
Bradford book


Bradford book

MIT Press



"the late Harry Bradford Stanton, called Harry "the Hat", the founder of Bradford books." --(MIT Press's advert.): It is simply means that books' fiel...


Preference, belief, and similarity : selected writings外部サイトConfessions of a medicine man : an essay in popular philosophy外部サイトChanging minds : computers, learning, and literacy外部サイトNaturalizing intention in action外部サイトMental spaces : aspects of meaning construction in natural language外部サイトThe meaning of language外部サイトMedical ethics : a clinical textbook and reference for the health care professions外部サイトBeyond modularity : a developmental perspective on cognitive science外部サイトComputationalism : new directions外部サイトThe cognitive neuroscience of mind : a tribute to Michael S. Gazzaniga外部サイトThe creative cognition approach外部サイトSpatial schemas and abstract thought外部サイトCoherence in natural language : data structures and applications外部サイトA final accounting : philosophical and empirical issues in Freudian psychology外部サイトFreud's dream : a complete interdisciplinary science of mind外部サイトBody language : representation in action外部サイトCausation and explanation外部サイトThe rational imagination : how people create alternatives to reality外部サイトComparative approaches to cognitive science外部サイトVision and mind : selected readings in the philosophy of perception外部サイトMetacognition : knowing about knowing外部サイトMatter and consciousness : a contemporary introduction to the philosophy of mind外部サイトFurnishing the mind : concepts and their perceptual basis外部サイトMind readings : introductory selections on cognitive science外部サイトTime and realism : metaphysical and antimetaphysical perspectives外部サイトTime and identity外部サイトImitation, human development, and culture外部サイトThe new phrenology : the limits of localizing cognitive processes in the brain外部サイトAdvances in genetic programming外部サイトThinking and seeing : visual metacognition in adults and children外部サイトThe disappearance of introspection外部サイトSpecies of mind : the philosophy and biology of cognitive ethology外部サイトThe mind doesn't work that way : the scope and limits of computational psychology外部サイトBeyond modularity : a developmental perspective on cognitive science外部サイトEmotional intelligence : science and myth外部サイトVision, brain, and cooperative computation外部サイトNeural network learning and expert systems外部サイトTower of Babel : the evidence against the new creationism外部サイトCellular biophysics外部サイトHead direction cells and the neural mechanisms of spatial orientation外部サイトCreating scientific concepts外部サイトPolymorphous linguistics : Jim McCawley's legacy外部サイトPsychology : Pythagoras to present外部サイトHot thought : mechanisms and applications of emotional cognition外部サイトThe evolution of morality外部サイトPresumptive meanings : the theory of generalized conversational implicature外部サイトCognition in the wild外部サイトSensory exotica : a world beyond human experience外部サイトImage and brain : the resolution of the imagery debate外部サイトThe natural and the normative : theories of spatial perception from Kant to Helmholtz外部サイトMaking space : the development of spatial representation and reasoning外部サイトAn introduction to fuzzy sets : analysis and design外部サイトContrast Sensitivity外部サイトThe evolution of morality : adaptations and innateness外部サイトTalking nets : an oral history of neural networks外部サイトNeural smithing : supervised learning in feedforward artificial neural networks外部サイトFreud's dream : a complete interdisciplinary science of mind外部サイトMind in a physical world : an essay on the mind-body problem and mental causation外部サイトNeural network design and the complexity of learning外部サイトThe cognitive neurosciences外部サイトThe intact and sliced brain外部サイトBioinformatics : the machine learning approach外部サイトLiving and dying well外部サイトRelators and linkers : the syntax of predication, predicate inversion, and copulas外部サイトSpeech : a special code外部サイトMethods of theoretical psychology外部サイトExploring science : the cognition and development of discovery processes外部サイトInformation in the brain : a molecular perspective外部サイトStreetlights and shadows : searching for the keys to adaptive decision making外部サイトConfessions of a medicine man : an essay in popular philosophy外部サイトConscious and nonconscious information processing外部サイトConditionals外部サイトThe handbook of multisensory processes外部サイトA cognitive theory of metaphor外部サイトPsychological and biological models外部サイトCategorization and naming in children : problems of induction外部サイトBinocular rivalry外部サイトLinguistic and philosophical implications外部サイトCognitive architecture外部サイトCognitive pragmatics : the mental processes of communication外部サイトThe computational brain外部サイトFree will and moral responsibility外部サイトFoundations外部サイトSemantics, tense, and time : an essay in the metaphysics of natural language外部サイトThe hot brain : survival, temperature, and the human body外部サイトConstraints and prospects外部サイトIntelligent design creationism and its critics : philosophical, theologocal, and scientific perspectives外部サイトIntegrating evolution and development : from theory to practice外部サイトSituations and attitudes外部サイトWords without meaning外部サイトNatural language processing外部サイトEvolutionary psychology as maladapted psychology外部サイトSemantics and syntax in lexical functional grammar : the resource logic approach外部サイトThe cerebral code : thinking a thought in the mosaics of the mind外部サイトThe computational neurobiology of reaching and pointing : a foundation for motor learning外部サイトFolk psychological narratives : the sociocultural basis of understanding reasons外部サイトOn the origin of objects外部サイトAgeism : stereotyping and prejudice against older persons外部サイトHot thought : mechanisms and applications of emotional cognition外部サイトConceptual spaces : the geometry of thought外部サイトApplying cognitive science to education : thinking and learning in scientific and other complex domains外部サイトThe MIT encyclopedia of the cognitive sciences外部サイトThe extended mind外部サイトVarieties of meaning : the 2002 Jean Nicod lectures外部サイトMemory in the cerebral cortex : an empirical approach to neural networks in the human and nonhuman primate外部サイトTerms and truth : reference direct and anaphoric外部サイトHusserl, perception, and temporal awareness外部サイトEconomic theory and cognitive science : microexplanation外部サイトPanpsychism in the West外部サイトConcept structuring systems外部サイトLanguage外部サイトLanguage, consciousness, culture : essays on mental structure外部サイトPrinciples of mental imagery外部サイトConversations in the cognitive neurosciences外部サイトLanguage form and language function外部サイトConcept structuring systems外部サイトMindshaping : a new framework for understanding human social cognition外部サイトOntology of consciousness : percipient action外部サイトConstraint-based grammar formalisms : parsing and type inference for natural and computer languages外部サイトPrenatal testosterone in mind ; amniotic fluid studies外部サイトVisual cognition and action外部サイトThe psychology of attention外部サイトIdentity, character, and morality : essays in moral psychology外部サイトRepresentation and recognition in vision外部サイトConsciousness, function, and representation外部サイトVirtue and character外部サイトVisual agnosia外部サイトThe motion aftereffect : a modern perspective外部サイトCausation and counterfactuals外部サイトWhere the action is : the foundations of embodied interaction外部サイトThe iconic logic of Peirce's graphs外部サイトSocial cognition : making sense of people外部サイトLooking into pictures : an interdisciplinary approach to pictorial space外部サイトConsciousness, color, and content外部サイトFrontiers in cognitive neuroscience外部サイトThe evolution of communication外部サイトLanguage, consciousness, culture : essays on mental structure外部サイトThe cognitive neurosciences外部サイトFolk