
Lecture notes in biomathematics


Lecture notes in biomathematics






Vito Volterra Symposium on Mathematical Models in Biology : proceedings of a conference held at the Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, December 17-21, 1979外部サイトHybrid models of tropical infections外部サイトAcanthaster and the coral reef : a theoretical perspective : proceedings of a Workshop held at the Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Aug. 6-7, 1988外部サイトPhysical principles in chemoreception外部サイトStochastic problems in population genetics外部サイトBranching processes and neutral evolution外部サイトThe stability concept of evolutionary game theory : a dynamic approach外部サイトOptimization of human cancer radiotherapy外部サイトTime lags in biological models外部サイトMathematical analysis of decision problems in ecology : proceedings of the NATO conference held in Istanbul, Turkey, July 9-13, 1973外部サイトMathematical and statistical approaches to AIDS epidemiology外部サイトPeripheral auditory mechanisms : proceedings of a conference held at Boston University, Boston, MA, August 13-16, 1985外部サイトStochastic transport processes in discrete biological systems外部サイトMathematical models of the dynamics of the human eye外部サイトThe Golden age of theoretical ecology, 1923-1940 : a collection of works by V. Volterra, V. A. Kostitzin, A. J. Lotka, and A. N. Kolmogoroff外部サイトStem cell proliferation and differentiation : a multitype branching process model外部サイトMathematical ecology : proceedings of the autumn course (research seminars) held at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Miramare-Trieste, Italy, 29 November-10 December 1982外部サイトQuestions of uniqueness and resolution in reconstruction from projection外部サイトFrontiers in mathematical biology外部サイトIntrinsic geometry of biological surface growth外部サイトBranching processes applied to cell surface aggregation phenomena外部サイトMeasuring selection in natural populations外部サイトMathematical models in medicine : workshop, Mainz, March 1976外部サイトDifferential equations models in biology, epidemiology and ecology : proceedings of a Conference held in Claremont California, January 13-16, 1990外部サイトThe measurement of biological shape and shape change外部サイトTrees and hierarchical structures : proceedings of a conference held at Bielefeld, FRG, Oct. 5-9th, 1987外部サイトTemporal-pattern learning in neural models外部サイトAntigen antibody interactions外部サイトMathematics in biology and medicine : proceedings of an international conference held in Bari, Italy, July 18-22, 1983外部サイトModeling and management of resources under uncertainty : proceedings of the Second U.S.-Australia Workshop on Renewable Resource Management held at the East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 9-12, 1985外部サイトNonlinear oscillations in biology and chemistry : proceedings of a meeting held at the University of Utah, May 9-11, 1985外部サイトThe Exploitation of evolving resources : proceedings of an International Conference, held at Jülich, Germany, September 3-5, 1991外部サイトBiological growth and spread : mathematical theories and applications : proceedings of a conference held at Heidelberg July 16-21, 1979外部サイトEstimation of mortality rates in stage-structured population外部サイトPopulation dynamics in variable environments外部サイトAlgebras in genetics外部サイトEvolution and variation of multigene families外部サイトBiological motion : proceedings of a workshop held in Königswinter, Germany, March 16-19, 1989外部サイトModèles mathématiques en biologíe : journées de la société mathématique de France, Montpellier, 22-24 Novembre 1978外部サイトOscillations in mathematical biology : proceedings of a conference held at Adelphi University, April 19, 1982外部サイトMathematical modelling in biology and ecology : proceedings of a symposium held at the CSIR, Pretoria, July 1979外部サイトMathematical modeling of the hearing process : proceedings of the NSF-CBMS regional conference held in Troy, NY, July 21-25, 1980外部サイトTracer kinetics and physiologic modeling : theory to practice : proceedings of a seminar held at St. Louis, Missouri, June 6, 1983外部サイトMathematical topics in population biology, morphogenesis, and neurosciences : proceedings of an international symposium held in Kyoto, November 10-15, 1985外部サイトMathematical problems in biology, Victoria conference外部サイトGonorrhea transmission dynamics and control外部サイトRhythms in biology and other fields of application : deterministic and stochastic approaches : proceedings of the Journées de la Société mathématique de France, held at Luminy, France, Sept. 14-18, 1981外部サイトResource management : proceedings of the Second Ralf Yorque Workshop held in Ashland, Oregon, July 