
Selected essays in history, economics and social science


Selected essays in history, economics and social science



Trade tokens issued in the seventeenth century in England, Wales, and Ireland, by corporations, merchants, tradesmen, etc外部サイトLes théories économiques et sociales de Thorstein Veblen : contribution à l'histoire des doctrines économiques aux Étas-Unis外部サイトA first book of jurisprudence for students of the common law外部サイトZur Entstehung des Kapitalismus in Venedig外部サイトThe ancient lowly : a history of the ancient working people from the earliest known period to the adoption of Christianity by Constantine外部サイトHistoire des états généraux外部サイトPrinciples of government : a treatise on free institutions : including the Constitution of the United States外部サイトThe Congregationalism of the last three hundred years : as seen in its literature; with special reference to certain recondite, neglected, or disputed passages. In twelve lectures, delivered on the Southworth Foundation in the Theological Seminary at Andover, Mass., 1876-1879外部サイトCondorcet et la Révolution française外部サイトThe canon law in mediæval England : an examination of William Lyndwood's "Provinciale," in reply to the late Professor F. W. Maitland外部サイトJean-François Melon : économiste外部サイトThe commercial crisis, 1847-1848 : being facts and figures illustrative of the events of that important period, considered in relation to the three epochs of the railway mania, the food and money panic and the French Revolution ...外部サイトWar and its alleged benefits外部サイトA union list of selected western books on China in American libraries外部サイトStudies in English official historical documents外部サイトDes crises commerciales et de leur retour périodique en France, en Angleterre, et aux États-Unis外部サイトHistoire de la monnaie : depuis les temps de la plus haute antiquité jusqu'au régne de charlemagne外部サイトA momentous question : the respective attitudes of labor and capital外部サイトLes origines de l'ancienne France : (Xe et XIe siècles)外部サイトThe panic of 1866 with its lessons on the currency act外部サイトChristianity and the Roman government : a study in imperial administration外部サイトA bibliography of the history of agriculture in the United States外部サイトHistoire économique de la propriété, des salaires des denrées et de tous les prix en général depuis l'an 1200 jusqu'en l'an 1800外部サイトDes crises commerciales : de leurs causes et de leurs remèdes外部サイトL'influence allemande en France au XVIIIe et au XIXe siècle外部サイトBrissot de Warville : a study in the history of the French Revolution外部サイトModern capitalism : its origin and evolution外部サイトEssai sur la legislation économique des Carolingiens d'après les capitulaires外部サイトSully, Colbert, and Turgot : a chapter in French economic history外部サイトThe Merchant Adventurers of England : their laws and ordinances with other documents外部サイトAppeal of one half the human race, women : against the pretensions of the other half, men, to retain them in political, and thence in civil and domestic, slavery : in reply to a paragraph of Mr. Mill's celebrated "Article on government"外部サイトFolk-medicine : a chapter in the history of culture外部サイトThe public debt of the United States : its organization, its liquidation, administration of the treasury, the financial system外部サイトPhilosophy of manufactures, or, An exposition of the scientific, moral, and commercial economy of the factory system of Great Britain外部サイトSlavery as an industrial system : ethnological researches外部サイトTaxation in the United States, 1789-1816外部サイトLes idées monétaires et commerciales de Jean Bodin外部サイトAthenian clubs in politics and litigation外部サイトLe schisme oriental du XI[e] siècle外部サイトA bibliography of the works of Edward Gibbon外部サイトThe labour movement in Australasia : a study in social-democracy外部サイトEssay on