
The Jossey-Bass social and behavioral science series


The Jossey-Bass social and behavioral science series



Strategic family therapy外部サイトIdentifying and measuring alcoholic personality characteristics外部サイトDiffering approaches to partial hospitalization外部サイトThe creative manager : finding inner vision and wisdom in uncertain times外部サイトSolving costly organizational conflicts外部サイトTreatment for psychosomatic problems外部サイトMethodological approaches to social science外部サイトSupervising counselors and therapists : a developmental approach外部サイトEmotional development外部サイトSchool-based collaboration with families : constructing family-school-agency partnerships that work外部サイトWomen of influence, women of vision : a cross-generational study of leaders and social change外部サイトChanging problem behavior in schools外部サイトChild welfare practice外部サイトSex role identity and ego development外部サイトIncest : a psychological study of causes and effects with treatment recommendations外部サイトPolls & surveys : understanding what they tell us外部サイトMental health consultation in the schools外部サイトFulfilling the promise of children's services : why primary prevention efforts fail and how they can succeed外部サイトAction science外部サイトUnderstanding testing in occupational licensing外部サイトMetaframeworks : transcending the models of family therapy外部サイトChildren of color : psychological interventions with minority youth外部サイトMultilevel theory, research, and methods in organizations : foundations, extensions, and new directions外部サイトTherapies for adolescents外部サイトSchool psychology at a turning point : ensuring a bright future for the profession外部サイトThe principles and practice of rational-emotive therapy外部サイトEnvironments and organizations外部サイトProtecting your mental health practice : how to minimize legal and financial risk外部サイトNegotiations : varieties, contexts, processes, and social order外部サイトChildren's planning strategies外部サイトSociobiology and human nature : [an interdisciplinary critique and defense]外部サイトCareer management and survival in the workplace : helping employees make tough career decisions, stay motivated, and reduce career stress外部サイトAdolescents in the AIDS epidemic外部サイトThe value controversy in sociology : [a new orientation for the profession]外部サイトChildren's perspectives on the family外部サイトReligious change and continuity外部サイトProfessional preparation for teachers of exceptional children外部サイトCaring for troubled children外部サイトWomen and women's issues : a handbook of tests and measures外部サイトThe evaluation enterprise : a realistic appraisal of evaluation careers, methods, and applications外部サイトSocial and cognitive treatment of children and adolescents外部サイトCounseling with gay men and women : a guide for facilitating positive life-styles外部サイトSocial and psychological research in community settings外部サイトThe neurotic organization外部サイトMeasurement, technology, and individuality in education : proceedings of the 1982 ETS Invitational Conference外部サイトBeyond the quick fix : managing five tracks to organizational success外部サイトWhat children can tell us : eliciting, interpreting, and evaluating information from children外部サイトSingle-case research designs外部サイトEthics of human subject research外部サイトBarriers to treating the chronic mentally ill外部サイトPower and politics in organizations外部サイトPractical group therapy : a guide for clinicians外部サイトCareer counseling : a psychological approach外部サイトChildren's learning in the "zone of proximal development"外部サイトParental behavior in diverse societies外部サイトOrganizational climate and culture外部サイトIndividual psychological assessment : predicting behavior in organizational settings外部サイトDoing research that is useful for theory and practice外部サイトProblem-solving therapy外部サイトEarly education in the public schools : lessons from a comprehensive birth-to-kindergarten program外部サイトFinding herself : pathways to identity development in women外部サイトToward a just correctional system外部サイトMaking people productive外部サイトAssessing schizophrenic thinking : a clinical and research instrument for measuring thought disorder外部サイトMental disorders in primary care外部サイトThe making of an American psychologist : an autobiography外部サイトTreating schizophrenia外部サイトHelping people in crisis外部サイトIntelligence and giftedness : the contributions of heredity and early environment外部サイトChild care and maternal employment : a social ecology approach外部サイトThe sexual abuse of children : a comprehensive guide to current knowledge and intervention strategies外部サイトReanalyzing program evaluations外部サイトAcademic instruction in early childhood : challenge or pressure?外部サイトMediating child custody disputes外部サイトOrganizational culture and leadership外部サイトQuestion framing and response consistency外部サイトGroups at work外部サイトSocial system and legal process外部サイトThe mediation process : practical strategies for resolving conflict外部サイトProblem-solving techniques in childrearing外部サイトLicensing and certification of psychologists and counselors : a guide to current policies, procedures, and legislation外部サイトLessons from the lion's den : therapeutic management of children in psychiatric hospitals and treatment centers外部サイトWorking with couples for marriage enrichment外部サイトPsychotherapy with adolescent girls外部サイトWorking with children and adolescents in groups外部サイトSocial and behavioral science research : a new framework for conceptualizing, implementing, and evaluating research studies外部サイトOrganizational culture and leadership : a dynamic view外部サイトCareer choice and development : applying contemporary theories to practice外部サイトStrengthening families外部サイトUnderstanding America's drinking problem : how to combat the hazards of alcohol外部サイトDevelopmental therapy外部サイトOrganizations and nation-states : new perspectives on conflict and cooperation外部サイトThe Young adult chronic patient外部サイトImproving mental health services : what the social sciences can tell us外部サイトCrime and punishment--changing attitudes in