
Wisconsin studies in classics


Wisconsin studies in classics

Fowler, Barbara Hughesほか
University of Wisconsin Press



General editors: Barbara Hughes Fouler and Warren G. MoonGeneral editors vary: Richard Daniel De Puma and Barbara Hughes Fouler


Hellenistic poetry : an anthology外部サイトAccountability in Athenian government外部サイトDiscs of splendor : the relief mirrors of the Etruscans外部サイトPolykleitos, the Doryphoros, and tradition外部サイトFourth-century styles in Greek sculpture外部サイトFlinders Petrie : a life in archaeology外部サイトArchaic Greek poetry : an anthology外部サイトTheocritus' pastoral analogies : the formation of a genre外部サイトPandora's senses : the feminine character of the ancient text外部サイトThe slave in Greece and Rome外部サイトMail and female : epistolary narrative and desire in Ovid's Heroides外部サイトWomen in Roman Republican drama外部サイトNox philologiae : Aulus Gellius and the fantasy of the Roman library外部サイトA history of education in antiquity外部サイトPerfidy and passion : reintroducing the Iliad外部サイトRepeat performances : Ovidian repetition and the Metamorphoses外部サイトWit and the writing of history : the rhetoric of historiography in imperial Rome外部サイトProstitutes and courtesans in the ancient world外部サイトDream, fantasy, and visual art in Roman elegy外部サイトThe styles of ca. 200-100 B.C.外部サイトWorshipping Athena : Panathenaia and Parthenon外部サイトKallimachos : the Alexandrian Library and the origins of bibliography外部サイトUlysses in Black : Ralph Ellison, classicism, and African American literature外部サイトOvid before exile : art and punishment in the Metamorphoses外部サイトThe iconography of sculptured statue bases in the Archaic and Classical periods外部サイトReligion in ancient Etruria外部サイトGreek heroine cults外部サイトThe Archaeology of the Olympics : the Olympics and other festivals in antiquity外部サイトThe game of death in ancient Rome : arena sport and political suicide外部サイトAsinaria : the one about the asses外部サイトModes of viewing in Hellenistic poetry and art外部サイトThe image of the poet in Ovid's Metamorphoses外部サイトDisplaced persons : the literature of exile from Cicero to Boethius外部サイトRoman cities = Les villes romaines外部サイトThe styles of ca. 100-31 B.C.外部サイトRomans and barbarians : the decline of the western empire外部サイトNew perspectives on Etruria and early Rome : in honor of Richard Daniel De Puma外部サイトReset in stone : memory and reuse in ancient Athens外部サイトSlavery and sexuality in classical antiquity外部サイトThe styles of ca. 331-200 B.C.外部サイトThe classical epic tradition外部サイトThe world of Roman costume外部サイトTradition and innovation in late antiquity外部サイトThe gift of correspondence in classical Rome : friendship in Cicero's Ad familiares and Seneca's Moral epistles外部サイトThe wedding in ancient Athens外部サイトAncient Anatolia : aspects of change and cultural development : essays in honor of Machteld J. Mellink外部サイトResponses to Oliver Stone's Alexander : film, history, and cultural studies外部サイトSophocles' Philoctetes and the great soul robbery外部サイトAeschylus's Suppliant women : the tragedy of immigration外部サイトThe world of Roman costume外部サイトHellenistic architectural sculpture : figural motifs in western Anatolia and the Aegean Islands外部サイトGreek footwear and the dating of sculpture外部サイトThe styles of ca. 331-200 B.C.外部サイトTheocritus' pastoral analogies : the formation of a genre外部サイトAncient goddesses : the myths and the evidence外部サイトThe Archaeology of the Olympics : the Olympics and other festivals in antiquity外部サイトTragic rites : narrative and ritual in Sophoclean drama外部サイトFestivals of Attica : an archaeological commentary外部サイトA symposion of praise : Horace returns to lyric in Odes IV外部サイトEchoing Hylas : a study in Hellenistic and Roman metapoetics外部サイトMurlo and the Etruscans : art and society in ancient Etruria外部サイトEuripides and the tragic tradition外部サイトThe complete poetry of Catullus外部サイトGreek prostitutes in the ancient Mediterranean, 800 BCE-200 CE外部サイトRome and India : the ancient sea trade外部サイトAncient Greek art and iconography外部サイトHorace between freedom and slavery : the first book of Epistles外部サイトImperium and cosmos : Augustus and the northern Campus Martius外部サイトVirgil and Joyce : nationalism and imperialism in the Aeneid and Ulysses外部サイトThe Hellenistic aesthetic外部サイトMyth, ethos, and actuality : official art in fifth-century B.C. Athens外部サイトPolygnotos and vase painting in classical Athens外部サイトThe Athenian Adonia in context : the Adonis festival as cultural practice外部サイトSatire and the threat of speech : Horace's satires, book 1外部サイトSilenced voices : the poetics of speech in Ovid外部サイトCtesias' Persica and its Near Eastern context外部サイトThe fractured voice : silence and power in imperial Roman literature外部サイトThe discourse of marriage in the Greco-Roman world外部サイトThe Ciceronian tradition in political theory外部サイトLanguage and authority in De lingua Latina : Varro's guide to being Roman外部サイトInsults in classical Athens外部サイトThe Gods of the Greeks外部サイトThe Athenian Adonia in context : the Adonis festival as cultural practice外部サイトA guide to scenes of daily life on Athenian vases外部サイトAthens, Etruria, and the many lives of Greek figured pottery外部サイト






