
Pitman research notes in mathematics series


Pitman research notes in mathematics series

Longman Scientific & Technical


Recent developments in structured continua外部サイトTopics in random polynomials外部サイトWorkshop on dynamical systems : proceedings of the conference at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste 1988外部サイトComplex analysis, harmonic analysis and applications外部サイトProgress in partial differential equations : calculus of variations, applications外部サイトRandom geometrically graph directed self-similar multifractals外部サイトElliptic operators, topology and asymptotic methods外部サイトOrdinary and partial differential equations, volume III : proceedings of the eleventh Dundee Conference, 1990外部サイトNavier-Stokes equations : theory and numerical methods外部サイトTheory of reproducing kernels and its applications外部サイトThe C*-algebras of a class of solvable Lie groups外部サイトSemigroup theory with applications to systems and control外部サイトDirac operators in analysis外部サイトNumerical analysis 1989 : proceedings of the 13th Dundee Conference, June 1989外部サイトLimit algebras : an introduction to subalgebras of C[*]-algebras外部サイトOrdinary and partial differential equations, volume V : proceedings of the Thirteenth Dundee Conference, 1996外部サイトModels of hysteresis外部サイトMultigrid methods外部サイトStochastic analysis, path integration and dynamics : emanations from 'Summer stochastics' Warwick 1987外部サイトAnalysis, numerics and applications of differential and integral equations外部サイトPartial differential equations and related subjects : proceedings of the conference dedicated to Louis Nirenberg外部サイトFrom local times to global geometry, control and physics : emanations from the Warwick Symposium on Stochastic Differential Equations and Applications, 1984/85外部サイトFree boundary problems in fluid flow with applications : proceedings of the International Colloquium 'Free Boundary Problems, Theory and Applications'外部サイトComplex analysis and its applications外部サイトNumerical analysis 1993 : proceedings of the 15th Dundee Conference, June-July 1993外部サイトGeneralized fractional calculus and applications外部サイトGeometry in the neighborhood of invariant manifolds of maps and flows and linearization外部サイトDynamical systems, Santiago de Chile, 1990外部サイトDistributions and pseudo-differential operators外部サイトGeometric methods in operator algebras : proceedings of the US-Japan seminar, Kyoto, July 1983外部サイトMathematical topics in fluid mechanics : proceedings of the summer course held in Lisbon, Portugal, September 9-13, 1991外部サイトPropagation of a curved shock and nonlinear ray theory外部サイトJordan decompositions of generalized vector measures外部サイトAdvanced topics in theoretical fluid mechanics外部サイトProgress in partial differential equations : Pont-à-Mousson 1997外部サイトStochastic calculus in application : proceedings of the Cambridge Symposium, 1987外部サイトPartial differential equations with real analysis外部サイトComputational methods for fluid-structure interaction : proceedings of the "Journées numériques de Besançon, 1992"外部サイトThe Penrose transform and its applications外部サイトSemicontinuity, relaxation and integral representation in the calculus of variations外部サイトIntegral representations for spatial models of mathematical physics外部サイトA general theory of integration in function spaces : including Wiener and Feynman integration外部サイトRings, modules and radicals : proceedings of the Hobart Conference, 1987外部サイトQuantum mechanics, algebras and distributions外部サイトOrdinary and partial differential equations, volume IV : proceedings of the twelfth Dundee Conference, 1992 : in honour of Professor D.S. Jones外部サイトVolterra integrodifferential equations in Banach spaces and applications外部サイトContributions to nonlinear partial differential equations外部サイトCompletely bounded maps and dilations外部サイトSemigroups, theory and applications外部サイトSurveys of some recent results in operator theory外部サイトHamiltonian flows and evolution semigroups外部サイトDevelopments in nonstandard mathematics外部サイトIntegral transforms, reproducing kernels and their applications外部サイトEntropy and partial differential equations外部サイトOakland Conference on Partial Differential Equations and Applied Mathematics外部サイトBoolean methods in interpolation and approximation外部サイトPerturbation bounds for matrix eigenvalues外部サイトReal and complex singularities外部サイトRecent advances in nonlinear elliptic and parabolic problems : proceedings of an international conference, Nancy, France, March 1988外部サイトInverse problems and imaging外部サイトRecent developments in theoretical fluid mechanics : Winter School, Paseky, 1992外部サイトLinear topologies on a ring : an overview外部サイトElements of stability of viscoelastic fluids外部サイトIntroduction to operator theory外部サイトMathematical methods in scattering theory and biomedical technology : proceedings of a workshop dedicated to professor Gary Roach外部サイトRecent developments in evolution equations外部サイトStochastic analysis on infinite dimensional spaces : proceedings of the U.S.