America外部サイトNarrative and storytelling : implications for understanding moral development外部サイトA responsive society : collected essays on guiding deliberate social change外部サイトNew approaches to health care for an aging population : developing a continuum of chronic care services外部サイトAdvances in therapies for children外部サイトChildren who don't want to live : understanding and treating the suicidal child外部サイトOrganizational surveys : tools for assessment and change外部サイトChange and continuity in adult life外部サイトThe changing workplace : career counseling strategies for the 1990s and beyond外部サイトThe mental health professional and the legal system外部サイトField research : a manual for logistics and management of scientific studies in natural settings外部サイトManaging organizational performance外部サイトThe development of political understanding : a new perspective外部サイトControlling work stress : effective human resource and management strategies外部サイトThe aging enterprise外部サイトSociological theory 1984外部サイトOn understanding emotion外部サイトBehind the one-way mirror : advances in the practice of strategic therapy外部サイトClinical case management外部サイトTheory construction and data analysis in the behavioral sciences外部サイトKnowledge for action : a guide to overcoming barriers to organizational change外部サイトBehavioral assessment : recent advances in methods, concepts, and applications外部サイトAssessing needs in educational and social programs外部サイトTheraplay : a new treatment using structured play for problem children and their families外部サイトHow children and adolescents view the world of work外部サイトThe predictable failure of educational reform : can we change course before it's too late?外部サイトPutting families first : America's family support movement and the challenge of change外部サイトDesigning and conducting health surveys : a comprehensive guide外部サイトEconomic stress : effects on family life and child development外部サイトTherapy wars : contention and convergence in differing clinical approaches外部サイトInternational negotiation : analysis, approaches, issues外部サイトViewing children through television外部サイトCritical thinking in clinical practice : improving the accuracy of judgments and decisions about clients外部サイトEthical and legal issues in counseling and psychotherapy外部サイトSingle-session therapy : maximizing the effect of the first (and often only) therapeutic encounter外部サイトEating disorders外部サイトPerformance appraisal : state of the art in practice外部サイトWorking for children外部サイトTherapeutic potential of mood disorders clinics/ Rodrigo A. Munoz, editor外部サイトSociological theory, 1983外部サイトFinding herself : pathways to identity development in women外部サイトHuman systems development外部サイトHealth psychology : a handbook : theories, applications, and challenges of a psychological approach to the health care system外部サイトThe psychology of separation and loss : perspectives on development, life transitions, and clinical practice外部サイトNew approaches to social problems外部サイトParadoxes of group life : understanding conflict, paralysis, and movement in group dynamics外部サイトSupervision and performance : managing professional work in human service organizations外部サイトOn becoming a social scientist外部サイトSeeking connections in psychotherapy外部サイトThe legacy of Lawrence Kohlberg外部サイトStatus, rewards, and influence外部サイトImpact of desegregation外部サイトTroubled men : the psychology, emotional conflicts, and therapy of men外部サイトPowerful wisdom : voices of distinguished women psychotherapists外部サイトChildren in danger : coping with the consequences of community violence外部サイトIdentity in adolescence : processes and contents外部サイトOn being a therapist外部サイトEnemies of freedom : understanding right-wing authoritarianism外部サイトCompassionate therapy : working with difficult clients外部サイトShared views in the family during adolescence外部サイトPaying for services : promises and pitfalls of capitation外部サイトThe space between us : exploring the dimensions of human relationships外部サイトSurvival strategies for public psychiatry外部サイトThe Family in business外部サイトLeaders, fools, and impostors : essays on the psychology of leadership外部サイトTesting in the schools外部サイトIssues in the care of children with chronic illness外部サイトDeveloping consultation skills外部サイトUnified mental health systems : utopia unrealized外部サイトIssues in testing : coaching, disclosure, and ethnic bias外部サイトHandbook of consultation services for children : applications in educational and clinical settings外部サイトWorking with adults in groups : integrating cognitive-behavioral and small group strategies外部サイトThe art of change : strategic therapy and hypnotherapy without trance外部サイトTherapies for psychosomatic disorders in children外部サイトDesigning effective work groups外部サイトMeasuring social life feelings外部サイトPositive endings in psychotherapy : bringing meaningful closure to therapeutic relationships外部サイトThe mental health needs of homeless persons外部サイトIn search of good form : Gestalt therapy with couples and families外部サイトBeyond blame : a new way of resolving conflicts in relationships外部サイトChild development today and tomorrow外部サイトThe training in community living model : a decade of experience外部サイトInteraction of media, cognition, and learning外部サイトDesigning and conducting survey research : a comprehensive guide外部サイトOrganizational economics外部サイトDeinstitutionalization外部サイトTreating anxiety disorders外部サイトCompleting dissertations in the behavioral sciences and education外部サイトAdolescent development in the family外部サイトOrdeal therapy外部サイトThe Uses and misuses of tests外部サイトStrategies for personality research外部サイトParadoxes of learning : on becoming an individual in society外部サイトSupervision, consultation, and staff training in the helping professions外部サイトEmergency psychiatry at the crossroads外部サイトStakeholders of the organizational mind外部サイトSuicidal youth : school-based intervention and prevention外部サイトFostering cognitive development of students外部サイトFreedom! : narratives of change in Hungary and Estonia外部サイトShaping