
Progress in mathematics


Progress in mathematics

Bass, Hymanほか



Series editors: J. Coates, S. Helgason, v. 1-; H. Bass, J. Oesterlé, A. Weinstein


Automorphic pseudodifferential analysis and higher level Weyl calculi外部サイトTopological field theory, primitive forms and related topics外部サイトÉquations différentielles à coefficients polynomiaux外部サイトInfinite dimensional Lie algebras : an introduction外部サイトPolynomial convexity外部サイトFamilies of conformally covariant differential operators, Q-curvature and holography外部サイトElements of the representation theory of the Jacobi group外部サイトAlgebraic geometry and number theory : Summer School, Galatasaray University, Istanbul, 2014外部サイトArithmetic of higher-dimensional algebraic varieties外部サイトGeneralized vertex algebras and relative vertex operators外部サイトTubes外部サイトIntroduction to vertex operator algebras and their representations外部サイトThe geometry of complex domains外部サイトThe theory of Jacobi forms外部サイトVector bundles on complex projective spaces外部サイトRepresentation theory of reductive groups : proceedings of the University of Utah conference 1982外部サイトThe Birational geometry of degenerations外部サイトArrangements, local systems and singularities : CIMPA Summer School, Galatasaray University, Istanbul, 2007外部サイトAdeles and algebraic groups外部サイトEnumerative geometry and classical algebraic geometry外部サイトAn introduction to the Heisenberg Group and the sub-Riemannian isoperimetric problem外部サイトClassgroups and Hermitian modules外部サイトHarmonic analysis on the Heisenberg group外部サイトYamabe-type equations on complete, noncompact manifolds外部サイトGéométrie analytique rigide et applications外部サイトLie groups beyond an introduction外部サイトRepresentation theory of algebraic groups and quantum groups外部サイトAnalysis on Lie groups with polynomial growth外部サイトFrobenius splitting methods in geometry and representation theory外部サイトTriangular products of group representations and their applications外部サイトUnits in skew fields外部サイトCR submanifolds of Kaehlerian and Sasakian manifolds外部サイトHypoelliptic Laplacian and Bott-Chern cohomology : a theorem of Riemann-Roch-Grothendieck in complex geometry外部サイトArithmetic外部サイトRepresentations of reductive p-adic groups : international conference, IISER, Pune, India, 2017外部サイトComplex tori外部サイトD-modules, perverse sheaves, and representation theory外部サイトComplex, contact and symmetric manifolds : in honor of L. Vanhecke外部サイトPrime numbers and computer methods for factorization外部サイトEnriques surfaces外部サイトAlgebraic topology : new trends in localization and periodicity : Barcelona Conference on Algebraic Topology, Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Spain, June 1-7, 1994外部サイトThe Moduli space of curves外部サイトParabolic quasilinear equations minimizing linear growth functionals外部サイトArithmetic algebraic geometry外部サイトHigher structures in geometry and physics : in honor of Murray Gerstenhaber and Jim Stasheff外部サイトErgodic theory and dynamical systems : proceedings, special year, Maryland 1979-80外部サイトDifferential geometric control theory : proceedings of the conference held at Michigan Technological University, June 28-July 2, 1982外部サイトHolomorphic Morse inequalities and Bergman kernels外部サイトThe Radon transform外部サイトSuites de Sturm, indice de Maslov et périodicité de Bott外部サイトMathematics of aperiodic order外部サイトThe structure of decidable locally finite varieties外部サイトRegulators in analysis, geometry and number theory外部サイトFunctional calculus of pseudo-differential boundary problems外部サイトQuantization on nilpotent Lie groups外部サイトThe problem of integrable discretization : Hamiltonian approach外部サイトGeodesic flows外部サイトRiemannian geometry of contact and symplectic manifolds外部サイトKac-Moody groups, their flag varieties and representation theory外部サイトGromov's compactness theorem for pseudo-holomorphic curves外部サイトIntersection cohomology外部サイトSpectral theory of infinite-area hyperbolic surfaces外部サイトDimension and recurrence in hyperbolic dynamics外部サイトInfinite groups : geometric, combinatorial and dynamical