the early history of the law merchant : being the Yorke prize essay for the year 1903外部サイトA catalogue of French economic documents from the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries外部サイトThe Austrian revolution外部サイトHistory of American coinage外部サイトAnnals of politics and culture, 1492-1899外部サイトStudien zur Geschichte kapitalistischer Organisationsformen : Monopole, Kartelle und Aktiengesellschaften im Mittelalter und zu Beginn der Neuzeit外部サイトA discourse on public economy and commerce外部サイトÉtudes sur Colbert : ou Exposition du Système d'économie politique, suivi en France de 1661 à 1683外部サイトThe course of exchange : and on the present depreciated state of the currency ; The effects produced by the expenditure of government during the restriction of cash payments外部サイトAn analysis of the constitution of the East-India Company : and of the laws passed by Parliament for the government of their affairs, at home and abroad : to which is prefixed, a brief history of the company, and of the rise and progress of the British power in India外部サイトA new monetary system : the only means of securing the respective rights of labor and property and of protecting the public from financial revulsions外部サイトEssays on subjects connected with the literature, popular superstitions, and history of England in the Middle Ages外部サイトMably et les physiocrates外部サイトLes doctrines économiques de Colbert外部サイトSystème financier de l'ancienne monarchie外部サイトThe dawn of British trade to the East Indies : as recorded in the Court minutes of the East India Company, 1599-1603, containing an account of the formation of the Company, the first adventure, and Waymouth's voyage in search of the North-west Passage外部サイトLa querelle des images, XIII[e]-IX[e] siècles外部サイトThe history of the National debt from the revolution in 1688 to the beginning of 1800 with a preliminary account of the debts contracted previous to that era外部サイトDe Babeuf à la Commune外部サイトThe history of the commercial crisis, 1857-58, and the stock exchange panic of 1859外部サイトMoney and civilization, or, A history of the monetary laws and systems of various states since the dark ages, and their influence upon civilization外部サイトSmith und Turgot : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte und Theorie der Nationalökonomie外部サイトLes sources de la géographie de la France aux archives nationales外部サイトLes origines du parlement de Paris et la justice : aux XIII[e] et XIV[e] siècles外部サイトSocial reform and the Constitution外部サイトThe history of Lloyd's and of marine insurance in Great Britain : With an appendix containing statistics relating to marine insurance外部サイトLetters on the equality of the sexes and the condition of woman, addressed to Mary S. Parker外部サイトŒuvres économiques et philosophiques de F. Quesnay外部サイトL'économie politique et la justice : examen critique et réfutation des doctrines économiques de M.P.-J. Proudhon外部サイトLes corporations ouvrières de Paris du XIIe au XVIIIe siècle : histoire, statuts, armoiries, d'après des documents originaux ou inédits外部サイトSir William Petty : ses idées économiques外部サイトThe Eastern question : a reprint of letters written 1853-1856 dealing with the events of the Crimean War外部サイトThe correspondence of the late John Wilkes, with his friends : printed from the original manuscripts in which are introduced memoirs of his life外部サイトThe early chartered companies, A.D. 1296-1858外部サイトL'œuvre scolaire de la révolution 1789-1802 : études critiques et documents inédits外部サイトThe funding system of the United States and of Great Britain : with some tabular facts of other nations touching the same subject外部サイトHistoire du commerce de la France外部サイトRecherches historiques sur le système de Law外部サイトThe rise of commercial banking institutions in the United States外部サイトThe fluctuations