
Pitt series in policy and institutional studies


Pitt series in policy and institutional studies

University of Pittsburgh Press


Private markets and public intervention : a primer for policy designers外部サイトBetween the branches : the White House Office of Legislative Affairs外部サイトDemocracy without equity : failures of reform in Brazil外部サイトThe Political psychology of the Gulf War : leaders, publics, and the process of conflict外部サイトAffirmative action at work : law, politics, and ethics外部サイトThe higher civil service in the United States : quest for reform外部サイトThe promise and paradox of civil service reform外部サイトThe politics of expert advice : creating, using and manipulating scientific knowledge for public policy外部サイトFragile democracies : the legacies of authoritarian rule外部サイトThe president's call : executive leadership from FDR to George Bush外部サイトPolicy analysis by design外部サイトRisking free trade : the politics of trade in Britain, Canada, Mexico, and the United States外部サイトDemocracy in Japan外部サイトMaking common sense of Japan外部サイトAdvising West European governments : inquiries, expertise and public policy外部サイトThe Brazilian voter : mass politics in democratic transition, 1974-1986外部サイトThe struggle for social security, 1900-1935外部サイトParty organizations in American politics外部サイトTraffic safety reform in the United States and Great Britain外部サイトArms for the Horn : U.S. security policy in Ethiopia and Somalia, 1953-1991外部サイトJapanese prefectures and policymaking外部サイトSite unseen : the politics of siting a nuclear waste repository外部サイトIran and the United States : a cold war case study外部サイトGender bias and the state : symbolic reform at work in Fifth Republic France外部サイトPerceptions and behavior in Soviet foreign policy外部サイトU.S. foreign policy after the Cold War外部サイトThe aging, a guide to public policy外部サイトEconomic decline and political change : Canada, Great Britain, the United States外部サイトAgency merger and bureaucratic redesign外部サイトImagery and ideology in U.S. policy toward Libya, 1969-1982外部サイトThe politics of the U.S. Cabinet : representation in the Executive Branch, 1789-1984外部サイトPolitics within the state : elite bureaucrats and industrial policy in authoritarian Brazil外部サイトSteel, state, and labor : mobilization and adjustment in France外部サイトThe development of the Dutch welfare state : from workers' insurance to universal entitlement外部サイトThe competitive city : the political economy of suburbia外部サイトThe Atlantic Alliance and the Middle East外部サイトHomeward bound : explaining changes in congressional behavior外部サイトWars in the midst of peace : the international politics of ethnic conflict外部サイトThe competitive city : the political economy of suburbia外部サイトThe state roots of national politics : Congress and the tax agenda, 1978-1986外部サイトScrambling for protection : the new media and the First Amendment外部サイトThe presidency and public policy making外部サイトFreeing the hostages : reexamining the U.S.-Iranian negotiations and Soviet policy, 1979-1981外部サイトThe impact of policy analysis外部サイトRegulation in the Reagan-Bush era : the eruption of presidential influence外部サイトGovernments, parties, and public sector employees : Canada, United States, Britain, and France外部サイトLicensed to kill? : the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Shoreham Power Plant外部サイトShaping suburbia : how political institutions organize urban development外部サイトThe social construction of expertise : the English civil service and its influence, 1919-1939外部サイトDebt wish : entrepreneurial cities, U.S. federalism, and economic development外部サイトThe SEC and capital market regulation : the politics of expertise外部サイトHow nations choose product standards and standards change nations外部サイトThe political failure of employment policy, 1945-1982外部サイトStrategic disagreement : stalemate in American politics外部サイトResearching the presidency : vital questions, new approaches外部サイトReluctant partners : implementing federal policy外部サイトInterests and institutions : substance and structure in American politics外部サイトListening to the sea : the politics of improving environmental protection外部サイトExecutive leadership in Anglo-American systems外部サイトCareers in city politics : the case for urban democracy外部サイトPolitics and administration at the top : lessons from down under外部サイトHistory and context in comparative public policy外部サイトConflict and rhetoric in French policymaking外部サイトPost-passage politics : bicameral resolution in Congress外部サイトThe Speaker and the budget : leadership in the post-reform House of Representatives外部サイトThe political failure of employment policy, 1945-82外部サイトEdmund Burke and India : political morality and empire外部サイトOrganizing governance, governing organizations外部サイトUrban