aspects外部サイトRational points on algebraic varieties外部サイトPoisson structures and their normal forms外部サイトSingularités des systèmes différentiels de Gauss-Manin外部サイトIntroduction to quantum groups外部サイトFrom geometry to quantum mechanics : in honor of Hideki Omori外部サイトGeometry and representation theory of real and p-adic groups外部サイトAnalysis and geometry on complex homogeneous domains外部サイトThe Radon transform外部サイトRepresentations and nilpotent orbits of Lie algebraic systems : in honour of the 75th birthday of Tony Joseph外部サイトHardy inequalities on homogeneous groups : 100 years of Hardy inequalities外部サイトFeuilletages : études géométriques外部サイトThe Langlands classification and irreducible characters for real reductive groups外部サイトAnalytic number theory : proceedings of a conference in honor of Paul T. Bateman外部サイトApproximations Diophantiennes et Nombres Transcendants : Colloque de Luminy, 1982外部サイトIntroduction to vertex operator algebras and their representations外部サイトRiemannian topology and geometric structures on manifolds外部サイトIntegrable systems : the Verdier Memorial Conference : actes du colloque international de Luminy外部サイトAutomorphic forms of several variables : Taniguchi Symposium, Katata, 1983外部サイトMultiple Dirichlet series, L-functions and automorphic forms外部サイトFrobenius categories versus Brauer blocks : the Grothendieck group of the Frobenius category of a Brauer block外部サイトFatou type theorems : maximal functions and approach regions外部サイトLinear algebraic groups外部サイトFunctional analysis on the eve of the 21st century : in honor of the eightieth birthday of I.M. Gelfand外部サイトAlgorithms in algebraic geometry and applications外部サイトLie groups : structure, actions, and representations : in honor of Joseph A. Wolf on the occasion of his 75th birthday外部サイトThe symmetry perspective : from equilibrium to chaos in phase space and physical space外部サイトModuli of Abelian varieties外部サイトDynamical systems of algebraic origin外部サイトGroupoids, inverse semigroups, and their operator algebras外部サイトHilbert modular forms with coefficients in intersection homology and quadratic base change外部サイトVector bundles on complex projective spaces外部サイトThe breadth of symplectic and poisson geometry : Festschrift in honor of Alan Weinstein外部サイトBrauer groups and obstruction problems : moduli spaces and arithmetic外部サイトCompactifications of symmetric spaces外部サイトRiemannian foliations外部サイトGeneralized etale cohomology theories外部サイトMonoidal categories and topological field theory外部サイトThe unity of mathematics : in honor of the ninetieth birthday of I.M. Gelfand外部サイトAnalytic number theory and diophantine problems : proceedings of a conference at Oklahoma State University, 1984外部サイトNew horizons in pro-p groups外部サイトCritical point theory for Lagrangian systems外部サイトQuadratic forms in infinite dimensional vector spaces外部サイトMathematical essays in honor of Gian-Carlo Rota外部サイトGeometric aspects of analysis and mechanics : in honor of the 65th birthday of Hans Duistermaat外部サイトCombinatorics and commutative algebra外部サイトLiaison, Schottky problem and invariant theory : remembering Federico Gaeta外部サイトSymplectic geometry and mathematical physics : actes du colloque en l'honneur de Jean-Marie Souriau外部サイトAutour de l'approximation semi-classique外部サイトHolomorphic curves in symplectic geometry外部サイトComputational methods for representations of groups and algebras : Euroconference in Essen (Germany), April 1-5, 1997外部サイトSpectral theory of infinite-area hyperbolic surfaces外部サイトVanishing theorems on complex manifolds外部サイトDéformations infinitésimales des structures conformes plates外部サイトModular curves and abelian varieties外部サイトConstruction et étude géométrique des espaces rigides外部サイトStudies in memory of Issai Schur外部サイトSubgroup growth外部サイトEffective methods in algebraic geometry外部サイトRepresentations of real reductive Lie groups外部サイトAlgebraic K-theory外部サイトCoxeter matroids外部サイトRepresentation theory and automorphic forms外部サイトComputational algebraic geometry外部サイトReprésentations l-modulaires d'un groupe