
Carleton library series


Carleton library series

Carleton University Press



Publisher varies: McGill-Queen's University Press, McClelland and Stewart, Gage Publishing, Macmillan of CanadaSeries published by various publishers ...


Direct intervention : Canada-France relations 1967-1974外部サイトEach for all : a history of the co-operative movement in English of Canada, 1900-1945外部サイトLord Durham's report : an abridgement of Report on the affairs of British North America外部サイトUrban development in south-central Ontario外部サイトDistance and duties : determinants of manufacturing in Australia and Canada外部サイトIn The Empire and the world, 1914-1939外部サイトLament for a nation : the defeat of Canadian nationalism外部サイトThe Bank of Canada : origins and early history = La Banque du Canada : origines et premières années外部サイトThe colonial reformers and Canada, 1830-1849 : selections from documents and publications of the times外部サイトNational economy, 1867-1936外部サイトThe Rowell-Sirois report : an abridgement of Book I of the Royal Commission report on Dominion-Provincial relations外部サイトHistorical essays on Upper Canada外部サイトPeopling the North American city : Montréal, 1840-1900外部サイトThe native peoples of Atlantic Canada : a history of Indian-European relations外部サイトIndustrial transformation and challenge in Australia and Canada外部サイトThe economic background of Dominion-Provincial relations : appendix III of the Royal Commission report on Dominion-Provincial relations.外部サイトLife and letters of Sir Wilfrid Laurier外部サイトThe crisis of Quebec, 1914-1918外部サイトThe children of Aataentsic : a history of the Huron people to 1660外部サイトA disciplined intelligence : critical inquiry and Canadian thought in the Victorian era外部サイトCapital punishment in Canada : a sociological study of repressive law外部サイトChoosing Canada's capital : conflict resolution in a parliamentary system外部サイトEighteenth century Newfoundland : a geographer's perspective外部サイトDocuments of Canadian broadcasting外部サイトGriffith Taylor : Antarctic scientist and pioneer geographer外部サイトCanadian foreign policy 1955-1965 : selected speeches and documents外部サイトThe hand of God : Claude Ryan and the fate of Canadian liberalism, 1925-1971外部サイトCultural ecology : readings on the Canadian Indians and Eskimos外部サイトThe Canadian city : essays in urban history外部サイトChange and continuity : Canadian political economy in the new millennium外部サイトCanadian perspectives on law & society : issues in legal history外部サイトThe Rebellion of 1837 in Upper Canada : a collection of documents外部サイトThe challenge of class : analysis外部サイトLike everyone else but different : the paradoxical success of Canadian Jews外部サイトThe Jesuit relations and allied documents : a selection外部サイトNational survival in dependent societies : social change in Canada and Poland外部サイトJoseph Howe : voice of Nova Scotia : a selection外部サイトCanadian social structure : a statistical profile外部サイトContexts of Canada's past : selected essays of W. L. Morton外部サイトThe politics of development : forests, mines & hydro-electric power in Ontario, 1849-1941外部サイトThe race question in Canada外部サイトReport on social security for Canada外部サイトThe native peoples of Atlantic Canada : a history of ethnic interaction外部サイトThe Canadian bill of rights外部サイトLament for a nation : the defeat of Canadian nationalism外部サイトSilent surrender : the multinational corporation in Canada外部サイトLeading constitutional decisions : cases on the British North America act外部サイトThe history of Canadian business, 1867-1914外部サイトCapital formation in Canada, 1896-1930外部サイトEskimo of the Canadian Arctic外部サイトThe making of the nations and cultures of the New World : an essay in comparative history外部サイトA wampum denied : Procter's War of 1812外部サイトThe Canadian economy in the great depression外部サイトLament for a nation : the defeat of Canadian nationalism外部サイトThe intelligent citizen's guide to the postal problem : a case study of industrial society in crisis 1965-1980外部サイトCanadian economic history : classic and contemporary approaches外部サイトMan's impact on the western Canadian landscape外部サイトLaurier : a study in Canadian politics外部サイトThe MacKenzie-Papineau Battalion : the Canadian contingent in the Spanish Civil War外部サイトCanadian-American summit diplomacy, 1923-1973 : selected speeches and documents外部サイトO'Callaghan : the making and unmaking of a REBEL外部サイトWilliam Lyon Mackenzie : a reinterpretation外部サイトPolitical socialization外部サイトTug of war : surveillance capitalism, military contracting, and the rise of the security state外部サイトThe Upper Ottawa Valley to 1855外部サイトInventing Canada : early Victorian science and the idea of a transcontinental nation外部サイトPolice officer外部サイトLord Durham's report : an abridgement of Report on the affairs of British North America by Lord Durham外部サイトPolitical corruption in Canada : cases, causes, and cures外部サイトGod's peculiar peoples : essays on political culture in nineteenth-century