
Midland books


Midland books

Indiana University Press


Social dimensions of Soviet industrialization外部サイトAfrican divination systems : ways of knowing外部サイトInstrumental realism : the interface between philosophy of science and philosophy of technology外部サイトThe paradox of tragedy : the Mahlon Powell lectures 1959外部サイトThe art of Sylvia Plath : a symposium外部サイトA style manual for students, based on the MLA style sheet外部サイトThe fairytale as art form and portrait of man外部サイトComparative literature and literary theory: survey and introduction外部サイトFeminist perspectives in medical ethics外部サイトA history of Habsburg Jews, 1670-1918外部サイトEarly medieval art, with illustrations from the British Museum and British Library collections外部サイトOn philosophical style外部サイトThe poetics of biblical narrative : ideological literature and the drama of reading外部サイトFilm makers on film making : statements on their art by thirty directors外部サイトGerman Jews beyond Judaism外部サイトThe Japanese American experience外部サイトColeridge on imagination外部サイトAspects of form : a symposium on form in nature and art外部サイト100 years at Hull-House外部サイトTime, narrative, and history外部サイトDionysus, myth and cult外部サイトA dialogue of comfort against tribulation外部サイトWriting American history : essays on modern scholarship外部サイトSee so that we may see : performances and interpretations of traditional tales from Tanzania外部サイトThe sense of injustice外部サイトInterpretations of Beowulf : a critical anthology外部サイトFragments of redemption : Jewish thought and literary theory in Benjamin, Scholem, and Levinas外部サイトThe empty place : poetry, space, and being among the Foi of Papua New Guinea外部サイトEarly Medieval art, with illustrations from the British Museum collection外部サイトFreedom of the press for whom? : the right of access to mass media外部サイトThe legacies of literacy : continuities and contradictions in western culture and society外部サイトJokelore : humorous folktales from Indiana外部サイトIntroduction to William James : an essay and selected texts外部サイトEssays on the eighteenth-century novel外部サイトThe discovery of language : linguistic science in the nineteenth century外部サイトThe resisting reader : a feminist approach to American fiction外部サイトWomen united, women divided : comparative studies of ten contemporary cultures外部サイトHe-said-she-said : talk as social organization among Black children外部サイトJoyce Carol Oates, artist in residence外部サイトThe challenge of existentialism外部サイトThe Sign of three : Dupin, Holmes, Peirce外部サイトShuckin' and jivin' : folklore from contemporary Black Americans外部サイトTechnology and the lifeworld : from garden to earth外部サイトMyth : a symposium外部サイトHeroic epic and saga : an introduction and handbook to the world's great folk epics外部サイトAgainst ethics : contributions to a poetics of obligation with constant reference to deconstruction外部サイトThe well-tempered critic外部サイトThe living thoughts of Kierkegaard外部サイトSantayana and the sense of beauty外部サイトThe history of science and the new humanism外部サイトThe definitive Time machine : a critical edition of H.G. Wells's scientific romance外部サイトBeing and race : black writing since 1970外部サイトThe Etruscans in the ancient world外部サイトEarly Medieval art : with illustrations from the British Museum collection外部サイトWoman, native, other : writing postcoloniality and feminism外部サイトReading Kristeva : unraveling the double-bind外部サイトThe diplomacy of the American Revolution外部サイトThree Greek plays for the theatre外部サイトStudies in entertainment : critical approaches to mass culture外部サイトA Widening sphere : changing roles of Victorian women外部サイトRed bread : collectivization in a Russian village外部サイトThe question of Jean-Jacques Rousseau外部サイトRussia's second revolution : the February 1917 uprising in Petrograd外部サイトOne hundred favorite folktales外部サイトThe diplomacy of a new age : major issues in U.S. policy since 1945外部サイトThe resisting reader : a feminist approach to American fiction外部サイトAriosto's orlando furioso : selections form the translation of Sir John Harington外部サイトThe population crisis : implications and plans for action外部サイトThe love ethic of D. H. Lawrence外部サイトFreedom and civilization外部サイトWomen in Roman law & society外部サイトFaulkner's As I lay dying外部サイトOn referring in literature外部サイトClass, race, and the civil rights movement外部サイトPerspectives on the Divine comedy外部サイトThe influence of Darwin on philosophy : and other essays in contemporary thought外部サイトThe Bill of Rights in modern America : after 200 years外部サイトSir Gawain and Pearl : critical essays外部サイトHearth & home : a history of material culture外部サイトAfrican oral literature : backgrounds, character, and continuity外部サイトMasters of the keyboard : individual style elements in the piano music of Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin, and Brahms外部サイトNew approaches to the symbolic character of consumer goods and activities外部サイトTragedy, myth, and mystery外部サイトWriting American history : essays on modern scholarship外部サイトThe transformation of American Quakerism : Orthodox Friends, 1800-1907外部サイトSketch for a self-portrait外部サイトSatirical sketches外部サイトA style manual for students, for the preparation of term papers, essays, and theses外部サイトNine Talmudic readings外部サイトPrelude to revolution : the Petrograd Bolsheviks and the July 1917 uprising外部サイトAmerica and the world political economy : Atlantic dreams and national realities外部サイトThe complete romances of Chrétien de Troyes外部サイトThe good city外部サイトMurder and difference : gender, genre, and scholarship on Sisera's death外部サイトThe gender of modernism : a critical anthology外部サイトRomantic revolutions : criticism and theory外部サイトCrossroads to Israel外部サイトModern linguistics : the results of Chomsky's revolution外部サイトScreening the holocaust : cinema's images of the unimaginable外部サイトThe datires of Juvenal外部サイトCharles Dickens : the world of his novels外部サイトReframing Japanese cinema : authorship, genre, history外部サイトBlack sister : poetry by black American women, 1746-1980外部サイトSunflower splendor : three thousand years of Chinese poetry外部サイトJohn Dryden : a study of his poetry外部サイトPuritans and pragmatists : eight eminent American thinkers外部サイトSpiritus mundi : essays on literature, myth, and society外部サイトCulture and African American politics外部サイトFaulkner's Light in August外部サイトHoosier folk legends外部サイトSixteen cowries : Yoruba divination from Africa to the New World外部サイトPrecision journalism : a reporter's introduction to social science methods外部サイトEssays on Dante外部サイトLove in literature : studies in symbolic expression外部サイトFive masters : a study in the mutations of the novel外部サイトThe golden bowl be broken : peasant life in four cultures外部サイトSpeech : its function and development外部サイトShakespeare and the rival traditions外部サイトPerspectives by incongruity外部サイトAmazing tales from Indiana外部サイトShakespeare's sisters : feminist essays on women poets外部サイトStubborn weeds : popular and controversial Chinese literature after the Cultural Revolution外部サイトMother with child : transformations through childbirth外部サイトDisplacement : Derrida and after外部サイトAge of surrealism外部サイトZeitgeist in Babel : the postmodernist controversy外部サイトAfricanisms in American culture外部サイトWilliam James and phenomenology外部サイトCultural revolution in Russia, 1928-1931外部サイトAfter the great divide : modernism, mass culture, postmodernism外部サイトBy no extraordinary means : the choice to forgo life-sustaining food and water外部サイトAristocrats of color : the Black elite, 1880-1920外部サイトThe three worlds of Albert Schweitzer外部サイトBackgrounds of romanticism : English philosophical prose of the eighteenth century外部サイトPublic entrepreneurship : toward a theory of bureaucratic political power : the organizational lives of Hyman Rickover, J. Edgar Hoover, and Robert Moses外部サイトRadical hermeneutics : repetition, deconstruction, and the hermeneutic project外部サイトThe films of Yvonne Rainer外部サイトThe journals of Jean Cocteau外部サイトCommitted journalism : an ethic for the profession外部サイトSentimental modernism : women writers and the revolution of the word外部サイトAbortion & dialogue : pro-choice, pro-life, and American law外部サイトReflections on the death of a porcupine and other essays外部サイトFrench women and the age of enlightenment外部サイトThe role of the reader : explorations in the semiotics of texts外部サイトWriting beyond the ending : narrative strategies of twentieth-century women writers外部サイトThe twice-born : a study of a community of high-caste Hindus外部サイトThe art of William Golding外部サイトRights of passage : the past and future of the ERA外部サイトThe Satires of Juvenal外部サイトFaulkner : the major years : a critical study外部サイトThe children of Frankenstein : a primer on modern technology and human values外部サイトIron, gender, and power : rituals of transformation in African societies外部サイトWomen and work in preindustrial Europe外部サイトHistory of the concept of time : prolegomena外部サイトOral poetry : its nature, significance, and social context外部サイトReflections of Nazism : an essay on kitsch and death外部サイトTheatre, theory, postmodernism外部サイトThe American Negro : a