réductif p-adique avec l≠p外部サイトDeux cours d'analyse harmonique : École d'été d'analyse harmonique de Tunis, 1984外部サイトAlgebra, geometry, and physics in the 21st century : Kontsevich Festschrift外部サイトThe Weil representation, Maslov index, and theta series外部サイトNotions of convexity外部サイトGeometry today : Giornate di geometria, Roma, 1984 : international conference, Rome, June 4-11, 1984外部サイトPrime numbers and computer methods for factorization外部サイトStabilisation de la formule des traces tordue外部サイトInfinite dimensional algebras and quantum integrable systems外部サイトThe fourfold way in real analysis : an alternative to the metaplectic representation外部サイトNoncommutative functional calculus : theory and applications of slice hyperholomorphic functions外部サイトAlgebraic geometry and number theory : in honor of Vladimir Drinfeld's 50th birthday外部サイトManifolds of nonpositive curvature外部サイトGroups with the Haagerup property : Gromov's a-T-menability外部サイトEuropean Congress of Mathematics : Budapest, July 22-26, 1996外部サイトDe Rham cohomology of differential modules on algebraic varieties外部サイトNilpotent orbits, primitive ideals, and characteristic classes : a geometric perspective in ring theory外部サイトMoment maps and combinatorial invariants of Hamiltonian T[n]-spaces外部サイトGeometry外部サイトProbabilistic behavior of harmonic functions外部サイトMalcev-admissible algebras外部サイトDécomposition spectrale et séries d'Eisenstein : une paraphrase de l'écriture外部サイトSymplectic geometry and secondary characteristic classes外部サイトDiscrete groups, expanding graphs and invariant measures外部サイトWalks on ordinals and their characteristics外部サイトRepresentation theory of finite groups and finite-dimensional algebras : proceedings of the conference at the University of Bielefeld from May 15-17, 1991, and 7 survey articles on topics of representation theory外部サイトElliptic functions and rings of integers外部サイトBifurcations of planar vector fields and Hilbert's sixteenth problem外部サイトLarge deviations and the Malliavin calculus外部サイトHypoellipticité maximale pour des opérateurs polynomes de champs de vecteurs外部サイトFirst European Congress of Mathematics : Paris, July 6-10, 1992外部サイトPrime numbers and computer methods for factorization外部サイトEvolution equations of hyperbolic and Schrödinger type : asymptotics, estimates and nonlinearities外部サイトMotivic integration外部サイトMetric and differential geometry : the Jeff Cheeger anniversary volume外部サイトRepresentation theory, number theory, and invariant theory : in honor of Roger Howe on the occasion of his 70th birthday外部サイトRigid analytic geometry and its applications外部サイトSteinberg groups for Jordan pairs外部サイトExtrinsic geometry of foliations外部サイトRationality of varieties外部サイトCubic forms and the circle method外部サイトCubic forms and the circle method外部サイトLie models in topology外部サイトLectures on the geometry of Poisson manifolds外部サイトDe Rham cohomology of differential modules on algebraic varieties外部サイトCompactifications of symmetric spaces外部サイトPrinciples of locally conformally Kähler geometry外部サイトL'isomorphisme entre les tours de Lubin-Tate et de Drinfeld外部サイトThe orbit method in geometry and physics : in honor of A.A. Kirillov外部サイトAlgebraic geometry and singularities外部サイトTorus actions on symplectic manifolds外部サイトSub-Riemannian geometry外部サイトDevelopments and trends in infinite-dimensional Lie theory外部サイトLinear algebraic groups外部サイトComplex Kleinian groups外部サイトNumber theory related to Fermat's last theorem : proceedings of the conference sponsored by the Vaughn Foundation外部サイトLes conjectures de Stark sur les fonctions L d'Artin en s=O : notes d'un cours à Orsay外部サイトArithmetic on modular curves外部サイトGroupoids, inverse semigroups, and their operator algebras外部サイトMomentum maps and Hamiltonian reduction外部サイトSymmetry and spaces : in honor of Gerry Schwarz外部サイトMetric foliations and curvature外部サイトStudies in Lie theory : dedicated to A. Joseph on his sixtieth birthday外部サイトExterior differential systems and the calculus of variations外部サイト18th Scandinavian Congress of Mathematicians : proceedings, 1980外部サイトVanishing and finiteness results in geometric analysis : a generalization of the Bochner technique外部サイトAdvances in geometry外部サイトThe Grothendieck Festschrift : a collection of articles written in honor of the 60th birthday of Alexander Grothendieck外部サイトGeometric methods in algebra and number theory外部サイトLie theory : harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces - general Plancherel theorems外部サイトRamsey theory : yesterday, today, and tomorrow外部サイトQuantization of singular symplectic quotients外部サイトTopics in operator semigroups外部サイトTopics in harmonic analysis on homogeneous spaces外部サイトA la recherche de la topologie perdue外部サイトQuelques aspects des surfaces de Riemann外部サイトMomentum maps and Hamiltonian reduction外部サイトDifferential Galois theory and non-integrability of Hamiltonian systems外部サイトOn the local structure of Morita and Rickard equivalences between Brauer blocks外部サイトInverse problems in ordinary differential equations and applications外部サイトTubes外部サイトLectures on functor homology外部サイトCombinatorics and commutative algebra外部サイトHyperbolic manifolds and discrete groups外部サイトCohomological and geometric approaches to rationality problems : new perspectives外部サイトAn introduction to the uncertainty principle : Hardy's theorem on Lie groups外部サイトCategorical decomposition techniques in algebraic topology : International Conference in Algebraic Topology, Isle of Skye, Scotland, June 2001外部サイトHyperfunctions and harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces外部サイトThermodynamic formalism and applications to dimension theory外部サイトThe Floer memorial volume外部サイトRigorous quantum field theory : a Festschrift for Jacques Bros外部サイトMoment maps and combinatorial invariants of Hamiltonian T[n]-spaces外部サイトPeriods of Hilbert modular surfaces外部サイトPerturbation methods and semilinear elliptic problems on R[n]外部サイトLecture notes on mean curvature flow外部サイトFourier integral operators外部サイトHarmonic analysis on reductive groups : Bowdoin College, 1989外部サイトMappings of operator algebras : proceedings of the Japan-U.S. joint seminar, University of Pennsylvania, 1988外部サイトTwo-dimensional conformal geometry and vertex operator algebras外部サイトTata lectures on theta外部サイトUniqueness and non-uniqueness in the Cauchy problem外部サイトStructure of dynamical systems : a symplectic view of physics外部サイトMorse homology外部サイトNon-vanishing of L-functions and applications外部サイトDynamical systems : C.I.M.E. lectures, Bressanone, Italy, June 1978外部サイトArithmetic and geometry around hypergeometric functions : lecture notes of a CIMPA Summer School held at Galatasaray University, Istanbul, 2005外部サイトMetric structures for Riemannian and non-Riemannian spaces外部サイトCarleson curves, Muckenhoupt weights, and Toeplitz operators外部サイトModule des fibrés stables sur les courbes algébriques : notes de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure, Printemps, 1983外部サイトRadon integrals : an abstract approach to integration and Riesz representation through function cones外部サイトAssociahedra, Tamari lattices and related structures : Tamari memorial festschrift外部サイトThe problem of integrable discretization : Hamiltonian approach外部サイトAn invitation to quantum cohomology : Kontsevich's formula for rational plane curves外部サイトRational homotopy theory and differential forms外部サイトHighlights in Lie algebraic methods外部サイトHomology of linear groups外部サイトSimplicial homotopy theory外部サイトArithmetic and geometry around quantization外部サイトGeometry and dynamics of groups and spaces : in memory of Alexander Reznikov外部サイトAnalytic number theory : proceedings of a conference in honor of Heini Halberstam外部サイトTorsions of 3-dimensional manifolds外部サイトModule theory : endomorphism rings and direct sum decompositions in some classes of modules外部サイトBraids and self-distributivity外部サイトCardinal invariants on Boolean algebras外部サイトThéorèmes de Bertini et applications外部サイトIntroduction and motivation : theta functions in one variable ; Basic results on theta functions in several