
Trends in linguistics


Trends in linguistics

Winter, Wernerほか



Eds.: Werner Winter, Richard A. RhodesEditors varyPublisher continued by: Mouton de Gruyter...


Essays on typology of Iranian languages外部サイトCross-cultural pragmatics : the semantics of human interaction外部サイトLinguistics of the Himalayas and beyond外部サイトConstituent syntax : adverbial phrases, adverbs, mood, tense外部サイトHistorical, Indo-European, and lexicographical studies : a Festschrift for Ladislav Zgusta on the occasion of his 70th birthday外部サイトThe New sound of Indo-European : essays in phonological reconstruction外部サイトNew perspectives on Chinese syntax外部サイトCognitive modeling and verbal semantics : a representational framework based on UML外部サイトRelational typology外部サイトVocative! : addressing between system and performance外部サイトResumptivity in Mandarin Chinese : a minimalist account外部サイトThe making of a language : the case of the idiom of Wilamowice, southern Poland外部サイトBilingualism and linguistic conflict in Romance外部サイトHistorical morphology外部サイトAncient languages of the Balkans外部サイトGeneral and theoretical linguistics外部サイトVariation, selection, development : probing the evolutionary model of language change外部サイトPlurality and classifiers across languages in China外部サイトConstructional approaches to syntactic structures in German外部サイトHistorical development of auxiliaries外部サイトCulture and styles of academic discourse外部サイトLanguage usage and language structure外部サイトColloquial Israeli Hebrew : a corpus-based survey外部サイトThe history of Nordic relative clauses外部サイトLanguage endangerment and language revitalization外部サイトAdverbial clauses in cross-linguistic perspective外部サイトLanguage history, language change, and language relationship : an introduction to historical and comparative linguistics外部サイトSounds and systems : studies in structure and change : a Festschrift for Theo Vennemann外部サイトEuropa Vasconica, Europa Semitica外部サイトRelative tense and aspectual values in Tibetan languages : a comparative study外部サイトThe noun phrase in functional discourse grammar外部サイトFrequency effects in language representation外部サイトLanguage history外部サイトValency : theoretical, descriptive, and cognitive issues外部サイトA handbook of Old Chinese phonology外部サイトSyntactic change : toward a theory of historical syntax外部サイトComputers in language research : formal methods外部サイトLinguistic universals and language variation外部サイトDescriptive linguistics外部サイトThe Germanic strong verbs : foundations and development of a new system外部サイトPresent-day dialectology : problems and findings外部サイトCreole languages and language acquisition外部サイトThe elements of mathematical semantics外部サイトContrasting languages : the scope of contrastive linguistics外部サイトEvidential systems of Tibetan languages外部サイトVergleichende Untersuchungen der altanatolischen Sprachen外部サイトNew approaches to Chinese word formation : morphology, phonology and the lexicon in modern and ancient Chinese外部サイトSiraya : retrieving the phonology, grammar and lexicon of a dormant Formosan language外部サイトEssentials of language documentation外部サイトInstruction grammar : from perception via grammar to action外部サイトNational and regional trends in Romance linguistics and philology外部サイトStatistics for linguistics with R : a practical introduction外部サイトInsights from practices in community-based research : from theory to practice around the globe外部サイトFoundations of axiomatic linguistics外部サイトReconstructing prehistorical dialects : initial vowels in Slavic and Baltic外部サイトCoherence theory : the case of Russian外部サイトGrammatical replication and borrowability in language contact外部サイトDie lettische Sprache und ihre Dialekte外部サイトBalto-Slavic accentual mobility外部サイトA Bantawa dictionary外部サイトThe Trobriand islanders' ways of speaking外部サイトA typology of verbal borrowings外部サイトLesser-known languages of South Asia : status and policies, case studies and applications of information technology外部サイトThe aborigines of Sakhalin外部サイトLinguistic change under contact conditions外部サイトHistorical syntax外部サイトThe metrical organization of Beowulf : prototype and isomorphism外部サイトHow to show things with words : a study on logic, language and literature外部サイトThe Munda verb : typological perspectives外部サイトOn languages and language : the presidential addresses of the 1991 Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea外部サイトTrends in Iranian and Persian linguistics外部サイトLanguage change and language structure : older Germanic languages in a comparative perspective外部サイトComplex sentences, grammaticalization, typology外部サイトDefiniteness in Bulgarian : modelling the processes of language change外部サイトGender in grammar and cognition外部サイトCatching language : the standing challenge of grammar