psychological narratives : the sociocultural basis of understanding reasons外部サイトThe cradle of knowledge : development of perception in infancy外部サイトNaturalizing epistemology外部サイトCooperation and its evolution外部サイトOur own minds : sociocultural grounds for self-consciousness外部サイトGenerating referring expressions : constructing descriptions in a domain of objects and processes外部サイトThe MIT encyclopedia of the cognitive sciences外部サイトDecisions, uncertainty, and the brain : the science of neuroeconomics外部サイトWhite Queen psychology and other essays for Alice外部サイトGood and real : demystifying paradoxes from physics to ethics外部サイトInterpreting minds : the evolution of a practice外部サイトUnderstanding language understanding : computational models of reading外部サイトIntelligent behavior in animals and robots外部サイトWhere biology meets psychology : philosophical essays外部サイトThe evolution of communication外部サイトPredicative minds : the social ontogeny of propositional thinking外部サイトThe modularity of mind : an essay on faculty psychology外部サイトPsychological agency : theory, practice, and culture外部サイトThe era of choice : the ability to choose and its transformation of contemporary life外部サイトRepresentation and behavior外部サイトHandbook of functional neuroimaging of cognition外部サイトSweet anticipation : music and the psychology of expectation外部サイトConditionals in context外部サイトConsciousness and the computational mind外部サイトWorking minds : a practitioner's guide to cognitive task analysis外部サイトJourney from cognition to brain to gene : perspectives from Williams Syndrome外部サイトThe time of my life : an autobiography外部サイトExplaining consciousness : the "hard problem"外部サイトNew essays on semantic externalism and self-knowledge外部サイトEmotions in humans and artifacts外部サイトFrom animals to animats 4 : proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior外部サイトMaking learning systems practical外部サイトCorpus processing for lexical acquisition外部サイトChildren with specific language impairment外部サイトNeural correlates of consciousness : empirical and conceptual questions外部サイトAbout time : inventing the fourth dimension外部サイトCognition and perception : how do psychology and neural science inform philosophy?外部サイトSubjectivity and selfhood : investigating the first-person perspective外部サイトNonlinear science : the next decade外部サイトOn the contrary : critical essays, 1987-1997外部サイトLearnability and cognition : the acquisition of argument structure外部サイトThings and places : how the mind connects with the world外部サイトNames for things : a study of human learning外部サイトRethinking homeostasis : allostatic regulation in physiology and pathophysiology外部サイトPersistence : contemporary readings外部サイトThe contours of agency : essays on themes from Harry Frankfurt外部サイトMachine learning : paradigms and methods外部サイトDark ages : the case for a science of human behavior外部サイトThe metaphysics of meaning外部サイトThe new cognitive neurosciences外部サイトFrom molecule to metaphor : a neural theory of language外部サイトI of the vortex : from neurons to self外部サイトStatistical language learning外部サイトThe really hard problem : meaning in a material world外部サイトArtificial life X : proceedings of the tenth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems外部サイトReconstructing the cognitive world : the next step外部サイトRepresentations : philosophical essays on the foundations of cognitive science外部サイトDisorders of volition外部サイトFrom animals to animats 6 : proceedings of the sixth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior外部サイトMidbrain mutiny: the picoeconomics and neuroeconomics of disordered gambling : economic theory and cognitive science外部サイトThe integrative neurobiology of affiliation外部サイトModels of information processing in the basal ganglia外部サイトThe trouble with computers : usefulness, usability, and productivity外部サイトFoundations of cognitive science外部サイトThe cerebral code : thinking a thought in the mosaics of the mind外部サイトStructured meanings : the semantics of propositional attitudes外部サイトElbow room : the varieties of free will worth wanting外部サイトPerplexities of consciousness外部サイトHigh-level vision : object recognition and visual cognition外部サイトFrom animals to animats 3 : proceedings of the Third International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior外部サイトColor ontology and color science外部サイトVehicles, experiments in synthetic psychology外部サイトA natural history of vision外部サイトConsciousness revisited : materialism without phenomenal concepts外部サイトExplanation and interaction : the computer generation of explanatory dialogues外部サイトThe big book of concepts外部サイトReflections and replies : essays on the philosophy of Tyler Burge外部サイトSelf-representational approaches to consciousness外部サイトThe discovery of spoken language外部サイトNeural organization : structure, function, and dynamics外部サイトThe myth of the intuitive : experimental philosophy and philosophical method外部サイトAn introduction to the event-related potential technique外部サイトDynamics in action : intentional behavior as a complex system外部サイトMatter and consciousness : a contemporary introduction to the philosophy of mind外部サイトThe algebraic mind : integrating connectionism and cognitive science外部サイトCellular biophysics外部サイトMental leaps : analogy in creative thought外部サイトHusserl, intentionality, and cognitive science外部サイトThe nature of psychological explanation外部サイトKnowledge engineering and management : the common KADS methodology外部サイトThe cognitive neurosciences外部サイトSketches of thought外部サイトComputation and cognition : toward a foundation for cognitive science外部サイトControl of cognitive processes外部サイトRealistic rationalism外部サイトConsciousness, color, and content外部サイトSocial empiricism外部サイトUnderstanding intelligence外部サイトLanguage form and language function外部サイトPerception, cognition, and language : essays in honor of Henry and Lila Gleitman外部サイトFrontiers in cognitive neuroscience外部サイトEnaction : toward a new paradigm for cognitive science外部サイトThe consciousness paradox : consciousness, concepts, and higher-order thoughts外部サイトHow the mind explains behavior : folk explanations, meaning, and social interaction外部サイトBioinformatics : the machine learning approach外部サイトDarwinian dominion : animal welfare and human interests外部サイトLifespan development of human memory外部サイトSelecting good models外部サイトThe dream drugstore : chemically altered states of consciousness外部サイトThinking外部サイトBelief in psychology : a study in the ontology of mind外部サイトCognitive regulation of performance : interaction of theory and application外部サイトThe cradle of knowledge : development of perception in infancy外部サイトGetting computers to talk like you and me : discourse context, focus, and semantics : (an ATN model)外部サイトMechanisms of imitation and imitation in animals外部サイトAbout face外部サイトRationality in action外部サイトToward replacement parts for the brain : implantable biomimetic electronics as neural prostheses外部サイトNaturalizing epistemology外部サイトConsciousness and persons : unity and identity外部サイトMatter and consciousness外部サイトBeyond natural selection外部サイトAdvice for a young investigator外部サイトFoundational issues in human brain mapping外部サイトBrain and culture : neurobiology, ideology, and social change外部サイトFrom animals to animats 7 : proceedings of the seventh International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior外部サイトThe cognitive neurosciences外部サイトThe genesis of animal play : testing the limits外部サイトMethods, models, and conceptual issues外部サイトUsing computers : human factors in information systems外部サイトNeurophilosophy of free will : from libertarian illusions to a concept of natural autonomy外部サイトLingua ex machina : reconciling Darwin and Chomsky with the human brain外部サイトThe nature of selection : evolutionary theory in