study in racial crossing外部サイトThe modern cinema of Poland外部サイトExplorations in feminist ethics : theory and practice外部サイトThe woman at the keyhole : feminism and women's cinema外部サイトRussia and the Golden Horde : the Mongol impact on medieval Russian history外部サイトRole playing and identity : the limits of theatre as metaphor外部サイトAristotle : a contemporary appreciation外部サイトJournal of women's history guide to periodical literature外部サイトThe basic problems of phenomenology外部サイトJohn Dewey's pragmatic technology外部サイトSantayana and the sense of beauty外部サイトImagining : a phenomenological study外部サイトThe tales of Rabbi Nachman外部サイトTales of the North American Indians外部サイトAristotle and the American Indians : a study in race prejudice in the modern world外部サイトSemiotics of poetry外部サイトSolzhenitsyn : a documentary record外部サイトThe less noble sex : scientific, religious, and philosophical conceptions of woman's nature外部サイトImperialism and revolution : an essay for radicals外部サイトThe theory of oral composition : history and methodology外部サイトAll things are possible : the healing & charismatic revivals in modern America外部サイトModern German literature : the major figures in context外部サイトChina's turbulent quest : an analysis of China's foreign relations since 1949外部サイトThe esthetic basis of Greek art of the fifth and fourth centuries B.C.外部サイトThe resources of rationality : a response to the postmodern challenge外部サイトCongress against itself外部サイトThe case for the welfare state : from social security to social equality外部サイトEros plus massacre : an introduction to the Japanese new wave cinema外部サイトFeminism, socialism, and French romanticism外部サイトHigh anxiety : catastrophe, scandal, age, & comedy外部サイトEnvironment for man : the next fifty years外部サイトVita nuova外部サイトKant and the problem of metaphysics外部サイトWomen in reformation and counter-reformation Europe : public and private worlds外部サイトRabelais and his world外部サイトGod, guilt, and death : an existential phenomenology of religion外部サイトAfrican folktales in the New World外部サイトEcstasy, ritual and alternate reality : religion in a pluralistic world外部サイトThe life of science : essays in the history of civilization外部サイトThe science of vocal pedagogy : theory and application外部サイトD. H. Lawrence : the failure and the triumph of art外部サイトA theory of semiotics外部サイトShakespeare's world of images : the development of his moral ideas外部サイトOnce upon a time : on the nature of fairy tales外部サイトThe Chinese eye : an interpretation of Chinese painting外部サイトTough, sweet & stuffy : an essay on modern American prose styles外部サイトReclaiming paradise : the global environmental movement外部サイトMother tongue, father time : a decade of linguistic revolt外部サイトEarth tones : the poetry of Pablo Neruda外部サイトForms of modern fiction : essays collected in honor of Joseph Warren Beach外部サイトParties and elections in an anti-party age : American politics and the crisis of confidence外部サイトThe world of Flannery O'Connor外部サイトOpposition : a linguistic and psychological analysis外部サイトThe art of war: Waterloo to Mons外部サイトPost new wave cinema in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe外部サイトThe American scene外部サイトEthnic identity : strategies of diversity外部サイトThe concept of irony : with constant reference to Socrates外部サイトWhere we live : essays about Indiana外部サイトJames Joyce today : essays on the major works, commemorating the twenty-fifth anniversary of his death外部サイトA style manual for authors : based on the MLA style sheet外部サイトThe hermeneutics of postmodernity : figures and themes外部サイトPaul Gauguin's intimate journals外部サイトDiscovering difference : contemporary essays in American culture外部サイトThe withering away of the city外部サイトThe Jews of East Central Europe between the world wars外部サイトNomads and Crusaders, A.D. 1000-1368外部サイトThe Politics of the essay : feminist perspectives外部サイトThe burning fountain : a study in the language of symbolism外部サイトOxford lectures on poetry外部サイトThe moral decision : right and wrong in the light of American law外部サイトA short history of the Vietnam War外部サイトThe inclusive flame : studies in modern American poetry外部サイトRational man : a modern interpretation of aristotelian ethics外部サイトTender is the night ; essays in criticism外部サイトThe birth of a consumer society : the commercialization of eighteenth-century England外部サイトGẹlẹdẹ : art and female power among the Yoruba外部サイトAlice doesn't : feminism, semiotics, cinema外部サイトThe new apologists for poetry外部サイトRichard B. Moore, Caribbean militant in Harlem : collected writings 