writing外部サイトTheory and typology of proper names外部サイトSemantic role universals and argument linking : theoretical, typological, and psycholinguistic perspectives外部サイトAdvances in English historical linguistics (1996)外部サイトThe Norwegian nominal system : a neo-saussurean perspective外部サイトMother tongues and nations : the invention of the native speaker外部サイトFocus strategies in African languages : the interaction of focus and grammar in Niger-Congo and Afro-Asiatic外部サイトNew essays on the origin of language外部サイトThe mainland Southeast Asia linguistic area外部サイトCultural semantics and social cognition : a case study on the Danish universe of meaning外部サイトA reverse analytical dictionary of classical Armenian外部サイトAthapaskan linguistics : current perspectives on a language family外部サイトGrammar without grammaticality : growth and limits of grammatical precision外部サイトInsubordination : theoretical and empirical issues外部サイトFunctional and systemic linguistics : approaches and uses外部サイトModality and ellipsis : diachronic and synchronic evidence外部サイトDirections in corpus linguistics : proceedings of Nobel Symposium 82, Stockholm, 4-8 August 1991外部サイトClause linkage in cross-linguistic perspective : data-driven approaches to cross-clausal syntax外部サイトCounsel from the ancients : a study of Badaga proverbs, prayers, omens and curses外部サイトDictionary of St. Lucian Creole外部サイトAspects of the field外部サイトLanguage and the cognitive construal of the world外部サイトPerspectives on variation : sociolinguistic, historical, comparative外部サイトStudies in Middle English linguistics外部サイトThe Welsh answering system外部サイトMethods in contemporary linguistics外部サイトOn inflection外部サイトAutolexical theory : ideas and methods外部サイトResearch on Tibeto-Burman languages外部サイトConstructions and language change外部サイトThird person reference in late Latin : demonstratives, definite articles and personal pronouns in the Itinerarium Egeriae外部サイトLanguages in contact and contrast : essays in contact linguistics外部サイトLanguage change at the syntax-semantics interface外部サイトLanguage contact and change in the Austronesian world外部サイトComparative Austronesian dictionary : an introduction to Austronesian studies外部サイトContrastive register variation : a quantitative approach to the comparison of English and German外部サイトEssentials of functional grammar : a structure-neutral theory of movement, control, and anaphora外部サイトNew challenges in typology : transcending the borders and refining the distinctions外部サイトThe grammaticalization of tense, aspect, modality and evidentiality : a functional perspective外部サイトDictionary of iconic expressions in Japanese外部サイトTransitivity and valency alternations : studies on Japanese and beyond外部サイトEnglish rhythms in Russian verse : on the experiment of Joseph Brodsky外部サイトGreek interjections : syntax, semantics and pragmatics外部サイトThe evolution of negation : beyond the Jespersen Cycle外部サイトGeneral and theoretical linguistics外部サイトHistorical dialectology : regional and social外部サイトThe grammar of genres and styles : from discrete to non-discrete units外部サイトAfrican Arabic : approaches to dialectology外部サイトSpeech, memory, and meaning : intertextuality in everyday language外部サイトA grammar and dictionary of Indus Kohistani外部サイトReviewing linguistic thought : converging trends for the 21st century外部サイトComparative Chukotko-Kamchatkan dictionary外部サイトConstraints and preferences外部サイトA Badaga-English dictionary外部サイトLanguage and its ecology : essays in memory of Einar Haugen外部サイトDirect and indirect speech外部サイトLinguistics of Vietnamese : an international survey外部サイトNew challenges in typology : broadening the horizons and redefining the foundations外部サイトFrisian外部サイトWords : structure, meaning, function : a festschrift for Dieter Kastovsky外部サイトOn Germanic linguistics : issues and methods外部サイトMarquesan : a grammar of space外部サイトPostlingually acquired deafness : speech deterioration and the wider consequences外部サイトConstructions in cognitive contexts : why individuals matter in linguistic relativity research外部サイトUnderstanding relative clauses : a usage-based view on the processing of complex constructions外部サイトOntolinguistics : how ontological status shapes the linguistic coding of concepts外部サイトMaterials for the study of Tungusic languages and folklore外部サイトSandhi phenomena in the languages of Europe外部サイトApproaches to measuring linguistic differences外部サイトThe semantics of syntactic change : aspects of the evolution of do in English外部サイトContemporary morphology外部サイトLinguistic representation : structural analogy and stratification外部サイトFragments of the Tocharian A Maitreyasamiti-Nāṭaka of the Xinjiang Museum, China外部サイトText types and the history of English外部サイトPractical semantics : a study in the rules of speech and action外部サイトA bibliography on writing and written language外部サイトReciprocals and reflexives : theoretical and typological explorations外部サイトMarkedness in synchrony and diachrony外部サイトModern Cantonese phonology外部サイトInsubordination in Germanic : a typology of complement and conditional constructions外部サイトNatural phonology : the state of the art外部サイトCurrent English linguistics in Japan外部サイトThe power of performance : linking past and present in Hananwa and Lobedu oral literature外部サイトA synchronic and diachronic study of the grammar of the Chinese Xiang dialects外部サイトComputers in language research 2外部サイトEtymological dictionary of the Kartvelian languages外部サイトLinguistic reconstruction and typology外部サイトFunctional approaches to language外部サイトHow epistemic modifiers emerge外部サイトTrends in Hindi linguistics外部サイトDoing pragmatics interculturally : cognitive, philosophical, and sociopragmatic perspectives外部サイトLinguistics across historical and geographical boundaries外部サイトHittite etymological dictionary外部サイトIndividuality in language change外部サイトGECCo -- German-English contrasts in cohesion : insights from corpus-based studies of languages, registers and modes外部サイトValency over time : diachronic perspectives on valency patterns and valency orientation外部サイトClausal complementation in South Slavic外部サイトLinguistic preferences外部サイトSynchronic and diachronic aspects of Kanashi外部サイトSynchronic and diachronic aspects of Kanashi外部サイトLinguistics meets literature : more on the grammar of Emily Dickinson外部サイトType noun constructions in Slavic, Germanic and Romance languages : semantics and pragmatics on the move外部サイトContext, intent and variation in grammaticalization外部サイトSociolinguistic and typological perspectives on language variation外部サイトIt-clefts : empirical and theoretical surveys and advances外部サイトPrinciples of historical linguistics外部サイトMaterials for the study of Tungusic languages and folklore外部サイトIndexicality : the role of indexing in language structure and language change外部サイトIssues in Germanic syntax外部サイトPolysemy : flexible patterns of meaning in mind and language外部サイトLooking at language外部サイトLanguage and identity in multilingual Mediterranean settings : challenges for historical sociolinguistics外部サイトThe foundations of Latin外部サイトControl into conjunctive participle clauses : the case of Assamese外部サイトMoney talks : reconstructing Old English外部サイトFrisian外部サイトThe dialects of Irish : study of a changing landscape外部サイトLanguage and memory : aspects of knowledge representation外部サイトModality in Germanic languages : historical and comparative perspectives外部サイトOld Russian possessive constructions : a construction grammar approach外部サイトItalian clitics : an empirical study外部サイトPositions and interpretations : German adverbial adjectives at the syntax-semantics interface外部サイトCross-disciplinary perspectives on lexical blending外部サイトThe pragmatics of Irish English外部サイトLinguistic modelling外部サイトWriting in focus外部サイトLanguage diversity endangered外部サイトA reference grammar of Maithili外部サイトFinal particles外部サイトCome and go off the beaten grammaticalization path外部サイトHimalayan languages : past and present外部サイトLanguage and philology in Romance外部サイトSynchronic Romance linguistics外部サイトInternal and external factors in syntactic change外部サイトClassic and contemporary外部サイトSalience : multidisciplinary perspectives on its function in discourse外部サイトDescriptive, contrastive and applied linguistics外部サイトThe Nostratic macrofamily : a study in distant linguistic relationship外部サイトRhythm in cognition and grammar : a Germanic perspective外部サイトRomance comparative and historical linguistics外部サイトCognitive perspectives on word formation外部サイトLinguistic change and reconstruction methodology外部サイトProductivity and creativity : studies in general and descriptive linguistics in honor of E.M. Uhlenbeck外部サイトYir-Yoront lexicon : sketch and dictionary of an Australian language外部サイトProductivity in argument selection : from morphology to syntax外部サイトCodeswitching worldwide外部サイトModularity in language : constructional and categorial mismatch in syntax and semantics外部サイトResearch guide on language change外部サイトAnalogy, levelling, markedness : principles of change in phonology and morphology外部サイトContemporary Hebrew外部サイトProto Utian grammar and dictionary : with notes on Yokuts外部サイトExpecting the unexpected : exceptions in grammar外部サイトHistorical semantics, historical word-formation外部サイトComparative dictionary of Tibetan dialects (CDTD)外部サイトDiachronic Slavonic syntax : the interplay between internal development, language contact and metalinguistic factors外部サイトLanguages and cultures : studies in honor of Edgar C. Polomé外部サイトWords in time : diachronic semantics from different points of view外部サイトAspects of the theory of morphology外部サイトLanguage documentation and revitalization in Latin American contexts外部サイトLanguage conflict and language planning外部サイトEastern Ojibwa-Chippewa-Ottawa dictionary外部サイトUpper Necaxa Totonac dictionary外部サイトPersian grammar : history and state of its study外部サイトHopi time : a linguistic analysis of the temporal concepts in the Hopi language外部サイトContrastive linguistics : prospects and problems外部サイトRecent developments in historical phonology外部サイトForm and function in language research : papers in honour of Christian Lehmann外部サイトSubjects in English : from valency grammar to a constructionist treatment of non-canonical subjects外部サイトLe judéo-espagnol外部サイトTrans-Himalayan linguistics外部サイトChantyal dictionary and texts外部サイトEmpirical translation studies : new methodological and theoretical traditions外部サイトAspects of linguistic variation外部サイトHittite etymological dictionary外部サイトLogics for linguistic structures外部サイトFrequency effects in language learning and processing外部サイトLexical-functional grammar外部サイトLinguistic minorities and literacy : language policy issues in developing countries外部サイトNumeral types and changes worldwide外部サイトNominal apposition in Indo-European : its forms and functions, and its evolution in Latin-Romance外部サイトQuantitative approaches to grammar and grammatical change : perspectives from Germanic外部サイトLanguage contact in the Arctic : northern pidgins and contact languages外部サイトExact repetition in grammar and discourse外部サイトLanguage change : contributions to the study of its causes外部サイトSyntax of the sentence外部サイトArchaic syntax in Indo-European : the spread of transitivity in Latin and French外部サイトLanguage system and its change : on theory and testability外部サイトMultidisciplinary approaches to language production外部サイトAtlas of languages of intercultural communication in the Pacific, Asia, and the Americas外部サイトMorphosyntactic persistence in spoken English : a corpus study at the intersection of variationist sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and discourse analysis外部サイトProcesses and paradigms in word-formation morphology外部サイトLinguistics and literature : sociolinguistics and applied linguistics外部サイトCorpora in cognitive linguistics : corpus-based approaches to syntax and lexis外部サイトGlobalisation and African languages : risks and benefits外部サイトAustralian languages外部サイトProblems in comparative Chinese dialectology : the classification of Miin and Hakka外部サイトThe Caddoan, Iroquoian and Siouan languages外部サイトFolk linguistics外部サイトRunes and Germanic linguistics外部サイトLanguage contact : theoretical and empirical studies外部サイトBeyond 'any' and 'ever' : new explorations in negative polarity sensitivity外部サイトLanguage change : advances in historical sociolinguistics外部サイトReconstructing languages and cultures外部サイトExtended axiomatic linguistics外部サイトConstituent syntax : quantification, numerals, possession, anaphora外部サイトTense and aspect in Han period Chinese : a linguistic analysis of the "Shĭjì"外部サイトTopics in Oceanic morphosyntax外部サイトAdvances in morphology外部サイトDiachrony of verb morphology : Japanese and the Transeurasian languages外部サイトTense and aspect in discourse外部サイトDiachrony of verb morphology : Japanese and the Transeurasian languages外部サイトWhat makes grammaticalization? : a look from its fringes and its components外部サイトTwo-tiered relexification in Yiddish : Jews, Sorbs, Khazars, and the Kiev-Polessian dialect外部サイトHistorical linguistics and philology外部サイトLanguage and social cognition : expression of the social mind外部サイトDescribing and modeling variation in grammar外部サイトInterlinguistics : aspects of the science of planned languages外部サイトSurviving the middle passage : the West Africa-Surinam Sprachbund外部サイトClassifier structures in Mandarin Chinese外部サイトThe grammaticalization of 'give' + infinitive : a comparative study of Russian, Polish, and Czech外部サイトDialectology meets typology : dialect grammar from a cross-linguistic perspective外部サイトThe habitat of Australia's aboriginal languages : past, present and future外部サイトApproaches to cognition through text and discourse外部サイトStandard Italian外部サイトInformation structure and language change : new approaches to word order variation in Germanic外部サイトTextualization of oral epics外部サイトA historical dictionary of Yukaghir外部サイトThe Byzantine grammarians : their place in history外部サイトMorphophonemic variability, productivity, and change : the case of Rusyn外部サイトTense and aspect in informal Welsh外部サイトMultilingual FrameNets in computational lexicography : methods and applications外部サイトNumeral classifiers in Chinese : the syntax-semantics interface外部サイトPrinciples of historical