alternatives : public and private markets in the provision of local services外部サイトHow does social science work? : reflections on practice外部サイトThe politics of garbage : a community perspective on solid waste policy making外部サイトPolitical leadership in an age of constraint : the Australian experience外部サイトMaking regulatory policy外部サイトThe left's dirty job : the politics of industrial restructuring in France and Spain外部サイトPolitical leadership : a source book外部サイト"He shall not pass this way again" : the legacy of Justice William O. Douglas外部サイトPolicy responses to the globalization of American banking外部サイトDemographic change and the American future外部サイトExtraordinary measures : the exercise of prerogative powers in the United States外部サイトNegotiating democracy : transitions from authoritarian rule外部サイトThatcher, Reagan, Mulroney : in search of a new bureaucracy外部サイトManaging the presidency : Carter, Reagan, and the search for executive harmony外部サイトScrambling for protection : the new media and the First Amendment外部サイトThe Moral dimensions of public policy choice : beyond the market paradigm外部サイトThe enigma of automobility : democratic politics and pollution control外部サイトUnderstanding attitudes about war : modeling moral judgments外部サイトThe Budget-maximizing bureaucrat : appraisals and evidence外部サイトPolicy making in Israel : routines for simple problems and coping with the complex外部サイトNeighborhood and nation in Tokyo, 1905-1937外部サイトOutsiders and openness in the presidential nominating system外部サイトThe acid rain controversy外部サイトContinuity and disruption : essays in public administration外部サイトUrban alternatives : public and private markets in the provision of local services外部サイトThe U.S. experiment in social medicine : the community health center program, 1965-1986外部サイトThe Japanese prime minister and public policy外部サイトCongress and economic policymaking外部サイトPublic policy in Latin America : a comparative survey外部サイトReconceiving liberalism : dilemmas of contemporary liberal public policy外部サイトThe American impasse : U.S. domestic and foreign policy after the cold war外部サイトGlobal competitiveness and industrial growth in Taiwan and the Philippines外部サイトNative Americans and public policy外部サイトThe social democratic state : the Swedish model and the bureaucratic problem of social reforms外部サイトTage Erlander : serving the welfare state, 1946-1969外部サイトNational elections and the autonomy of American state party systems外部サイトThe last cacique : leadership and politics in a Puerto Rican city外部サイトPesticides and politics : the life cycle of a public issue外部サイト






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Private markets and public intervention : a primer for policy designers
Between the branches : the White House Office of Legislative Affairs
Democracy without equity : failures of reform in Brazil
The Political psychology of the Gulf War : leaders, publics, and the process of conflict
Affirmative action at work : law, politics, and ethics
The higher civil service in the United States : quest for reform
The promise and paradox of civil service reform
The politics of expert advice : creating, using and manipulating scientific knowledge for public policy
Fragile democracies : the legacies of authoritarian rule
The president's call : executive leadership from FDR to George Bush
Policy analysis by design
Risking free trade : the politics of trade in Britain, Canada, Mexico, and the United States
Democracy in Japan
Making common sense of Japan
Advising West European governments : inquiries, expertise and public policy
The Brazilian voter : mass politics in democratic transition, 1974-1986
The struggle for social security, 1900-1935
Party organizations in American politics
Traffic safety reform in the United States and Great Britain
Arms for the Horn : U.S. security policy in Ethiopia and Somalia, 1953-1991
Japanese prefectures and policymaking
Site unseen : the politics of siting a nuclear waste repository
Iran and the United States : a cold war case study
Gender bias and the state : symbolic reform at work in Fifth Republic France
Perceptions and behavior in Soviet foreign policy
U.S. foreign policy after the Cold War
The aging, a guide to public policy
Economic decline and political change : Canada, Great Britain, the United States
Agency merger and bureaucratic redesign
Imagery and ideology in U.S. policy toward Libya, 1969-1982
The politics of the U.S. Cabinet : representation in the Executive Branch, 1789-1984
Politics within the state : elite bureaucrats and industrial policy in authoritarian Brazil
Steel, state, and labor : mobilization and adjustment in France
The development of the Dutch welfare state : from workers' insurance to universal entitlement
