
Pubblicazioni della Classe di scienze


Pubblicazioni della Classe di scienze

Scuola Normale Superiore
Scuola normale superiore


The Obstacle Problem外部サイトExterior differential calculus and applications to economic theory外部サイトThe scattering of light by matter外部サイトCredit risk modeling with affine processes外部サイトFrontiere orientate di misura minima e questioni collegate外部サイトInterpolation theory外部サイトAnalytic convexity and the principle of Phragmén-Lindelöf外部サイトDe concini-procesi models of arrangements and symmetric group actions外部サイトSearch for neutrino oscillations in a long baseline experiment at the Chooz nuclear reactors外部サイトDegeneration of riemannian metrics under ricci curvature bounds外部サイトAn introduction to infinite dimensional analysis外部サイトGreen's integrals and their applications to elliptic systems外部サイトOld and new problems in fundamental physics : meeting in honour of G.C. Wick外部サイトSelecta外部サイトAnalisi non lineare : i quaderno外部サイトGround state properties and excitation spectrum of correlated electron systems外部サイトVariational methods in some shape optimization problems外部サイトTopics in functional analysis, 1980-81外部サイトOn spin glass theory beyond mean field外部サイトChance and decision ; stochastic control in discrete time外部サイトSearch for neutrinos from stellar gravitational collapse with the MACRO experiment at gran sasso外部サイトSu alcuni problemi di geometria differenziale in grande per gli ovaloidi : lezioni tenute alla Scuola normale superiore sotto gli auspici della Accademia nazionale dei Lincei nell'anno accademico 1971-72外部サイトLectures on analysis in metric spaces外部サイトPrincipal g-bundles and abelian varieties : the hitchin system外部サイトIntroduction to the theory of many-body systems外部サイトRappresentazioni dei gruppi finiti e loro caratteri外部サイトQuantum cohomology at the Mittag-Leffler Institute外部サイトSymmetry in nature : a volume in honour of Luigi A. Radicati di Brozolo外部サイトThe MU-calculus and the hierarchy problem外部サイトCorso introduttivo alla geometria ablgebrica外部サイトConformal invariance in quantum field theory外部サイトIntroduction to statistical mechanics and thermodynamics外部サイトA geometric view of the term structure of interest rates外部サイトIntroduction to differential stchastic equations外部サイトInteraction of radiation with matter : a volume in honour of Adriano Gozzini外部サイトIntroduction to the theory of many-body systems外部サイトVariations of Hodge structure of Calabi-Yau threefolds外部サイトEvolution from BCS superconductivity to Bose-Einstein condensation and infrared behavior of the bosonic limit外部サイトAbstract differential equations and nonlinear mixed problems外部サイトElectrons and photons in solids外部サイトThe minimal supersymmetric standard model and its phenomenological implications外部サイトControlled Markov processes and viscosity solution of nonlinear evolution equations外部サイトSolitons and geometry外部サイトStochastic optimal control in finance外部サイトSelected topics on "analysis in metric spaces"外部サイトOn the geometry of inhomogeneous quantum groups外部サイトStochastic partial differential equations in infinite dimensional spaces外部サイトIntroduction to continuous semigroups外部サイトParticle methods外部サイトSymmetry breaking in classical systems and nonlinear functional analysis外部サイトSymmetry in physics外部サイトAndreotti-Grauert theory on real hypersurfaces外部サイトLectures on nonlinear physics外部サイトThe theory of singularities and its applications外部サイトBiochemical and spectroscopic characterization of CP20, a protein involved in synaptic plasticity mechanism外部サイトSeminario di astrofisica 1994外部サイトStandard spines and 3-manifolds外部サイトComplessi di operatori differenziali外部サイトProblemi di esistenza in analisi funzionale : Anno accademico 1948-49外部サイトSistemi ellittici in forma divergenza : regolarità all'interno外部サイトNumerical methods for atomic quantum gases外部サイトPeriodic points for expanding maps and for their extensions外部サイトScreening effects in bipolaron theory and high-temperature superconductivity外部サイトOn Euler equations and statistical physics外部サイトDegeneration of algebraic surfaces and applications to moduli problems外部サイトStochastic control problems, viscosity solutions and application to finance外部サイトInduced representations of groups and quantum mechanics外部サイトDevelopment of large-scale structure in the universe外部サイトUntwisted affine quantum algebras : the highest coefficient of det Hη and the center at odd roots of 1外部サイトGeometry of Yang-Mills fields外部サイトTopics in stochastic processes外部サイトGrid methods外部サイトAnalisi complessa外部サイトProbabilità ed informazione外部サイトLecture notes on stellar dynamics外部サイトChern-simons field theory and invariants of 3-manifolds外部サイトA study on nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor expression in the rat visual cortex : possible sites and mechanisms of NGF action in cortical plasticity外部サイトNonlinear analysis : a tribute in honour of Giovanni Prodi外部サイトPortfolio optimization in incomplete financial markets外部サイトImperfections de marchés et méthodes d'evaluation et couverture d'options外部サイトActions of holomorphic maps on spaces of holomorphic function外部サイトCoherent risk measures外部サイトOn the work of givental relative to mirror symmetry外部サイトA study on the activity-dependent expression of neurotrophic factors in the rat visual system外部サイトCorso introduttivo alla teoria geometrica della misura ed alle superfici minime外部サイトMartingales et intégration stochastique外部サイト