23-25, 1984外部サイトMathematical structures of epidemic systems外部サイトRecognition of pattern and form : proceedings of a conference held at the University of Texas at Austin, March 22-24, 1979外部サイトStochastic population theories外部サイトTransient processes in cell proliferation kinetics外部サイトThe mathematical structure of the human sleep-wake cycle外部サイトGeometrical probability and biological structures, Buffon's 200th anniversary : proceedings of the Buffon Bicentenary Symposium on Geometrical Probability, Image Analysis, Mathematical Stereology, and Their Relevance to the Determination of Biological Structures, held in Paris, June 1977外部サイトThe geometry of population genetics外部サイトPatch dynamics外部サイトMathematical approaches to problems in resource management and epidemiology : proceedings of a conference held at Ithaca, NY, Oct. 28-30, 1987外部サイトAdaptation in stochastic environments外部サイトMathematical models in biological discovery外部サイトModelling of patterns in space and time : proceedings of a workshop held by the Sonderforschungsbereich 123 at Heidelberg, July 4-8, 1983外部サイトStochastic models for spike trains of single neurons外部サイトIntegrodifferential equations and delay models in population dynamics外部サイトReceptor/ligand sorting along the endocytic pathway外部サイトAn essay on the importance of being nonlinear外部サイトStochastic methods in biology : proceedings of a workshop held in Nagoya, Japan, July 8-12, 1985外部サイトComputer simulation in cell radiobiology外部サイトCompartmental modeling and tracer kinetics外部サイトPhysics and mathematics of the nervous system : proceedings of a Summer School organized by the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, and the Institute for Information Sciences, University of Tübingen, held at Trieste, August 21-31, 1973外部サイトPopulation genetics in forestry : proceedings of the meeting of the IUFRO Working Party "Ecological and Population Genetics" held in Göttingen, August 21-24, 1984外部サイトPopulation biology : proceedings of the International Conference held at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, June 22-30, 1982外部サイトModels of the stochastic activity of neurones外部サイトMathematical models in cell biology and cancer chemotherapy外部サイトMathematical aspects of reacting and diffusing systems外部サイトImmunology and epidemiology : proceedings of an international conference held in Mogilany, Poland, February 18-25, 1985外部サイトRenewable resource management : proceedings of a Workshop on Control Theory Applied to Renewable Resource Management and Ecology held in Christchurch, New Zealand, January 7-11, 1980外部サイトDeterministic threshold models in the theory of epidemics外部サイトKinetic logic : a Boolean approach to the analysis of complex regulatory systems : proceedings of the EMBO course "Formal analysis of genetic regulation," held in Brussels, September 6-16, 1977外部サイトThe mechanics and biophysics of hearing : proceedings of a conference held at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, June 25-29, 1990外部サイトIdentifiability of state space models, with applications to transformation systems外部サイトTheoretical approaches to complex systems : proceedings, Tübingen, June 11-12, 1977外部サイトIon transport through biological membranes : an integrated theoretical approach外部サイトCell kinetic modelling and the chemotherapy of cancer外部サイトThe Dynamics of physiologically structured populations外部サイトMathematics and the life sciences : selected lectures, Canadian Mathematical Congress, August 1975外部サイトAnalysis of neural networks外部サイトDepth perception in frogs and toads : a study in neural computing外部サイトModeling and control in the biomedical sciences外部サイトApplications of control theory in ecology : proceedings of the Symposium on Optimal Control Theory, held at the State University of New York, Syracuse, New York, August 10-16, 1986外部サイトDiffusion processes and related topics in biology外部サイトModeling HIV transmission and AIDS in the United States外部サイトSelection in one- and two-locus systems外部サイトSystems theory in immunology : proceedings of the working conference held in Rome, May 1978外部サイトLindenmayer systems, fractals, and plants外部サイトA stochastic model for immunological feedback in carcinogenesis : analysis and approximations外部サイトThe Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction外部サイトCompetition and cooperation in neural nets : proceedings of the U.S.-Japan joint seminar held at Kyoto, Japan, February 15-19, 1982外部サイトStochastic processes in epidemic theory : proceedings of a conference, held in Luminy, France, October 23-29, 1988外部サイトCommunity ecology : a workshop held at Davis, CA, April 1986外部サイトCompetition for space and the structure of ecological communities外部サイトEvolutionary dynamics of genetic diversity : proceedings of a symposium held in Manchester, England, March 29-30, 1983外部サイト