philosophical focus外部サイトAfter phrenology : neural reuse and the interactive brain外部サイトVisual cognition外部サイトThe human semantic potential : spatial language and constrained connectionism外部サイトRadical embodied cognitive science外部サイトRepresentation and reality外部サイトCooperation and its evolution外部サイトVisual cognition外部サイトThe new science of the mind : from extended mind to embodied phenomenology外部サイトBeginning to read : thinking and learning about print外部サイトThe processing and acquisition of reference外部サイトInformation integration in perception and communication外部サイトIngenious genes : how gene regulation networks evolve to control development外部サイトA theory of content and other essays外部サイトLanguage, thought, and other biological categories : new foundations for realism外部サイトThe things we do : using the lessons of Bernard and Darwin to understand the what, how, and why of our behavior外部サイトRediscovering empathy : agency, folk psychology, and the human sciences外部サイトKnowledge and skepticism外部サイトAdapting minds : evolutionary psychology and the persistent quest for human nature外部サイトGoal-driven learning外部サイトAbout face外部サイトThe imagery debate外部サイトConceptual analysis and philosophical naturalism外部サイトThe mind within the net : models of learning, thinking, and acting外部サイトStrong feelings : emotion, addiction, and human behavior外部サイトTrue to life : why truth matters外部サイトAssociative engines : connectionism, concepts, and representational change外部サイトTruth from trash : how learning makes sense外部サイトWithout justification外部サイトHow children learn the meanings of words外部サイトInvestigating the psychological world : scientific method in the behavioral sciences外部サイトLanguages of the mind : essays on mental representation外部サイトSituating semantics : essays on the philosophy of John Perry外部サイトFrom animals to animats 8 : proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior外部サイトComputational vision : information processing in perception and visual behavior外部サイトImagery外部サイトIntentions and intentionality : foundations of social cognition外部サイトElbow room : the varieties of free will worth wanting外部サイトThe evolution of morality外部サイトRealistic rationalism外部サイトSentence comprehension : the integration of habits and rules外部サイトSynapses, circuits, and the beginnings of memory外部サイトSupertagging : using complex lexical descriptions in natural language processing外部サイトIndirect perception外部サイトCycles of contingency : developmental systems and evolution外部サイトThe case for qualia外部サイトOptimality-theoretic syntax外部サイトThe nature of consciousness : philosophical debates外部サイトConcepts, kinds, and cognitive development外部サイトThe primacy of the subjective : foundations for a unified theory of mind and language外部サイトWeaving a lexicon外部サイトFrom molecule to metaphor : a neural theory of language外部サイトThinking外部サイトThinking things through : an introduction to philosophical issues and achievements外部サイトProblem book in phonology : a workbook for introductory courses in linguistics and in modern phonology外部サイトAgeism : stereotyping and prejudice against older persons外部サイトWhat the hands reveal about the brain外部サイトThe cognitive brain外部サイトRadiant cool : a novel theory of consciousness外部サイトReconstructing the past : parsimony, evolution, and inference外部サイトCreative cognition : theory, research, and applications外部サイトMeaning and mind : an examination of a Gricean account of language外部サイトFoundations in social neuroscience外部サイトLaw and social justice外部サイトThe self-organizing social mind外部サイトOrganisms and artifacts : design in nature and elsewhere外部サイトAuditory scene analysis : the perceptual organization of sound外部サイトQuine and analytic philosophy外部サイトAn introduction to genetic algorithms外部サイトBehavioral endocrinology外部サイトThe nature of cognition外部サイトWhere the action is : the foundations of embodied interaction外部サイトThe subtlety of emotions外部サイトCognition on cognition外部サイトReadings in the philosophy of language外部サイトThe primacy of grammar外部サイトThe MIT encyclopedia of communication disorders外部サイトAnalogy-making as perception : a computer model外部サイトLanguages of the mind : essays on mental representation外部サイトVehicles, experiments in synthetic psychology外部サイトDesire : its role in practical reason and the explanation of action外部サイトThe computational beauty of nature : computer explorations of fractals, chaos, complex systems, and adaptation外部サイトAn introduction to genetic algorithms外部サイトAn introduction to natural computation外部サイトConsciousness外部サイトStreetlights and shadows : searching for the keys to adaptive decision making外部サイトKnowledge & the flow of information外部サイトAdaptive dynamics : the theoretical analysis of behavior外部サイトProtocol analysis : verbal reports as data外部サイトOrigins of human communication外部サイトEvolution at a crossroads : the new biology and the new philosophy of science外部サイトEmergence : contemporary readings in philosophy and science外部サイトNeurons, networks, and motor behavior外部サイトLanguage, music, and mind外部サイトBuilding problem solvers : listings外部サイトEvolution and human behavior : Darwinian perspectives on human nature外部サイトHumanity's end : why we should reject radical enhancement外部サイトMental images and their transformations外部サイトAuditory scene analysis : the perceptual organization of sound外部サイトSweet anticipation : music and the psychology of expectation外部サイトThe mechanical mind in history外部サイトToward a Science of Consciousness III : the third Tucson discussions and debates外部サイトInterpreting minds : the evolution of a practice外部サイトConceptual spaces : the geometry of thought外部サイトThe design of animal communication外部サイトFree will as an open scientific problem外部サイトSemantic cognition : a parallel distributed processing approach外部サイトThe intentional stance外部サイトSpace from Zeno to Einstein : classic readings with a contemporary commentary外部サイトSlaves of the machine : the quickening of computer technology外部サイトFinite-state language processing外部サイトLogic as grammar外部サイトPain : new essays on its nature and the methodology of its study外部サイトSubjectivity and selfhood : investigating the first-person perspective外部サイトRoots of social sensibility and neural function外部サイトFoundations of cognitive science外部サイトAustere realism : contextual semantics meets minimal ontology外部サイトFeeling pain and being in pain外部サイトCulture and subjective well-being外部サイトThe nature of psychological explanation外部サイトBeginning to read : thinking and learning about print外部サイトLearning and soft computing : support vector machines, neural networks, and fuzzy logic models外部サイトCausing human actions : new perspectives on the causal theory of action外部サイトAdapting minds : evolutionary psychology and the persistent quest for human nature外部サイトMaking space : the development of spatial representation and reasoning外部サイトConsciousness外部サイトVarieties of meaning : the 2002 Jean Nicod lectures外部サイトReadings in philosophy and cognitive science外部サイトGenetic programming : on the programming of computers by means of natural selection外部サイトPsychology : the hope of a science外部サイトMind in everyday life and cognitive science外部サイトWhat we know about emotional intelligence : how it affects learning, work, relationships, and our mental health外部サイトCompositional evolution : the impact of sex, symbiosis, and modularity on the gradualist framework of evolution外部サイトExploring science : the cognition and development of discovery processes外部サイトWhat is thought?