Canada外部サイトW.A. Mackintosh : the life of a Canadian economist外部サイトCanada and the cost of World War II : the international operations of Canada's Department of Finance, 1939-1947外部サイトThe Canadian quandary : economic problems and policies外部サイトIndustrial organization in Canada : empirical evidence and policy challenges外部サイトCanadian foreign policy 1966-1976 : selected speeches and documents外部サイトThe law and the press in Canada外部サイトSocialization, social stratification and ethnicity外部サイトLand, power, and economics on the frontier of Upper Canada外部サイトBare poles : building design for high latitudes外部サイトBy loving our own : George Grant and the Legacy of Lament for a Nation外部サイトGreen-lite : complexity in fifty years of Canadian environmental policy, governance, and democracy外部サイトShattered images : dialogues and meditations on Tsimshian narratives外部サイトDominion lands policy外部サイトThe neutral Yankees of Nova Scotia : a marginal colony during the revolutionary years外部サイトSo vast and various : interpreting Canada's regions in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries外部サイトPolitical socialization外部サイトThe development of Canada's staples, 1867-1939 : a documentary collection外部サイトNietzsche and therhetoric of nihilism : essays on interpretation, language and politics外部サイトLeading constitutional decisions外部サイトThe cross of gold : money and the Canadian business cycle, 1867-1913外部サイトAnd we go on外部サイトThe Tremblay report : report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry on Constitutional Problems外部サイトMonck letters and journals, 1863-1868 : Canada from Government House at Confederation外部サイトThe ordinary people of Essex : environment, culture, and economy on the frontier of Upper Canada外部サイトStaples and beyond : selected writings of Mel Watkins外部サイトThe old province of Quebec外部サイトChoosing Canada's capital : jealousy and friction in the nineteenth century外部サイトDemocracy with justice : essays in honour of Khayyam Zev Paltiel = La juste démocratie : mélanges en l'honneur de Khayyam Zev Paltiel外部サイトFrontenac : the courtier governor外部サイトThe Canadian city : essays in urban history外部サイトHistorical essays on the prairie provinces外部サイトThe agricultural economy of Manitoba Hutterite colonies外部サイトPhilippe de Rigaud de Vaudreuil : Governor of New France, 1703-1725外部サイトThe better part of valour : essays on Canadian diplomacy外部サイトEthnic demography : Canadian immigrant, racial and cultural variations外部サイトThe Canadian quandary : economic problems and policies外部サイトThe race question in Canada外部サイトGrowth and the Canadian economy with an introduction by T.N. Brewis外部サイトKeynesian economics外部サイトThe economic background of Dominion-Provincial relations : appendix III of the Royal Commission report on Dominion-Provincial relations外部サイトAscription and achievement : studies in mobility and status attainment in Canada外部サイトTax, order, and good government : a new political history of Canada, 1867-1917外部サイトHealth insurance and Canadian public policy : the seven decisions that created the Canadian health insurance system and their outcomes外部サイトThe Jesuit relations and allied documents : a selection外部サイトThe frontier and Canadian letters外部サイトBeardmore : the Viking hoax that rewrote history外部サイトShaping the urban landscape : aspects of the Canadian city-building process外部サイトThe Rowell-Sirois report : an abridgement of book I of the Royal Commission report on Dominion-provincial relations外部サイトWatching Quebec : selected essays外部サイトA history of journalism in Canada外部サイトRecreational land use : perspectives on its evolution in Canada外部サイトLiving and learning in the free school外部サイトThe Western interior of Canada : a record of geographical discovery, 1612-1917外部サイトDemon rum or easy money : government control of liquor in British Columbia from Prohibition to privatization外部サイトApproaches to Canadian economic history : a selection of essays外部サイトFreedom and order外部サイトMatroids and combinatorial geometries外部サイトChamplain : the life of fortitude外部サイトThe adventures and sufferings of John R. Jewitt, captive among the Nootka, 1803-1805. (From the Edinburgh 1824 edition)外部サイトThe Great War as I saw it外部サイトIn The Empire and the world, 1914-1939外部サイトThe economic background of Dominion-Provincial relations : appendix III of the Royal Commission report on Dominion-Provincial relations外部サイトLord Durham's mission to Canada : an abridgement of Lord Durham : a biography of John George Lambton, first Earl of Durham外部サイトNatural resources : the economics of conservation外部サイトFederalism and the charter外部サイトThe confederation debates in the Province of Canada, 1865 : a selection外部サイトA wampum denied : Procter's War of 1812外部サイトFrench-Canadian society外部サイトSocial Justice and the Constitution : perspectives on a social union for Canada外部サイトStanley's dream : the medical expedition to Easter Island外部サイトMrs Dalgairns's kitchen : rediscovering The practice of