The competitive city : the political economy of suburbia
The Atlantic Alliance and the Middle East
Homeward bound : explaining changes in congressional behavior
Wars in the midst of peace : the international politics of ethnic conflict
The competitive city : the political economy of suburbia
The state roots of national politics : Congress and the tax agenda, 1978-1986
Scrambling for protection : the new media and the First Amendment
The presidency and public policy making
Freeing the hostages : reexamining the U.S.-Iranian negotiations and Soviet policy, 1979-1981
The impact of policy analysis
Regulation in the Reagan-Bush era : the eruption of presidential influence
Governments, parties, and public sector employees : Canada, United States, Britain, and France
Licensed to kill? : the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Shoreham Power Plant
Shaping suburbia : how political institutions organize urban development
The social construction of expertise : the English civil service and its influence, 1919-1939
Debt wish : entrepreneurial cities, U.S. federalism, and economic development
The SEC and capital market regulation : the politics of expertise
How nations choose product standards and standards change nations
The political failure of employment policy, 1945-1982
Strategic disagreement : stalemate in American politics
Researching the presidency : vital questions, new approaches
Reluctant partners : implementing federal policy
Interests and institutions : substance and structure in American politics
Listening to the sea : the politics of improving environmental protection
Executive leadership in Anglo-American systems
Careers in city politics : the case for urban democracy
Politics and administration at the top : lessons from down under
History and context in comparative public policy
Conflict and rhetoric in French policymaking
Post-passage politics : bicameral resolution in Congress
The Speaker and the budget : leadership in the post-reform House of Representatives
The political failure of employment policy, 1945-82
Edmund Burke and India : political morality and empire
Organizing governance, governing organizations
Urban alternatives : public and private markets in the provision of local services
How does social science work? : reflections on practice
The politics of garbage : a community perspective on solid waste policy making
Political leadership in an age of constraint : the Australian experience
Making regulatory policy
The left's dirty job : the politics of industrial restructuring in France and Spain
Political leadership : a source book
"He shall not pass this way again" : the legacy of Justice William O. Douglas
Policy responses to the globalization of American banking
Demographic change and the American future
Extraordinary measures : the exercise of prerogative powers in the United States
Negotiating democracy : transitions from authoritarian rule
Thatcher, Reagan, Mulroney : in search of a new bureaucracy
Managing the presidency : Carter, Reagan, and the search for executive harmony
Scrambling for protection : the new media and the First Amendment
The Moral dimensions of public policy choice : beyond the market paradigm
The enigma of automobility : democratic politics and pollution control
Understanding attitudes about war : modeling moral judgments
The Budget-maximizing bureaucrat : appraisals and evidence
Policy making in Israel : routines for simple problems and coping with the complex
Neighborhood and nation in Tokyo, 1905-1937
Outsiders and openness in the presidential nominating system
The acid rain controversy
Continuity and disruption : essays in public administration
Urban alternatives : public and private markets in the provision of local services
The U.S. experiment in social medicine : the community health center program, 1965-1986
The Japanese prime minister and public policy
Congress and economic policymaking
Public policy in Latin America : a comparative survey
Reconceiving liberalism : dilemmas of contemporary liberal public policy
The American impasse : U.S. domestic and foreign policy after the cold war
Global competitiveness and industrial growth in Taiwan and the Philippines
Native Americans and public policy
The social democratic state : the Swedish model and the bureaucratic problem of social reforms
Tage Erlander : serving the welfare state, 1946-1969
National elections and the autonomy of American state party systems
The last cacique : leadership and politics in a Puerto Rican city
Pesticides and politics : the life cycle of a public issue
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA00198932 : BA00198932