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- 0405112009
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- International monetary policiesThe monetary experience of Belgium, 1914-1936The dollar crisisThe French international accounts, 1880-1913Memorandum on currency and central banks, 1912-1924England and the new gold standard, 1919-1926Golden avalancheBenjamin Strong, central bankerMonetary policy under the international gold standard, 1880-1914The pound sterlingThe course and control of inflationCurrency depreciation and monetary policyThe hired money : the French debt to the United States, 1917-1929International capital movements during the inter-war periodIndia's balance of indebtedness, 1898-1913George Peabody, merchant and financier, 1829-1854The Carthaginian peace : or, The economic consequences of Mr. KeynesExchange depreciationThe theory and practice of exchange control in GermanyWorld finance, 1914-1935The finances of European liberation with special reference to ItalyInternational currency experienceThe history and mechanism of the Exchange equalisation accountThe gold standard and its futureMonetary problems of an export economyInterim report of the Gold Delegation and Report of the Gold Delegation, League of NationsMemorandum on currency and central banks, 1913-1924Realms of silverMoney in a maelstromForeign investmentsCanada's balance of international indebtedness, 1900-1913Report from the Select Committee on the High Price of Gold Bullion : ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, 8 June 1810 : Great Britain, Parliamentary debatesThe dollar shortageLombard StreetThe stabilization of the markSterling, its meaning in world financeThe theory of the foreign exchangesThe case for international moneyGermany's foreign indebtednessBritish finance, 1930-1940Memorandum on currency and central banks, 1913-1925Report on the adoption of the gold standard in JapanLord NormanDeterioration in the quality of foreign bonds issued in the United States, 1920-1930Gold and the gold standardThe A B C of the foreign exchangesBritish Parliamentary reports on international finance : the Cunliffe Committee and the Macmillan Committee reportsPostwar monetary plans, and other essaysCurrency and creditA hundred years of merchant bankingThe French franc, 1914-1928Cyclical fluctuations and the international capital movements of the United States, 1865-1897International Monetary ConferenceBehind the scenes of international financeThe ABC of the foreign exchanges
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- CiNii Books