cookery外部サイトHall-Dennis and the road to utopia : education and modernity in Ontario外部サイトHarriet's legacies : race, historical memory, and futures in Canada外部サイトCanada to Ireland : poetry, politics, and the shaping of Canadian nationalism, 1788-1900外部サイトThe eye of the master : figures of the Québécois colonial imaginary外部サイトThe Usable urban past : planning and politics in the modern Canadian city外部サイトLaurier : a study in Canadian politics外部サイトA Narrative外部サイトA sourcebook of Canadian media law外部サイトStatistical account of Upper Canada外部サイトBoys and girls apart : children's play in Canada and Poland外部サイトSojourns in the new world : reflections on technology外部サイトNatural resources : the economics of conservation外部サイトCanada's balance of international indebtedness, 1900-1913 : an inductive study in the theory of international trade外部サイトLord Durham's report : an abridgement of Report on the affairs of British North America外部サイトDocuments on the confederation of British North America : a compilation based on Sir Joseph Pope's Confederation documents supplemented by other official material外部サイトA great duty : Canadian responses to modern life and mass culture, 1939-1967外部サイトMinority men in a majority setting : middle-level Francophones in the Canadian public service外部サイトThe iron wedge : l'appel de la race外部サイトEskimo of the Canadian Arctic外部サイトContinental strategy to 1867外部サイトHuman Rights & social technology : the new war on discrimination外部サイトThe law and the press in Canada外部サイトA history of journalism in Canada外部サイトThe illustrated history of Canada外部サイトRecollections of the On to Ottawa trek外部サイトLament for a nation : the defeat of Canadian nationalism外部サイトIndians of the North Pacific Coast : studies in selected topics外部サイトCanadian social structure : a statistical profile外部サイトCanadian Indians and the law : selected documents, 1663-1972外部サイトCultural ecology : readings on the Canadian Indians and Eskimos外部サイトLament for a nation : the defeat of Canadian nationalism外部サイトThe Canadian economy in the Great Depression外部サイトAsleep at the switch : the political economy of federal research and development policy since 1960外部サイトRobert Laird Borden : his memoirs外部サイトTax, borrow and spend : financing federal spending in Canada, 1867-1990外部サイトUrban development in south-central Ontario外部サイトThe bank of upper Canada : a collection of documents外部サイトApproaches to Canadian economic history : a selection of essays外部サイトCanadian-American industry : a study in international investment外部サイトCanadian foreign policy 1977-1992 : selected speeches and documents外部サイトThe fighting Newfoundlander : a history of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment外部サイトCanada's changing North外部サイトThe Canadian economy and disarmament外部サイトLament for a nation : the defeat of Canadian nationalism外部サイトCultural diversity and Canadian education : issues and innovations外部サイトThe Doukhobors外部サイトNiagara's changing landscapes外部サイトDocuments on the confederation of British North America : a compilation based on Sir Joseph Pope's Confederation documents supplemented by other official material外部サイトThe boundaries of the Canadian Confederation外部サイトThe ombudsman plan : essays on the worldwide spread of an idea外部サイトApproaches to Canadian economic history : a selection of essays外部サイトHistorical essays on upper Canada : new perspectives外部サイトLaurier and a Liberal Quebec : a study in political management外部サイトThe French-Canadian outlook : a brief account of the unknown North Americans外部サイトTrade, industrial policy, and international competition外部サイトMason Wade, Acadia and Quebec : the perception of an outsider外部サイトBeyond the Atlantic roar : a study of the Nova Scotia Scots外部サイトFragile truths : twenty-five years of sociology and anthropology in Canada外部サイトCulture and nationality : essays外部サイトThe Canadian corporate elite : an analysis of economic power外部サイトThe national album : collective biography and the formatiopn of the Canadian middle class外部サイトHow schools worked : public education in English Canada, 1900-1940外部サイトThe last of the free enterprisers : the oilmen of Calgary外部サイトFilling the ranks : manpower in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914-1918外部サイトDoes money matter? : prospects for higher education in Ontario外部サイトThe formative years to 1914外部サイトHistorical essays on British Columbia外部サイトThe Canadian oral history reader外部サイトA two-edged sword : the Navy as an instrument of Canadian foreign policy外部サイトThe redistribution of income in Canada外部サイトFear's folly : (les demi-civilisés)外部サイトLament for a nation : the defeat of Canadian nationalism外部サイトA life on the line : commander Pierre-Étienne Fortin and his times外部サイトCree narrative : expressing the personal meanings of events外部サイトA sourcebook of Canadian media law外部サイトA critical spirit : the thought of William Dawson LeSueur外部サイトCuthbert Grant of Grantown : warden of the plains of