a new health care system : the explosion of chronic illness as a catalyst for change外部サイトHelping cardiac patients外部サイトClinical issues in treating the chronic mentally ill外部サイトReframing organizations : artistry, choice, and leadership外部サイトMalign neglect : homelessness in an American city外部サイトBuilding social problem-solving skills : guidelines from a school-based program外部サイトOn being a therapist外部サイトInfant stress and coping外部サイトThe troubled and troubling child外部サイトAdaptive counseling and therapy : a systematic approach to selecting effective treatments外部サイトReframing organizations : artistry, choice, and leadership外部サイトHandbook of practical program evaluation外部サイトManagement in transition外部サイトEthical and legal issues in counseling and psychotherapy外部サイトLegal implications of hospital policies and practices外部サイトViolence, perspectives on murder and aggression外部サイトInvesting in employee health : a guide to effective health promotion in the workplace外部サイトSolving learning and behavior problems of children : a planning system integrating assessment and treatment外部サイトThe tactics of change : doing therapy briefly外部サイトPatterns of adolescent self-image外部サイトUsing hypnosis in family therapy外部サイトDepression and other mental health issues : the Filipino American experience外部サイトHandbook on stress and anxiety外部サイトChildren's conceptions of health, illness, and bodily functions外部サイトThe psychologically battered child外部サイトClassifying social data外部サイトBrief therapy and eating disorders : a practical guide to solution-focused work with clients外部サイトEffective social action by community groups外部サイトCurriculum development for exceptional children外部サイトCounseling for career development : theories, resources, and practice外部サイトWomen of influence, women of vision : a cross-generational study of leaders and social change外部サイトStrategic family therapy外部サイトMeasurement trends in career and vocational education外部サイトEager to learn : helping children become motivated and love learning外部サイトThe purposes of groups and organizations外部サイトSelecting effective treatments : a comprehensive, systematic guide to treating adult mental disorders外部サイトLegal encroachment on psychiatric practice外部サイトGenetics and exceptional children外部サイトWhat children can tell us : eliciting, interpreting, and evaluating critical information from children外部サイトOn educational testing外部サイトDevelopmental approaches to giftedness and creativity外部サイトEffective group problem solving : how to broaden participation, improve decision making, and increase commitment to action外部サイトLeona Bachrach speaks : selected speeches and lectures外部サイトThe politics of management外部サイトThe perspective of John Talbott外部サイトState-university collaboration : the Oregon experience外部サイトBlack children and poverty : a developmental perspective外部サイトSociobiology and human nature : [an interdisciplinary critique and defense]外部サイトHazards in hospital care : ensuring patient safety外部サイトThe mental health of Asian Americans外部サイトThe profession and practice of consultation外部サイトPsychological consultation in educational settings外部サイトMotivation and society外部サイトThe imperfect therapist : learning from failure in therapeutic practice外部サイトDual-career families外部サイトThe scientific publication system in social science外部サイトThe challenge of the resource exchange network外部サイトSchizophrenia : the experience and its treatment外部サイトEmotion and its regulation in early development外部サイトThe executive mind外部サイトIndependent living for physically disabled people外部サイトKnowing and reasoning in college : gender-related patterns in students' intellectual development外部サイトAcademic testing and the consumer外部サイトDiscrimination in organizations外部サイトSelf-help groups for coping with crisis : origins, members, processes, and impact外部サイトThe adult years : mastering the art of self-renewal外部サイトImproving assessment of schoolchildren外部サイトCareer development in organizations外部サイトUsing observers to study behavior外部サイトExecutives in crisis : recognizing and managing the alcoholic, drug-addicted, or mentally ill executive外部サイトHuman diversity : perspectives on people in context外部サイトIn our fifties : voices of men and women reinventing their lives外部サイトUnifying individual and family therapies外部サイトFamilies of the mentally ill : meeting the challenges外部サイトChildren and divorce外部サイトRevitalizing western economies外部サイトHelping patients and their families cope with medical problems外部サイトCultural change in family firms : anticipating and managing business and family transitions外部サイトDivorce, child custody, and the family外部サイトHabitats, environments, and human behavior外部サイトStrengthening families外部サイトDimensions of grief : adjusting to the death of a spouse外部サイトTherapies for adults外部サイトPhototherapy techniques : exploring the secrets of personal snapshots and family albums外部サイトWhat is psychotherapy? : contemporary perspectives外部サイトStrategic management of human resources外部サイトMeasuring human abilities外部サイトGetting disputes resolved : designing systems to cut the costs of conflict外部サイトFulfilling lives : paths to maturity and success外部サイトEthical dilemmas and social science research :an analysis of moral issues confronting investigatorsin research using human participants/PaulDavidson Reynolds外部サイトMaking groups effective外部サイトTolerance for nonconformity外部サイトSex and the workplace外部サイトMental health promotion and primary prevention外部サイトCollaborating : finding common ground for multiparty problems外部サイトUnraveling the mystery of health : how people manage stress and stay well外部サイトThe ultimate advantage : creating the high-involvement organization外部サイトEffective evaluation : improving the usefulness of evaluation results through responsive and naturalistic approaches外部サイトInterfaces : a communications case book for mental health decision makers外部サイトOrganizational culture and leadership : a dynamic view外部サイトChronically ill children and their families外部サイトSexuality education