
VTT Symposium


VTT Symposium

Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus


Power production from biomass III : gasification and pyrolysis R&D&D for industry, Espoo, Finland, 14-15 September, 1998外部サイトProduct models in design and production planning外部サイトIndustrial innovation, economic performance and technology foresight : comparative perspectives on Japanese Finnish developments, Flower Day Seminar 2002, Helsinki, Finland外部サイトFuture buildings innovative low-energy concepts, Espoo, Finland, 1-3 September, 1992外部サイトGlobal engineering and manufacturing in enterprise networks : GLOBEMEN, Helsinki, 9-10, 12, 2002外部サイトBetongkonstruktioner under tvångsbelastning : Nordiskt miniseminarium, Esbo, den 21. oktober 1986外部サイト2009 wood and fiber product seminar : VTT and USDA joint activity外部サイト1st Workshop Demonstration of the Nutritional Functionality of Probiotic Foods : FAIR CT96-1028 : selection and safety criteria of probiotics : Helsinki, Finland, 15 November, 1996外部サイトFirst International Conference on Improving Construction and Use Through Integrated Design Solutions : CIB IDS 2009, 10-12 June外部サイトBALTICA V : condition and life management for power plants, Hotel Haikko Manor, Porvoo, Finland, June 6-8, 2001外部サイトPower production from waste and biomass IV : advanced concepts and technologies, Espoo, Finland, 8-10 April, 2002外部サイトVTT Intelligence Forum 2009 : towards zero emission energy production, 3.2.2009, Dipoli, Espoo, Finland外部サイトInternational Rye Symposium : Technology and Products, Helsinki, Finland, 7 - 8 December, 1995外部サイトSIHTI : energia- ja ympäristöteknologia : tutkimusohjelman vuosikirja 1993, projektiesittelyt外部サイト10th International Symposium on Corrosion in the Pulp and Paper Industry (10th ISCPPI), Marina Congress Center, Helsinki, Finland, August 21-24, 2001外部サイトRILEM workshop concrete technology in the future : Espoo, Finland, 14.-15.9.1992外部サイトFuture prospects of biofouling and biocides : Helsinki, Finland, 13 - 14 June, 1996外部サイトIndustrial planning , engineering and construction under extreme circumstances : VIII international symposium Espoo, Finland, May 19-23, 1986外部サイトTextiles and composites '92 : Tampere, Finland, 15-18 June, 1992外部サイトJapanese information : Nordic conference on Japanese scientific, technical and business information, Espoo, Finland, 15-16 June, 1995外部サイトArtificial dewatering of peat : Jyväskylä, Finland, 15-16 October, 1991外部サイトInformationsteknologi och samhällsplanering : Nordisktforskarseminarium i Esbo, den 3.-5.12.1989外部サイトProduction line automation in the concrete element factories : Scientific-technical cooperation seminar between Soviet Union and Finland, Espoo, 24th August 1989外部サイトVäsymismitoitus 1990 : Tampere 16.-17.5.1990 = Fatigue design 1990外部サイトPrognostics for industrial machinery availability : final seminar, Espoo 12.12.2006外部サイト15th European TRIGA Conference, Espoo, Finland, June 15-17, 1998外部サイト30th R[3] - Nordic Contamination Control Symposium, Helsinki, Finland, May 30-June 2, 1999外部サイトDetection and indentification of harmful microbes : 1st Workshop arranged by SAFOODNET - Food Safety and Hygiene Networking within New Member States and Associated Candidate Countries; FP-6-022808-2006, Brno, Czech Republic, December 10-12, 2007外部サイトEicoon workshop and Summer school : nanomaterials issues in electrochemical energy conversion : fuel cells, batteries, supercapacitors, June 13-17, 2011外部サイトNew shelf-life technologies and safety assessments, Hersinki, Finland, 18-19 May, 1995外部サイトAdvanced control and instrumentation systems in nuclear power plants design, verification and validation : IAEA/IWG/ATWR & NPPCI Technical Committee Meeting, Espoo/Helsinki, Finland, 20-23 June 1994外部サイトVTT Symposium on service science, technology and business外部サイトURSI/IEEE XXIX Convention on Radio Science : Espoo, Finland, November 1 - 2, 2004外部サイトThe food, GI-tract functionality and human health cluster : PROEUHEALTH : abstracts and posters : 1st workshop, Saariselkä, Finland, 1-3 February 2002外部サイトMinimal processing of foods, Kirkkonummi, Finland, 14-15 April, 1994外部サイトPuuenergian teknologiaohjelman vuosikirja 2003 : puuenergian teknologiaohjelman vuosiseminaari, Jyväskylä, 17-18, maaliskuuta 2004外部サイトCSNI Specialist Meeting on Simulators and Plant Analyzers, Lappeenranta, Finland, 9-12 June, 1992外部サイトInformation technology and economic modelling : a joint Finnish-Soviet symposium Helsinki, Finland, 20-22 November, 1990外部サイトSIHTI 2 : energia- ja ympäristöteknologia : tutkimusohjelman vuosikirja 1996, projektiesittelyt外部サイトBALTICA VI : life management and maintenance for power plants, Helsinki-Stockholm-Helsinki, 8-10 June, 2004外部サイトXIII European Annual Conference on Human Decision Making and