Red River外部サイトThe Irish in Ontario : a study in rural history外部サイトEconomic and social history of Quebec, 1760-1850 : structures and conjonctures外部サイトPolitical unrest in upper Canada, 1815-1836外部サイトChief justice William Johnstone Ritchie : responsible government and judicial review外部サイトConsociational democracy : political accomodation in segmented societies外部サイトThe quest of the folk : antimodernism and cultural selection in twentieth-century Nova Scotia外部サイトHistorical essays on British Columbia外部サイトAboriginal peoples and the law : Indian, metis and Inuit rights in Canada外部サイトOutrageous seas : shipwreck and survival in the waters off Newfoundland, 1583-1893外部サイトWestern Ontario and the American frontier外部サイトMoney and banking in Canada : historical documents and commentary外部サイトA sourcebook of Canadian media law外部サイトCanada before Confederation : a study in historical geography外部サイトCommunity in crisis : French-Canadian nationalism in perspective外部サイトSurveyors of empire : Samuel Holland, J.W.F. Des Barres, and the making of the Atlantic Neptune外部サイトThe courts and the Canadian Constitution : a selection of essays外部サイトPerspectives on landscape and settlement in nineteenth century Ontario外部サイトHistorical essays on the prairie provinces外部サイトCanadian Expeditionary Force, 1914-1919 : official history of the Canadian Army in the First World War外部サイトPerspectives on the North American Indians外部サイトIndians of the North Pacific coast : studies in selected topics外部サイトLeading constitutional decisions : cases on the British North America act外部サイトA gentleman in the outports : Gobineau and Newfoundland外部サイトCanadian foreign policy, 1945-1954 : selected speeches and documents外部サイトNative people, native lands : Canadian Indians, Inuit and Metis外部サイトThe Canadian commercial revolution, 1845-1851外部サイトLand of the midnight sun : a history of the Yukon外部サイトThe distemper of our times外部サイトThe burning bush and a few acres of snow : the Presbyterian contribution to Canadian life and culture外部サイトCanadian Confederation : a decision-making analysis外部サイトSocialization, social stratification and ethnicity外部サイトThe Canadian city : essays in urban and social history外部サイトHistorical essays on the Atlantic provinces外部サイトLife and times of Sir Alexander Tilloch Galt外部サイトThe last forty years : the Union of 1841 to Confederation外部サイトInterregional migration and public policy in Canada : an empirical study外部サイトChurch and State in Canada, 1627-1867 : basic documents外部サイトThe Canadian corporate elite : an analysis of economic power外部サイトThe Sociology of work : papers in honour of Oswald Hall外部サイトAn undisciplined economist : Robert G. Evans on health economics, health care policy, and population health外部サイトRenegade in power : the Diefenbaker years外部サイトIndians of the North Pacific coast : studies in selected topics外部サイトThe unreformed Senate of Canada外部サイトLanguages in conflict : the Canadian experience外部サイトNorth Atlantic triangle : the interplay of Canada, the United States and Great Britain外部サイトThe frog lake "Massacre" : personal perspectives on ethnic conflict外部サイトThe measure of Canadian society : education, equality and opportunity外部サイトThe enterprises of Robert Hamilton : a study of wealth and influence in early upper Canada, 1776-1812外部サイトCatharine Parr Traill's The female emigrant's guide : cooking with a Canadian classic外部サイトThe farmers in politics外部サイトThe dream of nation : a social and intellectual history of Quebec外部サイトCanada : a middle-aged power外部サイトThe reciprocity treaty of 1854, its history, its relation to British colonial and foreign policy and to the development of Canadian fiscal autonomy外部サイトWildlife, land, and people : a century of change in prairie Canada外部サイトThe Canadian Bill of Rights外部サイトLives in transition : longitudinal analysis from historical sources外部サイトCrisis, challenge, and change : party and class in Canada revisited外部サイトThe formative years to 1914外部サイトThe Canadian municipal system : essays on the improvement of local government外部サイトIn duty bound : men, women, and the state in Upper Canada, 1783-1841外部サイトAlexander Kennedy Isbister : a respectable critic of the honourable company外部サイトThe Jesuit relations and allied documents : a selection外部サイトThe confederation debates in the Province of Canada, 1865 : a selection外部サイトJohn Strachan : documents and opinions : a selection外部サイトHome feelings : liberal citizenship and the Canadian Reading Camp Movement外部サイトAnxious days and tearful nights : Canadian war wives during the Great War外部サイトThe art of sharing : the richer versus the poorer provinces since confederation外部サイトTake a number : how citizens' encounters with government shape political engagement外部サイトUniversity women : a history of women and higher education in Canada外部サイトConfessions of an immigrant's daughter外部サイトLeading constitutional decisions : cases on the British North America act外部サイトApproaches to Canadian economic history : a selection of essays外部サイトThe Blacks in Canada : a history外部サイトBlacks in Canada : a history外部サイトRegulatory failure and renewal : the evolution of the natural monopoly contract外部サイトStatesman of the piano : jazz, race, and history in the life of Lou Hooper外部サイトTrade and commerce : Canada's economic constitution外部サイトCanadian literary fare外部サイトSmall stories of war : children, youth, and conflict in Canada and beyond外部サイトRecognition and revelation : short nonfiction writings外部サイト






