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- An October book
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- The artwork caught by the tail : Francis Picabia and Dada in ParisRealism after modernism : the rehumanization of art and literatureThe Woman in question : M/fLooking for Bruce ConnerFormalism and historicity : models and methods in twentieth-century artLeave any information at the signal : writings, interviews, bits, pagesSuspensions of perception : attention, spectacle, and modern cultureThe return of the real : the avant-garde at the end of the centuryLucio Fontana : between utopia and kitschThe absence of work : Marcel Broodthaers, 1964-1976Against architecture : the writings of Georges BatailleBeing watched : Yvonne Rainer and the 1960sThe optical unconsciousToward fewer images : the work of Alexander KlugeThe filming of modern life : European avant-garde film of the 1920sScenes in a library : reading the photograph in the book, 1843-1875Compulsive beautyGuy Debord and the situationist international : texts and documents"The beautiful language of my century" : reinventing the language of contestation in postwar France, 1945-1968Cinema, censorship, and the state : the writings of Nagisa Oshima, 1956-1978Fast cars, clean bodies : decolonization and the reordering of French cultureNeo-avantgarde and culture industry : essays on European and American art from 1955 to 1975Infinite regress : Marcel Duchamp 1910-1941Painting as modelOctober : the second decade, 1986-1996Fast cars, clean bodies : decolonization and the reordering of French cultureLooking awry : an introduction to Jacques Lacan through popular cultureRobert Ryman : used paintCritical laboratory : the writings of Thomas HirschhornWomen artists at the millenniumSolar system & rest rooms : writings and interviews, 1965-2007Kant after DuchampBeing watched : Yvonne Rainer and the 1960sAberrations : an essay on the legend of formsContinuous project altered daily : the writings of Robert MorrisNeo-avantgarde and culture industry : essays on European and American art from 1955 to 1975Random order : Robert Rauschenberg and the neo-avant-gardeRealism after modernism : the rehumanization of art and literatureLooking for Bruce ConnerPainting as modelTechniques of the observer : on vision and modernity in the nineteenth centuryThe optical unconsciousLooking awry : an introduction to Jacques Lacan through popular cultureLeave any information at the signal : writings, interviews, bits, pagesProsthetic godsOn the eve of the future : selected writings on filmGuy Debord and the situationist international : texts and documentsContinuous project altered daily : the writings of Robert MorrisRandom order : Robert Rauschenberg and the neo-avant-gardeDecoys and disruptions : selected writings, 1975-2001BachelorsKant after DuchampCompulsive beautyFantastic reality : Louise Bourgeois and a story of modern artCaravaggio's secretsSuspensions of perception : attention, spectacle, and modern cultureRead my desire : Lacan against the historicistsBachelorsTechniques of the observer : on vision and modernity in the nineteenth centuryThe Duchamp effectPerpetual inventoryThe subjectivity effect in Western literary tradition : essays toward the release of Shakespeare's willProsthetic godsHall of mirrors : Roy Lichtenstein and the face of painting in the 1960sBroodthaers : writings, interviews, photographsAIDS : cultural analysis, cultural activismArt demonstration : Group Material and the 1980sGerhard Richter : painting after the subject of historyOn the wings of hypothesis : collected writings on Soviet cinemaHeritage and debt : art in globalizationThe long front of culture : the independent group and exhibition design
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- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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- CiNii Books