
GAKUTO international series


GAKUTO international series



Recent developments in domain decomposition methods and flow problems外部サイトProceedings of the second Polish-Japanese days on : Mathematical aspects of modelling structure formation phenomena外部サイトNonlinear dispersive equations外部サイトNonlinear waves : proceedings of the Fourth MSJ International Research Institute, Sapporo, July 10-21, 1995外部サイトSemilinear elliptic equations外部サイトMathematical analysis on the Navier-Stokes equations and related topics, past and future : in memory of Professor Tetsuro Miyakawa外部サイトCurrent advances in nonlinear analysis and related topics外部サイトProceedings of international conference : nonlinear mathematical problems in industry外部サイトComputational methods for control applications : dedicated to professor Jacques-Louis Lions on the occasion of his 70th birthday外部サイトInternational Conference for the 25th Anniversary of Viscosity Solutions外部サイトThe proceedings of Fifth Polish‐Japanese Days on nonlinear analysis in interdisciplinary sciences : modellings, theory and simulations外部サイトLectures on nonlinear dispersive equations外部サイトThe proceedings on Mathematical Fluid Dynamics and Nonlinear Wave外部サイトProceedings of International Conference on: finite element methods : three-dimensional problems外部サイトHomogenization 2001 : proceedings of the first HMS2000 International School and Conference on Homogenization, Naples, Complesso Monte S. Angelo, June 18-22 and 23-27, 2001外部サイトMultiple scales problems in biomathematics, mechanics, physics and numerics : CIMPA School, Cape Town 2007外部サイトProceedings of International Conference on Nonlinear Phenomena with Energy Dissipation : Mathematical Analysis, Modeling and Simulation外部サイトProceedings of the International Conference : Homogenization and Applications to Material Sciences, held in Nice, June 6-10, 1995外部サイトProceedings of the international conference : curvature flows and related topics held in Levico, June 27-July 2nd, 1994外部サイトMulti scale problems and asymptotic analysis : the proceedings of Midnight Sun Narvik Conference : Satellite Conference of the fourth European Congress of mathematics外部サイトNonlinear analysis and applications : the proceedings of Banach Center Minisemester外部サイトFree boundary problems related to osmotic mass transfer through semipermeable membranes外部サイトFinite and infinite dimensional attractors for evolution equations of mathematical physics外部サイトPotential theory in Euclidean spaces外部サイトAdvances in numerical mathematics; proceedings of the Fourth Japan-China Joint Seminar on Numerical Mathematics外部サイトProceedings of International Conference on: Free Boundary Problems : Theory and Applications外部サイトProceedings of International Conference on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Their Applications外部サイトInternational Symposium on Computational Science 2011外部サイトProceedings of the 5th East Asia PDE conference外部サイトMathematical approach to nonlinear phenomena : modelling, analysis and simulations : the proceedings of Third Polish‐Japanese Days on外部サイトGlobal special regular solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in a cylindrical domain under boundary slip conditions外部サイトExtremal length and precise functions外部サイトProceedings of the 4th JSAM-SIMAI seminar on industrial and applied mathematics外部サイトDomain decomposition methods : theory and applications外部サイトHysteresis, convexity and dissipation in hyperbolic equations外部サイト






  • CiNii Research

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Recent developments in domain decomposition methods and flow problems
Proceedings of the second Polish-Japanese days on : Mathematical aspects of modelling structure formation phenomena
Nonlinear dispersive equations
Nonlinear waves : proceedings of the Fourth MSJ International Research Institute, Sapporo, July 10-21, 1995
Semilinear elliptic equations
Mathematical analysis on the Navier-Stokes equations and related topics, past and future : in memory of Professor Tetsuro Miyakawa
Current advances in nonlinear analysis and related topics
Proceedings of international conference : nonlinear mathematical problems in industry
Computational methods for control applications : dedicated to professor Jacques-Louis Lions on the occasion of his 70th birthday
International Conference for the 25th Anniversary of Viscosity Solutions
The proceedings of Fifth Polish‐Japanese Days on nonlinear analysis in interdisciplinary sciences : modellings, theory and simulations
Lectures on nonlinear dispersive equations
The proceedings on Mathematical Fluid Dynamics and Nonlinear Wave
Proceedings of International Conference on: finite element methods : three-dimensional problems
Homogenization 2001 : proceedings of the first HMS2000 International School and Conference on Homogenization, Naples, Complesso Monte S. Angelo, June 18-22 and 23-27, 2001
Multiple scales problems in biomathematics, mechanics, physics and numerics : CIMPA School, Cape Town 2007
Proceedings of International Conference on Nonlinear Phenomena with Energy Dissipation : Mathematical Analysis, Modeling and Simulation
Proceedings of the International Conference : Homogenization and Applications to Material Sciences, held in Nice, June 6-10, 1995
Proceedings of the international conference : curvature flows and related topics held in Levico, June 27-July 2nd, 1994
Multi scale problems and asymptotic analysis : the proceedings of Midnight Sun Narvik Conference : Satellite Conference of the fourth European Congress of mathematics
Nonlinear analysis and applications : the proceedings of Banach Center Minisemester
Free boundary problems related to osmotic mass transfer through semipermeable membranes
Finite and infinite dimensional attractors for evolution equations of mathematical physics
Potential theory in Euclidean spaces
Advances in numerical mathematics; proceedings of the Fourth Japan-China Joint Seminar on Numerical Mathematics
Proceedings of International Conference on: Free Boundary Problems : Theory and Applications
Proceedings of International Conference on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Their Applications
International Symposium on Computational Science 2011
Proceedings of the 5th East Asia PDE conference
Mathematical approach to nonlinear phenomena : modelling, analysis and simulations : the proceedings of Third Polish‐Japanese Days on
Global special regular solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in a cylindrical domain under boundary slip conditions
Extremal length and precise functions
Proceedings of the 4th JSAM-SIMAI seminar on industrial and applied mathematics
Domain decomposition methods : theory and applications
Hysteresis, convexity and dissipation in hyperbolic equations
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA21612155 : BA21612155