
Developments in geotechnical engineering


Developments in geotechnical engineering



Probabilistic solutions in geotechnics外部サイトClay in engineering geology外部サイトThe geotechnics of real materials : the [epsilon] g̳, [epsilon] k̳ method外部サイトSeismic effects on structures外部サイトTunneling in rock外部サイトSoil plasticity : theory and implementation外部サイトFoundations on expansive soils外部サイトThe penetrometer and soil exploration : interpretation of penetration diagrams - theory and practice外部サイトReservoir-induced earthquakes外部サイトGround freezing 1980 : selected papers of the Second International Symposium on Ground Freezing, held in Trondheim, June 24-26, 1980外部サイトModelling of soil-structure interaction外部サイトHeat transfer with freezing and thawing外部サイトThe in-situ behavior of salt rocks外部サイトSoil properties and behaviour外部サイトFrontiers in geotechnical engineering外部サイトGeneration, propagation and influence of waves外部サイトGround freezing : proceedings of the First International Symposium on Ground Freezing, held in Bochum, March 8-10, 1978外部サイトLaterite soil engineering : pedogenesis and engineering principles外部サイトFoundation engineering外部サイトUnderground structures : design and instrumentation外部サイトRock dynamics and geophysical exploration : introduction to stress waves in rocks外部サイトDynamic soil-structure interaction : current research in China and Switzerland外部サイトCoastal engineering : waves, beaches, wave-structure interactions外部サイトThe bearing capacity of building foundations外部サイトWall and foundation calculations, slope stability外部サイトDams and earthquakes外部サイトElastic analysis of soil-foundation interaction外部サイトUnderground structures : design and construction外部サイトSoil dynamics and liquefaction外部サイトNatural phenomena外部サイトGeoenvironmental engineering外部サイトGrouting theory and practice外部サイトRock mechanics in hydroengineering外部サイトRockfill in hydraulic engineering外部サイトSoil-structure interaction外部サイトLandslides and their control外部サイトNonlinear analysis in soil mechanics : theory and implementation外部サイトPhysical characteristics of soils, plasticity, settlement calculations, interpretation of in-situ tests外部サイトPrinciples of contaminant transport in soils外部サイトAnchoring in rock and soil外部サイトFinite element techniques in groundwater flow studies : with applications in hydraulic and geotechnical engineering外部サイトMethods of foundation engineering外部サイトWater-well design and construction外部サイトEngineering geological advances in Japan for the new millennium外部サイトStrata mechanics : proceedings of the Symposium on Strata Mechanics held in Newcastle upon Tyne, 5-7 April 1982外部サイトLimit analysis in soil mechanics外部サイトPractices and trends in ground improvement techniques外部サイトThe theory of strata mechanics外部サイトSoil settlement effects on buildings外部サイトRock fracture mechanics : principles, design, and applications外部サイトRheological fundamentals of soil mechanics外部サイトLandslides and their control外部サイトFundamentals of discrete element methods for rock engineering : theory and applications外部サイトEngineering sites外部サイトOptions for tunnelling 1993外部サイトRock mechanics on a geological base外部サイトSoft clay engineering外部サイトStructures and stochastic methods外部サイトFoundations on expansive soils外部サイトSlope analysis外部サイトSurveying instruments and their operational principles外部サイトAnchoring in rock外部サイトStresses and displacements for shallow foundations外部サイトWaste disposal in rock外部サイトMechanics of particulate materials : the principles外部サイトStabilized earth roads外部サイトPrinciples of testing soils, rocks, and concrete外部サイトRock grouting and diaphragm wall construction外部サイトRecent advances in lifeline earthquake engineering外部サイトStability of tidal inlets : theory and engineering外部サイトEarthquake proof design and active faults外部サイトDams, dam foundations and reservoir sites外部サイトGeomechanics principles in the design of tunnels and caverns in rocks外部サイトCanal and river levées外部サイトEmbankments on organic soils外部サイトSeismic risk and engineering decisions外部サイトThe penetrometer and soil exploration : interpretation of penetration diagrams - theory and practice外部サイトCreep of soils and related phenomena外部サイトSedimentation, estuaries, tides, effluents, and modelling外部サイトMine openings : stability and support外部サイトGround motion and engineering seismology外部サイトEngineering geology外部サイトSoil physics : selected topics外部サイトLimit analysis and soil plasticity外部サイトGroundwater in civil engineering外部サイトTheoretical foundation engineering外部サイトDesign and construction of mounds for breakwaters and coastal protection外部サイトRock and soil mechanics外部サイトEarth anchors外部サイトCoupled thermo-hydro-mechanical processes of fractured media : mathematical and experimental studies : recent developments of DECOVALEX project for radioactive waste repositories外部サイトSubsidence : occurrence, prediction, and control外部サイトFoundations on expansive soils外部サイトStress in subsoil and methods of final settlement calculation外部サイト






