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- new ser. v. 1(1974)-v.4(1975), title: "Costerus : Essays in English and American language and literature."
- 関連情報
- In Paris or Paname : Hemingway's expatriate nationalismThe Life and the art : a study of Conrad's "Under Western eyes"Men alone : masculinity, individualism, and hard-boiled fictionAmerican literature in BelgiumPassionate intelligence : the poetry of Geoffrey HillTelling histories : narrativizing history, historicizing literatureTheme parks, rainforests and sprouting wastelands : European essays on theory and performance in contemporary British fictionThe medieval chronicle II : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Medieval Chronicle, Driebergen/Utrecht 16-21 July 1999Labyrinth of digressions : Tristram Shandy as perceived and influenced by Sterne's early imitatorsAn integrated transformational grammar of the English languageThe conning of America : the Great War and American popular literatureLinguistics and the study of literatureYeats and the drama of sacred spaceLaurence Nowell, William Lambarde, and the laws of the Anglo-SaxonsTowering figures : reading the 9/11 archiveWriting the early modern English nation : the transformation of national identity in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century EnglandAlison Lurie : a critical studyGothick origins and innovationsWriting in the southern tradition : interviews with five contemporary authorsThe swarming streets : twentieth-century literary representations of LondonRewriting history : Peter Carey's fictional biography of AustraliaCentaurs in the twilight : W.B. Yeats's use of the classical traditionStudies in seventeenth-century English literature, history, and bibliography : festschrift for Professor T.A. Birrell on the occasion of his sixtieth birthdayNorman Mailer's novelsThe fantastic anatomist : a psychoanalytic study of Henry JamesCorpus linguistics : recent developments in the use of computer corpora in English language researchInvisible man's literary heritage : Benito Cereno and Moby DickFrom Caxton to Beckett : essays presented to W.H. Toppen on the occasion of his seventieth birthdayThe B text of the old English Bede : a linguistic commentaryLyrical positivismThe making of new cultures : a literary perspectiveThe last good land : Spain in American literatureTime patterns in later Dickens : a study of the thematic implications of the temporal organization of Bleak House, Hard Times, Little Dorrit, A tale of two cities, Great expectations and Our mutual friendT.F. Powys : a modern allegorist : the companion novels, Mr Weston's good wine and Unclay, in the light of modern allegorical theoryMinor American fiction, 1920-1940 : a survey and an introductionThe languages of Joseph ConradBetween sacred and profane : narrative design and the logic of myth from Chaucer to CooverThe analysis of motives : early American psychology and fictionDiscourse : essay on English and American literatureExplorations in the field of nonsenseParadigms found : feminist, gay, and new historicist readings of ShakespeareAspects of lyric in the poetry of Emily BrontëFiction as survival strategy : a comparative study of the major works of Ernest Hemingway and Saul BellowGraham Greene, an introduction to his writingsA structural analysis of the honorary consul by Graham GreeneRichardson the novelist : the psychological patternsLandmarks of Shakespeare criticismFielding practice : a study of the novels of Henry FieldingConversations with contemporary American writers : Saul Bellow, I.B. Singer, Joyce Carol Oates, David Madden, Barry Beckham, Josephine Miles, Gerald Stern, Stephen Dunn, Etheridge Knight, Marilynne Robinson, William StaffordCritical analysis of fiction : essays in discourse stylisticsMark Twain : humour on the runLove in Jeanette Winterson's novelsA garland for GissingGyascutus : studies in antebellum Southern humorous and sporting writingWandering into Brave New WorldThe margins of meaning : arguments for a postmodern approach to language and textSir John Vanbrugh and the end of restoration comedyMissed understandings : a study of stage adaptations of the works of James JoyceA man of many parts : Gissing's short stories, essay and other worksUnder English eyes : constructions of Europe in early twentieth-century British fictionThis noble craft ... : proceedings of the Xth Research Symposium of the Dutch and Belgian University Teachers of Old and Middle English and Historical Linguistics, Utrecht, 19-20 January, 1989Henry James and GermanyNew essays on American dramaLinguistic studies offered to Berthe SiertsemaWallace Thurman's harlem renaissanceLiterature and lore of the seaGothic to multicultural : idioms of imagining in American literary fictionLove, Sex and marriage : a historical thesaurusThe other in the school stories : a phenomenon in British children's literatureBerryman's Henry : living at the intersection of need and artGoodbye Yeats and O'Neill : farce in contemporary Irish and Irish-American narrativesRadicalizing Lawrence : Critical Interventions in the Reading and Reception of D.H. Lawrence's Narrative FictionThat cunning alphabet : Melville's aesthetics of natureHistory and violence in Anglo-Irish literatureWhite male disability in modernist literature : reading Lawrence, Hemingway, and FaulknerA wife for a monethOne hundred years of English studies in Dutch universities : seventeen papers read at the Centenary Conference, Groningen, 15-16 January 1986Forging in the smithy : national identity and representation in Anglo-Irish literary historyThe middle English letter of Alexander to AristotleThe United stories of America : studies in the short story compositeIreland in writing : interviews with writers and