
RoutledgeCurzon contemporary China series


RoutledgeCurzon contemporary China series




Publisher varies: London : Routledge


Regime legitimacy in contemporary China : institutional change and stability外部サイトGender and education in China : gender discourses and women's schooling in the early twentieth century外部サイトHousing inequality in Chinese cities外部サイトSouthern China : industry, development and industrial policy外部サイトChina's approach to central Asia : the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation外部サイトSocial capital and institutional constraints : a comparative analysis of China, Taiwan and the US外部サイトPolitics and markets in rural China外部サイトChristian values in Communist China外部サイトThe politics of memory in Sinophone cinemas and image culture : altering archives外部サイトParenting, education, and social mobility in rural China : cultivating dragons and phoenixes外部サイトSinologism : an alternative to orientalism and postcolonialism外部サイトThe Uyghur lobby : global networks, coalitions and strategies of the world Uyghur congress外部サイトXinjiang and China's rise in Central Asia : a history外部サイトEconomy, emotion, and ethics in Chinese cinema : globalization on speed外部サイトLaw, policy, and practice on China's periphery : selective adaptation and institutional capacity外部サイトReligion in contemporary China : revitalization and innovation外部サイトChina turns to multilateralism : foreign policy and regional security外部サイトParty hegemony and entrepreneurial power in China : institutional change in the film and music industries外部サイトChina and Africa development relations外部サイトMedia power in Hong Kong : hyper-marketized media and cultural resistance外部サイトChina's hydro-politics in the Mekong : conflict and cooperation in light of securitization theory外部サイトChina's changing economy : trends, impacts and the future外部サイトTelevision drama in contemporary China : political, social and cultural phenomena外部サイトChinese environmental aesthetics外部サイトChina's relations with Central and Eastern Europe : from "old comrades" to new partners外部サイトThe politics of China's accession to the World Trade Organization : the dragon goes global外部サイトIncentives for innovation in China : building an innovative economy外部サイトEducation reform in China : changing concepts, contexts and practices外部サイトChinese Muslims and the global Ummah : Islamic revival and ethnic identity among the Hui of Qinghai Province外部サイトInside Xinjiang : space, place and power in China's Muslim far Northwest外部サイトHuman security and the Chinese state : historical transformations and the modern quest for sovereignty外部サイトManagement training and development in China : educating managers in a globalized economy外部サイトChina's rise and the Chinese overseas外部サイトLeisure and power in urban China : everyday life in a Chinese city外部サイトChina's foreign trade policy : the new constituencies外部サイトIslam and China's Hong Kong : ethnic identity, Muslim networks and the new Silk Road外部サイトChinese globalization : a profile of people-based global connections in China外部サイトThe politics of China's accession to the World Trade Organization : the dragon goes global外部サイトThe Chinese party-state in the 21st century : adaptation and the reinvention of legitimacy外部サイトDisability policy in China : child and family experiences外部サイトReconfiguring class, gender, ethnicity and ethics in Chinese internet culture外部サイトThe Chinese Communist Party and China's capitalist revolution : the political impact of the market外部サイトIrony, cynicism and the Chinese state外部サイトEconomy hotels in China : a glocalized innovative hospitality sector外部サイトChina's unruly journalists : how committed professionals are changing the People's Republic外部サイトThe reception and rendition of Freud in China : China's Freudian slip外部サイトChina's peasant agriculture and rural society : changing paradigms of farming外部サイトGender and work in urban China : women workers of the unlucky generation外部サイトChina's changing workplace : dynamism, diversity and disparity外部サイトChina's energy geopolitics : the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Central Asia外部サイトChallenges for China's development : an enterprise perspective外部サイトState and society responses to social welfare needs in China : serving the people外部サイトPolitics in China since 1949 : legitimizing authoritarian rule外部サイトEmerging adulthood in Hong Kong : social forces and civic engagement外部サイトChina, Xinjiang and Central Asia : history, transition and crossborder interaction into the 21st century外部サイトGender, modernity and male migrant workers in China : becoming a 'modern' man外部サイトEmissions, pollutants