
Oxford medieval texts


Oxford medieval texts

Greenway, Diana E.ほか
Clarendon Press



General editors, D.E. Greenway, B.F. Harvey, M. LapidgeSeries general editors of "The chronicle of John of Worcester, v.4": J.W. Binns ... [et al.]


Eadmer of Canterbury : lives and miracles of Saints Oda, Dunstan, and Oswald外部サイトBede's Latin poetry外部サイトAnnales Gandenses = Annals of Ghent外部サイトHistoria novella : the contemporary history外部サイトDialogus de Scaccario = the dialogue of the Exchequer . Constitutio Domus Regis = disposition of the King's Household外部サイトGesta Henrici Quinti = The deeds of Henry the Fifth外部サイトHistoria Ierosolimitana : history of the journey to Jerusalem外部サイトPeter Abelard's Ethics外部サイトThe Carmen de Hastingae proelio of Guy, Bishop of Amiens外部サイトThe Bec letters外部サイトGervase of Tilbury Otia imperialia : recreation for an emperor外部サイトThe Anglo-Latin Gesta Romanorvm : from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce MS 310外部サイトThe bishops, kings, and saints of York外部サイトThe Westminster Chronicle, 1381-1394外部サイトThe life of St Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury外部サイトInstruction for a ruler = De principis instructione外部サイトThe life of Ailred of Rievaulx外部サイトThe various arts = De diversis artibus外部サイトThe deeds of the Franks and the other pilgrims to Jerusalem外部サイトThe gesta Normannorum ducum of William of Jumièges, Orderic Vitalis, and Robert of Torigni外部サイトDe gestis Concilii Basiliensis commentariorum : libri II外部サイトThe Gesta Guillelmi of William of Poitiers外部サイトBurchard of Mount Sion, OP : descriptio terrae sanctae外部サイトThe chronicle of John of Worcester外部サイトBede's ecclesiastical history of the English people : a historical commentary外部サイトHistoria Selebiensis Monasterii = The history of the Monastery of Selby外部サイトVita Edwardi secvndi = The life of Edward the Second外部サイトMagna vita Sancti Hugonis = The life of St. Hugh of Lincoln外部サイトHistoria Anglorum : the history of the English people外部サイトThe St Albans chronicle : the Chronica maiora of Thomas Walsingham外部サイトHistoria ecclesie abbendonensis = The history of the Church of Abingdon外部サイトBede's ecclesiastical history of the English people外部サイトDialogus de Scaccario = The course of the Exchequer外部サイトAnglo-Scottish relations, 1174-1328 : some selected documents外部サイトGesta Danorum : the history of the Danes外部サイトThe monastic constitutions of Lanfranc外部サイトDe nugis curialium = Courtiers' trifles外部サイトHistory of the Abbey of Evesham外部サイトRodulfi Glabri Historiarum libri quinque = The five books of the histories . Eiusdem auctoris, Vita Domni Willelmi Abbatis = The life of St. William外部サイトThe chronography of Robert of Torigni外部サイトAnglo-Scottish relations, 1174-1328 : some selected documents外部サイトDe gestis Concilii Basiliensis commentariorvm : libri II外部サイトWalter of Châtillon, the shorter poems : Christmas hymns, love lyrics, and moral-satirical verse外部サイトThe Historia vie [sic] Hierosolimitane外部サイトBede's Ecclesiastical history of the English people外部サイトKnighton's Chronicle 1337-1396外部サイトLife and miracles of St Modwenna外部サイトGoscelin of Saint-Bertin : the hagiography of the female saints of Ely外部サイトThe letter collection of Peter Abelard and Heloise外部サイトThe life of St Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury外部サイトThe book