
Lecture notes in statistics


Lecture notes in statistics



Weighted empirical processes in dynamic nonlinear models外部サイトAn introduction to bispectral analysis and bilinear time series models外部サイトModeling and stochastic learning for forecasting in high dimensions外部サイトTopics in optimal design外部サイトLearning from data : artificial intelligence and statistics V外部サイトProceedings of the Second Seattle Symposium in Biostatistics : Analysis of Correlated Data外部サイトAn asymptotic theory for empirical reliability and concentration processes外部サイトOptimal unbiased estimation of variance components外部サイトProbability matching priors : higher order asymptotics外部サイトGeneralized estimating equations外部サイトRandom effect and latent variable model selection外部サイトGeneralized gamma convolutions and related classes of distributions and densities外部サイトThe normal distribution : characterizations with applications外部サイトApplied probability in honor of J.M. Gani外部サイトCase studies in spatial point process modeling外部サイトISS-2012 proceedings volume on longitudinal data analysis subject to measurement errors, missing values, and/or outliers外部サイトLinear statistical inference : proceedings of the international conference held at Poznań, Poland, June 4-8, 1984外部サイトThe analysis of categorical data using GLIM外部サイトDihedral Fourier analysis : data-analytic aspects and applications外部サイトStatistical information and likelihood : a collection of critical essays外部サイトThe first Pannonian Symposium on Mathematical Statistics外部サイトSeasonal adjustment with the X-11 method外部サイトHeavy-tailed distributions and robustness in economics and finance外部サイトCase studies in data analysis外部サイトTheory and application of uniform experimental designs外部サイトMonte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing : proceedings of a conference at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 23-25, 1994外部サイトRelations, bounds and approximations for order statistics外部サイトMonte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 1996 : proceedings of a conference at the University of Salzburg, Austria, July 9-12, 1996外部サイトOptimal sequentially planned decision procedures外部サイトMathematical learning models--theory and algorithms : proceedings of a conference外部サイトRobust and nonlinear time series analysis : proceedings of a workshop organized by the Sonderforschungsbereich 123 "Stochastische Mathematische Modelle", Heidelberg 1983外部サイトLectures on random Voronoi tessellations外部サイトDifferential-geometrical methods in statistics外部サイトExtremal families and systems of sufficient statistics外部サイトThe inverse Gaussian distribution : statistical theory and applications外部サイトNoise reduction by wavelet thresholding外部サイトLundberg approximations for compound distributions with insurance applications外部サイトLinear and graphical models : for the multivariate complex normal distribution外部サイトDeconvolution problems in nonparametric statistics外部サイトStatistical properties of the generalized inverse Gaussian distribution外部サイトThe analysis of directional time series : applications to wind speed and direction外部サイトStationary random processes associated with point processes外部サイトConditionally specified distributions外部サイトBilinear regression analysis : an introduction外部サイトMultivariate nonparametric methods with R : an approach based on spatial signs and ranks外部サイトEstimation in conditionally heteroscedastic time series models外部サイトBranching processes : proceedings of the first world congress外部サイトProjecting statistical functionals外部サイトStochastic models of air pollutant concentration外部サイトSurvey research designs : towards a better understanding of their costs and benefits外部サイトBilinear stochastic models and related problems of nonlinear time series analysis : a frequency domain approach外部サイトTopics in survey sampling外部サイトStochastic networks : stability and rare events外部サイトBayesian learning for neural networks外部サイトThe theory and applications of statistical inference functions外部サイトTools for statistical inference : observed data and data augmentation methods外部サイトEstimation and analysis of insect populations : proceedings of a Conference held in Laramie, Wyoming, January 25-29, 1988外部サイトElements of statistical disclosure control外部サイトLinear processes in function spaces : theory and applications外部サイトWeak dependence : with examples and applications外部サイトTime series analysis of irregularly observed data : proceedings of a symposium held at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, February 10-13, 1983外部サイトTopics in statistical information theory外部サイトClassification and dissimilarity analysis外部サイトAn asymptotic theory for empirical reliability and concentration processes外部サイトMultiple statistical decision theory : recent developments外部サイトPractical nonparametric and semiparametric Bayesian statistics外部サイトBlock designs : a randomization approach外部サイトAsymptotic efficiency of statistical estimators : concepts and higher order asymptotic efficiency外部サイトThe analysis of stochastic processes using GLIM外部サイトA road to randomness in physical systems外部サイトInverse problems and high-dimensional