variables外部サイトThe Orbit method in representation theory : proceedings of a conference held in Copenhagen, August to September 1988外部サイトLie theory and geometry : in honor of Bertram Kostant外部サイトVector bundles and differential equations : proceedings, Nice, France, June 12-17, 1979外部サイトThéorie de la deuxième microlocalisation dans le domaine complexe外部サイトLoop spaces, characteristic classes and geometric quantization外部サイトPolynomial automorphisms, and the Jacobian conjecture外部サイトSingularities : the Brieskorn anniversary volume外部サイトGeometry of subanalytic and semialgebraic sets外部サイトK3 surfaces and their moduli外部サイトJacobian theta functions and differential equations外部サイトSymplectic geometry : an introduction based on the seminar in Bern, 1992外部サイトThe algebra of secondary cohomology operations外部サイトQuantitative arithmetic of projective varieties外部サイトEuropean Congress of Mathematics : Barcelona, July 10-14, 2000外部サイトComplex convexity and analytic functionals外部サイトPseudodifferential operators and nonlinear PDE外部サイトResidue currents and Bezout identities外部サイトNew developments in Lie theory and their applications外部サイトOn the topology of isolated singularities in analytic spaces外部サイトManifolds and Lie groups : papers in honor of Yozo Matsushima外部サイトPolynomial automorphisms, and the Jacobian conjecture外部サイトSingular sets of minimizers for the Mumford-Shah functional外部サイトGeometry and spectra of compact Riemann surfaces外部サイトSystems of microdifferential equations外部サイトLie groups, geometry, and representation theory : a tribute to the life and work of Bertram Kostant外部サイトArithmetic and geometry around Galois theory外部サイトComplex analysis and geometry : international conference in honor of Pierre Lelong外部サイトCardinal invariants on Boolean algebras外部サイトArbeitstagung Bonn 2013 : in memory of Friedrich Hirzebruch外部サイトRational homotopy theory and differential forms外部サイトEisenstein series and applications外部サイトSéminaire de théorie des nombres, Paris : Séminaire Delange-Pisot-Poitou外部サイトLie groups beyond an introduction外部サイトClassification of algebraic and analytic manifolds : Katata symposium proceedings 1982外部サイトResolution of singularities : a research textbook in tribute to Oscar Zariski : based on the courses given at the working week in Obergurgl, Austria, September 7-14, 1997外部サイトLie theory : unitary representations and compactifications of symmetric spaces外部サイトFourier-Mukai and Nahm transforms in geometry and mathematical physics外部サイトSix lectures on commutative algebra外部サイトLocally conformal Kähler geometry外部サイトFinite reductive groups : related structures and representations : proceedings of an international conference held in Luminy, France外部サイトCohomological theory of dynamical zeta functions外部サイトModular curves and abelian varieties外部サイトCourbes semi-stables et groupe fondamental en géométrie algébrique : Luminy, décembre 1998外部サイトIntroduction to liaison theory and deficiency modules外部サイトDifferential geometry and analysis on CR manifolds外部サイトGeometry and analysis on manifolds : in memory of Professor Shoshichi Kobayashi外部サイトSur les groupes hyperboliques d'après Mikhael Gromov外部サイトCohomological methods in homotopy theory : Barcelona Conference on Algebraic Topology, Bellaterra, Spain, June 4-10, 1998外部サイトAlgebraic K-groups as Galois modules外部サイトComplex approximation : proceedings, Québec, Canada, July 3-8, 1978外部サイトAlgebraic K-theory外部サイトDifferential geometry : proceedings, Special Year, Maryland, 1981-82外部サイトAndreotti-Grauert theory by integral formulas外部サイトNumber fields and function fields : two parallel worlds外部サイトSymmetry: representation theory and its applications : in honor of Nolan R. Wallach外部サイトInfinite dimensional Lie algebras : an introduction外部サイトFunctional calculus of pseudodifferential boundary problems外部サイトHomology of linear groups外部サイトIndex theory for symplectic paths with applications外部サイトC[0]-groups, commutator methods and spectral theory of N-Body Hamiltonians外部サイトSingular loci of Schubert varieties外部サイトCycle spaces of