
Children's literature and culture


Children's literature and culture

Jack Zipes, series editor
24 cm



New series editor: Philip Nel


Childhood and children's books in early modern Europe, 1550-1800外部サイトEntranced by story : brain, tale and teller, from infancy to old age外部サイトApartheid and racism in South African children's literature, 1985-1995外部サイトCrossover picturebooks : a genre for all ages外部サイトJuvenile literature and British society, 1850-1950 : the age of adolescence外部サイトChildhood and pethood in literature and culture : new perspectives in childhood studies and animal studies外部サイトThe role of translators in children's literature : invisible storytellers外部サイトInventing the child : culture, ideology, and the story of childhood外部サイトNew directions in picturebook research外部サイトHow picturebooks work外部サイトCritical approaches to food in children's literature外部サイトIrish children's literature and culture : new perspectives on contemporary writing外部サイトNational character in South African English children's literature外部サイトSoon come home to this island : West Indians in British children's literature外部サイトTranscending boundaries : writing for a dual audience of children and adults外部サイトReading Victorian schoolrooms : childhood and education in nineteenth-century fiction外部サイトTranslating for children外部サイトFantasy and the real world in British children's literature : the power of story外部サイトA past without shadow : constructing the past in German books for children外部サイトRepresentations of technology in science fiction for young people外部サイトLandscape in children's literature外部サイトThe outside child in and out of the book外部サイトTextual transformations in children's literature : adaptations, translations, reconsiderations外部サイトThe family in English children's literature外部サイトOrigin narratives : the stories we tell children about immigration and international adoption外部サイトMyth, symbol, and meaning in Mary Poppins : the governess as provocateur外部サイトTolerance discourse and young adult Holocaust literature : engaging difference and identity外部サイトCanon constitution and canon change in children's literature外部サイトGlobal perspectives on death in children's literature外部サイトUrsula K. Le Guin beyond genre : fiction for children and adults外部サイトYouth of darkest England : working-class children at the heart of Victorian empire外部サイトThe family in English children's literature外部サイトEnterprising youth : social values and acculturation in nineteenth-century American children's literature外部サイトGlobal perspectives on death in children's literature外部サイトIrish children's literature and culture : new perspectives on contemporary writing外部サイトThe poetics of childhood外部サイトNarrating Africa : George Henty and the fiction of empire外部サイトThe poetics of childhood外部サイトContemporary dystopian fiction for young adults : brave new teenagers外部サイトThe children's book business : lessons from the long eighteenth century外部サイトCrossover fiction : global and historical perspectives外部サイトThe outside child in and out of the book外部サイトPeter Pan's shadows in the literary imagination外部サイトDiscourses of postcolonialism in contemporary British children's literature外部サイトGender(ed) identities : critical rereadings of gender in children's and young adult literature外部サイトPower, voice and subjectivity in literature for young readers外部サイトPeter Pan's shadows in the literary imagination外部サイトPrizing children's literature : the cultural politics of children's book awards外部サイトWhite supremacy in children's literature : characterizations of African Americans, 1830-1900外部サイトConstructing adolescence in fantastic realism外部サイトAffect, emotion, and children's literature : representation and socialisation in texts for children and young adults外部サイトInnocence, heterosexuality, and the queerness of children's literature外部サイトBeatrix Potter : writing in code外部サイトConstructing adolescence in fantastic realism外部サイトRediscoveries in children's literature外部サイトJustice in young adult speculative fiction : a cognitive reading外部サイトBrown gold : milestones of African-American children's picture books, 1845-2002外部サイトChildren's films : history, ideology, pedagogy, theory外部サイトLandscape in children's literature外部サイトTranslation under state control : books for young people in the German Democratic Republic外部サイトChildren's culture and the avant-garde : painting in Paris, 1890-1915外部サイトBattling girlhood : sympathy, social justice, and the tomboy figure in American literature外部サイトInteractive books : playful media before