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- "the late Harry Bradford Stanton, called Harry "the Hat", the founder of Bradford books." --(MIT Press's advert.): It is simply means that books' field is cognitive science, or psychology, ... et al., rather than series
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- Preference, belief, and similarity : selected writingsConfessions of a medicine man : an essay in popular philosophyChanging minds : computers, learning, and literacyNaturalizing intention in actionMental spaces : aspects of meaning construction in natural languageThe meaning of languageMedical ethics : a clinical textbook and reference for the health care professionsBeyond modularity : a developmental perspective on cognitive scienceComputationalism : new directionsThe cognitive neuroscience of mind : a tribute to Michael S. GazzanigaThe creative cognition approachSpatial schemas and abstract thoughtCoherence in natural language : data structures and applicationsA final accounting : philosophical and empirical issues in Freudian psychologyFreud's dream : a complete interdisciplinary science of mindBody language : representation in actionCausation and explanationThe rational imagination : how people create alternatives to realityComparative approaches to cognitive scienceVision and mind : selected readings in the philosophy of perceptionMetacognition : knowing about knowingMatter and consciousness : a contemporary introduction to the philosophy of mindFurnishing the mind : concepts and their perceptual basisMind readings : introductory selections on cognitive scienceTime and realism : metaphysical and antimetaphysical perspectivesTime and identityImitation, human development, and cultureThe new phrenology : the limits of localizing cognitive processes in the brainAdvances in genetic programmingThinking and seeing : visual metacognition in adults and childrenThe disappearance of introspectionSpecies of mind : the philosophy and biology of cognitive ethologyThe mind doesn't work that way : the scope and limits of computational psychologyBeyond modularity : a developmental perspective on cognitive scienceEmotional intelligence : science and mythVision, brain, and cooperative computationNeural network learning and expert systemsTower of Babel : the evidence against the new creationismCellular biophysicsHead direction cells and the neural mechanisms of spatial orientationCreating scientific conceptsPolymorphous linguistics : Jim McCawley's legacyPsychology : Pythagoras to presentHot thought : mechanisms and applications of emotional cognitionThe evolution of moralityPresumptive meanings : the theory of generalized conversational implicatureCognition in the wildSensory exotica : a world beyond human experienceImage and brain : the resolution of the imagery debateThe natural and the normative : theories of spatial perception from Kant to HelmholtzMaking space : the development of spatial representation and reasoningAn introduction to fuzzy sets : analysis and designContrast SensitivityThe evolution of morality : adaptations and innatenessTalking nets : an oral history of neural networksNeural smithing : supervised learning in feedforward artificial neural networksFreud's dream : a complete interdisciplinary science of mindMind in a physical world : an essay on the mind-body problem and mental causationNeural network design and the complexity of learningThe cognitive neurosciencesThe intact and sliced brainBioinformatics : the machine learning approachLiving and dying wellRelators and linkers : the syntax of predication, predicate inversion, and copulasSpeech : a special codeMethods of theoretical psychologyExploring science : the cognition and development of discovery processesInformation in the brain : a molecular perspectiveStreetlights and shadows : searching for the keys to adaptive decision makingConfessions of a medicine man : an essay in popular philosophyConscious and nonconscious information processingConditionalsThe handbook of multisensory processesA cognitive theory of metaphorPsychological and biological modelsCategorization and naming in children : problems of inductionBinocular rivalryLinguistic and philosophical implicationsCognitive architectureCognitive pragmatics : the mental processes of communicationThe computational brainFree will and moral responsibilityFoundationsSemantics, tense, and time : an essay in the metaphysics of natural languageThe hot brain : survival, temperature, and the human bodyConstraints and prospectsIntelligent design creationism and its critics : philosophical, theologocal, and scientific perspectivesIntegrating evolution and development : from theory to practiceSituations and attitudesWords without meaningNatural language processingEvolutionary psychology as maladapted psychologySemantics and syntax in lexical functional grammar : the resource logic approachThe cerebral code : thinking a