of the foundation of Walden Monastery外部サイトChronicon anonymi Cantvariensis = The chronicle of anonymous of Canterbury, 1346-1365外部サイトDocuments of the baronial movement of reform and rebellion, 1258-1267外部サイトThe chronicle and historical notes of Bernard Itier外部サイトCollationes外部サイトThe life of St. Æthelwold外部サイトThe Historia pontificalis of John of Salisbury外部サイトThe letters and poems of Fulbert of Chartres外部サイトScripta Leonis, Rufini et Angeli, Sociorum S. Francisci : the writings of Leo, Rufino and Angelo, companions of St. Francis外部サイトThe Warenne (Hyde) chronicle外部サイトThe letters of Peter of Celle外部サイトThe Waltham chronicle : an account of the discovery of our holy cross at Montacute and its conveyance to Waltham外部サイトBede's Ecclesiastical history of the English people : a historical commentary外部サイトContinuatio eulogii : the continuation of the eulogium historiarum, 1364-1413外部サイトItineraries外部サイトThe life of King Edward who rests at Westminster外部サイトBede's ecclesiastical history of the English people外部サイトThe correspondence of Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canterbury 1162-1170外部サイトThe hagiography of the female saints of Ely外部サイトThe letters of Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury外部サイトAdomnán's life of Columba外部サイトThe chronicle of the election of Hugh, Abbot of Bury St. Edmunds and later Bishop of Ely外部サイトThe treatise on the laws and customs of the realm of England commonly called Glanvill外部サイトThe Book of St. Gilbert外部サイトLibellus de exordio atque procursu istius, hoc est Dunhelmensis, ecclesie = Tract on the origins and progress of this the Church of Durham外部サイトThe early lives of St. Dunstan外部サイトThe letters of John of Salisbury外部サイトGesta pontificum anglorum = The history of the England Bishops外部サイトThe chronicle of Battle Abbey外部サイトLibellus de diversis ordinibus et professionibus qui sunt in aecclesia外部サイトGesta Stephani外部サイトHugh the chanter : the history of the church of York, 1066-1127外部サイトScripta Leonis, Rufini et Angeli, sociorum S. Francisci = The writings of Leo, Rufino and Angelo, companions of St. Francis外部サイトSaints' lives : lives of SS. Wulfstan, Dunstan, Patrick, Benignus and Indract外部サイトThe letter collections of Nicholas of Clairvaux外部サイトGesta regum Anglorum = The history of the English kings外部サイトThe Carmen de Hastingae proelio of Guy, Bishop of Amiens外部サイトThe miracles of Saint Æbbe of Coldingham and Saint Margaret of Scotland外部サイトThree eleventh-century Anglo-Latin saints' lives : Vita S. Birini, Vita et miracula S. Kenelmi and Vita S. Rumwoldi外部サイトHerman the archdeacon and Goscelin of Saint-Bertin : miracles of St Edmund外部サイトThe letters of Adam Marsh外部サイトLibellus de diversis ordinibus et professionibus qui sunt in aecclesia外部サイトAbbots of Wearmouth and Jarrow外部サイトByrhtferth of Ramsey : the lives of St Oswald and St Ecgwine外部サイトDe nugis curialium = Courtiers' trifles外部サイトThe Ecclesiastical history of Orderic Vitalis外部サイトThe Epistolae vagantes of Pope Gregory VII外部サイトThe Life of Christina of Markyate : a twelfth century recluse外部サイトThe chronicle of Adam Usk, 1377-1421外部サイトReginald of Durham : the life and miracles of Saint Godric, hermit of Finchale外部サイトNigel of Longchamp, Speculum stultorum外部サイトChronicula外部サイトGerald of Wales : on the deeds of Gerald外部サイト