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Carleton library
The Carleton library
Publisher varies: McGill-Queen's University Press, McClelland and Stewart, Gage Publishing, Macmillan of Canada
Series published by various publishers under the editorial supervision of the Institute of Canadian Studies of Carleton University
Direct intervention : Canada-France relations 1967-1974
Each for all : a history of the co-operative movement in English of Canada, 1900-1945
Lord Durham's report : an abridgement of Report on the affairs of British North America
Urban development in south-central Ontario
Distance and duties : determinants of manufacturing in Australia and Canada
In The Empire and the world, 1914-1939
Lament for a nation : the defeat of Canadian nationalism
The Bank of Canada : origins and early history = La Banque du Canada : origines et premières années
The colonial reformers and Canada, 1830-1849 : selections from documents and publications of the times
National economy, 1867-1936
The Rowell-Sirois report : an abridgement of Book I of the Royal Commission report on Dominion-Provincial relations
Historical essays on Upper Canada
Peopling the North American city : Montréal, 1840-1900
The native peoples of Atlantic Canada : a history of Indian-European relations
Industrial transformation and challenge in Australia and Canada
The economic background of Dominion-Provincial relations : appendix III of the Royal Commission report on Dominion-Provincial relations.
Life and letters of Sir Wilfrid Laurier
The crisis of Quebec, 1914-1918
The children of Aataentsic : a history of the Huron people to 1660
A disciplined intelligence : critical inquiry and Canadian thought in the Victorian era
Capital punishment in Canada : a sociological study of repressive law
Choosing Canada's capital : conflict resolution in a parliamentary system
Eighteenth century Newfoundland : a geographer's perspective
Documents of Canadian broadcasting
Griffith Taylor : Antarctic scientist and pioneer geographer
Canadian foreign policy 1955-1965 : selected speeches and documents
The hand of God : Claude Ryan and the fate of Canadian liberalism, 1925-1971
Cultural ecology : readings on the Canadian Indians and Eskimos
The Canadian city : essays in urban history
Change and continuity : Canadian political economy in the new millennium
Canadian perspectives on law & society : issues in legal history
The Rebellion of 1837 in Upper Canada : a collection of documents
The challenge of class : analysis
Like everyone else but different : the paradoxical success of Canadian Jews
The Jesuit relations and allied documents : a selection
National survival in dependent societies : social change in Canada and Poland
Joseph Howe : voice of Nova Scotia : a selection
Canadian social structure : a statistical profile
Contexts of Canada's past : selected essays of W. L. Morton
The politics of development : forests, mines & hydro-electric power in Ontario, 1849-1941
The race question in Canada
Report on social security for Canada
The native peoples of Atlantic Canada : a history of ethnic interaction
The Canadian bill of rights
Lament for a nation : the defeat of Canadian nationalism
Silent surrender : the multinational corporation in Canada
Leading constitutional decisions : cases on the British North America act
The history of Canadian business, 1867-1914
Capital formation in Canada, 1896-1930
Eskimo of the Canadian Arctic
The making of the nations and cultures of the New World : an essay in comparative history
A wampum denied : Procter's War of 1812
The Canadian economy in the great depression
Lament for a nation : the defeat of Canadian nationalism
The intelligent citizen's guide to the postal problem : a case study of industrial society in crisis 1965-1980
Canadian economic history : classic and contemporary approaches
Man's impact on the western Canadian landscape
Laurier : a study in Canadian politics
The MacKenzie-Papineau Battalion : the Canadian contingent in the Spanish Civil War
Canadian-American summit diplomacy, 1923-1973 : selected speeches and documents
O'Callaghan : the making and unmaking of a REBEL
William Lyon Mackenzie : a reinterpretation
Political socialization
Tug of war : surveillance capitalism, military contracting, and the rise of the security state
The Upper Ottawa Valley to 1855
