- 資料種別
- 図書
- 出版事項
- 並列タイトル等
- Routledge studies in management, organizations and societyRoutledge studies in management, organization and societyRoutledge studies in management, organisations and societyRoutledge series in management, organisation and societyRoutledge studies in management, organisations, and society
- 出版地(国名コード)
- uk
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 関連情報
- Commitment to work and job satisfaction : studies of work orientationsManagement and organization of temporary agency workThe public services under reconstruction : client experiences, professional practices, managerial controlStorytelling in management practice : dynamics and implicationsOrganizations and the media : organizing in a mediatized worldOrganizational identity and memory : a multidisciplinary approachTime in organizational researchDance and organisation : integrating dance theory and methods into the study of managementManagerial cultures : a comparative historical analysisThe dark side of emotional labourHierarchy and organisation : toward a general theory of hierarchical social systemsCorporate social responsibility, social justice and the global food supply chain : towards an ethical food policy for sustainable supermarketsVisual and multimodal research in organization and management studiesOn being at work : the social construction of the employeeImagining organizations : performative imagery in business and beyondPierre Bourdieu, organisation, and managementProfessions and metaphors : understanding professions in societyManaging corporate values in diverse national cultures : the challenge of differencesInternational management and international relations : a critical perspective from Latin AmericaValues-based service for sustainable business : lessons from IKEAOrganizations and the bioeconomy : the management and commodification of the life sciencesUnderstanding organization as process : theory for a tangled worldHierarchy and organisation : toward a general theory of hierarchical social systemsLeadership as emotional labour : management and the 'managed heart'Fair trade organizations and social enterprise : social innovation through hybrid organization modelsDoing organizational ethnographyOrganizational theory and aesthetic philosophiesFor Robert Cooper : collected workOrganizational space and beyond : the significance of Henri Lefebvre for organization studiesUntold stories in organizationsProfitability, productivity, and sustainability : organizational behavior and strategic alignmentSocial enterprise in ChinaAnalyzing organization culturesFlexible human resource management and vocational behaviour : the employability market orientation modelBoundary-spanning in organizations : network, influence, and conflictGender equality in public services : chasing the dreamBoundary-spanning in organizations : network, influence, and conflictStorytelling and the future of organizations : an antenarrative handbookLeadership as emotional labour : management and the 'managed heart'Business and peace-building : the role of natural resources companiesFoucault and managerial governmentality : rethinking the management of populations, organizations and individualsWhy organizational change fails : robustness, tenacity and change in organizationsStyle differences in cognition, learning, and management : theory, research, and practiceAdvancing organizational theory in a complex worldCritical management studies : global voices, local accentsThe organization of the expert societyOrganizing through empathyReframing institutional logics : history, substance and practicesManagement and the dominance of managers : an inquiry into why and how managers rule our organizationsValues-based service for sustainable business : lessons from IKEAInternational management and international relations : a critical perspective from Latin AmericaPluralism in management : organizational theory, management education, and Ernst CassirerVisual culture in organizations : theory and casesEfficiency and managementThe organization of craft work : identities, meanings, and materialityGender equity in science and engineering : advancing change in higher educationCounter-narratives and organizationManagement and neoliberalism : connecting policies and practicesFair trade organizations and social enterprise : social innovation through hybrid organization modelsLiquid organization : Zygmunt Bauman and organization theoryAdvancing organizational theory in a complex worldPublic administration and epistemology : experience, power, and agencyFounders and organizational development : the etiology and theory of founder's syndromePublic sector reform and performance management in developed economies : outcomes-based approaches in practiceCorporate social responsibility and sustainability : from values to impactKnowledge communication in global organisations : making sense of virtual teamsSocial impact, organizations and society : the contemporary role of corporate social responsibilityOrganizational research : storytelling in actionEffective management teams and organizational behavior : a research-based model for team developmentReimagining faith and management : the impact of faith in the workplacePierre Bourdieu in studies of organization and management : societal change and transforming fieldsOrganizational commitment and knowledge sharing in contemporary companiesThe dark side of organizational behavior : examining undesirable aspects of organizational lifeCorporate research laboratories and the history of innovationChange and development in organisations : towards consciousness, humanity and innovationOrganizational stress around the world : research and practiceKnowledge communication in global organisations : making sense of virtual teamsHistory in management and organization studies : from margin to mainstream
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
- 提供元機関・データベース
- CiNii Books