1920-1972外部サイトThe bloc that failed : Soviet-East European relations in transition外部サイトEnvironment for man : the next fifty years外部サイトPerformance practices in classic piano music : their principles and applications外部サイトTelephone conversation外部サイトIn the spirit of William James外部サイトSubjectivity, identity, and the body : women's autobiographical practices in the twentieth century外部サイトThe logic of literature外部サイトHandbook of American folklore外部サイトRevaluing French feminism : critical essays on difference, agency, and culture外部サイトThe Great Migration in historical perspective : new dimensions of race, class, and gender外部サイトPrivatization and liberalization in the Middle East外部サイトThe imaginary signifier : psychoanalysis and the cinema外部サイトBeowulf外部サイトEssays in the philosophy of art外部サイトFrom verismo to experimentalism : essays on the modern Italian novel外部サイトLiterature and film外部サイトMetamorphoses外部サイトLucretiu the way things are : the de rerum natura of Titus Lucretius Carus外部サイトWomen in culture and politics : a century of change外部サイトThe educated Imagination外部サイトThe jazz poetry anthology外部サイトThe managerial revolution外部サイトIfa divination : communication between gods and men in West Africa外部サイトFeminism & science外部サイトMetaphor & reality外部サイトIndiana folklore : a reader外部サイトSartre's political theory外部サイトBlack film as genre外部サイトTerms for order外部サイトThe twelve dancing princesses, and other fairy tales外部サイトSocial epistemology外部サイトDionysus, myth and cult外部サイトFrom crossbow to H-bomb外部サイトThe critical path : an essay on the social context of literary criticism外部サイトAmerican and English fiction in the nineteenth century : an antigenre critique and comparison外部サイトA sign is just a sign外部サイトThe idiom of poetry外部サイトRabbis and lawyers : the journey from Torah to Constitution外部サイトBolshevik culture : experiment and order in the Russian Revolution外部サイトArchetypal patterns in women's fiction外部サイトAfrican folklore外部サイトWomen's autobiography : essays in criticism外部サイトPagan Rome and the early Christians外部サイトAmerican farmers : the new minority外部サイトThe present age in British literature外部サイトThe double : a poem of St. Petersburg外部サイトA style manual for students : for the preparation of term papers, essays, and theses外部サイトThe literary symbol外部サイトThe Shakespearean imagination外部サイトWriting diaspora : tactics of intervention in contemporary cultural studies外部サイトCurrents in contemporary drama外部サイトMusic for piano and orchestra : an annotated guide外部サイトGeoffrey Chaucer外部サイトThe stature of Theodore Dreiser : a critical survey of the man and his work外部サイトAfrican politics : crises and challenges外部サイトThe execution of Mayor Yin, and other stories from the great proletarian cultural revolution外部サイトThem or us : archetypal interpretations of fifties alien invasion films外部サイトCommunism in Eastern Europe外部サイトThe Enchiridion of Erasmus外部サイトA celebration of demons : exorcism and the aesthetics of healing in Sri Lanka外部サイトFive plays外部サイトHeidegger on being and acting : from principles to anarchy外部サイトThe Indiana way : a state history外部サイトFree Women of Spain : anarchism and the struggle for the emancipation of women外部サイトDeath and the invisible powers : the world of Kongo belief外部サイトA double dying : reflections on Holocaust literature外部サイトHarpsichord in America : a twentieth-century revival外部サイトRevolutionary Ethiopia : from empire to people's republic外部サイトA theory of semiotics外部サイトPersuasions and performances : the play of tropes in culture外部サイトThe Aeneid : an epic poem of Rome外部サイトMyths of coeducation : selected essays, 1964-1983外部サイトJames Joyce and the making of Ulysses外部サイトThe mother/daughter plot : narrative, psychoanalysis, feminism外部サイトPeace heroes in twentieth-century America外部サイトTechnologies of gender : essays on theory, film, and fiction外部サイトBosses in lusty Chicago : the story of Bathhouse John and Hinky Dink外部サイトVita nuova外部サイトThe rampaging frontier : manners and humors of pioneer days in the South and the Middle West外部サイトMan-made women : how new reproductive technologies affect women外部サイトThe limits of interpretation外部サイトThe art of love外部サイトMother Russia : the feminine myth in Russian culture外部サイトMusic in American life外部サイトA capacity to punish : the ecology of crime and punishment外部サイトThe language of tragedy外部サイトA style manual for students : for the preparation of term papers, essays, and theses外部サイトThe widening gyre : crisis and mastery in modern literature外部サイトThe Mande blacksmiths : knowledge, power, and art in West Africa外部サイトIssues in feminist film criticism外部サイトSaul Bellow : in defense of man外部サイトThe first modern comedies : the significance of Etherege, Wycherley and Congreve外部サイトMore man than you'll ever be : gay folklore and acculturation in middle America外部サイトThrowing like a girl and other essays in feminist philosophy and social theory外部サイトWriting and rewriting the Holocaust : narrative and the consequences of interpretation外部サイトWomen of science : righting the record外部サイトThe metaphysical foundations of logic外部サイトThe Jews of Warsaw, 1939-1943 : ghetto, underground, revolt外部サイトSuffer and be still : women in the Victorian age外部サイト