外部サイトTalking nets : an oral history of neural networks外部サイトGateway to memory : an introduction to neural network modeling of the hippocampus and learning外部サイトListening : an introduction to the perception of auditory events外部サイトPragmatic bioethics外部サイトHow the mind explains behavior : folk explanations, meaning, and social interaction外部サイトAction, ethics, and responsibility外部サイトMethods in neuronal modeling : from synapses to networks外部サイトThe visual neurosciences外部サイトEarly reading instruction : what science really tells us about how to teach reading外部サイトEffortless attention : a new perspective in the cognitive science of attention and action外部サイトDynamic patterns : the self-organization of brain and behavior外部サイトThe fragmentation of reason : preface to a pragmatic theory of cognitive evaluation外部サイトPulsed neural networks外部サイトOn the origins of cognitive science : the mechanization of the mind外部サイトComputational explorations in cognitive neuroscience : understanding the mind by simulating the brain外部サイトPast, space, and self外部サイトExcitatory amino acids and the cerebral cortex外部サイトThe prism of grammar : how child language illuminates humanism外部サイトModularity in knowledge representation and natural-language understanding外部サイトThe logic of perception外部サイトNeurophilosophy of free will : from libertarian illusions to a concept of natural autonomy外部サイトLanguage acquisition : the growth of grammar外部サイトBiological emergences : evolution by natural experiment外部サイトHonest signals : how they shape our world外部サイトEmotional intelligence : science and myth外部サイトLearning and computational neuroscience : foundations of adaptive networks外部サイトTime, tense, and reference外部サイトBeyond natural selection外部サイトScenario visualization : an evolutionary account of creative problem solving外部サイトLanguage and space外部サイトKernel methods in computational biology外部サイトBrain and culture : neurobiology, ideology, and social change外部サイトKnowledge of meaning : an introduction to semantic theory外部サイトNeural transplantation : an introduction外部サイトThere's something about Mary : essays on phenomenal consciousness and Frank Jackson's knowledge argument外部サイトIndefinite objects : scrambling, choice functions, and differential marking外部サイトKnowledge & the flow of information外部サイトCreative cognition : theory, research, and applications外部サイトBrainstorms : philosophical essays on mind and psychology外部サイトNature's purposes : analyses of function and design in biology外部サイトPerceiving talking faces : from speech perception to a behavioral principle外部サイトComplex worlds from simpler nervous systems外部サイトCognitive science : an introduction外部サイトMind : introduction to cognitive science外部サイトMind as motion : explorations in the dynamics of cognition外部サイトAdaptation in natural and artificial systems : an introductory analysis with applications to biology, control, and artificial intelligence外部サイトWhat we know about emotional intelligence : how it affects learning, work, relationships, and our mental health外部サイトVisual attention and cortical circuits外部サイトThe really hard problem : meaning in a material world外部サイトA prosodic model of sign language phonology外部サイトHuman reasoning and cognitive science外部サイトThe cognitive science of morality : intuition and diversity外部サイトHoles and other superficialities外部サイトLogical form in natural language外部サイトSymmetry, causality, mind外部サイトComputational neuroscience外部サイトImage and brain : the resolution of the imagery debate外部サイトArtificial intelligence : the very idea外部サイトComputation, cognition, and Pylyshyn外部サイトThe human semantic potential : spatial language and constrained connectionism外部サイトThe trouble with computers : usefulness, usability, and productivity外部サイトThe asymmetrical brain外部サイトSlaves of the machine : the quickening of computer technology外部サイトConcepts, kinds, and cognitive development外部サイトMental leaps : analogy in creative thought外部サイトArtificial intelligence : the very idea外部サイトThe musical representation : meaning, ontology, and emotion外部サイトAnt colony optimization外部サイトTiming of behavior : neural, psychological, and computational perspectives外部サイトConsciousness and the computational mind外部サイトThe era of choice : the ability to choose and its transformation of contemporary life外部サイトThe evolution of cognition外部サイトThe neuroscience of morality : emotion, brain disorders, and development外部サイトFrom animals to animats 5 : proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior外部サイトUsing computers : the human factors of information systems外部サイトGene regulation and metabolism : postgenomic computational approaches外部サイトLanguage development and learning to read : the scientific study of how language development affects reading skill外部サイトThe mind doesn't work that way : the scope and limits of computational psychology外部サイトTrue to life : why truth matters外部サイトLogical form in natural language外部サイトNaturalizing epistemology外部サイトThe subtlety of emotions外部サイトIntroduction to cognition and communication外部サイトThe rational imagination : how people create alternatives to reality外部サイトObservation, experiment, and hypothesis in modern physical science外部サイトThe philosophical computer : exploratory essays in philosophical computer modeling外部サイトNeurological foundations of cognitive neuroscience外部サイトThe development of speech perception : the transition from speech sounds to spoken words外部サイトContours of agency : essays on themes from Harry Frankfurt外部サイトContemporary views on architecture and representations in phonology外部サイトSensory exotica : a world beyond human experience外部サイトSocial neuroscience : people thinking about thinking people外部サイトSocial neuroscience : people thinking about thinking people外部サイトMind and morals : essays on cognitive science and ethics外部サイトThe analogical mind : perspectives from cognitive science外部サイトMeaning and mental representation外部サイトConnectionist modeling and brain function : the developing interface外部サイトConsciousness and persons : unity and identity外部サイトNames for things : a study of human learning外部サイトNeither brain nor ghost : a nondualist alternative to the mind-brain identity theory外部サイトIntending and acting : toward a naturalized action theory外部サイトMindreading animals : the debate over what animals know about other minds外部サイトLanguage acquisition : the growth of grammar外部サイトThe nature of psychological explanation外部サイトMental images and their transformations外部サイトNeural computation of pattern motion : modeling stages of motion analysis in the primate visual cortex外部サイトExplanation and cognition外部サイトComputation and cognition : toward a foundation for cognitive science外部サイトStill lives : narratives of spinal cord injury外部サイトTheory of language外部サイトConnectionist symbol processing外部サイトMemory systems 1994外部サイトOrigins of human communication外部サイトTaking action : cognitive neuroscience perspectives on intentional acts外部サイトThe attentive brain外部サイトDefinite descriptions : a reader外部サイトComputational morphology : practical mechanisms for the English lexicon外部サイトRepresentations : philosophical essays on the foundations of cognitive science外部サイトDescriptions外部サイトA neurocomputational perspective : the nature of mind and the structure of science外部サイトConstrual外部サイトFrom monkey brain to human brain : a Fyssen Foundation symposium外部サイトSimilarity and symbols in human thinking外部サイトEvolution and learning : the Baldwin effect reconsidered外部サイトSpecies of mind : the philosophy and biology of cognitive ethology外部サイトLanguage外部サイトThe neurobiology of neural networks外部サイトExploring science : the cognition and development of discovery processes外部サイトThe logical approach to syntax : foundations, specifications, and implementations of theories of government and binding外部サイトThe intentional stance外部サイトImagery外部サイトHuman evolution, reproduction, and morality外部サイトIntersections between theory and experiment外部サイトMinding minds : evolving a reflexive mind by interpreting others外部サイトCarving nature at its joints : natural kinds in metaphysics and science外部サイトMoths to the flame : the seductions