and environmental policy in China : designing a national emissions trading system外部サイトExplaining railway reform in China : a train of property rights re-arrangements外部サイトChina, Xinjiang and Central Asia : history, transition and crossborder interaction into the 21st century外部サイトLaw and policy for China's market socialism外部サイトRent seeking in China外部サイトNew crime in China : public order and human rights外部サイトIntellectual property rights in China : politics of piracy, trade and protection外部サイトChinese migration and economic relations with Europe外部サイトChina's supreme court外部サイトChinese fans of Japanese and Korean pop culture : nationalistic narratives and international fandom外部サイトSuicide and justice : a Chinese perspective外部サイトForecasting China's future : dominance or collapse?外部サイトXinjiang in the twenty-first century : Islam, ethnicity and resistance外部サイトNew modern Chinese women and gender politics : the centennial of the end of the Qing Dynasty外部サイトLooking for work in post-socialist China : governance, active job seekers and the new Chinese labour market外部サイトChina's strategic priorities外部サイトConsumer-citizens of China : the role of foreign brands in the imagined future China外部サイトSARS : reception and interpretations in three Chinese cities外部サイトChina, the West and the myth of new public management : neoliberalism and its discontents外部サイトGender and education in China : gender discourses and women's schooling in the early twentieth century外部サイトGay and lesbian subculture in urban China外部サイトInterest groups and the new democracy movement in Hong Kong外部サイトChina's Soviet dream : propaganda, culture, and popular imagination外部サイトPatron-client politics and elections in Hong Kong外部サイトIndustrialisation and rural livelihoods in China : agricultural processing in Sichuan外部サイトChina and Africa : engagement and compromise外部サイトChina-U.S. relations transformed : perspectives and strategic interactions外部サイトGuangdong and Chinese diaspora : the changing landscape of Qiaoxiang外部サイトChina's state enterprise reform : from Marx to the market外部サイトChina, oil and global politics外部サイトThe politics of controlling organized crime in greater China外部サイトChina's generation gap外部サイトNon-governmental organizations in contemporary China : paving the way to civil society?外部サイトChina studies in the Philippines : intellectual paths and the formation of a field外部サイトTeacher management in China : the transformation of educational systems外部サイトSino-Latin American economic relations外部サイトCultural heritage management in China : preserving the cities of the Pearl River Delta外部サイトState-led privatization in China : the politics of economic reform外部サイトConflict and cooperation in Sino-US relations : change and continuity, causes and cures外部サイトSustainable development in China外部サイトHIV/AIDS in China : the economic and social determinants外部サイトRent seeking in China外部サイトChina's military procurement in the reform era : the setting of new directions外部サイトMao's China and the Sino-Soviet split : ideological dilemma外部サイトGlobalization and the Chinese city外部サイトConsumer-citizens of China : the role of foreign brands in the imagined future China外部サイトChina's one-child policy and multiple caregiving : raising little suns in Xiamen外部サイトRural migrants in urban China : enclaves and transient urbanism外部サイトState-market interactions in China's reform era : local state competition and global market-building in the tobacco industry外部サイトChina-Taiwan relations in a global context : Taiwan's foreign policy and relations外部サイトCitizenship, identity and social movements in the new Hong Kong : localism after the umbrella movement外部サイトTransforming Chinese cities外部サイトChina's financial opening : coalition politics and policy changes外部サイトHegemony with Chinese characteristics : from the tributary system to the Belt and Road Initiative外部サイトGlobalization and welfare restructuring in China : the authoritarianism that listens?