
Studies on contemporary China


Studies on contemporary China

M.E. Sharpe


China, the United States, and the Soviet Union : tripolarity and policy making in the Cold War外部サイトWorlds apart : recent Chinese writing and its audiences外部サイトChina's economic future : challenges to U.S. policy外部サイトDomestic law reforms in post-Mao China外部サイトConquering resources : the growth and decline of the PLA's Science and Technology Commission for National Defense外部サイトPolitics at Mao's court : Gao Gang and party factionalism in the early 1950s外部サイトThe artisans and entrepreneurs of Dongyang county : economic reform and flexible production in China外部サイトChina's automobile industry : policies, problems, and prospects外部サイトChina in the era of Deng Xiaoping : a decade of reform外部サイトChina's military faces the future外部サイトChinese political culture 1989-2000外部サイトRebellion and factionalism in a Chinese province : Zhejiang, 1966-1976外部サイトThe political economy of China's special economic zones外部サイトThe Chinese economy in crisis : state capacity and tax reform外部サイトMolding the medium : the Chinese Communist Party and the Liberation daily外部サイトCivil society in China外部サイトChinese provincial leaders : economic performance and political mobility since 1949外部サイトAfter the Cold War : domestic factors and U.S.-China relations外部サイトChina's economic dilemmas in the 1990s : the problems of reforms, modernization, and interdependence外部サイトMaking urban revolution in China : the CCP-GMD struggle for Beiping-Tianjin, 1945-1949外部サイトAmerican studies of contemporary China外部サイトThe making of a Sino-Marxist world view : perceptions and interpretations of world history in the People's Republic of China外部サイトIs China unstable? : assessing the factors外部サイトChinese urban reform : what model now?外部サイトChinese firms and the state in transition : property rights and agency problems in the reform era外部サイトSoldiers of fortune : the rise and fall of the Chinese military-business complex, 1978-1998外部サイトPrivate business and economic reform in China外部サイトMorning sun : interviews with Chinese writers of the lost generation外部サイトLocal government and politics in China : challenges from below外部サイトFarewell to peasant China : rural urbanization and social change in the late twentieth century外部サイトThe political economy of corruption in China外部サイトPolitics of disillusionment : the Chinese Communist Party under Deng Xiaoping, 1978-1989外部サイトThe market mechanism and economic reforms in China外部サイトDecision-making in Deng's China : perspectives from insiders外部サイトProvincial strategies of economic reform in post-Mao China : leadership, politics, and implementation外部サイトThe paradox of power in a People's Republic of China middle school外部サイトPolitics and purges in China : rectification and the decline of party norms, 1950-1965外部サイトAfter the Cold War : domestic factors and U.S.-China relations外部サイトChinese provincial leaders : economic performance and political mobility since 1949外部サイトPolitics at Mao's court : Gao Gang and party factionalism in the early 1950s外部サイト






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China, the United States, and the Soviet Union : tripolarity and policy making in the Cold War
Worlds apart : recent Chinese writing and its audiences
China's economic future : challenges to U.S. policy
Domestic law reforms in post-Mao China
Conquering resources : the growth and decline of the PLA's Science and Technology Commission for National Defense
Politics at Mao's court : Gao Gang and party factionalism in the early 1950s
The artisans and entrepreneurs of Dongyang county : economic reform and flexible production in China
China's automobile industry : policies, problems, and prospects
China in the era of Deng Xiaoping : a decade of reform
China's military faces the future
Chinese political culture 1989-2000
Rebellion and factionalism in a Chinese province : Zhejiang, 1966-1976
The political economy of China's special economic zones
The Chinese economy in crisis : state capacity and tax reform
Molding the medium : the Chinese Communist Party and the Liberation daily
Civil society in China
Chinese provincial leaders : economic performance and political mobility since 1949
After the Cold War : domestic factors and U.S.-China relations
China's economic dilemmas in the 1990s : the problems of reforms, modernization, and interdependence
Making urban revolution in China : the CCP-GMD struggle for Beiping-Tianjin, 1945-1949
American studies of contemporary China
The making of a Sino-Marxist world view : perceptions and interpretations of world history in the People's Republic of China
Is China unstable? : assessing the factors
Chinese urban reform : what model now?
Chinese firms and the state in transition : property rights and agency problems in the reform era
Soldiers of fortune : the rise and fall of the Chinese military-business complex, 1978-1998
Private business and economic reform in China
Morning sun : interviews with Chinese writers of the lost generation
Local government and politics in China : challenges from below
Farewell to peasant China : rural urbanization and social change in the late twentieth century
The political economy of corruption in China
Politics of disillusionment : the Chinese Communist Party under Deng Xiaoping, 1978-1989
The market mechanism and economic reforms in China
Decision-making in Deng's China : perspectives from insiders
Provincial strategies of economic reform in post-Mao China : leadership, politics, and implementation
The paradox of power in a People's Republic of China middle school
Politics and purges in China : rectification and the decline of party norms, 1950-1965
After the Cold War : domestic factors and U.S.-China relations
Chinese provincial leaders : economic performance and political mobility since 1949
Politics at Mao's court : Gao Gang and party factionalism in the early 1950s
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA10307874 : BA10307874