of computer technology外部サイトMemory, amnesia, and the hippocampal system外部サイトLingua ex machina : reconciling Darwin and Chomsky with the human brain外部サイトLiaisons : philosophy meets the cognitive and social sciences外部サイトVisual versions外部サイトMinding minds : evolving a reflexive mind by interpreting others外部サイトRelativism and the foundations of philosophy外部サイトDe lingua belief外部サイトRediscovering empathy : agency, folk psychology, and the human sciences外部サイトMetacognition : knowing about knowing外部サイトRadical embodied cognitive science外部サイトWednesday is indigo blue : discovering the brain of synesthesia外部サイトBelief's own ethics外部サイトCognitive science : an introduction外部サイトThe asymmetrical brain外部サイトThinking things through : an introduction to philosophical issues and achievements外部サイトEvolution and culture外部サイトMetaphor in context外部サイトComputation and cognition : toward a foundation for cognitive science外部サイトMemory in the cerebral cortex : an empirical approach to neural networks in the human and nonhuman primate外部サイトVarieties of practical reasoning外部サイトRadical embodied cognitive science外部サイトElbow room : the varieties of free will worth wanting外部サイトDynamics in action : intentional behavior as a complex system外部サイトThe sexual brain外部サイトThe act of thinking外部サイトEvolutionary computation : a unified approach外部サイトThe cognitive science of morality : intuition and diversity外部サイトMetaphor in context外部サイトNew essays on semantic externalism and self-knowledge外部サイトThe Turing test : verbal behavior as the hallmark of intelligence外部サイトRationality and logic外部サイトRationality and logic外部サイトPerplexities of consciousness外部サイトThe genesis of animal play : testing the limits外部サイトChange in view : principles of reasoning外部サイトPerception, cognition, and language : essays in honor of Henry and Lila Gleitman外部サイトMidbrain mutiny : the picoeconomics and neuroeconomics of disordered gambling : economic theory and cognitive science外部サイト






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Bradford books
A Bradford book
"the late Harry Bradford Stanton, called Harry "the Hat", the founder of Bradford books." --(MIT Press's advert.): It is simply means that books' field is cognitive science, or psychology, ... et al., rather than series
Preference, belief, and similarity : selected writings
Confessions of a medicine man : an essay in popular philosophy
Changing minds : computers, learning, and literacy
Naturalizing intention in action
Mental spaces : aspects of meaning construction in natural language
The meaning of language
Medical ethics : a clinical textbook and reference for the health care professions
Beyond modularity : a developmental perspective on cognitive science
Computationalism : new directions
The cognitive neuroscience of mind : a tribute to Michael S. Gazzaniga
The creative cognition approach
Spatial schemas and abstract thought
Coherence in natural language : data structures and applications
A final accounting : philosophical and empirical issues in Freudian psychology
Freud's dream : a complete interdisciplinary science of mind
Body language : representation in action
Causation and explanation
The rational imagination : how people create alternatives to reality
Comparative approaches to cognitive science
Vision and mind : selected readings in the philosophy of perception
Metacognition : knowing about knowing
Matter and consciousness : a contemporary introduction to the philosophy of mind
Furnishing the mind : concepts and their perceptual basis
Mind readings : introductory selections on cognitive science
Time and realism : metaphysical and antimetaphysical perspectives
Time and identity
Imitation, human development, and culture
The new phrenology : the limits of localizing cognitive processes in the brain
Advances in genetic programming
Thinking and seeing : visual metacognition in adults and children
The disappearance of introspection
Species of mind : the philosophy and biology of cognitive ethology
The mind doesn't work that way : the scope and limits of computational psychology
Beyond modularity : a developmental perspective on cognitive science
Emotional intelligence : science and myth
Vision, brain, and cooperative computation
Neural network learning and expert systems
Tower of Babel : the evidence against the new creationism
Cellular biophysics
Head direction cells and the neural mechanisms of spatial orientation
Creating scientific concepts
Polymorphous linguistics : Jim McCawley's legacy
Psychology : Pythagoras to present
Hot thought : mechanisms and applications of emotional cognition
The evolution of morality
Presumptive meanings : the theory of generalized conversational implicature
Cognition in the wild
Sensory exotica : a world beyond human experience
Image and brain : the resolution of the imagery debate
The natural and the normative : theories of spatial perception from Kant to Helmholtz
Making space : the development of spatial representation and reasoning
An introduction to fuzzy sets : analysis and design
Contrast Sensitivity
The evolution of morality : adaptations and innateness
Talking nets : an oral history of neural networks
Neural smithing : supervised learning in feedforward artificial neural networks
Freud's dream : a complete interdisciplinary science of mind
Mind in a physical world : an essay on the mind-body problem and mental causation
Neural network design and the complexity of learning
The cognitive neurosciences
The intact and sliced brain
Bioinformatics : the machine learning approach
Living and dying well
Relators and linkers : the syntax of predication, predicate inversion, and copulas
Speech : a special code
Methods of theoretical psychology
Exploring science : the cognition and development of discovery processes
Information in the brain : a molecular perspective
Streetlights and shadows : searching for the keys to adaptive decision making
Confessions of a medicine man : an essay in popular philosophy
Conscious and nonconscious information processing
The handbook of multisensory processes
A cognitive theory of metaphor
Psychological and biological models
Categorization and naming in children : problems of induction
Binocular rivalry
Linguistic and philosophical implications
Cognitive architecture
Cognitive pragmatics : the mental processes of communication
The computational brain
Free will and moral responsibility
Semantics, tense, and time : an essay in the metaphysics of natural language
The hot brain : survival, temperature, and the human body
Constraints and prospects
Intelligent design creationism and its critics : philosophical, theologocal, and scientific perspectives
Integrating evolution and development : from theory to practice
Situations and attitudes
Words without meaning
Natural language processing
Evolutionary psychology as maladapted psychology
Semantics and syntax in lexical functional grammar : the resource logic approach
The cerebral code : thinking a thought in the mosaics of the mind
The computational neurobiology of reaching and pointing : a foundation for motor learning
Folk psychological narratives : the sociocultural basis of understanding reasons
On the origin of objects
Ageism : stereotyping and prejudice against older persons
Hot thought : mechanisms and applications of emotional cognition
Conceptual spaces : the geometry of thought
Applying cognitive science to education : thinking and learning in scientific and other complex domains
The MIT encyclopedia of the cognitive sciences
The extended mind
Varieties of meaning : the 2002 Jean Nicod lectures
Memory in the cerebral cortex : an empirical approach to neural networks in the human and nonhuman primate