across cultures : working with differences外部サイトTherapies for school behavior problems外部サイトThe Briles report on women in healthcare : changing conflict to collaboration in a toxic workplace外部サイトForms of validity in research外部サイトThe thinking organization外部サイトEffective social work practice外部サイトWork, families, and organizations外部サイトFamily breakup外部サイトCluster analysis for social scientists外部サイトExplaining organizational behavior外部サイトCase management in human service practice外部サイトAbsenteeism外部サイトBrief strategic intervention for school behavior problems外部サイトCrisis in education : stress and burnout in the American teacher外部サイトSociology of science外部サイトLeadership in human services : how to articulate and implement a vision to achieve results外部サイトHealth, stress, and coping外部サイトInterpersonal helping skills外部サイトAdvances in treating the young adult chronic patient外部サイトFrom denial to recovery : counseling problem drinkers, alcoholics, and their families外部サイトEthical issues in behavior modification外部サイトManaging the new careerists外部サイトRevitalizing residential settings外部サイトSuccessful dissertations and theses外部サイトHome care : current problems and future solutions外部サイトBlacks in college外部サイトGroup therapies for children and youth外部サイトThe Elderly and chronic mental illness外部サイトTotal survey error外部サイトEffective aftercare for the 1980s外部サイトThe Pursuit of competence in social work外部サイトEmployees, careers, and job creation : developing growth-oriented human resource strategies and programs外部サイトNew perspectives on organizational effectiveness外部サイトMediation : a comprehensive guide to resolving conflicts without litigation外部サイトProtecting children from abuse and neglect : developing and maintaining effective support systems for families外部サイトLevels and transitions in children's development外部サイトSolomon's sword : a practical guide to conducting child custody evaluations外部サイトSocial development of learning disabled persons外部サイトFamily therapy techniques for problem behaviors of children and teenagers外部サイトIncreasing faculty and administrative effectiveness外部サイトScientific inquiry and the social sciences外部サイトServing the chronically mentally ill in an urban setting : the Massachusetts Mental Health Center experience外部サイトValues and ethics in organization and human systems development : responding to dilemmas in professional life外部サイトHandbook of contemporary urban life外部サイトDevelopmental academic advising外部サイトWorking with culture : psychotherapeutic interventions with ethnic minority children and adolescents外部サイトDesigning interventions for preschool learning and behavior problems外部サイトStrategies for personality research外部サイトChildren's gender schemata外部サイトNegotiating a good old age : challenges of residential living in late life外部サイトHelping traumatized families外部サイトEvaluating educational environments外部サイトOn love and loving外部サイトHelping students succeed in the regular classroom : a guide for developing intervention assistance programs外部サイトHandbook on mental health administration外部サイトAdvances in psychological assessment外部サイトOrganizational strategy and change外部サイトIntegrating services for troubled families外部サイトEmpowering older adults : practical strategies for counselors外部サイトHandbook of practical program evaluation外部サイトImproving interview method and questionnaire design外部サイトSelf-disclosure : origins, patterns, and implications of openness in interpersonal relationships外部サイトDeveloping managers外部サイトChange in organizations : new perspectives on theory, research, and practice外部サイトBlack families at the crossroads : challenges and prospects外部サイトApplied sociology外部サイトLifelines : patterns of work, love, and learning in adulthood外部サイトProductivity in organizations : new perspectives from industrial and organizational psychology外部サイトDeveloping reflective judgment : understanding and promoting intellectual growth and critical thinking in adolescents and adults外部サイトDesigning careers外部サイトProfessional psychology in transition外部サイトHandbook for measurement and evaluation in early childhood education外部サイトIntimate journeys : stories from life-changing therapy外部サイトCareer choice and development外部サイトThe law and the practice of human services外部サイトThe healing between : a clinical guide to dialogical psychotherapy外部サイトNaturalistic approaches to studying social interaction外部サイトWomen's lives through time : educated American women of the twentieth century外部サイトCoping skills interventions for children and adolescents外部サイトDeveloping an interdisciplinary science of organizations外部サイトDiversity and motivation : culturally responsive teaching外部サイトThe logic of organization外部サイトPracticing family therapy in diverse settings外部サイトChildren's mathematics外部サイトTeam effectiveness and decision making in organizations外部サイトDesigning career development systems外部サイトThe changing nature of work外部サイトHealing voices : feminist approaches to therapy with women外部サイトProblems with language imprecision外部サイトPsychotherapist's casebook外部サイトPutting knowledge to use : facilitating the diffusion of knowledge and the implementation of planned change外部サイトPersonnel selection in organizations外部サイトCutting back : retrenchment and redevelopment in human and community services外部サイトChildren in families under stress外部サイトThinking creatively外部サイトLiving as if : belief systems in mental health practice外部サイトNew developments in interventions with families of schizophrenics外部サイトProblem-solving therapy外部サイトThe heart of healing : relationships in therapy外部サイトFostering critical reflection in adulthood : a guide to transformative and emancipatory learning外部サイトManaging selection in changing organizations : human resource strategies外部サイトOn the nature of cities : toward enduring and creative human environments外部サイトChildhood socialization外部サイトManaging public disputes : a practical guide to handling conflict and reaching agreements外部サイトAdvances in occupational mental health外部サイトMediation research : the process and