイトFestivals of interpretation : essays on Hans-Georg Gadamer's work外部サイトThe process of democratization外部サイトChiasms : Merleau-Ponty's notion of flesh外部サイトHeidegger and the human外部サイトAn unprecedented deformation : Marcel Proust and the sensible ideas外部サイトCritical studies on Heidegger : the emerging body of understanding外部サイトSchelling's organic form of philosophy : life as the schema of freedom外部サイトPhilosophers and their poets : reflections on the poetic turn in philosophy since Kant外部サイトOf an alien homecoming : reading Heidegger's "Hölderlin"外部サイトIn the brightness of place : topological thinking in and after Heidegger外部サイトDeconstructive constitutionalism : Derrida reading Kant外部サイトEckhart, Heidegger, and the imperative of releasement外部サイト



  • Hans-Georg Gadamer on education, poetry, and history : applied hermeneutics

  • The ring of representation

  • The gathering of reason

  • Schelling's organic form of philosophy : life as the schema of freedom

  • System and history in philosophy : on the unity of thought and time, text and explanation, solitude and dialogue, rhetoric and truth in the practice of philosophy and its history





  • CiNii Research

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Dennis J. Schmidt, editor
Hans-Georg Gadamer on education, poetry, and history : applied hermeneutics
The ring of representation
The gathering of reason
Schelling's organic form of philosophy : life as the schema of freedom
System and history in philosophy : on the unity of thought and time, text and explanation, solitude and dialogue, rhetoric and truth in the practice of philosophy and its history
Disseminating Lacan
The time of life : Heidegger and ēthos
Heidegger's neglect of the body
The face of things : a different side of ethics
Nietzsche's aesthetic turn : reading Nietzsche after Heidegger, Deleuze, and Derrida
Literature and philosophy in dialogue : essays in German literary theory
Heidegger and rhetoric
The renewal of the Heidegger-Kant dialogue : action, thought, and responsibility
Thinking the light of time : Heidegger's encounter with Hegel
Hegel and contemporary Continental philosophy
Towards a phenomenological ethics : ethos and the life-world
Sources of hermeneutics
Adorno : the recovery of experience
Extensions : essays on interpretation, rationality, and the closure of modernism
Forms of transcendence : Heidegger and medieval mystical theology
The ontology of Socratic questioning in Plato's early dialogues
Phantoms of the other : four generations of Derrida's Geschlecht
Heidegger toward the turn : essays on the work of the 1930s
Inflected language : toward a hermeneutics of nearness : Heidegger, Levinas, Stevens, Celan
The sense of space
The Kantian subject : sensus communis, mimesis, work of mourning
Critique and totality
Language and liberation : feminism, philosophy, and language
Discipline and critique : Kant, poststructuralism, and the problem of resistance
Animal others : on ethics, ontology, and animal life
Reading Heidegger from the start : essays in his earliest thought
Heidegger's ways
The grounding of positive philosophy : the Berlin lectures
Metaphysical aporia and philosophical heresy
Isolated experiences : Gilles Deleuze and the solitudes of reversed Platonism
Death and responsibility : the "work" of Levinas
Supplements : from the earliest essays to Being and time and beyond
Philosophical papers : betwixt and between
Foucault's Nietzschean genealogy : truth, power, and the subject
The promise of memory : history and politics in Marx, Benjamin, and Derrida
Human experience : philosophy, neurosis, and the elements of everyday life
First outline of a system of the philosophy of nature
The title of the letter : a reading of Lacan
Nietzsche as postmodernist : essays pro and contra
Sojourns : the journey to Greece
Phantoms of the other : four generations of Derrida's Geschlecht
Ellipsis : of poetry and the experience of language after Heidegger, Hölderlin, and Blanchot
Deconstruction, its force, its violence : together with "Have we done with the empire of judgment?"
Vision's invisibles : philosophical explorations
David Hume : platonic philosopher, continental ancestor
The time of memory
The step back : ethics and politics after deconstruction
The conspiracy of life : meditations on Schelling and his time
Nietzsche, metaphor, religion
The finitude of being
The Thracian maid and the professional thinker : Arendt and Heidegger
Deleuze's wake : tributes and tributaries
The modern subject : conceptions of the self in classical German philosophy
Alcyone : Nietzsche on gifts, noise, and women
Belief and its neutralization : Husserl's system of phenomenology in Ideas I
Being and time : a translation of Sein und Zeit
Utopia of understanding : between Babel and Auschwitz
Rethinking facticity
The tragedy of philosophy : Kant's critique of judgment and the project of aesthetics