Inventing Canada : early Victorian science and the idea of a transcontinental nation
Police officer
Lord Durham's report : an abridgement of Report on the affairs of British North America by Lord Durham
Political corruption in Canada : cases, causes, and cures
God's peculiar peoples : essays on political culture in nineteenth-century Canada
W.A. Mackintosh : the life of a Canadian economist
Canada and the cost of World War II : the international operations of Canada's Department of Finance, 1939-1947
The Canadian quandary : economic problems and policies
Industrial organization in Canada : empirical evidence and policy challenges
Canadian foreign policy 1966-1976 : selected speeches and documents
The law and the press in Canada
Socialization, social stratification and ethnicity
Land, power, and economics on the frontier of Upper Canada
Bare poles : building design for high latitudes
By loving our own : George Grant and the Legacy of Lament for a Nation
Green-lite : complexity in fifty years of Canadian environmental policy, governance, and democracy
Shattered images : dialogues and meditations on Tsimshian narratives
Dominion lands policy
The neutral Yankees of Nova Scotia : a marginal colony during the revolutionary years
So vast and various : interpreting Canada's regions in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
Political socialization
The development of Canada's staples, 1867-1939 : a documentary collection
Nietzsche and therhetoric of nihilism : essays on interpretation, language and politics
Leading constitutional decisions
The cross of gold : money and the Canadian business cycle, 1867-1913
And we go on
The Tremblay report : report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry on Constitutional Problems
Monck letters and journals, 1863-1868 : Canada from Government House at Confederation
The ordinary people of Essex : environment, culture, and economy on the frontier of Upper Canada
Staples and beyond : selected writings of Mel Watkins
The old province of Quebec
Choosing Canada's capital : jealousy and friction in the nineteenth century
Democracy with justice : essays in honour of Khayyam Zev Paltiel = La juste démocratie : mélanges en l'honneur de Khayyam Zev Paltiel
Frontenac : the courtier governor
The Canadian city : essays in urban history
Historical essays on the prairie provinces
The agricultural economy of Manitoba Hutterite colonies
Philippe de Rigaud de Vaudreuil : Governor of New France, 1703-1725
The better part of valour : essays on Canadian diplomacy
Ethnic demography : Canadian immigrant, racial and cultural variations
The Canadian quandary : economic problems and policies
The race question in Canada
Growth and the Canadian economy with an introduction by T.N. Brewis
Keynesian economics
The economic background of Dominion-Provincial relations : appendix III of the Royal Commission report on Dominion-Provincial relations
Ascription and achievement : studies in mobility and status attainment in Canada
Tax, order, and good government : a new political history of Canada, 1867-1917
Health insurance and Canadian public policy : the seven decisions that created the Canadian health insurance system and their outcomes
The Jesuit relations and allied documents : a selection
The frontier and Canadian letters
Beardmore : the Viking hoax that rewrote history
Shaping the urban landscape : aspects of the Canadian city-building process
The Rowell-Sirois report : an abridgement of book I of the Royal Commission report on Dominion-provincial relations
Watching Quebec : selected essays
A history of journalism in Canada
Recreational land use : perspectives on its evolution in Canada
Living and learning in the free school
The Western interior of Canada : a record of geographical discovery, 1612-1917
Demon rum or easy money : government control of liquor in British Columbia from Prohibition to privatization
Approaches to Canadian economic history : a selection of essays
Freedom and order
Matroids and combinatorial geometries
Champlain : the life of fortitude
The adventures and sufferings of John R. Jewitt, captive among the Nootka, 1803-1805. (From the Edinburgh 1824 edition)
The Great War as I saw it
In The Empire and the world, 1914-1939
The economic background of Dominion-Provincial relations : appendix III of the Royal Commission report on Dominion-Provincial relations
Lord Durham's mission to Canada : an abridgement of Lord Durham : a biography of John George Lambton, first Earl of Durham
Natural resources : the economics of conservation
Federalism and the charter
The confederation debates in the Province of Canada, 1865 : a selection
A wampum denied : Procter's War of 1812
French-Canadian society
Social Justice and the Constitution : perspectives on a social union for Canada
Stanley's dream : the medical expedition to Easter Island