-Japan Bilateral Seminar, January 4-8 1994, Baton Rouge, Louisiana外部サイトEquivariant K-theory for proper actions外部サイトTopological and variational methods for nonlinear boundary value problems : 20th Seminar in Partial Differential Equations外部サイトGeneralised optimal stopping problems and financial markets外部サイトGeneral theory of partial differential equations and microlocal analysis : proceedings of the Workshop on General Theory of PDEs and Microlocal Analysis, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste 1995外部サイトSchur's algorithm and several applications外部サイトHyperbolic sets, shadowing and persistence for noninvertible mappings in Banach spaces外部サイトFree boundary problems involving solids : proceedings of the International Colloquium 'Free Boundary Problems, Theory and Applications'外部サイトProgress in partial differential equations : the Metz surveys外部サイトNonlinear partial differential equations : (from a conference in Fés)外部サイトRings and radicals : proceedings of the International Conference, Shijiazhuang '94外部サイトAn introduction to intersection homology theory外部サイトLocal cohomology and localization外部サイトOrdinary and partial differential equations : proceedings of the ninth Dundee Conference, 1986外部サイトPartial differential equations外部サイトDynamics of nonlinear waves in dissipative systems : reduction, bifurcation and stability外部サイトNonlinear variational problems外部サイトRecent developments in hyperbolic equations : proceedings of the Conference on Hyperbolic Equations, University of Pisa, 1987外部サイトProgress in partial differential equations : elliptic and parabolic problems外部サイトNonlinear partial differential equations and their applications : Collège de France seminar外部サイトOrientational averaging in mechanics of solids外部サイトThe linear theory of Colombeau generalized functions外部サイトThe theory of quantaloids外部サイトBoundary value and initial value problems in complex analysis外部サイトPeriodic-parabolic boundary value problems and positivity外部サイトTopics in pseudo-differential operators外部サイトProgress in elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations外部サイトSingularities of solutions of second order quasilinear equations外部サイトGeometry and analysis in nonlinear dynamics外部サイトMultiplication of distributions and applications to partial differential equations外部サイトAsymptotic theories for plates and shells外部サイトOrdinary and delay differential equations外部サイトNoncoercive variational problems and related results外部サイトAdditive groups of rings外部サイトAmenable Banach algebras外部サイトModel completions, ring representations and the topology of the Pierce sheaf外部サイトA functional analytic approach to statistical experiments外部サイトIndependent axioms for Minkowski space-time外部サイトGraph colourings外部サイトDiffraction by wedges外部サイトGeometric function theory and applications of complex analysis to mechanics外部サイトMaximum principles and eigenvalue problems in partial differential equations外部サイトPseudo-differential operators外部サイトEmerging applications in free boundary problems : proceedings of the International Colloquium 'Free Boundary Problems, Theory and Applications'外部サイトRadical theory外部サイトA mathematical analysis of bending of plates with transverse shear deformation外部サイトBarrelledness, Baire-like- and (LF)-spaces外部サイトFree boundary problems : theory and applications外部サイトBanach C(K)-modules and operators preserving disjointness外部サイトTwo-parameter eigenvalue problems in ordinary differential equations外部サイトA mathematical analysis of bending of plates with transverse shear deformation外部サイトElliptic operators, topology and asymptotic methods外部サイトGraph dynamics外部サイトSurveying a dynamical system : a study of the Gray-Scott reaction in a two-phase reactor外部サイトGreen functions for second order parabolic integro-differential problems外部サイトTopological vector spaces, algebras and related areas外部サイトThe Dirichlet problem for the Laplacian in bounded and unbounded domains : a new approach to weak, strong and (2+k)-solutions in Sobolev-type spaces外部サイトAbstract evolution equations, periodic problems and applications外部サイトNumerical analysis外部サイトEigenfunction expansions, operator algebras and Riemannian symmetric spaces外部サイトOptimal control of diffusion processes外部サイトNumerical