Terms and truth : reference direct and anaphoric
Husserl, perception, and temporal awareness
Economic theory and cognitive science : microexplanation
Panpsychism in the West
Concept structuring systems
Language, consciousness, culture : essays on mental structure
Principles of mental imagery
Conversations in the cognitive neurosciences
Language form and language function
Concept structuring systems
Mindshaping : a new framework for understanding human social cognition
Ontology of consciousness : percipient action
Constraint-based grammar formalisms : parsing and type inference for natural and computer languages
Prenatal testosterone in mind ; amniotic fluid studies
Visual cognition and action
The psychology of attention
Identity, character, and morality : essays in moral psychology
Representation and recognition in vision
Consciousness, function, and representation
Virtue and character
Visual agnosia
The motion aftereffect : a modern perspective
Causation and counterfactuals
Where the action is : the foundations of embodied interaction
The iconic logic of Peirce's graphs
Social cognition : making sense of people
Looking into pictures : an interdisciplinary approach to pictorial space
Consciousness, color, and content
Frontiers in cognitive neuroscience
The evolution of communication
Language, consciousness, culture : essays on mental structure
The cognitive neurosciences
Folk psychological narratives : the sociocultural basis of understanding reasons
The cradle of knowledge : development of perception in infancy
Naturalizing epistemology
Cooperation and its evolution
Our own minds : sociocultural grounds for self-consciousness
Generating referring expressions : constructing descriptions in a domain of objects and processes
The MIT encyclopedia of the cognitive sciences
Decisions, uncertainty, and the brain : the science of neuroeconomics
White Queen psychology and other essays for Alice
Good and real : demystifying paradoxes from physics to ethics
Interpreting minds : the evolution of a practice
Understanding language understanding : computational models of reading
Intelligent behavior in animals and robots
Where biology meets psychology : philosophical essays
The evolution of communication
Predicative minds : the social ontogeny of propositional thinking
The modularity of mind : an essay on faculty psychology
Psychological agency : theory, practice, and culture
The era of choice : the ability to choose and its transformation of contemporary life
Representation and behavior
Handbook of functional neuroimaging of cognition
Sweet anticipation : music and the psychology of expectation
Conditionals in context
Consciousness and the computational mind
Working minds : a practitioner's guide to cognitive task analysis
Journey from cognition to brain to gene : perspectives from Williams Syndrome
The time of my life : an autobiography
Explaining consciousness : the "hard problem"
New essays on semantic externalism and self-knowledge
Emotions in humans and artifacts
From animals to animats 4 : proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior
Making learning systems practical
Corpus processing for lexical acquisition
Children with specific language impairment
Neural correlates of consciousness : empirical and conceptual questions
About time : inventing the fourth dimension
Cognition and perception : how do psychology and neural science inform philosophy?
Subjectivity and selfhood : investigating the first-person perspective
Nonlinear science : the next decade
On the contrary : critical essays, 1987-1997
Learnability and cognition : the acquisition of argument structure
Things and places : how the mind connects with the world
Names for things : a study of human learning
Rethinking homeostasis : allostatic regulation in physiology and pathophysiology
Persistence : contemporary readings
The contours of agency : essays on themes from Harry Frankfurt
Machine learning : paradigms and methods
Dark ages : the case for a science of human behavior
The metaphysics of meaning
The new cognitive neurosciences
From molecule to metaphor : a neural theory of language
I of the vortex : from neurons to self
Statistical language learning
The really hard problem : meaning in a material world
Artificial life X : proceedings of the tenth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems
Reconstructing the cognitive world : the next step
Representations : philosophical essays on the foundations of cognitive science
Disorders of volition
From animals to animats 6 : proceedings of the sixth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior
Midbrain mutiny: the picoeconomics and neuroeconomics of disordered gambling : economic theory and cognitive science
The integrative neurobiology of affiliation
Models of information processing in the basal ganglia
The trouble with computers : usefulness, usability, and productivity
Foundations of cognitive science
The cerebral code : thinking a thought in the mosaics of the mind
Structured meanings : the semantics of propositional attitudes
Elbow room : the varieties of free will worth wanting
Perplexities of consciousness
High-level vision : object recognition and visual cognition
From animals to animats 3 : proceedings of the Third International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior
Color ontology and color science
Vehicles, experiments in synthetic psychology
A natural history of vision
Consciousness revisited : materialism without phenomenal concepts
Explanation and interaction : the computer generation of explanatory dialogues
The big book of concepts
Reflections and replies : essays on the philosophy of Tyler Burge
Self-representational approaches to consciousness
The discovery of spoken language
Neural organization : structure, function, and dynamics
The myth of the intuitive : experimental philosophy and philosophical method
An introduction to the event-related potential technique
Dynamics in action : intentional behavior as a complex system
Matter and consciousness : a contemporary introduction to the philosophy of mind
The algebraic mind : integrating connectionism and cognitive science
Cellular biophysics
Mental leaps : analogy in creative thought
Husserl, intentionality, and cognitive science
The nature of psychological explanation
Knowledge engineering and management : the common KADS methodology
The cognitive neurosciences
Sketches of thought
Computation and cognition : toward a foundation for cognitive science
Control of cognitive processes
Realistic rationalism
Consciousness, color, and content
Social empiricism
Understanding intelligence
Language form and language function
Perception, cognition, and language : essays in honor of Henry and Lila Gleitman
Frontiers in cognitive neuroscience
Enaction : toward a new paradigm for cognitive science
The consciousness paradox : consciousness, concepts, and higher-order thoughts
How the mind explains behavior : folk explanations, meaning, and social interaction
Bioinformatics : the machine learning approach
Darwinian dominion : animal welfare and human interests
Lifespan development of human memory
Selecting good models
The dream drugstore : chemically altered states of consciousness
Belief in psychology : a study in the ontology of mind
Cognitive regulation of performance : interaction of theory and application
The cradle of knowledge : development of perception in infancy
Getting computers to talk like you and me : discourse context, focus, and semantics : (an ATN model)
Mechanisms of imitation and imitation in animals