Mrs Dalgairns's kitchen : rediscovering The practice of cookery
Hall-Dennis and the road to utopia : education and modernity in Ontario
Harriet's legacies : race, historical memory, and futures in Canada
Canada to Ireland : poetry, politics, and the shaping of Canadian nationalism, 1788-1900
The eye of the master : figures of the Québécois colonial imaginary
The Usable urban past : planning and politics in the modern Canadian city
Laurier : a study in Canadian politics
A Narrative
A sourcebook of Canadian media law
Statistical account of Upper Canada
Boys and girls apart : children's play in Canada and Poland
Sojourns in the new world : reflections on technology
Natural resources : the economics of conservation
Canada's balance of international indebtedness, 1900-1913 : an inductive study in the theory of international trade
Lord Durham's report : an abridgement of Report on the affairs of British North America
Documents on the confederation of British North America : a compilation based on Sir Joseph Pope's Confederation documents supplemented by other official material
A great duty : Canadian responses to modern life and mass culture, 1939-1967
Minority men in a majority setting : middle-level Francophones in the Canadian public service
The iron wedge : l'appel de la race
Eskimo of the Canadian Arctic
Continental strategy to 1867
Human Rights & social technology : the new war on discrimination
The law and the press in Canada
A history of journalism in Canada
The illustrated history of Canada
Recollections of the On to Ottawa trek
Lament for a nation : the defeat of Canadian nationalism
Indians of the North Pacific Coast : studies in selected topics
Canadian social structure : a statistical profile
Canadian Indians and the law : selected documents, 1663-1972
Cultural ecology : readings on the Canadian Indians and Eskimos
Lament for a nation : the defeat of Canadian nationalism
The Canadian economy in the Great Depression
Asleep at the switch : the political economy of federal research and development policy since 1960
Robert Laird Borden : his memoirs
Tax, borrow and spend : financing federal spending in Canada, 1867-1990
Urban development in south-central Ontario
The bank of upper Canada : a collection of documents
Approaches to Canadian economic history : a selection of essays
Canadian-American industry : a study in international investment
Canadian foreign policy 1977-1992 : selected speeches and documents
The fighting Newfoundlander : a history of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment
Canada's changing North
The Canadian economy and disarmament
Lament for a nation : the defeat of Canadian nationalism
Cultural diversity and Canadian education : issues and innovations
The Doukhobors
Niagara's changing landscapes
Documents on the confederation of British North America : a compilation based on Sir Joseph Pope's Confederation documents supplemented by other official material
The boundaries of the Canadian Confederation
The ombudsman plan : essays on the worldwide spread of an idea
Approaches to Canadian economic history : a selection of essays
Historical essays on upper Canada : new perspectives
Laurier and a Liberal Quebec : a study in political management
The French-Canadian outlook : a brief account of the unknown North Americans
Trade, industrial policy, and international competition
Mason Wade, Acadia and Quebec : the perception of an outsider
Beyond the Atlantic roar : a study of the Nova Scotia Scots
Fragile truths : twenty-five years of sociology and anthropology in Canada
Culture and nationality : essays
The Canadian corporate elite : an analysis of economic power
The national album : collective biography and the formatiopn of the Canadian middle class
How schools worked : public education in English Canada, 1900-1940
The last of the free enterprisers : the oilmen of Calgary
Filling the ranks : manpower in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914-1918
Does money matter? : prospects for higher education in Ontario
The formative years to 1914
Historical essays on British Columbia
The Canadian oral history reader
A two-edged sword : the Navy as an instrument of Canadian foreign policy
The redistribution of income in Canada
Fear's folly : (les demi-civilisés)
Lament for a nation : the defeat of Canadian nationalism
A life on the line : commander Pierre-Étienne Fortin and his times
Cree narrative : expressing the personal meanings of events
A sourcebook of Canadian media law
A critical spirit : the thought of William Dawson LeSueur
Cuthbert Grant of Grantown : warden of the plains of Red River
The Irish in Ontario : a study in rural history
Economic and social history of Quebec, 1760-1850 : structures and conjonctures
Political unrest in upper Canada, 1815-1836
Chief justice William Johnstone Ritchie : responsible government and judicial review