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Vito Volterra Symposium on Mathematical Models in Biology : proceedings of a conference held at the Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, December 17-21, 1979
Hybrid models of tropical infections
Acanthaster and the coral reef : a theoretical perspective : proceedings of a Workshop held at the Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Aug. 6-7, 1988
Physical principles in chemoreception
Stochastic problems in population genetics
Branching processes and neutral evolution
The stability concept of evolutionary game theory : a dynamic approach
Optimization of human cancer radiotherapy
Time lags in biological models
Mathematical analysis of decision problems in ecology : proceedings of the NATO conference held in Istanbul, Turkey, July 9-13, 1973
Mathematical and statistical approaches to AIDS epidemiology
Peripheral auditory mechanisms : proceedings of a conference held at Boston University, Boston, MA, August 13-16, 1985
Stochastic transport processes in discrete biological systems
Mathematical models of the dynamics of the human eye
The Golden age of theoretical ecology, 1923-1940 : a collection of works by V. Volterra, V. A. Kostitzin, A. J. Lotka, and A. N. Kolmogoroff
Stem cell proliferation and differentiation : a multitype branching process model
Mathematical ecology : proceedings of the autumn course (research seminars) held at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Miramare-Trieste, Italy, 29 November-10 December 1982
Questions of uniqueness and resolution in reconstruction from projection
Frontiers in mathematical biology
Intrinsic geometry of biological surface growth
Branching processes applied to cell surface aggregation phenomena
Measuring selection in natural populations
Mathematical models in medicine : workshop, Mainz, March 1976
Differential equations models in biology, epidemiology and ecology : proceedings of a Conference held in Claremont California, January 13-16, 1990
The measurement of biological shape and shape change
Trees and hierarchical structures : proceedings of a conference held at Bielefeld, FRG, Oct. 5-9th, 1987
Temporal-pattern learning in neural models
Antigen antibody interactions
Mathematics in biology and medicine : proceedings of an international conference held in Bari, Italy, July 18-22, 1983
Modeling and management of resources under uncertainty : proceedings of the Second U.S.-Australia Workshop on Renewable Resource Management held at the East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 9-12, 1985
Nonlinear oscillations in biology and chemistry : proceedings of a meeting held at the University of Utah, May 9-11, 1985
The Exploitation of evolving resources : proceedings of an International Conference, held at Jülich, Germany, September 3-5, 1991
Biological growth and spread : mathematical theories and applications : proceedings of a conference held at Heidelberg July 16-21, 1979
Estimation of mortality rates in stage-structured population
Population dynamics in variable environments
Algebras in genetics
Evolution and variation of multigene families
Biological motion : proceedings of a workshop held in Königswinter, Germany, March 16-19, 1989
Modèles mathématiques en biologíe : journées de la société mathématique de France, Montpellier, 22-24 Novembre 1978
Oscillations in mathematical biology : proceedings of a conference held at Adelphi University, April 19, 1982
Mathematical modelling in biology and ecology : proceedings of a symposium held at the CSIR, Pretoria, July 1979
Mathematical modeling of the hearing process : proceedings of the NSF-CBMS regional conference held in Troy, NY, July 21-25, 1980
Tracer kinetics and physiologic modeling : theory to practice : proceedings of a seminar held at St. Louis, Missouri, June 6, 1983
Mathematical topics in population biology, morphogenesis, and neurosciences : proceedings of an international symposium held in Kyoto, November 10-15, 1985
Mathematical problems in biology, Victoria conference
Gonorrhea transmission dynamics and control
Rhythms in biology and other fields of application : deterministic and stochastic approaches : proceedings of the Journées de la Société mathématique de France, held at Luminy, France, Sept. 14-18, 1981
Resource management : proceedings of the Second Ralf Yorque Workshop held in Ashland, Oregon, July 23-25, 1984