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A Midland book
Midland book
Social dimensions of Soviet industrialization
African divination systems : ways of knowing
Instrumental realism : the interface between philosophy of science and philosophy of technology
The paradox of tragedy : the Mahlon Powell lectures 1959
The art of Sylvia Plath : a symposium
A style manual for students, based on the MLA style sheet
The fairytale as art form and portrait of man
Comparative literature and literary theory: survey and introduction
Feminist perspectives in medical ethics
A history of Habsburg Jews, 1670-1918
Early medieval art, with illustrations from the British Museum and British Library collections
On philosophical style
The poetics of biblical narrative : ideological literature and the drama of reading
Film makers on film making : statements on their art by thirty directors
German Jews beyond Judaism
The Japanese American experience
Coleridge on imagination
Aspects of form : a symposium on form in nature and art
100 years at Hull-House
Time, narrative, and history
Dionysus, myth and cult
A dialogue of comfort against tribulation
Writing American history : essays on modern scholarship
See so that we may see : performances and interpretations of traditional tales from Tanzania
The sense of injustice
Interpretations of Beowulf : a critical anthology
Fragments of redemption : Jewish thought and literary theory in Benjamin, Scholem, and Levinas
The empty place : poetry, space, and being among the Foi of Papua New Guinea
Early Medieval art, with illustrations from the British Museum collection
Freedom of the press for whom? : the right of access to mass media
The legacies of literacy : continuities and contradictions in western culture and society
Jokelore : humorous folktales from Indiana
Introduction to William James : an essay and selected texts
Essays on the eighteenth-century novel
The discovery of language : linguistic science in the nineteenth century
The resisting reader : a feminist approach to American fiction
Women united, women divided : comparative studies of ten contemporary cultures
He-said-she-said : talk as social organization among Black children
Joyce Carol Oates, artist in residence
The challenge of existentialism
The Sign of three : Dupin, Holmes, Peirce
Shuckin' and jivin' : folklore from contemporary Black Americans
Technology and the lifeworld : from garden to earth
Myth : a symposium
Heroic epic and saga : an introduction and handbook to the world's great folk epics
Against ethics : contributions to a poetics of obligation with constant reference to deconstruction
The well-tempered critic
The living thoughts of Kierkegaard
Santayana and the sense of beauty
The history of science and the new humanism
The definitive Time machine : a critical edition of H.G. Wells's scientific romance
Being and race : black writing since 1970
The Etruscans in the ancient world
Early Medieval art : with illustrations from the British Museum collection
Woman, native, other : writing postcoloniality and feminism
Reading Kristeva : unraveling the double-bind
The diplomacy of the American Revolution
Three Greek plays for the theatre
Studies in entertainment : critical approaches to mass culture
A Widening sphere : changing roles of Victorian women
Red bread : collectivization in a Russian village
The question of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Russia's second revolution : the February 1917 uprising in Petrograd
One hundred favorite folktales
The diplomacy of a new age : major issues in U.S. policy since 1945
The resisting reader : a feminist approach to American fiction
Ariosto's orlando furioso : selections form the translation of Sir John Harington
The population crisis : implications and plans for action