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Probabilistic solutions in geotechnics
Clay in engineering geology
The geotechnics of real materials : the [epsilon] g̳, [epsilon] k̳ method
Seismic effects on structures
Tunneling in rock
Soil plasticity : theory and implementation
Foundations on expansive soils
The penetrometer and soil exploration : interpretation of penetration diagrams - theory and practice
Reservoir-induced earthquakes
Ground freezing 1980 : selected papers of the Second International Symposium on Ground Freezing, held in Trondheim, June 24-26, 1980
Modelling of soil-structure interaction
Heat transfer with freezing and thawing
The in-situ behavior of salt rocks
Soil properties and behaviour
Frontiers in geotechnical engineering
Generation, propagation and influence of waves
Ground freezing : proceedings of the First International Symposium on Ground Freezing, held in Bochum, March 8-10, 1978
Laterite soil engineering : pedogenesis and engineering principles
Foundation engineering
Underground structures : design and instrumentation
Rock dynamics and geophysical exploration : introduction to stress waves in rocks
Dynamic soil-structure interaction : current research in China and Switzerland
Coastal engineering : waves, beaches, wave-structure interactions
The bearing capacity of building foundations
Wall and foundation calculations, slope stability
Dams and earthquakes
Elastic analysis of soil-foundation interaction
Underground structures : design and construction
Soil dynamics and liquefaction
Natural phenomena
Geoenvironmental engineering
Grouting theory and practice
Rock mechanics in hydroengineering
Rockfill in hydraulic engineering
Soil-structure interaction
Landslides and their control
Nonlinear analysis in soil mechanics : theory and implementation
Physical characteristics of soils, plasticity, settlement calculations, interpretation of in-situ tests
Principles of contaminant transport in soils
Anchoring in rock and soil
Finite element techniques in groundwater flow studies : with applications in hydraulic and geotechnical engineering
Methods of foundation engineering
Water-well design and construction
Engineering geological advances in Japan for the new millennium
Strata mechanics : proceedings of the Symposium on Strata Mechanics held in Newcastle upon Tyne, 5-7 April 1982
Limit analysis in soil mechanics
Practices and trends in ground improvement techniques
The theory of strata mechanics
Soil settlement effects on buildings
Rock fracture mechanics : principles, design, and applications
Rheological fundamentals of soil mechanics
Landslides and their control
Fundamentals of discrete element methods for rock engineering : theory and applications
Engineering sites
Options for tunnelling 1993
Rock mechanics on a geological base
Soft clay engineering
Structures and stochastic methods
Foundations on expansive soils
Slope analysis
Surveying instruments and their operational principles
Anchoring in rock
Stresses and displacements for shallow foundations
Waste disposal in rock
Mechanics of particulate materials : the principles
Stabilized earth roads
Principles of testing soils, rocks, and concrete
Rock grouting and diaphragm wall construction
Recent advances in lifeline earthquake engineering
Stability of tidal inlets : theory and engineering
Earthquake proof design and active faults
Dams, dam foundations and reservoir sites
Geomechanics principles in the design of tunnels and caverns in rocks
Canal and river levées
Embankments on organic soils
Seismic risk and engineering decisions
The penetrometer and soil exploration : interpretation of penetration diagrams - theory and practice
Creep of soils and related phenomena
Sedimentation, estuaries, tides, effluents, and modelling
Mine openings : stability and support
Ground motion and engineering seismology
Engineering geology
Soil physics : selected topics
Limit analysis and soil plasticity
Groundwater in civil engineering
Theoretical foundation engineering
Design and construction of mounds for breakwaters and coastal protection
Rock and soil mechanics
Earth anchors
Coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical processes of fractured media : mathematical and experimental studies : recent developments of DECOVALEX project for radioactive waste repositories
Subsidence : occurrence, prediction, and control
Foundations on expansive soils
Stress in subsoil and methods of final settlement calculation
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books