
Dissertation series (Cornell University. Latin American Studies Program)


Dissertation series (Cornell University. Latin American Studies Program)

Cornell University, Latin American Studies Program


Regional differentials and role of the State : economic-political relationships between the Northeast and Southeast of Brazil外部サイトEmployment, income and the growth of the barriadas in Lima, Peru外部サイトLate postclassic excavations at Naco, Honduras外部サイトPayments problems in the economic integration of Latin America外部サイトElite solidarity and land tenure in the Cauca Valley of Colombia外部サイトThe generalization of a Latin American development model外部サイトEthnic lords of Quito in the age of the Incas : the political economy of North-Andean chiefdoms外部サイトLabor mobility and earnings : evidence from Guatemala外部サイトStructural determinants of the location of rural development institutions in Costa Rica外部サイトOccupational mobility and social stratification in Latin American cities外部サイトRegional patterns of economic change in Chile, 1950-1964外部サイトAn evaluation of programs to control anemias of pregnancy in Jamaica外部サイトComparative performance of domestic and foreign firms in Latin America外部サイトQollahuaya rituals : an ethnographic account of the symbolic relations of man and land in an Andean village外部サイトExternal articulation and domestic production : the artifact trade of the Mamaindê of northwestern Mato Grosso, Brazil外部サイトAgricultural and community development in Mexican ejidos : relatives in conflict外部サイトThe oligarchy and the Old Regime in Peru外部サイトFarming in the Brazilian Sertao : social organization and economic behavior外部サイトThe benefits of broader markets due to feeder roads and market news, Northeast Brazil外部サイトResource allocation alternatives in an Andean herding system : a simulation approach外部サイトUrbanization and regional development in Venezuela外部サイトThe effect of agricultural price policies on intersectoral income transfers外部サイトThe urban bias of Peruvian food policy : consequences and alternatives外部サイトBrazil's independent foreign policy, 1961-1964 : background, tenets, linkage to domestic politics, and aftermath外部サイトThe administration of resettlement in Bolivia外部サイトFamilialization of the unfamiliar world : the familia, networks, and groups in a Brazilian city外部サイトThe experience of worker participation in the management of industrial firms : the case of the social ownership area in Chile, 1970-1973外部サイトA modern tragedy of the non-commons : agro-industrial change and equity in Brazil's Babassu palm zone外部サイトLand reform in Chile during Allende's government外部サイトAn economic analysis of employment in small farm agriculture : the central valley of Chile外部サイトHuayrapampa : Bolivian highland peasants and the new social order外部サイトThe political economy of Peruvian Gran Mineria外部サイトState, society, and the policy process : planning, decentralization, and public investment in Peru, 1956-1980外部サイトToward a structural housing policy : an analysis of Chile's low income housing program外部サイトA demographic analysis of urbanization : evolution of a system of cities in Honduras, El Salvador, and Costa Rica外部サイトHaciendas and cooperatives : a study of estate organization, land reform and new reform enterprises in Peru外部サイトChay simire caymi : the language of the manuscript of Huarochiri外部サイトInter-village systems and development : a study of social change in highland Peru外部サイトAn empirical analysis of political mobilization : the case of Mexico外部サイトPlanners in the face of power : the case of the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil外部サイトRegional development and sectoral specialization : the Chilean case外部サイトThe bureaucratic transition : Peruvian government intervention in Sierra small-scale irrigation外部サイトStructural determinants of agricultural production, productivity and rural welfare in central Mexico, 1970外部サイトElites, economic development, and population in Honduras外部サイトTrade theory predictions and the growth of Mexico's manufactured exports外部サイトDeterminants of social change in the municipios of Mexico, 1950-1970 : an exploration of the potential of official statistics外部サイトDecision-making among descendants of German immigrant farmers in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil外部サイトReciprocity, self-sufficiency and market relations in a contemporary community in the Central Andes of Peru外部サイトThe Peruvian automobile industry : a socio-economic and organizational inquiry外部サイトUnited States joint ventures and national manufacturing firms in Monterrey, Mexico : comparative styles of management外部サイトThe highland campesino, backward peasant or reluctant pawn : a study of the social and economic factors affecting small farmer modernization in four highland Ecuadorian communities外部サイトA model of the small Chilean firm外部サイトAn analysis of the changing patterns of elite residential areas in Bogota, Colombia外部サイトTechnology and organization structure : a comparative case-study of automotive and processing firms in Brazil外部サイトThe social organization of crop production : cassava, tobacco and citrus in Bahia, Brazil外部サイトThe articulation of non-capitalist agricultural production systems with capitalist exchange systems : the case of Garanhuns, Brazil, 1845-1977外部サイトThe fishermen of Caleta San Pablo外部サイトDevelopment and population distribution in Minas Gerais, Brazil外部サイトThe politics of development in Peru外部サイトDrugs and dependency in Brazil--an empirical study of dependency theory : the case of the pharmaceutical industry外部サイトThe promise and problem of reform : attempted social and economic change in the first years of Bolivian independence外部サイト






