タイトルよみकात्यायन शुल्ब सूत्रम् : राम वाजपेयि प्रणीत विवृति टीका समेतम्
著者・編者[editor and translator] Shankar Gopal Nene
並列タイトル等Śulbasūtra of Kātyāyana with vivṛti commentary of Ramavajapeyi
Kātyāyana-Śulbasūtra with vivṛti commentary of Ramachandra Vajapeyi : a critical edition and translation
The seventh pariśiṣṭa or appendix of Kātyāyana's Śrautasūtra of Śuklayajurveda
Kātyayana's funicular laws, laws of curvilinear and linear measurements with elaborate illustrations/figures and translation
一般注記English and Sanskrit
Summary: Classical work, with commentaries on the mensuration of the Vedic sacrificial altars; authorship ascribed to Kātyāyana, Authority on Smr̥tiśāstra
Includes bibliographical references (p. [148]-150) and index
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BB25891025 : BB25891025