effectiveness of third-party intervention外部サイトIntervention among psychiatrically impaired parents and their young children外部サイトTroubled women : roles and realities in psychoanalytic perspective外部サイトHigh-involvement management外部サイトUnending work and care : managing chronic illness at home外部サイトPolitical psychology外部サイトBargaining, power, tactics, and outcomes外部サイトCase study research in education : a qualitative approach外部サイトThe Organizational life cycle : issues in the creation, transformation, and decline of organizations外部サイトCommunity consultation外部サイトBecoming a stepfamily : patterns of development in remarried families外部サイトMaternal responsiveness : characteristics and consequences外部サイトInnovations in counseling psychology外部サイトThe Health of adolescents : understanding and facilitating biological, behavioral, and social development外部サイトSocial science information and public policy making外部サイトHandbook of school-based interventions : resolving student problems and promoting healthy educational environments外部サイトReligious development in childhood and adolescence外部サイトCreating contact, choosing relationship : the dynamics of unstructured group therapy外部サイトChild development and international development : research-policy interfaces外部サイトHelping transfer students : strategies for educational and social readjustment外部サイトLearning and change in the adult years : a developmental perspective外部サイトLegal liability in psychotherapy外部サイトAt risk in America : the health and health care needs of vulnerable populations in the United States外部サイトThe study of organizations外部サイト






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Jossey-Bass social and behavioral science series
The Jossey-Bass social & behavioral sciences series
Strategic family therapy
Identifying and measuring alcoholic personality characteristics
Differing approaches to partial hospitalization
The creative manager : finding inner vision and wisdom in uncertain times
Solving costly organizational conflicts
Treatment for psychosomatic problems
Methodological approaches to social science
Supervising counselors and therapists : a developmental approach
Emotional development
School-based collaboration with families : constructing family-school-agency partnerships that work
Women of influence, women of vision : a cross-generational study of leaders and social change
Changing problem behavior in schools
Child welfare practice
Sex role identity and ego development
Incest : a psychological study of causes and effects with treatment recommendations
Polls & surveys : understanding what they tell us
Mental health consultation in the schools
Fulfilling the promise of children's services : why primary prevention efforts fail and how they can succeed
Action science
Understanding testing in occupational licensing
Metaframeworks : transcending the models of family therapy
Children of color : psychological interventions with minority youth
Multilevel theory, research, and methods in organizations : foundations, extensions, and new directions
Therapies for adolescents
School psychology at a turning point : ensuring a bright future for the profession
The principles and practice of rational-emotive therapy
Environments and organizations
Protecting your mental health practice : how to minimize legal and financial risk
Negotiations : varieties, contexts, processes, and social order
Children's planning strategies
Sociobiology and human nature : [an interdisciplinary critique and defense]
Career management and survival in the workplace : helping employees make tough career decisions, stay motivated, and reduce career stress
Adolescents in the AIDS epidemic
The value controversy in sociology : [a new orientation for the profession]
Children's perspectives on the family
Religious change and continuity
Professional preparation for teachers of exceptional children
Caring for troubled children
Women and women's issues : a handbook of tests and measures
The evaluation enterprise : a realistic appraisal of evaluation careers, methods, and applications
Social and cognitive treatment of children and adolescents
Counseling with gay men and women : a guide for facilitating positive life-styles
Social and psychological research in community settings
The neurotic organization
Measurement, technology, and individuality in education : proceedings of the 1982 ETS Invitational Conference
Beyond the quick fix : managing five tracks to organizational success
What children can tell us : eliciting, interpreting, and evaluating information from children
Single-case research designs
Ethics of human subject research
Barriers to treating the chronic mentally ill
Power and politics in organizations
Practical group therapy : a guide for clinicians
Career counseling : a psychological approach
Children's learning in the "zone of proximal development"
Parental behavior in diverse societies
Organizational climate and culture
Individual psychological assessment : predicting behavior in organizational settings
Doing research that is useful for theory and practice
Problem-solving therapy
Early education in the public schools : lessons from a comprehensive birth-to-kindergarten program
Finding herself : pathways to identity development in women
Toward a just correctional system
Making people productive
Assessing schizophrenic thinking : a clinical and research instrument for measuring thought disorder
Mental disorders in primary care
The making of an American psychologist : an autobiography
Treating schizophrenia
Helping people in crisis
Intelligence and giftedness : the contributions of heredity and early environment
Child care and maternal employment : a social ecology approach
The sexual abuse of children : a comprehensive guide to current knowledge and intervention strategies
Reanalyzing program evaluations
Academic instruction in early childhood : challenge or pressure?