The love ethic of D. H. Lawrence
Freedom and civilization
Women in Roman law & society
Faulkner's As I lay dying
On referring in literature
Class, race, and the civil rights movement
Perspectives on the Divine comedy
The influence of Darwin on philosophy : and other essays in contemporary thought
The Bill of Rights in modern America : after 200 years
Sir Gawain and Pearl : critical essays
Hearth & home : a history of material culture
African oral literature : backgrounds, character, and continuity
Masters of the keyboard : individual style elements in the piano music of Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin, and Brahms
New approaches to the symbolic character of consumer goods and activities
Tragedy, myth, and mystery
Writing American history : essays on modern scholarship
The transformation of American Quakerism : Orthodox Friends, 1800-1907
Sketch for a self-portrait
Satirical sketches
A style manual for students, for the preparation of term papers, essays, and theses
Nine Talmudic readings
Prelude to revolution : the Petrograd Bolsheviks and the July 1917 uprising
America and the world political economy : Atlantic dreams and national realities
The complete romances of Chrétien de Troyes
The good city
Murder and difference : gender, genre, and scholarship on Sisera's death
The gender of modernism : a critical anthology
Romantic revolutions : criticism and theory
Crossroads to Israel
Modern linguistics : the results of Chomsky's revolution
Screening the holocaust : cinema's images of the unimaginable
The datires of Juvenal
Charles Dickens : the world of his novels
Reframing Japanese cinema : authorship, genre, history
Black sister : poetry by black American women, 1746-1980
Sunflower splendor : three thousand years of Chinese poetry
John Dryden : a study of his poetry
Puritans and pragmatists : eight eminent American thinkers
Spiritus mundi : essays on literature, myth, and society
Culture and African American politics
Faulkner's Light in August
Hoosier folk legends
Sixteen cowries : Yoruba divination from Africa to the New World
Precision journalism : a reporter's introduction to social science methods
Essays on Dante
Love in literature : studies in symbolic expression
Five masters : a study in the mutations of the novel
The golden bowl be broken : peasant life in four cultures
Speech : its function and development
Shakespeare and the rival traditions
Perspectives by incongruity
Amazing tales from Indiana
Shakespeare's sisters : feminist essays on women poets
Stubborn weeds : popular and controversial Chinese literature after the Cultural Revolution
Mother with child : transformations through childbirth
Displacement : Derrida and after
Age of surrealism
Zeitgeist in Babel : the postmodernist controversy
Africanisms in American culture
William James and phenomenology
Cultural revolution in Russia, 1928-1931
After the great divide : modernism, mass culture, postmodernism
By no extraordinary means : the choice to forgo life-sustaining food and water
Aristocrats of color : the Black elite, 1880-1920
The three worlds of Albert Schweitzer
Backgrounds of romanticism : English philosophical prose of the eighteenth century
Public entrepreneurship : toward a theory of bureaucratic political power : the organizational lives of Hyman Rickover, J. Edgar Hoover, and Robert Moses
Radical hermeneutics : repetition, deconstruction, and the hermeneutic project
The films of Yvonne Rainer
The journals of Jean Cocteau
Committed journalism : an ethic for the profession
Sentimental modernism : women writers and the revolution of the word
Abortion & dialogue : pro-choice, pro-life, and American law
Reflections on the death of a porcupine and other essays
French women and the age of enlightenment
The role of the reader : explorations in the semiotics of texts
Writing beyond the ending : narrative strategies of twentieth-century women writers
The twice-born : a study of a community of high-caste Hindus
The art of William Golding
Rights of passage : the past and future of the ERA
The Satires of Juvenal
Faulkner : the major years : a critical study
The children of Frankenstein : a primer on modern technology and human values
Iron, gender, and power : rituals of transformation in African societies
Women and work in preindustrial Europe
History of the concept of time : prolegomena
Oral poetry : its nature, significance, and social context
Reflections of Nazism : an essay on kitsch and death
