
Routledge research in higher education


Routledge research in higher education



Integrative learning : international research and practice外部サイトUniversity access and success : capabilities, diversity and social justice外部サイトNarratives of doctoral studies in science education : making the transition from educational practitioner to researcher外部サイトThe working classes and higher education : inequality of access, opportunity and outcome外部サイトTransnational education crossing 'Asia' and 'the West' : adjusted desire, transformative mediocrity, neo-colonial disguise外部サイトDeveloping creativities in higher music education : international perspectives and practices外部サイトAcademic governance : disciplines and policy外部サイトRevolutionizing global higher education policy : innovation and the Bologna process外部サイトAcademic bildung in net-based higher education : moving beyond learning外部サイトCrossing boundaries and weaving intercultural work, life, and scholarship in globalizing universities外部サイトGlobal perspectives on international student experiences in higher education : tensions and issues外部サイトConversations on embodiment across higher education : teaching, practice and research外部サイトGlobally networked teaching in the humanities : theories and practices外部サイトThe impact of higher education ranking systems on universities外部サイトUniversities in times of crisis and disruption : dislocated complexity外部サイトDeveloping creativities in higher music education : international perspectives and practices外部サイトAcademic governance : disciplines and policy外部サイトExperiences of immigrant professors : cross-cultural differences, challenges, and lessons for success外部サイトRefocusing the self in higher education : a phenomenological perspective外部サイトNarrative, identity, and academic community in higher education外部サイトGlobally networked teaching in the humanities : theories and practices外部サイトEnglish studies beyond the 'center' : teaching literature and the future of global English外部サイトExperiencing master's supervision : perspectives of international students and their supervisors外部サイトEnglish studies beyond the 'center' : teaching literature and the future of global English外部サイトGlobal mobility and higher learning外部サイトThe design of the university : German, American, and world class外部サイトThe learning community experience in higher education : high-impact practice for student retention外部サイトArticulating Asia in Japanese higher education : policy, partnership and mobility外部サイトReconsidering English studies in Indian higher education外部サイトArticulating Asia in Japanese higher education : policy, partnership and mobility外部サイトRe-envisioning the public research university : navigating competing demands in an era of rapid change外部サイトGlobal perspectives on international student experiences in higher education : tensions and issues外部サイトHigher education in Nepal : policies and perspectives外部サイトEmancipatory human rights and the university : promoting social justice in higher education外部サイトData for continuous programmatic improvement : steps colleges of education must take to become a data culture外部サイトBuilding soft skills for employability : challenges and practices in Vietnam外部サイトResearch methods in English medium instruction外部サイトThe impact of higher education ranking systems on universities外部サイトUnderstanding individual experiences of COVID-19 to inform policy and practice in higher education : helping students, staff, and faculty to thrive in times of crisis外部サイトInternationalising higher education and the role of virtual exchange外部サイトManagement behaviours in higher education : lessons from education, business and sport外部サイトA comprehensive critique of student evaluation of teaching : critical perspectives on validity, reliability, and impartiality外部サイトThe experience of examining the PhD : an international comparative study of processes and standards of doctoral examination外部サイトThe design of the university : German, American, and "world class"外部サイトResearch methods in English medium instruction外部サイトIntegrative learning : international research and practice外部サイト






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Routledge research in higher education series
Integrative learning : international research and practice
University access and success : capabilities, diversity and social justice
Narratives of doctoral studies in science education : making the transition from educational practitioner to researcher
The working classes and higher education : inequality of access, opportunity and outcome
Transnational education crossing 'Asia' and 'the West' : adjusted desire, transformative mediocrity, neo-colonial disguise
Developing creativities in higher music education : international perspectives and practices
Academic governance : disciplines and policy
Revolutionizing global higher education policy : innovation and the Bologna process
Academic bildung in net-based higher education : moving beyond learning
Crossing boundaries and weaving intercultural work, life, and scholarship in globalizing universities
Global perspectives on international student experiences in higher education : tensions and issues
Conversations on embodiment across higher education : teaching, practice and research
Globally networked teaching in the humanities : theories and practices
The impact of higher education ranking systems on universities
Universities in times of crisis and disruption : dislocated complexity
Developing creativities in higher music education : international perspectives and practices
Academic governance : disciplines and policy
Experiences of immigrant professors : cross-cultural differences, challenges, and lessons for success
Refocusing the self in higher education : a phenomenological perspective
Narrative, identity, and academic community in higher education
Globally networked teaching in the humanities : theories and practices
English studies beyond the 'center' : teaching literature and the future of global English
Experiencing master's supervision : perspectives of international students and their supervisors
English studies beyond the 'center' : teaching literature and the future of global English
Global mobility and higher learning
The design of the university : German, American, and world class
The learning community experience in higher education : high-impact practice for student retention
Articulating Asia in Japanese higher education : policy, partnership and mobility
Reconsidering English studies in Indian higher education
Articulating Asia in Japanese higher education : policy, partnership and mobility
Re-envisioning the public research university : navigating competing demands in an era of rapid change
Global perspectives on international student experiences in higher education : tensions and issues
Higher education in Nepal : policies and perspectives
Emancipatory human rights and the university : promoting social justice in higher education
Data for continuous programmatic improvement : steps colleges of education must take to become a data culture
Building soft skills for employability : challenges and practices in Vietnam
Research methods in English medium instruction
The impact of higher education ranking systems on universities
Understanding individual experiences of COVID-19 to inform policy and practice in higher education : helping students, staff, and faculty to thrive in times of crisis
Internationalising higher education and the role of virtual exchange
Management behaviours in higher education : lessons from education, business and sport
A comprehensive critique of student evaluation of teaching : critical perspectives on validity, reliability, and impartiality
The experience of examining the PhD : an international comparative study of processes and standards of doctoral examination
The design of the university : German, American, and "world class"
Research methods in English medium instruction
Integrative learning : international research and practice
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books