pop-ups外部サイトJustice in young adult speculative fiction : a cognitive reading外部サイトOnce upon a time in a different world : issues and ideas in African American children's literature外部サイトContemporary dystopian fiction for young adults : brave new teenagers外部サイトDiscourses of postcolonialism in contemporary British children's literature外部サイトVoices of the other : children's literature and the postcolonial context外部サイトConstructing the canon of children's literature : beyond library walls and ivory towers外部サイトSubjectivity in Asian children's literature and film : global theories and implications外部サイトFrom nursery rhymes to nationhood : children's literature and the construction of Canadian identity外部サイトThe place of Lewis Carroll in children's literature外部サイトA critical history of French children's literature外部サイトRulers of literary playgrounds : politics of intergenerational play in children's literature外部サイトRegendering the school story : sassy sissies and tattling tomboys外部サイトVoices of the other : children's literature and the postcolonial context外部サイトMyth, symbol and meaning in Mary Poppins : the governess as provocateur外部サイトContemporary British children's fiction and cosmopolitanism外部サイトReading the adolescent romance : Sweet Valley High and the popular young adult romance novel外部サイトPower, voice and subjectivity in literature for young readers外部サイトChildren's literature and the posthuman : animal, environment, cyborg外部サイトThe early reader in children's literature and culture : theorizing books for beginning readers外部サイトThe myth of Persephone in girls' fantasy literature外部サイトGenocide in contemporary children's and young adult literature : Cambodia to Darfur外部サイトInto the closet : cross-dressing and the gendered body in children's literature and film外部サイトDiana Wynne Jones : children's literature and the fantastic tradition外部サイトChildren's fiction about 9/11 : ethnic, heroic and national identities外部サイトThe making of the modern child : children's literature and childhood in the late eighteenth century外部サイトHumor in contemporary junior literature外部サイトColonial India in children's literature外部サイトThe role of translators in children's literature : invisible storytellers外部サイトChild autonomy and child governance in children's literature : where children rule外部サイトSparing the child : grief and the unspeakable in youth literature about Nazism and the Holocaust外部サイトShakespeare in children's literature : gender and cultural capital外部サイトRe-visioning historical fiction for young readers : the past through modern eyes外部サイトThe embodied child : readings in children's literature and culture外部サイトThe place of Lewis Carroll in children's literature外部サイトRussian children's literature and culture外部サイトPicturebooks : representation and narration外部サイトChildren and cultural memory in texts of childhood外部サイトJews and Jewishness in British children's literature外部サイトItalian children's literature and national identity : childhood, melancholy, modernity外部サイトFictions of integration : American children's literature and the legacies of Brown v. Board of Education外部サイトThe feminine subject in children's literature外部サイトPinocchio, puppets and modernity : the mechanical body外部サイトFundamental concepts of children's literature research : literary and sociological approaches外部サイトEmbodying gender and age in speculative fiction : a biopsychosocial approach外部サイトThe children's book business : lessons from the long eighteenth century外部サイトThe feminine subject in children's literature外部サイトReading Victorian schoolrooms : childhood and education in nineteenth-century fiction外部サイトChildren's literature and New York City外部サイトNew directions in children's gothic : debatable lands外部サイトOnce upon a time in a different world : issues and ideas in African American children's literature外部サイトYouth of darkest England : working-class children at the heart of Victorian empire外部サイトPicturing the wolf in children's literature外部サイトRecycling Red Riding Hood外部サイトEmpire's children : empire and imperialism in classic British children's books外部サイトThe fantasy of family : nineteenth-century children's literature and the myth of the domestic ideal外部サイトBeyond Pippi Longstocking : intermedial and international aspects of Astrid Lindgren's works外部サイトChildren's literature comes of age : toward a new aesthetic外部サイトDeath, gender, and sexuality in contemporary adolescent literature外部サイトContemporary English-language Indian children's literature : representations of nation, culture, and the new Indian