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General editors, D.E. Greenway, B.F. Harvey, M. Lapidge
Series general editors of "The chronicle of John of Worcester, v.4": J.W. Binns ... [et al.]
Eadmer of Canterbury : lives and miracles of Saints Oda, Dunstan, and Oswald
Bede's Latin poetry
Annales Gandenses = Annals of Ghent
Historia novella : the contemporary history
Dialogus de Scaccario = the dialogue of the Exchequer . Constitutio Domus Regis = disposition of the King's Household
Gesta Henrici Quinti = The deeds of Henry the Fifth
Historia Ierosolimitana : history of the journey to Jerusalem
Peter Abelard's Ethics
The Carmen de Hastingae proelio of Guy, Bishop of Amiens
The Bec letters
Gervase of Tilbury Otia imperialia : recreation for an emperor
The Anglo-Latin Gesta Romanorvm : from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce MS 310
The bishops, kings, and saints of York
The Westminster Chronicle, 1381-1394
The life of St Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury
Instruction for a ruler = De principis instructione
The life of Ailred of Rievaulx
The various arts = De diversis artibus
The deeds of the Franks and the other pilgrims to Jerusalem
The gesta Normannorum ducum of William of Jumièges, Orderic Vitalis, and Robert of Torigni
De gestis Concilii Basiliensis commentariorum : libri II
The Gesta Guillelmi of William of Poitiers
Burchard of Mount Sion, OP : descriptio terrae sanctae
The chronicle of John of Worcester
Bede's ecclesiastical history of the English people : a historical commentary
Historia Selebiensis Monasterii = The history of the Monastery of Selby
Vita Edwardi secvndi = The life of Edward the Second
Magna vita Sancti Hugonis = The life of St. Hugh of Lincoln
Historia Anglorum : the history of the English people
The St Albans chronicle : the Chronica maiora of Thomas Walsingham
Historia ecclesie abbendonensis = The history of the Church of Abingdon
Bede's ecclesiastical history of the English people
Dialogus de Scaccario = The course of the Exchequer
Anglo-Scottish relations, 1174-1328 : some selected documents
Gesta Danorum : the history of the Danes
The monastic constitutions of Lanfranc
De nugis curialium = Courtiers' trifles
History of the Abbey of Evesham
Rodulfi Glabri Historiarum libri quinque = The five books of the histories . Eiusdem auctoris, Vita Domni Willelmi Abbatis = The life of St. William
The chronography of Robert of Torigni
Anglo-Scottish relations, 1174-1328 : some selected documents
De gestis Concilii Basiliensis commentariorvm : libri II
Walter of Châtillon, the shorter poems : Christmas hymns, love lyrics, and moral-satirical verse
The Historia vie [sic] Hierosolimitane
Bede's Ecclesiastical history of the English people
Knighton's Chronicle 1337-1396
Life and miracles of St Modwenna
Goscelin of Saint-Bertin : the hagiography of the female saints of Ely
The letter collection of Peter Abelard and Heloise
The life of St Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury
The book of the foundation of Walden Monastery
Chronicon anonymi Cantvariensis = The chronicle of anonymous of Canterbury, 1346-1365
Documents of the baronial movement of reform and rebellion, 1258-1267
The chronicle and historical notes of Bernard Itier
The life of St. Æthelwold
The Historia pontificalis of John of Salisbury
The letters and poems of Fulbert of Chartres
Scripta Leonis, Rufini et Angeli, Sociorum S. Francisci : the writings of Leo, Rufino and Angelo, companions of St. Francis
The Warenne (Hyde) chronicle
The letters of Peter of Celle
The Waltham chronicle : an account of the discovery of our holy cross at Montacute and its conveyance to Waltham
Bede's Ecclesiastical history of the English people : a historical commentary
Continuatio eulogii : the continuation of the eulogium historiarum, 1364-1413
The life of King Edward who rests at Westminster
Bede's ecclesiastical history of the English people
The correspondence of Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canterbury 1162-1170
The hagiography of the female saints of Ely
The letters of Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury
Adomnán's life of Columba
The chronicle of the election of Hugh, Abbot of Bury St. Edmunds and later Bishop of Ely
The treatise on the laws and customs of the realm of England commonly called Glanvill
The Book of St. Gilbert
Libellus de exordio atque procursu istius, hoc est Dunhelmensis, ecclesie = Tract on the origins and progress of this the Church of Durham
The early lives of St. Dunstan
The letters of John of Salisbury
Gesta pontificum anglorum = The history of the England Bishops
The chronicle of Battle Abbey
Libellus de diversis ordinibus et professionibus qui sunt in aecclesia
Gesta Stephani
Hugh the chanter : the history of the church of York, 1066-1127
Scripta Leonis, Rufini et Angeli, sociorum S. Francisci = The writings of Leo, Rufino and Angelo, companions of St. Francis
Saints' lives : lives of SS. Wulfstan, Dunstan, Patrick, Benignus and Indract
The letter collections of Nicholas of Clairvaux
Gesta regum Anglorum = The history of the English kings
The Carmen de Hastingae proelio of Guy, Bishop of Amiens
The miracles of Saint Æbbe of Coldingham and Saint Margaret of Scotland
Three eleventh-century Anglo-Latin saints' lives : Vita S. Birini, Vita et miracula S. Kenelmi and Vita S. Rumwoldi
Herman the archdeacon and Goscelin of Saint-Bertin : miracles of St Edmund
The letters of Adam Marsh
Libellus de diversis ordinibus et professionibus qui sunt in aecclesia
Abbots of Wearmouth and Jarrow
Byrhtferth of Ramsey : the lives of St Oswald and St Ecgwine
De nugis curialium = Courtiers' trifles
The Ecclesiastical history of Orderic Vitalis
The Epistolae vagantes of Pope Gregory VII
The Life of Christina of Markyate : a twelfth century recluse
The chronicle of Adam Usk, 1377-1421
Reginald of Durham : the life and miracles of Saint Godric, hermit of Finchale
Nigel of Longchamp, Speculum stultorum
Gerald of Wales : on the deeds of Gerald
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