Mathematical structures of epidemic systems
Recognition of pattern and form : proceedings of a conference held at the University of Texas at Austin, March 22-24, 1979
Stochastic population theories
Transient processes in cell proliferation kinetics
The mathematical structure of the human sleep-wake cycle
Geometrical probability and biological structures, Buffon's 200th anniversary : proceedings of the Buffon Bicentenary Symposium on Geometrical Probability, Image Analysis, Mathematical Stereology, and Their Relevance to the Determination of Biological Structures, held in Paris, June 1977
The geometry of population genetics
Patch dynamics
Mathematical approaches to problems in resource management and epidemiology : proceedings of a conference held at Ithaca, NY, Oct. 28-30, 1987
Adaptation in stochastic environments
Mathematical models in biological discovery
Modelling of patterns in space and time : proceedings of a workshop held by the Sonderforschungsbereich 123 at Heidelberg, July 4-8, 1983
Stochastic models for spike trains of single neurons
Integrodifferential equations and delay models in population dynamics
Receptor/ligand sorting along the endocytic pathway
An essay on the importance of being nonlinear
Stochastic methods in biology : proceedings of a workshop held in Nagoya, Japan, July 8-12, 1985
Computer simulation in cell radiobiology
Compartmental modeling and tracer kinetics
Physics and mathematics of the nervous system : proceedings of a Summer School organized by the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, and the Institute for Information Sciences, University of Tübingen, held at Trieste, August 21-31, 1973
Population genetics in forestry : proceedings of the meeting of the IUFRO Working Party "Ecological and Population Genetics" held in Göttingen, August 21-24, 1984
Population biology : proceedings of the International Conference held at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, June 22-30, 1982
Models of the stochastic activity of neurones
Mathematical models in cell biology and cancer chemotherapy
Mathematical aspects of reacting and diffusing systems
Immunology and epidemiology : proceedings of an international conference held in Mogilany, Poland, February 18-25, 1985
Renewable resource management : proceedings of a Workshop on Control Theory Applied to Renewable Resource Management and Ecology held in Christchurch, New Zealand, January 7-11, 1980
Deterministic threshold models in the theory of epidemics
Kinetic logic : a Boolean approach to the analysis of complex regulatory systems : proceedings of the EMBO course "Formal analysis of genetic regulation," held in Brussels, September 6-16, 1977
The mechanics and biophysics of hearing : proceedings of a conference held at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, June 25-29, 1990
Identifiability of state space models, with applications to transformation systems
Theoretical approaches to complex systems : proceedings, Tübingen, June 11-12, 1977
Ion transport through biological membranes : an integrated theoretical approach
Cell kinetic modelling and the chemotherapy of cancer
The Dynamics of physiologically structured populations
Mathematics and the life sciences : selected lectures, Canadian Mathematical Congress, August 1975
Analysis of neural networks
Depth perception in frogs and toads : a study in neural computing
Modeling and control in the biomedical sciences
Applications of control theory in ecology : proceedings of the Symposium on Optimal Control Theory, held at the State University of New York, Syracuse, New York, August 10-16, 1986
Diffusion processes and related topics in biology
Modeling HIV transmission and AIDS in the United States
Selection in one- and two-locus systems
Systems theory in immunology : proceedings of the working conference held in Rome, May 1978
Lindenmayer systems, fractals, and plants
A stochastic model for immunological feedback in carcinogenesis : analysis and approximations
The Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction
Competition and cooperation in neural nets : proceedings of the U.S.-Japan joint seminar held at Kyoto, Japan, February 15-19, 1982
Stochastic processes in epidemic theory : proceedings of a conference, held in Luminy, France, October 23-29, 1988
Community ecology : a workshop held at Davis, CA, April 1986
Competition for space and the structure of ecological communities
Evolutionary dynamics of genetic diversity : proceedings of a symposium held in Manchester, England, March 29-30, 1983
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