Manual Control, June 13 - 14, Espoo, Finland外部サイトFatigue design 1995 : Helsinki, Finland, 5 - 8 September, 1995外部サイトCOMADEM '97 : 10th International Congress and Exhibition on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, Espoo, Finland, 9-11 June, 1997外部サイトBALTICA VII : life management and maintenance for power plants, Helsinki-Stockholm-Helsinki, 12-14 June, 2007外部サイトFunctional food research in Europe : 3rd Workshop Demonstration of the Nutritional Functionality of Probiotic Foods : FAIR CT96-1028 : Haikko Manor, Finland, October 1-2, 1998外部サイトComputers and building regulations : Espoo, Finland, 27-29 May, 1991外部サイトSIHTI 2 : energia- ja ympäristöteknologia : tutkimusohjelman vuosikirja 1994, projektiesittelyt外部サイトMänniskan i komplexa system : Nordisk människa-naskinkonferens, Mariehamn, Åland, 9-11 maj 1989外部サイトDeveloping & marketing future foods : the challenge of communication, Helsinki, Finland, 7-9 June, 2000外部サイトFatigue design 1991 = Väsymismitoitus 1991 : Turku 14.-15.5,1991外部サイトNovel nanostructured polymeric materials for food packaging and beyond : international workshop外部サイトStructural analysis 1992, Espoo, Finland, 17-18 March, 1992外部サイトNordic treasure hunt : extracting energy from forest residues, Jyväskylä, 30th August 2000外部サイト5th European Conference on Cognitive Science Approaches to Process Control, Espoo, Finland, August 30 - September 1, 1995外部サイトKorvaavien moottoripolttoaineiden käyttötutkimus suomessa : Espoo, 6.2.1986外部サイトUnderwater technology symposium : Tampere, November 1, 1990外部サイトKäyttövarmuuden elinjaksotuoton hallinta, Espoo, 19.11.1998外部サイトVTT symposium on service innovation外部サイトKunnossapito ja prognostiikka : iprognos-vuosiseminaari 2005, Tampere, 3.11.2005外部サイトMaritime safety '97, Espoo, Finland, March 19, 1997外部サイトCompetent design by castings : improvements in a Nordic project : GJUTDESIGN-2005 final seminar, Espoo, 13-14.6.2005外部サイトInternational Specialised Symposium on Yeasts, ISSY25 : systems biology of yeasts - from models to applications : June 18-21, 2006. Hanasaari, Espoo, Finland外部サイトMurtumismekaniikan soveltaminen rakenteiden lujuustarkastelussa : Tampere 4.-5.6.1985外部サイトMicrobialcontaminants & contamination routes in food industry : 1st Open Seminar arranged by SAFOODNET, Food Safety and Hygiene Networking within New Member States and Associated Candidate Countries, FP6-022808-2006, Espoo, Finland, January 22-23, 2007外部サイトKäyttövarmuussuunnittelu ja diagnostiikka, Espoo, 21.11.2000外部サイトBALTICA III : International Conference on Plant Condition & Life Management, Helsinki - Stockholm, June 6-8, 1995外部サイト20th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology : SMiRT 20 : book of abstracts, Espoo, Finland 2009外部サイトMittaustekniikan seminaari : 3.-4.9.1986, Hämeenlinna外部サイトPlant life management : midterm status of a R&D project外部サイトPuuenergian teknologiaohjelman vuosikirja 2000 : Puuenergian Teknologiaohjelman Vuosiseminaari, Jyväskylä, 29.-30.8.2000外部サイトBioconversion of plant raw materials - biotechnology advancement : Finnish-Soviet Seminar, Mustio, 14-16 March, 1990外部サイトThe 7th International Conference on eXtreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering : tutorials, Workshops, activities, and keynote speeces : Oulu, Finland, June 17-22, 2006外部サイトFrom information to innovation : ICSTI annual conference : Royal at Crowne Plaza, Helsinki, Finkland, June 10-11, 2010外部サイトVäsymismitoitus 1994 : Lappeenranta 17.-18.5.1994外部サイトNew catalysts for clean environment : 2nd symposium of the VTT Research Programme on Chemical Reaction Mechanisms, Espoo, January 29 - 30, 1996外部サイトKäyttövarmuus ja käyttökunnon hallinta, Espoo, 18.11.1999外部サイトSoftware development trends : the joint Finnish-Soviet software symposium, Helsinki, Finland, 15-17 November, 1988外部サイト2nd Finnish-French colloquium for information technology in construction : Seminar in information technology in construction, Espoo, 14-15 June, 1990外部サイトKäyttövarmuus kilpailutekijänä, Espoo, 18.11.1997外部サイトModelling and simulation of multitechnological machine systems, Espoo, 30.11.2000外部サイトCost Action E5 Workshop on Fire Safety of Medium-Rise, Timber Frame Residential Buildings, Espoo, Finland, June 2-3, 1997外部サイトCost 516 Tribology Symposium, Espoo, Finland, 14-15 May, 1998外部サイトNykyaikainen valmistustekniikka : Espoo, 14.-15.10.1987外部サイトStatus of reactor calculations in the Nordic countries : Helsinki, 31 March - 1 April 1987外部サイトSuo ja turve : Jyväskylä 27.