- 資料種別
- 図書
- 大きさ
- 30 cm
- 出版地(国名コード)
- my
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 関連情報
- The Malaysian economy in the 1990s : the alternative scenariosStructural adjustments and economic growth in Malaysia, 1985-93The financial industry of Malaysia : towards a new era of technological changeEnergy for sustainable development : the case of MalaysiaStructural adjustment, employment policy and unemployment in MalaysiaThe future of economic cooperation in the Asian-Pacific region : the view from an ASEAN perspectiveTesting international parity conditions for a small open developing economy : the case of MalaysiaStock returns, inflation, money and economic activity in a developing economy : the case of MalaysiaA tax reform package for MalaysiaNon-farm employment in Malaysia : situation and prospectsIndustrialisation and its impact on labour migrationToward regional development policy reform : some issues for the 1990sAsia-Pacific trade interdependence : outlook for MalaysiaImpact of pricing, taxation and trade policies on Malaysian agricultureOn the deviations from purchasing power parity : the case of Ringgit effective exchange rateAgricultural taxation in Malaysia : an overviewThe challenge of economic revival in Malaysia : entrepreneurship and third-factor growthTowards regional development policy reform : some issues for the 1990sEvaluation of Regional Development Experience in MalaysiaAgricultural development in Malaysia : currennt issues and prospectsAgropolitan Approach in Regional Development Planning : A Retrospective after Ten YearsMacroeconomic policies and technology changeFiscally-induced investment distortions in Malaysia : the direct tax systemMalaysia and the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiationsDomestic barter and income terms of trade in Malaysia, 1972-1987Promoting resource-based industrialisation : some policy implicationsEvaluation of Malaysian corporate investment incentivesA flow of funds approach to financial analysis in MalaysiaDevelopment : revisionist ideas, heresies and heretics
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
- 提供元機関・データベース
- CiNii Books