girl外部サイトNeo-imperialism in children's literature about Africa : a study of contemporary fiction外部サイトCharles Dickens and the Victorian child : romanticizing and socializing the imperfect child外部サイトColonial India in children's literature外部サイトReimagining Shakespeare for children and young adults外部サイトRegendering the school story : sassy sissies and tattling tomboys外部サイトThe future of the nineteenth-century dream-child : fantasy, dystopia, cyberculture外部サイトEntranced by story : brain, tale and teller, from infancy to old age外部サイトHumor in contemporary junior literature外部サイトWays of being male : representing masculinities in children's literature and film外部サイトThe beloved does not bite : moral vampires and the humans who love them外部サイトInnocence, heterosexuality, and the queerness of children's literature外部サイトThe making of the modern child : children's literature and childhood in the late eighteenth century外部サイトPicturebooks : representation and narration外部サイトThe fantasy of family : nineteenth-century children's literature and the myth of the domestic ideal外部サイトBoys in children's literature and popular culture : masculinity, abjection, and the fictional child外部サイトShakespeare in children's literature : gender and cultural capital外部サイトThe crossover novel : contemporary children's fiction and its adult readership外部サイトMore words about pictures : current research on picture books and visual/verbal texts for young people外部サイトNeo-imperialism in children's literature about Africa : a study of contemporary fiction外部サイトThe myth of Persephone in girls' fantasy literature外部サイトPinocchio goes postmodern : perils of a puppet in the United States外部サイトRepresenting the Holocaust in children's literature外部サイトHow picturebooks work外部サイトUtopian and dystopian writing for children and young adults外部サイトThe big smallness : niche marketing, the American culture wars, and the new children's literature外部サイトRecycling Red Riding Hood外部サイトReimagining Shakespeare for children and young adults外部サイトThe Victorian era in twenty-first century children's and adolescent literature and culture外部サイトCritical approaches to food in children's literature外部サイトTwice-told children's tales : the influence of childhood reading on writers for adults外部サイトWhite supremacy in children's literature : characterizations of African Americans, 1830-1900外部サイトThe early reader in children's literature and culture : theorizing books for beginning readers外部サイトSecond-generation memory and contemporary children's literature : ghost images外部サイトChildren's literature and culture of the First World War外部サイトTextual transformations in children's literature : adaptations, translations, reconsiderations外部サイトInto the closet : cross-dressing and the gendered body in children's literature and film外部サイトChildren's literature and the posthuman : animal, environment, cyborg外部サイトCharles Dickens and the Victorian child : romanticizing and socializing the imperfect child外部サイトRepresenting Africa in children's literature : old and new ways of seeing外部サイトBrown gold : milestones of African-American children's picture books, 1845-2002外部サイトThe nation in children's literature : nations of childhood外部サイトThe Gothic in children's literature : haunting the borders外部サイトThe nation in children's literature : nations of childhood外部サイトCrossover picturebooks : a genre for all ages外部サイトOut of reach : the ideal girl in American girls' serial literature外部サイトAntarctica in British children's literature外部サイトVoices of the other : children's literature and the postcolonial context外部サイトAffect, emotion, and children's literature : representation and socialisation in texts for children and young adults外部サイトSexuality in literature for children and young adults外部サイトRetelling stories, framing culture : traditional story and metanarratives in children's literature外部サイトDust off the gold medal : rediscovering children's literature at the Newbery centennial外部サイトTerror and counter-terror in contemporary British children's literature外部サイト



  • Childhood and children's books in early modern Europe, 1550-1800

  • Entranced by story : brain, tale and teller, from infancy to old age

  • Apartheid and racism in South African children's literature, 1985-1995

  • Crossover picturebooks : a genre for all ages

  • Juvenile literature and British society, 1850-1950 : the age of adolescence





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Jack Zipes, series editor
24 cm
Studies in children's literature and culture