Theatre, theory, postmodernism
The American Negro : a study in racial crossing
The modern cinema of Poland
Explorations in feminist ethics : theory and practice
The woman at the keyhole : feminism and women's cinema
Russia and the Golden Horde : the Mongol impact on medieval Russian history
Role playing and identity : the limits of theatre as metaphor
Aristotle : a contemporary appreciation
Journal of women's history guide to periodical literature
The basic problems of phenomenology
John Dewey's pragmatic technology
Santayana and the sense of beauty
Imagining : a phenomenological study
The tales of Rabbi Nachman
Tales of the North American Indians
Aristotle and the American Indians : a study in race prejudice in the modern world
Semiotics of poetry
Solzhenitsyn : a documentary record
The less noble sex : scientific, religious, and philosophical conceptions of woman's nature
Imperialism and revolution : an essay for radicals
The theory of oral composition : history and methodology
All things are possible : the healing & charismatic revivals in modern America
Modern German literature : the major figures in context
China's turbulent quest : an analysis of China's foreign relations since 1949
The esthetic basis of Greek art of the fifth and fourth centuries B.C.
The resources of rationality : a response to the postmodern challenge
Congress against itself
The case for the welfare state : from social security to social equality
Eros plus massacre : an introduction to the Japanese new wave cinema
Feminism, socialism, and French romanticism
High anxiety : catastrophe, scandal, age, & comedy
Environment for man : the next fifty years
Vita nuova
Kant and the problem of metaphysics
Women in reformation and counter-reformation Europe : public and private worlds
Rabelais and his world
God, guilt, and death : an existential phenomenology of religion
African folktales in the New World
Ecstasy, ritual and alternate reality : religion in a pluralistic world
The life of science : essays in the history of civilization
The science of vocal pedagogy : theory and application
D. H. Lawrence : the failure and the triumph of art
A theory of semiotics
Shakespeare's world of images : the development of his moral ideas
Once upon a time : on the nature of fairy tales
The Chinese eye : an interpretation of Chinese painting
Tough, sweet & stuffy : an essay on modern American prose styles
Reclaiming paradise : the global environmental movement
Mother tongue, father time : a decade of linguistic revolt
Earth tones : the poetry of Pablo Neruda
Forms of modern fiction : essays collected in honor of Joseph Warren Beach
Parties and elections in an anti-party age : American politics and the crisis of confidence
The world of Flannery O'Connor
Opposition : a linguistic and psychological analysis
The art of war: Waterloo to Mons
Post new wave cinema in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe
The American scene
Ethnic identity : strategies of diversity
The concept of irony : with constant reference to Socrates
Where we live : essays about Indiana
James Joyce today : essays on the major works, commemorating the twenty-fifth anniversary of his death
A style manual for authors : based on the MLA style sheet
The hermeneutics of postmodernity : figures and themes
Paul Gauguin's intimate journals
Discovering difference : contemporary essays in American culture
The withering away of the city
The Jews of East Central Europe between the world wars
Nomads and Crusaders, A.D. 1000-1368
The Politics of the essay : feminist perspectives
The burning fountain : a study in the language of symbolism
Oxford lectures on poetry
The moral decision : right and wrong in the light of American law
A short history of the Vietnam War
The inclusive flame : studies in modern American poetry
Rational man : a modern interpretation of aristotelian ethics
Tender is the night ; essays in criticism
The birth of a consumer society : the commercialization of eighteenth-century England
Gẹlẹdẹ : art and female power among the Yoruba
Alice doesn't : feminism, semiotics, cinema
The new apologists for poetry
Richard B. Moore, Caribbean militant in Harlem : collected writings 1920-1972
The bloc that failed : Soviet-East European relations in transition
Environment for man : the next fifty years
Performance practices in classic piano music : their principles and applications
Telephone conversation
In the spirit of William James