analysis, 1991 : proceedings of the 14th Dundee Conference, June 1991外部サイトDynamical systems and bifurcation theory外部サイトBackward stochastic differential equations外部サイトNonlinear hyperbolic equations and field theory外部サイトDirect and inverse electromagnetic scattering外部サイトFixed point theory and applications外部サイトNumerical analysis 1987外部サイトIntegral expansions related to Mehler-Fock type transforms : some new types of integral transforms involving spherical harmonics外部サイトAsymptotic problems in probability theory : stochastic models and diffusions on fractals外部サイトInvariant manifold theory for hydrodynamic transition外部サイトHarmonic maps into homogeneous spaces外部サイトOperator algebras and operator theory外部サイトInternational Conference on Dynamical Systems : Montevideo 1995 -- a tribute to Ricardo Mañé外部サイトRiemann waves and their applications外部サイトTheory and applications of inverse problems外部サイトRiemannian geometry and holonomy groups外部サイトSemigroups of linear operators : an introduction外部サイトNonlinear variational problems and partial differential equations外部サイトTopics in controlled Markov chains外部サイトHilbert modules over function algebras外部サイトDefect minimization in operator equations : theory and applications外部サイトStochastic partial differential equations and applications外部サイトAnalytic function theory of one complex variable外部サイトNumerical analysis 1995外部サイトProgress in holomorphic dynamics外部サイトProgress in variational methods in Hamiltonian systems and elliptic equations外部サイトFunctional analysis and two-point differential operators外部サイトDistributions and analytic functions外部サイトNonlinear waves and dissipative effects外部サイトAsymptotics of high order differential equations外部サイトNumerical analysis 1997外部サイトStrong asymptotics for extremal errors and polynomials associated with Erdös-type weights外部サイトLectures on bifurcations, dynamics and symmetry外部サイトFunctional analysis with current applications in science, technology and industry外部サイトRetarded dynamical systems : stability and characteristic functions外部サイトSolution sets of differential operators in abstract spaces外部サイトNonlinear dynamics and pattern formation in the natural environment外部サイトGeometric methods in operator algebras : proceedings of the US-Japan seminar, Kyoto, July 1983外部サイトNonlinear variational problems外部サイトHarmonic analysis on the Heisenberg nilpotent Lie group, with applications to signal theory外部サイトStability of stochastic differential equations with respect to semimartingales外部サイトHilbert space approach to some classical transforms外部サイトIntegral methods in science and engineering外部サイトEnergy stability and convection : proceedings of the workshop, Capri, May 1986外部サイトMultidimensional Brownian excursions and potential theory外部サイトNest algebras : triangular forms for operator algebras on Hilbert space外部サイトLocalization and sheaves : a relative point of view外部サイトNumerical methods for partial differential equations外部サイトOperator algebras and topology外部サイトViscosity solutions and optimal control外部サイトCordes' two-parameter spectral representation theory外部サイトNonstandard methods in the calculus of variations外部サイトConjugate gradient type methods for ill-posed problems外部サイトFree boundary problems : theory and applications外部サイトHyperbolic equations : proceedings of the Conference on Hyperbolic Equations and Related Topics, University of Padova, 1985外部サイトInner product spaces and applications外部サイトSolvability and bifurcations of nonlinear equations外部サイトCommon zeros of polynomials in several variables and higher dimensional quadrature外部サイトAsymptotics of high order differential equations外部サイトDistribution theorems of L-functions外部サイトMathematical aspects of penetrative convection外部サイトStrongly irreducible operators on Hilbert space外部サイトCalculus of variations, applications and computations : Pont-à-Mousson 1994外部サイトMathematical theory in fluid mechanics外部サイトPoisson algebras and Poisson manifolds外部サイトFree boundary problems, theory and applications : proceedings of the Zakopane Congress '95外部サイトA generalized Taylor's formula for functions of several variables and certain of its applications外部サイトHardy-type inequalities外部サイトA survey of preconditioned iterative methods外部サイトBoundary value problems with equivalued surface and resistivity well-logging外部サイトThe development of statistics : recent contributions from China外部サイトOperator theory : proceedings of the 1988 GPOTS-Wabash Conference外部サイトK-theory for real C[*]-algebras and applications外部サイトRefined large deviation limit theorems外部サイトIntegrable systems, conformal geometry and gravitation外部サイトContributions to modern calculus of