of gold . The law of payment外部サイトHistoire et régime de la grande industrie en France aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles外部サイトThe economic interpretation of history外部サイトThe cotton manufacture of the United States : contrasted and compared with that of Great Britain外部サイトThe economic policy of Colbert外部サイトEssai sur quelques théories économiques dans le corpus juris civilis外部サイトMinisterial and judicial records外部サイトDiscussions in economics and statistics外部サイトEngland under the Angevin kings外部サイトA treatise on the principles and practical influence of taxation and the funding system外部サイトÉtudes économiques, politiques et littéraires外部サイトAn inquiry into the principles of the distribution of wealth most conducive to human happiness : applied to the newly proposed system of voluntary equality of wealth外部サイトCorporations : a study of the origin and development of great business combinations and of their relation to the authority of the state外部サイトModern customs and ancient laws of Russia : being the Ilchester lectures for 1889-90外部サイトBibliography of the cotton manufacture外部サイトLes corporations l'industrie et le commerce : a chartres du XI[e] siècle a la révolution外部サイトL'économie politique avant les physiocrates外部サイトThe Eastern question : a reprint of letters written 1853-1856 dealing with the events of the Crimean War外部サイトPapers relating to political economy外部サイトA history of the commercial and financial relations between England and Ireland from the period of the Restoration外部サイトBeiträge zur Sektengeschichte des Mittelalters外部サイトA study of the Court of Star Chamber : largely based on manuscripts in the British Museum and the Public Record Office外部サイトDiplomatic documents外部サイトA handbook of London bankers : with some account of their predecessors the early goldsmiths, together with lists of bankers, from the earliest one printed in 1677 to that of the London post-office directory of 1876外部サイトOn the history and development of Gilds and the origin of Trade-Unions外部サイトThe voice of labor : containing special contributions by leading workingmen throughout the United States, with opinions of statesmen and legislators upon the great issues of the day : plain talk by men of intellect on labor's rights, wrongs, remedies, and prospects外部サイトState trials of the United States : during the administrations of Washington and Adams : with references, historical and professional, and preliminary notes on the politics of the times外部サイトA tract on the succession to the crown (A.D. 1602)外部サイトEarnings of factory workers, 1899 to 1927 : an analysis of pay-roll statistics外部サイトThe suffrage franchise in the thirteen English colonies in America外部サイトL'idée du juste prix外部サイトThe commercial relations of England and Portugal外部サイトBibliographie historique des finances de la France au dix-huitième sciècle外部サイトCatharine of Aragon and the sources of the English Reformation外部サイトForeign visitors in England, and what they have thought of us : being some notes on their books and their opinions during the last three centuries外部サイトEssai économique sur les mutations des monnaies dans l'ancienne France, de Philippe le Bel à Charles VII外部サイトThe complete English tradesman外部サイトThe history of business depressions : a vivid portrayal of periods of economic adversity from the beginning of commerce to the present time外部サイトSelect charters of trading companies, A.D. 1530-1707外部サイトLyon et le commerce de la soie外部サイトHistoire du commerce entre le Levant et l'Europe : depuis les croisades jusqu'a la fondation des colonies d'Amérique外部サイトThe Cambridge Press, 1638-1692 : a history of the first printing press established in English America, together with a bibliographical list of the issues of the press外部サイトLa Louisiane sous la Compagnie des Indes, 1717-1731外部サイト