Res publica : Plato's Republic in classical German philosophy
Between Levinas and Heidegger
Biodeconstruction : Jacques Derrida and the life sciences
Double truth
The recalcitrant art : Diotima's letters to Hölderlin and related missives
Nietzsche : a novel
Reading Kant's Geography
A guide to Heidegger's Being and time
The presocratics after Heidegger
The language of hermeneutics : Gadamer and Heidegger in dialogue
Catastrophe and redemption : the political thought of Giorgio Agamben
Thinking the poetic measure of justice : Hölderlin -- Heidegger -- Celan
Adult life : aging, responsibility, and the pursuit of happiness
Dialogue and deconstruction : the Gadamer-Derrida encounter
Nietzsche and embodiment : discerning bodies and non-dualism
Clara, or, On nature's connection to the spirit world
Intersubjectivity and transcendental idealism
Questioning Platonism : continental interpretations of Plato
Schelling's practice of the wild : time, art, imagination
Ecstasy, catastrophe : Heidegger from Being and time to the Black notebooks
For Foucault : against normative political theory
Heidegger and the essence of man
The actuality of Adorno : critical essays on Adorno and the postmodern
The barbarian principle : Merleau-Ponty, Schelling, and the question of nature
Klee's mirror
Bearing witness to epiphany : persons, things, and the nature of erotic life
Feminism, Foucault, and embodied subjectivity
Ernst Cassirer : a "repetition" of modernity
Heidegger and Aristotle : the twofoldness of being
Adorno's poetics of form
The bodily dimension in thinking
Sense and finitude : encounters at the limits of language, art, and the political
God and the self in Hegel : beyond subjectivism
The origin of time : Heidegger and Bergson
Schelling's dialogical freedom essay : provocative philosophy then and now
Deconstructive subjectivities
The theory of difference : readings in contemporary continental thought
On the essence of language : the metaphysics of language and the essencing of the word : concerning Herder's treatise On the origin of language
The science of knowing : J.G. Fichte's 1804 lectures on the Wissenschaftslehre
The glance of the eye : Heidegger, Aristotle, and the ends of theory
Philosophical investigations into the essence of human freedom
The other Plato : the Tübingen interpretation of Plato's inner-academic teachings
The flesh of images : Merleau-Ponty between painting and cinema
Words in blood, like flowers : philosophy and poetry, music and eros in Hölderlin, Nietzsche, and Heidegger
Labyrinths of exemplarity : at the limits of deconstruction
Gadamer on Celan : "Who am I and who are you?" and other essays
Unquiet understanding : Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics
Heidegger and practical philosophy
Platonic legacies
Nietzsche and metaphysics
Nietzsche and the promise of philosophy
Hermeneutics and the voice of the other : re-reading Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics
Logic and existence
The ages of the world : (fragment) from the handwritten remains : third version (c. 1815)
Margins of political discourse
Interrogating the tradition : hermeneutics and the history of philosophy
Poetics, speculation, and judgment : the shadow of the work of art from Kant to phenomenology
The philosophical rupture between Fichte and Schelling : selected texts and correspondence (1800-1802)
Hermeneutics and education
Heidegger from metaphysics to thought
Heidegger and the project of fundamental ontology
For a philosophy of freedom and strife : politics, aesthetics, metaphysics
Virtue in being : towards an ethics of the unconditioned
Historical-critical introduction to the philosophy of mythology
An unprecedented deformation : Marcel Proust and the sensible ideas
The vegetative soul : from philosophy of nature to subjectivity in the feminine
Tragedies of spirit : tracing finitude in Hegel's phenomenology
Sartre and Adorno : the dialectics of subjectivity
Sensibility and singularity : the problem of phenomenology in Levinas
Sparks will fly : Benjamin and Heidegger
Merleau-Ponty vivant
Being and time
The ends of solidarity : discourse theory in ethics and politics
Festivals of interpretation : essays on Hans-Georg Gadamer's work
The process of democratization
Chiasms : Merleau-Ponty's notion of flesh
Heidegger and the human
An unprecedented deformation : Marcel Proust and the sensible ideas
Critical studies on Heidegger : the emerging body of understanding
Schelling's organic form of philosophy : life as the schema of freedom
Philosophers and their poets : reflections on the poetic turn in philosophy since Kant
Of an alien homecoming : reading Heidegger's "Hölderlin"
In the brightness of place : topological thinking in and after Heidegger
Deconstructive constitutionalism : Derrida reading Kant
Eckhart, Heidegger, and the imperative of releasement
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