
Worldwatch paper


Worldwatch paper

Worldwatch Institute]



Also published: Schwalbach/Ts. : Wochenschau Verlag


Gender bias : roadblock to sustainable development外部サイトApartheid's environmental toll外部サイトGreen revolutions : environmental reconstruction in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union外部サイトMicroelectronics at work : productivity and jobs in the world economy外部サイトGetting the signals right : tax reform to protect the environment and the economy外部サイトSaving the forests : what will it take?外部サイトLiquid assets : the critical need to safeguard freshwater ecosystems外部サイトCorrecting gender myopia : gender equity, women's welfare, and the environment外部サイトInvesting in the future : harnessing private capital flows for environmentally sustainable development外部サイトMainstreaming renewable energy in the 21st century外部サイトTaking a stand : cultivating a new relationship with the world's forests外部サイトThe anatomy of resource wars外部サイトWorld oil : coping with the dangers of success外部サイトCatch of the day : choosing seafood for healthier oceans外部サイトBeyond Malthus : sixteen dimensions of the population problem外部サイトInfecting ourselves : how environmental and social disruptions trigger disease外部サイトSmall arms, big impact : the next challenge of disarmament外部サイトBeyond the petroleum age : designing a solar economy外部サイトSwords into plowshares : converting to a peace economy外部サイトWorld population trends : signs of hope, signs of stress外部サイトOn the brink of extinction : conserving the diversity of life外部サイトTaking stock : animal farming and the environment外部サイトMaterials recycling : the virtue of necessity外部サイトThe two faces of malnutrition外部サイトThe future of urbanization : facing the ecological and economic constraints外部サイトBanishing tobacco外部サイトElectricity for a developing world : new directions外部サイトBeyond the green revolution : new approaches for Third World agriculture外部サイトAlternatives to the automobile : transport for livable cities外部サイトImperiled waters, impoverished future : the decline of freshwater ecosystems外部サイトTwenty-two dimensions of the population problem外部サイトLosing strands in the web of life : vertebrate declines and the conservation of biological diversity外部サイトThe changing role of the market in national economies外部サイトAction at the grassroots : fighting poverty and environmental decline外部サイトThe global economic prospect : new sources of economic stress外部サイトUmweltschutz und Menschenrechte : Plädoyer für eine notwendige Zusammenarbeit外部サイトMining urban wastes : the potential for recycling外部サイトRecycling organic waste : from urban pollutant to farm resource外部サイトAbandoned seas : reversing the decline of the oceans外部サイトRethinking the role of the automobile外部サイトEnvironmental refugees : a yardstick of habitability外部サイトNuclear waste : the problem that won't go away外部サイトInvoking the spirit : religion and spirituality in the quest for a sustainable world外部サイトGlobal network : computers in a sustainable society外部サイトPaying the piper : subsidies, politics, and the environment外部サイトPurchasing power : harnessing institutional procurement for people and the planet外部サイトThe solar energy timetable外部サイトSoil erosion : quiet crisis in the world economy外部サイトWinged messengers : the decline of birds外部サイトPartnership for the planet : an environmental agenda for the United Nations外部サイトSustainable development for the second world : Ukraine and the nations in transition外部サイトHome grown : the case for local food in a global market外部サイトThe global politics of abortion外部サイトDisappearing species : the social challenge外部サイトReforesting the earth外部サイトProtecting life on earth : steps to save the ozone layer外部サイトWomen's reproductive health : the silent emergency外部サイトInvesting in children外部サイトEnergy : the solar prospect外部サイトRising sun, gathering winds : policies to stabilize the climate and strengthen economies外部サイトMind over matter : recasting the role of materials in our lives外部サイトDividing the waters : food security, ecosystem health, and the new politics of scarcity外部サイトDiscarding the throwaway society外部サイトElectricity's future : the shift to efficiency and small-scale power外部サイトDefusing the toxics threat : controlling pesticides and industrial waste外部サイトPlanting for the future : forestry for human needs外部サイトEnergy productivity : key to environmental protection and economic progress外部サイトCostly tradeoffs : reconciling trade and the environment外部サイトHigh priorities : conserving mountain ecosystems and cultures外部サイトWater : rethinking management in an age of scarcity外部サイトRepairs, reuse, recycling : first steps toward a sustainable society外部サイトImproving world health : a least cost strategy外部サイトHappier meals : rethinking the global meat industry外部サイトEnergy : the case for conservation外部サイトThe future of the automobile in an oil-short world外部サイトThe unfinished assignment : equal education for women外部サイトClearing the air : a global agenda外部サイトThe agricultural link : how environmental deterioration could disrupt economic progress外部サイトLife support : conserving biological diversity外部サイトClimate of hope : new strategies for stabilizing the world's atmosphere外部サイトAfter the Earth Summit : the future of environmental governance外部サイトBudgeting for disarmament : the costs of war and peace外部サイトVenture capitalism for a tropical forest : cocoa in the Mata Atlântica外部サイトInflation : the rising cost of living on a small planet外部サイトSlowing global warming : a worldwide strategy外部サイトAltering the earth's chemistry : assessing the risks外部サイトPowering the future : blueprint for a sustainable electricity industry外部サイトRocking the boat : conserving fisheries and protecting jobs外部サイトSpreading deserts--the hand of man外部サイトEmpowering development : the new energy equation外部サイトReversing Africa's decline外部サイトRedefining national security外部サイトThe bicycle : vehicle for a small planet外部サイトThe worldwide loss of cropland外部サイトWater for agriculture : facing the limits外部サイトAir pollution, acid rain, and the future of forests外部サイトGuardians of the land : indigenous peoples and the health of the earth外部サイトShrinking fields : cropland loss in a world of eight billion外部サイトCritical juncture : the future of peacekeeping外部サイトMining the earth外部サイトThe next efficiency revolution : creating a sustainable materials economy外部サイトResource trends and population policy : a time for reassessment外部サイトJobs in a sustainable economy外部サイトReassessing nuclear power : the fallout from Chernobyl外部サイトPoverty and the environment : reversing the downward spiral外部サイトWhole earth security : a geopolitics of peace外部サイトLocal responses to global problems : a key to meeting basic human needs外部サイトDecommissioning : nuclear power's missing link外部サイトShaping cities : the environmental and human dimensions外部サイトPollution : the neglected dimensions外部サイト