  • Trade tokens issued in the seventeenth century in England, Wales, and Ireland, by corporations, merchants, tradesmen, etc

  • Les théories économiques et sociales de Thorstein Veblen : contribution à l'histoire des doctrines économiques aux Étas-Unis

  • A first book of jurisprudence for students of the common law

  • Zur Entstehung des Kapitalismus in Venedig

  • The ancient lowly : a history of the ancient working people from the earliest known period to the adoption of Christianity by Constantine





  • CiNii Research

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Selected essays in history, economics & social science
Selected essays in history, economics, social science
Trade tokens issued in the seventeenth century in England, Wales, and Ireland, by corporations, merchants, tradesmen, etc
Les théories économiques et sociales de Thorstein Veblen : contribution à l'histoire des doctrines économiques aux Étas-Unis
A first book of jurisprudence for students of the common law
Zur Entstehung des Kapitalismus in Venedig
The ancient lowly : a history of the ancient working people from the earliest known period to the adoption of Christianity by Constantine
Histoire des états généraux
Principles of government : a treatise on free institutions : including the Constitution of the United States
The Congregationalism of the last three hundred years : as seen in its literature; with special reference to certain recondite, neglected, or disputed passages. In twelve lectures, delivered on the Southworth Foundation in the Theological Seminary at Andover, Mass., 1876-1879
Condorcet et la Révolution française
The canon law in mediæval England : an examination of William Lyndwood's "Provinciale," in reply to the late Professor F. W. Maitland
Jean-François Melon : économiste
The commercial crisis, 1847-1848 : being facts and figures illustrative of the events of that important period, considered in relation to the three epochs of the railway mania, the food and money panic and the French Revolution ...
War and its alleged benefits
A union list of selected western books on China in American libraries
Studies in English official historical documents
Des crises commerciales et de leur retour périodique en France, en Angleterre, et aux États-Unis
Histoire de la monnaie : depuis les temps de la plus haute antiquité jusqu'au régne de charlemagne
A momentous question : the respective attitudes of labor and capital
Les origines de l'ancienne France : (Xe et XIe siècles)
The panic of 1866 with its lessons on the currency act
Christianity and the Roman government : a study in imperial administration
A bibliography of the history of agriculture in the United States
Histoire économique de la propriété, des salaires des denrées et de tous les prix en général depuis l'an 1200 jusqu'en l'an 1800
Des crises commerciales : de leurs causes et de leurs remèdes
L'influence allemande en France au XVIIIe et au XIXe siècle
Brissot de Warville : a study in the history of the French Revolution
Modern capitalism : its origin and evolution
Essai sur la legislation économique des Carolingiens d'après les capitulaires
Sully, Colbert, and Turgot : a chapter in French economic history
The Merchant Adventurers of England : their laws and ordinances with other documents
Appeal of one half the human race, women : against the pretensions of the other half, men, to retain them in political, and thence in civil and domestic, slavery : in reply to a paragraph of Mr. Mill's celebrated "Article on government"
Folk-medicine : a chapter in the history of culture
The public debt of the United States : its organization, its liquidation, administration of the treasury, the financial system
Philosophy of manufactures, or, An exposition of the scientific, moral, and commercial economy of the factory system of Great Britain
Slavery as an industrial system : ethnological researches
Taxation in the United States, 1789-1816
Les idées monétaires et commerciales de Jean Bodin
Athenian clubs in politics and litigation
Le schisme oriental du XI[e] siècle
A bibliography of the works of Edward Gibbon
The labour movement in Australasia : a study in social-democracy
Essay on the early history of the law merchant : being the Yorke prize essay for the year 1903
A catalogue of French economic documents from the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries
The Austrian revolution
History of American coinage
Annals of politics and culture, 1492-1899
Studien zur Geschichte kapitalistischer Organisationsformen : Monopole, Kartelle und Aktiengesellschaften im Mittelalter und zu Beginn der Neuzeit
A discourse on public economy and commerce
Études sur Colbert : ou Exposition du Système d'économie politique, suivi en France de 1661 à 1683
The course of exchange : and on the present depreciated state of the currency ; The effects produced by the expenditure of government during the restriction of cash payments
An analysis of the constitution of the East-India Company : and of the laws passed by Parliament for the government of their affairs, at home and abroad : to which is prefixed, a brief history of the company, and of the rise and progress of the British power in India
A new monetary system : the only means of securing the respective rights of labor and property and of protecting the public from financial revulsions
Essays on subjects connected with the literature, popular superstitions, and history of England in the Middle Ages
Mably et les physiocrates
Les doctrines économiques de Colbert
Système financier de l'ancienne monarchie
The dawn of British trade to the East Indies : as recorded in the Court minutes of the East India Company, 1599-1603, containing an account of the formation of the Company, the first adventure, and Waymouth's voyage in search of the North-west Passage
