
October books


October books

MIT Press


The artwork caught by the tail : Francis Picabia and Dada in Paris外部サイトRealism after modernism : the rehumanization of art and literature外部サイトThe Woman in question : M/f外部サイトLooking for Bruce Conner外部サイトFormalism and historicity : models and methods in twentieth-century art外部サイトLeave any information at the signal : writings, interviews, bits, pages外部サイトSuspensions of perception : attention, spectacle, and modern culture外部サイトThe return of the real : the avant-garde at the end of the century外部サイトLucio Fontana : between utopia and kitsch外部サイトThe absence of work : Marcel Broodthaers, 1964-1976外部サイトAgainst architecture : the writings of Georges Bataille外部サイトBeing watched : Yvonne Rainer and the 1960s外部サイトThe optical unconscious外部サイトToward fewer images : the work of Alexander Kluge外部サイトThe filming of modern life : European avant-garde film of the 1920s外部サイトScenes in a library : reading the photograph in the book, 1843-1875外部サイトCompulsive beauty外部サイトGuy Debord and the situationist international : texts and documents外部サイト"The beautiful language of my century" : reinventing the language of contestation in postwar France, 1945-1968外部サイトCinema, censorship, and the state : the writings of Nagisa Oshima, 1956-1978外部サイトFast cars, clean bodies : decolonization and the reordering of French culture外部サイトNeo-avantgarde and culture industry : essays on European and American art from 1955 to 1975外部サイトInfinite regress : Marcel Duchamp 1910-1941外部サイトPainting as model外部サイトOctober : the second decade, 1986-1996外部サイトFast cars, clean bodies : decolonization and the reordering of French culture外部サイトLooking awry : an introduction to Jacques Lacan through popular culture外部サイトRobert Ryman : used paint外部サイトCritical laboratory : the writings of Thomas Hirschhorn外部サイトWomen artists at the millennium外部サイトSolar system & rest rooms : writings and interviews, 1965-2007外部サイトKant after Duchamp外部サイトBeing watched : Yvonne Rainer and the 1960s外部サイトAberrations : an essay on the legend of forms外部サイトContinuous project altered daily : the writings of Robert Morris外部サイトNeo-avantgarde and culture industry : essays on European and American art from 1955 to 1975外部サイトRandom order : Robert Rauschenberg and the neo-avant-garde外部サイトRealism after modernism : the rehumanization of art and literature外部サイトLooking for Bruce Conner外部サイトPainting as model外部サイトTechniques of the observer : on vision and modernity in the nineteenth century外部サイトThe optical unconscious外部サイトLooking awry : an introduction to Jacques Lacan through popular culture外部サイトLeave any information at the signal : writings, interviews, bits, pages外部サイトProsthetic gods外部サイトOn the eve of the future : selected writings on film外部サイトGuy Debord and the situationist international : texts and documents外部サイトContinuous project altered daily : the writings of Robert Morris外部サイトRandom order : Robert Rauschenberg and the neo-avant-garde外部サイトDecoys and disruptions : selected writings, 1975-2001外部サイトBachelors外部サイトKant after Duchamp外部サイトCompulsive beauty外部サイトFantastic reality : Louise Bourgeois and a story of modern art外部サイトCaravaggio's secrets外部サイトSuspensions of perception : attention, spectacle, and modern culture外部サイトRead my desire : Lacan against the historicists外部サイトBachelors外部サイトTechniques of the observer : on vision and modernity in the nineteenth century外部サイトThe Duchamp effect外部サイトPerpetual inventory外部サイトThe subjectivity effect in Western literary tradition : essays toward the release of Shakespeare's will外部サイトProsthetic gods外部サイトHall of mirrors : Roy Lichtenstein and the face of painting in the 1960s外部サイトBroodthaers : writings, interviews, photographs外部サイトAIDS : cultural analysis, cultural activism外部サイトArt demonstration : Group Material and the 1980s外部サイトGerhard Richter : painting after the subject of history外部サイトOn the wings of hypothesis : collected writings on Soviet cinema外部サイトHeritage and debt : art in globalization外部サイトThe long front of culture : the independent group and exhibition design外部サイト






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An October book
The artwork caught by the tail : Francis Picabia and Dada in Paris
Realism after modernism : the rehumanization of art and literature
The Woman in question : M/f
Looking for Bruce Conner
Formalism and historicity : models and methods in twentieth-century art
Leave any information at the signal : writings, interviews, bits, pages
Suspensions of perception : attention, spectacle, and modern culture
The return of the real : the avant-garde at the end of the century
Lucio Fontana : between utopia and kitsch
The absence of work : Marcel Broodthaers, 1964-1976
Against architecture : the writings of Georges Bataille
Being watched : Yvonne Rainer and the 1960s
The optical unconscious
Toward fewer images : the work of Alexander Kluge
The filming of modern life : European avant-garde film of the 1920s
Scenes in a library : reading the photograph in the book, 1843-1875
Compulsive beauty
Guy Debord and the situationist international : texts and documents
"The beautiful language of my century" : reinventing the language of contestation in postwar France, 1945-1968
Cinema, censorship, and the state : the writings of Nagisa Oshima, 1956-1978
Fast cars, clean bodies : decolonization and the reordering of French culture
Neo-avantgarde and culture industry : essays on European and American art from 1955 to 1975
Infinite regress : Marcel Duchamp 1910-1941
Painting as model
October : the second decade, 1986-1996
Fast cars, clean bodies : decolonization and the reordering of French culture
Looking awry : an introduction to Jacques Lacan through popular culture
Robert Ryman : used paint
Critical laboratory : the writings of Thomas Hirschhorn
Women artists at the millennium
Solar system & rest rooms : writings and interviews, 1965-2007
Kant after Duchamp
Being watched : Yvonne Rainer and the 1960s
Aberrations : an essay on the legend of forms
Continuous project altered daily : the writings of Robert Morris
Neo-avantgarde and culture industry : essays on European and American art from 1955 to 1975
Random order : Robert Rauschenberg and the neo-avant-garde
Realism after modernism : the rehumanization of art and literature
Looking for Bruce Conner
Painting as model
Techniques of the observer : on vision and modernity in the nineteenth century
The optical unconscious
Looking awry : an introduction to Jacques Lacan through popular culture
Leave any information at the signal : writings, interviews, bits, pages
Prosthetic gods
On the eve of the future : selected writings on film
Guy Debord and the situationist international : texts and documents
Continuous project altered daily : the writings of Robert Morris
Random order : Robert Rauschenberg and the neo-avant-garde
Decoys and disruptions : selected writings, 1975-2001
Kant after Duchamp
Compulsive beauty
Fantastic reality : Louise Bourgeois and a story of modern art
Caravaggio's secrets
Suspensions of perception : attention, spectacle, and modern culture
Read my desire : Lacan against the historicists
Techniques of the observer : on vision and modernity in the nineteenth century
The Duchamp effect
Perpetual inventory
The subjectivity effect in Western literary tradition : essays toward the release of Shakespeare's will
Prosthetic gods
Hall of mirrors : Roy Lichtenstein and the face of painting in the 1960s
Broodthaers : writings, interviews, photographs
AIDS : cultural analysis, cultural activism
Art demonstration : Group Material and the 1980s
Gerhard Richter : painting after the subject of history
On the wings of hypothesis : collected writings on Soviet cinema
Heritage and debt : art in globalization
The long front of culture : the independent group and exhibition design
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books