variations外部サイトElliptic boundary value problems with indefinite weights : variational formulations of the principal eigenvalue and applications外部サイトGeneralized manifolds : a generalized manifold theory with applications to dynamical systems, general relativity and twistor theory外部サイトApproximation of Hilbert space operators外部サイトMathematical problems in semiconductor physics外部サイトQuantales and their applications外部サイトTopological circle planes and topological quadrangles外部サイトLectures on the spectrum of L[2](Γ\\G)外部サイトNonlinear evolution equations外部サイトNon-classical elastic solids外部サイトVariational methods in Lorentzian geometry外部サイトPrestressed bodies外部サイトA method for computing unsteady flows in porous media外部サイトPartial differential equations with complex analysis外部サイトOptimization and identification of systems governed by evolution equations on Banach space外部サイトNumerical methods in mechanics外部サイトMetrizable barrelled spaces外部サイトRecent advances in differential equations外部サイトRepresentations of Lie groups and quantum groups外部サイトStochastic processes with a multidimensional parameter外部サイトOrdinary and partial differential equations, volume II : proceedings of the tenth Dundee Conference, 1988外部サイトFunction spaces, differential operators and nonlinear analysis外部サイトDerivatives, nuclei and dimensions on the frame of torsion theories外部サイトAsymptotic problems in probability theory : Wiener functionals and asymptotics : proceedings of the Taniguchi International Symposium, Sanda and Kyoto, 1990外部サイトTopics in abstract differential equations外部サイトA stochastic maximum principle for optimal control of diffusions外部サイトIntegral methods in science and engineering外部サイトNonlinear parabolic equations : qualitative properties of solutions外部サイトBranched coverings and algebraic functions外部サイトDifferential equations and control theory外部サイトSurveys of some recent results in operator theory外部サイトIntegral equations and inverse problems外部サイトSemigroups of operators and spectral theory外部サイトBoundary-field equation methods for a class of nonlinear problems外部サイトFluid dynamical aspects of combustion theory外部サイトPseudo-orbits of contact forms外部サイトExtending modules外部サイトElliptic and parabolic problems : Pont-à-Mousson 1994外部サイトClassical and quantic periodic motions of multiply polarized spin-particles外部サイトMathematical analysis of nonlinear dynamic processes : an introduction to processes governed by partial differential equations外部サイトProgress in theoretical and computational fluid mechanics : winter school, Paseky, 1993外部サイトComplex analysis and geometry外部サイトCritical points at infinity in some variational problems外部サイトReal analytic and algebraic singularities外部サイトOptimization and nonlinear analysis外部サイトMoments in probability and approximation theory外部サイト






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Research notes in mathematics
Recent developments in structured continua
Topics in random polynomials
Workshop on dynamical systems : proceedings of the conference at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste 1988
Complex analysis, harmonic analysis and applications
Progress in partial differential equations : calculus of variations, applications
Random geometrically graph directed self-similar multifractals
Elliptic operators, topology and asymptotic methods
Ordinary and partial differential equations, volume III : proceedings of the eleventh Dundee Conference, 1990
Navier-Stokes equations : theory and numerical methods
Theory of reproducing kernels and its applications
The C*-algebras of a class of solvable Lie groups
Semigroup theory with applications to systems and control
Dirac operators in analysis
Numerical analysis 1989 : proceedings of the 13th Dundee Conference, June 1989
Limit algebras : an introduction to subalgebras of C[*]-algebras
Ordinary and partial differential equations, volume V : proceedings of the Thirteenth Dundee Conference, 1996
Models of hysteresis
Multigrid methods
Stochastic analysis, path integration and dynamics : emanations from 'Summer stochastics' Warwick 1987
Analysis, numerics and applications of differential and integral equations
Partial differential equations and related subjects : proceedings of the conference dedicated to Louis Nirenberg
From local times to global geometry, control and physics : emanations from the Warwick Symposium on Stochastic Differential Equations and Applications, 1984/85
Free boundary problems in fluid flow with applications : proceedings of the International Colloquium 'Free Boundary Problems, Theory and Applications'
Complex analysis and its applications