thought in the mosaics of the mindThe computational neurobiology of reaching and pointing : a foundation for motor learningFolk psychological narratives : the sociocultural basis of understanding reasonsOn the origin of objectsAgeism : stereotyping and prejudice against older personsHot thought : mechanisms and applications of emotional cognitionConceptual spaces : the geometry of thoughtApplying cognitive science to education : thinking and learning in scientific and other complex domainsThe MIT encyclopedia of the cognitive sciencesThe extended mindVarieties of meaning : the 2002 Jean Nicod lecturesMemory in the cerebral cortex : an empirical approach to neural networks in the human and nonhuman primateTerms and truth : reference direct and anaphoricHusserl, perception, and temporal awarenessEconomic theory and cognitive science : microexplanationPanpsychism in the WestConcept structuring systemsLanguageLanguage, consciousness, culture : essays on mental structurePrinciples of mental imageryConversations in the cognitive neurosciencesLanguage form and language functionConcept structuring systemsMindshaping : a new framework for understanding human social cognitionOntology of consciousness : percipient actionConstraint-based grammar formalisms : parsing and type inference for natural and computer languagesPrenatal testosterone in mind ; amniotic fluid studiesVisual cognition and actionThe psychology of attentionIdentity, character, and morality : essays in moral psychologyRepresentation and recognition in visionConsciousness, function, and representationVirtue and characterVisual agnosiaThe motion aftereffect : a modern perspectiveCausation and counterfactualsWhere the action is : the foundations of embodied interactionThe iconic logic of Peirce's graphsSocial cognition : making sense of peopleLooking into pictures : an interdisciplinary approach to pictorial spaceConsciousness, color, and contentFrontiers in cognitive neuroscienceThe evolution of communicationLanguage, consciousness, culture : essays on mental structureThe cognitive neurosciencesFolk psychological narratives : the sociocultural basis of understanding reasonsThe cradle of knowledge : development of perception in infancyNaturalizing epistemologyCooperation and its evolutionOur own minds : sociocultural grounds for self-consciousnessGenerating referring expressions : constructing descriptions in a domain of objects and processesThe MIT encyclopedia of the cognitive sciencesDecisions, uncertainty, and the brain : the science of neuroeconomicsWhite Queen psychology and other essays for AliceGood and real : demystifying paradoxes from physics to ethicsInterpreting minds : the evolution of a practiceUnderstanding language understanding : computational models of readingIntelligent behavior in animals and robotsWhere biology meets psychology : philosophical essaysThe evolution of communicationPredicative minds : the social ontogeny of propositional thinkingThe modularity of mind : an essay on faculty psychologyPsychological agency : theory, practice, and cultureThe era of choice : the ability to choose and its transformation of contemporary lifeRepresentation and behaviorHandbook of functional neuroimaging of cognitionSweet anticipation : music and the psychology of expectationConditionals in contextConsciousness and the computational mindWorking minds : a practitioner's guide to cognitive task analysisJourney from cognition to brain to gene : perspectives from Williams SyndromeThe time of my life : an autobiographyExplaining consciousness : the "hard problem"New essays on semantic externalism and self-knowledgeEmotions in humans and artifactsFrom animals to animats 4 : proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive BehaviorMaking learning systems practicalCorpus processing for lexical acquisitionChildren with specific language impairmentNeural correlates of consciousness : empirical and conceptual questionsAbout time : inventing the fourth dimensionCognition and perception : how do psychology and neural science inform philosophy?Subjectivity and selfhood : investigating the first-person perspectiveNonlinear science : the next decadeOn the contrary : critical essays, 1987-1997Learnability and cognition : the acquisition of argument structureThings and places : how the mind connects with the worldNames for things : a study of human learningRethinking homeostasis : allostatic regulation in physiology and pathophysiologyPersistence : contemporary readingsThe contours of agency : essays on themes from Harry FrankfurtMachine learning : paradigms and methodsDark ages : the case for a science of human behaviorThe metaphysics of meaningThe new cognitive neurosciencesFrom molecule to metaphor : a neural theory of languageI of the vortex : from neurons to selfStatistical language learningThe really hard problem : meaning in a material worldArtificial life X : proceedings of the