外部サイトSocial capital and institutional constraints : a comparative analysis of China, Taiwan and the US外部サイトChinese middle classes : Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and China外部サイトRural migrants in urban China : enclaves and transient urbanism外部サイトThe middle class in neoliberal China : governing risk, life-building, and themed spaces外部サイトState and society responses to social welfare needs in China : serving the people外部サイトCorporate women in contemporary China : "We've always worked"外部サイトSensing China : modern transformations of sensory culture外部サイトHuman-animal interactions in Anthropocene Asia外部サイトRed tourism in China : commodification of propaganda外部サイトChinese film stars外部サイトInnovative and creative industries in Hong Kong : a global city in China and Asia外部サイトChina, oil and global politics外部サイトCyberdualism in China : the political implications of Internet exposure of educated youth外部サイトFootbinding and women's labor in Sichuan外部サイトLaw and fair work in China外部サイトLocal governance innovation in China : experimentation, diffusion, and defiance外部サイトEconomic policy making in China (1949-2016) : the role of economists外部サイトChina's approach to central Asia : the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation外部サイトTeacher management in China : the transformation of educational systems外部サイトLaw, wealth and power in China : commercial law reforms in context外部サイトDisruptive innovation in Chinese and Indian businesses : the strategic implications for local entrepreneurs and global incumbents外部サイトCorporate governance and banking in China外部サイトHuman security and the Chinese state : historical transformations and the modern quest for sovereignty外部サイトQueer sinophone cultures外部サイトChina's higher education reform and internationalisation外部サイトHong Kong's tortuous democratization : a comparative analysis外部サイトInstitutional balancing in the Asia Pacific : economic interdependence and China's rise外部サイトReconciling state, market and society in China : the long march toward prosperity外部サイトSocial policy and migration in China外部サイトChina's climate-energy policy : domestic and international impacts外部サイトMigration in post-colonial Hong Kong外部サイトThe identity of Zhiqing : the lost generation外部サイトChinese television in the twenty-first century : entertaining the nation外部サイトNew Confucianism in twenty-first century China : the construction of a discourse外部サイトIndustrialisation and rural livelihoods in China : agricultural processing in Sichuan外部サイトEducation reform in China : changing concepts, contexts and practices外部サイトInternational human resource management in Chinese multinationals外部サイトGuangdong and Chinese diaspora : the changing landscape of Qiaoxiang外部サイトGlobalization and welfare restructuring in China : the authoritarianism that listens?外部サイトHong Kong, China : learning to belong to a nation外部サイトPaying for progress in China : public finance, human welfare and changing patterns of inequality外部サイトPolitics in China since 1949 : legitimizing authoritarian rule外部サイトWestern bankers in China : institutional change and corporate governance外部サイトDeveloping China : land, politics and social conditions外部サイトCivilising citizens in post-Mao China : understanding the rhetoric of suzhi外部サイトIntellectual property rights in China : politics of piracy, trade and protection外部サイトCitizenship, identity and social movements in the new Hong Kong : localism after the umbrella movement外部サイトChina's regions in an era of globalization外部サイトFootbinding and women's labor in Sichuan外部サイトTrade unions in China : the challenge of labour unrest外部サイトChina's higher education reform and internationalisation外部サイトInside Xinjiang : space, place and power in China's Muslim far northwest外部サイトThe Lahu minority in Southwest China : a response to ethnic marginalization on the frontier外部サイトPolitics and government in Hong Kong : crisis under Chinese sovereignty外部サイトIn search of China's development model : beyond the Beijing Consensus外部サイトThe occupy movement in Hong Kong : sustaining decentralized protest外部サイトTourism and Tibetan culture in transition : a place called Shangrila外部サイトInnovation in China : the Chinese software industry外部サイトChina's new underclass : paid domestic labour外部サイトThe Uyghur lobby : global networks, coalitions, and strategies of the world Uyghur congress外部サイトChina's generation gap外部サイトInternet video culture in China : YouTube, Youku, and the space in between外部サイトChina's foreign trade policy : the new constituencies外部サイトXinjiang and China's rise in Central Asia : a history外部サイトThe politics of heritage tourism in China : a view from Lijiang外部サイトCivil society in China and Taiwan : agency, class and boundaries外部サイトChina and global trade governance : China's first decade in the World Trade Organization外部サイトChina's emerging cities : the making of new urbanism外部サイトChina turns to multilateralism : foreign policy and regional security外部サイトAssessing the balance of power in central-local relations in China外部サイトMapping media in China : region, province, locality外部サイトAnimation in China : history, aesthetics, media外部サイトPopular media, social emotion and public discourse in contemporary China外部サイトThe Chinese transformation of corporate culture外部サイトReligion and ecological sustainability