  • CiNii Research

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Scuola Normale Superiore
The Obstacle Problem
Exterior differential calculus and applications to economic theory
The scattering of light by matter
Credit risk modeling with affine processes
Frontiere orientate di misura minima e questioni collegate
Interpolation theory
Analytic convexity and the principle of Phragmén-Lindelöf
De concini-procesi models of arrangements and symmetric group actions
Search for neutrino oscillations in a long baseline experiment at the Chooz nuclear reactors
Degeneration of riemannian metrics under ricci curvature bounds
An introduction to infinite dimensional analysis
Green's integrals and their applications to elliptic systems
Old and new problems in fundamental physics : meeting in honour of G.C. Wick
Analisi non lineare : i quaderno
Ground state properties and excitation spectrum of correlated electron systems
Variational methods in some shape optimization problems
Topics in functional analysis, 1980-81
On spin glass theory beyond mean field
Chance and decision ; stochastic control in discrete time
Search for neutrinos from stellar gravitational collapse with the MACRO experiment at gran sasso
Su alcuni problemi di geometria differenziale in grande per gli ovaloidi : lezioni tenute alla Scuola normale superiore sotto gli auspici della Accademia nazionale dei Lincei nell'anno accademico 1971-72
Lectures on analysis in metric spaces
Principal g-bundles and abelian varieties : the hitchin system
Introduction to the theory of many-body systems
Rappresentazioni dei gruppi finiti e loro caratteri
Quantum cohomology at the Mittag-Leffler Institute
Symmetry in nature : a volume in honour of Luigi A. Radicati di Brozolo
The MU-calculus and the hierarchy problem
Corso introduttivo alla geometria ablgebrica
Conformal invariance in quantum field theory
Introduction to statistical mechanics and thermodynamics
A geometric view of the term structure of interest rates
Introduction to differential stchastic equations
Interaction of radiation with matter : a volume in honour of Adriano Gozzini
Introduction to the theory of many-body systems
Variations of Hodge structure of Calabi-Yau threefolds
Evolution from BCS superconductivity to Bose-Einstein condensation and infrared behavior of the bosonic limit
Abstract differential equations and nonlinear mixed problems
Electrons and photons in solids
The minimal supersymmetric standard model and its phenomenological implications
Controlled Markov processes and viscosity solution of nonlinear evolution equations
Solitons and geometry
Stochastic optimal control in finance
Selected topics on "analysis in metric spaces"
On the geometry of inhomogeneous quantum groups
Stochastic partial differential equations in infinite dimensional spaces
Introduction to continuous semigroups
Particle methods
Symmetry breaking in classical systems and nonlinear functional analysis
Symmetry in physics
Andreotti-Grauert theory on real hypersurfaces
Lectures on nonlinear physics
The theory of singularities and its applications
Biochemical and spectroscopic characterization of CP20, a protein involved in synaptic plasticity mechanism
Seminario di astrofisica 1994
Standard spines and 3-manifolds
Complessi di operatori differenziali
Problemi di esistenza in analisi funzionale : Anno accademico 1948-49
Sistemi ellittici in forma divergenza : regolarità all'interno
Numerical methods for atomic quantum gases
Periodic points for expanding maps and for their extensions
Screening effects in bipolaron theory and high-temperature superconductivity
On Euler equations and statistical physics
Degeneration of algebraic surfaces and applications to moduli problems
Stochastic control problems, viscosity solutions and application to finance
Induced representations of groups and quantum mechanics
Development of large-scale structure in the universe
Untwisted affine quantum algebras : the highest coefficient of det Hη and the center at odd roots of 1
Geometry of Yang-Mills fields
Topics in stochastic processes
Grid methods
Analisi complessa
Probabilità ed informazione
Lecture notes on stellar dynamics
Chern-simons field theory and invariants of 3-manifolds
A study on nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor expression in the rat visual cortex : possible sites and mechanisms of NGF action in cortical plasticity
Nonlinear analysis : a tribute in honour of Giovanni Prodi
Portfolio optimization in incomplete financial markets
Imperfections de marchés et méthodes d'evaluation et couverture d'options
Actions of holomorphic maps on spaces of holomorphic function
Coherent risk measures
On the work of givental relative to mirror symmetry
A study on the activity-dependent expression of neurotrophic factors in the rat visual system
Corso introduttivo alla teoria geometrica della misura ed alle superfici minime
Martingales et intégration stochastique
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books