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General editors: Barbara Hughes Fouler and Warren G. Moon
General editors vary: Richard Daniel De Puma and Barbara Hughes Fouler
Hellenistic poetry : an anthology
Accountability in Athenian government
Discs of splendor : the relief mirrors of the Etruscans
Polykleitos, the Doryphoros, and tradition
Fourth-century styles in Greek sculpture
Flinders Petrie : a life in archaeology
Archaic Greek poetry : an anthology
Theocritus' pastoral analogies : the formation of a genre
Pandora's senses : the feminine character of the ancient text
The slave in Greece and Rome
Mail and female : epistolary narrative and desire in Ovid's Heroides
Women in Roman Republican drama
Nox philologiae : Aulus Gellius and the fantasy of the Roman library
A history of education in antiquity
Perfidy and passion : reintroducing the Iliad
Repeat performances : Ovidian repetition and the Metamorphoses
Wit and the writing of history : the rhetoric of historiography in imperial Rome
Prostitutes and courtesans in the ancient world
Dream, fantasy, and visual art in Roman elegy
The styles of ca. 200-100 B.C.
Worshipping Athena : Panathenaia and Parthenon
Kallimachos : the Alexandrian Library and the origins of bibliography
Ulysses in Black : Ralph Ellison, classicism, and African American literature
Ovid before exile : art and punishment in the Metamorphoses
The iconography of sculptured statue bases in the Archaic and Classical periods
Religion in ancient Etruria
Greek heroine cults
The Archaeology of the Olympics : the Olympics and other festivals in antiquity
The game of death in ancient Rome : arena sport and political suicide
Asinaria : the one about the asses
Modes of viewing in Hellenistic poetry and art
The image of the poet in Ovid's Metamorphoses
Displaced persons : the literature of exile from Cicero to Boethius
Roman cities = Les villes romaines
The styles of ca. 100-31 B.C.
Romans and barbarians : the decline of the western empire
New perspectives on Etruria and early Rome : in honor of Richard Daniel De Puma
Reset in stone : memory and reuse in ancient Athens
Slavery and sexuality in classical antiquity
The styles of ca. 331-200 B.C.
The classical epic tradition
The world of Roman costume
Tradition and innovation in late antiquity
The gift of correspondence in classical Rome : friendship in Cicero's Ad familiares and Seneca's Moral epistles
The wedding in ancient Athens
Ancient Anatolia : aspects of change and cultural development : essays in honor of Machteld J. Mellink
Responses to Oliver Stone's Alexander : film, history, and cultural studies
Sophocles' Philoctetes and the great soul robbery
Aeschylus's Suppliant women : the tragedy of immigration
The world of Roman costume
Hellenistic architectural sculpture : figural motifs in western Anatolia and the Aegean Islands
Greek footwear and the dating of sculpture
The styles of ca. 331-200 B.C.
Theocritus' pastoral analogies : the formation of a genre
Ancient goddesses : the myths and the evidence
The Archaeology of the Olympics : the Olympics and other festivals in antiquity
Tragic rites : narrative and ritual in Sophoclean drama
Festivals of Attica : an archaeological commentary
A symposion of praise : Horace returns to lyric in Odes IV
Echoing Hylas : a study in Hellenistic and Roman metapoetics
Murlo and the Etruscans : art and society in ancient Etruria
Euripides and the tragic tradition
The complete poetry of Catullus
Greek prostitutes in the ancient Mediterranean, 800 BCE-200 CE
Rome and India : the ancient sea trade
Ancient Greek art and iconography
Horace between freedom and slavery : the first book of Epistles
Imperium and cosmos : Augustus and the northern Campus Martius
Virgil and Joyce : nationalism and imperialism in the Aeneid and Ulysses
The Hellenistic aesthetic
Myth, ethos, and actuality : official art in fifth-century B.C. Athens
Polygnotos and vase painting in classical Athens
The Athenian Adonia in context : the Adonis festival as cultural practice
Satire and the threat of speech : Horace's satires, book 1
Silenced voices : the poetics of speech in Ovid
Ctesias' Persica and its Near Eastern context
The fractured voice : silence and power in imperial Roman literature
The discourse of marriage in the Greco-Roman world
The Ciceronian tradition in political theory
Language and authority in De lingua Latina : Varro's guide to being Roman
Insults in classical Athens
The Gods of the Greeks
The Athenian Adonia in context : the Adonis festival as cultural practice
A guide to scenes of daily life on Athenian vases
Athens, Etruria, and the many lives of Greek figured pottery
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research