tenth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living SystemsReconstructing the cognitive world : the next stepRepresentations : philosophical essays on the foundations of cognitive scienceDisorders of volitionFrom animals to animats 6 : proceedings of the sixth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive BehaviorMidbrain mutiny: the picoeconomics and neuroeconomics of disordered gambling : economic theory and cognitive scienceThe integrative neurobiology of affiliationModels of information processing in the basal gangliaThe trouble with computers : usefulness, usability, and productivityFoundations of cognitive scienceThe cerebral code : thinking a thought in the mosaics of the mindStructured meanings : the semantics of propositional attitudesElbow room : the varieties of free will worth wantingPerplexities of consciousnessHigh-level vision : object recognition and visual cognitionFrom animals to animats 3 : proceedings of the Third International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive BehaviorColor ontology and color scienceVehicles, experiments in synthetic psychologyA natural history of visionConsciousness revisited : materialism without phenomenal conceptsExplanation and interaction : the computer generation of explanatory dialoguesThe big book of conceptsReflections and replies : essays on the philosophy of Tyler BurgeSelf-representational approaches to consciousnessThe discovery of spoken languageNeural organization : structure, function, and dynamicsThe myth of the intuitive : experimental philosophy and philosophical methodAn introduction to the event-related potential techniqueDynamics in action : intentional behavior as a complex systemMatter and consciousness : a contemporary introduction to the philosophy of mindThe algebraic mind : integrating connectionism and cognitive scienceCellular biophysicsMental leaps : analogy in creative thoughtHusserl, intentionality, and cognitive scienceThe nature of psychological explanationKnowledge engineering and management : the common KADS methodologyThe cognitive neurosciencesSketches of thoughtComputation and cognition : toward a foundation for cognitive scienceControl of cognitive processesRealistic rationalismConsciousness, color, and contentSocial empiricismUnderstanding intelligenceLanguage form and language functionPerception, cognition, and language : essays in honor of Henry and Lila GleitmanFrontiers in cognitive neuroscienceEnaction : toward a new paradigm for cognitive scienceThe consciousness paradox : consciousness, concepts, and higher-order thoughtsHow the mind explains behavior : folk explanations, meaning, and social interactionBioinformatics : the machine learning approachDarwinian dominion : animal welfare and human interestsLifespan development of human memorySelecting good modelsThe dream drugstore : chemically altered states of consciousnessThinkingBelief in psychology : a study in the ontology of mindCognitive regulation of performance : interaction of theory and applicationThe cradle of knowledge : development of perception in infancyGetting computers to talk like you and me : discourse context, focus, and semantics : (an ATN model)Mechanisms of imitation and imitation in animalsAbout faceRationality in actionToward replacement parts for the brain : implantable biomimetic electronics as neural prosthesesNaturalizing epistemologyConsciousness and persons : unity and identityMatter and consciousnessBeyond natural selectionAdvice for a young investigatorFoundational issues in human brain mappingBrain and culture : neurobiology, ideology, and social changeFrom animals to animats 7 : proceedings of the seventh International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive BehaviorThe cognitive neurosciencesThe genesis of animal play : testing the limitsMethods, models, and conceptual issuesUsing computers : human factors in information systemsNeurophilosophy of free will : from libertarian illusions to a concept of natural autonomyLingua ex machina : reconciling Darwin and Chomsky with the human brainThe nature of selection : evolutionary theory in philosophical focusAfter phrenology : neural reuse and the interactive brainVisual cognitionThe human semantic potential : spatial language and constrained connectionismRadical embodied cognitive scienceRepresentation and realityCooperation and its evolutionVisual cognitionThe new science of the mind : from extended mind to embodied phenomenologyBeginning to read : thinking and learning about printThe processing and acquisition of referenceInformation integration in perception and communicationIngenious genes : how gene regulation networks evolve to control developmentA theory of content and other essaysLanguage, thought, and other biological categories : new foundations for realismThe things we do : using the lessons of Bernard and Darwin to understand the what, how, and why of our behaviorRediscovering