
ILR/Cornell paperbacks


ILR/Cornell paperbacks

Cornell University Press



"ILR Press an imprint of Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London" -- Illusions of opportunity / Sonia Ospina <BA28108958>


Class lives : stories from across our economic divide外部サイトFrom predators to icons : exposing the myth of the business hero外部サイトA new new deal : how regional activism will reshape the American labor movement外部サイトDifferences that matter : social policy and the working poor in the United States and Canada外部サイトBeyond the ruins : the meanings of deindustrialization外部サイトTelecommunications : restructuring work and employment relations worldwide外部サイトThe killing of Karen Silkwood : the story behind the Kerr-McGee plutonium case外部サイトConverging divergences : worldwide changes in employment systems外部サイトButtoned up : clothing, conformity, and white-collar masculinity外部サイトBuoyancy on the bayou : shrimpers face the rising tide of globalization外部サイトThe state of working America外部サイトConflicting commitments : the politics of enforcing immigrant worker rights in San Jose and Houston外部サイトMutual aid and union renewal : cycles of logics of action外部サイトFields of combat : understanding PTSD among veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan外部サイトFrom silence to voice : what nurses know and must communicate to the public外部サイトLabor in the new urban battlegrounds : local solidarity in a global economy外部サイトParadise laborers : hotel work in the global economy外部サイトHealing together : the labor-management partnership at Kaiser Permanente外部サイトJust another car factory? : lean production and its discontents外部サイトEncountering religion in the workplace : the legal rights and responsibilities of workers and employers外部サイトPublic workers : government employee unions, the law, and the state, 1900-1962外部サイトCrossing the great divide : worker risk and opportunity in the new economy外部サイトCreative state : forty years of migration and development policy in Morocco and Mexico外部サイトUnwelcome and unlawful : sexual harassment in the American workplace外部サイトTransnational tortillas : race, gender, and shop-floor politics in Mexico and the United States外部サイトNurses on the move : migration and the global health care economy外部サイトBuilding more effective unions外部サイトCorporate wasteland : the landscape and memory of deindustrialization外部サイトWorking through the past : labor and authoritarian legacies in comparative perspective外部サイトRetirement on the line : age, work, and value in an American factory外部サイトThe betrayal of Local 14外部サイトThe sex of class : women transforming American labor外部サイトThe working class majority : America's best kept secret外部サイトCity of strangers : Gulf migration and the Indian community in Bahrain外部サイトFighting for a living wage外部サイトDisintegrating democracy at work : labor unions and the future of good jobs in the service economy外部サイトA measure of fairness : the economics of living wages and minimum wages in the United States外部サイトThe caring self : the work experiences of home care aides外部サイトEmployment with a human face : balancing efficiency, equity, and voice外部サイトThe cinema of globalization : a guide to films about the new economic order外部サイトBetween craft and science : technical work in U.S. settings外部サイトOrganizing to win : new research on union strategies外部サイトTemps : the many faces of the changing workplace外部サイトUnfair advantage : workers' freedom of association in the United States under international human rights standards外部サイトPower in coalition : strategies for strong unions and social change外部サイトThird-sector development : making up for the market外部サイトBeyond the checklist : what else health care can learn from aviation teamwork and safety外部サイトOrganizing at the margins : the symbolic politics of labor in South Korea and the United States外部サイトIllusions of opportunity : employee expectations and workplace inequality外部サイトMobilizing restraint : democracy and industrial conflict in postreform South Asia外部サイトFramed! : labor and the corporate media外部サイトThe real world of employee ownership外部サイトJuki girls, good girls : gender and cultural politics in Sri Lanka's global garment industry外部サイトValues at work : employee participation meets market pressure at Mondragón外部サイトWhen doctors join unions外部サイトThe state of working America外部サイトJapan works : power and paradox in postwar industrial relations外部サイトUnion voices : tactics and tensions in UK organizing外部サイトPhone clones : authenticity work in the transnational service economy外部サイトNotes on Nightingale : the influence and legacy of a nursing icon外部サイトAssembling women : the feminization of global manufacturing外部サイトWhat workers say : employee voice in the Anglo-American workplace外部サイトWhat's class got to do with it? : American society in the twenty-first century外部サイトThe caregiver : a life with Alzheimer's外部サイトNew working-class studies外部サイトTransnational cooperation among labor unions外部サイトContingent work : American employment relations in transition外部サイトWorker centers : organizing communities at the edge of the dream外部サイトThe worker center handbook : a practical guide to starting and building the new labor movement外部サイトMotherhood, the elephant in the laboratory : women scientists speak out外部サイトThe unions and the Democrats : an enduring alliance外部サイトCounter culture : the American coffee shop waitress外部サイトFinding time : how corporations, individuals, and families can benefit from new work practices外部サイトCommunities without borders : images and voices from the world of migration外部サイトSatanic mills or silicon islands? : the politics of high-tech production in the Philippines外部サイトBlack freedom fighters in steel : the struggle for democratic unionism外部サイトGlobal unions : challenging transnational capital through cross-border campaigns外部サイトBlue-green coalitions : fighting for safe workplaces and healthy communities外部サイトWalmart in China外部サイトRebuilding labor : organizing and organizers in the new union movement外部サイトNever good enough : health care workers and the false promise of job training外部サイトGlobal unions, local power : the new spirit of transnational labor organizing外部サイトIt's about time : couples and careers外部サイトBreaking the mold : redesigning work for productive and satisfying lives外部サイトManufacturing advantage : why high-performance work systems pay off外部サイトIf we can win here : the new front lines of the labor movement外部サイトFrom servants to workers : South African domestic workers and the democratic state外部サイトPlaying for dollars : labor relations and the sports business外部サイトThe next upsurge : labor and the new social movements外部サイトOrganizing immigrants : the challenge for unions in contemporary California外部サイトThe working class majority : America's best kept secret外部サイトThe new unionism : employee involvement in the changing corporation外部サイトGhostworkers and greens : the cooperative campaigns of farmworkers and environmentalists for pesticide reform外部サイトReading classes : on culture and classism in America外部サイトWorking for justice : the L.A. model of organizing and advocacy外部サイトAgitate! educate! organize! : American labor posters外部サイトFrom silence to voice : what nurses know and must communicate to the public外部サイトWhat workers want外部サイト