Numerical analysis 1993 : proceedings of the 15th Dundee Conference, June-July 1993
Generalized fractional calculus and applications
Geometry in the neighborhood of invariant manifolds of maps and flows and linearization
Dynamical systems, Santiago de Chile, 1990
Distributions and pseudo-differential operators
Geometric methods in operator algebras : proceedings of the US-Japan seminar, Kyoto, July 1983
Mathematical topics in fluid mechanics : proceedings of the summer course held in Lisbon, Portugal, September 9-13, 1991
Propagation of a curved shock and nonlinear ray theory
Jordan decompositions of generalized vector measures
Advanced topics in theoretical fluid mechanics
Progress in partial differential equations : Pont-à-Mousson 1997
Stochastic calculus in application : proceedings of the Cambridge Symposium, 1987
Partial differential equations with real analysis
Computational methods for fluid-structure interaction : proceedings of the "Journées numériques de Besançon, 1992"
The Penrose transform and its applications
Semicontinuity, relaxation and integral representation in the calculus of variations
Integral representations for spatial models of mathematical physics
A general theory of integration in function spaces : including Wiener and Feynman integration
Rings, modules and radicals : proceedings of the Hobart Conference, 1987
Quantum mechanics, algebras and distributions
Ordinary and partial differential equations, volume IV : proceedings of the twelfth Dundee Conference, 1992 : in honour of Professor D.S. Jones
Volterra integrodifferential equations in Banach spaces and applications
Contributions to nonlinear partial differential equations
Completely bounded maps and dilations
Semigroups, theory and applications
Surveys of some recent results in operator theory
Hamiltonian flows and evolution semigroups
Developments in nonstandard mathematics
Integral transforms, reproducing kernels and their applications
Entropy and partial differential equations
Oakland Conference on Partial Differential Equations and Applied Mathematics
Boolean methods in interpolation and approximation
Perturbation bounds for matrix eigenvalues
Real and complex singularities
Recent advances in nonlinear elliptic and parabolic problems : proceedings of an international conference, Nancy, France, March 1988
Inverse problems and imaging
Recent developments in theoretical fluid mechanics : Winter School, Paseky, 1992
Linear topologies on a ring : an overview
Elements of stability of viscoelastic fluids
Introduction to operator theory
Mathematical methods in scattering theory and biomedical technology : proceedings of a workshop dedicated to professor Gary Roach
Recent developments in evolution equations
Stochastic analysis on infinite dimensional spaces : proceedings of the U.S.-Japan Bilateral Seminar, January 4-8 1994, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Equivariant K-theory for proper actions
Topological and variational methods for nonlinear boundary value problems : 20th Seminar in Partial Differential Equations
Generalised optimal stopping problems and financial markets
General theory of partial differential equations and microlocal analysis : proceedings of the Workshop on General Theory of PDEs and Microlocal Analysis, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste 1995
Schur's algorithm and several applications
Hyperbolic sets, shadowing and persistence for noninvertible mappings in Banach spaces
Free boundary problems involving solids : proceedings of the International Colloquium 'Free Boundary Problems, Theory and Applications'
Progress in partial differential equations : the Metz surveys
Nonlinear partial differential equations : (from a conference in Fés)
Rings and radicals : proceedings of the International Conference, Shijiazhuang '94
An introduction to intersection homology theory
Local cohomology and localization
Ordinary and partial differential equations : proceedings of the ninth Dundee Conference, 1986
Partial differential equations
Dynamics of nonlinear waves in dissipative systems : reduction, bifurcation and stability
Nonlinear variational problems
Recent developments in hyperbolic equations : proceedings of the Conference on Hyperbolic Equations, University of Pisa, 1987
Progress in partial differential equations : elliptic and parabolic problems
Nonlinear partial differential equations and their applications : Collège de France seminar
Orientational averaging in mechanics of solids
The linear theory of Colombeau generalized functions