-28.5.1987外部サイトFrost in geotechnical engineering : international symposium, Saariselkä, Finland, 13-15 March, 1989外部サイトUusi Materiaalitekniikka : materiaalitekniikan seminaari, Espoo 25-26.10.1988外部サイトInternational Conference on Practical Applications in Environmental Geotechnology : ECOGEO 2000, Helsinki, Finland, 4-6 September, 2000外部サイトBiotechnology in the food chain : new tools and applications for future foods, Helsinki, Finland, 28 - 30 January, 1998外部サイトECCE 2009 : European Conference on Cognitive Ergonoics : designing beyond the product - understanding activity and user experience in ubiquitous environments外部サイトKaupunkien energiaasäästävä suunnittelu ja rakentaminen : Suomalais-neuvostoliittolainen symposium, Helsinki, 12.-13.5.1987 = Энергосберегающие решения и застройки городов : Финско-советский симпозиум, Хельсинкий,с 12 по 13 мая 1987 года外部サイトPSE Congress : plants for human health in the post-genome era, August 26-29, 2007, Rantapuisto Congress Centre, Helsinki, Finland外部サイトDie wissenschaftlich-technische Zusammenarbeit zwischen der DDR und Finnland auf dem Gebiet des industriellen Bauens im Zeitraum 1986 bis 1990 : Orientierungsseminar in Dessau, DDR am 18. März 1986 Arbeitsseminar in Espoo, Finnland am 16. Oktober 1986外部サイトMänniskan i komplexa industriella processer : Nordisk människa-maskinkonferens, Mariehamn, Åland 15-17 april 1986外部サイトPlant life management : progress for structural integrity外部サイトSmart materials and structures : VTT research program 2000-2002, Espoo, Finland, 4th December, 2002外部サイトVäsymismitoitus ja Teemapäivät 1997 : Mikkeli, 18.-19.9.1997外部サイトFatigue design 1998 : Espoo, Finland, 26-29 May, 1998外部サイトFinnish-French Sympoisum on water supply and sewerage, Helsinki, Finland, 25-27 September, 1991外部サイトThe Seventh International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering Under Arctic Conditions : Helsinki, Finland, 5-9 April 1983外部サイトRiskhomeostasis? : 8:e nordiska konferensen för olycksforskare (NOFS 89), Nurmes, Finland, 7.-10. augusti 1989外部サイトBiobränslen och torv i Nordens energiekonomi år 2000 : Jyväskylä 4.-5.8.1987外部サイトPohjavesimallinnuksen Seminaari, Espoo, 9.5.1991外部サイトKonepajatuotteiden integroitu suunnittelu : Tutkimusohjelman päätössymposium Espoo 27.11.1991外部サイトFinland-Japan Workshop on Nanophotonics and Related Technologies : Espoo, Finland, 1st and 2nd of July 2009外部サイト3rd European Federation of Biotechnology Conference : Physiology of Yeasts and Filamentous Fungi, PYFF3, June 13-16, 2007, Marina Congress Centre, Helsinki, Finland外部サイトNumerical tools for ship design, Espoo, Finland, 17 February, 1995外部サイトBiomassan uusia jalostusmahdollisuuksia 1990-luvulla : Helsinki, 21.10.1986外部サイトNews in aseptic processing and packaging : Espoo, Finland, 30-31 January, 1991外部サイトNovel methods for probiotic research : 2nd Workshop Demonstration of the Nutritional Functionality of Probiotic Foods : FAIR CT96-1028 : Cork, Ireland, 3 October, 1997外部サイトMaritime Research Seminar '99, Espoo, Finland, March 17th, 1999外部サイト41st R3-Nordic Symposium : Cleanroom technology, contamination control and cleaning : Dipoli, Espoo, Finland, May 25-26, 2010外部サイトSurface technoology programme, Espoo, Finland, 23.3.1994外部サイトIntegrated numerical and experimental methods in ship design, Espoo, Finland, 27 March, 1996外部サイトEuromicro Summer School on Mobile Computing '98, Oulu, Finland, August 20-21, 1998外部サイトPuuenergian teknologiaohjelman vuosikirja 2002 : puuenergian teknologiaohjelman vuosiseminaari, Joensuu, 18-19, syyskuuta 2002外部サイトMechanics for electronics : VTT Research Programme 2000-2002, Espoo, Finland, December 4, 2002外部サイトPuuenergian teknologiaohjelman vuosikirja 2001 : puuenergian teknologiaohjelman vuosiseminaari, Jyväskylä, 5-6, 9, 2001外部サイトMicrostructure and properties of concrete : expert meetings, Espoo, 6-11 November, 1988 and 3-10 November, 1989外部サイトKaukokartoitus lentokoneest : Airborne remote sensing, Espoo, Otaniemi, 3.lokakuuta 1991外部サイトEnergy conservation in urban planning : Soviet-Finnish Symposium, Moscow, 14-15 March 1989外部サイトThe 4th marine technology symposium : ship vibration, noise & hydrodynamics : Espoo, January 13-14, 1986外部サイトRETU, the Finnish research programme on reactor safety 1995-1998 final symposium, Espoo, Finland, November 24th, 1998外部サイトFresh novel foods by high pressure, Helsinki, Finland, 21-22 September, 1998外部サイトThe Twlfth Nordic Teletraffic Seminar : NTS12, Espoo, Finland, August 22 - 24, 1995外部サイトVäsymismitoitus 1993 : Espoo 18.