著者・編者Henry James ; edited by Michael Anesko and Greg W. Zacharias ; Katie Sommer, associate editor ; with an introduction by Sarah Wadsworth
一般注記Summary: "This sixteenth installment in the complete collection of Henry James's more than ten thousand letters records James's ongoing efforts to care for his sister, develop his work, strengthen his professional status, build friendships, engage timely political and economic issues, and maximize his income"--Provided by publisher
Summary: "This first volume in The Complete Letters of Henry James, 1887-1888 contains 154 letters, of which 94 are published for the first time, written from early January to December 22, 1887. These letters mark Henry James's ongoing efforts to care for his sister, develop his work, strengthen his professional status, build friendships, engage timely political and economic issues, and maximize his income. James details work on "The Aspern Papers," Partial Portraits, and plans The Reverberator. This volume opens with James in the midst of a long sojourn in Italy and concludes with his inquiring about both the status of his essay to the American Copyright League and also the story "The Liar""--Provided by publisher
Vol. 1. 1887
Includes index
関連情報The complete letters of Henry James
掲載誌The complete letters of Henry James
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BD0050117X : BD0050117X