estimation : stats in the Château Summer School, August 31-September 4, 2009外部サイトModel-oriented design of experiments外部サイトStochastic visibility in random fields外部サイトSeries approximation methods in statistics外部サイトExtreme value theory : proceedings of a conference held in Oberwolfach, Dec. 6-12, 1987外部サイトWhen does bootstrap work? : asymptotic results and simulations外部サイトParametric and nonparametric inference from record-breaking data外部サイトLooking back : proceedings of a conference in honor of Paul W. Holland外部サイトRobust Bayesian analysis外部サイトNonparametric Monte Carlo tests and their applications外部サイトAdvances in order restricted statistical inference : proceedings of the Symposium on Order Restricted Statistical Inference, held in Iowa City, Iowa, September 11-13, 1985外部サイト{2}-inverses and their statistical application外部サイトWavelets, approximation, and statistical applications外部サイトOptimum designs for multi-factor models外部サイトNonlinear estimation and classification外部サイトSeries approximation methods in statistics外部サイトFitting linear models : an application of conjugate gradient algorithms外部サイトAdvances in social science research using R外部サイトAdvances and challenges in parametric and semi-parametric analysis for correlated data : Proceedings of the 2015 international symposium in statistics外部サイトPalm probabilities and stationary queues外部サイトBenefit-cost analysis of data used to allocate funds外部サイトStatistical matching : a frequentist theory, practical applications, and alternative Bayesian approaches外部サイトBenchmarking, temporal distribution, and reconciliation methods for time series外部サイトDependability for systems with a partitioned state space : Markov and semi-Markov theory and computational implementation外部サイトSpatial variation外部サイトMeasuring business cycles in economic time series外部サイトFunctional relations, random coefficients, and nonlinear regression with application to kinetic data外部サイトSeries approximation methods in statistics外部サイトProceedings of the first Seattle Symposium in Biostatistics : Survival Analysis外部サイトBoundary crossing of brownian motion : its relation to the law of the iterated logarithm and to sequential analysis外部サイトStatistical modelling : proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Innsbruck, Austria, 10-14 July, 1995外部サイトMinimax solutions in sampling from finite populations外部サイトBayesian spectrum analysis and parameter estimation外部サイトAn introduction to copulas外部サイトTheory of optimal designs外部サイトParametric statistical models and likelihood外部サイトSpace, structure and randomness : contributions in honor of Georges Matheron in the field of geostatistics, random sets and mathematical morphology外部サイトCausation, prediction, and search外部サイトRisk assessment and evaluation of predictions外部サイトFunctional approach to optimal experimental design外部サイトStatistical inference for spatial Poisson processes外部サイトBranching processes and their applications外部サイトSemiparametric methods in econometrics外部サイトStochastic monotonicity and queueing applications of birth-death processes外部サイトThe weighted bootstrap外部サイトConjugate duality and the exponential Fourier spectrum外部サイトPivotal measures in statistical experiments and sufficiency外部サイトStatistics on special manifolds外部サイトProbabilistic causality in longitudinal studies外部サイトEssays on item response theory外部サイトNonparametric statistics for stochastic processes : estimation and prediction外部サイトDecomposition and invariance of measures, and statistical transformation models外部サイトAdvances and challenges in space-time modelling of natural events外部サイトProbability models and statistical analyses for ranking data外部サイトEstimation of victimization prevalence using data from the National crime survey外部サイトContributions to a general asymptotic statistical theory外部サイトStochastic orders in reliability and risk : in honor of Professor Moshe Shaked外部サイトTesting problems with linear or angular inequality constraints外部サイトApplications of computer aided time series modeling外部サイトNonlinear system identification by Haar wavelets外部サイトWavelets and statistics外部サイトExponential family nonlinear models外部サイトMixing : properties and examples外部サイトVon Mises calculus for statistical functionals外部サイトA calculus for factorial arrangements外部サイトNonparametric regression analysis of longitudinal data外部サイトSynthetic datasets for statistical disclosure control : theory and implementation外部サイトStochastic processes and orthogonal polynomials外部サイトStatistics in ornithology外部サイトRobust planning and analysis of experiments外部サイトMultivariate dispersion, central regions and depth : the lift zonoid approach外部サイトGeneralized linear models : proceedings of the GLIM 85 Conference, held in Lancaster, UK, Sept. 16-19, 1985外部サイトSemi-Markov chains and hidden semi-Markov models toward applications : their use in reliability and DNA analysis外部サイトRandom coefficient autoregressive models : an introduction外部サイトInfinitely divisible statistical experiments外部サイトStochastic population models : a compartmental perspective外部サイトGraphical methods for the design of experiments外部サイトMathematical statistics and