in China外部サイトTelevision regulation and media policy in China外部サイトLooking for work in post-socialist China : governance, active job seekers and the new Chinese labour market外部サイトThe Chinese family today外部サイトChinese kinship : contemporary anthropological perspectives外部サイトChinese male homosexualities : memba, tongzhi and golden boy外部サイトThe geopolitics of red oil : constructing the China threat through energy security外部サイトThe economic roots of the umbrella movement in Hong Kong : globalization and the rise of China外部サイトSocial entrepreneurship in the Greater China region : policy and cases外部サイトThe middle class in neoliberal China : governing risk, life-building, and themed spaces外部サイトChinese middle classes : Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and China外部サイトInternational regimes in China : domestic implementation of the international fisheries agreements外部サイトPoverty and development in China : alternative approaches to poverty assessment外部サイトNationalism, democracy and national integration in China外部サイトChinese kinship : contemporary anthropological perspectives外部サイトCorporate social responsibility reporting in China : evolution, drivers and prospects外部サイトGlobalization and public sector reform in China外部サイトNeoliberalism and culture in China and Hong Kong : the countdown of time外部サイトChinese Muslims and the global Ummah : Islamic revival and ethnic identity among the Hui of Qinghai Province外部サイトChina-US relations transformed : perspectives and strategic interactions外部サイトThe politics of heritage tourism in China : a view from Lijiang外部サイトU.S.-China relations : China policy on Capitol Hill外部サイトTrade unions in China : the challenge of labour unrest外部サイトReconfiguring class, gender, ethnicity and ethics in Chinese internet culture外部サイトThe Chinese corporatist state : adaption, survival and resistance外部サイトPatron-client politics and elections in Hong Kong外部サイトInternational governance and regimes : a Chinese perspective外部サイトChina's socialist rule of law reforms under Xi Jinping外部サイトGender and employment in rural China外部サイトSex, science and morality in China外部サイトAnimation in China : history, aesthetics, media外部サイトRethinking Chinese popular culture : cannibalizations of the canon外部サイトUnemployment in China : economy, human resources and labour markets外部サイトMedia power in Hong Kong : hyper-marketized media and cultural resistance外部サイトCivilising citizens in post-Mao China : understanding the rhetoric of suzhi外部サイトThe China model and global political economy : comparison, impact, and interaction外部サイトChina's peasant agriculture and rural society : changing paradigms of farming外部サイトChinese fans of Japanese and Korean pop culture : nationalistic narratives and international fandom外部サイトChinese family business and the equal inheritance system : unravelling the myth外部サイトMao's China and the Sino-Soviet split : ideological dilemma外部サイトLaw and fair work in China外部サイトTransforming Chinese cities外部サイトSecuritization of the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong : the rise of a patriotocratic system外部サイトChina's energy security : a multidimensional perspective外部サイトMacau 20 years after the handover : changes and challenges under "one country, two systems"外部サイトChina's quest for sporting mega-events : the politics of international bids外部サイトHong Kong's new identity politics : longing for the local in the shadow of China外部サイトDoing labor activism in South China : the complicity of uncertainty外部サイトGender and work in urban China : women workers of the unlucky generation外部サイトThe pulse of China's grand strategy外部サイトCivilian participants in the Cultural Revolution : being vulnerable and being responsible外部サイトKeywords in queer Sinophone studies外部サイトChina's international socialization of political elites in the belt and road initiative外部サイトSpace, politics, and cultural representation in modern China : cartographies of revolution外部サイトUnemployment in China : economy, human resources and labour markets外部サイトChina's one-child policy and multiple caregiving : raising little suns in Xiamen外部サイトChina, Taiwan, and international sporting events : face-off in cross-strait relations外部サイトSocial enterprise in China : state-third sector relations and institutional effectiveness外部サイトGreater China's Olympic medal haul : beyond sports excellence外部サイトPublic policy and health care in China : the case of public insurance外部サイトSARS : reception and interpretations in three Chinese cities外部サイトNon-governmental orphan relief in China : law, policy, and practice外部サイトThe Chinese family today外部サイトThe Chinese economy and its