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Also published: Schwalbach/Ts. : Wochenschau Verlag
Gender bias : roadblock to sustainable development
Apartheid's environmental toll
Green revolutions : environmental reconstruction in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union
Microelectronics at work : productivity and jobs in the world economy
Getting the signals right : tax reform to protect the environment and the economy
Saving the forests : what will it take?
Liquid assets : the critical need to safeguard freshwater ecosystems
Correcting gender myopia : gender equity, women's welfare, and the environment
Investing in the future : harnessing private capital flows for environmentally sustainable development
Mainstreaming renewable energy in the 21st century
Taking a stand : cultivating a new relationship with the world's forests
The anatomy of resource wars
World oil : coping with the dangers of success
Catch of the day : choosing seafood for healthier oceans
Beyond Malthus : sixteen dimensions of the population problem
Infecting ourselves : how environmental and social disruptions trigger disease
Small arms, big impact : the next challenge of disarmament
Beyond the petroleum age : designing a solar economy
Swords into plowshares : converting to a peace economy
World population trends : signs of hope, signs of stress
On the brink of extinction : conserving the diversity of life
Taking stock : animal farming and the environment
Materials recycling : the virtue of necessity
The two faces of malnutrition
The future of urbanization : facing the ecological and economic constraints
Banishing tobacco
Electricity for a developing world : new directions
Beyond the green revolution : new approaches for Third World agriculture
Alternatives to the automobile : transport for livable cities
Imperiled waters, impoverished future : the decline of freshwater ecosystems
Twenty-two dimensions of the population problem
Losing strands in the web of life : vertebrate declines and the conservation of biological diversity
The changing role of the market in national economies
Action at the grassroots : fighting poverty and environmental decline
The global economic prospect : new sources of economic stress
Umweltschutz und Menschenrechte : Plädoyer für eine notwendige Zusammenarbeit
Mining urban wastes : the potential for recycling
Recycling organic waste : from urban pollutant to farm resource
Abandoned seas : reversing the decline of the oceans
Rethinking the role of the automobile
Environmental refugees : a yardstick of habitability
Nuclear waste : the problem that won't go away
Invoking the spirit : religion and spirituality in the quest for a sustainable world
Global network : computers in a sustainable society
Paying the piper : subsidies, politics, and the environment
Purchasing power : harnessing institutional procurement for people and the planet
The solar energy timetable
Soil erosion : quiet crisis in the world economy
Winged messengers : the decline of birds
Partnership for the planet : an environmental agenda for the United Nations
Sustainable development for the second world : Ukraine and the nations in transition
Home grown : the case for local food in a global market
The global politics of abortion
Disappearing species : the social challenge
Reforesting the earth
Protecting life on earth : steps to save the ozone layer
Women's reproductive health : the silent emergency
Investing in children
Energy : the solar prospect
Rising sun, gathering winds : policies to stabilize the climate and strengthen economies
Mind over matter : recasting the role of materials in our lives
Dividing the waters : food security, ecosystem health, and the new politics of scarcity
Discarding the throwaway society
Electricity's future : the shift to efficiency and small-scale power
Defusing the toxics threat : controlling pesticides and industrial waste
Planting for the future : forestry for human needs
Energy productivity : key to environmental protection and economic progress
Costly tradeoffs : reconciling trade and the environment
High priorities : conserving mountain ecosystems and cultures
Water : rethinking management in an age of scarcity
Repairs, reuse, recycling : first steps toward a sustainable society
Improving world health : a least cost strategy
Happier meals : rethinking the global meat industry
Energy : the case for conservation
The future of the automobile in an oil-short world
The unfinished assignment : equal education for women
Clearing the air : a global agenda
The agricultural link : how environmental deterioration could disrupt economic progress
Life support : conserving biological diversity
Climate of hope : new strategies for stabilizing the world's atmosphere
After the Earth Summit : the future of environmental governance
Budgeting for disarmament : the costs of war and peace
Venture capitalism for a tropical forest : cocoa in the Mata Atlântica
Inflation : the rising cost of living on a small planet
Slowing global warming : a worldwide strategy
Altering the earth's chemistry : assessing the risks
Powering the future : blueprint for a sustainable electricity industry
Rocking the boat : conserving fisheries and protecting jobs
Spreading deserts--the hand of man
Empowering development : the new energy equation
Reversing Africa's decline
Redefining national security
The bicycle : vehicle for a small planet
The worldwide loss of cropland
Water for agriculture : facing the limits
Air pollution, acid rain, and the future of forests
Guardians of the land : indigenous peoples and the health of the earth
Shrinking fields : cropland loss in a world of eight billion
Critical juncture : the future of peacekeeping
Mining the earth
The next efficiency revolution : creating a sustainable materials economy
Resource trends and population policy : a time for reassessment
Jobs in a sustainable economy
Reassessing nuclear power : the fallout from Chernobyl
Poverty and the environment : reversing the downward spiral
Whole earth security : a geopolitics of peace
Local responses to global problems : a key to meeting basic human needs
Decommissioning : nuclear power's missing link
Shaping cities : the environmental and human dimensions
Pollution : the neglected dimensions
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books