probability theory : proceedings, sixth international conference, Wisła (Poland), 1978外部サイトPermutation tests for stochastic ordering and ANOVA : theory and applications with R外部サイトRobust statistics, data analysis, and computer intensive methods : in honor of Peter Huber's 60th birthday外部サイトThreshold models in non-linear time series analysis外部サイトEmpirical Bayes and likelihood inference外部サイトStudies in the atmospheric sciences外部サイトCase studies in Bayesian statistics外部サイトAnalyzing dependent data with vine copulas : a practical guide with R外部サイトRandom sums and branching stochastic processes外部サイトThe nature of statistical evidence外部サイトEstimation in semiparametric models : some recent developments外部サイトStochastic epidemic models and their statistical analysis外部サイトNon-standard rank tests外部サイトStudies on the optimal search plan外部サイトMultivariate reduced-rank regression : theory and applications外部サイトStochastic models, statistical methods, and algorithms in image analysis : proceedings of the special year on image analysis held in Rome, Italy, 1990外部サイトBilinear forms and zonal polynomials外部サイトNonparametric statistics for stochastic processes : estimation and prediction外部サイトGLIM 82 : proceedings of the International Conference on Generalised Linear Models外部サイトBayesian analysis in statistics and econometrics外部サイトSmoothness priors analysis of time series外部サイトTools for constructing chronologies : crossing disciplinary boundaries外部サイトInference for change-point and post-change means after a CUSUM test外部サイトRanked set sampling : theory and applications外部サイトStatistical modelling : proceedings of GLIM 89 and the 4th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling held in Trento, Italy, July 17-21, 1989外部サイトLogistic regression with missing values in the covariates外部サイトSampling with unequal probabilities外部サイトCopula theory and its applications : proceedings of the workshop held in Warsaw, 25-26 September 2009外部サイトMeasuring risk in complex stochastic systems外部サイトExact confidence bounds when sampling from small finite universes : an easy reference based on the hypergeometric distribution外部サイトProceedings of the Fourth Seattle Symposium in Biostatistics - Clinical Trials外部サイトCopulae in mathematical and quantitative finance : proceedings of the workshop held in Cracow, 10-11 July 2012外部サイトAdvances in GLIM and statistical modelling : proceedings of the GLIM92 Conference and the 7th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Munich, 13-17 July 1992外部サイトAsymptotic expansions for general statistical models外部サイトNonparametric curve estimation from time series外部サイトDesign of experiments in nonlinear models : asymptotic normality, optimality criteria and small-sample properties外部サイトLinear regression外部サイトInference on the Hurst parameter and the variance of diffusions driven by fractional Brownian motion外部サイトStatistical applications of Jordan algebras外部サイトStatistical disclosure control in practice外部サイトNon-regular statistical estimation外部サイトTime series analysis in memory of E.J. Hannan外部サイトMaximum likelihood estimation of functional relationships外部サイトStatistical challenges in modern astronomy V外部サイトRandom and quasi-random point sets外部サイトCausation, prediction, and search外部サイトR. A. Fisher : an appreciation外部サイトDiscretization and MCMC convergence assessment外部サイトThe matching methodology : some statistical properties外部サイトSelecting models from data : artificial intelligence and statistics IV外部サイトBayesian inference in wavelet-based models外部サイトDependence in probability and statistics外部サイトWorkshop on branching processes and their applications外部サイトProbability approximations and beyond外部サイトOptimal mixture experiments外部サイトThe optimal design of blocked and split-plot experiments外部サイトStochastic ordering and dependence in applied probability外部サイトProbability towards 2000外部サイトMinimax theory of image reconstruction外部サイトModelling longitudinal and spatially correlated data : methods, applications, and future directions外部サイトNonparametric goodness-of-fit testing under Gaussian models外部サイトCase studies in environmental statistics外部サイトComputation of multivariate normal and t probabilities外部サイトMajorization and the Lorenz order : a brief introduction外部サイトSpatial statistics : methodological aspects and applications外部サイトLatent variable modeling and applications to causality外部サイトAsymptotic optimal inference for non-ergodic models外部サイトStatistical analysis of counting processes外部サイトSpecifying statistical models (from parametric to non-parametric, using Bayesian or non-Bayesian approaches) : proceedings of the Second Franco-Belgian Meeting of Statisticians, held in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), October 15-16, 1981外部サイトDifferential-geometrical methods in statistics外部サイトIndirect estimators in U.S. Federal programs外部サイトMetric methods for analyzing partially ranked data外部サイトRestricted parameter space estimation problems : admissibility and minimaxity properties外部サイトHigher order asymptotic theory for time series analysis外部サイトDependence in probability and statistics外部サイトSpatial statistics and computational methods外部サイトLinear mixed models in practice : a SAS-oriented approach外部サイトFinite form representations for Meijer G and Fox H Functions : applied to multivariate likelihood ratio tests using Mathematica, MAXIMA and R外部サイトMultivariate reduced-rank regression : theory, methods and applications外部サイトTime series models外部サイトOptimal experimental design : a concise introduction for researchers外部サイト