challenges : transformation of a rising economic power外部サイトCivil society in China : how society speaks to the state外部サイトInstitutional balancing in the Asia Pacific : economic interdependence and China's rise外部サイトChina's carbon-energy policy and Asia's energy transition : carbon leakage, relocation and halos外部サイトHong Kong's new identity politics : longing for the local in the shadow of China外部サイトChina's changing workplace : dynamism, diversity and disparity外部サイトChinese modernity and socialist feminist theory外部サイトChina's energy security and relations with petrostates : oil as an idea外部サイトChinese regionalism in Asia : beyond the Belt and Road Initiative外部サイトEcology and Chinese-language cinema : reimagining a field外部サイトChinese energy companies in Africa : implications for the foreign policy of an authoritarian state外部サイトChina's virtual monopoly of rare earth elements : economic, technological and strategic implications外部サイトYouth economy, crisis, and reinvention in twenty-first-century China : morning sun in the tiny times外部サイトGender and employment in rural China外部サイト






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Routledge contemporary China series
Routledge contemporary China
Publisher varies: London : Routledge
Regime legitimacy in contemporary China : institutional change and stability
Gender and education in China : gender discourses and women's schooling in the early twentieth century
Housing inequality in Chinese cities
Southern China : industry, development and industrial policy
China's approach to central Asia : the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
Social capital and institutional constraints : a comparative analysis of China, Taiwan and the US
Politics and markets in rural China
Christian values in Communist China
The politics of memory in Sinophone cinemas and image culture : altering archives
Parenting, education, and social mobility in rural China : cultivating dragons and phoenixes
Sinologism : an alternative to orientalism and postcolonialism
The Uyghur lobby : global networks, coalitions and strategies of the world Uyghur congress
Xinjiang and China's rise in Central Asia : a history
Economy, emotion, and ethics in Chinese cinema : globalization on speed
Law, policy, and practice on China's periphery : selective adaptation and institutional capacity
Religion in contemporary China : revitalization and innovation
China turns to multilateralism : foreign policy and regional security
Party hegemony and entrepreneurial power in China : institutional change in the film and music industries
China and Africa development relations
Media power in Hong Kong : hyper-marketized media and cultural resistance
China's hydro-politics in the Mekong : conflict and cooperation in light of securitization theory
China's changing economy : trends, impacts and the future
Television drama in contemporary China : political, social and cultural phenomena
Chinese environmental aesthetics
China's relations with Central and Eastern Europe : from "old comrades" to new partners
The politics of China's accession to the World Trade Organization : the dragon goes global
Incentives for innovation in China : building an innovative economy
Education reform in China : changing concepts, contexts and practices
Chinese Muslims and the global Ummah : Islamic revival and ethnic identity among the Hui of Qinghai Province
Inside Xinjiang : space, place and power in China's Muslim far Northwest
Human security and the Chinese state : historical transformations and the modern quest for sovereignty
Management training and development in China : educating managers in a globalized economy
China's rise and the Chinese overseas
Leisure and power in urban China : everyday life in a Chinese city
China's foreign trade policy : the new constituencies
Islam and China's Hong Kong : ethnic identity, Muslim networks and the new Silk Road
Chinese globalization : a profile of people-based global connections in China
The politics of China's accession to the World Trade Organization : the dragon goes global
The Chinese party-state in the 21st century : adaptation and the reinvention of legitimacy
Disability policy in China : child and family experiences
Reconfiguring class, gender, ethnicity and ethics in Chinese internet culture
The Chinese Communist Party and China's capitalist revolution : the political impact of the market
Irony, cynicism and the Chinese state
Economy hotels in China : a glocalized innovative hospitality sector
China's unruly journalists : how committed professionals are changing the People's Republic