academicsD.H. Lawrence and Germany : the politics of influenceTumult of images : essay on W.B. Yeats and politicsCorpus linguistics and beyond : proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized CorporaLiterature along the lines of flight : D.H.Lawrence's later novels and critical theoryRæd and Frofer : Christian poetics in the Old English Froferboc metersEmbattled home fronts : domestic politics and the American novel of World War IA Centre of excellence : essays presented to Seymour BetskyThe house as a symbol : Joyce Cary and 'The Turkish house'A grammar of the English languageErnest Hemingway in Holland, 1925-1981 : a comparative analysis of the contemporary Dutch and American critical reception of his workPatterns and patterning : a study of four poems by George HerbertThe disappearance of literatureBodies and their spaces : system, crisis and transformation in early modern theatreThe Medieval Chronicle : proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Medieval Chronicle, Driebergen/Utrecht 13-16 July, 1996Margaret Atwood : feminism and fictionTalking to the dead : a study of Irish funerary traditionsRitual remembering : history, myth and politics in Anglo-Irish dramaSecular visionaries : aestheticism and New Zealand short fiction in the twentieth centuryPage to stage : theatre as translationPoetry and the sense of panic : critical essays on Elizabeth Bishop and John AshberyFellowship in Paradise Lost : Vergil, Milton, WordsworthBetween dream and nature : essays on Utopia and DystopiaBells chiming from the past : cultural and linguistic studies on early EnglishAh, what is it? - that I heard : Katherine Mansfield's wings of wonderThe Crows behind the plough : history and violence in anglo-irish poetry and dramaWynkyn de Worde and Chaucer's Canterbury tales : a transcription and collation of the 1498 edition with Caxton from The genernal prologue through The knight's taleA thesaurus of Old English : in two volumesThe power of words : essays in lexicography, lexicology and semantics : in honour of Christian J. KaySilk and potatoes : contemporary Arthurian fantasyOffspring fictions : Salman Rushdie's family novelsNew essays in deixis : discourse, narrative, literatureStudies in the lexical field of expectationHenry Fielding and William Hogarth : the correspondences of the artsStructures of opposition in Old English poemsAllegories of telling : self-referential narrative in contemporary British fictionThe thread of connection : aspects of fate in the novels of Jane Austen and othersThe Romantic age in prose : an anthologyWithin and without eternity : the dynamics of interaction in William Blake's myth and poetryThe middle English letter of Alexander to AristotleGraham Greene, an introduction to his writingsTroubled histories, troubled fictions : twentieth-century Anglo-Irish proseCambridge, Corpus Christi College 41 : the loricas and the missalVictorian literary mesmerismThe life of the mind in Old English poetryThe verbal empires of Simon Vestdijk and James JoyceA changing world of words : studies in English historical lexicography, lexicology and semanticsElizabeth Bowen and the writing of trauma : the ethics of survivalFrom Cooper to Philip Roth : essays on American literature presented to J.G. Riewald on the occasion of his seventieth birthdayBack to the present:Forward to the past : Irish Writing and History since 1798Beyond and beneath the mantle : on Thomas Pynchon's The crying of lot 49Politics and the rhetoric of poetry : perspectives on modern Anglo-Irish poetryWomen's movement : escape as transgression in North American feminist fictionS. N. Behrman : the major playsBlue in old English : an interdisciplinary semantic studyTradition and the poetics of self in nineteenth-century women's poetryRewriting the dream : reflections on the changing American literary canonPagan words and christian meaningsThis day our daily fictions : an enquiry into the multi-million bestseller status of Enid Blyton and Ian FlemingShamans in turtlenecksDesigning a computerized lexicon for linguistic purposesTradition, undercut, and discovery : eight essays on British literatureConrad's cities : essays for Hans van MarleBetween time and eternity : nine essays on W.B. Yeats and his contemporaries Hofmannsthal and BlokLexis and texts in Early English : studies presented to Jane RobertsThe fiction of Paul Bowles : the soul is the weariest part of the bodyThe Fyve wyttes : a late Middle English devotional treatiseVisions of Dante in English poetry : translations of the Commedia from Jonathan Richardson to William BlackThe body impolitic : a reading of four novels by Herman MelvilleAn anatomy of literary nonsenseEugene O'Neill and the emergence of American dramaThe critical reception of American literature in the Netherlands, 1824-1900 : a documentary conspectus from contemporary periodicalsThe female Crusoe : hybridity, trade and the eighteenth-century individualThe mirror of Everyman's salvation : a prose translation of the original EverymanIn words and deeds : the spectacle of incest in English Renaissance tragedyCorpus linguistics II : new studies in the analysis and exploitation of computer corporaEssays on English and American literature and a sheaf of poems : offered to David Wilkinson on the occasion of his retirement from the Chair of English literature in the University of GroningenMisreading England : poetry and nationhood since the Second World WarPhilip Larkin's poetics : theory and practice of an English post-war poetAmerican history in transition : from religion to scienceAmerican migrant fictions : space, narrative, identityT.S. Eliot's ascetic ideal
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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- CiNii Books