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Lecture notes in statistics (Springer-Verlag)
Weighted empirical processes in dynamic nonlinear models
An introduction to bispectral analysis and bilinear time series models
Modeling and stochastic learning for forecasting in high dimensions
Topics in optimal design
Learning from data : artificial intelligence and statistics V
Proceedings of the Second Seattle Symposium in Biostatistics : Analysis of Correlated Data
An asymptotic theory for empirical reliability and concentration processes
Optimal unbiased estimation of variance components
Probability matching priors : higher order asymptotics
Generalized estimating equations
Random effect and latent variable model selection
Generalized gamma convolutions and related classes of distributions and densities
The normal distribution : characterizations with applications
Applied probability in honor of J.M. Gani
Case studies in spatial point process modeling
ISS-2012 proceedings volume on longitudinal data analysis subject to measurement errors, missing values, and/or outliers
Linear statistical inference : proceedings of the international conference held at Poznań, Poland, June 4-8, 1984
The analysis of categorical data using GLIM
Dihedral Fourier analysis : data-analytic aspects and applications
Statistical information and likelihood : a collection of critical essays
The first Pannonian Symposium on Mathematical Statistics
Seasonal adjustment with the X-11 method
Heavy-tailed distributions and robustness in economics and finance
Case studies in data analysis
Theory and application of uniform experimental designs
Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing : proceedings of a conference at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 23-25, 1994
Relations, bounds and approximations for order statistics
Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 1996 : proceedings of a conference at the University of Salzburg, Austria, July 9-12, 1996
Optimal sequentially planned decision procedures
Mathematical learning models--theory and algorithms : proceedings of a conference
Robust and nonlinear time series analysis : proceedings of a workshop organized by the Sonderforschungsbereich 123 "Stochastische Mathematische Modelle", Heidelberg 1983
Lectures on random Voronoi tessellations
Differential-geometrical methods in statistics
Extremal families and systems of sufficient statistics
The inverse Gaussian distribution : statistical theory and applications
Noise reduction by wavelet thresholding
Lundberg approximations for compound distributions with insurance applications
Linear and graphical models : for the multivariate complex normal distribution
Deconvolution problems in nonparametric statistics
Statistical properties of the generalized inverse Gaussian distribution
The analysis of directional time series : applications to wind speed and direction
Stationary random processes associated with point processes
Conditionally specified distributions
Bilinear regression analysis : an introduction
Multivariate nonparametric methods with R : an approach based on spatial signs and ranks
Estimation in conditionally heteroscedastic time series models
Branching processes : proceedings of the first world congress
Projecting statistical functionals
Stochastic models of air pollutant concentration
Survey research designs : towards a better understanding of their costs and benefits
Bilinear stochastic models and related problems of nonlinear time series analysis : a frequency domain approach
Topics in survey sampling
Stochastic networks : stability and rare events
Bayesian learning for neural networks
The theory and applications of statistical inference functions
Tools for statistical inference : observed data and data augmentation methods
Estimation and analysis of insect populations : proceedings of a Conference held in Laramie, Wyoming, January 25-29, 1988
Elements of statistical disclosure control
Linear processes in function spaces : theory and applications
Weak dependence : with examples and applications
Time series analysis of irregularly observed data : proceedings of a symposium held at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, February 10-13, 1983
Topics in statistical information theory
Classification and dissimilarity analysis
An asymptotic theory for empirical reliability and concentration processes
Multiple statistical decision theory : recent developments
Practical nonparametric and semiparametric Bayesian statistics
Block designs : a randomization approach
Asymptotic efficiency of statistical estimators : concepts and higher order asymptotic efficiency