The theory of quantaloids
Boundary value and initial value problems in complex analysis
Periodic-parabolic boundary value problems and positivity
Topics in pseudo-differential operators
Progress in elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations
Singularities of solutions of second order quasilinear equations
Geometry and analysis in nonlinear dynamics
Multiplication of distributions and applications to partial differential equations
Asymptotic theories for plates and shells
Ordinary and delay differential equations
Noncoercive variational problems and related results
Additive groups of rings
Amenable Banach algebras
Model completions, ring representations and the topology of the Pierce sheaf
A functional analytic approach to statistical experiments
Independent axioms for Minkowski space-time
Graph colourings
Diffraction by wedges
Geometric function theory and applications of complex analysis to mechanics
Maximum principles and eigenvalue problems in partial differential equations
Pseudo-differential operators
Emerging applications in free boundary problems : proceedings of the International Colloquium 'Free Boundary Problems, Theory and Applications'
Radical theory
A mathematical analysis of bending of plates with transverse shear deformation
Barrelledness, Baire-like- and (LF)-spaces
Free boundary problems : theory and applications
Banach C(K)-modules and operators preserving disjointness
Two-parameter eigenvalue problems in ordinary differential equations
A mathematical analysis of bending of plates with transverse shear deformation
Elliptic operators, topology and asymptotic methods
Graph dynamics
Surveying a dynamical system : a study of the Gray-Scott reaction in a two-phase reactor
Green functions for second order parabolic integro-differential problems
Topological vector spaces, algebras and related areas
The Dirichlet problem for the Laplacian in bounded and unbounded domains : a new approach to weak, strong and (2+k)-solutions in Sobolev-type spaces
Abstract evolution equations, periodic problems and applications
Numerical analysis
Eigenfunction expansions, operator algebras and Riemannian symmetric spaces
Optimal control of diffusion processes
Numerical analysis, 1991 : proceedings of the 14th Dundee Conference, June 1991
Dynamical systems and bifurcation theory
Backward stochastic differential equations
Nonlinear hyperbolic equations and field theory
Direct and inverse electromagnetic scattering
Fixed point theory and applications
Numerical analysis 1987
Integral expansions related to Mehler-Fock type transforms : some new types of integral transforms involving spherical harmonics
Asymptotic problems in probability theory : stochastic models and diffusions on fractals
Invariant manifold theory for hydrodynamic transition
Harmonic maps into homogeneous spaces
Operator algebras and operator theory
International Conference on Dynamical Systems : Montevideo 1995 -- a tribute to Ricardo Mañé
Riemann waves and their applications
Theory and applications of inverse problems
Riemannian geometry and holonomy groups
Semigroups of linear operators : an introduction
Nonlinear variational problems and partial differential equations
Topics in controlled Markov chains
Hilbert modules over function algebras
Defect minimization in operator equations : theory and applications
Stochastic partial differential equations and applications
Analytic function theory of one complex variable
Numerical analysis 1995
Progress in holomorphic dynamics
Progress in variational methods in Hamiltonian systems and elliptic equations
Functional analysis and two-point differential operators
Distributions and analytic functions
Nonlinear waves and dissipative effects
Asymptotics of high order differential equations
Numerical analysis 1997
Strong asymptotics for extremal errors and polynomials associated with Erdös-type weights
Lectures on bifurcations, dynamics and symmetry
Functional analysis with current applications in science, technology and industry
Retarded dynamical systems : stability and characteristic functions
Solution sets of differential operators in abstract spaces
Nonlinear dynamics and pattern formation in the natural environment
Geometric methods in operator algebras : proceedings of the US-Japan seminar, Kyoto, July 1983
Nonlinear variational problems
Harmonic analysis on the Heisenberg nilpotent Lie group, with applications to signal theory
Stability of stochastic differential equations with respect to semimartingales
Hilbert space approach to some classical transforms