linguistics外部サイトMorphological structure in language processing外部サイトLanguage history, language change, and language relationship : an introduction to historical and comparative linguistics外部サイトInformation structuring of spoken language from a cross-linguistic perspective外部サイトEnglish historical linguistics and philology in Japan外部サイトDocumenting endangered languages : achievements and perspectives外部サイトAspects of grammaticalization : (inter)subjectification and directionality外部サイトIndo-European numerals外部サイトPāṇini : a survey of research外部サイトSlavic on the language map of Europe : historical and areal-typological dimensions外部サイトThe Role of theory in language description外部サイトPacific pidgins and creoles : origins, growth and development外部サイトLiteracy : the growing influence of linguistics外部サイトDoing pragmatics interculturally : cognitive, philosophical, and sociopragmatic perspectives外部サイトTone and inflection : new facts and new perspectives外部サイトWord-order based grammar外部サイトThe conjoint/disjoint alternation in Bantu外部サイトGenerating narratives : interrelations of knowledge, text variants, and Cushitic focus strategies外部サイトDialectology as dialectic : interpreting Phula variation外部サイトMaterials for the study of the Ainu language and folklore外部サイトConstructions collocations patterns外部サイトAnalogy in word-formation : a study of English neologisms and occasionalisms外部サイトThe history of English in a social context : a contribution to historical sociolinguistics外部サイトStudies on grammaticalization外部サイトHistorical and comparative linguistics外部サイトThe power of analogy : an essay on historical linguistics外部サイトLanguage in time and space : a Festschrift for Werner Winter on the occasion of his 80th birthday外部サイトInformation structure in indigenous languages of the Americas : syntactic approaches外部サイトIndo-European and the Indo-Europeans : a reconstruction and historical analysis of a proto-language and a proto-culture外部サイトScales and hierarchies : a cross-disciplinary perspective外部サイトThe life of language : papers in linguistics in honor of William Bright外部サイトPoliteness in language : studies in its history, theory, and practice外部サイトAgreement from a diachronic perspective外部サイトLanguage change and functional explanations外部サイトMedieval dialectology外部サイトAnalogy外部サイトMethodology in transition外部サイトReinventing structuralism : what sign relations reveal about consciousness外部サイトThe fate of mood and modality in language death : evidence from minor Finnic外部サイトCorpus-based approaches to metaphor and metonymy外部サイトLinguistic analysis : from data to theory外部サイトLanguage universals, markedness theory, and natural phonetic processes外部サイトWhen voices clash : a study in literary pragmatics外部サイトThe mixed language debate : theoretical and empirical advances外部サイトAnnual review of South Asian languages and linguistics外部サイトAdaptive languages : an information-theoretic account of linguistic diversity外部サイトEvidentiality in German : linguistic realization and regularities in grammaticalization外部サイトToward a poetic theory of narration : essays of S.-Y. Kuroda外部サイトSituated communication外部サイトA reader in sociophonetics外部サイトNon-native prosody : phonetic description and teaching practice外部サイトInfinitives at the syntax-semantics interface : a diachronic perspective外部サイトContemporary approaches to Baltic linguistics外部サイトGermania semitica外部サイトVisible variation : comparative studies on sign language structure外部サイトBalkan syntax and (universal) principles of grammar外部サイトAmerican Indian and Indoeuropean studies : papers in honor of Madison S. Beeler外部サイトThe noun in Biblical Armenian : origin and word-formation : with special emphasis on the Indo-European heritage外部サイトMediating between concepts and grammar外部サイトNewest trends in the study of grammaticalization and lexicalization in Chinese外部サイトSalish languages and linguistics : theoretical and descriptive perspectives外部サイトFunctional semantics : a theory of meaning, structure and tense in English外部サイトChinese language(s) : a look through the prism of The great dictionary of modern Chinese dialects外部サイトThe directionality of (inter)subjectification in the English noun phrase : pathways of change外部サイトMachine translation外部サイトWhere lexicon and syntax meet外部サイトTheoretical discussion外部サイトHow proverbs mean : semantic studies in English proverbs外部サイトSociolinguistic studies in language contact : methods and cases外部サイトThe conjoint/disjoint alternation in Bantu外部サイトMeaning as explanation : advances in linguistic sign theory外部サイトModality and theory of mind elements across languages外部サイトFormal linguistics and law外部サイトRecent advances in the syntax and semantics of tense, aspect and modality外部サイトMorphopragmatics : diminutives and intensifiers in Italian, German, and other languages外部サイトLinguistic theory and historical linguistics外部サイトFrequency, forms and functions of cleft constructions in Romance and Germanic : contrastive, corpus-based studies外部サイトOn interpreting construction schemas : from action and motion to transitivity and causality外部サイトDerivational networks across languages外部サイトNew approaches to contrastive linguistics : empirical and methodological challenges外部サイトNew directions in second language pragmatics外部サイトLinguistics across historical and geographical boundaries外部サイトExemplification and categorization : the case of Japanese外部サイトMeasurements of grammaticalization : developing a quantitative index for the study of grammatical change外部サイトPrinciples of historical linguistics外部サイトAdverbs and adverbials : categorial issues外部サイトApplicative morphology : neglected syntactic and non-syntactic functions外部サイトDiminutives across languages, theoretical frameworks and linguistic domains外部サイトOn the role of contrast in information structure外部サイトAffectedness at the morphosyntax-semantics interface : evidence from differential object marking外部サイトForms and Functions of Meta-Discourse : The Case of Comment Clauses in Present-Day Italian外部サイトConstructions with lexical repetitions in East Slavic外部サイトClause typing in the Old Irish verbal complex : morphological expression, paradigmatic organization, and syntactic implications外部サイトThe factive-reported distinction in English外部サイトDiscourse meaning : the view from Turkish外部サイトFlexibility in the parts-of-speech system of classical Chinese外部サイトPassives and middles in Mainland Scandinavian : microvariation through exponency外部サイトWord knowledge and word usage : a cross-disciplinary guide to the mental lexicon外部サイトA handbook of Old Chinese phonology外部サイトThe expression of temporal meaning in Caboverdean外部サイトWord knowledge and word usage : a cross-disciplinary guide to the mental lexicon外部サイトWriting systems and their use : an overview of grapholinguistics外部サイトDiscourse markers in interaction : from production to comprehension外部サイトModality in underdescribed languages : methods and insights外部サイトAzuma Old Japanese : a comparative grammar and reconstruction外部サイトMaterials for the study of Tungusic languages and folklore外部サイトOn the subject of English : the linguistics of language use and learning外部サイトLinguistics meets literature : more on the grammar of Emily Dickinson外部サイトPostclassical Greek : contemporary approaches to philology and linguistics外部サイトA typological approach to grammaticalization and lexicalization : East meets West外部サイトThe grammaticalization of tense, aspect, modality and evidentiality : a functional perspective外部サイトMorphosyntactic variation in medieval Celtic languages : corpus-based approaches外部サイトVarieties of Post-classical and Byzantine Greek外部サイトA handbook of Old Chinese phonology外部サイトTen studies in dependency syntax外部サイトLinguistics across historical and geographical boundaries外部サイトLinguistics across historical and geographical boundaries外部サイトInterfaces in functional discourse grammar : theory and applications外部サイトIntra-individual variation in language外部サイトTrends in South Asian linguistics外部サイトFigurative language : cross-cultural and cross-linguistic perspectives外部サイトDiachronic Slavonic syntax : traces of Latin, Greek and Church Slavonic in Slavonic syntax外部サイトThe grammar of thinking : from reported speech to reported thought in the languages of the world外部サイトBuilding modality with syntax : focus on ancient Greek外部サイトLight verb constructions as complex verbs : features, typology and function外部サイトAnalogy, levelling, markedness : principles of change in phonology and morphology外部サイトTransitivity and valency alternations : studies on Japanese and beyond外部サイトThe present-day English gerund system : a cognitive-constructionist account外部サイトTruth, force, and knowledge in language : essays on semantic and pragmatic topics外部サイトThe diachrony of ditransitives外部サイトLoans in colonial and modern Nahuatl外部サイトThe learnability of complex constructions : a cross-linguistic perspective外部サイト



  • Essays on typology of Iranian languages

  • Cross-cultural pragmatics : the semantics of human interaction

  • Linguistics of the Himalayas and beyond

  • Constituent syntax : adverbial phrases, adverbs, mood, tense

  • Historical, Indo-European, and lexicographical studies : a Festschrift for Ladislav Zgusta on the occasion of his 70th birthday





  • CiNii Research

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Eds.: Werner Winter, Richard A. Rhodes
Editors vary
Publisher continued by: Mouton de Gruyter
NCID:AA00458795 -- Studies and monographs