
International library of political studies


International library of political studies

Tauris Academic Studies



Other title from spinePublisher varies: I.B. Tauris


Dark crusade : Christian Zionism and US foreign policy外部サイトTurkish democracy today : elections, protest and stability in an Islamic society外部サイトConservative suffragists : the women's vote and the Tory Party外部サイトThe political philosophy of New Labour外部サイトChoosing Slovakia : Slavic Hungary, the Czechoslovak language and accidental nationalism外部サイトFundamentalism, politics and history : the state, globalisation and political ideologies外部サイトFundamentalism and communication : culture, media and the public sphere外部サイトChoosing the Tory leader : Conservative Party leadership elections from Heath to Cameron外部サイトDemocracy, citizenship and youth : towards social and political participation in Brazil外部サイトLabour inside the gate : a history of the British Labour Party between the wars外部サイトReaction and the avant-garde : the revolt against liberal democracy in early twentieth-century Britain外部サイトThe philosophy, politics and religion of British democracy : Maurice Cowling and Conservatism外部サイトBritish Conservatism : the politics and philosophy of inequality外部サイトFlood planning : the politics of water security外部サイトThe failure of a dream : the independent Labour Party from disaffiliation to World War II外部サイトThe path to devolution and change : a political history of Scotland under Margaret Thatcher外部サイトBlack sea politics : political culture and civil society in an unstable region外部サイトWelfare policy under New Labour : the politics of social security reform外部サイトVery deeply dyed in black : sir Oswald Mosley and the Resurrection of British fascism after 1945外部サイトLabour's thinkers : the intellectual roots of labour from Tawney to Gordon Brown外部サイトThe British Labour Party and the wider world : domestic politics, internationalism and foreign policy外部サイトThe Liberal Unionist Party : a history外部サイトRevolution and reform in Russia and Iran : modernisation and politics in revolutionary states外部サイトReunifying Cyprus : the Annan Plan and beyond外部サイトThe IMF crisis of 1976 and British politics外部サイトIn the shadow of the dictators : the British Left in the 1930s外部サイトClass or nation : communists, imperialism and two World Wars外部サイトNationalist myths and modern media : contested identities in the age of globalization外部サイトLiberals in schism : a history of the National Liberal Party外部サイトNationalism and identity in Romania : a history of extreme politics from the birth of the state to EU accession外部サイトThe contested countryside : rural politics and land controversy in modern Britain外部サイトThe triumph of military Zionism : nationalism and the origins of the Israeli right外部サイトLabour's lost leader : the life and politics of Will Crooks外部サイトLabour inside the gate : a history of the British Labour Party between the wars外部サイトDemocracy, sovereignty and terror : Lakshman Kadirgamar on the foundations of international order外部サイトThe Labour Party in Britain and Norway : elections and the pursuit of power between the world wars外部サイトStaging politics : power and performance in Asia and Africa外部サイトKhatami and Gorbachev : politics of change in the Islamic Republic of Iran and the USSR外部サイトAgainst the Cold War : the history and political traditions of pro-Sovietism in the British Labour Party 1945-89外部サイトCritical turns in critical theory : new directions in social and political thought外部サイトMedia and politics in Latin America : globalization, democracy and identity外部サイトChoosing the labour leader : labour party leadership elections from Wilson to Brown外部サイトHarold Wilson and Europe : pursuing Britain's membership of the European Community外部サイトThe emergence of nationalist politics in Morocco : the rise of the Independence Party and the struggle against colonialism after World War II外部サイトThe Labour Church : religion and politics in Britain 1890-1914外部サイト






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Other title from spine
Publisher varies: I.B. Tauris
Dark crusade : Christian Zionism and US foreign policy
Turkish democracy today : elections, protest and stability in an Islamic society
Conservative suffragists : the women's vote and the Tory Party
The political philosophy of New Labour
Choosing Slovakia : Slavic Hungary, the Czechoslovak language and accidental nationalism
Fundamentalism, politics and history : the state, globalisation and political ideologies
Fundamentalism and communication : culture, media and the public sphere
Choosing the Tory leader : Conservative Party leadership elections from Heath to Cameron
Democracy, citizenship and youth : towards social and political participation in Brazil
Labour inside the gate : a history of the British Labour Party between the wars
Reaction and the avant-garde : the revolt against liberal democracy in early twentieth-century Britain
The philosophy, politics and religion of British democracy : Maurice Cowling and Conservatism
British Conservatism : the politics and philosophy of inequality
Flood planning : the politics of water security
The failure of a dream : the independent Labour Party from disaffiliation to World War II
The path to devolution and change : a political history of Scotland under Margaret Thatcher
Black sea politics : political culture and civil society in an unstable region
Welfare policy under New Labour : the politics of social security reform
Very deeply dyed in black : sir Oswald Mosley and the Resurrection of British fascism after 1945
Labour's thinkers : the intellectual roots of labour from Tawney to Gordon Brown
The British Labour Party and the wider world : domestic politics, internationalism and foreign policy
The Liberal Unionist Party : a history
Revolution and reform in Russia and Iran : modernisation and politics in revolutionary states
Reunifying Cyprus : the Annan Plan and beyond
The IMF crisis of 1976 and British politics
In the shadow of the dictators : the British Left in the 1930s
Class or nation : communists, imperialism and two World Wars
Nationalist myths and modern media : contested identities in the age of globalization
Liberals in schism : a history of the National Liberal Party
Nationalism and identity in Romania : a history of extreme politics from the birth of the state to EU accession
The contested countryside : rural politics and land controversy in modern Britain
The triumph of military Zionism : nationalism and the origins of the Israeli right
Labour's lost leader : the life and politics of Will Crooks
Labour inside the gate : a history of the British Labour Party between the wars
Democracy, sovereignty and terror : Lakshman Kadirgamar on the foundations of international order
The Labour Party in Britain and Norway : elections and the pursuit of power between the world wars
Staging politics : power and performance in Asia and Africa
Khatami and Gorbachev : politics of change in the Islamic Republic of Iran and the USSR
Against the Cold War : the history and political traditions of pro-Sovietism in the British Labour Party 1945-89
Critical turns in critical theory : new directions in social and political thought
Media and politics in Latin America : globalization, democracy and identity
Choosing the labour leader : labour party leadership elections from Wilson to Brown
Harold Wilson and Europe : pursuing Britain's membership of the European Community
The emergence of nationalist politics in Morocco : the rise of the Independence Party and the struggle against colonialism after World War II
The Labour Church : religion and politics in Britain 1890-1914