Mediating child custody disputes
Organizational culture and leadership
Question framing and response consistency
Groups at work
Social system and legal process
The mediation process : practical strategies for resolving conflict
Problem-solving techniques in childrearing
Licensing and certification of psychologists and counselors : a guide to current policies, procedures, and legislation
Lessons from the lion's den : therapeutic management of children in psychiatric hospitals and treatment centers
Working with couples for marriage enrichment
Psychotherapy with adolescent girls
Working with children and adolescents in groups
Social and behavioral science research : a new framework for conceptualizing, implementing, and evaluating research studies
Organizational culture and leadership : a dynamic view
Career choice and development : applying contemporary theories to practice
Strengthening families
Understanding America's drinking problem : how to combat the hazards of alcohol
Developmental therapy
Organizations and nation-states : new perspectives on conflict and cooperation
The Young adult chronic patient
Improving mental health services : what the social sciences can tell us
Crime and punishment--changing attitudes in America
Narrative and storytelling : implications for understanding moral development
A responsive society : collected essays on guiding deliberate social change
New approaches to health care for an aging population : developing a continuum of chronic care services
Advances in therapies for children
Children who don't want to live : understanding and treating the suicidal child
Organizational surveys : tools for assessment and change
Change and continuity in adult life
The changing workplace : career counseling strategies for the 1990s and beyond
The mental health professional and the legal system
Field research : a manual for logistics and management of scientific studies in natural settings
Managing organizational performance
The development of political understanding : a new perspective
Controlling work stress : effective human resource and management strategies
The aging enterprise
Sociological theory 1984
On understanding emotion
Behind the one-way mirror : advances in the practice of strategic therapy
Clinical case management
Theory construction and data analysis in the behavioral sciences
Knowledge for action : a guide to overcoming barriers to organizational change
Behavioral assessment : recent advances in methods, concepts, and applications
Assessing needs in educational and social programs
Theraplay : a new treatment using structured play for problem children and their families
How children and adolescents view the world of work
The predictable failure of educational reform : can we change course before it's too late?
Putting families first : America's family support movement and the challenge of change
Designing and conducting health surveys : a comprehensive guide
Economic stress : effects on family life and child development
Therapy wars : contention and convergence in differing clinical approaches
International negotiation : analysis, approaches, issues
Viewing children through television
Critical thinking in clinical practice : improving the accuracy of judgments and decisions about clients
Ethical and legal issues in counseling and psychotherapy
Single-session therapy : maximizing the effect of the first (and often only) therapeutic encounter
Eating disorders
Performance appraisal : state of the art in practice
Working for children
Therapeutic potential of mood disorders clinics/ Rodrigo A. Munoz, editor
Sociological theory, 1983
Finding herself : pathways to identity development in women
Human systems development
Health psychology : a handbook : theories, applications, and challenges of a psychological approach to the health care system
The psychology of separation and loss : perspectives on development, life transitions, and clinical practice
New approaches to social problems
Paradoxes of group life : understanding conflict, paralysis, and movement in group dynamics
Supervision and performance : managing professional work in human service organizations
On becoming a social scientist
Seeking connections in psychotherapy
The legacy of Lawrence Kohlberg
Status, rewards, and influence
Impact of desegregation
Troubled men : the psychology, emotional conflicts, and therapy of men
Powerful wisdom : voices of distinguished women psychotherapists
Children in danger : coping with the consequences of community violence
Identity in adolescence : processes and contents
On being a therapist
Enemies of freedom : understanding right-wing authoritarianism
Compassionate therapy : working with difficult clients
Shared views in the family during adolescence
Paying for services : promises and pitfalls of capitation
The space between us : exploring the dimensions of human relationships
Survival strategies for public psychiatry
The Family in business
Leaders, fools, and impostors : essays on the psychology of leadership
Testing in the schools
Issues in the care of children with chronic illness
Developing consultation skills
Unified mental health systems : utopia unrealized
Issues in testing : coaching, disclosure, and ethnic bias
Handbook of consultation services for children : applications in educational and clinical settings
Working with adults in groups : integrating cognitive-behavioral and small group strategies
The art of change : strategic therapy and hypnotherapy without trance
Therapies for psychosomatic disorders in children
Designing effective work groups
Measuring social life feelings
Positive endings in psychotherapy : bringing meaningful closure to therapeutic relationships
The mental health needs of homeless persons
In search of good form : Gestalt therapy with couples and families
Beyond blame : a new way of resolving conflicts in relationships
Child development today and tomorrow
The training in community living model : a decade of experience
Interaction of media, cognition, and learning
Designing and conducting survey research : a comprehensive guide
Organizational economics
Treating anxiety disorders
Completing dissertations in the behavioral sciences and education
Adolescent development in the family
Ordeal therapy
The Uses and misuses of tests
Strategies for personality research
Paradoxes of learning : on becoming an individual in society