About face
Rationality in action
Toward replacement parts for the brain : implantable biomimetic electronics as neural prostheses
Naturalizing epistemology
Consciousness and persons : unity and identity
Matter and consciousness
Beyond natural selection
Advice for a young investigator
Foundational issues in human brain mapping
Brain and culture : neurobiology, ideology, and social change
From animals to animats 7 : proceedings of the seventh International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior
The cognitive neurosciences
The genesis of animal play : testing the limits
Methods, models, and conceptual issues
Using computers : human factors in information systems
Neurophilosophy of free will : from libertarian illusions to a concept of natural autonomy
Lingua ex machina : reconciling Darwin and Chomsky with the human brain
The nature of selection : evolutionary theory in philosophical focus
After phrenology : neural reuse and the interactive brain
Visual cognition
The human semantic potential : spatial language and constrained connectionism
Radical embodied cognitive science
Representation and reality
Cooperation and its evolution
Visual cognition
The new science of the mind : from extended mind to embodied phenomenology
Beginning to read : thinking and learning about print
The processing and acquisition of reference
Information integration in perception and communication
Ingenious genes : how gene regulation networks evolve to control development
A theory of content and other essays
Language, thought, and other biological categories : new foundations for realism
The things we do : using the lessons of Bernard and Darwin to understand the what, how, and why of our behavior
Rediscovering empathy : agency, folk psychology, and the human sciences
Knowledge and skepticism
Adapting minds : evolutionary psychology and the persistent quest for human nature
Goal-driven learning
About face
The imagery debate
Conceptual analysis and philosophical naturalism
The mind within the net : models of learning, thinking, and acting
Strong feelings : emotion, addiction, and human behavior
True to life : why truth matters
Associative engines : connectionism, concepts, and representational change
Truth from trash : how learning makes sense
Without justification
How children learn the meanings of words
Investigating the psychological world : scientific method in the behavioral sciences
Languages of the mind : essays on mental representation
Situating semantics : essays on the philosophy of John Perry
From animals to animats 8 : proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior
Computational vision : information processing in perception and visual behavior
Intentions and intentionality : foundations of social cognition
Elbow room : the varieties of free will worth wanting
The evolution of morality
Realistic rationalism
Sentence comprehension : the integration of habits and rules
Synapses, circuits, and the beginnings of memory
Supertagging : using complex lexical descriptions in natural language processing
Indirect perception
Cycles of contingency : developmental systems and evolution
The case for qualia
Optimality-theoretic syntax
The nature of consciousness : philosophical debates
Concepts, kinds, and cognitive development
The primacy of the subjective : foundations for a unified theory of mind and language
Weaving a lexicon
From molecule to metaphor : a neural theory of language
Thinking things through : an introduction to philosophical issues and achievements
Problem book in phonology : a workbook for introductory courses in linguistics and in modern phonology
Ageism : stereotyping and prejudice against older persons
What the hands reveal about the brain
The cognitive brain
Radiant cool : a novel theory of consciousness
Reconstructing the past : parsimony, evolution, and inference
Creative cognition : theory, research, and applications
Meaning and mind : an examination of a Gricean account of language
Foundations in social neuroscience
Law and social justice
The self-organizing social mind
Organisms and artifacts : design in nature and elsewhere
Auditory scene analysis : the perceptual organization of sound
Quine and analytic philosophy
An introduction to genetic algorithms
Behavioral endocrinology
The nature of cognition
Where the action is : the foundations of embodied interaction
The subtlety of emotions
Cognition on cognition
Readings in the philosophy of language
The primacy of grammar
The MIT encyclopedia of communication disorders
Analogy-making as perception : a computer model
Languages of the mind : essays on mental representation
Vehicles, experiments in synthetic psychology
Desire : its role in practical reason and the explanation of action
The computational beauty of nature : computer explorations of fractals, chaos, complex systems, and adaptation
An introduction to genetic algorithms
An introduction to natural computation
Streetlights and shadows : searching for the keys to adaptive decision making
Knowledge & the flow of information
Adaptive dynamics : the theoretical analysis of behavior
Protocol analysis : verbal reports as data
Origins of human communication
Evolution at a crossroads : the new biology and the new philosophy of science
Emergence : contemporary readings in philosophy and science
Neurons, networks, and motor behavior
Language, music, and mind
Building problem solvers : listings
Evolution and human behavior : Darwinian perspectives on human nature
Humanity's end : why we should reject radical enhancement
Mental images and their transformations
Auditory scene analysis : the perceptual organization of sound
Sweet anticipation : music and the psychology of expectation
The mechanical mind in history
Toward a Science of Consciousness III : the third Tucson discussions and debates
Interpreting minds : the evolution of a practice
Conceptual spaces : the geometry of thought
The design of animal communication
Free will as an open scientific problem
Semantic cognition : a parallel distributed processing approach
The intentional stance
Space from Zeno to Einstein : classic readings with a contemporary commentary
Slaves of the machine : the quickening of computer technology
Finite-state language processing
Logic as grammar
Pain : new essays on its nature and the methodology of its study
Subjectivity and selfhood : investigating the first-person perspective
Roots of social sensibility and neural function
Foundations of cognitive science
Austere realism : contextual semantics meets minimal ontology
Feeling pain and being in pain
Culture and subjective well-being
The nature of psychological explanation
Beginning to read : thinking and learning about print
Learning and soft computing : support vector machines, neural networks, and fuzzy logic models
Causing human actions : new perspectives on the causal theory of action
Adapting minds : evolutionary psychology and the persistent quest for human nature
Making space : the development of spatial representation and reasoning
Varieties of meaning : the 2002 Jean Nicod lectures
Readings in philosophy and cognitive science
Genetic programming : on the programming of computers by means of natural selection
Psychology : the hope of a science
Mind in everyday life and cognitive science
What we know about emotional intelligence : how it affects learning, work, relationships, and our mental health
Compositional evolution : the impact of sex, symbiosis, and modularity on the gradualist framework of evolution
Exploring science : the cognition and development of discovery processes
What is thought?