empathy : agency, folk psychology, and the human sciencesKnowledge and skepticismAdapting minds : evolutionary psychology and the persistent quest for human natureGoal-driven learningAbout faceThe imagery debateConceptual analysis and philosophical naturalismThe mind within the net : models of learning, thinking, and actingStrong feelings : emotion, addiction, and human behaviorTrue to life : why truth mattersAssociative engines : connectionism, concepts, and representational changeTruth from trash : how learning makes senseWithout justificationHow children learn the meanings of wordsInvestigating the psychological world : scientific method in the behavioral sciencesLanguages of the mind : essays on mental representationSituating semantics : essays on the philosophy of John PerryFrom animals to animats 8 : proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive BehaviorComputational vision : information processing in perception and visual behaviorImageryIntentions and intentionality : foundations of social cognitionElbow room : the varieties of free will worth wantingThe evolution of moralityRealistic rationalismSentence comprehension : the integration of habits and rulesSynapses, circuits, and the beginnings of memorySupertagging : using complex lexical descriptions in natural language processingIndirect perceptionCycles of contingency : developmental systems and evolutionThe case for qualiaOptimality-theoretic syntaxThe nature of consciousness : philosophical debatesConcepts, kinds, and cognitive developmentThe primacy of the subjective : foundations for a unified theory of mind and languageWeaving a lexiconFrom molecule to metaphor : a neural theory of languageThinkingThinking things through : an introduction to philosophical issues and achievementsProblem book in phonology : a workbook for introductory courses in linguistics and in modern phonologyAgeism : stereotyping and prejudice against older personsWhat the hands reveal about the brainThe cognitive brainRadiant cool : a novel theory of consciousnessReconstructing the past : parsimony, evolution, and inferenceCreative cognition : theory, research, and applicationsMeaning and mind : an examination of a Gricean account of languageFoundations in social neuroscienceLaw and social justiceThe self-organizing social mindOrganisms and artifacts : design in nature and elsewhereAuditory scene analysis : the perceptual organization of soundQuine and analytic philosophyAn introduction to genetic algorithmsBehavioral endocrinologyThe nature of cognitionWhere the action is : the foundations of embodied interactionThe subtlety of emotionsCognition on cognitionReadings in the philosophy of languageThe primacy of grammarThe MIT encyclopedia of communication disordersAnalogy-making as perception : a computer modelLanguages of the mind : essays on mental representationVehicles, experiments in synthetic psychologyDesire : its role in practical reason and the explanation of actionThe computational beauty of nature : computer explorations of fractals, chaos, complex systems, and adaptationAn introduction to genetic algorithmsAn introduction to natural computationConsciousnessStreetlights and shadows : searching for the keys to adaptive decision makingKnowledge & the flow of informationAdaptive dynamics : the theoretical analysis of behaviorProtocol analysis : verbal reports as dataOrigins of human communicationEvolution at a crossroads : the new biology and the new philosophy of scienceEmergence : contemporary readings in philosophy and scienceNeurons, networks, and motor behaviorLanguage, music, and mindBuilding problem solvers : listingsEvolution and human behavior : Darwinian perspectives on human natureHumanity's end : why we should reject radical enhancementMental images and their transformationsAuditory scene analysis : the perceptual organization of soundSweet anticipation : music and the psychology of expectationThe mechanical mind in historyToward a Science of Consciousness III : the third Tucson discussions and debatesInterpreting minds : the evolution of a practiceConceptual spaces : the geometry of thoughtThe design of animal communicationFree will as an open scientific problemSemantic cognition : a parallel distributed processing approachThe intentional stanceSpace from Zeno to Einstein : classic readings with a contemporary commentarySlaves of the machine : the quickening of computer technologyFinite-state language processingLogic as grammarPain : new essays on its nature and the methodology of its studySubjectivity and selfhood : investigating the first-person perspectiveRoots of social sensibility and neural functionFoundations of cognitive scienceAustere realism : contextual semantics meets minimal ontologyFeeling pain and being in painCulture and subjective well-beingThe nature of psychological explanationBeginning to read : thinking and learning about printLearning and soft computing : support