-19.5.1993外部サイトSIHTI 2 : energia- ja ympäristöteknologia : tutkimusohjelman vuosikirja 1998, projektiesittelyt外部サイト2nd European symposium on enzymes in grain processing : ESEPG-2 : Helsinki, Finland, 8-10 December, 1999外部サイトMicroscopy and image analysis of building materials : Espoo, Finland, 24.1.1992外部サイトReactor physics calculations in the Nordic countries : proceedings of the 7th Nordic Reactor Physics Meeting, Espoo, May 8- 9, 1995外部サイトVirtual prototyping : VTT Research Programme, 1998-2000, Espoo, Finland, February 1st, 2001外部サイトBALTICA IV, plant maintenance for management life & performance, Helsinki-Stockholm-Helsinki, 7-9, 1998外部サイトPolartech '86 international offshore and navigation conference and exhibition : Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 October 1986外部サイトDemonstrating automated fault detection and diagnosis methods in real buldings外部サイト37th R[3] - Nordic Contamination Control Symposium, Tampere, Finland, May 29-31, 2006外部サイトXVII National NMR Symposium : abstracts, Helsinki - Stockholm, 15. - 16.5.1995外部サイトTurve- ja humussymposiumi : Turku, 2.-3.9.1985外部サイトFunctional foods for EU health in 2000 : 4th Workshop Demonstration of the Nutritional Functionality of Probiotic Foods, FAIR CT96-1028, Rovaniemi, Finland, February 25-28, 2000外部サイトInternational Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement, Oulu, Finland, June 22-24, 1999外部サイトVäsymismitoitus 1996 : Hämeenlinna, 29.-30.5.1996外部サイトReparation av betongkonstruktioner : Nordiskt miniseminarium, Esbo den 15. maj 1985外部サイトThe 22nd Symposium on Fusion Technology, book of abstracts, Helsinki, Finland, 9th-13th September 2002外部サイトRATU2, the Finnish research programme on the structural integrity of nuclear power plants, synthesis of achievements 1995-1998, Espoo, 7 December, 1998外部サイトFatigue design 1992 : Helsinki, Finland, 19-22 May, 1992外部サイトSIHTI 2: energy and environmental technology : yearbook 1993 of the research programme, project reports外部サイトArtificial intelligence in nuclear power plants : IAEA/WG NPPCI Specialists' Meeting, Helsinki/Vantaa, Finland, 10-12 October, 1989外部サイトApplied material research at VTT外部サイトThe food, Gl-tract functionality and human health cluster : PROEUHEALTH, abstracts and posters, 3rd Workshop, Sitges, Spain, 15-17 March 2004外部サイトWhole grain and human health : international symposium, abstracts, Haikko Manor, Finland, June 13-15, 2001外部サイトSIHTI 2 : energia- ja ympäristöteknologia : tutkimusohjelman vuosikirja 1995, projektiesittelyt外部サイトBaltica VIII : life management and maintenance for power plants, Helsinki-Stockholm-Helsinki, 18-20 May, 2010外部サイトMoisture measurement in concrete constructions exposed to temperature and moisture variations, Nordic Mini-seminar of the Nordic Concrete Federation, Espoo, Finland, 22.8.1997外部サイトProceedings of the 2nd CSNI Specialist Meeting on Simulators and Plant Analysers, Espoo, Finland, 29 September-2 October, 1997外部サイトJoint VR Conference of euroVR and EGVE, 2011 : current and future perspectives of virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality : industrial and poster track, 20-21st September, 2011, Nottingham, UK外部サイトPower production from biomass II with special emphasis on gasification and pyrolysis R&DD外部サイト34th R[3] - Nordic Contamination Control Symposium, Turku, Finland, June 2-4, 2003外部サイト9th Nordic Symposium on Tribology, NORDTRIB 2000, Hotel Haikko Manor, Porvoo, Finland, 11-14 June 2000外部サイトThe food, GI-tract functionality and human health cluster : PROEUHEALTH : abstracts and posters : 2nd workshop, Taormina, Italy, 3-5 March 2003外部サイトRisk assessment of microbial problems and preventive actions in food industry : 2nd Open Seminar arranged by SAFOODNET - Food Safety and Hygiene Networking within New Member States and Associated Candidate Countries; FP-6-022808-2006, Istanbul, Turkey, October 22-23, 2007外部サイトAdvances in man-machine interactions : the Joint Finnish-Soviet Symposium on Man-Machin Interface, Control, Rooms and Expert Systems, Espoo, Finland, October 21-23 1986外部サイトLVI-säätötekniikan tutkimusseminaari : Hanasaaren kulttuurikeskus, Espoo 26.4.1988外部サイトRakenteiden Väsymismitoitus 1989 : Tammpere, 17.-18. 5. 1989外部サイトAnglo-Finnish Joint Symposium on Advances in Nondestructive Testing : Espoo, Finland, 9-11 May, 1988外部サイトComputer aided urban planning : seminars in a co-operation project between Finland and CMEA-countries, Espoo, 12-16 September, 1988外部サイトNumerical simulation of processes : SIMS-88 Symposium : the 30th annual meeting of the Scandinavian Simulation Society (SIMS), Espoo, Finland, 21-22 April, 1988外部サイトVTT:n avaruustekniikan tutkimus 1985-1988 : Espoo 7.2.1989外部サイトNumeeriset simulointimallit : Jyväskylä 24.-25.11.1986外部サイトMärän hiilen ja turpeen kuivausmenetelmien vertailu : asiantuntijakokous jyväskulässä, 6.1.1987外部サイトPressurized fluidized bed combustion and gasification power systems, Espoo, 23.-24.11.1987外部サイトTurvallisuustekniikan juhlaseminaari : automaatioturvallisuus prosessi- ja valmistavan teollisuuden suunnittelussa : Tampere, 24.-25. 5. 1989外部サイトThe 5th Marine Technology Symposium : noise & vibration, winter navigation, hydrodynamics : Espoo, January 11-12, 1988外部サイトFrost in geotechnical engineering : international symposium, Saariselkä, Finland, 13-15 March, 1989外部サイト