Supervision, consultation, and staff training in the helping professions
Emergency psychiatry at the crossroads
Stakeholders of the organizational mind
Suicidal youth : school-based intervention and prevention
Fostering cognitive development of students
Freedom! : narratives of change in Hungary and Estonia
Shaping a new health care system : the explosion of chronic illness as a catalyst for change
Helping cardiac patients
Clinical issues in treating the chronic mentally ill
Reframing organizations : artistry, choice, and leadership
Malign neglect : homelessness in an American city
Building social problem-solving skills : guidelines from a school-based program
On being a therapist
Infant stress and coping
The troubled and troubling child
Adaptive counseling and therapy : a systematic approach to selecting effective treatments
Reframing organizations : artistry, choice, and leadership
Handbook of practical program evaluation
Management in transition
Ethical and legal issues in counseling and psychotherapy
Legal implications of hospital policies and practices
Violence, perspectives on murder and aggression
Investing in employee health : a guide to effective health promotion in the workplace
Solving learning and behavior problems of children : a planning system integrating assessment and treatment
The tactics of change : doing therapy briefly
Patterns of adolescent self-image
Using hypnosis in family therapy
Depression and other mental health issues : the Filipino American experience
Handbook on stress and anxiety
Children's conceptions of health, illness, and bodily functions
The psychologically battered child
Classifying social data
Brief therapy and eating disorders : a practical guide to solution-focused work with clients
Effective social action by community groups
Curriculum development for exceptional children
Counseling for career development : theories, resources, and practice
Women of influence, women of vision : a cross-generational study of leaders and social change
Strategic family therapy
Measurement trends in career and vocational education
Eager to learn : helping children become motivated and love learning
The purposes of groups and organizations
Selecting effective treatments : a comprehensive, systematic guide to treating adult mental disorders
Legal encroachment on psychiatric practice
Genetics and exceptional children
What children can tell us : eliciting, interpreting, and evaluating critical information from children
On educational testing
Developmental approaches to giftedness and creativity
Effective group problem solving : how to broaden participation, improve decision making, and increase commitment to action
Leona Bachrach speaks : selected speeches and lectures
The politics of management
The perspective of John Talbott
State-university collaboration : the Oregon experience
Black children and poverty : a developmental perspective
Sociobiology and human nature : [an interdisciplinary critique and defense]
Hazards in hospital care : ensuring patient safety
The mental health of Asian Americans
The profession and practice of consultation
Psychological consultation in educational settings
Motivation and society
The imperfect therapist : learning from failure in therapeutic practice
Dual-career families
The scientific publication system in social science
The challenge of the resource exchange network
Schizophrenia : the experience and its treatment
Emotion and its regulation in early development
The executive mind
Independent living for physically disabled people
Knowing and reasoning in college : gender-related patterns in students' intellectual development
Academic testing and the consumer
Discrimination in organizations
Self-help groups for coping with crisis : origins, members, processes, and impact
The adult years : mastering the art of self-renewal
Improving assessment of schoolchildren
Career development in organizations
Using observers to study behavior
Executives in crisis : recognizing and managing the alcoholic, drug-addicted, or mentally ill executive
Human diversity : perspectives on people in context
In our fifties : voices of men and women reinventing their lives
Unifying individual and family therapies
Families of the mentally ill : meeting the challenges
Children and divorce
Revitalizing western economies
Helping patients and their families cope with medical problems
Cultural change in family firms : anticipating and managing business and family transitions
Divorce, child custody, and the family
Habitats, environments, and human behavior
Strengthening families
Dimensions of grief : adjusting to the death of a spouse
Therapies for adults
Phototherapy techniques : exploring the secrets of personal snapshots and family albums
What is psychotherapy? : contemporary perspectives
Strategic management of human resources
Measuring human abilities
Getting disputes resolved : designing systems to cut the costs of conflict
Fulfilling lives : paths to maturity and success
Ethical dilemmas and social science research :an analysis of moral issues confronting investigatorsin research using human participants/PaulDavidson Reynolds
Making groups effective
Tolerance for nonconformity
Sex and the workplace
Mental health promotion and primary prevention
Collaborating : finding common ground for multiparty problems
Unraveling the mystery of health : how people manage stress and stay well
The ultimate advantage : creating the high-involvement organization
Effective evaluation : improving the usefulness of evaluation results through responsive and naturalistic approaches
Interfaces : a communications case book for mental health decision makers
Organizational culture and leadership : a dynamic view
Chronically ill children and their families
Sexuality education across cultures : working with differences
Therapies for school behavior problems
The Briles report on women in healthcare : changing conflict to collaboration in a toxic workplace
Forms of validity in research
The thinking organization
Effective social work practice
Work, families, and organizations
Family breakup
Cluster analysis for social scientists
Explaining organizational behavior
Case management in human service practice
Brief strategic intervention for school behavior problems
Crisis in education : stress and burnout in the American teacher
Sociology of science