The reception and rendition of Freud in China : China's Freudian slip
China's peasant agriculture and rural society : changing paradigms of farming
Gender and work in urban China : women workers of the unlucky generation
China's changing workplace : dynamism, diversity and disparity
China's energy geopolitics : the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Central Asia
Challenges for China's development : an enterprise perspective
State and society responses to social welfare needs in China : serving the people
Politics in China since 1949 : legitimizing authoritarian rule
Emerging adulthood in Hong Kong : social forces and civic engagement
China, Xinjiang and Central Asia : history, transition and crossborder interaction into the 21st century
Gender, modernity and male migrant workers in China : becoming a 'modern' man
Emissions, pollutants and environmental policy in China : designing a national emissions trading system
Explaining railway reform in China : a train of property rights re-arrangements
China, Xinjiang and Central Asia : history, transition and crossborder interaction into the 21st century
Law and policy for China's market socialism
Rent seeking in China
New crime in China : public order and human rights
Intellectual property rights in China : politics of piracy, trade and protection
Chinese migration and economic relations with Europe
China's supreme court
Chinese fans of Japanese and Korean pop culture : nationalistic narratives and international fandom
Suicide and justice : a Chinese perspective
Forecasting China's future : dominance or collapse?
Xinjiang in the twenty-first century : Islam, ethnicity and resistance
New modern Chinese women and gender politics : the centennial of the end of the Qing Dynasty
Looking for work in post-socialist China : governance, active job seekers and the new Chinese labour market
China's strategic priorities
Consumer-citizens of China : the role of foreign brands in the imagined future China
SARS : reception and interpretations in three Chinese cities
China, the West and the myth of new public management : neoliberalism and its discontents
Gender and education in China : gender discourses and women's schooling in the early twentieth century
Gay and lesbian subculture in urban China
Interest groups and the new democracy movement in Hong Kong
China's Soviet dream : propaganda, culture, and popular imagination
Patron-client politics and elections in Hong Kong
Industrialisation and rural livelihoods in China : agricultural processing in Sichuan
China and Africa : engagement and compromise
China-U.S. relations transformed : perspectives and strategic interactions
Guangdong and Chinese diaspora : the changing landscape of Qiaoxiang
China's state enterprise reform : from Marx to the market
China, oil and global politics
The politics of controlling organized crime in greater China
China's generation gap
Non-governmental organizations in contemporary China : paving the way to civil society?
China studies in the Philippines : intellectual paths and the formation of a field
Teacher management in China : the transformation of educational systems
Sino-Latin American economic relations
Cultural heritage management in China : preserving the cities of the Pearl River Delta
State-led privatization in China : the politics of economic reform
Conflict and cooperation in Sino-US relations : change and continuity, causes and cures
Sustainable development in China
HIV/AIDS in China : the economic and social determinants
Rent seeking in China
China's military procurement in the reform era : the setting of new directions
Mao's China and the Sino-Soviet split : ideological dilemma
Globalization and the Chinese city
Consumer-citizens of China : the role of foreign brands in the imagined future China
China's one-child policy and multiple caregiving : raising little suns in Xiamen
Rural migrants in urban China : enclaves and transient urbanism
State-market interactions in China's reform era : local state competition and global market-building in the tobacco industry
China-Taiwan relations in a global context : Taiwan's foreign policy and relations
Citizenship, identity and social movements in the new Hong Kong : localism after the umbrella movement
Transforming Chinese cities
China's financial opening : coalition politics and policy changes
Hegemony with Chinese characteristics : from the tributary system to the Belt and Road Initiative
Globalization and welfare restructuring in China : the authoritarianism that listens?