Consociational democracy : political accomodation in segmented societies
The quest of the folk : antimodernism and cultural selection in twentieth-century Nova Scotia
Historical essays on British Columbia
Aboriginal peoples and the law : Indian, metis and Inuit rights in Canada
Outrageous seas : shipwreck and survival in the waters off Newfoundland, 1583-1893
Western Ontario and the American frontier
Money and banking in Canada : historical documents and commentary
A sourcebook of Canadian media law
Canada before Confederation : a study in historical geography
Community in crisis : French-Canadian nationalism in perspective
Surveyors of empire : Samuel Holland, J.W.F. Des Barres, and the making of the Atlantic Neptune
The courts and the Canadian Constitution : a selection of essays
Perspectives on landscape and settlement in nineteenth century Ontario
Historical essays on the prairie provinces
Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914-1919 : official history of the Canadian Army in the First World War
Perspectives on the North American Indians
Indians of the North Pacific coast : studies in selected topics
Leading constitutional decisions : cases on the British North America act
A gentleman in the outports : Gobineau and Newfoundland
Canadian foreign policy, 1945-1954 : selected speeches and documents
Native people, native lands : Canadian Indians, Inuit and Metis
The Canadian commercial revolution, 1845-1851
Land of the midnight sun : a history of the Yukon
The distemper of our times
The burning bush and a few acres of snow : the Presbyterian contribution to Canadian life and culture
Canadian Confederation : a decision-making analysis
Socialization, social stratification and ethnicity
The Canadian city : essays in urban and social history
Historical essays on the Atlantic provinces
Life and times of Sir Alexander Tilloch Galt
The last forty years : the Union of 1841 to Confederation
Interregional migration and public policy in Canada : an empirical study
Church and State in Canada, 1627-1867 : basic documents
The Canadian corporate elite : an analysis of economic power
The Sociology of work : papers in honour of Oswald Hall
An undisciplined economist : Robert G. Evans on health economics, health care policy, and population health
Renegade in power : the Diefenbaker years
Indians of the North Pacific coast : studies in selected topics
The unreformed Senate of Canada
Languages in conflict : the Canadian experience
North Atlantic triangle : the interplay of Canada, the United States and Great Britain
The frog lake "Massacre" : personal perspectives on ethnic conflict
The measure of Canadian society : education, equality and opportunity
The enterprises of Robert Hamilton : a study of wealth and influence in early upper Canada, 1776-1812
Catharine Parr Traill's The female emigrant's guide : cooking with a Canadian classic
The farmers in politics
The dream of nation : a social and intellectual history of Quebec
Canada : a middle-aged power
The reciprocity treaty of 1854, its history, its relation to British colonial and foreign policy and to the development of Canadian fiscal autonomy
Wildlife, land, and people : a century of change in prairie Canada
The Canadian Bill of Rights
Lives in transition : longitudinal analysis from historical sources
Crisis, challenge, and change : party and class in Canada revisited
The formative years to 1914
The Canadian municipal system : essays on the improvement of local government
In duty bound : men, women, and the state in Upper Canada, 1783-1841
Alexander Kennedy Isbister : a respectable critic of the honourable company
The Jesuit relations and allied documents : a selection
The confederation debates in the Province of Canada, 1865 : a selection
John Strachan : documents and opinions : a selection
Home feelings : liberal citizenship and the Canadian Reading Camp Movement
Anxious days and tearful nights : Canadian war wives during the Great War
The art of sharing : the richer versus the poorer provinces since confederation
Take a number : how citizens' encounters with government shape political engagement
University women : a history of women and higher education in Canada
Confessions of an immigrant's daughter
Leading constitutional decisions : cases on the British North America act
Approaches to Canadian economic history : a selection of essays
The Blacks in Canada : a history
Blacks in Canada : a history
Regulatory failure and renewal : the evolution of the natural monopoly contract
Statesman of the piano : jazz, race, and history in the life of Lou Hooper
Trade and commerce : Canada's economic constitution
Canadian literary fare
Small stories of war : children, youth, and conflict in Canada and beyond
Recognition and revelation : short nonfiction writings
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research