  • Power production from biomass III : gasification and pyrolysis R&D&D for industry, Espoo, Finland, 14-15 September, 1998

  • Product models in design and production planning

  • Industrial innovation, economic performance and technology foresight : comparative perspectives on Japanese Finnish developments, Flower Day Seminar 2002, Helsinki, Finland

  • Future buildings innovative low-energy concepts, Espoo, Finland, 1-3 September, 1992

  • Global engineering and manufacturing in enterprise networks : GLOBEMEN, Helsinki, 9-10, 12, 2002





  • CiNii Research

    連携先のサイトで、CiNii Researchが連携している機関・データベースの所蔵状況を確認できます。



Power production from biomass III : gasification and pyrolysis R&D&D for industry, Espoo, Finland, 14-15 September, 1998
Product models in design and production planning
Industrial innovation, economic performance and technology foresight : comparative perspectives on Japanese Finnish developments, Flower Day Seminar 2002, Helsinki, Finland
Future buildings innovative low-energy concepts, Espoo, Finland, 1-3 September, 1992
Global engineering and manufacturing in enterprise networks : GLOBEMEN, Helsinki, 9-10, 12, 2002
Betongkonstruktioner under tvångsbelastning : Nordiskt miniseminarium, Esbo, den 21. oktober 1986
2009 wood and fiber product seminar : VTT and USDA joint activity
1st Workshop Demonstration of the Nutritional Functionality of Probiotic Foods : FAIR CT96-1028 : selection and safety criteria of probiotics : Helsinki, Finland, 15 November, 1996
First International Conference on Improving Construction and Use Through Integrated Design Solutions : CIB IDS 2009, 10-12 June
BALTICA V : condition and life management for power plants, Hotel Haikko Manor, Porvoo, Finland, June 6-8, 2001
Power production from waste and biomass IV : advanced concepts and technologies, Espoo, Finland, 8-10 April, 2002
VTT Intelligence Forum 2009 : towards zero emission energy production, 3.2.2009, Dipoli, Espoo, Finland
International Rye Symposium : Technology and Products, Helsinki, Finland, 7 - 8 December, 1995
SIHTI : energia- ja ympäristöteknologia : tutkimusohjelman vuosikirja 1993, projektiesittelyt
10th International Symposium on Corrosion in the Pulp and Paper Industry (10th ISCPPI), Marina Congress Center, Helsinki, Finland, August 21-24, 2001
RILEM workshop concrete technology in the future : Espoo, Finland, 14.-15.9.1992
Future prospects of biofouling and biocides : Helsinki, Finland, 13 - 14 June, 1996
Industrial planning , engineering and construction under extreme circumstances : VIII international symposium Espoo, Finland, May 19-23, 1986
Textiles and composites '92 : Tampere, Finland, 15-18 June, 1992
Japanese information : Nordic conference on Japanese scientific, technical and business information, Espoo, Finland, 15-16 June, 1995
Artificial dewatering of peat : Jyväskylä, Finland, 15-16 October, 1991
Informationsteknologi och samhällsplanering : Nordisktforskarseminarium i Esbo, den 3.-5.12.1989
Production line automation in the concrete element factories : Scientific-technical cooperation seminar between Soviet Union and Finland, Espoo, 24th August 1989
Väsymismitoitus 1990 : Tampere 16.-17.5.1990 = Fatigue design 1990
Prognostics for industrial machinery availability : final seminar, Espoo 12.12.2006
15th European TRIGA Conference, Espoo, Finland, June 15-17, 1998
30th R[3] - Nordic Contamination Control Symposium, Helsinki, Finland, May 30-June 2, 1999
Detection and indentification of harmful microbes : 1st Workshop arranged by SAFOODNET - Food Safety and Hygiene Networking within New Member States and Associated Candidate Countries; FP-6-022808-2006, Brno, Czech Republic, December 10-12, 2007
Eicoon workshop and Summer school : nanomaterials issues in electrochemical energy conversion : fuel cells, batteries, supercapacitors, June 13-17, 2011
New shelf-life technologies and safety assessments, Hersinki, Finland, 18-19 May, 1995
Advanced control and instrumentation systems in nuclear power plants design, verification and validation : IAEA/IWG/ATWR & NPPCI Technical Committee Meeting, Espoo/Helsinki, Finland, 20-23 June 1994
VTT Symposium on service science, technology and business
URSI/IEEE XXIX Convention on Radio Science : Espoo, Finland, November 1 - 2, 2004
The food, GI-tract functionality and human health cluster : PROEUHEALTH : abstracts and posters : 1st workshop, Saariselkä, Finland, 1-3 February 2002
Minimal processing of foods, Kirkkonummi, Finland, 14-15 April, 1994
Puuenergian teknologiaohjelman vuosikirja 2003 : puuenergian teknologiaohjelman vuosiseminaari, Jyväskylä, 17-18, maaliskuuta 2004
CSNI Specialist Meeting on Simulators and Plant Analyzers, Lappeenranta, Finland, 9-12 June, 1992