Social capital and institutional constraints : a comparative analysis of China, Taiwan and the US
Chinese middle classes : Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and China
Rural migrants in urban China : enclaves and transient urbanism
The middle class in neoliberal China : governing risk, life-building, and themed spaces
State and society responses to social welfare needs in China : serving the people
Corporate women in contemporary China : "We've always worked"
Sensing China : modern transformations of sensory culture
Human-animal interactions in Anthropocene Asia
Red tourism in China : commodification of propaganda
Chinese film stars
Innovative and creative industries in Hong Kong : a global city in China and Asia
China, oil and global politics
Cyberdualism in China : the political implications of Internet exposure of educated youth
Footbinding and women's labor in Sichuan
Law and fair work in China
Local governance innovation in China : experimentation, diffusion, and defiance
Economic policy making in China (1949-2016) : the role of economists
China's approach to central Asia : the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
Teacher management in China : the transformation of educational systems
Law, wealth and power in China : commercial law reforms in context
Disruptive innovation in Chinese and Indian businesses : the strategic implications for local entrepreneurs and global incumbents
Corporate governance and banking in China
Human security and the Chinese state : historical transformations and the modern quest for sovereignty
Queer sinophone cultures
China's higher education reform and internationalisation
Hong Kong's tortuous democratization : a comparative analysis
Institutional balancing in the Asia Pacific : economic interdependence and China's rise
Reconciling state, market and society in China : the long march toward prosperity
Social policy and migration in China
China's climate-energy policy : domestic and international impacts
Migration in post-colonial Hong Kong
The identity of Zhiqing : the lost generation
Chinese television in the twenty-first century : entertaining the nation
New Confucianism in twenty-first century China : the construction of a discourse
Industrialisation and rural livelihoods in China : agricultural processing in Sichuan
Education reform in China : changing concepts, contexts and practices
International human resource management in Chinese multinationals
Guangdong and Chinese diaspora : the changing landscape of Qiaoxiang
Globalization and welfare restructuring in China : the authoritarianism that listens?
Hong Kong, China : learning to belong to a nation
Paying for progress in China : public finance, human welfare and changing patterns of inequality
Politics in China since 1949 : legitimizing authoritarian rule
Western bankers in China : institutional change and corporate governance
Developing China : land, politics and social conditions
Civilising citizens in post-Mao China : understanding the rhetoric of suzhi
Intellectual property rights in China : politics of piracy, trade and protection
Citizenship, identity and social movements in the new Hong Kong : localism after the umbrella movement
China's regions in an era of globalization
Footbinding and women's labor in Sichuan
Trade unions in China : the challenge of labour unrest
China's higher education reform and internationalisation
Inside Xinjiang : space, place and power in China's Muslim far northwest
The Lahu minority in Southwest China : a response to ethnic marginalization on the frontier
Politics and government in Hong Kong : crisis under Chinese sovereignty
In search of China's development model : beyond the Beijing Consensus
The occupy movement in Hong Kong : sustaining decentralized protest
Tourism and Tibetan culture in transition : a place called Shangrila
Innovation in China : the Chinese software industry
China's new underclass : paid domestic labour
The Uyghur lobby : global networks, coalitions, and strategies of the world Uyghur congress
China's generation gap
Internet video culture in China : YouTube, Youku, and the space in between
China's foreign trade policy : the new constituencies
Xinjiang and China's rise in Central Asia : a history
The politics of heritage tourism in China : a view from Lijiang
Civil society in China and Taiwan : agency, class and boundaries
China and global trade governance : China's first decade in the World Trade Organization
China's emerging cities : the making of new urbanism
China turns to multilateralism : foreign policy and regional security
Assessing the balance of power in central-local relations in China
Mapping media in China : region, province, locality
Animation in China : history, aesthetics, media
Popular media, social emotion and public discourse in contemporary China
The Chinese transformation of corporate culture
Religion and ecological sustainability in China
Television regulation and media policy in China
Looking for work in post-socialist China : governance, active job seekers and the new Chinese labour market
The Chinese family today
Chinese kinship : contemporary anthropological perspectives