Subjectivity, identity, and the body : women's autobiographical practices in the twentieth century
The logic of literature
Handbook of American folklore
Revaluing French feminism : critical essays on difference, agency, and culture
The Great Migration in historical perspective : new dimensions of race, class, and gender
Privatization and liberalization in the Middle East
The imaginary signifier : psychoanalysis and the cinema
Essays in the philosophy of art
From verismo to experimentalism : essays on the modern Italian novel
Literature and film
Lucretiu the way things are : the de rerum natura of Titus Lucretius Carus
Women in culture and politics : a century of change
The educated Imagination
The jazz poetry anthology
The managerial revolution
Ifa divination : communication between gods and men in West Africa
Feminism & science
Metaphor & reality
Indiana folklore : a reader
Sartre's political theory
Black film as genre
Terms for order
The twelve dancing princesses, and other fairy tales
Social epistemology
Dionysus, myth and cult
From crossbow to H-bomb
The critical path : an essay on the social context of literary criticism
American and English fiction in the nineteenth century : an antigenre critique and comparison
A sign is just a sign
The idiom of poetry
Rabbis and lawyers : the journey from Torah to Constitution
Bolshevik culture : experiment and order in the Russian Revolution
Archetypal patterns in women's fiction
African folklore
Women's autobiography : essays in criticism
Pagan Rome and the early Christians
American farmers : the new minority
The present age in British literature
The double : a poem of St. Petersburg
A style manual for students : for the preparation of term papers, essays, and theses
The literary symbol
The Shakespearean imagination
Writing diaspora : tactics of intervention in contemporary cultural studies
Currents in contemporary drama
Music for piano and orchestra : an annotated guide
Geoffrey Chaucer
The stature of Theodore Dreiser : a critical survey of the man and his work
African politics : crises and challenges
The execution of Mayor Yin, and other stories from the great proletarian cultural revolution
Them or us : archetypal interpretations of fifties alien invasion films
Communism in Eastern Europe
The Enchiridion of Erasmus
A celebration of demons : exorcism and the aesthetics of healing in Sri Lanka
Five plays
Heidegger on being and acting : from principles to anarchy
The Indiana way : a state history
Free Women of Spain : anarchism and the struggle for the emancipation of women
Death and the invisible powers : the world of Kongo belief
A double dying : reflections on Holocaust literature
Harpsichord in America : a twentieth-century revival
Revolutionary Ethiopia : from empire to people's republic
A theory of semiotics
Persuasions and performances : the play of tropes in culture
The Aeneid : an epic poem of Rome
Myths of coeducation : selected essays, 1964-1983
James Joyce and the making of Ulysses
The mother/daughter plot : narrative, psychoanalysis, feminism
Peace heroes in twentieth-century America
Technologies of gender : essays on theory, film, and fiction
Bosses in lusty Chicago : the story of Bathhouse John and Hinky Dink
Vita nuova
The rampaging frontier : manners and humors of pioneer days in the South and the Middle West
Man-made women : how new reproductive technologies affect women
The limits of interpretation
The art of love
Mother Russia : the feminine myth in Russian culture
Music in American life
A capacity to punish : the ecology of crime and punishment
The language of tragedy
A style manual for students : for the preparation of term papers, essays, and theses
The widening gyre : crisis and mastery in modern literature
The Mande blacksmiths : knowledge, power, and art in West Africa
Issues in feminist film criticism
Saul Bellow : in defense of man
The first modern comedies : the significance of Etherege, Wycherley and Congreve
More man than you'll ever be : gay folklore and acculturation in middle America
Throwing like a girl and other essays in feminist philosophy and social theory
Writing and rewriting the Holocaust : narrative and the consequences of interpretation
Women of science : righting the record
The metaphysical foundations of logic
The Jews of Warsaw, 1939-1943 : ghetto, underground, revolt
Suffer and be still : women in the Victorian age
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