
Linnean Society symposium series


Linnean Society symposium series

Published for the Linnean Society of London [by] Academic Press


Desertified grasslands : their biology and management : papers presented at an international symposium organized by the Linnean Society of London and Wye Colleg, University of London, held at the Linnean Society's rooms, London, 27, 28 February and 1 March 1991外部サイトThe biology of lemmings外部サイトThe pollination of flowers by insects外部サイトProblems in vertebrate evolution : essays presented to Professor T. S. Westoll外部サイトEcology and genetics of host-parasite interactions : papers presented at an international symposium organized by the Linnean Society of London and the British Society for Parasitology, held at Keele University, 12-13 July 1984外部サイトPollen and spores : form and function : papers presented at an international symposium organised by the Linnean Society of London and the Systematics Association, held at the Linnean Society's Rooms and the British Museum (Natural History), London, 27-29 March 1985外部サイトThe Plant cuticle : papers presented at an international symposium organized by the Linnean Society of London, held at Burlington House, London, 8-11 September 1980外部サイトThe Evolutionary significance of the exine外部サイトTropical trees : variation, breeding, and conservation外部サイトMorphology and biology of reptiles外部サイトPhylogenetics and ecology外部サイトDevelopment, growth and evolution : implications for the study of the hominid skeleton外部サイトThe Evolution of plant physiology : from whole plants to ecosystems外部サイトShape and form in plants and fungi外部サイトThe bamboos : papers presented at an international symposium organised by the Linnean Society of London, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and Wye College, University of London, held at the Linnean Society's Rooms, London, 25th to 29th March, 1996外部サイトThe Biology and taxonomy of the Solanaceae外部サイトEcological effects of pesticides外部サイトGenetic conservation of world crop plants外部サイトThe skin of vertebrates外部サイトThe conservation of bees外部サイトEvolutionary patterns and processes : papers presented at an international symposium held at the University of Wales College of Cardiff, Cardiff, 24-26 September, 1991外部サイトPetaloid monocotyledons : horticultural and botanical research : papers presented at a symposium, "Research into Monocotyledons of Horticultural Importance" organized by the Linnean Society of London and the Royal Horticultural Society, London, 3-5 April 1979外部サイト






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Desertified grasslands : their biology and management : papers presented at an international symposium organized by the Linnean Society of London and Wye Colleg, University of London, held at the Linnean Society's rooms, London, 27, 28 February and 1 March 1991
The biology of lemmings
The pollination of flowers by insects
Problems in vertebrate evolution : essays presented to Professor T. S. Westoll
Ecology and genetics of host-parasite interactions : papers presented at an international symposium organized by the Linnean Society of London and the British Society for Parasitology, held at Keele University, 12-13 July 1984
Pollen and spores : form and function : papers presented at an international symposium organised by the Linnean Society of London and the Systematics Association, held at the Linnean Society's Rooms and the British Museum (Natural History), London, 27-29 March 1985
The Plant cuticle : papers presented at an international symposium organized by the Linnean Society of London, held at Burlington House, London, 8-11 September 1980
The Evolutionary significance of the exine
Tropical trees : variation, breeding, and conservation
Morphology and biology of reptiles
Phylogenetics and ecology
Development, growth and evolution : implications for the study of the hominid skeleton
The Evolution of plant physiology : from whole plants to ecosystems
Shape and form in plants and fungi
The bamboos : papers presented at an international symposium organised by the Linnean Society of London, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and Wye College, University of London, held at the Linnean Society's Rooms, London, 25th to 29th March, 1996
The Biology and taxonomy of the Solanaceae
Ecological effects of pesticides
Genetic conservation of world crop plants
The skin of vertebrates
The conservation of bees
Evolutionary patterns and processes : papers presented at an international symposium held at the University of Wales College of Cardiff, Cardiff, 24-26 September, 1991
Petaloid monocotyledons : horticultural and botanical research : papers presented at a symposium, "Research into Monocotyledons of Horticultural Importance" organized by the Linnean Society of London and the Royal Horticultural Society, London, 3-5 April 1979
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books