Chinese male homosexualities : memba, tongzhi and golden boy
The geopolitics of red oil : constructing the China threat through energy security
The economic roots of the umbrella movement in Hong Kong : globalization and the rise of China
Social entrepreneurship in the Greater China region : policy and cases
The middle class in neoliberal China : governing risk, life-building, and themed spaces
Chinese middle classes : Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and China
International regimes in China : domestic implementation of the international fisheries agreements
Poverty and development in China : alternative approaches to poverty assessment
Nationalism, democracy and national integration in China
Chinese kinship : contemporary anthropological perspectives
Corporate social responsibility reporting in China : evolution, drivers and prospects
Globalization and public sector reform in China
Neoliberalism and culture in China and Hong Kong : the countdown of time
Chinese Muslims and the global Ummah : Islamic revival and ethnic identity among the Hui of Qinghai Province
China-US relations transformed : perspectives and strategic interactions
The politics of heritage tourism in China : a view from Lijiang
U.S.-China relations : China policy on Capitol Hill
Trade unions in China : the challenge of labour unrest
Reconfiguring class, gender, ethnicity and ethics in Chinese internet culture
The Chinese corporatist state : adaption, survival and resistance
Patron-client politics and elections in Hong Kong
International governance and regimes : a Chinese perspective
China's socialist rule of law reforms under Xi Jinping
Gender and employment in rural China
Sex, science and morality in China
Animation in China : history, aesthetics, media
Rethinking Chinese popular culture : cannibalizations of the canon
Unemployment in China : economy, human resources and labour markets
Media power in Hong Kong : hyper-marketized media and cultural resistance
Civilising citizens in post-Mao China : understanding the rhetoric of suzhi
The China model and global political economy : comparison, impact, and interaction
China's peasant agriculture and rural society : changing paradigms of farming
Chinese fans of Japanese and Korean pop culture : nationalistic narratives and international fandom
Chinese family business and the equal inheritance system : unravelling the myth
Mao's China and the Sino-Soviet split : ideological dilemma
Law and fair work in China
Transforming Chinese cities
Securitization of the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong : the rise of a patriotocratic system
China's energy security : a multidimensional perspective
Macau 20 years after the handover : changes and challenges under "one country, two systems"
China's quest for sporting mega-events : the politics of international bids
Hong Kong's new identity politics : longing for the local in the shadow of China
Doing labor activism in South China : the complicity of uncertainty
Gender and work in urban China : women workers of the unlucky generation
The pulse of China's grand strategy
Civilian participants in the Cultural Revolution : being vulnerable and being responsible
Keywords in queer Sinophone studies
China's international socialization of political elites in the belt and road initiative
Space, politics, and cultural representation in modern China : cartographies of revolution
Unemployment in China : economy, human resources and labour markets
China's one-child policy and multiple caregiving : raising little suns in Xiamen
China, Taiwan, and international sporting events : face-off in cross-strait relations
Social enterprise in China : state-third sector relations and institutional effectiveness
Greater China's Olympic medal haul : beyond sports excellence
Public policy and health care in China : the case of public insurance
SARS : reception and interpretations in three Chinese cities
Non-governmental orphan relief in China : law, policy, and practice
The Chinese family today
The Chinese economy and its challenges : transformation of a rising economic power
Civil society in China : how society speaks to the state
Institutional balancing in the Asia Pacific : economic interdependence and China's rise
China's carbon-energy policy and Asia's energy transition : carbon leakage, relocation and halos
Hong Kong's new identity politics : longing for the local in the shadow of China
China's changing workplace : dynamism, diversity and disparity
Chinese modernity and socialist feminist theory
China's energy security and relations with petrostates : oil as an idea
Chinese regionalism in Asia : beyond the Belt and Road Initiative
Ecology and Chinese-language cinema : reimagining a field
Chinese energy companies in Africa : implications for the foreign policy of an authoritarian state
China's virtual monopoly of rare earth elements : economic, technological and strategic implications
Youth economy, crisis, and reinvention in twenty-first-century China : morning sun in the tiny times
Gender and employment in rural China
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research