Talking nets : an oral history of neural networks
Gateway to memory : an introduction to neural network modeling of the hippocampus and learning
Listening : an introduction to the perception of auditory events
Pragmatic bioethics
How the mind explains behavior : folk explanations, meaning, and social interaction
Action, ethics, and responsibility
Methods in neuronal modeling : from synapses to networks
The visual neurosciences
Early reading instruction : what science really tells us about how to teach reading
Effortless attention : a new perspective in the cognitive science of attention and action
Dynamic patterns : the self-organization of brain and behavior
The fragmentation of reason : preface to a pragmatic theory of cognitive evaluation
Pulsed neural networks
On the origins of cognitive science : the mechanization of the mind
Computational explorations in cognitive neuroscience : understanding the mind by simulating the brain
Past, space, and self
Excitatory amino acids and the cerebral cortex
The prism of grammar : how child language illuminates humanism
Modularity in knowledge representation and natural-language understanding
The logic of perception
Neurophilosophy of free will : from libertarian illusions to a concept of natural autonomy
Language acquisition : the growth of grammar
Biological emergences : evolution by natural experiment
Honest signals : how they shape our world
Emotional intelligence : science and myth
Learning and computational neuroscience : foundations of adaptive networks
Time, tense, and reference
Beyond natural selection
Scenario visualization : an evolutionary account of creative problem solving
Language and space
Kernel methods in computational biology
Brain and culture : neurobiology, ideology, and social change
Knowledge of meaning : an introduction to semantic theory
Neural transplantation : an introduction
There's something about Mary : essays on phenomenal consciousness and Frank Jackson's knowledge argument
Indefinite objects : scrambling, choice functions, and differential marking
Knowledge & the flow of information
Creative cognition : theory, research, and applications
Brainstorms : philosophical essays on mind and psychology
Nature's purposes : analyses of function and design in biology
Perceiving talking faces : from speech perception to a behavioral principle
Complex worlds from simpler nervous systems
Cognitive science : an introduction
Mind : introduction to cognitive science
Mind as motion : explorations in the dynamics of cognition
Adaptation in natural and artificial systems : an introductory analysis with applications to biology, control, and artificial intelligence
What we know about emotional intelligence : how it affects learning, work, relationships, and our mental health
Visual attention and cortical circuits
The really hard problem : meaning in a material world
A prosodic model of sign language phonology
Human reasoning and cognitive science
The cognitive science of morality : intuition and diversity
Holes and other superficialities
Logical form in natural language
Symmetry, causality, mind
Computational neuroscience
Image and brain : the resolution of the imagery debate
Artificial intelligence : the very idea
Computation, cognition, and Pylyshyn
The human semantic potential : spatial language and constrained connectionism
The trouble with computers : usefulness, usability, and productivity
The asymmetrical brain
Slaves of the machine : the quickening of computer technology
Concepts, kinds, and cognitive development
Mental leaps : analogy in creative thought
Artificial intelligence : the very idea
The musical representation : meaning, ontology, and emotion
Ant colony optimization
Timing of behavior : neural, psychological, and computational perspectives
Consciousness and the computational mind
The era of choice : the ability to choose and its transformation of contemporary life
The evolution of cognition
The neuroscience of morality : emotion, brain disorders, and development
From animals to animats 5 : proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior
Using computers : the human factors of information systems
Gene regulation and metabolism : postgenomic computational approaches
Language development and learning to read : the scientific study of how language development affects reading skill
The mind doesn't work that way : the scope and limits of computational psychology
True to life : why truth matters
Logical form in natural language
Naturalizing epistemology
The subtlety of emotions
Introduction to cognition and communication
The rational imagination : how people create alternatives to reality
Observation, experiment, and hypothesis in modern physical science
The philosophical computer : exploratory essays in philosophical computer modeling
Neurological foundations of cognitive neuroscience
The development of speech perception : the transition from speech sounds to spoken words
Contours of agency : essays on themes from Harry Frankfurt
Contemporary views on architecture and representations in phonology
Sensory exotica : a world beyond human experience
Social neuroscience : people thinking about thinking people
Social neuroscience : people thinking about thinking people
Mind and morals : essays on cognitive science and ethics
The analogical mind : perspectives from cognitive science
Meaning and mental representation
Connectionist modeling and brain function : the developing interface
Consciousness and persons : unity and identity
Names for things : a study of human learning
Neither brain nor ghost : a nondualist alternative to the mind-brain identity theory
Intending and acting : toward a naturalized action theory
Mindreading animals : the debate over what animals know about other minds
Language acquisition : the growth of grammar
The nature of psychological explanation
Mental images and their transformations
Neural computation of pattern motion : modeling stages of motion analysis in the primate visual cortex
Explanation and cognition
Computation and cognition : toward a foundation for cognitive science
Still lives : narratives of spinal cord injury
Theory of language
Connectionist symbol processing
Memory systems 1994
Origins of human communication
Taking action : cognitive neuroscience perspectives on intentional acts
The attentive brain
Definite descriptions : a reader
Computational morphology : practical mechanisms for the English lexicon
Representations : philosophical essays on the foundations of cognitive science
A neurocomputational perspective : the nature of mind and the structure of science
From monkey brain to human brain : a Fyssen Foundation symposium
Similarity and symbols in human thinking
Evolution and learning : the Baldwin effect reconsidered
Species of mind : the philosophy and biology of cognitive ethology
The neurobiology of neural networks
Exploring science : the cognition and development of discovery processes
The logical approach to syntax : foundations, specifications, and implementations of theories of government and binding
The intentional stance
Human evolution, reproduction, and morality
Intersections between theory and experiment
Minding minds : evolving a reflexive mind by interpreting others
Carving nature at its joints : natural kinds in metaphysics and science
Moths to the flame : the seductions of computer technology
Memory, amnesia, and the hippocampal system
Lingua ex machina : reconciling Darwin and Chomsky with the human brain
Liaisons : philosophy meets the cognitive and social sciences
Visual versions
Minding minds : evolving a reflexive mind by interpreting others
Relativism and the foundations of philosophy
De lingua belief
Rediscovering empathy : agency, folk psychology, and the human sciences
Metacognition : knowing about knowing
Radical embodied cognitive science
Wednesday is indigo blue : discovering the brain of synesthesia
Belief's own ethics
Cognitive science : an introduction
The asymmetrical brain
Thinking things through : an introduction to philosophical issues and achievements
Evolution and culture
Metaphor in context
Computation and cognition : toward a foundation for cognitive science
Memory in the cerebral cortex : an empirical approach to neural networks in the human and nonhuman primate
Varieties of practical reasoning
Radical embodied cognitive science
Elbow room : the varieties of free will worth wanting
Dynamics in action : intentional behavior as a complex system
The sexual brain
The act of thinking
Evolutionary computation : a unified approach
The cognitive science of morality : intuition and diversity
Metaphor in context
New essays on semantic externalism and self-knowledge
The Turing test : verbal behavior as the hallmark of intelligence
Rationality and logic
Rationality and logic
Perplexities of consciousness
The genesis of animal play : testing the limits
Change in view : principles of reasoning
Perception, cognition, and language : essays in honor of Henry and Lila Gleitman
Midbrain mutiny : the picoeconomics and neuroeconomics of disordered gambling : economic theory and cognitive science
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research