Information technology and economic modelling : a joint Finnish-Soviet symposium Helsinki, Finland, 20-22 November, 1990
SIHTI 2 : energia- ja ympäristöteknologia : tutkimusohjelman vuosikirja 1996, projektiesittelyt
BALTICA VI : life management and maintenance for power plants, Helsinki-Stockholm-Helsinki, 8-10 June, 2004
XIII European Annual Conference on Human Decision Making and Manual Control, June 13 - 14, Espoo, Finland
Fatigue design 1995 : Helsinki, Finland, 5 - 8 September, 1995
COMADEM '97 : 10th International Congress and Exhibition on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, Espoo, Finland, 9-11 June, 1997
BALTICA VII : life management and maintenance for power plants, Helsinki-Stockholm-Helsinki, 12-14 June, 2007
Functional food research in Europe : 3rd Workshop Demonstration of the Nutritional Functionality of Probiotic Foods : FAIR CT96-1028 : Haikko Manor, Finland, October 1-2, 1998
Computers and building regulations : Espoo, Finland, 27-29 May, 1991
SIHTI 2 : energia- ja ympäristöteknologia : tutkimusohjelman vuosikirja 1994, projektiesittelyt
Människan i komplexa system : Nordisk människa-naskinkonferens, Mariehamn, Åland, 9-11 maj 1989
Developing & marketing future foods : the challenge of communication, Helsinki, Finland, 7-9 June, 2000
Fatigue design 1991 = Väsymismitoitus 1991 : Turku 14.-15.5,1991
Novel nanostructured polymeric materials for food packaging and beyond : international workshop
Structural analysis 1992, Espoo, Finland, 17-18 March, 1992
Nordic treasure hunt : extracting energy from forest residues, Jyväskylä, 30th August 2000
5th European Conference on Cognitive Science Approaches to Process Control, Espoo, Finland, August 30 - September 1, 1995
Korvaavien moottoripolttoaineiden käyttötutkimus suomessa : Espoo, 6.2.1986
Underwater technology symposium : Tampere, November 1, 1990
Käyttövarmuuden elinjaksotuoton hallinta, Espoo, 19.11.1998
VTT symposium on service innovation
Kunnossapito ja prognostiikka : iprognos-vuosiseminaari 2005, Tampere, 3.11.2005
Maritime safety '97, Espoo, Finland, March 19, 1997
Competent design by castings : improvements in a Nordic project : GJUTDESIGN-2005 final seminar, Espoo, 13-14.6.2005
International Specialised Symposium on Yeasts, ISSY25 : systems biology of yeasts - from models to applications : June 18-21, 2006. Hanasaari, Espoo, Finland
Murtumismekaniikan soveltaminen rakenteiden lujuustarkastelussa : Tampere 4.-5.6.1985
Microbialcontaminants & contamination routes in food industry : 1st Open Seminar arranged by SAFOODNET, Food Safety and Hygiene Networking within New Member States and Associated Candidate Countries, FP6-022808-2006, Espoo, Finland, January 22-23, 2007
Käyttövarmuussuunnittelu ja diagnostiikka, Espoo, 21.11.2000
BALTICA III : International Conference on Plant Condition & Life Management, Helsinki - Stockholm, June 6-8, 1995
20th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology : SMiRT 20 : book of abstracts, Espoo, Finland 2009
Mittaustekniikan seminaari : 3.-4.9.1986, Hämeenlinna
Plant life management : midterm status of a R&D project
Puuenergian teknologiaohjelman vuosikirja 2000 : Puuenergian Teknologiaohjelman Vuosiseminaari, Jyväskylä, 29.-30.8.2000
Bioconversion of plant raw materials - biotechnology advancement : Finnish-Soviet Seminar, Mustio, 14-16 March, 1990
The 7th International Conference on eXtreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering : tutorials, Workshops, activities, and keynote speeces : Oulu, Finland, June 17-22, 2006
From information to innovation : ICSTI annual conference : Royal at Crowne Plaza, Helsinki, Finkland, June 10-11, 2010
Väsymismitoitus 1994 : Lappeenranta 17.-18.5.1994
New catalysts for clean environment : 2nd symposium of the VTT Research Programme on Chemical Reaction Mechanisms, Espoo, January 29 - 30, 1996
Käyttövarmuus ja käyttökunnon hallinta, Espoo, 18.11.1999
Software development trends : the joint Finnish-Soviet software symposium, Helsinki, Finland, 15-17 November, 1988
2nd Finnish-French colloquium for information technology in construction : Seminar in information technology in construction, Espoo, 14-15 June, 1990
Käyttövarmuus kilpailutekijänä, Espoo, 18.11.1997
Modelling and simulation of multitechnological machine systems, Espoo, 30.11.2000
Cost Action E5 Workshop on Fire Safety of Medium-Rise, Timber Frame Residential Buildings, Espoo, Finland, June 2-3, 1997
Cost 516 Tribology Symposium, Espoo, Finland, 14-15 May, 1998
Nykyaikainen valmistustekniikka : Espoo, 14.-15.10.1987
Status of reactor calculations in the Nordic countries : Helsinki, 31 March - 1 April 1987
Suo ja turve : Jyväskylä 27.-28.5.1987