flag domains : a complex geometric viewpoint外部サイトTree lattices外部サイトDeterminantal ideals外部サイトOperator algebras, unitary representations, enveloping algebras, and invariant theory : actes du colloque en l'honneur de Jacques Dixmier外部サイトStable homotopy around the Arf-Kervaire invariant外部サイトGeometric analysis and applications to quantum field theory外部サイトGeometry, analysis and probability : in honor of Jean-Michel Bismut外部サイトIntegrable systems and foliations = Feuilletages et systèmes intégrables外部サイトLie theory : Lie algebras and representations外部サイトPhysical combinatorics外部サイトPerspectives in analysis, geometry, and topology : on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Oleg Viro外部サイトAnalytic capacity, the Cauchy transform, and non-homogeneous Calderón-Zygmund theory外部サイトHarmonic analysis, signal processing, and complexity : festschrift in honor of the 60th birthday of Carlos A. Berenstein外部サイトNoncommutative harmonic analysis : in honor of Jacques Carmona外部サイトExotic attractors : from Liapunov stability to riddled basins外部サイトThe topology of torus actions on symplectic manifolds外部サイトDiscrete groups in geometry and analysis : papers in honor of G.D. Mostow on his sixtieth birthday外部サイトMathématique et physique : séminaire de l'Ecole normale supérieure, 1979-1982外部サイトLectures on the geometry of Poisson manifolds外部サイトRiemannian geometry of contact and symplectic manifolds外部サイトAlgebra, arithmetic, and geometry : in honor of Yu. I. Manin外部サイトMarkov chains and invariant probabilities外部サイトRepresentations of reductive groups : in honor of the 60th birthday of David A. Vogan, Jr.外部サイトTopological methods in algebraic transformation groups : proceedings of a conference at Rutgers University外部サイトDe Rham cohomology of differential modules on algebraic varieties外部サイトRational sphere maps外部サイトRepresentation theory, mathematical physics, and integrable systems : in honor of Nicolai Reshetikhin外部サイトIsoperimetric inequalities in Riemannian manifolds外部サイトNoncommutative integration and operator theory外部サイトIntegro-differential elliptic equations外部サイトEquidistribution and counting under equilibrium states in negative curvature and trees : applications to non-archimedean diophantine approximation外部サイトAnalytic capacity, the Cauchy transform, and non-homogeneous Calderón-Zygmund theory外部サイトMirzakhani's curve counting and geodesic currents外部サイトCoherent sheaves, superconnections, and Riemann-Roch-Grothendieck外部サイトEspaces de Berkovich globaux : catégorie, topologie, cohomologie外部サイトGeometric analysis : in honor of Gang Tian's 60th birthday外部サイトSemilocal categories and modules with semilocal endomorphism rings外部サイトArithmetic L-functions and differential geometric methods : Regulators IV, May 2016, Paris外部サイトKac-Moody groups, their flag varieties and representation theory外部サイトInteractions of quantum affine algebras with cluster algebras, current algebras and categorification : in honor of Vyjayanthi Chari on the occasion of her 60th birthday外部サイトRiemannian foliations外部サイトLie groups beyond an introduction外部サイトSingular integral operators, quantitative flatness, and boundary problems外部サイトBoundary value problems and Hardy spaces for elliptic systems with block structure外部サイトIsoperimetric inequalities in Riemannian manifolds外部サイトHarmonic analysis on the Heisenberg group外部サイトAnalysis and geometry on complex homogeneous domains外部サイトA perspective on canonical Riemannian metrics外部サイトLie models in topology外部サイトTheta invariants of Euclidean lattices and infinite-dimensional Hermitian vector bundles over arithmetic curves外部サイト



  • Automorphic pseudodifferential analysis and higher level Weyl calculi

  • Topological field theory, primitive forms and related topics

  • Équations différentielles à coefficients polynomiaux

  • Infinite dimensional Lie algebras : an introduction

  • Polynomial convexity





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Series editors: J. Coates, S. Helgason, v. 1-; H. Bass, J. Oesterlé, A. Weinstein