Leadership in human services : how to articulate and implement a vision to achieve results
Health, stress, and coping
Interpersonal helping skills
Advances in treating the young adult chronic patient
From denial to recovery : counseling problem drinkers, alcoholics, and their families
Ethical issues in behavior modification
Managing the new careerists
Revitalizing residential settings
Successful dissertations and theses
Home care : current problems and future solutions
Blacks in college
Group therapies for children and youth
The Elderly and chronic mental illness
Total survey error
Effective aftercare for the 1980s
The Pursuit of competence in social work
Employees, careers, and job creation : developing growth-oriented human resource strategies and programs
New perspectives on organizational effectiveness
Mediation : a comprehensive guide to resolving conflicts without litigation
Protecting children from abuse and neglect : developing and maintaining effective support systems for families
Levels and transitions in children's development
Solomon's sword : a practical guide to conducting child custody evaluations
Social development of learning disabled persons
Family therapy techniques for problem behaviors of children and teenagers
Increasing faculty and administrative effectiveness
Scientific inquiry and the social sciences
Serving the chronically mentally ill in an urban setting : the Massachusetts Mental Health Center experience
Values and ethics in organization and human systems development : responding to dilemmas in professional life
Handbook of contemporary urban life
Developmental academic advising
Working with culture : psychotherapeutic interventions with ethnic minority children and adolescents
Designing interventions for preschool learning and behavior problems
Strategies for personality research
Children's gender schemata
Negotiating a good old age : challenges of residential living in late life
Helping traumatized families
Evaluating educational environments
On love and loving
Helping students succeed in the regular classroom : a guide for developing intervention assistance programs
Handbook on mental health administration
Advances in psychological assessment
Organizational strategy and change
Integrating services for troubled families
Empowering older adults : practical strategies for counselors
Handbook of practical program evaluation
Improving interview method and questionnaire design
Self-disclosure : origins, patterns, and implications of openness in interpersonal relationships
Developing managers
Change in organizations : new perspectives on theory, research, and practice
Black families at the crossroads : challenges and prospects
Applied sociology
Lifelines : patterns of work, love, and learning in adulthood
Productivity in organizations : new perspectives from industrial and organizational psychology
Developing reflective judgment : understanding and promoting intellectual growth and critical thinking in adolescents and adults
Designing careers
Professional psychology in transition
Handbook for measurement and evaluation in early childhood education
Intimate journeys : stories from life-changing therapy
Career choice and development
The law and the practice of human services
The healing between : a clinical guide to dialogical psychotherapy
Naturalistic approaches to studying social interaction
Women's lives through time : educated American women of the twentieth century
Coping skills interventions for children and adolescents
Developing an interdisciplinary science of organizations
Diversity and motivation : culturally responsive teaching
The logic of organization
Practicing family therapy in diverse settings
Children's mathematics
Team effectiveness and decision making in organizations
Designing career development systems
The changing nature of work
Healing voices : feminist approaches to therapy with women
Problems with language imprecision
Psychotherapist's casebook
Putting knowledge to use : facilitating the diffusion of knowledge and the implementation of planned change
Personnel selection in organizations
Cutting back : retrenchment and redevelopment in human and community services
Children in families under stress
Thinking creatively
Living as if : belief systems in mental health practice
New developments in interventions with families of schizophrenics
Problem-solving therapy
The heart of healing : relationships in therapy
Fostering critical reflection in adulthood : a guide to transformative and emancipatory learning
Managing selection in changing organizations : human resource strategies
On the nature of cities : toward enduring and creative human environments
Childhood socialization
Managing public disputes : a practical guide to handling conflict and reaching agreements
Advances in occupational mental health
Mediation research : the process and effectiveness of third-party intervention
Intervention among psychiatrically impaired parents and their young children
Troubled women : roles and realities in psychoanalytic perspective
High-involvement management
Unending work and care : managing chronic illness at home
Political psychology
Bargaining, power, tactics, and outcomes
Case study research in education : a qualitative approach
The Organizational life cycle : issues in the creation, transformation, and decline of organizations
Community consultation
Becoming a stepfamily : patterns of development in remarried families
Maternal responsiveness : characteristics and consequences
Innovations in counseling psychology
The Health of adolescents : understanding and facilitating biological, behavioral, and social development
Social science information and public policy making
Handbook of school-based interventions : resolving student problems and promoting healthy educational environments
Religious development in childhood and adolescence
Creating contact, choosing relationship : the dynamics of unstructured group therapy
Child development and international development : research-policy interfaces
Helping transfer students : strategies for educational and social readjustment
Learning and change in the adult years : a developmental perspective
Legal liability in psychotherapy
At risk in America : the health and health care needs of vulnerable populations in the United States
The study of organizations
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CiNii Books