Frost in geotechnical engineering : international symposium, Saariselkä, Finland, 13-15 March, 1989
Uusi Materiaalitekniikka : materiaalitekniikan seminaari, Espoo 25-26.10.1988
International Conference on Practical Applications in Environmental Geotechnology : ECOGEO 2000, Helsinki, Finland, 4-6 September, 2000
Biotechnology in the food chain : new tools and applications for future foods, Helsinki, Finland, 28 - 30 January, 1998
ECCE 2009 : European Conference on Cognitive Ergonoics : designing beyond the product - understanding activity and user experience in ubiquitous environments
Kaupunkien energiaasäästävä suunnittelu ja rakentaminen : Suomalais-neuvostoliittolainen symposium, Helsinki, 12.-13.5.1987 = Энергосберегающие решения и застройки городов : Финско-советский симпозиум, Хельсинкий,с 12 по 13 мая 1987 года
PSE Congress : plants for human health in the post-genome era, August 26-29, 2007, Rantapuisto Congress Centre, Helsinki, Finland
Die wissenschaftlich-technische Zusammenarbeit zwischen der DDR und Finnland auf dem Gebiet des industriellen Bauens im Zeitraum 1986 bis 1990 : Orientierungsseminar in Dessau, DDR am 18. März 1986 Arbeitsseminar in Espoo, Finnland am 16. Oktober 1986
Människan i komplexa industriella processer : Nordisk människa-maskinkonferens, Mariehamn, Åland 15-17 april 1986
Plant life management : progress for structural integrity
Smart materials and structures : VTT research program 2000-2002, Espoo, Finland, 4th December, 2002
Väsymismitoitus ja Teemapäivät 1997 : Mikkeli, 18.-19.9.1997
Fatigue design 1998 : Espoo, Finland, 26-29 May, 1998
Finnish-French Sympoisum on water supply and sewerage, Helsinki, Finland, 25-27 September, 1991
The Seventh International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering Under Arctic Conditions : Helsinki, Finland, 5-9 April 1983
Riskhomeostasis? : 8:e nordiska konferensen för olycksforskare (NOFS 89), Nurmes, Finland, 7.-10. augusti 1989
Biobränslen och torv i Nordens energiekonomi år 2000 : Jyväskylä 4.-5.8.1987
Pohjavesimallinnuksen Seminaari, Espoo, 9.5.1991
Konepajatuotteiden integroitu suunnittelu : Tutkimusohjelman päätössymposium Espoo 27.11.1991
Finland-Japan Workshop on Nanophotonics and Related Technologies : Espoo, Finland, 1st and 2nd of July 2009
3rd European Federation of Biotechnology Conference : Physiology of Yeasts and Filamentous Fungi, PYFF3, June 13-16, 2007, Marina Congress Centre, Helsinki, Finland
Numerical tools for ship design, Espoo, Finland, 17 February, 1995
Biomassan uusia jalostusmahdollisuuksia 1990-luvulla : Helsinki, 21.10.1986
News in aseptic processing and packaging : Espoo, Finland, 30-31 January, 1991
Novel methods for probiotic research : 2nd Workshop Demonstration of the Nutritional Functionality of Probiotic Foods : FAIR CT96-1028 : Cork, Ireland, 3 October, 1997
Maritime Research Seminar '99, Espoo, Finland, March 17th, 1999
41st R3-Nordic Symposium : Cleanroom technology, contamination control and cleaning : Dipoli, Espoo, Finland, May 25-26, 2010
Surface technoology programme, Espoo, Finland, 23.3.1994
Integrated numerical and experimental methods in ship design, Espoo, Finland, 27 March, 1996
Euromicro Summer School on Mobile Computing '98, Oulu, Finland, August 20-21, 1998
Puuenergian teknologiaohjelman vuosikirja 2002 : puuenergian teknologiaohjelman vuosiseminaari, Joensuu, 18-19, syyskuuta 2002
Mechanics for electronics : VTT Research Programme 2000-2002, Espoo, Finland, December 4, 2002
Puuenergian teknologiaohjelman vuosikirja 2001 : puuenergian teknologiaohjelman vuosiseminaari, Jyväskylä, 5-6, 9, 2001
Microstructure and properties of concrete : expert meetings, Espoo, 6-11 November, 1988 and 3-10 November, 1989
Kaukokartoitus lentokoneest : Airborne remote sensing, Espoo, Otaniemi, 3.lokakuuta 1991
Energy conservation in urban planning : Soviet-Finnish Symposium, Moscow, 14-15 March 1989
The 4th marine technology symposium : ship vibration, noise & hydrodynamics : Espoo, January 13-14, 1986
RETU, the Finnish research programme on reactor safety 1995-1998 final symposium, Espoo, Finland, November 24th, 1998
Fresh novel foods by high pressure, Helsinki, Finland, 21-22 September, 1998
The Twlfth Nordic Teletraffic Seminar : NTS12, Espoo, Finland, August 22 - 24, 1995
Väsymismitoitus 1993 : Espoo 18.-19.5.1993
SIHTI 2 : energia- ja ympäristöteknologia : tutkimusohjelman vuosikirja 1998, projektiesittelyt
2nd European symposium on enzymes in grain processing : ESEPG-2 : Helsinki, Finland, 8-10 December, 1999
Microscopy and image analysis of building materials : Espoo, Finland, 24.1.1992
Reactor physics calculations in the Nordic countries : proceedings of the 7th Nordic Reactor Physics Meeting, Espoo, May 8- 9, 1995