vector machines, neural networks, and fuzzy logic modelsCausing human actions : new perspectives on the causal theory of actionAdapting minds : evolutionary psychology and the persistent quest for human natureMaking space : the development of spatial representation and reasoningConsciousnessVarieties of meaning : the 2002 Jean Nicod lecturesReadings in philosophy and cognitive scienceGenetic programming : on the programming of computers by means of natural selectionPsychology : the hope of a scienceMind in everyday life and cognitive scienceWhat we know about emotional intelligence : how it affects learning, work, relationships, and our mental healthCompositional evolution : the impact of sex, symbiosis, and modularity on the gradualist framework of evolutionExploring science : the cognition and development of discovery processesWhat is thought?Talking nets : an oral history of neural networksGateway to memory : an introduction to neural network modeling of the hippocampus and learningListening : an introduction to the perception of auditory eventsPragmatic bioethicsHow the mind explains behavior : folk explanations, meaning, and social interactionAction, ethics, and responsibilityMethods in neuronal modeling : from synapses to networksThe visual neurosciencesEarly reading instruction : what science really tells us about how to teach readingEffortless attention : a new perspective in the cognitive science of attention and actionDynamic patterns : the self-organization of brain and behaviorThe fragmentation of reason : preface to a pragmatic theory of cognitive evaluationPulsed neural networksOn the origins of cognitive science : the mechanization of the mindComputational explorations in cognitive neuroscience : understanding the mind by simulating the brainPast, space, and selfExcitatory amino acids and the cerebral cortexThe prism of grammar : how child language illuminates humanismModularity in knowledge representation and natural-language understandingThe logic of perceptionNeurophilosophy of free will : from libertarian illusions to a concept of natural autonomyLanguage acquisition : the growth of grammarBiological emergences : evolution by natural experimentHonest signals : how they shape our worldEmotional intelligence : science and mythLearning and computational neuroscience : foundations of adaptive networksTime, tense, and referenceBeyond natural selectionScenario visualization : an evolutionary account of creative problem solvingLanguage and spaceKernel methods in computational biologyBrain and culture : neurobiology, ideology, and social changeKnowledge of meaning : an introduction to semantic theoryNeural transplantation : an introductionThere's something about Mary : essays on phenomenal consciousness and Frank Jackson's knowledge argumentIndefinite objects : scrambling, choice functions, and differential markingKnowledge & the flow of informationCreative cognition : theory, research, and applicationsBrainstorms : philosophical essays on mind and psychologyNature's purposes : analyses of function and design in biologyPerceiving talking faces : from speech perception to a behavioral principleComplex worlds from simpler nervous systemsCognitive science : an introductionMind : introduction to cognitive scienceMind as motion : explorations in the dynamics of cognitionAdaptation in natural and artificial systems : an introductory analysis with applications to biology, control, and artificial intelligenceWhat we know about emotional intelligence : how it affects learning, work, relationships, and our mental healthVisual attention and cortical circuitsThe really hard problem : meaning in a material worldA prosodic model of sign language phonologyHuman reasoning and cognitive scienceThe cognitive science of morality : intuition and diversityHoles and other superficialitiesLogical form in natural languageSymmetry, causality, mindComputational neuroscienceImage and brain : the resolution of the imagery debateArtificial intelligence : the very ideaComputation, cognition, and PylyshynThe human semantic potential : spatial language and constrained connectionismThe trouble with computers : usefulness, usability, and productivityThe asymmetrical brainSlaves of the machine : the quickening of computer technologyConcepts, kinds, and cognitive developmentMental leaps : analogy in creative thoughtArtificial intelligence : the very ideaThe musical representation : meaning, ontology, and emotionAnt colony optimizationTiming of behavior : neural, psychological, and computational perspectivesConsciousness and the computational mindThe era of choice : the ability to choose and its transformation of contemporary lifeThe evolution of cognitionThe neuroscience of morality : emotion, brain disorders, and developmentFrom animals to animats 5 : proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive BehaviorUsing computers : the human factors of information systemsGene