Integral methods in science and engineering
Energy stability and convection : proceedings of the workshop, Capri, May 1986
Multidimensional Brownian excursions and potential theory
Nest algebras : triangular forms for operator algebras on Hilbert space
Localization and sheaves : a relative point of view
Numerical methods for partial differential equations
Operator algebras and topology
Viscosity solutions and optimal control
Cordes' two-parameter spectral representation theory
Nonstandard methods in the calculus of variations
Conjugate gradient type methods for ill-posed problems
Free boundary problems : theory and applications
Hyperbolic equations : proceedings of the Conference on Hyperbolic Equations and Related Topics, University of Padova, 1985
Inner product spaces and applications
Solvability and bifurcations of nonlinear equations
Common zeros of polynomials in several variables and higher dimensional quadrature
Asymptotics of high order differential equations
Distribution theorems of L-functions
Mathematical aspects of penetrative convection
Strongly irreducible operators on Hilbert space
Calculus of variations, applications and computations : Pont-à-Mousson 1994
Mathematical theory in fluid mechanics
Poisson algebras and Poisson manifolds
Free boundary problems, theory and applications : proceedings of the Zakopane Congress '95
A generalized Taylor's formula for functions of several variables and certain of its applications
Hardy-type inequalities
A survey of preconditioned iterative methods
Boundary value problems with equivalued surface and resistivity well-logging
The development of statistics : recent contributions from China
Operator theory : proceedings of the 1988 GPOTS-Wabash Conference
K-theory for real C[*]-algebras and applications
Refined large deviation limit theorems
Integrable systems, conformal geometry and gravitation
Contributions to modern calculus of variations
Elliptic boundary value problems with indefinite weights : variational formulations of the principal eigenvalue and applications
Generalized manifolds : a generalized manifold theory with applications to dynamical systems, general relativity and twistor theory
Approximation of Hilbert space operators
Mathematical problems in semiconductor physics
Quantales and their applications
Topological circle planes and topological quadrangles
Lectures on the spectrum of L[2](Γ\\G)
Nonlinear evolution equations
Non-classical elastic solids
Variational methods in Lorentzian geometry
Prestressed bodies
A method for computing unsteady flows in porous media
Partial differential equations with complex analysis
Optimization and identification of systems governed by evolution equations on Banach space
Numerical methods in mechanics
Metrizable barrelled spaces
Recent advances in differential equations
Representations of Lie groups and quantum groups
Stochastic processes with a multidimensional parameter
Ordinary and partial differential equations, volume II : proceedings of the tenth Dundee Conference, 1988
Function spaces, differential operators and nonlinear analysis
Derivatives, nuclei and dimensions on the frame of torsion theories
Asymptotic problems in probability theory : Wiener functionals and asymptotics : proceedings of the Taniguchi International Symposium, Sanda and Kyoto, 1990
Topics in abstract differential equations
A stochastic maximum principle for optimal control of diffusions
Integral methods in science and engineering
Nonlinear parabolic equations : qualitative properties of solutions
Branched coverings and algebraic functions
Differential equations and control theory
Surveys of some recent results in operator theory
Integral equations and inverse problems
Semigroups of operators and spectral theory
Boundary-field equation methods for a class of nonlinear problems
Fluid dynamical aspects of combustion theory
Pseudo-orbits of contact forms
Extending modules
Elliptic and parabolic problems : Pont-à-Mousson 1994
Classical and quantic periodic motions of multiply polarized spin-particles
Mathematical analysis of nonlinear dynamic processes : an introduction to processes governed by partial differential equations
Progress in theoretical and computational fluid mechanics : winter school, Paseky, 1993
Complex analysis and geometry
Critical points at infinity in some variational problems
Real analytic and algebraic singularities
Optimization and nonlinear analysis
Moments in probability and approximation theory
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books