  • CiNii Research

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"ILR Press an imprint of Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London" -- Illusions of opportunity / Sonia Ospina <BA28108958>
Class lives : stories from across our economic divide
From predators to icons : exposing the myth of the business hero
A new new deal : how regional activism will reshape the American labor movement
Differences that matter : social policy and the working poor in the United States and Canada
Beyond the ruins : the meanings of deindustrialization
Telecommunications : restructuring work and employment relations worldwide
The killing of Karen Silkwood : the story behind the Kerr-McGee plutonium case
Converging divergences : worldwide changes in employment systems
Buttoned up : clothing, conformity, and white-collar masculinity
Buoyancy on the bayou : shrimpers face the rising tide of globalization
The state of working America
Conflicting commitments : the politics of enforcing immigrant worker rights in San Jose and Houston
Mutual aid and union renewal : cycles of logics of action
Fields of combat : understanding PTSD among veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan
From silence to voice : what nurses know and must communicate to the public
Labor in the new urban battlegrounds : local solidarity in a global economy
Paradise laborers : hotel work in the global economy
Healing together : the labor-management partnership at Kaiser Permanente
Just another car factory? : lean production and its discontents
Encountering religion in the workplace : the legal rights and responsibilities of workers and employers
Public workers : government employee unions, the law, and the state, 1900-1962
Crossing the great divide : worker risk and opportunity in the new economy
Creative state : forty years of migration and development policy in Morocco and Mexico
Unwelcome and unlawful : sexual harassment in the American workplace
Transnational tortillas : race, gender, and shop-floor politics in Mexico and the United States
Nurses on the move : migration and the global health care economy
Building more effective unions
Corporate wasteland : the landscape and memory of deindustrialization
Working through the past : labor and authoritarian legacies in comparative perspective
Retirement on the line : age, work, and value in an American factory
The betrayal of Local 14
The sex of class : women transforming American labor
The working class majority : America's best kept secret
City of strangers : Gulf migration and the Indian community in Bahrain
Fighting for a living wage
Disintegrating democracy at work : labor unions and the future of good jobs in the service economy
A measure of fairness : the economics of living wages and minimum wages in the United States
The caring self : the work experiences of home care aides
Employment with a human face : balancing efficiency, equity, and voice
The cinema of globalization : a guide to films about the new economic order
Between craft and science : technical work in U.S. settings
Organizing to win : new research on union strategies
Temps : the many faces of the changing workplace
Unfair advantage : workers' freedom of association in the United States under international human rights standards
Power in coalition : strategies for strong unions and social change
Third-sector development : making up for the market
Beyond the checklist : what else health care can learn from aviation teamwork and safety
Organizing at the margins : the symbolic politics of labor in South Korea and the United States
Illusions of opportunity : employee expectations and workplace inequality
Mobilizing restraint : democracy and industrial conflict in postreform South Asia
Framed! : labor and the corporate media
The real world of employee ownership
Juki girls, good girls : gender and cultural politics in Sri Lanka's global garment industry
Values at work : employee participation meets market pressure at Mondragón
When doctors join unions
The state of working America
Japan works : power and paradox in postwar industrial relations
Union voices : tactics and tensions in UK organizing
Phone clones : authenticity work in the transnational service economy
Notes on Nightingale : the influence and legacy of a nursing icon
Assembling women : the feminization of global manufacturing
What workers say : employee voice in the Anglo-American workplace
What's class got to do with it? : American society in the twenty-first century
The caregiver : a life with Alzheimer's
New working-class studies
Transnational cooperation among labor unions
Contingent work : American employment relations in transition
Worker centers : organizing communities at the edge of the dream
The worker center handbook : a practical guide to starting and building the new labor movement
Motherhood, the elephant in the laboratory : women scientists speak out
The unions and the Democrats : an enduring alliance
Counter culture : the American coffee shop waitress
Finding time : how corporations, individuals, and families can benefit from new work practices
Communities without borders : images and voices from the world of migration
Satanic mills or silicon islands? : the politics of high-tech production in the Philippines
Black freedom fighters in steel : the struggle for democratic unionism
Global unions : challenging transnational capital through cross-border campaigns
Blue-green coalitions : fighting for safe workplaces and healthy communities
Walmart in China
Rebuilding labor : organizing and organizers in the new union movement
Never good enough : health care workers and the false promise of job training
Global unions, local power : the new spirit of transnational labor organizing
It's about time : couples and careers
Breaking the mold : redesigning work for productive and satisfying lives
Manufacturing advantage : why high-performance work systems pay off
If we can win here : the new front lines of the labor movement
From servants to workers : South African domestic workers and the democratic state
Playing for dollars : labor relations and the sports business
The next upsurge : labor and the new social movements
Organizing immigrants : the challenge for unions in contemporary California
The working class majority : America's best kept secret
The new unionism : employee involvement in the changing corporation
Ghostworkers and greens : the cooperative campaigns of farmworkers and environmentalists for pesticide reform
Reading classes : on culture and classism in America
Working for justice : the L.A. model of organizing and advocacy
Agitate! educate! organize! : American labor posters
From silence to voice : what nurses know and must communicate to the public
What workers want
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books