Virtual prototyping : VTT Research Programme, 1998-2000, Espoo, Finland, February 1st, 2001
BALTICA IV, plant maintenance for management life & performance, Helsinki-Stockholm-Helsinki, 7-9, 1998
Polartech '86 international offshore and navigation conference and exhibition : Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 October 1986
Demonstrating automated fault detection and diagnosis methods in real buldings
37th R[3] - Nordic Contamination Control Symposium, Tampere, Finland, May 29-31, 2006
XVII National NMR Symposium : abstracts, Helsinki - Stockholm, 15. - 16.5.1995
Turve- ja humussymposiumi : Turku, 2.-3.9.1985
Functional foods for EU health in 2000 : 4th Workshop Demonstration of the Nutritional Functionality of Probiotic Foods, FAIR CT96-1028, Rovaniemi, Finland, February 25-28, 2000
International Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement, Oulu, Finland, June 22-24, 1999
Väsymismitoitus 1996 : Hämeenlinna, 29.-30.5.1996
Reparation av betongkonstruktioner : Nordiskt miniseminarium, Esbo den 15. maj 1985
The 22nd Symposium on Fusion Technology, book of abstracts, Helsinki, Finland, 9th-13th September 2002
RATU2, the Finnish research programme on the structural integrity of nuclear power plants, synthesis of achievements 1995-1998, Espoo, 7 December, 1998
Fatigue design 1992 : Helsinki, Finland, 19-22 May, 1992
SIHTI 2: energy and environmental technology : yearbook 1993 of the research programme, project reports
Artificial intelligence in nuclear power plants : IAEA/WG NPPCI Specialists' Meeting, Helsinki/Vantaa, Finland, 10-12 October, 1989
Applied material research at VTT
The food, Gl-tract functionality and human health cluster : PROEUHEALTH, abstracts and posters, 3rd Workshop, Sitges, Spain, 15-17 March 2004
Whole grain and human health : international symposium, abstracts, Haikko Manor, Finland, June 13-15, 2001
SIHTI 2 : energia- ja ympäristöteknologia : tutkimusohjelman vuosikirja 1995, projektiesittelyt
Baltica VIII : life management and maintenance for power plants, Helsinki-Stockholm-Helsinki, 18-20 May, 2010
Moisture measurement in concrete constructions exposed to temperature and moisture variations, Nordic Mini-seminar of the Nordic Concrete Federation, Espoo, Finland, 22.8.1997
Proceedings of the 2nd CSNI Specialist Meeting on Simulators and Plant Analysers, Espoo, Finland, 29 September-2 October, 1997
Joint VR Conference of euroVR and EGVE, 2011 : current and future perspectives of virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality : industrial and poster track, 20-21st September, 2011, Nottingham, UK
Power production from biomass II with special emphasis on gasification and pyrolysis R&DD
34th R[3] - Nordic Contamination Control Symposium, Turku, Finland, June 2-4, 2003
9th Nordic Symposium on Tribology, NORDTRIB 2000, Hotel Haikko Manor, Porvoo, Finland, 11-14 June 2000
The food, GI-tract functionality and human health cluster : PROEUHEALTH : abstracts and posters : 2nd workshop, Taormina, Italy, 3-5 March 2003
Risk assessment of microbial problems and preventive actions in food industry : 2nd Open Seminar arranged by SAFOODNET - Food Safety and Hygiene Networking within New Member States and Associated Candidate Countries; FP-6-022808-2006, Istanbul, Turkey, October 22-23, 2007
Advances in man-machine interactions : the Joint Finnish-Soviet Symposium on Man-Machin Interface, Control, Rooms and Expert Systems, Espoo, Finland, October 21-23 1986
LVI-säätötekniikan tutkimusseminaari : Hanasaaren kulttuurikeskus, Espoo 26.4.1988
Rakenteiden Väsymismitoitus 1989 : Tammpere, 17.-18. 5. 1989
Anglo-Finnish Joint Symposium on Advances in Nondestructive Testing : Espoo, Finland, 9-11 May, 1988
Computer aided urban planning : seminars in a co-operation project between Finland and CMEA-countries, Espoo, 12-16 September, 1988
Numerical simulation of processes : SIMS-88 Symposium : the 30th annual meeting of the Scandinavian Simulation Society (SIMS), Espoo, Finland, 21-22 April, 1988
VTT:n avaruustekniikan tutkimus 1985-1988 : Espoo 7.2.1989
Numeeriset simulointimallit : Jyväskylä 24.-25.11.1986
Märän hiilen ja turpeen kuivausmenetelmien vertailu : asiantuntijakokous jyväskulässä, 6.1.1987
Pressurized fluidized bed combustion and gasification power systems, Espoo, 23.-24.11.1987
Turvallisuustekniikan juhlaseminaari : automaatioturvallisuus prosessi- ja valmistavan teollisuuden suunnittelussa : Tampere, 24.-25. 5. 1989
The 5th Marine Technology Symposium : noise & vibration, winter navigation, hydrodynamics : Espoo, January 11-12, 1988
Frost in geotechnical engineering : international symposium, Saariselkä, Finland, 13-15 March, 1989
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books