La querelle des images, XIII[e]-IX[e] siècles
The history of the National debt from the revolution in 1688 to the beginning of 1800 with a preliminary account of the debts contracted previous to that era
De Babeuf à la Commune
The history of the commercial crisis, 1857-58, and the stock exchange panic of 1859
Money and civilization, or, A history of the monetary laws and systems of various states since the dark ages, and their influence upon civilization
Smith und Turgot : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte und Theorie der Nationalökonomie
Les sources de la géographie de la France aux archives nationales
Les origines du parlement de Paris et la justice : aux XIII[e] et XIV[e] siècles
Social reform and the Constitution
The history of Lloyd's and of marine insurance in Great Britain : With an appendix containing statistics relating to marine insurance
Letters on the equality of the sexes and the condition of woman, addressed to Mary S. Parker
Œuvres économiques et philosophiques de F. Quesnay
L'économie politique et la justice : examen critique et réfutation des doctrines économiques de M.P.-J. Proudhon
Les corporations ouvrières de Paris du XIIe au XVIIIe siècle : histoire, statuts, armoiries, d'après des documents originaux ou inédits
Sir William Petty : ses idées économiques
The Eastern question : a reprint of letters written 1853-1856 dealing with the events of the Crimean War
The correspondence of the late John Wilkes, with his friends : printed from the original manuscripts in which are introduced memoirs of his life
The early chartered companies, A.D. 1296-1858
L'œuvre scolaire de la révolution 1789-1802 : études critiques et documents inédits
The funding system of the United States and of Great Britain : with some tabular facts of other nations touching the same subject
Histoire du commerce de la France
Recherches historiques sur le système de Law
The rise of commercial banking institutions in the United States
The fluctuations of gold . The law of payment
Histoire et régime de la grande industrie en France aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles
The economic interpretation of history
The cotton manufacture of the United States : contrasted and compared with that of Great Britain
The economic policy of Colbert
Essai sur quelques théories économiques dans le corpus juris civilis
Ministerial and judicial records
Discussions in economics and statistics
England under the Angevin kings
A treatise on the principles and practical influence of taxation and the funding system
Études économiques, politiques et littéraires
An inquiry into the principles of the distribution of wealth most conducive to human happiness : applied to the newly proposed system of voluntary equality of wealth
Corporations : a study of the origin and development of great business combinations and of their relation to the authority of the state
Modern customs and ancient laws of Russia : being the Ilchester lectures for 1889-90
Bibliography of the cotton manufacture
Les corporations l'industrie et le commerce : a chartres du XI[e] siècle a la révolution
L'économie politique avant les physiocrates
The Eastern question : a reprint of letters written 1853-1856 dealing with the events of the Crimean War
Papers relating to political economy
A history of the commercial and financial relations between England and Ireland from the period of the Restoration
Beiträge zur Sektengeschichte des Mittelalters
A study of the Court of Star Chamber : largely based on manuscripts in the British Museum and the Public Record Office
Diplomatic documents
A handbook of London bankers : with some account of their predecessors the early goldsmiths, together with lists of bankers, from the earliest one printed in 1677 to that of the London post-office directory of 1876
On the history and development of Gilds and the origin of Trade-Unions
The voice of labor : containing special contributions by leading workingmen throughout the United States, with opinions of statesmen and legislators upon the great issues of the day : plain talk by men of intellect on labor's rights, wrongs, remedies, and prospects
State trials of the United States : during the administrations of Washington and Adams : with references, historical and professional, and preliminary notes on the politics of the times
A tract on the succession to the crown (A.D. 1602)
Earnings of factory workers, 1899 to 1927 : an analysis of pay-roll statistics
The suffrage franchise in the thirteen English colonies in America
L'idée du juste prix
The commercial relations of England and Portugal
Bibliographie historique des finances de la France au dix-huitième sciècle
Catharine of Aragon and the sources of the English Reformation
Foreign visitors in England, and what they have thought of us : being some notes on their books and their opinions during the last three centuries
Essai économique sur les mutations des monnaies dans l'ancienne France, de Philippe le Bel à Charles VII
The complete English tradesman
The history of business depressions : a vivid portrayal of periods of economic adversity from the beginning of commerce to the present time
Select charters of trading companies, A.D. 1530-1707
Lyon et le commerce de la soie
Histoire du commerce entre le Levant et l'Europe : depuis les croisades jusqu'a la fondation des colonies d'Amérique
The Cambridge Press, 1638-1692 : a history of the first printing press established in English America, together with a bibliographical list of the issues of the press
La Louisiane sous la Compagnie des Indes, 1717-1731
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CiNii Books