regulation and metabolism : postgenomic computational approachesLanguage development and learning to read : the scientific study of how language development affects reading skillThe mind doesn't work that way : the scope and limits of computational psychologyTrue to life : why truth mattersLogical form in natural languageNaturalizing epistemologyThe subtlety of emotionsIntroduction to cognition and communicationThe rational imagination : how people create alternatives to realityObservation, experiment, and hypothesis in modern physical scienceThe philosophical computer : exploratory essays in philosophical computer modelingNeurological foundations of cognitive neuroscienceThe development of speech perception : the transition from speech sounds to spoken wordsContours of agency : essays on themes from Harry FrankfurtContemporary views on architecture and representations in phonologySensory exotica : a world beyond human experienceSocial neuroscience : people thinking about thinking peopleSocial neuroscience : people thinking about thinking peopleMind and morals : essays on cognitive science and ethicsThe analogical mind : perspectives from cognitive scienceMeaning and mental representationConnectionist modeling and brain function : the developing interfaceConsciousness and persons : unity and identityNames for things : a study of human learningNeither brain nor ghost : a nondualist alternative to the mind-brain identity theoryIntending and acting : toward a naturalized action theoryMindreading animals : the debate over what animals know about other mindsLanguage acquisition : the growth of grammarThe nature of psychological explanationMental images and their transformationsNeural computation of pattern motion : modeling stages of motion analysis in the primate visual cortexExplanation and cognitionComputation and cognition : toward a foundation for cognitive scienceStill lives : narratives of spinal cord injuryTheory of languageConnectionist symbol processingMemory systems 1994Origins of human communicationTaking action : cognitive neuroscience perspectives on intentional actsThe attentive brainDefinite descriptions : a readerComputational morphology : practical mechanisms for the English lexiconRepresentations : philosophical essays on the foundations of cognitive scienceDescriptionsA neurocomputational perspective : the nature of mind and the structure of scienceConstrualFrom monkey brain to human brain : a Fyssen Foundation symposiumSimilarity and symbols in human thinkingEvolution and learning : the Baldwin effect reconsideredSpecies of mind : the philosophy and biology of cognitive ethologyLanguageThe neurobiology of neural networksExploring science : the cognition and development of discovery processesThe logical approach to syntax : foundations, specifications, and implementations of theories of government and bindingThe intentional stanceImageryHuman evolution, reproduction, and moralityIntersections between theory and experimentMinding minds : evolving a reflexive mind by interpreting othersCarving nature at its joints : natural kinds in metaphysics and scienceMoths to the flame : the seductions of computer technologyMemory, amnesia, and the hippocampal systemLingua ex machina : reconciling Darwin and Chomsky with the human brainLiaisons : philosophy meets the cognitive and social sciencesVisual versionsMinding minds : evolving a reflexive mind by interpreting othersRelativism and the foundations of philosophyDe lingua beliefRediscovering empathy : agency, folk psychology, and the human sciencesMetacognition : knowing about knowingRadical embodied cognitive scienceWednesday is indigo blue : discovering the brain of synesthesiaBelief's own ethicsCognitive science : an introductionThe asymmetrical brainThinking things through : an introduction to philosophical issues and achievementsEvolution and cultureMetaphor in contextComputation and cognition : toward a foundation for cognitive scienceMemory in the cerebral cortex : an empirical approach to neural networks in the human and nonhuman primateVarieties of practical reasoningRadical embodied cognitive scienceElbow room : the varieties of free will worth wantingDynamics in action : intentional behavior as a complex systemThe sexual brainThe act of thinkingEvolutionary computation : a unified approachThe cognitive science of morality : intuition and diversityMetaphor in contextNew essays on semantic externalism and self-knowledgeThe Turing test : verbal behavior as the hallmark of intelligenceRationality and logicRationality and logicPerplexities of consciousnessThe genesis of animal play : testing the limitsChange in view : principles of reasoningPerception, cognition, and language : essays in honor of Henry and Lila GleitmanMidbrain mutiny : the picoeconomics and neuroeconomics of disordered gambling : economic theory and cognitive science
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