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Regional differentials and role of the State : economic-political relationships between the Northeast and Southeast of Brazil
Employment, income and the growth of the barriadas in Lima, Peru
Late postclassic excavations at Naco, Honduras
Payments problems in the economic integration of Latin America
Elite solidarity and land tenure in the Cauca Valley of Colombia
The generalization of a Latin American development model
Ethnic lords of Quito in the age of the Incas : the political economy of North-Andean chiefdoms
Labor mobility and earnings : evidence from Guatemala
Structural determinants of the location of rural development institutions in Costa Rica
Occupational mobility and social stratification in Latin American cities
Regional patterns of economic change in Chile, 1950-1964
An evaluation of programs to control anemias of pregnancy in Jamaica
Comparative performance of domestic and foreign firms in Latin America
Qollahuaya rituals : an ethnographic account of the symbolic relations of man and land in an Andean village
External articulation and domestic production : the artifact trade of the Mamaindê of northwestern Mato Grosso, Brazil
Agricultural and community development in Mexican ejidos : relatives in conflict
The oligarchy and the Old Regime in Peru
Farming in the Brazilian Sertao : social organization and economic behavior
The benefits of broader markets due to feeder roads and market news, Northeast Brazil
Resource allocation alternatives in an Andean herding system : a simulation approach
Urbanization and regional development in Venezuela
The effect of agricultural price policies on intersectoral income transfers
The urban bias of Peruvian food policy : consequences and alternatives
Brazil's independent foreign policy, 1961-1964 : background, tenets, linkage to domestic politics, and aftermath
The administration of resettlement in Bolivia
Familialization of the unfamiliar world : the familia, networks, and groups in a Brazilian city
The experience of worker participation in the management of industrial firms : the case of the social ownership area in Chile, 1970-1973
A modern tragedy of the non-commons : agro-industrial change and equity in Brazil's Babassu palm zone
Land reform in Chile during Allende's government
An economic analysis of employment in small farm agriculture : the central valley of Chile
Huayrapampa : Bolivian highland peasants and the new social order
The political economy of Peruvian Gran Mineria
State, society, and the policy process : planning, decentralization, and public investment in Peru, 1956-1980
Toward a structural housing policy : an analysis of Chile's low income housing program
A demographic analysis of urbanization : evolution of a system of cities in Honduras, El Salvador, and Costa Rica
Haciendas and cooperatives : a study of estate organization, land reform and new reform enterprises in Peru
Chay simire caymi : the language of the manuscript of Huarochiri
Inter-village systems and development : a study of social change in highland Peru
An empirical analysis of political mobilization : the case of Mexico
Planners in the face of power : the case of the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Regional development and sectoral specialization : the Chilean case
The bureaucratic transition : Peruvian government intervention in Sierra small-scale irrigation
Structural determinants of agricultural production, productivity and rural welfare in central Mexico, 1970
Elites, economic development, and population in Honduras
Trade theory predictions and the growth of Mexico's manufactured exports
Determinants of social change in the municipios of Mexico, 1950-1970 : an exploration of the potential of official statistics
Decision-making among descendants of German immigrant farmers in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Reciprocity, self-sufficiency and market relations in a contemporary community in the Central Andes of Peru
The Peruvian automobile industry : a socio-economic and organizational inquiry
United States joint ventures and national manufacturing firms in Monterrey, Mexico : comparative styles of management
The highland campesino, backward peasant or reluctant pawn : a study of the social and economic factors affecting small farmer modernization in four highland Ecuadorian communities
A model of the small Chilean firm
An analysis of the changing patterns of elite residential areas in Bogota, Colombia
Technology and organization structure : a comparative case-study of automotive and processing firms in Brazil
The social organization of crop production : cassava, tobacco and citrus in Bahia, Brazil
The articulation of non-capitalist agricultural production systems with capitalist exchange systems : the case of Garanhuns, Brazil, 1845-1977
The fishermen of Caleta San Pablo
Development and population distribution in Minas Gerais, Brazil
The politics of development in Peru
Drugs and dependency in Brazil--an empirical study of dependency theory : the case of the pharmaceutical industry
The promise and problem of reform : attempted social and economic change in the first years of Bolivian independence
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA18376837 : BA18376837