著者・編者by Virginia S. Thatcher . edited with an introduction by Darlene Clark Hine
一般注記First published in 1953 and 1898-1976. Subsequently published by Garland Press 1984-85
History of anesthesia : with emphasis on the nurse specialist / Virginia S. Thatcher. Reprint. Originally published: Philadelphia : Lippincott, c1953
Black women in the nursing profession : a document history / edited with an introduction by Darlene Clark Hine. Reprint. Originally published: New York : Garland Publishing, 1985
Includes bibliographical references and index
関連情報Foundations of modern nursing in America
掲載誌Foundations of modern nursing in America
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA88467187 : BA88467187