The analysis of stochastic processes using GLIM
A road to randomness in physical systems
Inverse problems and high-dimensional estimation : stats in the Château Summer School, August 31-September 4, 2009
Model-oriented design of experiments
Stochastic visibility in random fields
Series approximation methods in statistics
Extreme value theory : proceedings of a conference held in Oberwolfach, Dec. 6-12, 1987
When does bootstrap work? : asymptotic results and simulations
Parametric and nonparametric inference from record-breaking data
Looking back : proceedings of a conference in honor of Paul W. Holland
Robust Bayesian analysis
Nonparametric Monte Carlo tests and their applications
Advances in order restricted statistical inference : proceedings of the Symposium on Order Restricted Statistical Inference, held in Iowa City, Iowa, September 11-13, 1985
{2}-inverses and their statistical application
Wavelets, approximation, and statistical applications
Optimum designs for multi-factor models
Nonlinear estimation and classification
Series approximation methods in statistics
Fitting linear models : an application of conjugate gradient algorithms
Advances in social science research using R
Advances and challenges in parametric and semi-parametric analysis for correlated data : Proceedings of the 2015 international symposium in statistics
Palm probabilities and stationary queues
Benefit-cost analysis of data used to allocate funds
Statistical matching : a frequentist theory, practical applications, and alternative Bayesian approaches
Benchmarking, temporal distribution, and reconciliation methods for time series
Dependability for systems with a partitioned state space : Markov and semi-Markov theory and computational implementation
Spatial variation
Measuring business cycles in economic time series
Functional relations, random coefficients, and nonlinear regression with application to kinetic data
Series approximation methods in statistics
Proceedings of the first Seattle Symposium in Biostatistics : Survival Analysis
Boundary crossing of brownian motion : its relation to the law of the iterated logarithm and to sequential analysis
Statistical modelling : proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Innsbruck, Austria, 10-14 July, 1995
Minimax solutions in sampling from finite populations
Bayesian spectrum analysis and parameter estimation
An introduction to copulas
Theory of optimal designs
Parametric statistical models and likelihood
Space, structure and randomness : contributions in honor of Georges Matheron in the field of geostatistics, random sets and mathematical morphology
Causation, prediction, and search
Risk assessment and evaluation of predictions
Functional approach to optimal experimental design
Statistical inference for spatial Poisson processes
Branching processes and their applications
Semiparametric methods in econometrics
Stochastic monotonicity and queueing applications of birth-death processes
The weighted bootstrap
Conjugate duality and the exponential Fourier spectrum
Pivotal measures in statistical experiments and sufficiency
Statistics on special manifolds
Probabilistic causality in longitudinal studies
Essays on item response theory
Nonparametric statistics for stochastic processes : estimation and prediction
Decomposition and invariance of measures, and statistical transformation models
Advances and challenges in space-time modelling of natural events
Probability models and statistical analyses for ranking data
Estimation of victimization prevalence using data from the National crime survey
Contributions to a general asymptotic statistical theory
Stochastic orders in reliability and risk : in honor of Professor Moshe Shaked
Testing problems with linear or angular inequality constraints
Applications of computer aided time series modeling
Nonlinear system identification by Haar wavelets
Wavelets and statistics
Exponential family nonlinear models
Mixing : properties and examples
Von Mises calculus for statistical functionals
A calculus for factorial arrangements
Nonparametric regression analysis of longitudinal data
Synthetic datasets for statistical disclosure control : theory and implementation
Stochastic processes and orthogonal polynomials
Statistics in ornithology
Robust planning and analysis of experiments
Multivariate dispersion, central regions and depth : the lift zonoid approach
Generalized linear models : proceedings of the GLIM 85 Conference, held in Lancaster, UK, Sept. 16-19, 1985
Semi-Markov chains and hidden semi-Markov models toward applications : their use in reliability and DNA analysis
Random coefficient autoregressive models : an introduction
Infinitely divisible statistical experiments
Stochastic population models : a compartmental perspective
Graphical methods for the design of experiments
Mathematical statistics and probability theory : proceedings, sixth international conference, Wisła (Poland), 1978
Permutation tests for stochastic ordering and ANOVA : theory and applications with R
