著者・編者Overseas Research Department, Japan External Trade Organization, [editor]
並列タイトル等Survey of investment-related cost comparison in major cities and regions in Asia
一般注記Description based on: 9th survey (1999)
Title varies slightly: Survey of cost comparison relating to investment in major cities and regions in Asia (9th (1999), 11th (2001))→Survey of investment-related cost comparison in major cities and regions in Asia (12th (2002)-13th (2003), 15th (2005)-17th (2007))
1999: 9th survey, 2001: 11th survey, 2002: 12th survey, 2003, 13th survey, 2005: 15th survey, 2006: 16th survey, 2007, 17th survey
Target areas of the survey (from summary, p. 1): 9th survey: 23 cities in 14 countries, 11th survey: 25 cities in 15countries, 12th survey: 26 cities in 16 main countries, 13th: 26 cities in 16 major countries, 17th: 30 major cities and region
New volumes are open to the JETRO WEBsite under the title: Survey of investment related costs in Asia and Oceania
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/AA1271052X : AA1271052X