Robust statistics, data analysis, and computer intensive methods : in honor of Peter Huber's 60th birthday
Threshold models in non-linear time series analysis
Empirical Bayes and likelihood inference
Studies in the atmospheric sciences
Case studies in Bayesian statistics
Analyzing dependent data with vine copulas : a practical guide with R
Random sums and branching stochastic processes
The nature of statistical evidence
Estimation in semiparametric models : some recent developments
Stochastic epidemic models and their statistical analysis
Non-standard rank tests
Studies on the optimal search plan
Multivariate reduced-rank regression : theory and applications
Stochastic models, statistical methods, and algorithms in image analysis : proceedings of the special year on image analysis held in Rome, Italy, 1990
Bilinear forms and zonal polynomials
Nonparametric statistics for stochastic processes : estimation and prediction
GLIM 82 : proceedings of the International Conference on Generalised Linear Models
Bayesian analysis in statistics and econometrics
Smoothness priors analysis of time series
Tools for constructing chronologies : crossing disciplinary boundaries
Inference for change-point and post-change means after a CUSUM test
Ranked set sampling : theory and applications
Statistical modelling : proceedings of GLIM 89 and the 4th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling held in Trento, Italy, July 17-21, 1989
Logistic regression with missing values in the covariates
Sampling with unequal probabilities
Copula theory and its applications : proceedings of the workshop held in Warsaw, 25-26 September 2009
Measuring risk in complex stochastic systems
Exact confidence bounds when sampling from small finite universes : an easy reference based on the hypergeometric distribution
Proceedings of the Fourth Seattle Symposium in Biostatistics - Clinical Trials
Copulae in mathematical and quantitative finance : proceedings of the workshop held in Cracow, 10-11 July 2012
Advances in GLIM and statistical modelling : proceedings of the GLIM92 Conference and the 7th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Munich, 13-17 July 1992
Asymptotic expansions for general statistical models
Nonparametric curve estimation from time series
Design of experiments in nonlinear models : asymptotic normality, optimality criteria and small-sample properties
Linear regression
Inference on the Hurst parameter and the variance of diffusions driven by fractional Brownian motion
Statistical applications of Jordan algebras
Statistical disclosure control in practice
Non-regular statistical estimation
Time series analysis in memory of E.J. Hannan
Maximum likelihood estimation of functional relationships
Statistical challenges in modern astronomy V
Random and quasi-random point sets
Causation, prediction, and search
R. A. Fisher : an appreciation
Discretization and MCMC convergence assessment
The matching methodology : some statistical properties
Selecting models from data : artificial intelligence and statistics IV
Bayesian inference in wavelet-based models
Dependence in probability and statistics
Workshop on branching processes and their applications
Probability approximations and beyond
Optimal mixture experiments
The optimal design of blocked and split-plot experiments
Stochastic ordering and dependence in applied probability
Probability towards 2000
Minimax theory of image reconstruction
Modelling longitudinal and spatially correlated data : methods, applications, and future directions
Nonparametric goodness-of-fit testing under Gaussian models
Case studies in environmental statistics
Computation of multivariate normal and t probabilities
Majorization and the Lorenz order : a brief introduction
Spatial statistics : methodological aspects and applications
Latent variable modeling and applications to causality
Asymptotic optimal inference for non-ergodic models
Statistical analysis of counting processes
Specifying statistical models (from parametric to non-parametric, using Bayesian or non-Bayesian approaches) : proceedings of the Second Franco-Belgian Meeting of Statisticians, held in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), October 15-16, 1981
Differential-geometrical methods in statistics
Indirect estimators in U.S. Federal programs
Metric methods for analyzing partially ranked data
Restricted parameter space estimation problems : admissibility and minimaxity properties
Higher order asymptotic theory for time series analysis
Dependence in probability and statistics
Spatial statistics and computational methods
Linear mixed models in practice : a SAS-oriented approach
Finite form representations for Meijer G and Fox H Functions : applied to multivariate likelihood ratio tests using Mathematica, MAXIMA and R
Multivariate reduced-rank regression : theory, methods and applications
Time series models
Optimal experimental design : a concise introduction for researchers
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books